When you hold what you need to say. General questions about fasting in the month of Ramadan

If, out of forgetfulness, I ate something inappropriate, you will need to make up for it.

“If people knew all the virtues of the month of Ramadan, they would wish it to last a whole year,” the head of the Dagwat of the DUM RT quotes the hadith of the Prophet Niyaz hazrat Sabirov. He spoke about some of the nuances of fasting in the month of Ramadan.

- Who and from what age should fast?

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam, that is, one of the duties assigned to every Muslim by Allah Almighty. The noble Qur'an says: “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for those who were before you, perhaps you will be God-fearing. Every sane adult Muslim is required to fast. It is not necessary for a child, an insane person and a person who has lost consciousness to fast, since these persons are not able to fulfill the instructions. The Prophet said: “A pen is raised from three people (deeds are not recorded): from a child who has not reached the age of majority, from a child who has lost his mind until he comes to his senses, from a sleeping person until he wakes up.”

- According to Muslim estimates, at what age can girls and boys be considered adults?

For whom is fasting optional?

For the sick and travelers, fasting is not fard, but if they fast, their fast is considered valid. Also, non-fasting is not fard for the elderly, women in the state of haida (menstruation) and nifas (postpartum), pregnant women, nursing mothers, if they are afraid of harming the child. In the future, they will need to reimburse these days at a convenient time for them.

- What about those who for some reason did not fast?

As an atonement for the impossibility of fasting for health reasons and if it is impossible to make up for it on another day, a fidia was established - for each missed day at least 200 rubles. In case of inability to pay this amount, its obligation falls.

Is it true that during fasting it is allowed to rinse your mouth with water?

Yes it's true. During ablution, you need to rinse your mouth. However, you need to be careful about the penetration of water inside. Otherwise, the fast of this day will be invalid and it will need to be replenished at another time. People often ask if toothpaste can be used. Abstinence will be more favorable. There is a chance that the paste will remain in the mouth and get inside. The Prophet used a miswak (a small toothbrush stick made from the root of the Salvador Persian tree, Arak and some other trees).

In one of his recent posts on Instagram, Mufti of Tatarstan Kamil Hazrat Samigullin wrote that eating and having sexual intercourse out of forgetfulness does not break the fast. How can this be explained?

It is human nature to forget, anything can happen. Yes, due to forgetfulness, a person can eat something inappropriate. For example, a child shares their food with a parent who ate a small piece. This will not break his post. If a person does this consciously, then in addition to replenishing this day, he must fast for another 60 days in a row or feed 60 poor people as an atonement.

Every night before fasting, you need to pronounce the intention (niyyat). According to the authentic word, the intention spoken at the beginning of the night is also sufficient. There are Ulama who say that the intention pronounced in the first half of the night is insufficient, and it is necessary to pronounce it in the second half, explaining this by the fact that the second part of the night is closer directly to fasting. If, after pronouncing the intention at night, before dawn, one performs actions that violate the fast (eating, intimacy with one's wife), this will not damage the fast.

If someone fell asleep after pronouncing the intention, then the intention does not need to be renewed, but it is desirable. Falling into disbelief(kufr), (murtadism) spoils the intention. If a person who has fallen into kufr repents before dawn, he needs the intention to renew. Intention, pronounced at night, during intimacy with his wife, is also enough for fasting.

1. If the intention is pronounced after dawn, the fast does not count.. The hadith says: The fast of the one who has not made the intention at night, before dawn, will not be accepted. ».

2. The post of a person who made an intention, doubting whether dawn came or not, does not count, since there was doubt in his intention . And if, after the intention, he doubts whether there was a dawn or not, then his fast will be considered, since the basis of his doubt is the onset of dawn.

3. If, after dawn, a person doubts that he uttered his intention before dawn, then this person’s fast is not counted, since the doubt is based on not pronouncing the intention on time . But if he remembers that he said his intention at night or before dawn, his fast will be considered observed.

4. If, after breaking the fast (i.e., in the evening), a person has doubts about reading the intention for fasting for the past day, then this will not hurt the fast, even if he does not remember whether he said the intention.

5. If on the thirtieth night of Shaban a person expressed the intention to fast tomorrow if this day turns out to be the first day of Ramadan, then this fast will not be considered . If he is told by those whom he trusts, be it a woman, a wicked person or a child, that the month of Ramadan begins tomorrow, and he will fast, then his fast is counted if it really turns out to be the first day of the month of Ramadan, and if it turns out that this is the last day of the month of Shaban does not count.

6. The fast of a person who read the intention, if tomorrow the month of Ramadan comes, to observe an obligatory fast, and if it turns out to be the last day of Shaban, then to observe a desirable fast, is accepted only as desirable (sunnat) on the last day of Shaban (if he had the habit of fasting on the last day every month), because the intention is based on the remainder of the Shaban . If this day happens to be the first day of the month of Ramadan, his fast will not be considered.

7. If a person on the thirtieth night of Ramadan read the intention to fast tomorrow and it really turned out to be the last day of Ramadan, his fast will be considered, since the basis of the intention is the rest of Ramadan.

The procedure, conditions and place of committing the intention

The place of intention is the heart. Saying the intention in words is not a condition, it is a desirable action (sunnah). Speaking together helps to strengthen the intention in the heart. It is necessary to remind yourself the essence of the intention - the desire for the whole day to abandon actions that violate the fast. Speaking words of intent without understanding the meaning is not considered intent.

If you intend to observe a mandatory fast, you must indicate which particular fast you are observing - the fast of the month of Ramadan, kaffarat or promised.

There is controversy over whether the word "mandatory" (fard) should be used. According to reliable sources, it can not be pronounced. It will be enough if we say , without emphasizing that this is a mandatory post. But it is not enough to say "... fast tomorrow" without specifying that this is the fast of the month of Ramadan.

Speech of intent

It is advisable to pronounce the intention verbally and confirm with the heart: « I intend to observe the fast of the month of Ramadan tomorrow for the sake of Allah ". All Ulama agreed with this version of the text of intention.

If someone intends to make up for the missed fast of two months of Ramadan and in the intention he says "... Compensatory Fast of Ramadan ", it would be enough. There is no need to specify which particular Ramadan you are fasting.

Also, a fasting person of various kaffarats can say “… observe the fast of kaffarat ”, without specifying exactly which kaffarat.

If you forgot to read the intention at night

If someone forgot to pronounce the intention before dawn, then fasting on this day will not be considered. But out of respect for Ramadan on this day, he should not do anything that breaks the fast. For a desired fast, it is enough to say the intention before the lunch of the fast day, since it is not a condition for it to pronounce the intention at night.

Also, if you intend, you can not name the month and day for the sunnat fast (, white days, etc.). It is enough to say “fast tomorrow”, but it is better to name these days. At the same time, if on these days one pronounces the intention to observe a fast (compensatory or other sunnat fasts), then one can receive a reward for both fasts.


Everyone has probably heard about the Muslim fasting in the month of Ramadan, whether he considers himself a Muslim or a follower of another religion.
The first and, in my opinion, the main reason for fasting is the contentment of the Almighty. Uraza is a direct order of Allah, and must be followed by every Muslim. Addressing the faithful in the Qur'an, Allah the Great commands:
"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it is prescribed for those who were before you (Jews and Christians) - maybe you will be God-fearing!" (Quran: Sura 2, Ayat 183).

The second reason to fast is that it helps to improve the health of a person. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in one of the Hadiths says: "Fast - it will improve your health." Any Muslim had no doubts about these words. However, non-Muslims did not particularly believe in this.
How to keep urazu.

We have analyzed two main reasons to keep the post. I want to point out some important points on how to do this.
The first element of the uraza is niyat or the intention to fast in the name of the Lord. During Ramadan, from night to noon, a Muslim must - mentally or aloud - pronounce in any language and in any formulation about his intention to fast for the sake of Allah during the coming day. However, without this intention, the uraza is considered invalid.
The second important point is abstinence from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset. If a person deliberately swallows even a little water or food, then the uraza deteriorates.
Abstinence time starts about 2 hours before dawn and lasts until sunset. (The time of dawn and sunset can be found in any calendar, or in the mosque of the city).

The following things invalidate the post:
1. Deliberate eating or drinking.
2. Deliberate vomiting.
3. Female bleeding, even if it happened at the last moment before sunset.
4. Male defilement as a result of kissing his wife, hugging, etc.

However, it is not considered a violation of the fast:

1. Eating or drinking by mistake or forgetfulness, as well as under duress, does not require compensation or redemptive actions, but simply you need to continue fasting.
2. Unintentional vomiting is also not considered a violation of the fast.

During iftar (eating in the evening), you can say the following prayer: “Lord, for your sake I kept a fast and with your food I broke my fast, my thirst disappeared, and my veins were filled with moisture, and may my due (reward) be rewarded if it be Your will ".

Ramadan is a month in which, more than ever, it is necessary to trust in the Lord, remember Him more often, do good deeds and improve your soul.

While many prominent doctors of our time successfully practice fasting treatment, Islam has long established this and obliges all Muslims to observe Fasting in the Holy month of Ramadan.
So let's keep the uraza together, and Allah, if it is His will, will reward us for this! Amen.

The peculiarity of uraza in summer is that it falls on the longest daylight hours. So, in Kazan, believers will start fasting on June 18 at 0.57 and finish only at 20.31. Each region has its own time depending on the time of sunrise and sunset. How to properly prepare for a 20-hour abstinence?

How to eat in Urazu?

The general recommendations are as follows: after sunset, the fasting person takes a light meal, two hours before dawn - a denser meal. Since the time for breaking the fast this year is very limited - about 4.5 hours that fall at night - it is better to avoid fatty and spicy foods that can cause thirst.

Muslims who fast every year notice that it is hard in the first two days, and then the body is rebuilt. The main thing is not to fill up immediately after iftar, first eat dates, drink water, and after a while go to the main dishes.

Give preference to light meals. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova“If you choose the right products, then fasting is easy to observe. The main thing is to tune in, he says. Head of the Union of Muslim Women of Tatarstan Naila Ziganshina. “If a person decorates his day with good deeds, then he will be distracted from thoughts about food and the day will pass unnoticed.”

Nailya khanum advises to drink as much as the body requires during the hours of breaking the fast. Food should be balanced in composition: “We add a lot of vegetables and fruits to the diet at home, eat fish, and steam meat. Such food will not cause thirst and indigestion.

“In order to be less thirsty during fasting, you need to eat less. I, for example, do not eat during the prescribed morning meal, but only drink water. It’s easier for me to endure the post, ”says Deputy Mufti of Tatarstan Rustam Hazrat Batrov. -

“We need to pray that the Almighty eases the burden of fasting,” adds Nailya Ziganshina. - Last year, before the onset of Ramadan, it was hot, and after the collective prayer, the weather was cool for the whole month. Therefore, I wish relief to everyone who fasts!”

Uraza principles

The observance of the 30-day fast is associated with the mention in the Qur'an that in this month Allah, through the archangel Jabrail, sent down the Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad in the form of a revelation.

“The fast was known to the Arabs even before the advent of Islam and was observed not only because of the lack of food, but had a certain religious meaning: it is possible that the Arabs knew about the healing properties of hunger, since all peoples accumulated knowledge about the human body for thousands of years. This is evidenced by the presence of fasting in all religions,” says local historian and haji Abdulla Dubin.

Why does the start time of the uraza constantly shift?

The Muslim chronology is based on the lunar calendar, which is shorter than the solar one. Therefore, the time of the onset of the month of Ramadan and all Muslim holidays is constantly shifted 10 - 12 days ahead. Thus, for the entire 33-year cycle, a Muslim goes through all seasonal and hourly periods - from summer to winter solstices.

Uraza consists in complete abstinence during daylight hours from eating and chewing gum, drinking, smoking, drinking alcohol, and sexual relations. But in addition to bodily cleansing, spiritual cleansing is also needed.

“This is a chance given to each of us to ennoble our morals, overcome bad habits and lose the heavy burden of our own sins,” says Mufti of Tatarstan Kamil Samigullin. - People close to us, relatives, friends, our neighbors and acquaintances need a kind word, help and compassion. May this month become a time for rallying hearts, make us generous and sympathetic.

During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims should not quarrel and argue, experience negative emotions, but should do pious deeds, give alms, help those in need and, of course, pay more attention to prayer. Prayer times for Tatarstan, see here.

Ask the Almighty to ease your fast. Photo: www.russianlook.com Fasting is obligatory for all Muslims over 12 years old, with the exception of those who cannot observe it for good reasons - illness, pregnancy, old age. Islam allows fasting only if it does not harm human health. The Qur'an states that the sick, the elderly, travelers, pregnant women and all those for whom fasting is a burden can postpone it until a more favorable time. For example, a traveler - until returning home, a sick person - until recovery, a pregnant or nursing mother - until the end of the period of breastfeeding.

If, for some reason, a Muslim did not fully hold the uraza, he is obliged to make up for the missed days after the end of Ramadan. For each day of fasting missed for health reasons, you can pay fidia - 200 rubles. The size of the fitr-sadaqah (almsgiving of breaking the fast) this year for Tatarstan residents is set at 100 or 500 rubles - the believer chooses how much to pay.

Every night before fasting, you need to pronounce the intention (niyyat). According to the authentic word, the intention spoken at the beginning of the night is also sufficient. There are Ulama who say that the intention pronounced in the first half of the night is insufficient, and it is necessary to pronounce it in the second half, explaining this by the fact that the second part of the night is closer directly to fasting. If, after pronouncing the intention at night, before dawn, one performs actions that violate the fast (eating, intimacy with one's wife), this will not damage the fast. If someone fell asleep after pronouncing the intention, then the intention does not need to be renewed, but it is desirable. Falling into unbelief (kufr), (murtadism) spoils the intention. If a person who has fallen into kufr repents before dawn, he needs the intention to renew. The intention uttered at night, during intimacy with his wife, is also sufficient for fasting.

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If you forgot to read the intention at night

If someone forgot to pronounce the intention before dawn, then fasting on this day will not be considered. But out of respect for Ramadan on this day, he should not do anything that breaks the fast. For a desired fast, it is enough to say the intention before the lunch of the fast day, since it is not a condition for it to pronounce the intention at night.

Also, with the intention, you can not name the month and day for the sunnat fast (Shawwal, Ashura, Arafah, white days, etc.). It is enough to say “fast tomorrow”, but it is better to name these days. At the same time, if these days you pronounce the intention to observe a fast (reimbursing or other sunnah fasts), then you can get a reward for both fasts.

Persons who missed the fast in the month of Ramadan

1. These are those who do not need to pay kaffarat - fidyah, they only compensate for fasting. This category includes six who must observe imsak: lost consciousness; drunk through his own fault; crazy; missed a post on the way (traveler); a sick person or one who, from hunger, thirst, hard work, or having a baby, or is pregnant and, fearing the difficulties that may befall them during fasting, did not fast, as well as a woman during menstruation and postpartum discharge. This whole category is only obliged to make up for the missed post. All four imams agreed that if a person on the road breaks the fast at will by eating or drinking water, then he must compensate this day and observe imsak for the rest of the day. Moreover, Imams Abu Hanifa and Malik say that he must pay kaffarat.

According to the madhhab of Imam Ahmad, kaffarat is not imposed on this, according to the most reliable word of Imam al-Shafi'i, they are not imposed either. The imams also agreed that one fast that was missed at will must be made up for with one fast. Rabia said that twelve days should be reimbursed, Ibnu Musai said that a month is reimbursed for each day, Nahai says that a thousand days should be reimbursed, and Ibnu Masud said that by compensating all life, one cannot make up for the missed fast in the month of Ramadan;

2. Those who pay only fidyah, i.e., do not have to compensate fasting. These are old people unable to fast; hopelessly ill (this is determined by the conclusion of one or two God-fearing doctors). Inability to fast is determined by a strong unusual difficulty that will overtake a person with fasting or an illness that allows you to perform tayammum. Incapable they must be at all times. For example, if both of these people (the old man and the sick) can fast in the cold season or on short days, then they must compensate for the fasts at this time;

3. Those who have to pay both fasting and fidyah. These are women who have a baby, or a pregnant woman, who missed the fast out of concern for the life of the child. Concern for the life of the child is considered when there is a high risk of miscarriage or the milk in the breast may run out, as a result of which the child may die or become very weak. Women who, out of fear for themselves or for themselves and for the child, missed the fast, should not pay fidyah, but should only make up for it. From quantity