What foods should not be eaten with heartburn. Proper nutrition and diet for heartburn - menu for the week, recommendations and reviews

Again heartburn, again, how tortured this heartburn!

Buy our …………, and everything will pass!

Diet for heartburn, proper nutrition for heartburn!

Well, they don't lie - the pills help a lot. I know firsthand, I've tested it myself many times.
Super! We keep eating! We have heartburn again - we take a pill ...

Are you already tired of this whirlwind - "who wins", and you do not want the health game to go too far?


You have great motivation to switch to a healthy diet because:

Proper nutrition will completely relieve you of heartburn!

Oh, I told the whole secret at once ...

Yes, and this is true, which, again, tested on myself - for three years I have not had this unpleasant feeling. Before that, once a week there was always heartburn, or even more often.

I think what heartburn is, you know the reasons for this "ailment" perfectly well. If not, then watch this video:

Attention! Everyone's body is different, and therefore some products cause a reaction, others do not. If, for example, sweet soda causes heartburn for you, then for someone it starts from beer.

According to my own observations, also according to a survey among acquaintances and consultations with a doctor, most often the symptoms begin after fatty and spicy foods.

Diet for heartburn, or proper nutrition for heartburn?

The most important thing in solving this problem is an integrated approach. That is, this will not work here - "I'll sit on a diet, a day - another, and everything will pass." Yes, you know, and yourself - heartburn will return as soon as your diet ends.

  • First, we need to change our diet. When compiling your daily menu, use the rules and principles from the article.
  • Secondly, in addition to proper nutrition, we need to change our lifestyle, change our attachments and tastes. And this, of course, is very difficult, but doable! And I will help you a little with this.

As we know, heartburn comes after eating the "wrong" food. And the more often we eat it, the faster an unpleasant burning sensation appears. The conclusion suggests itself, and it is very simple!

Proper nutrition for heartburn is the exclusion of foods that cause it.
But, as the law on the conservation of energy says, “if it has gone somewhere, it means it has arrived somewhere.” So here too.

You can't just cut food out of your diet, remember that! We need to replace them!

For example, you are very fond of fried potatoes. You don’t need to get rid of it right away, believe me - few people can hold out on willpower. You just need to - just replace it with baked in the oven (of course, without oil).

Here is a recipe for you - fries in the oven, very, very good:

Even children can safely eat such potatoes.

A similar approach can be used in all your favorite treats, or vice versa - not your favorite ones.

That is, if your body does not accept some product, then simply change its form, serving, recipe or preparation.

I always knew that oatmeal is a useful and necessary “thing” for the body. But how I didn’t force myself - “well, I can’t eat this gray, viscous and viscous substance!” But I found a recipe for myself.
I just soak oats in curdled milk (room temperature) plus honey and frozen fruit (in winter).

Yes, you have to wait about an hour!Well, it's a matter of habit!

But, now, every morning I eat healthy, nutritious and wholesome food! And today it is one of my favorite dishes!

Foods that we need to exclude (replace) from our daily diet.

Attention! Some products just need to be limited in quantity!
1. Fatty and fried foods - do not eat at all!
2. Smoked meat, poultry, fish - exclude!
3. Whole milk. I often hear this recommendation. I honestly don’t know – “do any of you use this kind of milk in your diet? We also buy whole, but it is defended, and the wife collects sour cream. There is already much less fat in such milk.
4. Butter - my opinion, you can safely eat one sandwich a day, and nothing will happen.
5. Chocolate - limit.
6. Fast food - give up completely! Not only is it not known what it is made of, it is also always fried.
7. Coffee, tea, citrus juice can all irritate the inflamed lower esophagus. Therefore, if you often have heartburn, at first, you need to severely limit the use of these products.
Then, when you are on a healthy diet, you will only have an influx of energy from the juice. But you don’t want tea and coffee, and you don’t need it.

Products that relieve heartburn.

There are products that do not contain acid:
dates, etc.

And there are some that help get rid of heartburn: almonds, potato juice, oatmeal, mint infusion, apples, a slice of lemon help some.

About lemon - a separate story, very conflicting opinions. Although it is a very acidic fruit, according to many, it causes an alkaline reaction in the body. So there will be a case - try it, and be sure to unsubscribe in the comments.

And speaking of alkaline foods, you should definitely include in your daily menu:
Carrots, avocados, celery, cucumbers, asparagus, parsley.
Bananas, avocados, sweet apples, apricots, pineapple.
Currant, kiwi, sweet grapes, raisins.

Table of "good and bad" products.

Here is a list of foods that nutritionists recommend you can eat or vice versa - you need to avoid in your menu.

With the help of this table you will be able to make your diet.

Group I recommend To avoid
Milk or dairy products skimmed, 1% or 2% skimmed milk; low-fat or fat-free yogurt whole milk (4%), milk chocolate
Vegetables all other vegetables, gradually the proportion of "raw" thermally unprocessed vegetables should be increased * fried vegetables, red tomatoes, sorrel
Fruits apples, berries, melons, bananas, peaches, pears, kiwis, etc. citruses (during an "attack" of heartburn)
Bread and porridge all those made low in fat, preferably without yeast and whole grain breads, and whole grain cereals any cooked with whole milk or high fat
Meat, meat substitutes lean meat, chicken, fish cold cuts, sausage, bacon, fatty meat, chicken fat/skin
Oil a small amount of a large amount of vegetable or butter
Sweets and desserts all products are made with no or low fat (less than or equal to 3g fat/serving) chocolate, desserts prepared with oils or fats
Beverages decaffeinated, non-mint herbal tea; juices; water alcohol, coffee (regular or decaffeinated), sodas, tea
Soups no meat broth broths on chicken, beef, pork meat

* By the way, frozen - from the freezer: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, etc., also belong to thermally processed foods!

But, in my opinion, there are some contradictions in these data. For example, from tomatoes - I never had heartburn, also from coffee or tea, especially from mint. As they say, the essential oils of this herb relax the sphincter of the esophagus, and gastric juice enters the esophagus ...
I can say the same about citrus fruits, maybe if someone eats 3 kg every day?
Maybe it's just me.

Have you experienced an exacerbation from these products? Write in the comments.

Diet for heartburn - proper nutrition for heartburn

Here is my menu for the whole day. After such a diet, you will never have heartburn.
1. Breakfast - oatmeal according to my recipe.
2. Snack - grated red beets (raw) with garlic and one boiled egg.
3. Lunch - boiled rice plus pike baked in the oven, fresh vegetable salad, two slices without yeast bread.
4. Snack - an apple.
5. Dinner - vegetable salad, soup (not on meat broth).
6. Snack - tea and cottage cheese casserole, or just fat-free "sweet" cottage cheese with yogurt. Stevia instead of sugar.

As you can see, I use products from the table + fractional meals.

Frequent snacking helps:
first, reduce portions;
secondly, since you eat often, you do not develop severe hunger, which in turn does not lead to the release of a large amount of gastric juice;
with such a diet, it is difficult to overeat, which also reduces the appearance of heartburn.

Of course, sometimes I break this diet: instead of a couple of pieces - three. I missed a snack - I ate more for dinner, etc.

I don’t know, maybe someone can do it like this - “everything, I eat according to the rules, only healthy and healthy”, I can’t do that. I am gradually coming to this, but what is it, and heartburn has not bothered me for a long time ...

As I wrote earlier, in addition to diet, we need to change our lifestyle. He, it turns out, also provokes the appearance of heartburn.

You need to quit smoking and drinking alcohol.

Oddly enough, but these harmful addictions “dug” here too. and negatively affect the digestive system, which contributes to the unnecessary induction of this unpleasant sensation.

Don't eat before bed.

Do not go to bed for two to three hours after eating. When the body is horizontal, it is much easier for gastric juice to enter the esophagus.

Excess weight.

This also contributes to the appearance of this feeling. Fat at the waist creates pressure on the stomach, which contributes to the release of gastric juice.

Drink water.

How much has already been written about water, I can only say - drink water half an hour before meals. Don't drink food!

More fibre.

Again about food. Fiber is the basis of proper nutrition for heartburn, because it helps a lot in our business, and in all directions.
And a lot of it in raw vegetables and fruits.

Eat plenty of these foods and you'll never get heartburn again!

In general, the conclusion is this: a diet for heartburn, proper nutrition for heartburn - it's just a healthy diet!

As always, I look forward to your comments..

Increased acidity, also known as heartburn, is treated with a set of measures, and one of the main ones is a therapeutic diet. To feel good, not to suffer from sudden attacks, you need to follow such a diet every day, make it your way of life.

Compliance with the culture of nutrition in case of problems with stomach acidity is a prerequisite for recovery.

Diet treatment for heartburn

When treating high acidity with a diet, you need to understand for yourself the moment that, perhaps, some types of food that you loved and could not refuse them still have to be excluded from the list forever. Whatever program is developed for you, it will necessarily contain 2 main points:

  • adherence to a diet at times of exacerbation of the disease;
  • diet during the period when you went into remission.

Do not be afraid and worry that you will not cope or it will not be easy. Diet for heartburn is varied and useful. Such a diet will become the basis of excellent health and long-term remission.

Three principles of dietary treatment.

If you have a severe burning sensation in the esophagus, this is the result of a malfunction of the food sphincter, which is located between the stomach and esophagus. Let's look at three basic rules:

  • Mechanical, the main task of which is to completely remove foods with coarse fibrous fiber from the composition, because they are difficult to digest. These products include legumes, mushrooms, some types of cereals. You can not use bran.
  • Thermal, consists not only in limiting products, but also in their proper preparation and use. They are recommended to be consumed at medium temperature.
  • Chemical, the basic principle of which is that food that causes severe burning is completely absent.

The secrets of proper nutrition

It is useful to drink water in an amount of at least 1 liter per day

So, it is necessary that a rational diet for heartburn be developed. It should contain the required amount of proteins (up to 100 g), fats (90 g) and carbohydrates (450 - 500 g). It is necessary to limit salt (10 g / day). Drink plain drinking water at least 1-1.5 liters per day. But try to limit juices and sour compotes, or drink them diluted.

Try to eat often, 5-6 times a day in small portions every 2-3 hours. It will be easy for the stomach to digest the contents, which will save it from unnecessary additional burden.

It is not advisable to eat fried, spicy, fatty, as this creates an aggressive acidic environment in the stomach. You can stew vegetables with a little oil, bake in the oven. Diversify your diet with light dairy and sour-milk products. Ryazhenka, unsweetened yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese will be a rich addition to the diet.

Be careful with raw vegetables and fruits. Since they increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which will immediately provoke a burning sensation in you. Better bake them or boil them.

You need to follow the diet for six months. If the treatment has helped and you feel better, try adding food that was previously not allowed. But do it gradually, little by little.

With increased acidity

What foods need to be reviewed and eliminated? Vegetables, namely fried potatoes, french fries, sour tomatoes, raw onions. Fruits - mostly citrus fruits (oranges, lemon, lime, grapefruit). Cranberry, tomato, citrus juices. Meat - exclude completely fried, where there are layers of fat (steak). Dairy - high-fat cheese and sour cream, cottage cheese, sweet milkshakes, ice cream. Ready meals - sour cabbage soup and borscht, broths from vegetables such as cabbage, mushrooms and fish, fried food.

From drinks, all types of coffee, strong black tea, alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks are prohibited. You will have to limit yourself in desserts. It is necessary to exclude chocolate, products that contain fatty oil cream. From seasonings, give up pepper, vinegar, mint, lemon balm, and pickles.

How to eat with burning and gastritis?

The diet for heartburn and gastritis includes well-known and more accessible rules. First, all food must be steamed or baked. Secondly, avoid excessive salt intake. Do not worry, after a while you will get used to the fact that your food is undersalted. Edema will disappear, which give an additional burden on the body.

A wonderful dish of this diet are soups with vegetable broth. Add there some types of cereals, vermicelli. Season this soup with a small amount of cream, herbs. With gastritis, it is undesirable to eat fresh bread. Dry it, or make crackers.

From meat, preference should be given to rabbit and skinless chicken, veal, and turkey is also suitable. Eat fish steamed or baked.

Milk will also expand the dietary intake. It is allowed to eat porridge with milk, baked cheesecakes, cottage cheese, cream, sour cream, kefir.

What to cook for burning and belching?

Diet for heartburn and belching eliminates food that causes a burning sensation in the stomach. What can you eat with heartburn?

  • Potato. It will be useful boiled, in uniform. So it will retain a maximum of useful trace elements and vitamins.
  • Lean chicken: baked, steamed cutlets and meatballs with cream sauce, grilled chicken and so on.
  • Fish, preferably lean varieties.
  • You can steam cauliflower, celery and asparagus.
  • Oatmeal is a storehouse of vitamins and maximum fiber content.
  • Wheat groats, it has useful carbohydrates necessary for the body.

With burning and flatulence

A diet for heartburn and bloating should consist of foods that contain the maximum amount of fiber. If bloating, limit the consumption of dairy products, but you can eat yogurt and low-fat kefir. Dietary meat of chicken, calf and rabbit should replace fatty varieties for you. Replace coffee and strong black tea with herbal teas such as chamomile, mint, St. John's wort.

Vegetables and non-acidic fruits that cause an increase in stomach acid should be baked if possible. This will neutralize the acids that cause fermentation and gas.

Nutrition during pregnancy

To prevent heartburn, it is recommended not to abuse sweets.

During pregnancy, the main rule that will help you avoid heartburn is to try to eat in moderation and eat right. There is an opinion that the expectant mother is obliged to eat for two, but this statement is incorrect. By overeating, you risk, firstly, gaining unwanted weight, and secondly, your stomach will be constantly overloaded, as a result of which belching, heartburn, and bloating are provided to you.

Refuse fatty foods, sweets with oil fillers. Lemonades and sour juices will also provoke a burning sensation. Exclude spicy sauces and seasonings, roasts with a lot of oil from the menu. Drink herbal teas with chamomile and mint. They have a calming effect on the stomach and heartburn in this case recedes.

Nutrition for burning

Proper nutrition for heartburn, a well-designed diet will save you from severe and nausea. What can you eat with heartburn?

  • dried fruits and fruits (not sour), banana, watermelon, melon, nectar;
  • boiled potatoes in their skins, cauliflower, broccoli, young carrots;
  • it is useful to eat some lean fish, veal, skinless chicken, turkey;
  • you can eat cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir;
  • useful bakery products such as multigrain and corn bread; rice white and brown;
  • marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows are also allowed with such a diet.

What food to eat with caution when burning?

  • from fruits - sour apples, strawberries, grapes, peaches, raspberries;
  • vegetables - spicy onions and garlic, fresh and sauerkraut;
  • fried eggs;
  • fried fish, hot dogs, spicy products, fried minced meat products;
  • milk, low-fat cheeses, light yogurt, thin cocoa with milk;
  • fresh baking, bread with garlic;
  • sweet soda, beer.

Heartburn is an unpleasant consequence of eating. Most experts agree that its appearance becomes the main symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Heartburn most often appears after eating fatty, fried, spicy, overly salty foods. It can become a kind of response of the human body to seemingly completely harmless foods, such as coffee, tea, tomatoes, onions and others.

Understanding the reasons

Before moving on to the main topic of the article and understanding what you can eat with heartburn, I would like to focus a little on the ailment itself. So, a person notices an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus, which is a consequence of the contact of the contents of the stomach with the mucous membrane of the esophageal tube. The consequences of heartburn can be completely disappointing: it often marks the development of tumors, inflammation, erosion. That is why you should not ignore the symptoms, especially if they begin to take on a regular character.

The main causes of heartburn include:

  • chronic diseases - gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • defenselessness of the esophageal mucosa before exposure to acids;
  • individual intolerance to certain products, causing a similar reaction;
  • excessive physical activity.

Heartburn can have sad consequences, which is why burning, discomfort in the esophagus should definitely not be left without due attention. If you follow the diet, you will be able to bring the stomach and intestines back to normal.

Basic principles of the heartburn diet

The goal of any diet is not only to minimize pain, but also to eliminate them, ensuring the normal functioning of vital body processes. In this case, it is necessary to “extinguish” the flame that flared up in the esophagus and get rid of unpleasant symptoms. And all this is able to do a diet for heartburn. Proper nutrition for heartburn is based on the basic laws:

  • fractional meals - try to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • do not overeat - there should never be heaviness in the stomach, eat exactly as much as you need, it is better to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger;
  • refusal of late meals;
  • calmness during meals - you should not eat, as if a pack of wolves is urging you on, this is a huge stress for your body, which just can provoke heartburn;
  • activity after each meal - you should not immediately take a horizontal position after a hearty lunch or dinner, but also exhaust yourself with physical exertion - extreme, it is better to get up and walk at a calm pace for 35-40 minutes;
  • giving up bad habits and unhealthy foods - if you want to be healthy, take care of your longevity, give up smoking, alcohol, try to minimize the consumption of fried, fatty, salty and spicy foods. Changes in well-being will not take long;
  • replacement of animal fats with vegetable ones.

Sparing food

Want to know what helps with heartburn? The secret of cooking for people suffering from such unpleasant symptoms has long been the sparing of food. What is this?

So, try to steam your favorite dishes, and chop them just before eating. Give up all foods that provoke heartburn, replace them with less dangerous analogues. And finally, give up the thermal irritant of the mucosa - in this case, hot food and, on the contrary, excessively chilled dishes, for example, cold snacks, ice cream.

Healthy foods

What can you eat with heartburn? Finally, we got to this issue. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, there are quite a few foods that have a positive effect on the lining of the esophagus and stomach, show a neutralizing effect and help relieve inflammation and pain. These products include:

  • Dairy products (not subject to fermentation) - milk for heartburn is a real medicine, one of the most useful products that you need to include in your diet. Low-fat country milk envelops the walls of the stomach and esophagus, relieves inflammation, soothes, and has an enveloping effect. It is allowed to use cottage cheese with a high fat content, as well as curd cheeses. Kefir for heartburn is a rather interesting topic. Most experts agree that in small amounts, kefir even helps the body fight burning. Kefir is an excellent remedy to soothe a swollen stomach, relieve pain, and with its help you can cope with overeating.

  • Oatmeal. What helps with heartburn? Oatmeal for breakfast. The mucous substances with which this cereal is enriched envelop the walls of the stomach. Oatmeal retains a feeling of satiety for a long time, does not provoke an increase in acidity. You can add milk to the cereal for heartburn - in this case, you will combine the beneficial properties of these products.
  • Bread - for people suffering from heartburn, only unleavened bread is useful. A great example is pita bread, it can be included in the diet. If we talk about traditional bread with yeast, this is definitely not your option. It starts the process of fermentation in the stomach, accompanied by the release of acid, which leads to a burning sensation.
  • Flaxseed oil - oil for heartburn, obtained from flax seeds, perfectly envelops the walls of the stomach, soothes it, eliminates pain. It can be added to salads, side dishes and taken in a tablespoon on an empty stomach.
  • Banana is a tropical fruit enriched with beneficial vitamins and minerals. If you do not know what you can eat with heartburn, bananas will not only not harm you, but will also help your body. It practically does not contain acids that can provoke a burning sensation in the stomach. Due to the excellent enveloping properties, a banana will help neutralize pain and soothe irritated stomach walls.
  • Steamed or stewed vegetables are allowed in any quantity. This is a great side dish for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vegetable soups, low-fat broth - the stomach of each of us needs liquid food.

Perhaps this is the most correct diet for heartburn. Proper nutrition for heartburn is the key to a pleasant state of health, so do not neglect its basics.

Prohibited Products

It is not surprising that you should not eat foods that should be avoided by those who suffer from heartburn. First of all, it is:

  • Fruits and vegetables with high acidity - this group includes apples, citrus fruits, kiwi, plums, currants, strawberries, tomatoes. All these products repeatedly increase the level of acid in the stomach, so their use is strictly prohibited.
  • Yeast bread.
  • Spicy dishes - you should refuse dishes with pepper, mustard. These are aggressive products for the stomach and intestines that can lead to burns of the mucous membrane, sharp pains.
  • Canned food - fish in various sauces, pickled mushrooms, cucumbers, squash caviar and more. Discard these products that adversely affect the irritated esophageal mucosa.
  • Fast food - this group includes pastries, highly carbonated drinks, chips, crackers. They do not carry any benefit, on the contrary, they have a detrimental effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system.
  • Smoked products, coffee and chocolate - these products are placed in one group only because they help to relax the sphincter, which opens the access of acid to the esophageal mucosa. Honey for heartburn will be a worthy alternative to sugar and replace chocolate.

This is it, food for heartburn. The menu, as we see, can be the most diverse. It is better to combine useful products with each other. We have prepared a sample menu for you to prove that heartburn nutrition can be not only balanced, healthy, but also tasty.


Oatmeal cooked with milk is the best option for breakfast. You can replace it with millet, semolina, rice - it doesn’t matter. If porridge is not enough, you can add tea with a pita sandwich and any curd cheese. Remember that breakfast should be dense, oatmeal does a great job with this task.


A glass of milk or kefir is perfect for a morning snack, but for an afternoon snack, you can choose a fruit, for example, a banana, or have a snack with a yeast-free bread sandwich with avocado and curd cheese.


Low-acid vegetable purée soup with chicken broth is the perfect lunchtime solution. You can supplement the soup with a small piece of lean boiled meat (breast), and use durum wheat pasta, vegetables as a side dish, all seafood lovers can replace meat or poultry with lean fish.


Dinner should be light enough: do you remember one of the basic rules of nutrition for heartburn? Cottage cheese with nuts and dried fruits will be enough. If you cannot cope with the feeling of hunger, you can boil a small piece of breast and supplement it with a salad of fresh vegetables.

late dinner

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or milk - this way you will calm the walls of the stomach.

We hope that we have covered the topic from all sides: "What can you eat with heartburn, what foods are better to refuse." Eat right, help your body.

Heartburn is a very unpleasant phenomenon. It is for this reason that a diet for heartburn should be present, proper nutrition for heartburn is one of the main factors on the path to recovery and getting rid of this trouble.

The most common causes of symptoms are:

  • improper and unbalanced diet, which includes acidic drinks and foods, very fatty and fried foods, frequent dry snacks;
  • pregnancy (heartburn torments almost all expectant mothers);
  • frequent stressful situations and nervous strain;
  • excess weight;
  • drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • some diseases, such as diabetes, gastritis, and others;
  • excessive use of various medications.

If a person ignores heartburn and does not provide timely treatment, this ailment can eventually develop into a more serious disease, such as a stomach ulcer. The diet for heartburn consists in the correct and exact observance of the diet, which was compiled individually by a specialist, taking into account all the needs of the human body. Such a diet includes only those foods that are not capable of causing this very unpleasant symptom.

Proper nutrition includes:

  1. Small meals several times a day. It is important that portions are small.
  2. It is necessary to chew food very carefully and slowly. Subject to such a simple rule, a person will be able to independently facilitate the work of all available digestive organs and stabilize the release of existing gastric juice.
  3. After each meal for half an hour, it is undesirable to take a horizontal position.

Acceptable Foods

The following foods are not capable of provoking heartburn:

  • fresh fruits, dried fruits, which include apples, bananas, dates and some others (the main thing is that they are sweet);
  • rather sweet berries (strawberries, wild strawberries and, of course, raspberries);
  • vegetables stewed and boiled, fresh;
  • melon;
  • dairy foods, but not all, only some cheeses and skim milk.

You can use a small amount of yogurt and cottage cheese. It is important that the amount of fat contained in these foods is negligible.

What can not be eaten with heartburn? The list of prohibited products is quite large. It includes:

  • all kinds of citrus fruits, tomatoes and berries of sour varieties;
  • table vinegar, all kinds of seasonings, mostly spicy, and ketchup;
  • alcoholic drinks, coffee;
  • pasta;
  • fatty meats;
  • all kinds of fats and oils;
  • very sweet baked goods and various desserts.

The heartburn diet has its benefits:

  1. Proper and balanced nutrition can not only save a person from heartburn, but also allow you to lose a few unnecessary pounds. In addition, the patient will improve the appearance, well-being and health in general.
  2. The secretion of gastric juice normalizes very quickly, and its release into the esophagus will gradually stop.
  3. The normal working function of the entire digestive system is completely stabilized.

It is important that if you follow a heartburn diet, a person will not experience the slightest side effects.

Correct menu

Diet for heartburn with increased gastric acidity completely prohibits taking foods such as:

  • berries of sour varieties and all kinds of fruit drinks prepared on the basis of these berries;
  • sour fruits and citrus fruits;
  • vegetables that contribute to the appearance of a burning sensation in the chest area;
  • spicy cheeses and seasonings;
  • soups based on meat and mushroom broths and okroshka.

An approximate menu for heartburn with high acidity of the stomach should be as follows:

  1. For breakfast, you need to eat low-fat boiled fish for heartburn and drink compote made from natural apples.
  2. The second breakfast includes a light carrot-apple salad.
  3. For lunch, you can eat steamed broccoli, it is recommended to mix it with mashed potatoes. In addition, you can eat a small piece of bread with low-fat cheese and wash it all down with natural carrot juice.
  4. For an afternoon snack, with a strong desire, you can eat a melon. However, it is important not to overdo it with this product.
  5. Dinner includes stewed vegetables with buckwheat and drinking natural apple juice.

If after the main dinner the patient wants to have a snack, you can eat banana pudding and drink it with freshly squeezed natural apple juice.

Diet for gastritis

As you know, gastritis is a very unpleasant process of inflammation that can affect the entire gastric mucosa. However, if you follow the right diet, heartburn will disappear over time.

With gastritis from the daily diet with a diet, it is necessary to exclude such foods as broths and soups based on mushrooms, fatty meats and fish, cucumbers, sour fruits.

Nutrition during the development of gastritis should be something like this:

  1. Breakfast is slimy rice porridge and an apple. The main thing is that it should be sweet.
  2. The second breakfast should include only a few slices of melon.
  3. For lunch, the patient needs to eat barley soup, always pureed, with the addition of a small amount of potatoes and carrots. After the main reception, you can drink sweet jelly.
  4. Diet for heartburn in the afternoon should include a light salad of carrots and beets with a small addition of raisins.
  5. For dinner, slimy oatmeal, fat-free milk, and soy tofu are recommended.
  6. 1-1.5 hours before bedtime, you can eat 2 bananas.

What is the diet for heartburn at the time of abdominal distention? The main foods in this case are as follows:

  • fish and meat of low-fat varieties;
  • hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • vegetables baked or stewed, as well as steamed or boiled only.

A diet for heartburn with bloating completely eliminates the use of cucumbers, legumes and some other negatively affecting foods.

What can you eat with heartburn at the time of swelling of the abdominal cavity? Sample menu includes:

  1. For breakfast, the patient can eat well-boiled buckwheat porridge and drink a specially prepared banana cocktail or natural apple juice.
  2. For the second breakfast - 1 hard-boiled chicken egg washed down with a natural carrot drink.
  3. Lunch should include pumpkin porridge with dried apricots, as well as carrot puree and natural compote.
  4. In the afternoon, the patient can eat a few sweet apricot fruits.
  5. Dinner during a heartburn diet should include buckwheat and vegetable soup, oven-baked apples, and weakly brewed green tea.

How to eat with a burning sensation in the stomach and frequent belching

What can you eat with heartburn with belching? Such a diet is not much different from the one that should be used for gastritis. In addition to the main menu, with full confidence you can follow other equally useful tips:

  • all food should be thoroughly chewed;
  • in the process of eating, you should try not to overeat;
  • completely get rid of the intake of any drinks containing gases;
  • if the patient has increased gastric acidity, you need to use as much honey as possible with various herbal preparations.

Nutrition during pregnancy

In pregnant women, heartburn can occur as a result of hormonal changes in the body. Nutrition while following a diet at the time of heartburn for expectant mothers should be based on:

  • fractional nutrition, exclusively in small portions;
  • avoiding overeating and thoroughly chewing all foods;
  • taking the required amount of fluid between meals;
  • exclusion from the usual diet of sauerkraut, all varieties of meat and fish, various drinks containing gas and some other unhealthy foods.

All available results after following the diet with the development of heartburn show that the burning sensation in the chest area disappears already 3-4 days after the start of the diet. With noticeable improvements, you do not need to immediately start the usual meal. A therapeutic diet should be followed for at least 1 week, and at best - 2 weeks. In addition, for the entire period of compliance with the necessary diet, the state of all digestive organs of a person is restored completely or partially, while the secretion of gastric juice is completely stabilized.

Doctors advise not only to stick to a diet, but also to visit a specialist to find out the cause of heartburn and correct diagnosis.

Do not ignore the advice of nutritionists. These include:

  • restriction or complete rejection of bad habits, namely the abuse of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;
  • in the process of eating, it is desirable to use warm, exceptionally clean water;
  • competently draw up a menu for the day, taking into account all the healthy foods;
  • completely eliminate fatty foods from the usual diet, as well as refuse to eat before bedtime;
  • If a person is overweight, try to get rid of it as soon as possible.

At the time of following a particular diet for heartburn, it is important to remember all the recommendations and warnings of specialists. Only in the case of careful observance of all the rules, you can achieve the desired result and improve your health.

One of the most common causes of heartburn is an unbalanced diet. Discomfort occurs 30-60 minutes after eating. To avoid an unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to revise the menu. What should be the nutrition, how do foods affect the work of the stomach, acid balance?

How to eat with heartburn

The purpose of the dietary table is to reduce the load on the stomach, restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Heartburn nutrition rules:

  • You need to eat in small portions, often. Breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. Follow the daily routine. Meals should be at the same time every day.
  • Late dinners are not recommended. Try to have your last meal 2-3 hours before bed.
  • Don't overeat! It is difficult for the stomach to digest food if it is very full from food.
  • Chew food thoroughly, eat slowly.
  • Sleep and physical activity after eating can negatively affect well-being. Therefore, after having lunch, walk for half an hour, walks in the fresh air will be good for your health.
  • Eliminate food that is harmful to the body. Fatty foods, spicy food, fast food.
  • Don't oversalt food. Salty food provokes heartburn, irritates the stomach.
  • Food must be warm. Hot foods can cause a burning sensation in the esophagus.
  • The menu should consist of vegetable proteins, minimize the use of animal proteins.
  • Products that reduce stomach acids are allowed. You need to make a menu from this list of products. A tomato eaten for lunch can provoke a burning sensation.
  • Control the amount of sugar eaten (this includes confectionery, sweets, honey, chocolate). As a dessert, try sweet fruits, freshly squeezed juices. Citrus fruits cannot be used for making fresh juice.
  • Choose foods that reduce acidity when levels are elevated.

An unpleasant symptom may be a sign of pathologies of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, with gastritis, a burning symptom is noted). In this case, a complete medical examination is indicated to identify the cause of the burning sensation. During pregnancy, burning is observed due to changes in hormonal levels, taste habits.

Severe heartburn is extinguished with soda water. But it should be noted that water with the addition of soda (extinguishing agents) provokes flatulence. This will lead to bloating. It is better to consult a doctor, he can prescribe antacids that remove burning sensation, suppress acid.

Following a diet for heartburn will help to cope with the symptom, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Since heartburn is most often a sign of diseases of the digestive system, proper nutrition will be one of the methods of treatment. With it, an integrated approach will reduce the risks of exacerbations, and will cure the disease.

The effect of food on the stomach

Diet for heartburn plays a significant role. Treatment with medications will not give a positive result if a person ignores nutritional advice. If you follow a diet, a balanced menu, which includes all the necessary vitamins and nutrients, heartburn can be eliminated.

The cause of burning is an imbalance of acid, this happens from malnutrition. With severe heartburn, exclude foods that provoke additional production of juice in the stomach for digestion.

Allowed products relieve burning sensation, relieve discomfort in the stomach. When belching, it is recommended to exclude products that contribute to increased gas formation (flatulence).

Increased acidity in the stomach can be observed with pancreatitis (inflamed pancreas), gastritis, cholecystitis (inflamed gallbladder), ulcerative colitis, hepatitis (inflamed liver), during pregnancy. Serious diseases of the stomach appear due to improper lifestyle and nutrition.

It is recommended to first find out the source of the disease with constant heartburn, then prescribe treatment. The dietary table must be discussed with the attending physician. So you can choose the optimal diet. Foods allowed for heartburn are selected individually.

Remember! If other symptoms appear (pain, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, indigestion), you need to call an ambulance.

What to do with heartburn

Poor health worsens the quality of life. To fight heartburn, you need to know the root cause of the symptom.

Diagnosis will help identify the disease. The attending physician prescribes a treatment that is selected individually. With heartburn, complex treatment is indicated:

  • Medicines.
  • Diet table.

For bloating, nausea, vomiting, call an ambulance. Doctors advise avoiding stressful situations. Negative emotions can provoke indigestion. It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-treatment of regular heartburn, you can aggravate the condition.

In pregnant women in the first trimester, nausea, heartburn is a natural process of disruption of the digestive system, associated with hormonal changes. Taste habits during pregnancy change, indigestion may occur. This is a natural process that prepares the body for childbirth.

Permitted food

To prevent complications or recurrence of heartburn attacks, study the list of products that do not cause additional production of acid, which are acceptable for this symptom:

  • Oil (butter, olive, sunflower);
  • Low-fat poultry meat, fish;
  • From legumes, you can eat peas;
  • Lean beef meat;
  • Eggs (soft-boiled, scrambled eggs);
  • Potato;
  • Zucchini, eggplant;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Carrots, bell peppers;
  • Pasta;
  • Kashi (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, multi-cereal);
  • low-fat yogurt;
  • Dried fruits compote;
  • Hard low-fat cheese;
  • Beets (a little, if used properly);
  • Milk, curd masses;
  • Bread (white, with cereals);
  • yeast-free dough;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Tea (green, herbal);
  • Bananas, melon, sweet apples, grapes, strawberries.

These products do not burden the stomach, do not provoke the production of acid, and help with heartburn. With gastritis, the list may vary.

List of prohibited foods for hyperacidity:

  • Fried food;
  • Strong tea, coffee drinks;
  • Sparkling water;
  • Fat meat;
  • cucumbers;
  • Sour cream;
  • Yeast dough;
  • Spicy food;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Cabbage;
  • Heavy cream;
  • Oranges, lemons, tangerines, lime, grapefruit;
  • Smoked products;
  • Dairy products;
  • Alcohol;
  • Mint;
  • Sour vegetables (spinach, cherries, sorrel);
  • Marinades, canned foods containing acetic acid;
  • Onion garlic.

Heartburn can occur after fermented milk products, eating chicken, beef liver, mushrooms, beans, sour berries.

Eliminate foods that cause heartburn for the duration of the course of treatment. If the table is appointed after treatment, it is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition in order to avoid exacerbation of the disease.

The diet must be balanced. Despite some restrictions in the choice of products, there should be all the necessary vitamins, nutrients, trace elements. It is recommended to think over an approximate menu for a week in order to get a positive result from dietary nutrition. Check with your doctor what you can eat, what foods should not be included in the diet with high acidity of gastric juice.

On a note. Nutritionists advise eating regularly, between meals should be 2-3 hours. You need to eat slowly, in small portions. Eliminate late dinner during the recovery of the stomach. After heartburn, continue to eat well for 4 weeks to prevent the symptom from recurring.


  • 8:30. For breakfast, cook buckwheat porridge in water, without adding oil and salt. For dessert, low-fat curd mass, a couple of crackers, you can drink green tea.
  • 11:00. Banana.
  • 14:00. Vegetable vegetarian soup (broccoli, carrots, potatoes, parsley). Mashed potatoes with steam cutlets, sweet apple, a glass of water.
  • 19:00. Zucchini puree, one slice of cereal bread, sugar-free chamomile tea.
  • 8:30. Oatmeal, croutons, weakly brewed green tea.
  • 11:00. A glass of low-fat yogurt, you can add pieces of pear or banana (if the symptom resumes after dietary dairy products, exclude it from the diet for a while).
  • 14:00. Boil lean beef meat, garnish vegetables cooked in a steam bath, a slice of white bread.
  • 16:00. Crackers, a glass of juice.
  • 19:00. For dinner, you can eat dumplings with potatoes or cottage cheese, compote.
  • 8:30. Semolina porridge, tea with crackers.
  • 11:00. 2-3 eggs, boiled for 5 minutes.
  • 14:00. Soup with beef meatballs and rice with vegetables, kissel.
  • 16:00. Cottage cheese casserole, compote.
  • 19:00. Zucchini puree, a slice of cereal bread and butter, sugar-free chamomile tea.
  • 8:30. Pasta with diet sausages, sprinkle with herbs on top, jelly.
  • 11:00. Green tea with a sandwich, a piece of hard cheese.
  • 14:00. Dumplings with sour cream (low-fat) can be eaten with a piece of white bread, tea with dryers.
  • 16:00. You can cook pies (on yeast-free dough) with mashed potatoes, compote.
  • 19:00. Boiled rice with vegetables, steam minced chicken cutlets, green tea.
  • 8:30. Cereal porridge, for dessert, apples baked in the oven, tea.
  • 11:00. For a second breakfast, you can use marshmallow, herbal tea as a dessert.
  • 14:00. Chicken pilaf, vegetable soup with chicken broth, biscuit cookies, compote.
  • 16:00. Curd mass, jelly.
  • 19:00. Pink salmon baked in the oven with potatoes, green tea.

  • 8:30. Milk soups (with noodles in milk), fruit jelly.
  • 11:00. Omelet (cooking scrambled eggs can be done in the oven), cottage cheese casserole, prunes compote.
  • 14:00. 4 tablespoons mashed potatoes, meatballs, gravy (no tomato), vegetable soup, tea.
  • 16:00. Fat-free yogurt, apple, pear, banana, grape salad.
  • 19:00. Chicken fillet with cream (low-fat, it is better to replace it with milk) and melted cheese, a little broccoli, pasta, a slice of cereal bread, green tea.


  • 8:30. Millet porridge, cheese sandwich, tea.
  • 11:00. Pies in the oven with apple jam, herbal tea.
  • 14:00. Rice, baked pink salmon, soup with meatballs, jelly.
  • 16:00. Cottage cheese with banana, compote.
  • 19:00. Steam cutlets, pasta, fermented baked milk.

Products from which there is a burning sensation after dinner are recommended to be excluded. Keep a diary, mark your well-being every day for the period of the diet table. The menu is made up of products approved by the attending physician. Use recipes without prohibited products.

A sample menu for the week will help you quickly navigate the choice of products for preparing the listed dishes. Proper nutrition is the key to a quick recovery, it is used against heartburn. Plus, a dietary table is a way to prevent and prevent many diseases of the stomach, and is effective for high acidity.


Digestive problems for a modern person are almost familiar, but even so, each of their manifestations brings a lot of discomfort. Heartburn is considered one of the most common symptoms of dyspepsia, as it occurs in half of the population, and in some countries people experience it several times a week. How dangerous is this problem, how to deal with it, and what should be the food for heartburn in order to make you feel better?

What is heartburn

About 20% of residents of Western Europe, America and Turkey are ready to instantly describe the signs of heartburn, because they suffer from it every week, and in Moscow, according to statistical surveys, 18% of the population experience it. An unpleasant burning sensation behind the sternum (due to which the symptom got its name), rising from the epigastric region up to the neck, is familiar to both adults and children. In addition to burning, an attack of heartburn may be accompanied by:

  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach (as if overeating);
  • belching;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • worsening condition when tilting the body.

In official medicine, heartburn is called the result of irritation of the esophageal mucosa due to acidic gastric juice getting on it, which occurs when the sphincter separating the esophagus and stomach does not work properly - this is called gastroesophageal reflux. In addition to hydrochloric acid, burning can be provoked by bile acids, pepsin, and pancreatic enzymes. Even healthy people face this unpleasant phenomenon, but frequent attacks are characteristic only of people with digestive disorders. The main causes of heartburn gastroenterologists include:

  • Overweight (obesity).
  • Hernia of the esophageal part of the diaphragm.
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice (congenital and acquired).
  • Pregnancy (against the background of increased intra-abdominal pressure).
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (chronic reflux of gastric / duodenal contents into the esophagus).
  • Esophagitis (inflammatory process of the esophageal mucosa), reflux esophagitis (associated with GERD).
  • Barrett's esophagus (precancerous complication of GERD associated with changes in epithelial tissue).
  • Motility disorders of the esophagus and stomach (less often - the duodenum).
  • Adenocarcinoma of the esophagus.

If a person is healthy, but periodically experiences heartburn attacks, the problem may lie in the abuse of nicotine, alcohol, strong tea or coffee. It also occurs against the background of wearing tight clothes, strongly tightening the stomach belts. An additional risk is:

  • Dietary disorders (both in filling the menu and in habits of eating dry food or on the run, tendencies to overeat).
  • The habit of having dinner before going to bed (the body is in a horizontal position, the sphincter does not work properly, the process of digesting food is difficult).
  • Physical activity, especially with slopes, after eating.

Diet for heartburn

It is possible to get rid of burning attacks in the esophagus, especially frequent ones, only by correcting nutrition, for which it is first necessary to find out what caused heartburn. In a healthy person, it can be provoked by a certain product that is poorly perceived by the stomach - this is strong coffee aggressive to the digestive tract, and subjectively safe vegetables. Since the problem always occurs after eating, the question "what to eat for heartburn?" even more relevant than “what pill to take?”. Diet is key to treatment because:

  • If, with frequent bouts of heartburn, you do not start adjusting your diet, even a healthy person may develop gastroesophageal reflux disease, which will later acquire complications: erosions, ulcers or adenocarcinoma.
  • Tablets stop the attack, but do not affect the condition of the mucosa, and certain foods help calm the esophagus, although they will not work as quickly as medications.
  • Diet for heartburn and belching is especially important for people with high acidity of gastric juice (helps to regulate its acid-base balance) and congenital disorders of the lower esophageal sphincter (reduces the risk of new attacks of heartburn).

Basic Rules

The reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus mainly occurs due to incorrect body position during and after meals (within 1-2 hours), against the background of overeating, eating on the go, or abuse of harmful products - alcohol, pickles, marinades. For this reason, nutrition that helps relieve the current attack of heartburn and prevent a new one is based on the following rules:

  • Put a small portion of food on a plate - for meat it is about 60-100 g (depending on whether you plan to add carbohydrates to it or not), for cereals and pasta, approximately 50-60 g (dry product weight is implied), for vegetables / fruits a volume of 200-300 g is allowed. The lower limit of the indicated figures is if you mix everything in one plate in 2 categories (meat with vegetables, vegetables with carbohydrates, meat with carbohydrates), the upper limit is if you use them separately.
  • Do not starve - the juice produced by the stomach should go to digest food, so 5-6 meals (and more with a long working day) per day must happen. Maintain an interval of 2-3 hours between them, especially if you have gastritis or problems of the hepatobiliary system.
  • Set the main meal (not a snack) at such a time that you do not have to immediately run somewhere, go to a workout or go to bed: you should sit for an hour or a little longer, or walk at a measured pace.
  • Avoid eating very hot food (temperature above 60 degrees) - it irritates the mucous membranes.
  • Refuse cold drinks, desserts - ice cream, some types of cocktails, even just cold water: they not only irritate the esophagus, but also provoke a longer production of hydrochloric acid.
  • Eat slowly to prevent air being drawn in with your food and chew each bite thoroughly.
  • Give preference to boiled or steamed foods. If you plan to bake them, do so in foil or a sleeve so as not to create a rough crust. Frying is prohibited.

What can you eat

Products that do not cause heartburn are individual for each body, so all those listed in the list below must be checked personally. Separately, the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which can restrict the diet more than single attacks of heartburn, is taken into account, so it is important to coordinate the menu with a gastroenterologist. The general list of products allowed for heartburn is as follows:

  • lean meat (mainly poultry) - turkey, chicken, veal;
  • freshwater and sea fish - pollock, perch, pike perch;
  • starchy and non-acidic vegetables - potatoes, beets, pumpkin, carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, cauliflower, corn;
  • bulgur, buckwheat, unpolished rice, oatmeal, corn, semolina;
  • yeast-free bread (stale);
  • biscuit cookies;
  • jelly, homemade jelly, honey;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • unsalted, mild cheese;
  • sweet apples, bananas, peaches, watermelons, pears, plums;
  • olive oil;
  • parsley dill.

What foods relieve heartburn

You can eliminate a sudden burning sensation in the esophagus with pills, or you can use simple food that is in the refrigerator - this is safer and faster. Foods useful for heartburn include bananas, grated carrots (with a spoonful of butter or sour cream), and also:

  • Oatmeal on the water, but not oatmeal, but very small, does not require cooking and cooked with a lot of liquid to get a slimy consistency.
  • Warmed low-fat milk with a teaspoon of honey, drunk in small sips.
  • Pureed pumpkin or potato soup.
  • Any nuts, except peanuts (not salted, without glaze, etc. additives).
  • Olive oil - a teaspoon swallowed without additional food.

What drink

All drinks that are allowed during heartburn attacks and during the period of trying to prevent a relapse should be, firstly, warm - no refreshing fruit drinks or cocktails. Secondly, they should not be carbonated or too strong, especially if you are making tea. You will have to give up coffee completely. The list of acceptable drinks for heartburn is very short:

  • alkaline mineral water without gas;
  • weak green tea, or black long leaf (it is advisable not to abuse the latter);
  • low-fat milk, natural yogurt, stale kefir - ideally, choose completely fat-free options, and look for lactose-free milk;
  • dried fruit compotes without sugar;
  • decoctions of wild rose, medicinal herbs - plantain, calendula have a good calming effect (in relation to the mucous membrane).
  • decoctions from flax seeds, oats - envelop the mucous membrane.

What foods cause heartburn

In therapeutic nutrition for digestive problems, a very important point is the chemical sparing of the digestive tract, and with heartburn, which is observed against the background of an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, this is a particularly significant nuance. Chemical irritation occurs when eating salty, spicy, sour, pickled foods, so the prohibited foods for heartburn are:

  • All kinds of citrus fruits, especially on an empty stomach.
  • Strong broths on fatty fish and meat (pork, lamb, goose, duck, salmon, mackerel, beluga, sturgeon), on mushrooms.
  • Fatty meat in any form.
  • Raw vegetables, especially with exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer (this does not imply the complete exclusion of vegetables from the menu - they are consumed in a thermally processed form).
  • Sour berries (currants, gooseberries, cherry plums, cranberries, blackberries), green apples, kiwi, pineapple, apricots.
  • Fresh pastries, yeast pastries, bread (especially rye).
  • Spinach, sorrel, horseradish root, onion, garlic.
  • Celery, radish, radish, tomatoes.
  • Any sweets, excluding honey: cakes, buns, sweets, chocolate, cakes.
  • Fresh vegetable and fruit juices, cold fruit drinks.
  • Refined sugar products - jam, condensed milk.
  • Carbonated drinks, including mineral water.
  • Pearl barley, millet - stimulate an increase in the acidity of gastric juice.
  • Fast food: snacks, crackers, chips, instant noodles, snacks.
  • Alcohol, vinegar, mustard.
  • Canned fish/meat.
  • Smoking, semi-finished products.
  • Meat products that have undergone heat treatment on an open fire or grill.

Menu for the week

If you have experienced an attack of heartburn more than once, a weekly diet is enough to completely restore the esophageal mucosa and normalize the sphincter, which involves the exclusion of only the main dangerous foods. In the presence of diseases of the digestive tract, especially those associated with gastrosophageal reflux disease, the diet should be compiled by a gastroenterologist and will have to be followed for up to six months. Approximate nutrition for heartburn and increased acidity of the stomach for a week is:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner afternoon tea Dinner

Oatmeal on the water with a spoon of honey and figs

Milk jelly, homemade bread crumbs

Soup with carrots, potatoes and parsley (without onions)

Low-fat cottage cheese casserole with egg white and a spoonful of sour cream

Boiled veal with baked beets and herbs


Steamed curd soufflé with peaches, unsweetened weak tea

A couple of sweet fruits, low-fat drinking yogurt

Steam pollock meatballs with cucumber and herb salad under olive oil

Baked beets with apple

Steamed squash cutlets with chickpeas


Pumpkin-apple casserole, a handful of nuts or dates

Steamed low-fat cottage cheese pancakes with raisins

Boiled chicken fillet with buckwheat porridge on the water

Dried fruit compote, biscuit biscuits

Fish meatballs with sweet corn and fresh cucumber


Rice porridge with dried apricots and a handful of almonds

Rosehip broth, mild cheese and dried white bread

Potato and broccoli soup, steamed turkey patty

Pair of baked pears with low-fat cottage cheese and honey

A glass of natural yogurt with a banana (preferably overripe)


Corn porridge with raisins and honey

Omelet from 2 eggs (without yolk) steamed with carrots

Vegetable broth with noodles, some steamed beef

Homemade fruit jelly (preferably on agar)

Lazy dumplings with herbs, steamed or boiled


Oatmeal porridge with banana

Oatmeal jelly, biscuit cookies or steam cheesecakes

Steamed brown rice with asparagus and green peas

Dried wheat bun with a piece of mild cheese, unsweetened green tea

Vegetable broth with chicken fillet meatballs, herbs and egg white


Bulgur with dried fruits, weak green tea with honey

Grated carrots with a spoonful of sour cream and prunes

Lean fish steamed with cauliflower

Kissel berry, biscuit cookies

Boiled eggs (1-2 pcs.), dried bread, a couple of sweet peppers

Features of the diet for heartburn in pregnant and lactating women

If the burning sensations in the esophagus are not caused by gastrointestinal diseases, but by increased intra-abdominal pressure during pregnancy (in some women, the situation returns to normal slowly, so heartburn also happens while feeding a newborn), the diet will not be as strict as described above, but refuse harmful foods You will also have to follow a few basic rules. In general terms, the nutritional requirements of a pregnant and lactating woman are as follows:

  • Small portions, but frequent meals.
  • Mandatory presence of dietary protein in the diet (chicken, turkey, veal, cottage cheese, eggs).
  • Refusal of frying, the use of fatty foods, pickles, smoking. Pickled and canned foods are also excluded.
  • Try not to drink fermented milk drinks - if necessary, drink only sourdough or fermented baked milk, if they are well tolerated by the body.
  • After attacks of heartburn for a day, the menu should be made up of boiled cereals (on water), vegetable puree soups, and mashed boiled meat.

Proper diet for children

In a child, nutrition should be controlled even more strictly than in an adult, since children are prone to sweet and fast food, they choose food for taste, and not for good. Carefully monitor what and how the baby eats, follow the following rules for the children's menu:

  • The child should slowly and diligently chew each piece.
  • From the sweet in the diet, leave only marshmallows, marshmallows, honey, marmalade.
  • Every day, prepare your baby oatmeal or rice soup, you can add processed cheese to it.
  • Give only lean mashed meat in boiled form.
  • Discuss

    What to eat with heartburn: proper nutrition and diet

Heartburn is not so much a dangerous as an unpleasant symptom, because it occurs suddenly and provokes pain in the abdomen, often nausea. The attacks presented are often the cause of serious diseases, therefore, with the frequent occurrence of heartburn, it is better to undergo a full examination. In another case, heartburn is a frequent sign of malnutrition, which is why gastric juice, along with food, leaves the stomach cavity into the esophagus and thereby provokes a burning sensation. Therefore, it is important to know what you can eat with heartburn and what not.

Proper nutrition for heartburn practically does not differ from the standard rules and recommendations of doctors. The main rules of proper nutrition in this case include:

  • Mandatory compliance with fractional nutrition. Sometimes with heartburn, you can eat everything, but in small quantities, at least 5-6 times a day. It is also important to observe the same interval between meals.
  • You can't overeat. The amount of allowed food that is enough to satisfy the feeling of hunger is laid out on a plate.
  • It is better to avoid late meals. You can not eat less than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Moreover, the food should be light, so some cottage cheese or vegetables are eaten.
  • You can not eat quickly - the recommended time for eating is from 20 to 30 minutes.
  • After eating, you can not be taken for physical labor or take a horizontal position.
  • It is important to give up junk food and habits - coffee, alcohol, fatty foods, smoking and other harmful things.
  • Animal fats are recommended to be replaced with vegetable ones.
  • The menu for heartburn necessarily excludes very hot dishes.
  • Salty foods and dishes should be abandoned so as not to provoke an increased secretion of gastric juice.

Eating with heartburn is prohibited in principle - until the attack is eliminated. For this, there are medicines or self-prepared mixtures based on folk recipes. The above principles of nutrition for heartburn will help prevent the onset of an attack, which will significantly improve the quality of human life.

About hyperacidity

Stomach acidity is a concept that has been heard by many, but not everyone has an understanding of such a term. The stomach is the "vessel" into which food enters. The incoming food is digested by gastric juice, which is produced by the enzymes of the body. Digestion of food, as well as the entire work of the gastrointestinal tract, depends on the quality of gastric juice. Gastric juice is an acid that a person has in varying concentrations. If acidity is increased, a person often suffers from heartburn, belching, abdominal pain, bloating, and other problems. Increased acidity becomes a common cause of gastritis, which is more provoked by malnutrition. Therefore, the allowed food just for heartburn and gastritis is slightly different.

About nutrition with high acidity

You should separately consider which foods cause heartburn with high acidity, since they are slightly different from the standard list. There are two points here. The first is the permitted list of foods that should be consumed throughout the entire time. And the second point is the recommended list of products that is used during treatment, until the attack and inflammation of the gastric mucosa are eliminated. If a person does not suffer from gastritis, but easily provokes an increase in the acidity of the stomach, then you should refuse spicy, fried, very hot or cold dishes for the duration of treatment.

For the first case - increased acidity on an ongoing basis or in the presence of gastritis with high acidity - you should adhere to a certain diet, where the following foods are prohibited:

  • spicy ready-made sauces and seasonings - natural vegetables are allowed in small quantities (bell peppers, onions and other varieties) and boiled;
  • vegetables and fruits that can irritate the stomach - sauerkraut, bean varieties, fresh cucumbers, fruits with high acidity (apples, pomegranates and others);
  • pickled and canned foods - even homemade preservation is prohibited;
  • alcoholic beverages - in any quantities;
  • sweets - chocolate, pastries, cakes and other types of sweets are prohibited;
  • dairy products with a high concentration of fat content - low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir are allowed (it is better to use low-fat products at all);
  • fast food - sandwiches, hot dogs and other types of dry food are prohibited;
  • carbonated drinks - the gas itself is prohibited, since it increases the acidity of the stomach;
  • soups with a lot of fat - it is forbidden to use pork and other fatty meats for making soup, it is better to cook first courses without frying vegetables.

Based on the list presented, it becomes clear what you can eat with high acidity. The causes of the situation in the form of increased acidity can be different, but an unpleasant symptom should not be provoked by malnutrition.

About cooking methods

Often it is not so important what foods can be consumed for heartburn and belching. It is much more important to use the right recipes for dishes - with an acceptable way of processing products. Here they distinguish such a thing as sparing food - reducing harm to the stomach. To prevent heartburn, the following methods are used:

  • mechanical sparing - obligatory grinding of boiled or steamed food;
  • chemical sparing - rejection of harmful substances in the form of sweeteners, flavor enhancers and even spices and spices;
  • thermal sparing - a complete rejection of thermal stimuli, where the use of very hot or very cold food is distinguished.

The diet should include self-cooked meals with maximum use of natural products. The menu for the week should include a daily soup, as well as a second course - a side dish, steamed vegetables and fish or lean meat allowed. From drinks - compotes from dried fruits and, of course, jelly. Kissel for heartburn is recommended to use daily, at least a glass. This drink perfectly envelops the walls of the stomach and prevents the development of ulcers, gastritis, and is useful for gastritis with high acidity.

Allowed products in unlimited quantities

It should be told what is the diet for heartburn and belching, which occurs due to currently unknown reasons. Firstly, a symptom can be a sign of the development of a serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Secondly, heartburn is a sign of malnutrition, that is, the use of permitted, but “abused” foods. In any case, experts offer the following list of products that can be consumed in unlimited quantities:

  • sweet berries and fruits, as well as gourds;
  • lean meat, steamed or boiled, stewing with a small amount of olive oil is allowed;
  • dried fruits - in their pure form, use in small quantities, but in the form of compote and from compote, as much as you like is allowed;
  • boiled fish of low-fat varieties - mainly white river fish;
  • boiled eggs (but not more than 4 pieces per week), omelettes;
  • vegetable soups or puree soups;
  • vegetables stewed or boiled, steamed;
  • greens - dill and parsley in unlimited quantities, other varieties are recommended to be used only in cooking;
  • cereals boiled in water or milk - it is not recommended to add butter;
  • dried wheat bread, crackers and other lean types of bread;
  • drinks - weak tea, still water, sweet freshly squeezed juices from permitted fruits, but with the obligatory addition of water.

The presented products are forbidden to be used in the presence of allergies and other diseases for which they are contraindicated.

Heartburn Products

Diet for heartburn, what you can eat and what you can not, was presented above. Such recommendations only help to prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant symptom. But if trouble has happened, you should know what to use to eliminate heartburn. Here you can use medicines - Gastal, Festal or Galstena. But it is better to use folk methods or seize an attack with useful products for this, which include:

  • grated fresh carrots;
  • oatmeal boiled in water;
  • banana - eat only after eating;
  • potato juice - you can drink 100 ml twice a day - this method is best used in a course;
  • calamus root - in crushed form, not more than 5 g per day;
  • warm milk - drink only in small sips;
  • plain clean water without gas;
  • any puree soup;
  • seeds;
  • mint - added to unsweetened and weak tea;
  • chicory - it is recommended to add to warm milk or kefir of low fat content.

It is recommended to use a teaspoon of olive or butter to eliminate heartburn - these products are used only on an empty stomach, since their action begins with enveloping the walls and mucous membrane of the organ, which reduces acidity, the symptom disappears.

The article presented in detail what can and cannot be eaten with heartburn, as well as a list of products recommended specifically to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Following the suggested tips and rules, you can forget about the problem for a long time and not face it at the most inconvenient moment.