How animals treat diseases. How animals treat humans What animals treat us

Experts say that treatment through communication with animals was known many centuries ago. Independent method zoo- or animal therapy became in the middle of the 20th century.

In many countries, special organizations and centers have been created in which zootherapy is carried out. Communication with animals helps in the treatment of people suffering from physical or mental illness. The beneficial effect of living beings on our body is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO).

But it must be remembered that self-treatment with the help of zootherapy cannot replace specialized medical care. This method can act as an additional way of healing.

What is zootherapy?

Zootherapy– a type of treatment that uses real animals or their symbols, such as toys or drawings. In specialized centers, in addition to the animals themselves, doctors, psychologists and social workers are involved in the treatment process. It is worth noting that with this type of treatment, specialists use specially trained animals, and not the patient's pets.

It is wrong to think that zootherapy is available only in large centers. Pets also have a positive effect on the human body. Scientists have confirmed that people who keep animals get sick less often, live longer and are less prone to stress and depression.

Animals are, in fact, very subtle psychologists. They know how to determine our mood, and even those places where pain is concentrated, - explains psychologist Natalia Morozova. - Zootherapy- the method is quite effective, although it is not yet completely known in what ways the therapeutic effect is achieved. There is a theory - when a person touches an animal, an energy exchange occurs, and the animal, as it were, draws the person's negative energy onto itself, giving away healthy energy in return. Of course, it looks like a mystic. But from a professional point of view, we can say that animals are one of the best psychotherapists. They, unlike many people, can listen, do not judge and understand. All this is extremely important for a person, especially for someone who experiences certain psychological problems.

Zootherapy is wonderful because it has no contraindications, perhaps, except for allergies to animal hair. Doctors note that this is also an absolutely natural, non-drug method of healing that does not have adverse reactions. In addition, this method of treatment does not require large material costs and special equipment and is therefore available to everyone.

What animals treat us?


These animals not only cheer up, but also help relieve stress and treat insomnia. It is especially useful to keep cats at home for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Experts say that with an increase in blood pressure, you need to pet a cat for several minutes, and the pressure will decrease.

Sometimes cats are able to be near a sick person for hours. This is because they are attracted by the "energy of pain", and the animal easily determines the place that radiates this energy.

Cats are not only wonderful diagnosticians, but also almost physiotherapeutic devices. Scientists have found that a cat's purr has a healing effect similar to ultrasound treatment in the range of 20-50 hertz.

The British, inspired by feline abilities, sell white medical cats in pharmacies. By the way, experts believe that cats and cats have different therapeutic profiles. So, cats specialize in diseases of the nervous system and internal organs. And cats are profiled for osteochondrosis, radiculitis and arthrosis.


Firstly, dog owners are protected from physical inactivity and its consequences. Regular walks with your four-legged friend will reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease and strengthen the immune system.

A dog in the house is a protection of the human nervous system. In the history of medical research, there are cases where, as a result of targeted treatment with the help of dogs ( canistherapy), children with severe forms of autism were healed. Dogs also help to cure hysteria, neurasthenia, psychasthenia and neuroses.

Scientists believe that dogs contribute to the development of communication skills in their owners and increase a person's self-esteem. Your home doctor can be of any breed, the main thing is that the animal is not aggressive with a stable psyche.


hippotherapy, or treatment through communication with horses, involves riding. In fact, this is a physiotherapy exercise that has proven effectiveness.

Since the middle of the last century, doctors have been using this method of treatment for neurological and mental diseases. Today, therapeutic riding centers operate in almost 50 countries around the world. Omsk also has such a center. Organization "Radovest" conducts hippotherapy classes for all those who need help.

We hold classes in the park of the 30th anniversary of the Komsomol throughout the year, - says the head of the equestrian club "Karusel", director of the public organization "Radovest" Elena Koryabina. - Of course, we look at the testimony. Not all children, for example, can be in the cold, which means they cannot take hippotherapy courses in winter. We mainly work with children from one to 17-18 years old, there are also adults, but there are not many of them. The main diagnosis of people seeking help is cerebral palsy and autism.

Last year we had 100 people attending hippotherapy, this year there are about 120. First of all, hippotherapy is a psychological effect, the rider feels more confident on a horse, this is especially important for non-walking children. For autistic children, the horse is an intermediary, it is dumb, it is easier to communicate with it. The horse makes it clear how to move correctly. A child on horseback receives a certain stereotype of movement, children with cerebral palsy develop balance, from a horse they transfer the understanding of correctly holding themselves to the ground. Not a single technical device has yet been created that would allow simulating the mechanisms of movement that a child can learn in the process of hippotherapy.

Experts advise using hippotherapy for disorders of the musculoskeletal system, poliomyelitis, scoliosis, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and other diseases. It has been proven that communication with horses forms a positive emotional background, which in itself is healing.

aquarium fish

A small island of the ocean in the apartment will have a positive effect on the psyche. Watching the fish swim in the aquarium relieves stress. Therefore, these animals are most suitable for those who are constantly depressed and suffer from neuroses. The therapeutic effect is achieved after 15 minutes spent in front of the aquarium. The maximum duration of the procedure is one and a half hours.

An aquarium is suitable for families in which a small child grows. Fish will help him learn better. It turns out that they are able to increase the intellectual level of a person.

In addition, the presence of an aquarium in the house creates a special beneficial microclimate. Evaporating water will humidify the air, which will prevent the occurrence of asthma and colds. In general, a bright aquarium causes joy and a sense of well-being in its owners. And according to some reports, it even helps to strengthen family relationships.

And other animals

Rodents will help those who have problems in communicating with people. They help their owners overcome self-doubt, get rid of complexes and isolation. According to experts, white rats are profiled in the treatment of neuroses. And rabbits and hamsters treat diseases of the joints.

Domestic birds increase the creative activity and performance of a person. Parrots can relieve heart pain, cure stuttering and neuroses. The singing of the canaries will also calm the nerves and elevate the mood.

Reptiles are the healers of the human nervous system. A visit to the terrarium has a positive effect on patients with neurasthenia or dementia. Experts warn that therapeutic communication with cold-blooded animals does not imply physical contact; for a medical effect, it is enough to visually interact with amphibians.

In fact, all living beings are capable of exerting a therapeutic effect on the human body. The difference is only in the degree of effectiveness of this impact and the place of residence of the patient. So, for example, in some countries of the world, even chickens, goats, llamas and donkeys are used for zootherapy. In Africa, they are treated with the help of elephants and crocodiles, in Australia with the help of kangaroos. The main thing to remember is that any animal therapy for serious health disorders should accompany specialized medical treatment, and not replace it.

Based on materials

You have probably heard, or noticed yourself, that cats are good at diagnosing painful areas. They accurately determine an unfavorable place, lie down on it and begin to purr. It may seem strange, but the fact remains. This phenomenon has even been tested, and tests have shown that indeed, cats can accurately determine the place where something hurts a person. Or maybe you have heard stories about how dogs saved their farmers from the cold by warming them with their bodies. You can find many examples in which animals help people. How do animals heal people? According to experts, our relationship with animals is not just friendly, and their biofield can affect our biofield.

Many diseases have a positive trend when patients are in contact with animals.

This branch of science is called animal therapy, pet therapy, or the more common zootherapy. It has its origins in the late 18th century in a psychiatric clinic in England. There, in addition to standard procedures, they decided to conduct an experiment. Doctors simply gave patients the opportunity to care for sick animals. Their experience has been more than successful. Patients endured their illness more easily and felt more confident, because someone counted on them and believed.

The main promoter of animal therapy was the American child psychiatrist Boris Levinson. In 1964, he adopted a child with autism. Once, instead of procedures, he simply let the boy play with the dog. Such games with four-legged friends helped him much more effectively than various methods of treatment. The child felt better and better. Levinson's followers were psychiatrists Sam and Elizabeth Corson from Ohio. They brought patients to a nearby shelter and let them choose an animal with which the patients spent several hours every day. After ten days of such animal therapy, people began to feel more calm and confident. And this is one of the many proofs that animals can heal people.

[y]It is worth noting that zootherapy achieves the best results in diseases associated with the nervous system, such as neurological disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, autism, etc. A wide variety of animals can be used for these purposes.

Horses (Hippotherapy)

Communication with a horse gives a sense of calm and deep wisdom that seems to come from his eyes when he looks at you with such understanding. This type of therapy has become an officially recognized method of treatment in some countries.

Basically there are two directions: connection and relationship with the horse, which brings peace and confidence, and horseback riding itself. Horseback riding gives freedom, strength, and a unique massage that moves all the muscles in the body. Horseback riding is successfully used in the treatment of cerebral palsy, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, atherosclerosis, traumatic brain injuries, autism, aggressive and depressive conditions, and many other diseases.

Dolphins (dolphin therapy)

Swimming with dolphins is an amazing experience. Everyone who has tried it describes their experience as follows: "delight in its purest and truest form, which must be experienced." Communication with dolphins restores emotional balance, awakens new energy, creative ideas, brings comfort and tranquility. Dolphin therapy achieves excellent results on people who have experienced stress due to natural disasters - earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc. As if nature itself carries the cause of the disease and the remedy.

Dolphins are perfect masters of interspecies communication. They feel the mood of people and apply an individual approach to each. Scientists say dolphins create positive effects on humans through ultrasound. As a result of research, it has been proven that it improves the flow of enzymes and hormones in cell membranes. Another plus in communicating with dolphins is hydromassage. Animal movements create zones of turbulence through the tail fins.
[w] Animals are creatures with an adult soul and the heart of a small child.
Janna Serkova

Cats (feline therapy)

Cats are real healers. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, they can make an accurate diagnosis. Scientists explain this phenomenon as follows: when any disturbances occur in the body and pain appears, this changes the energy potential of this place. Cats have a powerful biofield and sensitively register this anomaly in the body. Sometimes, in these places, they begin to massage with the pads of their paws, slightly releasing their claws. It turns out that this leads to the activation of reflex zones that resemble Chinese acupuncture.

Another treatment that cats use is the ability to purr. These acoustic vibrations occur at a frequency of 20 to 50 Hz and stimulate the healing process. Communication with cats increases the body's defenses, accelerates wound healing and increases bone density. They also lower blood pressure and give you peace of mind. The biofield that cats have stabilizes the work of the heart, relieves joint pain, treats headaches and internal inflammatory diseases.

Dogs (canistherapy)

Here we get help from man's best friend. Communication with dogs is very helpful in diseases of the nervous system. It has been proven that a dog compensates for the lack of human communication, loves its owner, does not judge him, raises self-esteem, improves communication skills and even solves family problems. Walking your dog will help you change your lifestyle to be more active, which will reduce your chances of heart disease and stroke. The saliva of dogs and cats contains the enzyme lysozyme, which destroys pathogens. There is no breed that heals better than others. Any dog ​​can be your "healer" as long as you treat it with kindness and affection without resorting to violence.

[y] Animal therapy often uses specially trained animals and the sessions are conducted under the supervision of doctors. This is pure pleasure and entertainment, which also has a beneficial health effect. So do not miss the extra opportunity to communicate with animals. You will feel better and happier, and who knows, maybe healthier.

It has long been known that wild and domestic animals heal themselves when they get sick.

But a recent large-scale study by scientists at the University of Michigan found that many animals in nature heal themselves and their offspring and take preventive measures to avoid getting sick, "much more widely than previously thought." The results of the research are described in the article "Self-treatment of Animals", published in the journal Science.

In nature, there are many types of medicinal plants (including poisonous ones) used by animals for self-medication. V.I. aptly said about this. Dahl: "And the dog knows that grass is cured." Natural instinct teaches them to get rid of ailments with the help of healing representatives of the kingdom of flora.

So, for example, lily of the valley is a favorite delicacy for sika deer. Also, his diet includes more than a dozen plants, and many of them are medicinal. Isn't that why the drugs made from deer antlers - antlers - are so miraculous? Lilies of the valley are also very fond of the fox.

In the Far Eastern taiga, the hard leaves of the Eleutherococcus bush are eagerly eaten not only by roe deer and other animals, but also by birds. Eleutherococcus has the same tonic effect on the organism of animals as it does on humans. And, for example, for example, a dog suffering from worms finds grass - Chernobyl and eats it, although it is known that the dog is not a herbivore.

The study of self-treatment of animals will make it possible to select medicinal plants for the creation of new drugs that will contribute to the recovery of the person himself.

In a recent study, scientists studied house sparrows and finches and found that the birds collected cigarette butts with high levels of nicotine and carried them to their nests to reduce the risk of tick infestation. And red wood ants, when building nests, add antibacterial resin from coniferous trees to prevent the growth of microbes in the colony. Honey bees are also known to use plant resins with antimicrobial properties in nest building.

But, "the biggest surprise" was, says Hunter, that "animals like fruit flies and butterflies can choose the food for their offspring, which minimizes the development of diseases in the next generation."

“There is an obvious parallel between this phenomenon and the emerging field of epigenetics in humans, which involves parents choosing a special diet for children that affects their health,” Hunter concludes.

Animal self-medication may have practical implications for humans, scientists say. Animals can suggest unknown herbal remedies and methods that can be used in the treatment of humans, so this topic continues to be relevant and requires further research.

In addition to the fact that pets are full-fledged and beloved family members, they can also treat human diseases. People not only feel it at the level of sensations - this is also proven by the research of scientists.
So, how and from what diseases can your pet cure you? Can a four-legged friend really relieve depression, help cure autism, can save you from a heart attack?

Treatment with the help of dogs is called canister therapy. The main secret of its beneficial effects is canine devotion. Often a dog is brought in to fill the vacuum of communication that a person has, and then the animal replaces a loved one. The dog is always glad to the owner, it does not matter to her whether he is rich or poor, handsome or not - she is delighted with the very fact of his existence. Therefore, both adults and children who lack unconditional love are drawn to the dog.
Canine therapy is so popular because dogs learn commands easily, and because of this, they communicate better with people than any other animal. In addition, dogs express their emotions better than other animals: they inherited a system of social communication from their ancestors, wolves, who live in packs.

In many countries, dogs are often kept in nursing homes. These animals can reduce absent-mindedness and mobilize motor functions in the elderly, help them overcome fears and depression. True, as employees of such institutions say, the success of canistherapy largely depends on what kind of relationship between dogs and the patient was established in childhood, from the age of 6 to 13 years.

Dogs help in the treatment of children with autism. Whenever a dog is present in the treatment, the manifestations of this disease, such as withdrawal, are reduced.

Dogs help overcome stress. With a dog in the house, you are unlikely to suffer from excess weight - regular walks and runs with an active dog will help you to be in shape, and he too, because dogs need constant movement and fresh air.

Psychologists believe that the dog, expressing devotion to the owner, provides him with invaluable psychological support, comparable to the presence of a loved one. If you are doing something important - like writing a diploma or looking for a job - having a dog will help you get the job done.
In the US and UK, dogs help epileptic patients. They feel the approach of an epileptic seizure in a few minutes. When the owner loses consciousness, the dog exposes his body to soften the blow from the fall. How dogs manage to feel the state of their "patients", doctors cannot explain.

But not every dog ​​will make a "doctor". Animals participating in psychotherapy must have an ideal character and high intelligence.
In special schools for dogs, the future four-legged "therapist" is taken on visits to nursing homes and clinics. This is the only way to find out what the dog likes more - to communicate with the elderly or play with children. Depending on the nature and preferences of the dog, its “specialization” is determined.
It is believed that the breed is not of great importance for zootherapy, but a large dog is preferable for diseases such as tonsillitis, arrhythmia, heart failure, peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis, otitis, cirrhosis of the liver. Large dogs have a high alpha heart rate. If you hold your hands in the area of ​​​​the heart of such a dog for half an hour every day, this gives the effect of a pacemaker.
If a person has communication difficulties or psychological problems, he needs a balanced and calm dog - Labrador, Shar Pei. Collie, St. Bernard, Newfoundland, Giant Schnauzer, Boxer and Airedale are well suited to communicate with children.

Cats are also healers, their purring is a daily therapy. It's like ultrasound treatment, because the frequency of rumbling is about 20 hertz. This means that the pressure decreases, fatigue is removed, the pulse normalizes. In addition, cats anticipate the onset of heart problems. And they point to this quite definitely - they are attached to the owner's left shoulder or closer to the chest (sometimes from the back).
In a serious situation, the cat may not leave the patient for several hours. According to statistics, cat lovers go to the doctor almost five times less often than those who do not have them.
There are many stories about how cats saved people from a heart attack and a hypertensive crisis. The cat may even warn of a possible attack. Cat owners know that their pets sometimes begin to fawn when their owner is very irritated or stressed. It turns out that the fluffy murka knows that irritability and uncontrolled bouts of fear often accompany malfunctions in the cardiovascular system.

Stroking cats is also good for digestion. Cats are able to relieve fatigue, stress, migraine, lower blood pressure, normalize the pulse.
The merits of cats have recently been recognized not only by folk, but also by official medicine. They cannot yet explain their abilities, but they are actively used. A method of treating or preventing diseases is being developed with the help of a special kind of contact with cats - feline therapy. Hospitals, boarding schools, rehabilitation centers and nursing homes use the “services” of the Muroks.
Different breeds of cats "specialize" in different diseases. For example, long-haired cats (Siberian, Angora, Persian, Burmese, Norwegian Forest cats) are excellent psychotherapists and neuropathologists. They help people suffering from insomnia, irritability, depression. Persian cats are able to relieve joint pain and symptoms of osteochondrosis.

Short-haired or hairless cats (Sphinxes, Siamese, Oriental, Abyssinian, Tonkin, Korats, Egyptian Mau) are usually better than other breeds in treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system: gastritis, colitis, liver and kidney diseases, as well as gynecological problems.

"Plush" cats - British, Exotic Shorthair, Carthusian, Scottish Fold, Russian Blue, Bengal - "specialists" of the cardiological profile. They know how to relieve heart pain. Well, in domestic cats, the healing abilities are more pronounced than in thoroughbreds.

It is believed that the color of a cat also affects its healing abilities. From this point of view, black cats take twice as much negative energy from a person as cats of other colors. Red cats themselves give off positive energy. Cream-colored cats “tone up” our energy, while gray-blue ones calm us down. White cats are unsurpassed healers in all of the above indicators. In the UK, they are even sold in special pharmacies.

Researchers have found that people who have had a cat live an average of 10 years longer than those who have never had a furry pet. In cat owners, blood pressure indicators are better and cholesterol levels in the blood were lower. According to gerontologists, cats are a real elixir of youth for their owners.
Cats are also able to act as an "acupuncturist": when they climb onto the owner and, purring, release their claws, they irritate the reflexogenic zones, as in a real acupuncture session.
Bioenergetics believe that a cat is a real energy-information device. According to them, if a cat often lies on his owner's head, he most likely has hypertension or a tendency to headaches. If the pet lies on the left shoulder blade or shoulder, this indicates heart problems. The cat lies on the lower back if it "feels" problems with the kidneys, on its legs - if the owner suffers from low blood pressure or often catches a cold.

Pets are treated by veterinarians. What if a wild animal gets sick? He can only rely on his experience and instinct.

Observations show that wild animals take various measures aimed at the prevention and treatment of diseases. They massage places of abrasions and bruises - they scratch with their paws, rub against various objects. Splinters that have fallen into the paws are pulled out with their teeth (wolf and other predators). Wounds, purulent, poorly healing ulcers are diligently licked, while pus, dead tissue is removed, saliva, which has bactericidal properties, promotes healing. Sick animals eat little, observe "bed rest", use the healing properties of mineral springs and even in therapeutic mud. Sick animals drink healing water and bathe in it, wallow in the mud. In this regard, there was even a kind of hunting "on the mud".

Various plants affect the nervous system of animals in different ways - they calm, tone or excite it. Spring in Siberia maral deer they search for, dig under and eat the rhizomes of the so-called "maral root" (the scientific name of the plant "Levzeya"), which contains tonic substances.

Sika deer of the Far East eat, it has the same effect. Now medicines are being prepared from these plants. During the rut, moose eat, often in large quantities, red fly agaric. Lactating female red deer greedily eat medicinal plant grass goat's rue, which increases milk production in females. Moose, foxes, wolves willingly eat berries juniper, blueberries, which improve digestion, are a prophylactic of intestinal diseases.

The need for some medicinal plants animals feel instinctively. Depending on what substances the body lacks, they choose food. This explains why such vegetarians as deer, hares, squirrels, muskrats sometimes encroach on birds, their eggs and chicks, on small animals. In turn, predators sometimes switch to vegetable food: pine nuts are consumed by sable, cabbage or cabbage stalks, fox, blueberries and other wild marten berries. Wolves often eat watermelons (where they are grown), and raccoon dogs often eat grapes. In order to satisfy the body's need for minerals, hares, squirrels, mouse-like rodents eat discarded antlers of deer and other animals, and gnaw on bones.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Of course, the animals do not realize the wisdom of this, but for the most part instinctively lead a life according to the state. Wild animals take care of the condition of their body, fur skin, maintain order in burrows and nests, on an individual territory. Animals love to swim in the water (even in small puddles), in the snow, lick and comb their fur with their claws whenever possible, shake off water, dust, and dirt. Some of them cover their excrement with earth or leave it in special areas - latrines. Dead fellow badgers, bears bury. Strict adherence to personal hygiene and basic sanitation rules helps prevent the spread of diseases.

For animals living in harsh nature, it is important to strengthen and harden the body. This is served by the usual water, air, and sun baths in the life of forest animals. Badger, for example, specially takes badgers out of their holes so that they can bask in the sun, “sunbathe”. Strengthening the body is also a constant, starting from a very young age (children's games), physical activity. All animals necessarily stretch after sleep - this is a kind of "physical exercise" of animals.