When can a child drink black tea? When and what kind of tea can be offered to a small child? Harm of black tea for a baby

Tea contains not only substances useful for the child (magnesium, potassium, calcium), but also harmful ones. The latter includes, first of all, caffeine. Its content in tea is no less than in coffee. Such a substance can disrupt a child's sleep pattern. This is due to the fact that caffeine has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, which is completely undesirable for young children. It must be borne in mind that caffeine is contained in green tea even in greater quantities than in.

Therefore, with the use of green or black tea, you should wait up to 3 years. A child older than this age can drink a weakly brewed drink (using a small amount of tea leaves) and with the addition of milk. Instead of milk, it is allowed to add lemon, a leaf of lemon balm or mint to tea, but it is advisable to refrain from sugar. It is better to sweeten the drink with a little honey if the child is not allergic to it. It is also worth remembering that children should not be offered tea before bedtime.

As for babies aged 6 months to 3 years, they can be given baby tea.

What kind of tea can children drink under 3 years old

Relatively recently, special teas for children appeared on the domestic market. They can be given to a child from 6 months, weakly brewed and in small portions.

Such a drink has a calming effect on the nervous system of the baby, promotes good relaxation and sound sleep. The composition of children's tea includes natural extracts of linden, chamomile, and as a flavor it uses an extract of lemon grass and lemon balm. This drink does not contain any sugar or preservatives, because their use is contraindicated for babies.

Also, a child can make herbal tea from fennel, mint, lemon balm or chamomile. It has a calming effect, helps with digestive problems, intestinal and colds. Tea should not be prepared on its own, not strong, so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the child.

In addition, young children can be given linden tea. It has a calming effect and a slight antipyretic effect. This drink is usually liked by kids, as it has a wonderful smell and taste. It is important to remember that you can collect lime blossom only away from roads and industrial areas.

As you can see, children's herbal teas are good for the child's body. However, you can give them to your baby only after consulting a pediatrician.

The traditional drink loved by all families is tea. Its popularity is truly global, so many parents want to know when it is possible to give tea to a child, what varieties are suitable for the first “acquaintance”, and what is better to refuse for now. Our article will answer these questions.

Everyone knows about the benefits of a tea drink, but not all parents know why it is worth refusing to introduce it into a children's diet. The drink we are used to is a strong tonic, so its use can lead to the following problems in the crumbs.

Why tea can be dangerous:

  • Tannin, which is part of tea leaves, prevents the absorption of iron, which can lead to anemia at an early age, as well as problems with the blood supply to organs. In adults, the supply of this element is quite large, but for children, even a slight loss of iron from the body can have catastrophic consequences.
  • The main component that provides the strength of the drink is caffeine. In some varieties of black tea, it is contained even in higher concentrations than in coffee, so a positive invigorating effect for adults can adversely affect the baby's well-being. Caffeine in high doses leads to increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and increased gastrointestinal function. Such phenomena are undesirable for a fragile body, besides, tea slows down the absorption of vitamin D, and this is the main "building" material at this age.
  • Tea is also famous for its diuretic effect, which will not benefit a growing body. Together with toxins and “bad” minerals, the necessary supply of useful substances is also washed out.
  • The purine compounds that make up the drink are involved in the formation of uric acid salts. The child's excretory system is also not fully formed, so such a load is undesirable and even dangerous. Excess uric acid can lead to manifestations of an allergic reaction, increased excitability and anxiety, as well as sleep disturbances.
  • Acids and pigments, also present in the drink, have a negative effect on milk teeth, contributing to the leaching of calcium and the gradual destruction of enamel. In addition, the normal process of bone tissue formation is disrupted, which is fraught with serious consequences in the future.

Of course, such negative effects will not appear from one cup of tea. The accumulation of substances harmful to the child's body occurs gradually, so you should not abuse this drink and start "acquaintance" in infancy. When a child can be given tea, as well as a safe portion for the baby - let's try to figure it out in more detail.

At what age can a child drink tea

Pediatricians unanimously agree on the issue that it is inappropriate and even harmful to give black tea to children before they reach the age of two. Green tea is not so "aggressive", but is it possible to give tea to a child up to a year? There is no logical basis for this, but it is believed that it is desirable to start the first tea party for a baby with just such varieties.

Features of the use of tea for babies in the first year of life:

  • Tea can be introduced into the baby's diet only after agreement with the pediatrician. Usually, herbal preparations are prescribed to improve digestion, eliminate colic and other unpleasant symptoms.
  • Teas that are safe for a child are sold in pharmacies and have recommendations from what age they can be drunk. Usually for two or three months you can find a suitable fee.
  • It is possible to brew and give a drink to a baby only according to the instructions, strictly observing the dosage.
  • It is necessary to drink tea for the baby after the main feeding with breast milk or a mixture.
  • If the baby does not like the taste of the drink, you can sweeten it a little. In the case when it is even ignored, you should not force it, the grown-up baby will appreciate the new taste more.

If a baby has any developmental pathologies, as well as for premature babies, it is recommended to postpone the introduction of a new product (drink) for a couple of months.

Tea drinking rules for children after two years

When the baby reaches 1.5-2 years old, you can start introducing a portion of tea into the diet. It is better to give tea to a child in the morning to prevent hyperactivity at night. It is advisable to first mix a weak drink with milk and sugar, because in this case its negative effect on teeth and bone tissue is neutralized. It is worth noting that unusual varieties of tea: pu-erh, hibiscus, oolong, as well as aromatic additives (including natural ones), can provoke a negative reaction of the body. It is best to start giving your baby simple black or green tea, the preparation of which should be given special attention.

How to make and give tea to babies:

  • It is worth buying only varieties of proven tea, in no case packaged and without additional fragrances.
  • A single serving should not exceed 50-70 ml, a child of 2-4 years old can drink no more than 150 ml of tea per day.
  • For children, tea should be brewed separately, you should not add a lot of sugar or honey to it, just sweeten the drink a little.
  • Additional ingredients (lemon, mint and other herbs) are used in minimal quantities and only in the absence of allergies.
  • Honey is also added with caution, because it is a strong allergen. In addition, the drink should be warm, but not hot, so that the honey does not become toxic (this happens with strong heat).
  • For each reception it is necessary to prepare a new portion of tea. With prolonged infusion, the tea drink loses most of the nutrients.

Despite the milder taste, green tea contains more caffeine and tannins. That is why the opinions of doctors about him are very different. On the one hand, it is a natural cleanser, on the other hand, it is a heavy load on a fragile body. Can children drink green tea? There is no definite answer, but subject to the above recommendations (two years of age, weak tea leaves and the rest), there are usually no serious contraindications to this. Another thing is that children do not always like the tart taste, so green tea can become a less favorite drink than black tea. It is categorically impossible to force a baby, and even more so to impose one’s tastes (and it won’t work very well), so you should trust your child in choosing this drink.

At what age can tea be given to a child - a frequent question of young parents to their pediatrician. Despite the objective benefits of this drink, it is not recommended for children under two years of age to use it, because the biologically active components that make up the composition can harm the baby. In addition, it is undesirable to offer black tea to children on an empty stomach, as well as to use varieties with exotic additives or a packaged version, which contains many impurities and chemicals. It is optimal to start introducing your baby to a new taste with green varieties, as well as use special herbal preparations recommended for baby food. More about the dangers of this drink for the child's body, as well as the features of drinking tea by kids, are described in our article.

Babies from the very first days of their lives need not only regular feeding, but also drinking regimen. Until a certain age, you can replenish the balance of water in the child's body with breast milk, but in the process of growing up, you will have to introduce infants and other liquids into the diet. If the use of pure water, juices and fruit drinks does not raise doubts among parents, then the question - at what age can tea be given to a child, gives rise to significant controversy.

Properties of tea and its effect on the child

This drink has been considered healing since ancient times and is of great benefit to an adult. But, before you start giving your child tea, you need to find out how these beneficial properties can affect the child's body.


  • An invigorating effect that excites the nervous system. If for an adult this means an increase in efficiency and the appearance of energy, then for a one-year-old baby it will result in sleep disturbance and tearfulness.
  • Helps quench thirst. However, for infants, it is important that drinks are also nutritious.
  • The tannins included in the composition dull the appetite, which adversely affects the body of the baby, who needs to eat well and grow.
  • Purine bases provoke increased production of uric acid, which puts a greater burden on the child's kidneys.
  • Oxalic acid has the ability to bind calcium in the body, which can lead to tooth decay and inhibit the development of the skeletal system.
  • Theine slows down the absorption of vitamin D and can lead to rickets

Of course, tea contains many microelements, as well as vitamins C and B, but since the child's body is very sensitive and can react sharply to new components, doctors recommend starting to introduce tea into the baby's diet only from a certain age and in acceptable amounts.

The harm of tea can manifest itself in the following:

  • The development of allergic reactions.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Hyperactivity and tearfulness.
  • May lead to the development of cardiovascular disease.

Varieties of tea in the children's diet

The variety of teas makes you wonder which varieties are best to start with. It is the different concentrations of active substances that determine when a tea variety can be introduced into a child's diet.

Of the adult drinks, black tea is more preferable for the child.

Its leaves are the most processed. In small quantities, it will even be useful to the child in the morning, as it tones the muscles well. Of course, black tea should be free of artificial additives and flavors. Sugar should also be avoided.

But the answer to the question of whether children can have green tea will be negative. A high concentration of tannin, essential oils, caffeine can adversely affect the baby's body. If the child has problems with the digestive system, then it is better to postpone acquaintance with green tea to a later period.

Hibiscus is allowed for children, but from the age of three. It does not give a pronounced tonic effect, but contains many vitamins that support the immune system. However, we must not forget that hibiscus can cause an allergic reaction.

The modern market offers to purchase specialized tea for children, made from natural herbs. For example, the trademark "Grandmother's Basket" and "Hipp" produce a wide range of teas for all ages. Such drinks are safe and are weak decoctions used not only to quench thirst, but also as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

On sale there are soothing (mint), tonic (based on St. John's wort and cumin), anti-inflammatory (chamomile, linden) children's drinks. Especially popular with parents are fennel and dill teas, which help to solve the problem of colic and indigestion.

Moreover, the packaging always indicates at how many months tea can be given to a child.

When to Introduce

Parents, first of all, are interested in how many months you can give tea to your child. Newborn babies can be introduced into the diet of such drinks only after consulting a pediatrician.

From the first month of life, you can try to give fennel tea - it has a beneficial effect on the child's gastrointestinal tract and helps fight colic. However, a month-old baby should start testing with a teaspoon to track the baby's reaction to a new product.

From the 4th month, it is allowed to introduce chamomile and linden tea into the diet - they replenish the fluid balance well, normalize sleep and have an anti-inflammatory effect. But from the fifth month, the baby can be given mint tea, which has a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system.

From the age of two, pediatricians are allowed to brew black tea for children, provided that the drink is not strong. But acquaintance with the green variety is better to postpone until 10 years, since the high content of caffeine, tannin and tannins is contraindicated for the child's body.

How to brew

If you allow your child to drink tea, then make sure that the drink is brewed weakly. For 200 ml of water, take half a teaspoon of tea leaves. Leave the brew for no more than three minutes, as the tea infusion contains a high concentration of essential substances. Allow tea to cool to room temperature before serving.

Consumption rates

  • At the age of 2 years, a weak infusion is given up to 4 times a week, and the serving is no more than 50 ml.
  • Starting from 3 years, a single serving can be increased to 100 ml.
  • For older children, the infusion can be brewed stronger and given 200 ml of tea at a time.
  • To brew a drink for a child, take leaf tea leaves without additives, and not bags.
  • Tea should be freshly brewed, it should not be diluted with previously prepared tea leaves.
  • Any new tea should be introduced into the diet gradually. Start with half a teaspoon and see how your baby reacts.
  • Such a tonic drink is only suitable for the first half of the day, and it is strictly forbidden to give it before bedtime.
  • You can not give the baby tea at a temperature and digestive disorders.

Having understood the basic issues of drinking tea in childhood, you no longer have to rack your brains - when and what kind of drink is preferable.

Tea is a drink popular in many families, which has a tonic effect, perfectly quenches thirst. Adults can drink it in reasonable amounts with virtually no restrictions. Pediatricians recommend giving ordinary boiled water, diluted fruit and vegetable juices for drinking to infants and young children. In order not to harm the child's body, you need to know at what age you can give tea to a baby, how to brew it correctly.

Black, green or herbal tea invigorates the body, gives an adult a boost of energy for a long time. It quenches thirst well. Other positive properties of a fragrant drink are also known:

  • reduces appetite due to the presence of tannins;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • contains minerals (zinc, fluorine, magnesium and potassium), vitamin C, B vitamins, antioxidants;
  • helps eliminate the effects of diarrhea, restore water balance;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones.

On a note. When honey, lemon, berries and herbs are added, tea acquires healing properties, helps fight insomnia, colds, fatigue and stress.

Harmful properties

The question of how many months you can give tea to a child is not in vain that worries many mothers and grandmothers. At an early age, this drink easily causes hyperactivity, insomnia, excitability and heart palpitations in children. It can cause allergies, nightmares, and involuntary urination.

Another disadvantage is the ability of tea leaves to stain tooth enamel. Any tea often provokes anemia in babies, memory impairment and the deposition of harmful salts in the body. That is why pediatricians do not advise giving a drink to infants up to a year old, and in the presence of diseases - to older children.

When can you give tea to your baby?

Real freshly brewed black tea in its usual sense is not recommended for children under 1.5-2 years old, green tea is prohibited until the age of ten due to the high content of caffeine and tannin. There are also special children's collections containing vitamins, extracts of herbs and berries. This tea is suitable for children from 1 month. It may contain mint, cumin, fennel, vitamins C and B. Such fees are called "gastric", they eliminate problems with the digestive system of babies: constipation, bloating, colic.

With allergies or a cold, you can brew tea for infants from the age of 1 month, containing chamomile in the composition. The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect. From 4 months, it is allowed to give babies a brewed collection based on lemon balm and linden to calm them down.

On a note. It is allowed to add a mixture of several herbs to herbal tea for a child of 6 months, the dosage should start with 1-2 teaspoons to prevent allergies.

Brewing rules

Only black tea, containing the least amount of tannin and theine, can be brewed for a child. With red and green it is better to wait a little. Here are a few rules to follow.

  • It is forbidden to brew tea bags for a child due to the presence of additives and harmful impurities. They can cause allergies, diarrhea, indigestion.
  • Half a teaspoon of tea leaves should be poured with a glass of hot boiling water so that the drink is not too strong. It should be insisted for 2-3 minutes, then it is recommended to strain through a sieve.
  • Each time you need to take fresh tea leaves, as harmful formations appear in the standing liquid. It is desirable that the drink be weak, warm, light brown in color.
  • It is allowed to give the baby a brewed invigorating collection in the morning, and herbal - before bedtime, for a calming effect.

Types of children's tea

All children's types of tea are divided into two groups.

Therapeutic and prophylactic. They have a sedative effect, help with stool disorder, excitability and restless sleep. Contain anise, chamomile, fennel, mint.
Preventive. Strengthen the immune system, contain vitamins, extracts of plants, herbs and berries - rose hips, black currants, lingonberries, raspberries.
On a note. Popular among mothers are the collections "Babushkino Lukoshko", "Bayushki-bayu", granular compositions of the Hipp brand. They include thyme, raspberry, linden blossom, fruits and herbs that have a different effect on the children's body.


Leafy herbal preparations are prescribed for teething, abdominal pain, poor sleep or restless behavior of the baby. They have a calming effect, help fight colds. It is possible to give such drinks to children on a regular basis only from 3 years.

You can independently collect and brew with boiling water the leaves of currant, cranberry, mint, lingonberry, chamomile flowers, calendula. All parts of plants should be dried, crushed, stored in a dry, dark place. If desired, it is easier to buy ready-made formulations in a pharmacy.


The properties of green tea have not been fully studied by scientists, so pediatricians advise against giving it to children under 3-5 years old. The drink is able to have a strong tonic effect on the fragile children's psyche, lead to gastric disorders due to the high content of essential oils in the composition.


It is considered the most harmless, allowed to be taken from 4 months with the addition of a small amount of tea leaves, the absence of sugar, flavorings. Breast-fed newborns are given a drink after a year, while breast-fed babies begin to administer a teaspoon from 2-3 months in the absence of contraindications.

Permissible rate for children

Having studied how many months you can give tea to babies, do not forget about the allowed dosages.

  • Up to 3 years, it is recommended to drink it not every day, but only 3 times a week. The volume should not exceed a third of a glass per day.
  • Children 3-6 years old are allowed to drink 100 ml daily.
  • After the age of seven, you can increase the strength by pouring a teaspoon of tea leaves with 200 ml of water per serving.


Contraindications for admission in childhood are:

  • hypersensitivity to caffeine;
  • food allergy;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the welding;
  • hyperactivity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer);
  • prolonged insomnia;
  • elevated temperature;
  • kidney disease;
  • age up to 3 years.

Popular tea recipes with additives

Introducing supplemented liquids into your child's diet can be beneficial, but there are a few simple rules to follow:

  1. do not add blueberries, citrus fruits, which are considered strong allergens, when brewing;
  2. exclude varieties with flavorings, dyes, such as mate, puer, hibiscus;
  3. be sure to consult a pediatrician before administering the supplement;
  4. if allergic reactions occur, immediately stop taking.


It is allowed to enter at preschool and school age children from 2-3 years. Initially, you should use a mixture of 1 part milk and 1 part weakly brewed tea, after getting used to, you can pour liquids in any amount. Boiled milk neutralizes tannins and oxalates, prevents the teeth from turning dark.


Ginger drink normalizes digestion, helps with nausea, dizziness, colds and rhinitis. It helps to strengthen the immune system, more quickly getting rid of cough. To prepare, grind a piece of ginger root 2-3 cm long, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist under the lid for an hour, in the absence of contraindications, add a little honey, a few drops of lemon juice.


This sweet berry improves appetite, has a beneficial effect on the child's digestive system, and helps fight fever during colds. For preparation, tea leaves are mixed with an arbitrary amount of dried or fresh raspberries, poured with boiling water and infused for about 10 minutes.


Drink with thyme improves immunity, contains vitamins, minerals, organic acids and other useful substances. Upon reaching the age of two, they can be treated with ARVI, rhinitis, influenza in children. When brewing with boiling water, a teaspoon of crushed leaves is added to black tea leaves.


Fragrant liquid with lemon acts as a prevention of any colds. A slice of lemon is added to ordinary weakly brewed, half-cooled tea, or a teaspoon of juice is squeezed out, sweetened with sugar or honey. You can introduce lemon into the diet only if the child is not allergic to citrus fruits.

  • It is better to buy black tea for children in a specialized store, carefully studying the preparation technology and the expiration date on the package.
  • There should not be any flavors, additional ingredients or fragrances in the composition.
  • Packaged should be immediately put back on the shelf, only sheet, granular will do.
  • Liquid should be introduced into the diet carefully, by a teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume of the cup.
  • When brewing herbs, berries, pieces of fruit, it is worth monitoring the absence of an allergic reaction in the baby for several days.
  • If the baby is feverish, it is impossible to give tea drinks - the temperature will rise even higher.
  • It is necessary to drink fees warm: hot ones harm tooth enamel, cold ones are poorly absorbed.

Subject to all the rules of brewing and recommended dosages, you can increase the resistance of the child's body to various infections, eliminate abdominal pain, and establish a healthy sleep for the baby.

Despite the fact that tea for babies is not a mandatory or even recommended part of the diet, many parents quickly introduce it into the baby menu. Often this is due to the desire to quickly introduce the baby to the traditional family drink. In addition, there are cases when the baby has certain problems that can be eliminated with the help of a composition prepared on the basis of special fees.

At the same time, the most common questions deserve special attention: at what age is it best to introduce a drink, and how safe is it to give babies a traditional liquid, which is used to brew green or black tea.

Arguments for and against regular tea

According to pediatricians, regular teas for babies are not suitable, no matter what age they are introduced from. This is explained by the following arguments:

  1. As part of such fees appear tannins, or tannins. They have a destructive effect on iron molecules, which leads to a decrease in hemoglobin levels. At the same time, they also reduce appetite, irritate the delicate gastric mucosa. Moreover, green tea often contains these components in a much larger volume than black tea.
  2. Oxalic acid spoils the child's tooth enamel, which has not yet been fully formed, provoking the development of caries.
  3. Caffeine, which is also quite a lot in store-bought tea, regardless of the variety, negatively affects the condition of the children's heart and blood vessels.

Tip: It is strictly forbidden to give a child a drink made from so-called bags. Conceived in the composition of such a mass, there is not even a real tea leaf, only a residual product, which contains a maximum of harmful components and almost no useful substances.

Among the most common consequences that black or green tea offered to a child before he has reached the age of consciousness can cause are hyperactivity, a tendency to allergies, sleep problems, and memory loss. Some of these phenomena will appear only after some time, as a result of the gradual accumulation of harmful products in the tissues.

On the other hand, when certain conditions are met, babies can also be given an “adult” product, but this only applies to absolutely healthy children:

  1. The child has already reached the age of 1.5-2 years.
  2. The daily volume of the drink does not exceed 100-150 ml.
  3. We start with herbal, fruit and berry or black varieties. Green tea should be the last.
  4. We make the welding as light as possible.
  5. It is recommended to add milk to the liquid (proportion 1:1). This will neutralize potentially hazardous substances and compounds.
  6. Sugar, honey and lemon are not added to tea for children!
  7. Green tea has a pronounced tonic effect. It can be given to children only in the morning, otherwise disturbances in daytime or nighttime sleep are guaranteed.

And yet, the best option for tea drinks in the first months of life will be children's counterparts, designed taking into account all the features of a growing organism.

Ready-made formulations for babies, which we buy at the pharmacy

Today, in pharmacies and specialized stores, you can find simple and multi-component herbal preparations, which not only have a pleasant taste and aroma, but also have a number of therapeutic effects. Some purposefully strengthen teeth and bones, others improve the condition of blood vessels and heart muscle, and others have general strengthening properties. Some products contain both vegetable and fruit components. Making tea from them for a child is much easier than mixing the collection on your own, especially when there is sorely not enough time for everything.

When choosing a suitable product, you need to pay attention to its composition. Quality mass does not contain preservatives, dyes, artificial flavors and GMOs. Well, if it does not contain gluten and sugar. The finished drink should be given to the child as soon as it cools to the desired temperature. It is not recommended to brew the product a day in advance, children's teas should always be fresh. Opened tea bags should be used within 2-3 months, after which it is better to throw away the leftovers.

Effective teas with therapeutic action for children under the age of one year

For the first 28 days of life, the baby does not need to be offered anything other than mother's milk. After this period, water is introduced, the rest of the additional drink can be postponed until the introduction of the first complementary foods. Medicinal teas are especially popular with mothers, which are offered to the child in response to any malfunctions in the body. In this case, be sure to pay attention to the age of the baby:

  • Fennel. Perfectly copes with such troubles as flatulence, colic, dysbacteriosis. If you regularly give the baby 50-70 ml of drink per day, you can correct the situation in a short time without resorting to medical treatment. It is allowed to be introduced into the diet from the first month of life.

Tip: When a baby is breastfed, tea is given to him only from a spoon. Otherwise, the baby may refuse the breast, which is much more difficult to get food from than from the nipple.

  • Chamomile decoction. Strengthens the immune system, allows you to quickly cure a cold, helps to solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Apply from 4 months. The daily dose can be increased to 150-200 ml.

  • Lipa, Melissa. Great for soothing gums when teeth start to erupt. It is recommended to use from 4-5 months in a standard volume.
  • Rosehip and raspberries. Very light but quite effective. They are used separately and in combination, not earlier than the child is 5-6 months old.
  • Berries. An excellent restorative drink, which is recommended for children prone to various colds. The optimal time to start is 7-8 months. The daily volume of liquid can already be 250 ml.

Children's teas with a calming effect deserve special attention. In this case, it is better to give preference to drinks that include birch leaves, rose hips, licorice, motherwort, mint and lavender. Lime blossom, chamomile and lavender enhance the therapeutic effect of these components.

How to make medicinal tea for babies with your own hands?

Despite the responsible attitude of modern manufacturers to the creation of profile drinks for babies, it is still better for a child to give an absolutely natural product prepared at home. The main ingredients can be self-collected or purchased at the pharmacy fees.

  • Rosehip tea. It has a pronounced calming effect, strengthens the immune system, relieves inflammation of the gums, promotes hematopoiesis. It is best given to children 2-3 times a day within the age dose, just before meals. To prepare the drink, you need to grind the rose hips, pour two tablespoons of the product with two glasses of water and place in a water bath. After boiling, we keep the product for 15 minutes, after which we take it out and insist at room temperature for at least an hour. Strain through two layers of gauze.

  • Mint tea. In addition to the well-known calming effect, it has a slight diuretic and laxative effect, relieves bloating. Pour a pinch of fresh or dried mint with a glass of boiling water and wait no more than 10 minutes. We filter the liquid, dilute it with drinking water twice so that the product is not too strong, if necessary, cool a little more.

When offering tea to a child, it is necessary to carefully monitor his well-being. In case of any negative manifestations, it is better to give up the drink for a while and return it to the diet no earlier than in 2-3 weeks.

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