When everyone got it. How it got me! Relationship problems

Not everything is so smooth...

Who is doing well now? Who honestly can say that he is completely satisfied with everything in this life? There are at most two people out of a thousand. And since you turned to this article, it means that you definitely do not belong to this couple. Moreover, you are interested in the question of what to do if everything is tired, which you ask secretly from everyone, hiding in your room with a laptop in your hands. This article is not an instruction, but it will allow you to think and make the right decision. So...

What brought you to this state?

Let's understand what does not satisfy you. Job? Husband wife)? Children? Parents? Or all at once? For those who are looking for an answer, what to do if everything is tired, it is important to decide which side of life does not suit you. For example, you do not like the lack of money, their constant shortage. So why not find another, higher paying job? On the other hand, you are full, dressed, paid for the apartment, and even have the Internet. More than half of the inhabitants of our country do not have all this. So you should be glad that you can go and buy bread in peace. And the rest is not so important. You can wear shoes for two or three seasons if you handle them carefully.

Don't complain!

What to do if everything is enough? Absolutely everything: family, friends, work. And you need to think about who is to blame. Maybe it's you? No wonder so many people are constantly in conflict with you. Have you tried to bring flowers to your wife, just like that, for no reason? But in vain ... Seeing the wife's happy smile on her face, you will feel how your mood will rise. And tomorrow your wife will want to please you. This also applies to work. Stop complaining! If you think about what to do, if everything is enough, mentally talking about your unhappy life, then it will be like that. See the world differently. Chat with colleagues, bring sweets to tea or bake cookies. Offer your boss help. They will definitely appreciate it. Be kinder, more patient, and people will certainly like it.

Change your life

And what do you do when it's all over? When it seems that there is only one way out - to climb into the loop. In this case, of course, there is no time for reasoning. You just have to take a decisive step... In the opposite direction. In the loop - it's impossible, it's bad there, there is death. Is this why your mother gave birth to you? Yes, and that's not the point. How old are you? 20, 30 or 40? Yes, you have your whole life ahead of you, and now is the time to make it the way you want it to be. Stop thinking about what to do if everything is tired. Change dramatically, start a new life, from scratch. New friends, acquaintances, work, vacation spots, movies, buy a different phone, change your wardrobe, hairstyle. Start building your life piece by piece. And, most importantly, get up in the morning with the thought that everything is fine with you now, and it will be even better. Remember to smile even if you are sad. Smiling will deceive your brain, which will instantly react and give out positive emotions. Enjoy every day, because life is not eternal. Yes, we only live once. So why not make your stay in this world such that everyone would envy you? Proceed ... And if problems arise, you can always seek help from a psychologist until it comes to a psychiatrist.

Do you know a joke? A man sits in an office and writes on a piece of paper: "How do I get…"(crossed out) ; "How does everyone fuck me ..."(crossed out) ; Everyone went to...(crossed out) ; "Please grant another vacation."

Familiar condition, isn't it? You are emotionally and physically devastated, everything annoys you. Colleagues and employees are "stupid" and seem to do everything wrong on purpose. Spouse(s) or parents make unreasonable claims and demands. Children - who said that they are the flowers of life? The word "thorns" often suits them much better. And as luck would have it, health problems also begin. You don’t have time to treat one and here you are, the other “crawled out” in all its “glory”. And then, more and more and worse. Some problems attract others, and now this avalanche covers you with your head.

What do you usually do when you find yourself in a situation where your life invariably goes downhill, or becomes like a rollercoaster? I would venture to suggest that men usually flood all their problems with alcohol, and women do their best to support pharmaceutical companies. But as time goes by, the problems only get worse. You change partners, work, try to relax more, or vice versa, go to work with a "head". But even a change in the usual way of life does not lead to positive changes. As a result, although you are still, as a rule, quite young, you are already confidently and firmly in the full ass ... well, in general, you yourself know where.

What is the bottom line? Look at the eternally grouchy and disgruntled grandmothers and drunken grandfathers that surround you. Do you like them, for the most part? Do you think that you will never be such (such)? Do not console yourself with illusions, they were not always like that either - this is what 95% of all people inevitably come to.

Is it possible to change the scenario of your life to a more positive one? Of course yes! For this you need to work hard on yourself. By chance and by itself, everything happens only in fairy tales, but in real life, as they say, "... you can't take a fish out of the pond without difficulty". A simple "wish" is clearly not enough. Wanting, as you know, is not harmful, but there is no particular benefit from this. In order to really change the quality of your life for the better, you need to make some efforts. Of course, not everyone knows in which direction to move towards happiness. This can be helped by people who have the appropriate knowledge, experience and confidently follow this path themselves. Of course you understand - we are talking about psychologists.

The purpose of psychologists is to help you enrich your life, teach you to get more satisfaction from relationships with other people, resolve painful problems and conflicts, and make your personality more whole and more joyful.

There are no people who don't have problems. Therefore, everyone periodically needs the services of a psychologist and it is better not to wait until this or that problem becomes insurmountable, and mental pain begins to transform into a somatic disease.

Turning to a psychologist is still scary for many. "To a psychologist? Me? Am I crazy?" A psychologist is often confused with a psychiatrist. A psychologist differs from a psychiatrist in much the same way as a sports coach differs from a surgeon. A psychiatrist and psychotherapist, unlike a psychologist, are medical specialties, a psychologist works with healthy people.

How to choose a specialist who would help you personally in solving life problems? How not to run into a charlatan, or, even worse, not fall into any sect? I recommend to rely on your own intuition. Do you trust a certain specialist who offers you his services or not? You can be guided by the reviews of other people who used the services of this specialist.

Enter in google "entertain me google", and at the very first link it will become clear that we have shaken the system. Sometimes I think Google is shaking us!

Coffee in the morning and I'm tired. Everything seems to be ok, but how tired!

Shouted to his girlfriend, “Enough! How did you get it!”. He slammed the door, and in the midst of silence ... a shot. Put your hands on yourself?! I run back. But no ... celebrating, bitch, drinking champagne.

How they got it, saying: “Everything will work out. It’s clear that it will get better, but it’s bad in my heart right now!”

Best Status:
Every morning I wake up with the thought of how it all got to me. But if you look, in fact, everything is not so bad, but something is always missing ...

I can't, I got it all! It would be nice to disappear so that no one sees you, and twenty-four hours later reappear, but already in an embrace with someone.

Kick-Ass! Everything is strong!

I sit in the country in calm solitude, but no one gets it.

We arrived, so everyone got it, that they just fucked! What do you want from me?! Fuck off, I want to get out of here quickly and never meet you!

Yes, I am the owner of the mood! .. But he has a different opinion.

Rain ... Only he gave consolation - stroked her hair, her face ... He hid her tears in his drops ... Hiding her pain ...

When God was handing out a good mood, I was sitting in the toilet in the past ...

The events of your life directly depend on your mood.

Well hello, mood, but I thought we would not see each other this year.


Everything.the.end.for*baly everything.just got.what do you all need from me!? get the hell out of here. I want to mess up from here nah.

When you are in a bad mood, but in the status you put that you have fun feeling like a hero

If you're in a bad mood at home, call a friend at work.

She left, inspiration returned.

bad mood ... goosebumps ...

I'm not upset because we didn't meet! I'm in a STUNNING bad mood!

Fate often gives us people who are good for life experience, but not for life.

There are days when a scientist cat hangs a sign next to him “Caution! angry dog".

Why does a person have a sad fuck, because a person just got fucked!

We need to stop all this boredom.

There are moments when people love crime.

For some reason, it is bad habits that contribute to a good mood !!!

Everything can be attributed to a bad mood, even people

Good mood? No, have not heard.

It is harmful to live, because they die from it ...

I am in a depressed mood.

To be out of your element - to climb into someone else's.

How tired everything is, I so want to disappear for a day from everyone, and return hand in hand with someone! (

And every day I think about how it all got me. But in essence, it's all good. Something is just missing...

You write only when you are in a good mood, probably it is always bad for you!

Life is shit, no matter how you twist it ... don't twist it, otherwise everything will fall on you!

Why, when in a bad mood, do you want to leave Vkontakte so much?

Depression is when your life becomes like a sad black and white cartoon.

And in the morning coffee and look tired. Yes, everything is in order, but so tired ...

Only our technology has a bad mood, and only our technology can be offended!)

someone comes into my life, someone leaves ... but for everyone there is a rule: “When you enter, wipe your feet, when you leave, leave forever!”

They got it with their “Everything will be fine.” It will, I know. I feel bad now.

Bl *! So tired of everything!

Depression is a state of deep spiritual anus.

Is it worth ruining your mood by thinking about how your mood was ruined?

Do you often suffer from depression and bad mood? Cuban rastamans will teach you to laugh.

Depression is simply a period of acute need for happiness.

The best mood remedy is a joke injection or a money potion.

Everything would not be so bad if it did not leave much to be desired.

I am not vindictive and not evil. I'm just indifferent.

The format of a smile depends not only on the mood, but also on the shape of the teeth.

A light knock was heard. It dropped the mood.

The most important thing is to have a good mood, the rest is a matter of money.

Do not yearn for the impossible happiness, rejoice in the failed misfortune.

Do you think the mood can be bad and good? But no, it can still be fucking bad ...

We hide tears behind glasses, a bad mood behind smiles, a broken heart behind a beautiful appearance. And everyone believes that everything is always fine with us.

You know, my mood doesn't smell like violets!

It's just an illusion that the mood is worse than ever. There is always something to do, it would only get worse.

Of all the states of the soul, it becomes more and more natural when we hit it ...

Here comes the long-awaited Monday. Signature. Club “Depression”

Hangover… Bad mood… Quiet sniffing over the ear… The kitten is trying to introduce me: “Enough, Masha, drink on weekdays!” :)

Nothing spoils the mood for a very short period of time like an unopened parachute

To torment your envious people is to be in a good mood.

Sometimes you think: “And when will the day come when I will answer the question “how are you” “excellent” and not lie?”

Are you in a bad mood? - Then I'll go to you)

He told her: “Enough is enough! You got me! I'm leaving you!". I'm leaving. I hear a shot. Shot?! I'm coming back. Champagne opened, bitch.

When cats scratch their hearts, it’s not just like that. They're burying shit...

Despondency and a bad mood are not only painful for others, but also contagious ...

The mood matches what you see.

Everything depends on the mood. If there is a mood, then you lie on the couch with enthusiasm. Well, if there is no mood, then you lie on the couch without any enthusiasm.

It's hard to forget the person who made you smile at least once in a bad mood.

Nothing cheers up guests like crooked wallpaper!

Although I feel bad, but this is not a reason To cause suffering to others.

Why don't I answer you? because there is no desire! =(why? because there is no mood!! why?

I went to the dacha, it’s better there alone and in silence, they got everything

Let's do this: I am now pretending to be cheerful and happy, and you believe in it.

Type in google "entertain me google" and look at the first link ... how did we get it.

I want to become a small child again, without problems, without worries and suffering ... ((

I wanted to cheer up and overstrained.

marvelous ... I am strong ... I perivayte ... everything .. but the buttocks are not worth it ... SORE ME ((((((((

Avanakidavra… sektumsembra… just die, freaks, the mood is bad!

For some reason, it is so arranged that when a person feels bad, he feels good with someone who is also feeling bad ...

A good remedy is to cheer yourself up at the expense of worsening it in others.

There was one good thought ... But she died of loneliness and longing ..

In fact, we have few reasons for a bad mood. But every day they are different.

I'm fine. In some very bad way, but okay ...

I'm in the mood. Shitty some, but in the mood.

To be in a good mood is to cause torment to your envious people.

When everything in life goes NAH, then there comes a moment when you FSUs!

In life, a bad mood should be expressed by a thoughtful mood, lips with a bow, meaningful sighs, longing in the eyes, lack of appetite and sexual desire, tears, lying on the bed, squelching nose into the pillow.

If your friend is in a bad mood, don't worry, it's not sexually transmitted.

I will lend a good mood, at interest.

in my opinion, because you love someone, it’s absolutely impossible to suffer. because when you are in a bad mood, you can just think about Him and immediately your heart is warm)

A burnt mood is when boredom and passion flooded in an instant.

Nothing really terrible happened... just when you put everything together... you get ONE HUGE BAD MOOD!!!

He was so gloomy that even thoughts stopped visiting him.

Reading time: 4 min

Modern society suffers from irritability and aggression, all this is a routine life in a hurry and without respite. A fairly large number of people live in a state of aggression, irritability, depression and do not even know what to do with it if everything is tired. Any episodes of the manifestation of these states can be attributed to the surrounding world, after all, it may be the case in the life style of a person. Sometimes even small trifles irritate and infuriate, nothing brings joy, people and everything around are irritated. People in a state when everything is infuriating and tired, incur huge psychological problems, which often only a psychotherapist will help to cope with.

What to do if everything is tired and tired

Sometimes people ask this question every day, while a person may be aware of the specific reason for his condition or the reason for his hatred of others may be unconscious. Often, the weariness of a person from worries and daily inventing of life goals leads precisely to a state of annoyance and irritation. In such an environment, you can get angry at absolutely everything: people, public transport schedules, store assortment, weather, government, even your own behavior. A person with such a rhythm of life spoils the relationship with the people around him, even with those close to him, the most important, conflicts at work, everyone gets tired of him, and even the subject himself.

The state when everything got tired and tired is accompanied by the lowest emotion in terms of emotionality -. So anger, anger or hot flashes tend to break out, a person experiences these emotions, and gets rid of them in a timely manner. Irritability - an emotion that tends to stretch, lasts a long period of time, it is like charcoal - will smolder for a very long time. The reasons for the emergence of a state when everything is tired and tired are often increased stress on the psyche of the individual, the consequences: family troubles, problems with friends, at work, all this reboots and exudes our nervous system.

Violation of the adequate functioning of the human nervous system leads to mental disorders and the emergence of increased irritability of the individual. Right at this moment, everything infuriates and gets, even the rustle outside the window or behind. A fundamental role in a period when everything is fed up and infuriating can be played by emotional overstrain, fatigue at work, lack of sleep, dreams that have already come true, lack of rest, sexual dissatisfaction, hormonal disorders. The manifestations of such a state proceed in each individual in their own way: someone, actively gesticulating, expresses his state by changing the voice tone (sharp transitions from a high tone to a low one), someone flares up like a match for absolutely the slightest reason, someone holds back everything emotions in himself, tries to avoid others, always grumbles. The consequences of such a nervous breakdown can be catastrophic for the individual.

In search of a solution to problems with irritability, you should often turn to. The bottom line is the emergence of a state when everything is fed up and infuriates, it can be hidden in dreams that have already come true, after the implementation of which, the meaning of life is supposedly lost. A person, dreaming about something, experiences an incredible sense of satisfaction and craving for life, realizing that this dream will certainly come true. After experiencing the success and excitement of a forgotten dream, there comes a period of emptiness, as if something was stolen from a person’s life. The subject feels the need for a new goal, and begins to invent it, having achieved it, he again feels chagrin. All this way to the implementation of the plan, of course, contributes to the improvement of the personality, its development, helps to become more successful, more purposeful, but it always leads the person to a dead end - when everything infuriates and bothers. What should be done? You need to come up with a dream that you should strive for all your life, and all the small goals that have come true on the way to a grandiose dream will be, as it were, steps to success. And the subject on the way to the great will not perceive the satisfaction of these goals as disappointment, but perceive it as an experience and another plus for success. It is important that this grandiose goal becomes for you the meaning of life, captivates and pushes you to move forward.

A man, a being who is never enough of something, he is always striving to achieve more and more. In the absence of desire and opportunity, analyze what you have and love it. Many people around do not even have a part of what you have. A person must learn to rejoice that he has achieved something and that he has the opportunity to achieve even more. As the capabilities of the subject increase, so does the number of needs. Accordingly, it is easier to learn to enjoy life by limiting yourself to something not so important.

What to do if everything gets boring quickly

With the help of irritability, our body often calls us to action, it hints that we need to listen to ourselves. People are often forced to change jobs often, start various novels, move from their place of residence, change hobbies five times a week. Sometimes a person enthusiastically, taking on a new business, giving it the status of the most desirable, immediately switches to something else, in a completely different direction. Such people say that they are quickly bored with everything, and they are chasing impressions, running away from the daily routine. Why does everything quickly get bored, is it worth it to resist. After all, many scientists say that by changing work or place of residence, you can get rid of the feeling of irritability and still love life. But isn't it a mistake to make such frequent changes in life?

Often, everything bothers people who have been living an uncertain life since childhood. For example, the kid sits, plays, lays out the cubes, and then he is told that he needs to go get ready, because he needs to go for a walk. When a child shows his creation (a drawing, a figurine made of plasticine, a designer) to his parents, he expects praise, but instead of deserved attention, not allowing the child to enjoy success, the parents switch the child's attention to the creativity of others. Or they often say that next time you need to try to do better. Imperceptibly, the baby gets used to situations where his achievement, in principle, has practically no meaning, for example, if he has achieved something, he already needs to strive for another action. Growing up, all this is aggravated even more, and already in adulthood, a person ceases to appreciate what he has. Under any conditions, he sees a catch, a flaw and begins to find fault with trifles, this quickly gets boring and a person strives to start something more.

There are a lot of examples of such behavior during the upbringing of a baby, often he simply does not know his daily routine, what his duties are and what awaits him as a result of the work done. From this time on, the subject develops the ability to do everything very quickly, grab everything on the fly and run, because he is aware in his heart that he can be interrupted at any moment. Instantly during this period, a huge amount of adrenaline enters the bloodstream due to increased energy consumption. In the presence of adrenaline in the blood, the subject acts at an accelerated pace, with time there is a decrease, the previous balance in the body is restored and, accordingly, the person loses all interest and gets bored with everything. Since the body of the individual requires a new surge of adrenaline, he changes his actions and looks for another thing.

Such people have problems with their personal lives. A person falls in love very quickly, builds a perspective for the future, is just as instantly disappointed in his partner, as a result, the couple quickly disperses. According to the famous psychoanalyst Jean-David Nazio, a person does this unconsciously. This behavior is typical for individuals who in childhood were attached to one parent. When such an individual grows up, unconsciously denies the feeling of love for a person who is able to take the place of his mother or father in the soul. Loneliness is a life path to which such an individual condemns himself, not accepting emotional attachment to the subject of passion.

What to do if everyone got tired and tired? First, give an assessment of the current situation. Determine what exactly the problem is, if friends, a loved one, absolutely everything bother you, then maybe the root of the difficulties lies precisely in your actions. Determine the level of the problem, to what extent its consequences can be devastating or interfere with the lives of those around you. After that, you should decide whether you can handle it on your own or you need to contact a psychotherapist.

To solve the problem yourself, you need:

- learn to beware of anticipations, adventures;

- to be able, through awareness of the problem, to continue to act contrary to their desires;

- with every desire to start a new business, remember that it is human nature to idealize what is desired, in fact - everything will end the same way;

- accustom yourself to set specific goals and not put high hopes in them, to realize from the beginning that the goals will be achieved, and you will need to build new tasks;

- noticing that everything around you is changing quickly, set an ultimatum, agree with yourself to stay at work for more than a year, finish the work you have started and take on the next one, do not run away from love relationships.

It is useless to be angry at the world and people around or at yourself. After all, human life is interesting precisely because it has ups and downs, mistakes, failures and disappointments. Due to the strong expenditure of energy, the human nervous system is rapidly depleted, therefore, you need to learn to control your behavior. Psychologists recommend spending some period of your life playing, forgetting about time, defusing the situation, breaking away to the fullest, as in childhood, looking at life from a different perspective. After that, reconsider your life position and goals. They will need to be corrected and lived without trying to please someone.

Many people occasionally fall into a kind of emotional vacuum, when only bad thoughts come into their heads, and everything simply falls out of their hands. What to do if everyone got tired and tired? This question has been asked by everyone at least once on the path of life. Such situations often appear as a result of serious troubles, disappointment or loss of direction in life. Most predisposed to the indicated state are people prone to depressive states. In this case, the choice of specific lines of behavior depends on the individual, and the result of resolving the problem depends on the degree of effort and desire applied to correct the situation. If a person intends to correct the situation, he freely moves towards the problem, which worries him. Without striving for goals and solutions to difficulties, the subject experiences a state of apathy, everything is tired, life is insignificant. A person who lives in harmony with himself and the outside world will not suffer from feelings of irritability, boredom and apathy.

Return interest in life, a person can in various ways. The most desirable option is to change everything. Change the direction of vision of objects and situations. A person who often finds himself in the place of the victim must learn to take responsibility for his life. Change jobs, appearance, social circle, wardrobe. Often a person, instead of acting towards solving a problem, closes deeper and deeper into himself, moving away from others. It is difficult, but really useful, to analyze the reasons for your actions, to turn inside yourself.

People will say: “it’s good for those who have the opportunity to quit everything and change their lives, when everything is tired, what should be done for those who do not have financial stability or have relatives that you can’t stop caring about?”. In such conditions, psychologists recommend that another good option for solving the problem is to “let off steam”, let out all negative emotions and aggression. Absolutely surrender to the desire to express everything and everyone, it is impossible, everything must be rational. Take a shower, shout at the water, there is an option to go to the forest to break a couple of plates and shout to nowhere, take your soul away.

You need a change in yourself. Why change yourself if a person is satisfied with everything in his own behavior? Perhaps, if everyone gets it and everything is wrong, the person got it himself? As a result, it is necessary to change the attitude towards the personalities surrounding the subject, to the environment in which he lives. In fact, it is much more difficult than just changing jobs or places of residence. The worldview of the subject is changeable, but this will require a lot of strength and persuasion with oneself, while internal personality changes will not harm the people surrounding the person and the reputation of the individual himself.

Pay attention, if we see in another person what we cannot afford, it irritates us and puts us into a state of apathy. Perhaps the reason is that a person has surrounded himself with cruel frames and does not allow himself to do something crazy: a hairstyle, a tattoo or a piercing. It is possible to go from a state of excitability and hatred for everything in life, but this is all individual. Each individual decides for himself what to do and what to leave for later, to live in depression all the time. Change your life from within.

Start with the elementary:

- a new breakfast, drinking coffee or tea from an unusual mug for you;

- find an activity that relaxes you: swimming pool, simple bathing, massage, walking;

– Be sure to adjust the sleep mode;

- Do your favorite sport. Initially, realize that it is health that affects your internal state, physical activity daily increases the amount of hormones of happiness in the subject's body;

- get busy, work on your thoughts. Learn to be tolerant and tolerant;

– it’s time to make the daily routine way to work creative or useful: write poetry, make plans for your life changes;

- call your friends and relatives to help you, do not hesitate to admit your despair.

Most importantly, under any circumstances, it is strictly forbidden to sit still, to remind you of the troubles that have been or may be taking place. It's just a waste of precious time. Healthy sleep, simple walking, walks with meaning, this is all that will help and will bear fruit very quickly. Appreciate what you have. The life of a man is short and unexpected, to waste time on and annoyances. In any situation, time is needed and everyone can find a path that suits his personality.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

You fight in the nets of life like a half-dead fish, but nothing comes out. Everything you really want does not add up, even if you crack. I no longer have the strength to try again and again, to give my all, to hope for something. And such fatigue rolls over: yes, perish it all! Enough.

Familiar state? Then there is good news for you. Instructions for a hung quest called "Life" found. Troubleshooting with Systemic Vector Psychology.

Why do we get "gets" in different ways

It is easy to see that for those problems that one complains about, the other is ready to give half his life. Here are two guys talking. One got unemployment and chronic lack of money. Another job is full, and he also complains: there is no time even to play football with his son. Also, the bosses are freaks, which are few. No matter how much you fight, you will not expect either respect or gratitude.

And it's not easy for women. One of them has a husband who is a chronic "couch-seat", does not provide for her family, she got tired of such a life. The other, on the contrary, is a dexterous and nimble businessman. It seems, live and rejoice, try on new fur coats! But no, he also complains: “How tired I am of being alone at home forever. Either he has business trips, or a new project - we hardly see each other. And children with a living father grow up without him. The third simply silently sighs about her: “I'm so tired of being alone. When you return home, there are bare walls. There is no one to even talk to." She has no husband, no children, and the years stubbornly take their toll ...

Maybe we humans are naturally so ungrateful? Can't we appreciate what we have?

Indeed, you can often hear: “Yes, look around, you still have everything“ in chocolate ”! Others are hundreds of times worse!” The only pity is that such advice does not add happiness to any of us. And this is quite reasonable.

In fact, each of us simply has our own hierarchy of desires, our own values ​​and priorities. They depend on the characteristics of the psyche given to a person from birth. Therefore, what one cannot live without may have no value for another at all.

And the good news is this: nature has taken care that everyone still gets exactly what he wants with all his heart.

Created to live happily

You can learn about all this and much more at the free online lectures "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written using the materials of Yuri Burlan's online training "System-Vector Psychology"

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