Kazan National Research Technical University A

It is no coincidence that our institute is traditionally called the First Faculty of KAI. IANTE graduates are truly the first in everything related to the conquest of the three elements - sky, earth and water. Here you will be taught to design helicopters, ships, the most modern car engines, airplanes - from giant passenger liners to tiny drones, huge turbines that provide electricity to entire cities. Here you will master the real magic and learn how to create the latest materials lighter than aluminum and stronger than steel. If you want to become a real "master of machines", to master professions that have always been considered noble and prestigious, come to us, come to the First Faculty!
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of IANTE Magsumova Aizada

There are many institutes in KAI, but only one faculty. This already suggests that studying at Fizmat is the lot of the elite! Fundamental science has always moved mankind towards progress. Not a single invention and not a single machine in the world would have appeared without the discoveries of physicists and mathematicians. If you are close to the most complex and most prestigious sciences in the world, if you want to build the world of the future with your ideas, manage the development of nanotechnologies, high-precision lasers, make calculations for the most advanced developments, the KAI Faculty of Physics and Mathematics is waiting for you!
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the FMF Rufina Galimova

The most diverse and multifunctional institution. Do you know where devices are designed to ensure the safety of an airplane or helicopter flight? Here! In addition, our institute trains a wide range of specialists - from power engineers to petrochemists. The best specialists who know a lot about the quality of goods and the improvement of various products are taught at IAEP! You can become one of those who develop automatic control systems, work and design night and thermal imaging laser devices for optical and optoelectronic equipment and monitor industrial and environmental safety.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of IAEP Andrey Ferenets

Hi, friend! I, Vladimir Tregubov, invite you to plunge into the world of information systems and technologies. At our Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security, you will become part of a youth team of "IT specialists" and get acquainted with modern means of processing, transmitting and storing big data (Big Data), you can learn web design and the creation of new neurocognitive technologies, study quantum and optical technologies in practice. networks. In our institute, in modern computer classes, under the supervision of young but very experienced teachers, you can also develop the skills of a specialist in the field of information security...
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of IKTZI Vladimir Tregubov

Friends! We live in the most interesting time of the “big bang” of scientific and technological opportunities in the field of electronics, telecommunications, information technologies, which are rapidly transforming all spheres of human activity. The digital economy, smart enterprises, smart transport, smart cities are moving from the realm of fantasy into reality due to the “pervasiveness” of electronics and infocommunication technologies. The main builders of the new "digital" planet are engineers who combine knowledge in the field of electronics, radio engineering, quantum electronics, mobile telecommunications, information technology and programming. We have been training such specialists for many years at the Institute of Radio Electronics and Telecommunications and we will be glad to see you among them.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Director of IRET Adel Nadeev

The most important questions about the admission campaign: additional USE scores, enrollment stages, benefits and opportunities for the applicant's personal account.

For you, a future student, we have selected the most important questions about the admission campaign: additional USE scores, enrollment stages, benefits and opportunities for the applicant's personal account. Responsible secretary of the selection committee Roman Moiseev gave a detailed answer to each of them.

Stages of enrollment of applicants to the university

As in previous years, students can apply to a maximum of five universities, for three areas of study in each of them. In any case, the original certificate and consent to enrollment must be in one of the selected universities at the time of enrollment. Enrollment is carried out in two stages: the first stage - enrollment of 80% of budget places, the second stage - enrollment until 100% of budget places are filled. Practice shows that it is not worth waiting for the second stage, at the first stage the opportunity to enter more, the competition is less.

For the convenience of the applicant, a personal account has been developed on the website of the KNRTU-KAI Admissions Committee, where you can track the likelihood of admission to the selected areas of training/specialty online. An applicant who has not entered the most desirable area of ​​study for himself can transfer to any other direction after the first semester, if there are budget places. This is possible due to the unification of curricula in technical areas at KNRTU-KAI during the first year and a half.

Additional points for the exam

In KNRTU-KAI there is a project "USE + 10", according to which an applicant can receive additional points for the following individual achievements: a certificate or a diploma with honors, scientific olympiads and competitions, a golden TRP badge, volunteering. For individual achievements, an applicant can receive a maximum of ten points in addition to the results of the Unified State Examination or internal entrance examinations.

As for the exam, everything remains the same. The results of the Unified State Examination are valid for four years, the same as in previous years. Passing points are formed based on the competitive situation. In 2017, the minimum passing score for the budget was 191 points, and the average score for applicants in the general competition was 71.

KNRTU-KAI retains the possibility of admission through internal entrance examinations for the following categories of citizens - disabled people, foreign citizens and graduates of colleges and technical schools.

Changes in 2018

The number of budget places for engineering areas for undergraduate/specialty programs in 2018 is 1068, for the master's degree - 623, for secondary vocational education - 145. There are also budget places at the correspondence and evening departments.

As for economic specialties, in comparison with other state universities, KNRTU-KAI has low prices for humanitarian areas of training. By the way, if a student of an economic profile during training proves to be a good specialist, then the enterprise can allocate a place for targeted training for him. In fact, the company will pay for the training of the future employee.

In 2018, applicants can enroll in a bachelor's degree in the direction of "Environmental Management and Water Management" (correspondence form). New areas of training were also opened in the SPO departments: "Information systems and programming", "Network and system administration", "Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and units of vehicles" and "Management of the quality of products, processes and services (by industry)". A new direction appeared in the magistracy - "Photonics and Optoinformatics".

KNRTU-KAI implements training programs for enterprises of the country's military-industrial complex, so the target quota is about 25% of the total number of budget places. This year, in preparation for the targeted admission, a project for the pre-registration of target recipients was organized. Any applicant from December 1, 2017 to April 1, 2018 could register for targeted training from the selected enterprise. Nine leading companies from Tatarstan and Russia took part in the project.


The minimum scholarship for a student of KNRTU-KAI is 2600 rubles, and this is the highest basic scholarship among Kazan universities. Also, the university has a special "rector's scholarship": a further increase in the basic scholarship depends on the total number of USE points. That is, the higher the score, the higher the student's scholarship during the first year. For example, if the total score exceeds 240, then the student will receive a scholarship in the amount of 10,400 rubles, and will also be able to choose a place in a hostel.

In addition, there are additional scholarships from the President of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and incentive bonuses for achievements in scientific, sports or cultural activities. In total, the scholarship can reach 40,000 rubles!

Benefits for orphans and disabled children

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, orphans, invalids of groups 1 and 2, veterans of military operations have benefits when entering universities. They can enroll within the 10% quota for each field of study/specialty. Every year 30-35 people enter KAI according to the quota.

In KNITU-KAI, the Kazan Educational, Research and Methodological Center is actively operating, focused on teaching people with hearing disabilities. In 2017, 19 people with hearing disabilities were admitted to KUIMTS.

The most demanded areas of training

In recent years, the following areas of training and specialties have been popular: information security, aircraft and helicopter engineering, aircraft engineering, laser technology and laser technologies, Informatics and computer technology. Areas related to aviation and IT are especially in demand.

Admission conditions for foreign applicants

In 2017, 99 people from near and far abroad countries entered KNRTU-KAI. The largest number is from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. There are many foreign students and they are divided into different groups.

There are foreigners entering the quota, these are places in excess of budget places, they are not included in the general admission plan.

The next group of foreigners are persons who have the right to enter the budget under intergovernmental agreements that Russia concluded back in 1994. This group includes citizens of Kazakhstan, Belarus, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. For admission to the budget, applicants from these countries must provide a copy of their passport, a document on education and pass entrance tests for good scores.

Applicants from other former CIS countries, for example, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, etc., in order to be able to enter the budget, must confirm the status of a compatriot. This status is confirmed by the birth certificate of one of the parents in the territory of the USSR.

The last group of foreign applicants - foreigners from far abroad countries - are those who enter only on a paid basis.

Military department

At the military department, students are trained according to the training programs for reserve officers, soldiers and sergeants of the reserve for the formation of the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Students are involved in military training:

  • - citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • - full-time, full-time students;
  • - standing on the military account;
  • - fit for military service for health reasons (fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions);
  • - no criminal record, not under investigation.

The selection of candidates for training at the military department is carried out on the 2nd year of study at KNRTU-KAI.

Master's degree at KNRTU-KAI

Master's program is good because classes are held in the evening, it is possible to combine study with work. The contingent of undergraduates for 70% consists of undergraduate graduates of KNRTU-KAI, 30% are external applicants. Undergraduate scholarships average 4,000 rubles. There is an opportunity to receive an increased scholarship (up to 20 thousand rubles per month) for success in the following four areas: scientific activities, educational activities, social activities, sports activities.

Also, the German-Russian Institute of New Technologies is actively working in KNITU-KAI, where, together with our German partner universities from Magdeburg, Ilmenau, etc., a system of double diplomas in leading engineering programs is being implemented.

Dormitories KNRTU-KAI

Provision of dormitories in KNRTU-KAI for students from other cities - 100%!

In the dormitories of KNITU-KAI, the necessary conditions for full-fledged living, study, cultural recreation and sports have been created. Dormitories are equipped with reading and computer rooms, lounges with tennis tables, and gyms. There are laundry rooms with washing machines. On the basis of hostel No. 2, there is a dispensary equipped with modern medical equipment.

The protection of public order in the hostel is carried out by the Student Security Service and a private security company.

It is worth noting that the student is provided with housing throughout the entire period of study, subject to the rules of residence. The campus administration conducts constant monitoring. In addition, each dormitory has its own student councils, which help to solve the housing and living issues of nonresident students, organize cultural and sports events.

Important dates for the 2018 admissions campaign:

Admission dates:

Bachelor's / specialist's degree, full-time and part-time education, budget:

  • July 10- the last day of receiving documents for applicants for internal entrance examinations;
  • 26 July- the last day for accepting documents for school graduates;
  • July 29- enrollment of "Olympiads", "target recipients" and "beneficiaries";
  • August 3rd– enrollment of 80% of budget places;
  • 8 August– enrollment until 100% of budget places are filled.

Closing dates for receiving documents

  • August 6- the last day for accepting documents for bachelor's / specialist's / master's degree programs in correspondence courses at the expense of budgetary allocations;
  • 11th August- the last day of accepting documents for the master's program for full-time and part-time education at the expense of budgetary allocations and under the contract;
  • August 13- the last day for accepting documents for bachelor's / specialist's programs in full-time and part-time education under the contract;
  • August 15- the last day for accepting documents for full-time secondary vocational education programs at the expense of budgetary allocations and under the contract;
  • August 18- the last day for accepting documents for bachelor's / specialist's / master's programs in correspondence courses under the contract;
  • August 20– the last day of acceptance of documents for SVE programs in absentia under the contract.

The "" section contains detailed information on the 2018 admission campaign. Here you can also find out about the passing scores, the competition, the conditions for providing a hostel, the number of free places, as well as the minimum scores that were required to score to receive it. The database of universities is constantly growing!

- new service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of the Unified State Examination.

In the "Admission 2019" section, using the "" service, you can find out about the most important dates related to admission to a university.

" ". Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with the admission committees of universities and ask them questions that interest you. The answers will be posted not only on the site, but will also be sent to you personally to the mail that you indicated during registration. And, quite quickly.

Olympiads in detail - a new version of the "" section indicating the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the organizers' websites.

In the section, a new service "Remind about an event" has been launched, with the help of which applicants can automatically receive reminders of the most important dates for them.

A new service has been launched - "