Karlovy Vary salt - for health. About Karlovy Vary salt in detail Karlovy Vary bath salt instructions for use

Karlovy Vary salt has been known in medical circles for several centuries.

Extracted from the hot springs of Czech Karlovy Vary, it has long been used to treat diseases of the digestive tract, nervous and other body systems.

It is indispensable in cosmetology.

Currently, the pharmaceutical industry has launched the production of Karlovy Vary mineral salt, which completely repeats the composition of the authentic substance from the geysers in the Czech Republic.

1. Instructions for use

Salt laxative Calovary salt is intended for oral administration.

Feature of Karlovy Vary salt consists in the balance of minerals that have a beneficial effect on the digestive system as a whole. Increasing peristalsis and bile secretion, the tool helps to restore the water-salt balance and metabolic processes in the body.

Indications for use

In clinical medicine, the use of Carlsbad salt is not limited to the elimination of constipation. Along with a delicate problem, this mineral compound is indicated for a number of problems. With its help, you can get rid of constipationcaused by the following ailments:

Karlovy Vary salt is primarily intended to improve such indicators as the composition, distribution and physical properties of the protective mucus in the intestinal lumen.

She also copes with the consequences of poisoning, including alcohol, which are often complicated by a deterioration in peristalsis and, as a result, constipation.

Mode of application

For chronic constipation of any etiology, Karlovy Vary salt is taken dissolved in water.

To do this, the liquid is heated (preferably in a water bath to prevent boiling) to 40 degrees and salt is added to it at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 0.5 l of water. At the time of admission, the temperature of the solution should be 30 degrees.

For the onset of a chair, it is enough to drink 100-200 ml of saline at a time. It is not recommended to do this "in one gulp"!

It is important to drink the product in small sips, preferably through a glass tube with a diameter of no more than 7 mm. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after 10-12 hours.

If there is a need to use salt to eliminate chronic constipation, it is recommended that you first consult with your doctor or local therapist.

During pregnancy

Carlsbad salt is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. It is not recommended to take it with active lactation.

3. Terms and conditions of storage

Carlsbad salt of natural origin can be stored indefinitely in dry rooms with a constant air temperature in the range of 22-27 degrees.

It does not deteriorate even when frozen, however, heating can lead to a slight change in its chemical composition. Industrially produced salt is recommended to be stored under the same conditions, but it loses its beneficial properties after 2 years.

If storage standards are not observed, Karlovy Vary salt may change its composition and lose its healing properties earlier. It can be disposed of with household waste, avoiding contact with sewage or soil.

4. Price

The cost of Karlovy Vary salt depends, first of all, on the method of its production. natural geyser salt is much more expensive, but artificially obtained salt is not much inferior to it in this indicator.

Average price in Russia

On the shelves of Russian pharmacies, the cost of Karlovy Vary salt ranges from 890 to 1200 rubles per 100 g. The minimum threshold is occupied by a mineral compound produced in the laboratory, and the maximum by natural salt from the hot springs of the Czech Republic.

Average price in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the cost of Karlovy Vary salt takes positions from 350 to 445 hryvnia for a 100-gram package.

5. Analogues

There are no structural analogues for Carloara salt, but the pharmaceutical industry offers consumers a wide range of saline or other laxatives.

The most effective drugs are:

  • Guttalax and others.

It is not worth replacing the Karlovy Vary salt prescribed by the doctor with any of the mentioned remedies, since they have a lot of contraindications, despite the fact that among them there are completely organic preparations.

Video on the topic: Carlsbad salt

6. Reviews

There are literally legends about Karlovy Vary salt among consumers, and negative reviews are rare. Most often, the disadvantage of this natural remedy is the high cost. Meanwhile, it is difficult to find those who would not be satisfied with the effectiveness of the drug. Positive reviews often mention the fact of an improvement in the general condition of the body against the background of constipation treatment.

Read more detailed testimonials from those who successfully got rid of intestinal problems with the help of Carlsbad salt, read below this material. Do you have something to add? Feel free to post your review!

To achieve a truly complete recovery with the use of Karlovy Vary salt, you need to remember a few features of using this remedy:

  • Do not take saline for too long. It is better to practice treatment in short courses with breaks for a month.
  • Other authors

Karlovy Vary salt (powder pack 1.0 N10) Czech Republic

Certificate number and date - dated 12/15/2008
Federal Service

Products and manufacturer - biologically active food supplement "Karlovy Vary Salt" (powder in bags of 5 g, in jars of 100 g - for sale to the population; 20 kg each - for subsequent packaging)
the products are manufactured by VRZHIDELNI SUL, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, ul. I.P. Pavlova 71/9 (Czech Republic)
Scope - for sale to the population through the pharmacy chain and specialized stores, departments of the distribution network as a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of lithium and fluorine, as well as for subsequent packaging (in a package of 20 kg)
The certificate was issued on the basis of the expert opinion of the FGUZ FCG and E Rospotrebnadzor No. 10-2FTs / 5384 dated 11/06/2008. food. Duration of admission - no more than 3 weeks. Not recommended for permanent use. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, lactation, diseases of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by edema, impaired renal function. Shelf life - 3 years. Store in a dry place, out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The product in a package of 20 kg is intended for subsequent packaging, not for sale to the public.
Hygienic characteristic -

Ingredients: mineral geyser salt

Recipient company – VRZHIDELNI SUL, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, st. I.P. Pavlova 71/9 (Czech Republic)
Regulatory documentation - safety certificate issued by the State Medical Institution, Prague, Czech Republic, ingredient composition of the product, certificate of analysis of the manufacturer; San PiN "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products", SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the organization of production and circulation of biologically active food supplements (BAA)"

Carlsbad salt is used for:
improving food digestion;
elimination of dysbacteriosis, reduction of gas formation (flatulence)
as a laxative and diuretic effect;
mild stimulation of pancreatic function;
normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, elimination of obesity and prevention of premature aging;
restoration of the structure of joints, teeth and bones; normalization of water and electrolyte metabolism;
improvement of metabolic processes in the skin;
improving the composition, quality and distribution of protective mucus in the respiratory tract.

Uses of Karlovy Vary salt:
In diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic liver disease, irritable bowel syndrome, postcholecystectomy syndrome, chronic constipation, etc.)
In case of metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, obesity and impaired fat metabolism, treatment of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis)
In diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis and arthrosis of the joints of the extremities and spine, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, etc.)
With some gynecological diseases;
In cosmetology (to improve skin quality, eliminate obesity and prevent premature aging)
To eliminate dysbacteriosis, reduce the formation of gases and bloating;
In the treatment of water and electrolyte disorders, dehydration, acidosis and hangover syndrome;
In the treatment of gum disease;
In the treatment of acute and chronic lung diseases for thinning sputum.

Mineral waters acquire their healing unique properties when passing through layers of rocks, sometimes reaching a depth of more than two thousand meters. On the surface from one source beats many keys, the composition of which remains constant for centuries. This fact was confirmed by the analysis of the composition of the geyser stone and the results of the analysis of the composition of mineral waters, which has been carried out continuously since 1770.
Carlsbad salt contains:

Sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorides, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, iron, silicon, copper, lithium, zinc, fluorine.
In total, salt contains up to 40 different elements, including rare earths. According to the balneological classification, Karlovy Vary salt belongs to the natural hydrocarbonate-sulfate sodium chloride salt.
Application of Karlovy Vary salt:

Karlovy Vary salt is intended for internal, external use and as a food supplement as a tonic, therapeutic and cosmetic agent.

Internal application

For internal use, depending on the disease, solutions of various concentrations and temperatures are used. The minimum daily dose for drinking is 400 - 500 ml. If necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 1500 ml. The daily volume of mineral water should be taken in 2-4 doses. An effective course of treatment is at least 4-5 weeks.

Karlovy Vary salt does not contain substances that are alien to the body. This is important in our age, which is saturated with chemistry, moreover, the mineral water obtained from the Karlovy Vary salt is a natural ionic solution that not only heals, but also replenishes the content of minerals in the body. Therefore, the inclusion of a small amount of salt in the diet contributes to the replenishment of macro and microelements that you receive less from food.

When using Karlovy Vary salt as a food additive, it is recommended to add a small amount of salt to dishes during cooking.

Outdoor use

Baths with Karlovy Vary salt have an analgesic, calming effect. In addition, they have a local and general anti-inflammatory effect, cause favorable changes in general blood flow in many diseases (increase the return of venous blood, increase cardiac output and heart rate), enhance metabolic processes in the skin (cosmetic effect) and internal organs.

When taking Carlsbad salt, one should take into account the appearance of delayed absorption of drugs. Treatment with Karlovy Vary salt is complemented by the use of other methods of therapy using natural healing factors.

The mineral waters of the Karlovy Vary resort in the Czech Republic have been known for a long time. Even the inhabitants of the Holy Russian Empire used the healing properties of the springs to treat various ailments, and the official opening date of the resort is considered to be 1358, when Emperor Charles IV founded the city of Karlovy Vary around the place where the miraculous waters come to the surface.
When passing through certain layers of soil, the waters of the springs are saturated with a large number of various salts. It is the unique salt composition that allows them to be used in the treatment of a large number of various diseases. In the 19th century, a technology was invented that made it possible to isolate all the medicinal components in the form of salt. Today, the production of thermal salt takes place by evaporating mineral water using special equipment under the strictest hygienic control. Thanks to this, DENAS MS Corporation guarantees that you receive a product that contains all the necessary components from the source of a world-famous resort and will allow you to undergo a treatment course at home.

Carlsbad salt instructions for use


  • has a regulatory effect on functional activity
    organs of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system
  • prevents stone formation
  • favorably affects metabolism
  • regulates the tone of the nervous system


  • for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastric and duodenal ulcer, chronic pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic liver disease, irritable bowel syndrome, postcholecystectomy syndrome, chronic constipation, etc.)
  • for the treatment of metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity and impaired fat metabolism, treatment and prevention of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, dysmetabolic nephropathies)
  • for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis and arthrosis of the joints of the extremities and spine, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, etc.)
  • for the treatment of certain gynecological diseases in cosmetology (to improve the quality of the skin, eliminate obesity and prevent premature aging)
  • for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, to reduce the formation of gases and bloating
  • for the normalization of water and electrolyte metabolism in dehydration, acidosis and hangover syndrome

Internal application- in the form of solutions of various concentrations.
Outdoor use- in the form of compresses, lotions, baths, general baths.
It is used for salting dishes during cooking.
Without the consent of a doctor, ingestion is not recommended for diseases accompanied by edema, high blood pressure and kidney failure.

Action of Karlovy Vary salt

“The water of the Carlsbad springs tastes slightly salty, slightly soda-like, but not disgusting and tastes like chicken broth. Freshly taken water is clear and colorless. Carlsbad waters, taken orally, cause an accelerated passage of the contents of the stomach into the small intestines; at the same time, they increase the digestive activity of the gastric juice, which contributes to a faster and more complete digestion of food. More significant tricks work in the opposite direction; prolonged use of Carlsbad waters leads to a decrease in body weight. Carlsbad water also exhibits a choleretic and bile-thinning effect and promotes the passage of mucus and bile accumulated in the stomach into the intestines. Urination while drinking Carlsbad water is increased. Karlsbad water is recommended for internal use in chronic intestinal catarrhs, with constant, so-called. habitual constipation; with success it is prescribed to gouty, obese subjects and obsessed with hemorrhoids; lastly, it is indicated in congestions in the region of the liver with their consequences, especially if they are caused and maintained by a sedentary lifestyle, catarrhal jaundice and gallstones. This water is also good for obesity, gout and sugar disease.
Privatdozent of the Military Medical Academy, Doctor of Medicine G.M. Gertsenstein in the book "Guide to foreign resorts" (St. Petersburg, 1896).

Natural Karlovy Vary salt, dissolving in water at the recommended concentration, is a low- and medium-mineralized drinking therapeutic and therapeutic-table mineral water with an optimal ratio of the main components (hydrocarbonates, sulfates, chlorides) and belongs to hydrocarbonate-sulfate-chloride waters. The effect of mineral drinking water on the body is due to chemical, mechanical and thermal factors.


Bicarbonate ions stimulate gastric secretion. With normal and increased secretion, they inhibit the activity of certain enzymes, reducing the secretion of hydrochloric acid. On the contrary, the accumulated carbon dioxide thins and removes mucus from the stomach and through the receptors of the nervous system stimulates the acid-forming, secretory and motor functions of the stomach. Neutralization of gastric contents is accompanied by a reflex increase in the secretion of the small intestine, pancreas and liver. Bicarbonate ions inhibit the formation of uric acid and accelerate its excretion in the urine, preventing the formation of uric acid salts. In an alkaline environment, urates and oxalates dissolve well. Such water dilutes sputum, reduces its viscosity and increases separation from the tracheobronchial tree.
Chloride ions in the stomach combine with hydrogen to form hydrochloric acid. They stimulate the formation of intestinal juice, choleretic and diuretic function of the liver and kidneys. In combination with calcium ions, chlorides have a beneficial effect on bone tissue and tooth growth.
Sulfate ions reduce secretion and accelerate the evacuation of food from the stomach. In the intestine, they are practically not absorbed and increase its motor function, having a laxative effect. Sulfates stimulate the tone of the muscles of the gallbladder and relax the sphincter of the biliary tract, which leads to an acceleration of the directed movement of bile from the liver to the duodenum. In combination with calcium ions, sulfates improve the functioning of the liver enzyme systems, thicken the vascular wall, reduce the content of intracellular water and mucus during inflammation of the walls gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.
Sodium cations, getting into the interstitium and blood, affect the transport of nutrients and fluids, which contributes to a more correct distribution and intensive removal of water from the body by the kidneys.
Calcium ions restore the excitability of neurons in the brain and skeletal muscles, increase the contractile function of the myocardium, and increase blood clotting.
In addition to the above main elements, Karlovy Vary salt contains the so-called "trace elements", the concentration of which is not so high, but, however, they are of great importance.
At present, there is no doubt about the significant role of micro- and macroelements in the diverse functions of the body and each cell individually. Correction of the imbalance of macro- and microelements in a patient, according to academician I.M. Vorontsov, can be compared with the role of genetic factors in the formation of health. Of the 92 naturally occurring chemical elements, 81 are found in the human body. 12 elements are called structural, because. they make up 99% of the elemental composition of the human body - C, O, H, N, Ca, Mg, Na, K, S, P, F, CI. Trace elements are called elements that are present in the human body in very small trace amounts (English - "trace elements"). These are, first of all, essential (vital, from the English "essential") - Fe, I, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, Mo, Se, Mn and conditionally essential - As, B, Br, F, Li, Ni. SI, V. Today, mineral deficiency is not so rare: it occurs for various reasons, for example, due to a monotonous diet, impaired digestibility, and various diseases. Calcium deficiency can occur during pregnancy, as well as with rickets or osteoporosis. Chlorine deficiency occurs due to a large loss of Cl ions - with severe vomiting. Magnesium deficiency can occur due to diarrhea, monotonous diet, alcoholism. The lack of trace elements in the body is often manifested by a violation of hematopoiesis, i.e. anemia.

Trace elements are found in our body in very small quantities - these are ten thousandths of a percent, but at the same time they have a huge impact on human health. The secret of the action of microelements lies in the fact that they are catalysts for the main life processes. Macro- and microelements affect metabolism, regulate more than 50,000 biochemical processes in our body.
Mineral water obtained from Karlovy Vary salt is a natural ionic solution that not only heals, but also replenishes the content of minerals in the body. Therefore, the inclusion in the diet of a small amount of salt or mineral water contributes to the replenishment of macro- and microelements that you receive less from food.


The thermal factor of mineral water changes the motor and secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the rate of absorption of chemicals in it. Warm water reduces increased motility, relieves spasm of the pylorus of the stomach and reduces the secretion of gastric juice, slows down the rate of transition of water from the stomach to the duodenum and, by relaxing the muscular layer of the intestine, causes stool retention. On the contrary, cold water increases the motor and secretory activity of the stomach and enhances peristalsis (contractile activity) of the intestine, quickly passes from the stomach to the intestine, moves in it and has a laxative effect.


Mineral water as a mechanical factor in the oral cavity stimulates the formation of saliva, changes the physicochemical properties of the contents of the stomach (cavitary effect), causes stretching of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and irritates the specific receptors laid down there. As a result, an ignition portion of the juice is released, the secretion of specific gastric hormones and hydrochloric acid increases. In the intestine, mineral water enhances the secretion of pancreatic juice and bile, as well as the secretion of enterogastron and peptides that inhibit gastric secretion (duodenal effect).

  • to improve food digestion
  • improving the composition, quality and distribution of protective mucus in the digestive system
  • elimination of dysbacteriosis, reduction of gas formation (flatulence)
  • improving the quality of bile and normalizing its excretion from the liver and gallbladder, laxative and diuretic effects
  • mild stimulation of pancreatic function; normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, elimination of obesity and prevention of premature aging
  • detoxifying effect
  • restoration of the structure of joints, teeth and bones
  • normalization of water and electrolyte metabolism
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the skin
  • improving the composition, quality and distribution of protective mucus in the respiratory tract

Thus, mineral water obtained from natural Karlovy Vary salt restores the dynamics of secretory, motor and evacuation activity of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract disturbed during illness and corrects various types of nutrient metabolism in the body.


The concentration of the KVS solution.
Water temperature

The volume of the daily dose. Time to take before meals

Method of administration


Chronic gastritis with reduced or almost zero gastric secretion

60 C

Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 200-300 ml
20-30 minutes before meals

Small sips, slowly

Take for at least 3 weeks. Can be repeated 2-3 times a year

Chronic gastritis with normal gastric secretion

30 C

Morning: 100-400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 100-400 ml
45 minutes before meals

Slowly, in small sips for 3-4 weeks. Possible 2 times a year

Take within 3-4 weeks. can be repeated 2 times a year

Chronic gastritis with increased gastric secretion

0.5% or 1%
45 C or 60 C

Morning: 200-400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 200-400 ml
Before bed: 200 ml
45-60 minutes before meals and at bedtime

Quickly, in big sips. Four meals a day

Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or at bedtime 100-200 ml.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum during remission or without exacerbation

45 C

3 times a day, 200 ml: 35-60 minutes before meals

Small sips, slowly, with a break between cups of 10-15 minutes

Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or at bedtime 100-200 ml

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, without exacerbation

starting from 30 C,
further 45 С

First 5-6 times a day, 100 ml, then 3-4 times a day
Before meals and during meals

Small sips, lying down

Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or at bedtime 100-200 ml. Can be repeated 2 times a year

Condition after resection of the stomach

starting from 45 C,
further 30 C

Morning: 300 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 100-200-300 ml
20-30 minutes before meals

Small sips, slowly, starting with small daily doses

Take within 4-6 weeks. Repeat 2 times a year

Chronic colitis with increased bowel movement (diarrhea)

60 C

First, 4 times a day, 100 ml, with improved stool - in the morning on an empty stomach 300 ml, later - 200 ml 1-3 times a day, depending on the condition of the stool.
35-60 before meals

Slowly, in small sips

Take for 3-6 weeks

Chronic colitis with reduced bowel activity (constipation)

1 or 2%
30 C (with intestinal atony)
or 60 C (for intestinal cramps)

4 times a day, 400 ml
45 minutes before meals

Slowly, in small sips

Take 3-5 weeks. Then for a long time, 200-600 ml of a 0.5-1.0% solution at 30 C in the morning on an empty stomach

Biliary dyskinesia and chronic cholecystitis

45 C

At first:
Morning: 400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 400 ml.
Then gradually increase to:
Morning: 600 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200-300 ml
Dinner: 600 ml
Time of administration: before meals depends on the state of gastric secretion

Slowly, in small sips with a break between cups of 10-15 minutes

Take within 3-6 weeks. While taking the solution, a walk is recommended. After the end of the course, for the purpose of prevention, drink in the morning on an empty stomach 200-400 ml of a 1% solution at 30 C for a long time

Condition after cholecystectomy

45 C

Initially, 200 ml 3 times a day, then you can increase individual doses by 300-400 ml. 45 minutes before meals

Slowly, in small sips

Take within 3-4 weeks

Chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis without exacerbation

45 C

At the beginning, 100 ml 3 times a day, later gradually increase the dose to 200 ml. For 45 min lo food

Small sips, slowly

Take 3-6 weeks. Drink the morning dose in bed, apply a compress to the liver area. Repeat the course after 6 months.

Chronic recurrent pancreatitis

45 C (with diarrhea - 60 C)

Initially, 3 times a day, 100-200 ml. Then, with good tolerance and strengthening of the stool, gradually increase the dose to: In the morning 400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 400 ml.
on an empty stomach

In small sips: the first cup should be drunk within 3 minutes, the next within 5 minutes. Break between cups 10-15 minutes

Take 3-6 weeks. Then, for a long time, continue taking 200-400 ml of a 1% solution in the morning on an empty stomach.

Urolithiasis disease. Prevention of ammonium stones. Chronic inflammation of the urinary tract.

30-45 C

Initially, take 750-1250 ml per day, then increase the dose to more than 1250 ml. Morning: 400-600 ml on an empty stomach. The rest of the dose evenly throughout the day. Last dose in the evening before bed.
Taking into account existing diseases of the digestive system

Little sips slowly

Take 3-5 weeks twice a year. Strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist doctor is necessary.

Diabetes mellitus, hyperlipoproteinemia, gout

45 C

At first:
Morning: 200-400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 400 ml.
then gradually increase the daily dose to 1300-1400 ml
Time taken before meals, depends on the state of gastric secretion

Little sips slowly

Take 3-5 weeks twice a year. Strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist doctor is necessary.

Dental, proctological, gynecological problems

doctor prescribes

Mouth rinses, enemas, and douches.
Prescribed by a doctor

Prescribed by a doctor

Prescribed by a doctor

Acute respiratory infections, influenza

From 30 C to 45 C

Internal reception. During the day 400-600 ml. Inhalations 1-2 times a day

Small sips, slowly, can be added to warm milk

If necessary, if there are contraindications to ingestion, it is possible to replace it with inhalation.

cosmetic purposes

frozen cubes
or solution 15-18 C

Of necessity. Assigned by a doctor

Light skin massage

Of necessity

Karlovy Vary Salt for Beauty and Health

Man is 70% water. It is not surprising that the quality and composition of what we drink is extremely important for health and appearance. It is also known that melt and mineral water have a rejuvenating effect on the body.
If you use mineral water prepared on the basis of Karlovy Vary salt for washing and bathing, this will help to solve a lot of skin problems.
After rinsing with mineral water or taking a bath, in many cases there is no need for various balms, tonics and lotions.
Natural protection is better than any other!


Treatment with mineral water baths is called balneotherapy. Balneotherapy includes bathing, showering, inhalation, etc. The therapeutic effect of balneotherapeutic procedures is based mainly on reflex and humoral mechanisms, in other words, through the nervous system and blood.
Baths with natural Karlovy Vary salt have a more pronounced healing effect than fresh water baths, and have an analgesic, sedative effect, have a local and general anti-inflammatory effect, cause changes in the general blood flow that are favorable for many diseases (increase the return of venous blood, increase cardiac output). and heart rate), and also contribute to the enhancement of metabolic processes in the skin (cosmetic effect) and internal organs.
To prepare a bath in water at a temperature of 37-38 degrees, add 25-50 g of salt. Salt is placed in a linen bag and lowered into the bath. After the salt is completely dissolved, the bath is ready. The average bath time is no more than 15-20 minutes. It must be remembered that people with skin diseases should consult their doctor before taking mineral baths.
Many famous actresses and fashion models regularly take mineral water baths to keep their skin youthful and beautiful. Mineral baths can not only maintain beauty, but also effectively restore health.
Karlovy Vary salt does not contain substances that are alien to the body. This is important in our chemically saturated time, moreover, Carlsbad salt is a source of micro and macro elements for your body.
When using natural Karlovy Vary salt as a food additive, a small amount of salt is recommended to be added to dishes during cooking.
When taking Karlovy Vary mineral salt, one should take into account the appearance of delayed absorption of drugs.
Treatment with Karlovy Vary salt is complemented by the use of other methods of therapy using natural healing factors. Thus, the combination of taking Karlovy Vary salt and dynamic electrical nerve stimulation can significantly improve the results of treatment.


  • normalization and organization of effective structures of the enzymatic systems of the body, which increase and accelerate the effectiveness of DENS by subsidizing macro- and microelements Dynamic electrical neurostimulation with devices of the DENAS family
  • normalization of mutual regulation of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems of the body by energy-informational donation for the purpose of recovery

Instructions for use:

Carlsbad salt is a food supplement used as an additional source of fluorine, lithium and other minerals.

Release form and composition

Karlovy Vary salt is produced in the form of a powder (5 g in sachets; 100 g in polymer jars).

The composition includes an active substance: mineral geyser salt - 100%.

Indications for use

Carlsbad salt is prescribed for the treatment, rehabilitation (supportive) therapy and prevention of the following diseases/conditions:

  • Digestive organs: biliary dyskinesia, constipation, chronic pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, liver disease (in chronic course), irritable bowel syndrome, dysbacteriosis;
  • Musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis;
  • Metabolism: dysmetabolic nephropathy, obesity, diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • Genitourinary system (gynecology): inflammation, adhesions.

Salt can also be used to normalize water and electrolyte metabolism in acidosis, dehydration, hangover syndrome, for weight loss and in cosmetology (to improve skin quality, prevent premature skin aging).


  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by edema;
  • Functional disorders of the kidneys;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Method of application and dosage

The concentration of the solution (K), the temperature of its preparation (T), the method and duration of the Karlovy Vary salt application are determined by the indications:

  • Chronic gastritis with reduced or almost zero gastric secretion: K - 0.5%, T - 60 ° C. How to use the solution: 20-30 minutes before meals, morning - 300 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 200-300 ml. Take slowly, in small sips. The duration of therapy is at least 3 weeks. It is possible to repeat the course 2-3 times a year;
  • Chronic gastritis with normal gastric secretion: K - 0.5%, T - 30 ° C. How to use the solution: 45 minutes before meals, morning - 100-400 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 100-400 ml. Take slowly, in small sips. The duration of therapy is 3-4 weeks. The course can be repeated 2 times a year;
  • Chronic gastritis with increased gastric secretion: K - 0.5% or 1%, T - 45 ° C or 60 ° C. How to use the solution: 45-60 minutes before meals and at bedtime, morning - 200-400 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 200-400 ml, before bedtime - 200 ml. Taken quickly, in large sips. The duration of therapy is 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time, 100-200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach or at bedtime;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum without exacerbation or during remission: K - 0.5%, T - 45 ° C. How to use the solution: 35-60 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, 200 ml. Take slowly, in small sips, with a break between cups of 10-15 minutes. The duration of therapy is 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time, 100-200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach or at bedtime;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum without exacerbation: K - 0.5%, T (at the beginning of use) - 30 ° C, later - 45 ° C. How to use the solution: before and during meals, first 5-6 times a day, 100 ml, then 3-4 times a day. Take in the supine position, in small sips. The duration of therapy is 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time, 100-200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach or at bedtime. The course can be repeated 2 times a year;
  • Conditions after resection of the stomach: K - 0.5%, T - starting from 45 ° C, further - 30 ° C. How to use the solution: 20-30 minutes before meals, morning - 300 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 100-200-300 ml. Take slowly, in small sips, starting with small daily doses. The duration of therapy is 4-6 weeks. The course can be repeated 2 times a year;
  • Chronic colitis with increased intestinal motility (diarrhea): K - 0.5%, T - 60 ° C. How to use the solution: at the beginning of use - 100 ml 4 times a day, after improving the stool - on an empty stomach in the morning 300 ml, then - 35-60 minutes before meals 1-3 times (depending on the state of the stool) 200 ml each . Take slowly, in small sips. Duration of therapy - 3-6 weeks;
  • Chronic colitis with reduced bowel activity (constipation): K - 1% or 2%, T - 30 ° C (with intestinal atony) or 60 ° C (with intestinal spasms). How to use the solution: 45 minutes before meals, 400 ml 4 times a day. Take slowly, in small sips. Duration of therapy - 3-5 weeks, then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach, 200-600 ml (K - 0.5-1%, T - 30 ° C);
  • Chronic cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia: K - 1%, T - 45 °C. Method of application of the solution (at the beginning of the application / then): morning - 400/600 ml, lunch - 200/200-300 ml, dinner - 400/600 ml. Take before meals (determined by the state of gastric secretion), slowly, in small sips, observing breaks between cups of 10-15 minutes. The duration of therapy is 3-6 weeks. After taking the Carlsbad salt solution, a walk is recommended. For the purpose of prevention, after the end of the course, you should drink 200-400 ml of a 1% solution at a temperature of 30 ° C for a long time on an empty stomach in the morning;
  • Conditions after cholecystectomy: K - 1%, T - 45 °C. How to use the solution: 45 minutes before meals, at the beginning - 200 ml 3 times a day, then it is possible to increase individual doses by 300-400 ml. Take slowly, in small sips. Duration of therapy - 3-4 weeks;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver and chronic hepatitis without exacerbation: K - 0.5%, T - 45 ° C. How to use the solution: 45 minutes before meals, at the beginning - 100 ml 3 times a day, then the dose is gradually increased by 2 times. Take slowly, in small sips. The morning dose should be drunk in bed, applying a compress to the liver area. The duration of therapy is 3-6 weeks. After six months, the course is recommended to be repeated;
  • Chronic recurrent pancreatitis: K - 1%, T - 45 ° C (with diarrhea - 60 ° C). How to use the solution: on an empty stomach, at the beginning - 100-200 ml 3 times a day. Then, with good tolerance and strengthening of the stool, the dose is gradually increased to: morning - 400 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 400 ml. It is taken in small sips: the first cup should be drunk within 3 minutes, the next - within 5 minutes, the break between cups is 10-15 minutes. The duration of therapy is 3-6 weeks. Then recommended long-term use in the morning on an empty stomach 200-400 ml of 1% solution;
  • Chronic inflammation of the urinary tract, the formation of ammonium stones (prevention), urolithiasis: K - 0.5%, T - 30-45 ° C. How to use the solution: at the beginning - 750-1250 ml per day, then the dose is increased (more than 1250 ml), in the morning on an empty stomach you should take 400-600 ml of the solution, the rest of the dose is distributed evenly throughout the day. The last dose is before bed. Take slowly, in small sips. The duration of therapy is 3-5 weeks. The course is recommended to be carried out 2 times a year. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor;
  • Hyperlipoproteinemia, gout, diabetes mellitus: K - 0.5-1%, T - 45 ° C. How to use the solution: before meals (determined by the state of gastric secretion), morning - 200-400 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 400 ml, then the daily dose is gradually increased to 1300-1400 ml. The duration of therapy is 3-5 weeks. The course is recommended to be carried out 2 times a year. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor;
  • Dental, gynecological, proctological diseases: K - 0.5%, T - determined by the doctor. The solution is used for rinsing the mouth, enemas and douching;
  • Influenza, acute respiratory diseases: K - 0.5%, T - 30-45 ° C. How to use the solution: inside in a daily dose of 400-600 ml (slowly, in small sips, the solution can be added to warm milk). With contraindications to taking the solution inside, inhalations can be used 1-2 times a day;
  • Cosmetic purposes: K - 0.5-2%, T - solution 15-18 ° C or frozen cubes. The method of application of the solution is determined by the doctor.

Side effects

Possible side effects when using Karlovy Vary salt are not described in the instructions.

special instructions

Before you start taking Karlovy Vary salt, as well as in cases of developing uncharacteristic symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

drug interaction

While taking Karlovy Vary salt orally, the simultaneous use of laxatives should be excluded.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dry place out of the reach of children at temperatures up to 25 °C.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Packaging: tube - 20 tablets

Dietary Supplement: mineral tablets.

Effervescent tablets orange

Packaging: tube - 20 tablets

Dietary Supplement: mineral tablets.

Contains sweetener, does not contain sugar. Suitable for diabetics too.

Dissolve the tablet in 200 ml of warm water. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

The product is not intended as a substitute for a complete diet.

Ingredients: sweetener - sorbitol, acidity regulator - sodium bicarbonate, Carlsbad salt, mineral premix (see active), acids - citric acid, anti-caking agent - polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000).

Active ingredients per 1 tablet (200 ml in drinks) and RHP%*: KARLOVY VARY SALT 500 mg, calcium (calcium phosphate) 50.0 mg (6.25%), magnesium (magnesium oxide) 20.0 mg (5.33%), phosphorus (dicalcium phosphate) 38 mg (5.4% ), iron (ferrous gluconate) 2.0 mg (14%), copper (copper gluconate) 0.5 mg (50.0%), zinc (zinc sulfate) 2.0 mg (20.0%), manganese (manganese sulfate) 0.5 mg (25%), iodine (potassium iodide) 30.0 mg (20.0%), (potassium iodide potassium) (10.0 mg, 0.5%) chlorine (potassium chloride) 9 0 mg (1.125%) Chromium (Chromium Chloride) 25.0 mg (62.5%) Molybdenum (Ammonium Molybdate) 25.0 mg (50.0%) Selenium (Sodium Selenite) 25 g (45 ,4 %)

Effervescent tablets without aftertaste

Packaging: tube - 20 tablets

Dietary Supplement: mineral tablets.

Contains sweetener, does not contain sugar. Suitable for diabetics too.

Dissolve the tablet in 200 ml of warm water. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

The product is not intended as a substitute for a complete diet.

Ingredients: sweetener - sorbitol, acidity regulator - sodium bicarbonate, Carlsbad salt, mineral premix (see active), acids - citric acid, anti-caking agent - polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000).

Active ingredients per 1 tablet (200 ml in drinks) and RHP%*: KARLOVY VARY SALT 500 mg, calcium (calcium phosphate) 50.0 mg (6.25%), magnesium (magnesium oxide) 20.0 mg (5.33%), phosphorus (dicalcium phosphate) 38 mg (5.4% ), iron (ferrous gluconate) 2.0 mg (14%), copper (copper gluconate) 0.5 mg (50.0%), zinc (zinc sulfate) 2.0 mg (20.0%), manganese (manganese sulfate) 0.5 mg (25%), iodine (potassium iodide) 30.0 mg (20.0%), (potassium iodide potassium) (10.0 mg, 0.5%) chlorine (potassium chloride) 9 0 mg (1.125%) Chromium (Chromium Chloride) 25.0 mg (62.5%) Molybdenum (Ammonium Molybdate) 25.0 mg (50.0%) Selenium (Sodium Selenite) 25 g (45 ,4 %)