Strawberry Pasta. Strawberry marshmallow at home without sugar: a simple recipe How to make strawberry marshmallow

sounds magical, doesn't it? The taste and aroma of this delicacy is also fabulous. But you are unlikely to find it in the confectionery departments of supermarkets.

There is only one way out: make strawberry marshmallow at home, with your own hands. No magic needed, just strawberries, some sugar and patience.

How to make homemade marshmallow recipe

Strawberries - 250 gr.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

Puree the washed and dried strawberries in a blender until the mass is completely homogeneous. Add lemon juice and sugar and mix again.

Transfer the mixture to a thick-walled saucepan, and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes. During this time, most of the moisture will evaporate and the strawberry puree will thicken to the consistency of jam.

Spread the strawberry mixture in a thin, even layer over the silicone baking sheet. If not, use waxed paper.

Keep in mind that in the oven, the moisture from the marshmallow will completely evaporate, and it will become even thinner. Therefore, when distributing the mass over the sheet, make sure that there are no empty or translucent gaps. Pastila can burn in these places.

Before drying the marshmallow in the oven, preheat it to 70 degrees, and make sure that the temperature does not rise. Send a leaf with marshmallow to the oven for 3-4 hours, until the mass becomes dense and viscous.

Let it cool, then with a thin sharp knife cut into strips 3-4 cm wide, and roll them into tubes. If you used paper, fold it with it and remove it before serving.

You can store the finished marshmallow in dry, tightly closed glass jars.

Pastila is also called "dry jam". You can make jam from strawberries according to your favorite recipe. And later, if you want marshmallows, apply a thin layer of jam on waxed paper and dry to a viscous state.

Pastila is one of the traditional delicacies. Initially, apples were used for its preparation, later they learned to cook it from other berries and fruits, which contain a fairly large amount of pectin. Strawberry marshmallow has a unique taste, but is rarely sold. If you want to try this delicacy, you will have to make it yourself. In a tightly closed jar, dessert can be stored all winter.

Cooking features

Making strawberry marshmallow is a lengthy but simple process. A novice cook will successfully cope with the task if he knows a few points.

  • An unripe berry is not suitable for making marshmallows. When sorting through strawberries, leave only ripe or even overripe, but not spoiled.
  • In rainy weather, picking strawberries is not recommended - they will turn out to be watery and not tasty enough.
  • To prevent excess moisture from getting inside the berries, the sepals can be removed from them only after the berry has been washed and dried.
  • Strawberries will dry faster if scattered on a fabric that absorbs moisture well.
  • If you intend to store strawberry marshmallow for a long time, put it in sterilized jars and close tightly. Keep jars of marshmallow in a cool and dark place.
  • The technology for preparing strawberry marshmallow involves chopping berries and drying the berry mixture. You can grind strawberries with a blender or a meat grinder with a nozzle that has small holes. It will also be easy to grind strawberries through a sieve, since this berry is soft.
  • To dry the berry puree, you can use an oven or an electric dryer. The duration depends on the thickness of the berry layer or temperature.
  • When cooking marshmallows in the oven, activate the convection function. If your stove does not have this option, leave the oven door ajar, remembering to install a shield to prevent melting of the plastic from which the faucets are made.
  • So that the pastille does not stick to the baking sheet, it is covered with parchment paper, previously lubricated with vegetable oil. A good choice would be a silicone mat, from which the marshmallow can be easily removed, even if it is not lubricated with oil.

In general, the technology for making strawberry marshmallow is simple, but its types may vary slightly depending on the method and the recipe chosen. Careful study of the recommendations accompanying a specific recipe will allow you to avoid mistakes.

Pastila from strawberries in an electric dryer

Composition (per 0.45 kg):

  • strawberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil (refined) - 80 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the strawberries, immerse in a basin of clean water, wash. Transfer to a colander, rinse with running water. Sprinkle on a towel.
  • When the berry is dry, unscrew the sepals from it. Grind the berries to a puree state using a blender or in another way convenient for you.
  • Mix with sugar, leave for half an hour to dissolve. Stir again.
  • Grease the tray of the electric dryer, intended for the preparation of marshmallows, generously with oil, using about half the amount indicated in the recipe.
  • Pour about half of the applesauce into the pan, smooth with a spoon. Be careful not to get puree into the center hole, as this may damage the unit.
  • If your appliance has multiple trays that can be stacked on top of each other, take a second tray, grease it, and put the rest of the puree on it. If there is only one pallet, the marshmallow will have to be cooked in several passes.
  • Turn on the unit by selecting the mode intended for drying liquid products. Set the temperature to 50 degrees.
  • At the indicated temperature, the marshmallow will have to dry for 24 hours, but it is recommended to check its readiness periodically, as it may dry earlier. A sign of the readiness of marshmallow - it does not stick to the hands and is easily separated from the pallet when prying it with a spatula.
  • Take off the pastille. Cut each layer into 4-6 sectors, roll them into tubes. The tubes will have a shape slightly resembling a cone.
  • Sterilize the jar, fill it with marshmallow, close tightly.

Recipe for the occasion::

You can store marshmallow for no more than a year at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. Humidity in the room where the jar with it is located should not be high.

Pastila from strawberries in the oven

Composition (per 0.4 kg):

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Strawberries, sorted, washed and dried on a towel, chop to a puree state.
  • Squeeze juice from half a lemon into strawberry puree, add sugar, mix well.
  • Divide the strawberry puree into 2 portions.
  • Lay parchment on a baking sheet, grease it with oil.
  • Put one part of the strawberry puree, smooth.
  • Put in the oven. Dry at a temperature of 80-120 degrees for 6-8 hours. 3-4 hours after the start of cooking, start checking the readiness of the marshmallow.
  • Let the prepared pasta cool. Using scissors or a pizza cutter, cut the pizza into strips 5 cm wide, along with the paper.
  • Roll up the marshmallows into rolls. Put in prepared jar.

You can store it in the refrigerator or just in a cool place. Before serving, the rolls must be rolled out, the parchment removed, rolled back. Can be cut into thin slices and eaten like candy.

Strawberry pastille in the fridge

Composition (per 0.6 kg):

  • strawberries - 100 g;
  • water - 0.2 l;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs. (only proteins);
  • powdered sugar - as needed;
  • honey - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • gelatin - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  • Gelatin pour 100 ml of cool water, leave to swell.
  • Lightly heat in a water bath to dissolve the gelatin.
  • Grind strawberries until puree.
  • Melt honey until liquid.
  • Mix strawberry puree with sugar.
  • Dissolve honey in the remaining water.
  • Beat the whites with powdered sugar, taking 20 g of a sweet product.
  • Combine strawberry mass with protein. Stir.
  • Add honey syrup, stir.
  • Enter gelatin.
  • Fill the silicone mold with the resulting mass.
  • Place in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.
  • Take out the marshmallow, cut into cubes. Roll in powdered sugar.

Pastila according to this recipe is tender and airy, but this product is not subject to long-term storage.

Strawberry marshmallow can be cooked in the oven or electric dryer. Such a delicacy can be made for the winter. Strawberry marshmallow prepared with egg whites and gelatin turns out to be tender, but it can be stored for no more than three days and only in the refrigerator.

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Homemade marshmallow from seasonal berries and fruits is one of the most healthy, natural and delicious delicacies. Making marshmallow is not at all difficult, it is enough to do it once and the process can capture you so much that you will constantly cook marshmallow, experimenting with different ingredients. In the season of strawberry ripening, it is simply necessary to make strawberry marshmallows. It is necessary to make a reservation right away that even if the strawberry marshmallow is originally intended for long-term storage, then, most likely, nothing will come of it. If there is a sweet tooth in the house, berry lozenges will disappear just before our eyes.

Ingredients for making approximately 200 g of strawberry marshmallow:

  • 500 g fresh strawberries;
  • 1 small lemon;
  • 100-120 g of granulated sugar.

How to make strawberry marshmallow at home recipe

Strawberry marshmallow does not require pharmaceutical precision in the amount of ingredients. If you have a little more or less strawberries, there is nothing wrong with that, anyway, the marshmallow will turn out tender and fragrant. However, it is better if the berries are ripe and harvested in dry weather, watery berries will take longer to boil and dry, and the taste of marshmallow will not be as rich.

If you do not like lemon, you can do without it, it only gives a pleasant sourness and is an additional preservative.
You can also adjust the amount of sugar yourself, if the variety of berries is very sweet - take it to a minimum.

Step-by-step recipe for making strawberry marshmallow:

1) Rinse freshly picked berries in a colander under running water, let the water drain a little.

2) Remove the stalks from the strawberries.

3) Wash the lemon thoroughly, grate the zest on a fine or medium grater, and then squeeze the juice from the lemon and strain it from the seeds.

4) Put prepared berries, lemon zest into a cup, pour in lemon juice. Grind everything with a blender. Not a single whole piece of berries should remain in the resulting strawberry puree, it should be perfectly homogeneous.

5) Put the resulting puree into a small saucepan, add sugar and boil over low heat until the mass begins to thicken. Stir occasionally to keep the puree from burning. In time, cooking should take about an hour, it is not necessary to wait until the mass turns into jam, it should only become thicker.

6) Next, you need to decide exactly how you will dry the marshmallow. There are several ways: in a special device for drying vegetables and berries (electric dryer), in the oven on a baking sheet, or you can dry it just in the fresh air if you live in a region with a hot climate.

7) For the option of drying marshmallows in the oven, you need to prepare a baking sheet covered with parchment, or a wide silicone mold (it is very convenient to cook marshmallows in it). Pour the boiled strawberry puree onto a baking sheet or into a mold, the puree layer should be thin (no more than 5 mm) and even. If all the strawberry mass is not included in the mold and on the baking sheet, then you can simply eat it or leave it for the next batch of “drying”.

8) Put the form with mashed potatoes in the oven and dry the marshmallow there at a temperature of 60 degrees, if there is, you can turn on the convection mode. There are models of ovens in which it is impossible to set such a low heating temperature, then you just need to set the minimum possible heating, and open the oven a little.

9) Approximate time for drying marshmallow - just over 3 hours. But you should not focus on time, you need to periodically check the readiness of marshmallows. The marshmallow will be ready when, when you lightly press it with your finger, there will be no fingerprints on the surface, the inside of the marshmallow will cease to be liquid and the marshmallow layer will easily separate from the mold.

10) Remove the slightly cooled finished marshmallow from the surface of the mold, cut into small layers with scissors.

If you really like a variety of sweets, but finished industrial products repel you with their not quite natural composition, then homemade strawberry marshmallow is just what you need.

To prepare it, you do not have to buy any exotic products, it is enough to prepare ordinary strawberries, sugar, and possibly a few other common ingredients (depending on the recipe).

Pasta prepared by drying will be an excellent alternative to purchased sweets or marmalade, especially since it is stored much longer than them.

Selection and preparation of strawberries

The first and most important step towards obtaining high-quality and tasty strawberry marshmallow is the choice of good raw materials, that is, the strawberries themselves. In this situation, the sweetness of the fruit is especially important, because the taste of the final product directly depends on this criterion.

That is why it is worth giving preference to overripe strawberries and, if possible, avoid unripe fruits, as they always have a characteristic sourness. The next thing you should pay attention to when buying is the appearance of the purchased product.

If the strawberries are too large, most likely they were grown using a large amount of nitrates, however, this does not apply to varieties that are already characterized by large fruits. Also, during the inspection, make sure that you do not come across rotten or moldy specimens, because they often become the causative agents of a number of diseases.
And do not forget that the final color of the finished marshmallow directly depends on the color saturation of the raw material, so the brighter the strawberry, the better, of course, if the shade is natural and there is no reason to suspect the use of chemicals.

If you wish, you can even smell the selected product, especially since the strawberry flavor largely depends on the place and conditions of its growth. Fruits with a deep and rich strawberry smell will usually grow in a greenhouse, while home grown strawberries grown in a vegetable garden will be lost in their background.

However, this is even good, because by purchasing products from individuals, you are more likely to get natural and environmentally friendly raw materials for your strawberry marshmallow. At home, before the direct preparation of the dish, the purchased goods must be prepared properly.

Important! Even when choosing the highest quality product, you need to remember about the influence of the drying method on the final result. The most optimal option, many housewives consider the use of an electric dryer, which allows you to save all the benefits of strawberries when creating delicious marshmallows.

Strawberries are pre-soaked in cold water for a few minutes to settle the dirt. After that, it is washed several times without cutting off the stalks so that the berries do not become watery. They are recommended to be cut off only after the berry is washed well.

dryer recipe

As we mentioned earlier, cooking marshmallow using an electric dryer is the most successful way, so let's start with a recipe that involves its use. You can take strawberries of absolutely any size, as long as they are not spoiled.

To make pasta this way, you will need:

  • fresh strawberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • sunflower oil - 50-100 g (for lubrication of the electric dryer tray).

As for the inventory, in addition to containers for washing berries, you will need a blender, trays for further storage of marshmallows and, in fact, the electric dryer itself.

Step by step recipe

In order for you to get a tasty and healthy marshmallow cooked in a dryer, you must strictly adhere to all the stages of its creation.

Important! Pour the marshmallow carefully, starting from the outside of the pan, otherwise the liquid puree may overflow in the central part.

The approximate drying time of strawberry marshmallow is 24 hours, and you can check its readiness by simply touching it with your finger: if it does not stick and does not tear when removed from the pan, then the product is already ready.
It remains only to roll each layer into a tight tube and, cutting it in half, send it to storage in a plastic container with a lid. Pastila in a tray is ideal for storage in a cool room or in a regular pantry.

Recipe in the dryer with zucchini

It would seem that sweet strawberries cannot be combined with zucchini in any way, but some housewives in practice prove their quite successful combination when preparing marshmallows, and the recipe itself does not differ in increased complexity.

In this case, it is impossible to clearly determine the amount of all products used, since it depends on the taste preferences of each person.

However, on average, their list with the number will look like this:

  • strawberries - 1-1.2 kg;
  • zucchini - half of a not very large vegetable;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 50-100 ml (for lubricating the dryer trays).

As for the inventory, you should prepare an electric dryer, a blender and a container for draining raw marshmallow.

Important! All ingredients are taken in a proportion equal to one bookmark in the bowl of an average blender, but the more strawberries you have, the more other products you will need.

Step by step recipe

Cooking marshmallow with zucchini will not take you more time than the standard procedure for its creation, and for the success of the process, you must maintain a certain sequence of actions.

Important!If the marshmallow turned out to be a little overdried and does not roll well, you can leave it to stand in the room for a while so that it pulls moisture from the air and softens.

Twisted tubes can be cut with scissors into small, slightly beveled pieces that will be conveniently placed in almost any container for further storage.

Recipe in the oven

In the absence of an electric dryer, you can cook delicious strawberry marshmallow in a conventional oven, and this process will not be very difficult.

In this case, you will not need any special ingredients, the list of necessary products looks like this:

  • sweet strawberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2-4 tablespoons.

From additional equipment (except for a blender and a container for draining the crushed raw materials), you will need a standard pallet, neatly lined with white parchment paper, which will make it easier to remove the finished product.

Step by step recipe

Given the use of an oven, and not an electric dryer, the process of preparing strawberry marshmallow will have certain differences compared to previous options.

However, the preparatory activities follow the same scenario: first you need to wash and sort out the strawberries (all the berries must be free of rot or other damage), and then beat them in a blender along with sugar until smooth.

All further actions take place in the following sequence:

For further storage, each tube can be additionally wrapped in cling film and folded in this form into the selected container or into a special bag for storage in the refrigerator.

Did you know?It turns out that strawberries whiten teeth better than any toothpaste, you just have to grind it and apply it on their surface, leaving it for 10-15 minutes. Regularly performing this procedure, you will notice positive results in a few weeks.

What products can be combined with

There are just a huge number of recipes for making strawberry marshmallows, and not always only strawberries are used in them. However, in order to get a really tasty, sweet dish, every housewife needs to know about the rules for combining strawberries with other berries, vegetables and fruits.

Do not forget that in itself it is already quite sweet, thanks to which the finished marshmallow turns out to be sour-sweet in taste. This is especially important when choosing the right amount of sugar, which can be very easy to overdo.
When using it, the product turns out to be more tender, but if you want to supplement your product with more useful substances, then you should replace granulated sugar with ordinary honey. As additional ingredients, you can use almost any berries and fruits, with the presence of which not only the taste, but also the color of the marshmallow will change.

If you want it to remain very sweet, then you should avoid the use of currants and other sour crops, taking bananas, pears and sweet apples as a substitute. In addition, many housewives often mix several types of marshmallow together, achieving different shades and even patterns, which makes the finished product even more colorful and memorable.

In a word, in the matter of preparing strawberry marshmallows, you have a wide space for creativity, because if you add fruits or berries that are completely different in composition and consistency, it will become even tastier. Probably, this is the case when “you can’t spoil the porridge with butter” or you have to try very hard for this.

How to store

As we have already said, the finished strawberry marshmallow must be rolled into tight tubes and, after cutting into pieces (each chooses the size of the pieces at its discretion), sent for storage. In order for the product to retain its useful properties all this time, it needs to provide the most favorable conditions for this.

To this end, many housewives use ordinary cling film, in which the marshmallow tubes are additionally wrapped before they are placed in a plastic container or glass container.

When corked with regular lids, the shelf life of marshmallows is approximately one year, but if you close the container with vacuum lids, it will increase to two years.

As for the specific storage place for a delicious and sweet strawberry addition to tea, it can even be the most ordinary home pantry, the main thing is that the temperature inside does not exceed + 20 ... + 21 ÂşC with an air humidity of 70-80%. As an alternative, you can wrap the tubules in cling film and place in a special freezer bag, sending it to the refrigerator (optionally to the freezer).

Did you know? On our continent, such a popular strawberry today appeared only in the 18th century, although its closest relative, wild strawberries, our ancestors have been collecting since time immemorial.

How Can You Use

Usually, if there is not much strawberry marshmallow, then few people think about what to do with it, because it is an excellent substitute for cookies for tea or can be consumed in its original form simply as a treat.

And if there are a lot of blanks, then you have the opportunity to experiment a little, adding various dishes with the help of this goodies. So, marshmallow is great for baking (especially pies and confectionery) and can complement almost any sweet snack, although it is most often used as a filling for baking.
Do not forget about the described delicacy when preparing various drinks, because, in addition to the standard compote, it can be used as an additive to healing tea or as a filler for homemade yogurt.

Just filling the product with water, you will get a very tasty jam, and marshmallow twisted in a certain way will serve as a good glass for homemade ice cream. In a word, any of your culinary decisions involving the described delicacy will definitely not go unnoticed by guests and household members.

Following from all of the above, strawberry pastille is an excellent alternative to store-bought sweets, but in order for it to turn out really tasty, housewives must adhere to certain requirements:

  • if honey is used instead of sugar, then rapeseed should be preferred, since it crystallizes well and does not have a pronounced aroma (acacia honey, popular in confectionery, often does not allow marshmallow to harden normally, making it soft and sticky).

Did you know?Regular excessive consumption of sugar can cause the early appearance of wrinkles: it accumulates in the collagen of the skin (in reserve), thereby contributing to the loss of its elasticity. However, there is good news: when consumption of this product decreases, the process starts in the opposite direction.

In truth, the creation of strawberry marshmallow can be called an elementary task, but you will only get a quality product if you follow all the basic recommendations. And, of course, for long-term storage without losing its taste properties, it is always worth remembering to organize suitable conditions.

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