What is the best GTA: an objective comparison on various points. The best gta gta which part is better

You can immediately say absolutely honestly that there is a common opinion about the best GTA does not exist. Each person in this opinion has his own considerations, his own prejudices and his own tastes.

And in general, from what side to consider this issue? If technically, then, of course, is the best. However, there are parts in the series, interest in which does not subside over the years.

Speaking from a cultural point of view, then there is one single leader -. In this game, the developer managed to accurately convey the atmosphere of the 80s. The game has beautiful, bright characters, great music. But what if you are not interested in the 80s, and the technical component of the game frankly hurts the eye?

Then comes to mind as the best part in the series. Rockstar Games put all their knowledge and skills into this game. The result is a huge territory, many missions, countless possibilities. In addition, they so transformed this game that they gave it life for many years to come.

And what, you ask? Unfortunately, Niko Bellic and the heroes were not so popular. The main problem of this game is the small size of the territory, the lack of activities after completing the story missions and poor optimization for computers. Although, modern powerful PCs can pull the game with a bang, but this does not save her too much.

And finally, we come to. Can it be called the best game ever? Perhaps yes. After all, this is the same GTA San Andreas, but released in 2013, which means that it has more beauty, more technology, more features and more space.

The only point in which GTA SA wins over the "five" is the high performance available to most gamers who do not have either consoles or mid-range computers.

GTA 5 went on sale... and broke all records in the first three days, bringing developers over a billion dollars! In connection with this significant event for the gaming industry, let's recall the entire Grand Theft Auto series. How did it start, and what did it all lead to in 2013!

What is GTA

Any modern gamer has heard and, most likely, is personally familiar with GTA! This series already has twelve games, and yet, it would seem, not so long ago, the “car thief simulator” acquired a full-fledged 3D ... At one time, the first part laid the foundations of sandbox games, that's why GTA even those people who have never played computer games in their lives know!

GTA not just a series of toys where you can capture vehicles, as the name suggests. No, this is already a full-fledged gaming saga, each part of which is distinguished by unique characters, a very exciting story and, of course, large game spaces. Moreover, unlike many modern clones GTA, the founder of the genre almost always has extremely detailed and memorable locations. Plus Rockstar is distinguished by his love for cinematic techniques, which developers often make fun of in their games.

GTA is good because it is interesting to play games in this series both according to the main plot and just traveling around the virtual metropolis. And even obvious graphics flaws cannot spoil the mood of fans of this genre! After all, GTA was one of the first to offer a variety of activities in the "sandbox", such as shopping, gym, eateries ... And of course, in these worlds there are always auxiliary tasks. Yes, even earn some money as a taxi driver - at one time, many players remembered GTA 3 precisely because of such a unique opportunity!

But in essence GTA- this is still a simulator of a criminal, whose virtual life is associated with endless thefts of various vehicles, shootings, assassination attempts, robberies, etc. Crime stories always attract a large audience to the screens, because life is in games GTA- this is a reflection of certain social patterns, according to which, for example, many teenagers try to assert themselves, believing that a life of crime is full of some kind of romance, easy money and adventure.

This theory has been confirmed in reality more than once - many cases have been recorded when those who outplayed GTA teenagers managed to shoot classmates and teachers in schools, not to mention car thefts and attempts on people who had already bought a new part GTA! But let's not delve into this topic, let's better in order about the games in the series.

Grand Theft Auto

Release date: 1997

The very first part, released on PC and PlayStation in 1997, for which two add-ons were later released: Grand Theft Auto: Mission Pack 1 - London 1969, Grand Theft Auto: London 1961. Perhaps in that view from above GTA was not perceived as a playful work of art. It was a simple arcade game with very fun chases and shootouts. Moreover, the arsenal and set of vehicles were very meager, but you know, in 1997, players around the world did not have the current abundance.

And such freedom in a virtual town, where you can crush pedestrians, participate in police pursuits, and even complete various missions, seemed something incredible. However, the real success for the series did not come at this stage...

Grand Theft Auto 2 (GTA 2)

Release date: 1999

In fact, the second part is not much gone from the original and additions. The developers just changed the game engine and added variety. The funny pixelation of the picture disappeared, which even slightly affected the charm of the cartoony GTA-style. However, the main component - car thefts and shootouts - has not disappeared anywhere, but has only acquired new opportunities. Moreover, the actions of the second part unfold just around 2013!

What an irony ... After all, it was this year that gta 5, by far the best part in this great series. And it was also in the second part that the developers added the ability to choose between different groupings, which has already become a default fad in all subsequent GTA.

Grand Theft Auto III (GTA 3)

Release date: 2001

Exactly GTA 3 glorified the developers, became the first full-fledged three-dimensional game in the free world and finally brought the series into the category of worldwide gaming blockbusters. In addition, for the first time, gamers had to update their game configurations great, because the system requirements at the time of release were extremely weak.

And even if the slightly gloomy virtual Liberty City could not boast of the scale that we are seeing in 2013 in gta 5, but the transition to the "three dimensions", an unprecedented freedom of action with a third-person view, convenient controls, excellent voice acting and a cool criminal plot - all these are the undeniable advantages of the third part! Exactly GTA 3 brought Rockstar's first truly global commercial success and is loved by many gamers to this day!

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Release date: 2002

What followed was an even more interesting and visually appealing story, borrowed from the events of the movie masterpiece. "Face with a scar". Virtual Miami in 1986, bright sunny locations instead of the dark prototype of New York, new vehicles and a really exciting storyline!

Incidentally, it is in vice city the developers, without hesitation, literally copied the entire scenes from the aforementioned hit of the 80s, and from other criminal action films of that time. But they did it all in such a way that break away from the sixth in a row GTA it was simply impossible. The game, despite the angular picture, has excellent replayability to this day.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Release date: 2004

Personally, my opinion, and the point of view of most gamers: San Andreas became the best game of the series! At least until the fall of 2013, when the release of the fifth part took place ... It was this game that offered not just a set of streets and districts of the metropolis, but an almost full-fledged American state of San Andreas with several cities: Los Santos, San Fierro And Las Venturas!

Such scale and unsurpassed atmosphere of a gangster action comedy set in the scenery of prototypes of real US cities made millions of players fall in love with San Andreas more than all previous GTA taken together! Plus, the ongoing scandals regarding violence in the games of the series have only attracted even more attention. Rockstar basking in glory!

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories

Release date: 2005

After the masterpiece San Andreas a lot of time passed before the developers gathered the courage to launch the fifth part. Obviously, only the best of the best can surpass that success, and this takes a lot of time. That's why Rockstar slowly made a new masterpiece, but decided to fill the expectation in 2006 with the release Liberty City Stories for Sony PlayStation Portable and outdated by that time PlayStation.

And therefore there was also Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, which, although a decent portable game, looks much weaker than full-fledged San Andreas And GTA 3.

Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA 4)

Release date: 2008

Finally, in 2008, the long-awaited GTA 4, and only in the form of a console version. The full power of the new RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine) was only a year later when Grand Theft Auto IV I still looked at PC. Despite the wild commercial success, in my opinion, this part is the most controversial in the entire series. It turned out to be an order of magnitude darker than previous games, the tasks are quite monotonous, and technical glitches pushed a lot of gamers away from the PC version.

Liberty City has gained a new level of detail, but at the same time somehow lost that very cartoonish charm of the original games GTA. But Rockstar screwed up the multiplayer mode well, and a little later released two more addons: The Lost and Damned- about a gang of bikers - and The Ballad of Gay Tony- about the hero of the legendary nightclub Gay Tony. Tenstars rating 9

Well, in front of you is the largest, most beautiful and elaborate GTA throughout the history of the series! gta 5 remained in development for no longer than the fourth part, but at the same time it broke sales records in the first days of release, and it is no coincidence. Here you have the opportunity to play as three main characters at once, participate in a bunch of new, incredibly detailed missions and just appreciate the quality of the 260 million game product!

gta 5 does not set new graphics standards, its game world is not even larger than in Just Cause 2, For example. But you will not find such a quality of work on characters, voice acting, a map of the game world, a set and interconnection of missions in any other game! And don't worry that gta 5 So far, it's only been released on consoles. Sooner or later, PC owners will also be able to spend hundreds of hours in Los Santos, probably with better graphics…

Disputes over which is the best GTA in the series are regularly conducted on the Web, so no one can give a clear answer to this question. Users judge subjectively by their entertainment experience. In this article, you can see an objective comparison of the main aspects of all projects, which will allow you to get a clear answer.

Graphics and visualization

It should be noted right away that it is almost impossible to determine by the visual component which is the best GTA. At the moment, the graphics are most pleasing to the eye in the latest project of the line, plus you can install HD modifications and the textures will become close to the real world. All this is thanks to current technologies, as well as computers that can draw such power. Speaking objectively, each new part of the line was distinguished by excellent graphics for its time. That is why here all the games become in one line. GTA 5 can only be given a small plus, since now it is the newest. This should be taken into account only by those users who care about the external beauty of the environment.


In order to accurately determine which is the best GTA, it is necessary to take into account the variety of all activities. Here, San Andreas immediately takes the first position, as well as the last part. It was in them that users could spend at least a hundred hours, while only a few would be completed from the main missions. All thanks to a huge number of different activities. Only here in "San Andreas" they are mostly collective. Users are offered some interesting entertainment, but otherwise they will have to run around the open world for graffiti, weapons, letters and the like. Now this can be called "grind", although for 2004 it was considered an unprecedented variety. The player will just have to run around the map, and it is almost impossible to find hundreds of different points on your own. In GTA 5, everything is much more interesting, this can be seen even with a cursory glance at the game. Here, even exploring the well-designed underwater world in search of treasures and a flying saucer is incredibly interesting. That is why it leads in terms of diversity.


In terms of storytelling, deciding which is the best GTA is also not easy. There are already three competitors entering the arena. "Vice City" joins the two parts mentioned above. The story is made at a high level and even surpasses other projects in the series in some ways. The latest project from the line is striking in the scope of the plot, plus there are three characters at once. Each of them is an interesting personality, plus - they all strive for a common goal. The development of events can surpass any Hollywood blockbuster. It would be a winner, but there is also GTA: San Andreas in the world. It is she who can be considered the winner in this aspect. The dramatic story of the protagonist CJ began sadly with the death of his mother, and ended with an unimaginable turn. The gang war and relationships with close friends are so tightly mixed here that the plot leaves a huge mark on the soul of every person.


Strange as it may seem, comparing GTA 4 and GTA 5 is even useless. The previous part of the franchise turned out to be so faded against the general background of other parts that it turned out to be the least popular. It can offer its own atmosphere, but compared to GTA 5 it will turn out too faded. Here is an incredibly deep original world that is drowning in crime and a huge amount of satire. Each character (even in additional missions) is a whole person. This is not to mention the main characters, who are created flawlessly. The colorfulness just rolls over, and if there is any doubt, then Trevor should go for the night under the main bridge. This is how such personalities gather that there will definitely not be any problems with the atmosphere. "GTA: San Andreas" also emphasized satire, although the story was very dramatic. She loses in terms of the number of memorable characters, dialogues and general feelings. Here the fifth is the true winner.

Miscellaneous chips

Developers from the Rockstar Games studio have earned popularity by releasing each of their games as a masterpiece. They were able to achieve a turning point in the industry. How many versions of GTA there are, so many opinions about which one is the best. When analyzing individual aspects, the situation becomes clearer in more detail. It is again difficult to determine the leader in terms of the number of chips, because exclusive things in the previous parts have already become commonplace. In "Vice City" it was possible to race cars on radio control, "San Andreas" was distinguished by a war of factions and elements of mysticism, but GTA 5 again takes the lead. Here the number of your chips can be listed for a long time. The unique skills of the main characters, the search for the wreckage of the spaceship, the mission with the Yeti - this is only a small part of all the originality. You should also not forget about the official multiplayer, where it is pleasant to spend time all the time, and updates come out one after another.


To sum up objectively, the latest version of the GTA series gets the title of the best project at the moment. The experience of the developers and a serious approach to this matter played a big role in this. In the fourth part, we can safely say that new does not always mean better. GTA 5 received the title by right. A huge world lives its own life, although a great story loses to San Andreas, it also evokes a lot of emotions, a variety of events, and much more. It makes no sense to list all the advantages, it is better to try it yourself. She doesn't always win in user polls. "Vice City" and "San Andreas" evoke a sense of nostalgia for many fans, because they were played as children. If you approach objectively, then GTA 5 will be the winner.

Saints Row is the answer to the question "What would GTA be like if its developers used illegal substances": an absolutely crazy series of games where everything is possible, from clearing areas of gangster gangs and fighting off to descending into the Underworld and meeting with God. To match the plot with the atmosphere and weapons: in addition to the standard submachine guns in Saints Row, there are such crazy examples of weapons as a dubstep cannon, a lightsaber and a plunger.

Other than the insanity of the series (which is almost impossible), it's otherwise a great replacement for GTA, with shootouts, chases, side missions, and collectibles scattered around the world. And Saints Row has one of the best character editors, which contains an incredible amount of options.

2. Sleeping Dogs

This action movie was supposed to be a continuation of the True Crime series, which we wrote about above. But in the end, Activision froze the development, and the already created materials were bought by Square Enix. Since the rights to the series remained with the old publisher, the project was released under a new name.

Sleeping Dogs tells the story of an undercover man who infiltrates one of Hong Kong's biggest gangs to destroy it from the inside. The plot surprises with interesting twists and difficult moral dilemmas. The gameplay also matches him, where, in accordance with the setting, eastern ones come to the fore with an admixture of dirty tricks: in battles, the protagonist can use the environment, smashing aquariums and air conditioners with the heads of opponents. Finally, one cannot fail to mention the atmosphere of the game - nowhere else has Hong Kong, with its charm and energy, been recreated in such detail.

3. Series Watch Dogs

The first part of Watch Dogs was positioned by Ubisoft as a "GTA killer" during the advertising campaign. True, the miracle did not happen, and it was not possible to throw GTA off the pedestal, but at the same time we got a good action movie with curious gameplay mechanics that beat the abilities of the protagonist.

When developing the sequel, the authors have already behaved more modestly, taken into account all the mistakes and presented as a result a good action game with variable missions, RPG elements and a well-designed world that lives its own life, reacts to the player's actions and constantly surprises with new features. All this is seasoned with a frivolous general mood of the game and the most detailed San Francisco, in which the developers have recreated almost all the sights of the original city. And if Watch Dogs could hardly compete with an eminent competitor, then Watch Dogs 2 is exactly the GTA 5-type game that gamers have been waiting for.

4. Just Cause Series

Just Cause is one of the largest worlds in video games, a huge selection of vehicles, a complete and vibrant picture. And yet - a guide to the overthrow of dictatorial regimes in third world countries.

The permanent protagonist of the trilogy, CIA special agent Rico Rodriguez, masterfully owns any weapon, manages all types of transport, and also skillfully handles a cat hook, with which he can cling to any objects and attach them to each other. These skills will be useful to him in revolutionary affairs: each game of the series is dedicated to the destruction of rulers who oppress their own peoples and even threaten world domination. However, if you wish, you can leave the main storyline to simply explore the world, race, arrange chaos and destruction on enemy bases, or compete with friends in multiplayer.

5. Bully

The world's best bully simulator - of course, from the creators of GTA. Bully will offer you to go to, sit in class, do homework - as well as bully classmates, have affairs with girls, run on.

Bully's plot covers one year of the protagonist's education at a new school. During this time, Jimmy Hopkins - that's the name of the bully - must gain credibility among all school gangs, deal with newfound enemies and find love. Despite the seemingly frivolous theme, the game raises sharp social issues and tells a fascinating story about growing up. Well, do not forget to entertain gamers with entertaining missions and mini-games.

6. Yakuza Series

7. Crackdown 3

Crackdown is "GTA at maximum speed", a sandbox action game in which you can do anything, as long as this "anything" is justified by the fight against crime. Only the third part of the series is available on PC, but it is also considered the best, so in the absence of previous releases, you have not lost much.

In Crackdown 3, you take on the role of a super agent who cleans the streets of criminals in an original way - destroying everything in its path. Using superpowers, the main character can run faster than lightning, jump higher than skyscrapers and throw cars at. A fun and crazy action movie that will help you have fun after a hard day.

8. Far Cry 5

Structurally, Far Cry 5 is not similar to GTA: if in Grand Theft Auto the narrative dominates the open world, then in Far Cry 5 the opposite is true: the main thing here is entertainment on a huge map, and the plot remains a secondary matter.

Nevertheless, in terms of freedom, the games can be called similar. In GTA, you can drop everything at any time and go explore the cities and their surrounding territories. Just like in Far Cry 5, you are free to postpone missions and explore the open world. And both there and there you will encounter random events that will shape your personal history of passing the game.

9. Mafia Series

If we had written this material before the release of Mafia 3, then the series would not have got into it: nevertheless, the first two parts of it, although they suggest some freedom of action and allow you to freely explore the world, are quite different from Grand Theft Auto.

With Mafia 3, everything is different: this is the most real clone of GTA, where you can run around the streets of the city with weapons at the ready, steal cars, arrange shootouts with the police - in general, have fun as you like. All this is accompanied by a rather fascinating plot with good direction of the cut-scenes, the atmosphere of the 60s and peppy.

10. Red Dead Redemption Series

12. Total Overdose

Completely crazy clone of GTA with a charismatic protagonist, Mexican flavor and sticky soundtrack. Together with the main character, who avenges the death of his father, players will have to shoot hundreds of bandidos, find the love of their lives and help the DEA destroy a powerful drug cartel.

If GTA 5 is a satire on society, then Total Overdose is an undisguised banter over stereotypes. Sombreros, wrestlers, bullfighting and other integral aspects of Mexican life are shown here in an exaggerated manner, flavored with a huge dose of humor and action. Unfortunately, primitive graphics spoil the pleasure of the gameplay: Total Overdose was released back in 2005, and today the game is only suitable for weak PCs and nostalgic gamers.

13. The Saboteur

Stylish action in the open world dedicated to the members of the French Resistance fighting the Nazis in occupied Paris. Players will have to complete tasks, block by block, to recapture the city from the invaders. This is reflected in the color scheme: the areas occupied by the Germans are made in black and white with splashes of red, the liberated territories show a riot of colors.

The Saboteur has a well-balanced balance between the passage of the story campaign, as well as stealth and open battles. The main character is an experienced fighter and driver, so the missions are pleasing with variety. The highlight of the game was the use of a brothel as the base of the Resistance - it's always nice to return to the headquarters between tasks.

14. Series Prototype

The Prototype dilogy can be described as a "GTA with superpowers". Here, a character rushes along the digitized one, who can turn his hands into tentacles and transform into any oncoming NPC, and transport trips become unnecessary if you can jump over a skyscraper and rush to any point on the map with a bullet.

The protagonist can use his superpowers for various purposes. Basically, of course, to confront the sinister corporation, which became the reason for the appearance of almost divine powers in him, and at the same time released, turning people into. But he also does not miss the opportunity to help his neighbor by taking on various additional missions.

15. Mercenary Series

A series of games dedicated to mercenaries - soldiers of fortune who are ready to take on any dirty job. Similar to GTA in having a large open world, an impressive selection of vehicles and weapons, it has a greater emphasis on action and chaos - which is not surprising, since we are talking about mercenaries.

The first part of Mercenaries was released only on the PlayStation and Xbox consoles, but the sequel also looked at the PC. It is worth paying attention to: there is a lot of shooting, even more explosions and destruction, and for the most furious maniacs, air strikes and nuclear charges are in store, leveling entire cities to the ground. But there is little sense in what is happening - but who needs it if it is possible to get into the tank and arrange a total destruction?

16. True Crime Series

These GTA-style projects show players all the hardships of being a cop in a big city - in the first part and New York in the sequel. When developing, the authors seem to have been inspired by films about bad cops: the methods of work of the main characters are clearly not taken from the job description of a law enforcement officer. Here, car chases, shootouts, and hard-hitting interrogations are commonplace, and the filing of protocols and courteous treatment of suspects are not considered something worthy of attention.

Like the other games in this collection, the True Crime dilogy features sandbox-style gameplay, an open world, and plenty of side activities. Added to this is a licensed soundtrack (consisting mostly of hip-hop), crime fighting, and the ability to choose between playing a "bad" or a "good" cop.

Where to download: Games removed from official digital services

17. The Godfather Series

Games that make it possible to feel like a bigwig in the criminal world, the real head of the "family". The GTA-clone dilogy The Godfather is based on the movie saga of the same name, and invites players to meet famous movie characters.

The developers managed to create an atmospheric world, come up with a decent story and interesting missions, and even implement some kind of strategy with capture and hold. For this, The Godfather gets a place on our list.

Where to download: Due to copyright expiration, games have been removed from official digital services

18. Dead Rising Series

Action-adventure games are similar to GTA only in general terms - after all, Grand Theft Auto has no zombies, and Dead Rising has an underdeveloped universe. But still there are similarities: an open world, vehicles, some kind of freedom in completing tasks, the ability to leave the main storyline if you wish and explore locations in search of interesting events and collectibles.

The GTA franchise has had a huge impact on culture and in many ways defined an entire era in the gaming industry. GTA is not just a series of video games that have been talked about incessantly for more than two decades. It's a real cultural phenomenon, thanks to which Rockstar and Take Two earn about five million dollars. in a day.

Only GTA V, five years after its release, is still on the lists of the best-selling games. In addition to the unique atmosphere inherent in the entire series, there is something especially attractive, addictive and memorable in its various plot twists, police chases, races and missions, thanks to which it remains the favorite game of millions of its fans.

Which GTA franchise is the best?

Interestingly, over the course of its existence, GTA games have come a long way in development and have undergone dramatic changes. And this is especially noticeable if you look at her incarnations, which were not included in our top 2-D.

Crucial to the franchise was one accidental glitch discovered during the development of Racen' Chase, which was conceived as a "family" arcade racing game in the vein of Micro Machines. Because of him, police cars began to ram other players. Thanks to this, the developers had an insight, which later became, probably, the most profitable in gaming history. It marked the beginning of GTA's signature anarchic gameplay.

Now GTA has evolved into a lot of games, both from the main series and spin-offs. Along with McDonalds and Disney, this franchise has become one of the most famous in the world ... But which of the games included in it is the best?

While it's basically impossible to start playing GTA Online from scratch without endlessly tedious attempts to earn money over and over again by completing the same missions (or without microtransactions) and just having fun, this game is still a separate phenomenon in the gaming world.

GTA Online is a massive sandbox filled with communities, competitions, characters with different abilities and achievements. A huge number of people literally live in this world of a modernized San Andreas.

Online version of the game GRand Theft Auto V

Rockstar is constantly fueling interest in this brainchild with an insane amount of add-ons. Thanks to the efforts of the developers, GTA Online has evolved into something much more than you might expect from a game in this series, with many innovations such as land, water and air racing, race builders, story-driven heists and new buildings. There is more to this game than ever before, and thanks to the San Andreas we saw at the very beginning, it has become something that completely rethinks the concept of an role-playing game.

GTA Online is Rockstar's challenge to its previous single-player successes, and can rightly be considered one of the company's greatest achievements. This game is more than an experiment in open world and multiplayer mode, and it combines the best features of the entire franchise.

9 Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City

Undeservedly left unnoticed by the efforts of GTA IV, which was the first significant failure of the franchise, this game is a joint edition of massive additions "The Lost & Damned" and "The Ballad of Gay Tony", including all the characters and atmosphere of the series, which were so lacking in base game.

Both of these episodes, released both separately and in this set, are more than worth your attention - especially if you did not pay attention to them because of the attitude towards GTA IV itself that developed at the time of their appearance.

Great additions to the game GTA IV, which will show you the game from a different angle

GTA IV is built around Niko Bellic's revenge story and speculations about how artificial the American Dream can be, and Lost & Damned is essentially Rockstar's Sons of Anarchy. The main character of the episode is Johnny Klebitz, a straightforward brutal biker with a heart of gold. He is the perfect GTA protagonist with his own deep history and unique character.

"The Ballad of Gay Tony" is essentially Rockstar's attempt to modernize Vice City. This episode doesn't have it all, from the new radio stations to the story, the lead player from the neon lights of the nightclubs to the top of the skyscrapers, and the character from the bottom to the top and back to the bottom again.

In general, these two episodes have everything that players loved in Vice City and San Andreas, but was missing from GTA IV, in particular, the lack of restrictions and caricature anarchy.

One of the most ingenious decisions Rockstar has ever made is bringing the legendary Liberty City to the PSP. And this is ingenious not only because the developers masterfully managed to fit a full-fledged game from the GTA series into the framework of a portable device, but also because in it they fixed many of their own mistakes and for the first time experimented with what was later used in the following games of the company .

The game has added motorcycles to the streets, improved controls and shooting, not to mention a whole more varied set of vehicles compared to Vice City and San Andreas.

One of the most ingenious decisions to release a game on the PSP

And most importantly, in this spin-off, Rockstar developers were able to experiment with the concepts of a possible future multiplayer mode in GTA. Players got the opportunity to fight five opponents to the death in Liberty City Survivor matches using any means available, smash opponents in street races, call bases and drive tanks - it was cool.

All this could only be done with PSP-owning friends, but be that as it may, this game was the first step towards the online modes of GTA IV and V, so it is worth paying tribute to it.

This game came out a year after the LCS, and for Vice City it did the same thing that the last one for GTA III: Vice City Stories is also familiar with Lance Vance's older brutal brother, Vic.

VCS received many fixes and improvements compared to its predecessors. In particular, Rockstar has definitely taken notice of the "why can't you swim?!" complaints coming from Liberty City Stories users. Control upgrades and new cars are certainly good, but the real gift was the ability to go into the water deeper than knee-deep and survive.

Updated version of the game with many fixes

Vice City Stories had a great original soundtrack, but it was the Empire Building mechanic that made it truly special. As in Turf Wars San Andreas, Vic will have to keep an eye on several buildings at once, which can be upgraded and filled with subordinate bandits, interacting with his gang, completing various missions and receiving bonuses such as clothing sets and improved weapons to manage everything even more efficiently. This game is the only example of how Rockstar has implemented such a mechanic in their game in such a thoughtful way.

After the add-ons for the game, which was built around mini-games and new mechanics, Chinatown Wars was Rockstar's second attempt to "make" GTA work on handheld devices. The first was GTA Advance, which was a pretty good reminder of how much time had passed since the 1997 original.

Chinatown Wars takes us back to Liberty City, but this time the player looks down on the world. It's full of The Warriors-inspired mini-games that bring gameplay to life in a whole new way.

The game that came out on handheld devices

Rockstar realized that "traditional GTA" in handheld format after Vice City, San Andreas and GTA IV just wouldn't work. And in the process of playing Chinatown Wars, the thought involuntarily arises that all of it is the result of the developers' attempt to answer the question of what GTA would be like if it were created by Nintendo.

Seriously, playing with many of its features, like creating Molotov cocktails, kicking down doors, collecting rifles, and cracking security codes, brings back Warioware.

Chinatown Wars is strikingly different from other games in the series, which has put off many would-be players. However, this game is an example of how the developers managed to more than successfully deviate from their standard formula.

As mentioned above, GTA IV represents Rockstar's attempt to spur the growth of its franchise by completely losing sight of what many of its fans are due to how over the top fun and out-of-the-box the 3-D trilogy was.

In GTA IV, much of that fun has been merged into the new tonality of brown and gray Liberty City. Niko Bellic was quite witty and quick-witted, but his comments and attitude towards a life of crime did not fit in with how the players wanted to play him.

The first game to feature gun shooting in detail

This is how the term “people-narrative dissonance” arose (this is when a certain type of approach to the game conflicts with the intended essence of the character). And for the most part, it was because of this that GTA IV did not become successful.

However, Rockstar's debut on the RAGE engine can not be called a complete failure, because there was still a lot of fun in it, and it was mainly related to physics (for example, driving with drifts). And in this game, perhaps the best shooting in the history of the franchise is embodied. Therefore, it is delightful in its own way, although it did not hit the target.

From the point of view of not hitting the target, GTA V is something completely opposite to GTA IV. As if in revenge of the previous part, this game came out with a much more crazy, playful tone, accompanied by chases and violence. Later, a first-person view was added to the game so that we could look at all this through the eyes of the characters.

In terms of gameplay, this part of the series has become the best. The ability to switch between the trinity of protagonists allowed players to take part in a huge variety of cases and crimes. The plot of this game is an attempt by Rockstar to bring their idea of ​​what GTA is as much as possible in line with the expectations of fans.

Atomic bomb among all GTA game series

At the time of the release of GTA V, the franchise has become a legend, surrounded by numerous laudatory reviews and an enthusiastic audience (many critics, by the way, even consider GTA IV a masterpiece, not a failure). And this meant that the next part of the series had to, so to speak, "please everyone."

Luckily, Rockstar got the job done, creating a real hit, devoid of the shortcomings of its predecessors, in particular GTA IV.

GTA III has become something of a long-awaited opportunity for some garage punk rock band to buy amplifiers powerful enough to make the trees in all the neighboring streets sway with their music. This game embodies the satirical spirit of GTA 1, 2 and London, but on a larger scale and at its best.

Of course, from a modern gamer's point of view, GTA III has serious flaws, including the lack of checkpoints in some of the strange missions. Nevertheless, even now it is interesting and enjoyable to play thanks to the beautifully crafted open world and many hidden details.

The first 3-D game from Rockstar

Many of us can draw a map of Liberty City from memory: every inch of this island is filled with emotions and a unique atmosphere created by midnight haze, long rains and flickering lanterns that illuminate the darkest moments of the game. All this is complemented by great characters and memorable episodes with their participation, hilarious jokes on the radio and perfectly thought out plot development, where each mission adds something to the overall picture.

Rockstar's success since GTA III was like splitting the atom and deciding which part of it is the best (or something like that, I'm not a scientist) - unbelievable. The company's games were breakthroughs in the right direction. At the same time, the development team was growing, retaining a youthful rebellious spirit, and was ready to bring a whole new twist to the GTA series.

In the case of San Andreas, Rockstar, compared to their previous creations, paid more attention to customization, allowing the player to choose the appearance and clothing options for the protagonist Carl Johnson. There were more weapons, vehicles and items than ever before, and the open game world grew to a size never seen before.

In addition, San Andreas has gone beyond urban landscapes: some missions take the player into the wild and forests, where, as an added bonus, you can find secret cars and truly enjoy the American Midwest.

The first game where attention was paid to customization

But all this diversity has a significant drawback: an absolutely ridiculous plot. Yes, it is interesting and memorable, but implausible. As the game progresses, Carl Johnson finds himself in the outskirts of the bandits, then on the mountain peaks, then in scientific laboratories, then in the casino.

From San Andreas it seems that when creating this game, the developers of Rockstar decided to somehow embody literally all the ideas that they had. And many, including the author of this article, liked the resultant completely insane plot. However, this game is still not the best in the Grand Theft Auto series...

You can break into a garage in Portland and drive away in a Banshee, jump off Mount Chiliad, take part in one of the most spectacular bank robberies, or fly a tiny airplane. It is possible, but all this was not even close to the heights that GTA: Vice City managed to achieve in every aspect.

This game knows exactly how and how much to taunt 1980s America. It consists of many brilliant characters, many of whom have become the faces of the entire franchise. It gives the player the ability to chase traitors with a chainsaw in their hands. Its soundtrack is one of the best in the history of video games, and the plot twists, like the sunny beach and the protagonist's shirt, literally eat into memory.

Fun, bright and enjoyable game from the creators of Rockstar

Rockstar, taking GTA to the brim with the riots of the 1980s (one can hardly imagine a weirder time, when bright colors, perms and leather pants were considered cool), made the new game more extravagant and more popular than its predecessors.

Vice City is fun, bright, enjoyable in terms of gameplay and perfectly balanced in terms of missions and content. In general, it can rightfully be considered the best in the Grand Theft Auto series, at least so far.