When you get pregnant, you get your period in the early stages. Are there periods during pregnancy?

In any "community" of pregnant women, the flow of stories about insidious periods during pregnancy does not dry out. Some women find out about pregnancy 2-3 months after its onset, and not at all because of their “denseness”, but because they continue to menstruate all this time - a situation that seems to exclude pregnancy and even suspicion of it. I myself know a certain lady, a neighbor down the street, who gave birth to six children (now adults), of which only two she really wanted and knew that she was pregnant. The rest were born unexpectedly, despite the fact that the lady visited the gynecologist. But pregnancy was discovered in her every time already at the time when even ardent atheists consider abortion murder, and all this time she was menstruating. Yes, this woman was very full, with a big belly, it was difficult to feel something there, probably there were serious hormonal disruptions, and our district gynecologist was not very professional and sat in an empty office all year round. And yet - why? How does it happen?

Menstruation during pregnancy in the first month

Menstruation during the first month of pregnancy is generally normal. In the middle of the cycle, fertilization happened, but the fertilized egg might not reach the right place (it takes 7-15 days) and the hormonal background did not have time to change - the body reacted as usual - the usual menstruation began and ended. It shouldn't happen next month. It happens that the estrogen background is lower than necessary. Pregnancy hormones are already working, pregnancy is developing, and estrogens suddenly “fell” - well, you never know why! - and this is always spotting, and they come exactly when they should have begun, if not for pregnancy. Since a stable hormonal background in our time is a rather rare thing, some women menstruate for 3-4 months without the threat of termination of pregnancy. There are also cases in the literature of simultaneous maturation of two eggs (from different ovaries, usually in turn), when one of them is fertilized and the second is rejected, causing menstruation, but this situation is quite rare and complicated.

Spotting or still menstruation during pregnancy?

What is important to know? Firstly, any bloody discharge with the established fact of pregnancy is not the norm! This is an indicator of a greater or lesser imbalance of sex hormones, which means it is a reason to consult a doctor. Secondly, under the guise of menstruation that has come, a completely different, more formidable pathology can be masked - a miscarriage that has begun. Therefore, all the same, the doctor cannot be bypassed. The difference between the first situation and the second is that menstruation against the background of pregnancy is always insignificant, sometimes they appear only when the woman moves, disappear at night and are never accompanied by pain. Even small. Prolonged, nagging pain, heaviness in the lower abdomen, bright, sudden bleeding, even on the usual days of menstruation, can be a reason not only for going to the clinic - sometimes for calling an ambulance!

Is it dangerous to continue menstruation during pregnancy for the unborn child?

It is necessary to be examined seriously, to check the level of all the necessary hormones and what else the doctor will prescribe. If, due to ongoing menstruation, you found out about pregnancy after the first month, do as you planned. If the child is desired, continue to carry the pregnancy and do not be afraid that due to bleeding, he will be born some kind of weak, sick, with defects, etc. Fortunately, hormones do not affect the formation of the fetus, its organs and systems. The dirty environment, the medications taken, and a lot more affect - but not the balance of hormones - let's rejoice at least this!

Sometimes women in position find signs of menstruation, i.e., vaginal spotting. Can there be menstruation during pregnancy, is it dangerous or quite acceptable? What do experts in gynecology and obstetrics say about this?

Physiologically, the appearance of menstruation in pregnant women is by no means a characteristic symptom. After all, in fact, menstruation is an exfoliating endometrium that grows on the uterine wall in the first half of the cycle. If conception does not occur, then it breaks up and comes out in the form of menstrual flow. If fertilization occurs, then the endometrium, on the contrary, is strengthened to provide the baby with additional protection. Therefore, menstruation does not occur during pregnancy. If, however, menstruation during early pregnancy nevertheless began, then the woman is frightened, since the symptom indicates a spontaneous interruption. And if the spouses have been waiting for conception for a long time, then such a circumstance is seriously frustrating and unsettling.

Usually, menstruation is presented by patients as any vaginal discharge, which is not entirely true, because the source of bleeding can be different. How do periods come? Under the influence of the progesterone hormone, or rather, against the background of its decrease, towards the end of the cycle, it begins to exfoliate, menstruation begins. Every month the menstrual cycle repeats, the endometrial layer grows again and again comes out with menstruation.

Therefore, if a pregnant woman has menstruation, that is, the endometrium has begun to come out, then it is impossible to talk about the normal development of the fetus. But in practice, it often happens that patients learn about conception only at 3-4 months, because their menstruation had gone on time before that. Why do periods occur during pregnancy?

Origin of bleeding

In fact, menstruation during early pregnancy, or rather, uterine bleeding, can begin for a variety of reasons.

  • The threat of an impending miscarriage;
  • The death of the embryo;
  • Development of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • Features of the uterine structure, for example, bicornuate, etc.

The threat of miscarriage is accompanied by mostly scanty, dark discharge, which is complemented by pulling soreness, similar to premenstrual pain. If the death of the embryo occurred, then there may be no signs for a long time. A positive factor is the appearance of symptoms that help to notice problems with pregnancy early. Similar signs of menstruation during early pregnancy include acute pain and smearing dark discharge, softening of the mammary gland, etc.

The ectopic location of the embryo is also accompanied by pain at the site of implantation of the fetal egg, and with physical exertion and movement, the pain, as a rule, only intensifies. In such cases, there are not very heavy periods during pregnancy with dark blood. If the bleeding is strong and prolonged, then this may indicate the beginning of the process of spontaneous detachment of the embryo. It is also impossible to exclude the possibility that the unusual structure of the uterus can become the cause of bleeding. For example, with a bicornuate structure of the uterus, the fetus is implanted in only one part of it, while the other continues to menstruate monthly. Of course, this state of affairs cannot be considered normal, but menstruation in the early stages of pregnancy with such a feature is quite understandable.

Another situation may also occur when a woman had sexual intimacy, and soon menstruation came, then there was no unprotected contact, but the woman was able to become pregnant. This is possible if pregnancy has already happened at the time of menstruation, this happens with late ovulation. Hormonal processes do not yet have time to start, so bleeding begins on the scheduled days. It was just that the fertilized cell was sent to the uterus when menstruation began in early pregnancy. Which is quite understandable, because the completed conception is considered the time during the implantation period, when the cell is fully fixed in the uterine wall, and not the moment of fertilization of the cell by sperm.

If the fact of pregnancy has already been confirmed by tests and ultrasound, then any menstruation at the beginning of pregnancy and even a slight spotting of blood should be considered as a serious deviation requiring a doctor's examination.

Heavy menstruation with clots in pregnant women

Usually, cases associated with menstruation during pregnancy, whatever they may be, indicate a threat of interruption or a miscarriage that has already begun. Rejection can be caused by various factors such as:

In such situations, they do not say that menstruation occurs during pregnancy, since we are talking about uterine bleeding. If a pregnant woman has profuse bleeding with impurities of blood clots or there is only one large clot, brown dark scanty periods appear during pregnancy, then you need to call an ambulance. Similar manifestations of pregnancy can begin with the threat of spontaneous abortion, ectopic fixation of the embryo or its death. For a long time, such a clinical picture indicates placental presentation or detachment. Pathological bleeding is accompanied by intense pain and hyperthermia, malaise and nausea.

Pregnant women have menstrual flow after sex

Classical sexual intimacy is not dangerous and cannot cause a miscarriage. But in some patients, brownish discharge may begin after this. These are not ordinary periods, but bleeding due to more abundant blood flow to the small pelvis, due to which the mucous tissues become much more sensitive, therefore they are easily damaged during sexual contact. Usually, such smears are not dangerous, but it is still worth talking with a gynecologist about this. If noticeable bleeding occurs after each intimacy, then you will have to abstain from sex for the time being.

You should undergo a gynecological examination, find out if there are deviations, whether sexual intercourse is possible during further gestation, etc. If the obstetrician-gynecologist does not reveal any pathologies, then you can resume sexual life. In such a situation, it is better to use panty liners to understand the color of the discharge and its abundance. The doctor will need this information to more accurately assess the condition. But the use of tampons should be abandoned. If, in addition to blood, large clots and pieces of tissue are released from the vagina, nausea-vomiting attacks and dizziness, severe pain in the uterus, immediate medical intervention is required.

Menstruation with ectopic

With an ectopic location of the fetal egg, implantation most often occurs in the fallopian tube. In fact, conception occurs, therefore, hormonal processes also start, the content of chorionic gonadotropin increases. Therefore, the menstruation also stops. But the first weeks may be disturbed by a bloody brown daub, which a woman mistakenly takes for menstruation. The outcome of such an ectopic pregnancy can be reduced to spontaneous detachment of the fetal egg and abortion, or rupture of the fallopian tube. Can menstruation occur during pregnancy? In such a situation, any outcome is accompanied by profuse bleeding, the consequences of which can be sad. This is why identifying early pathology is vital.

It often happens that bleeding coincides with the next menstruation, which prevents a woman from noticing an interesting situation in time. After all, she believes that menstruation began during pregnancy, which she does not know about. But an ectopic can be recognized by other signs:

  • Hypotension;
  • Weakness;
  • Frequent fainting and dizziness;
  • Attacks of severe pain in the region of one of the tubes, reflected by lumbar and rectal pains;
  • There may be periods during pregnancy outside the uterus, but they become scarce.

If there are suspicions of ectopic gestation, it is necessary to be examined, undergo ultrasound diagnostics, and pass laboratory tests for the determination of hCG. These measures will help determine if pregnancy is possible.

Features of bleeding during gestation

To distinguish uterine bleeding from menstrual bleeding, you need to know for sure which periods are typical for pregnancy. Being confident in the absence of conception, the patient should be alert for any deviation from the norm. For example, the duration of menstruation noticeably increased, the nature of the discharge changed, they became plentiful or scarce, or began to occur between menstruation, etc. Such signs are accompanied by severe pain, poor health, which requires a mandatory visit to the doctor.

You can have periods during pregnancy. They can be distinguished from bleeding in several ways. For example, they are usually sparse and smearing, brown in color, often have a watery consistency with bloody streaks. Such allocations begin with delays, often quite long. Uncharacteristic signs may be present, for example, before menstruation there were painful sensations, but now they are absent. The difference with bleeding lies in how long menstrual flow can last. Real menstruation in pregnant women can be observed only in the early periods of gestation, when the patient does not yet know about the position. Such periods last no more than 2-3 cycles, although exceptions are possible.

What are the dangers of menstrual flow in pregnant women

Are there periods during pregnancy, we have already figured out. True menstruation for pregnancy does not threaten anything, but bleeding can seriously harm maternal health and the viability of the fetus. Self-diagnosis with bleeding that has appeared is inappropriate, therefore, any hints of such a symptom require urgent treatment in the LCD. Unfortunately, today pregnant women often seek advice on various forums or ask their mother or girlfriends for advice. Such stupidity leads to the fact that time is wasted and it is no longer possible to save the pregnancy.

Therefore, any changes in the patient's condition should not be ignored by the patient, whether it be the occurrence of unusual discharge, painful ailments, etc. You should immediately consult a doctor if symptoms such as:

  1. Scarlet or bright red spotting;
  2. Adverse bleeding symptoms in the form of nausea and vomiting and severe sharp pains in the uterus or on the side of it;
  3. Pieces or clots present in the composition of the secretions;
  4. Excessive pallor and dizziness, marked weakness or fainting, headaches, etc.

The presumptive diagnosis for such manifestations may be pathologies such as ectopic pregnancy, cystic drift, spontaneous abortion, etc.

When there's nothing to worry about

Any bleeding, if a woman is in a position, cannot be the norm, but still there are situations when there is nothing to worry about. Minor bloody smears can occur with hormonal disorders and during the implantation of a fertilized egg, during pregnancy immediately before menstruation, etc. In addition, a similar phenomenon is possible in cases where two cells have matured and come out during ovulation, and only one has been fertilized.

Also, a brownish spotting may appear due to excessive levels of androgens or progesterone deficiency. Such violations are generally not dangerous, but how long they last is of no small importance; in case of serious deviations, they need to be corrected. Implantation of the ovum into the uterine walls can last quite a long time, about a couple of weeks. With such a long advance of the cell into the uterus, the hormonal status does not have time to adjust to the pregnant mood, so menstruation begins. In obstetric practice, there are enough patients who had menstruation in the first trimester.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation or late ovulation

Many people think that getting pregnant during menstruation is absolutely impossible. But this opinion is not entirely correct, because experts do not exclude such a possibility at all. This is also acceptable before menstruation, when the egg, by definition, can no longer be fertilized. But this is possible due to the late onset of the ovulatory period, just before menstruation. In such a situation, the delay is observed only in the second month of gestation, and immediately after conception, normal periods will come.

Therefore, the myths regarding whether menstruation can go in the early stages are debunked. This is quite real, however, it is important to distinguish them from uterine bleeding, which is incredibly dangerous for the fetus and mother. Menstruation in the first and sometimes the second cycle is considered safe. A longer presence of spotting in pregnant patients already indicates the pathological nature of bleeding.

If this happens, keep your mind and calmness. Analyze the events of recent days, whether there was sexual intimacy, physical activity, etc. Perhaps the reason is too passionate sex. Then it is worth discussing these issues with your spouse in order to avoid undesirable consequences. And be sure to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist to exclude the pathological origin of bleeding.

Interruption of the menstrual cycle after conception is the norm, a natural process, the violation of which can lead to various consequences. Why do periods sometimes occur during pregnancy?

Menstruation during pregnancy is not uncommon, but an occasion to consult a gynecologist. After all, this may be a sign of a serious hormonal or other disorder that will prevent the child from being born.

Periods appear during early pregnancy, most often during the first month. This is facilitated by various failures in the maturation of eggs (for example, simultaneously in both ovaries), multiple pregnancy with the prospect of rejection of one of the embryos, hormonal disorders, and the presence of diseases such as fibroids and endometriosis.

The reasons for the release of bloody mucus in the early stages can be the implantation of a fetal egg in the wall of the uterus, sex, or damage to the vaginal mucosa during a gynecological examination.

Cycle duration

Can menstruation go after conception and when do they stop? Strictly speaking, menstruation and pregnancy are incompatible, the cycle must stop immediately after the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine wall. And if this does not happen, it means that the fetal egg, having formed at the end of the previous cycle, simply did not have time to reach its destination yet. It usually takes 7 to 15 days to attach, during which period menstruation may occur.

How to distinguish a cycle from bleeding?

How to distinguish spotting from menstruation, and why can menstruation occur during pregnancy? With a regular sexual life, without the use of contraceptives, the fertilization of an egg in a healthy woman is almost guaranteed.

Signs of pregnancy during menstruation in the early stages can be:

  • the onset of the cycle much earlier or later than the term;
  • the discharge is not plentiful, even scarce, without the usual clots, indicating the exfoliation of the endometrial layer of the uterus;
  • the color can vary from blood pink with an admixture of mucus to red-brown;
  • unusually short running cycle.

All these signs of pregnancy after menstruation are evidence that the discharge is not menstruation at all.

As for bloody mucous discharge, which sometimes accompanies early conception - their cause is most often mechanical damage to the walls of the vagina during sex or after gynecological examinations, such discharge is not dangerous. Heavy bleeding with brightly colored blood should be alarming, which, being a sign of rupture of large vessels, requires immediate medical attention.

In the first trimester

Menstruation at the beginning of pregnancy can last up to 11-12 weeks, most often this is caused by hormonal disorders: taking birth control pills, hormone imbalance caused by various endocrinopathies, viral and infectious diseases, stress.

Other causes of menstruation in early pregnancy can be:

  • implantation of the fetal egg in the endometrial layer of the uterus, which causes minor damage to the vessels. As a result, scanty secretions appear that do not threaten the development of the embryo;
  • fertilization occurred at the end of the cycle, and the egg did not get the opportunity to attach to the wall of the uterus, such “menses through the fetus” are real, and they can only happen in the first month of pregnancy, while the body has not yet begun to rebuild;

  • Can there be a pregnancy with real menstruation, and in what other cases? With a very rare phenomenon of almost simultaneous maturation of eggs in different ovaries. In this case, when the first is fertilized, the second is rejected;
  • attachment of fetal eggs, how many there will be, does not matter. One of them is rejected, causing bleeding;
  • ectopic, in which the discharge is easy to distinguish from the usual - they look like brown clots and are accompanied by sharp pain;
  • attachment and growth of an unfertilized egg, before spontaneous rejection, provokes regular bloody-mucous discharge.

Menstruation in the first month of pregnancy may be no different from real menstruation and sometimes continue until the end of the trimester, but they are very meager.

What periods during pregnancy in the first trimester can be considered dangerous? Excessive bleeding with pain or frequent regular traces of blood indicate a serious pathology, for example, the threat of miscarriage. In general, pregnancy and menstruation are incompatible, any bleeding in this position is a reason to see a doctor.

In the second trimester

You can still put up with spotting in the first trimester, since most of them do not pose a threat, but are there periods during pregnancy in the second trimester? The appearance of blood at this moment is a direct threat of miscarriage. Its reasons may be:

  • presenting position, when the walls of the uterus cannot hold the incorrectly lying placenta in a fixed position. Breaks occur, and as a result - bleeding;
  • partial or complete rejection of the placenta before childbirth;
  • threat of interruption and frozen fetus;
  • bleeding from the vessels of the umbilical cord of the fetus;
  • rupture of uterine tissue. Such bleeding occurs due to the presence of a postoperative scar, chorionepithelioma, thinning of the walls of the uterus due to numerous births and abortions.

Anyone who has had a period during pregnancy knows that any bleeding in the second trimester is a reason to immediately go to the hospital. With timely access to a medical institution, in 95% of cases it is possible to prevent miscarriage and fetal death.

In the third trimester

Can there be periods during pregnancy in the third trimester, and what causes bleeding? Allocations during this period are a threat of interruption, they can be caused by any acute infectious or viral disease, hormonal imbalance, severe nervous shock, trauma, bruises, placental rejection and bleeding from the vessels of the umbilical cord of the fetus.

During pregnancy, menstruation can be triggered by other pathologies:

  • an increasing fetus can cause the development of a serious disease - varicose veins of the uterus, and in the later stages and provoke rupture and bleeding from damaged vessels;
  • untreated cervical erosion in time may appear with minor, but regular spotting;
  • extremely rare cases - bleeding during pregnancy can occur due to intrauterine polyps or cervical cancer.

Menstruation and pregnancy in the third trimester are incompatible and may be a reason to save or terminate for medical reasons. If at this moment menstruation began, especially plentiful, it can be very dangerous for the life of the mother and child.

What is the danger?

Menstruation during early pregnancy is not always dangerous, only in the later stages of gestation. In the second and third trimester, with very rare exceptions, they indicate pathological changes in the body and pose a danger to the baby and the life of the mother. For example, with varicose veins, there is a chance to provoke a rupture of fairly large uterine vessels and it is extremely difficult to stop such bleeding.

To be precise, all the bleeding that occurs after conception cannot be called menstruation: they have a completely different mechanism of occurrence. Although real periods in the first month of pregnancy can go, due to fertilization at the end of the previous cycle.

During pregnancy, there are periods provoked by mechanical damage to the walls of the vagina, they can also be classified as non-dangerous, provided that no infection is introduced into the microcracks.

More reasons

Pathologies that can provoke the appearance of menstruation during pregnancy:

  • anomalies in the development of the uterus (for example, bicornuate), in which it is very difficult to become pregnant and bear a fetus;
  • acute infectious diseases such as syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • various hormonal disorders and endocrinopathies;
  • blood clotting disorders;

  • the presence of varicose veins of the uterus;
  • congenital pathology of fetal development;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • the use of certain drugs that can cause uterine contractions;
  • ectopic and multiple pregnancy;
  • placenta previa;
  • chorionepithelioma;
  • severe nervous shock, shock, stress.

The cause may be household injuries from falls and bruises.


Is pregnancy possible during menstruation, or is it excluded? At this moment, extremely unfavorable conditions are created in the female genital tract for the survival of spermatozoa, so conception becomes impossible.

But is it possible to be pregnant during menstruation, and how to understand whether you have a cycle or discharge? During menstruation, the chest usually swells quite painfully, pulls the lower abdomen. If these symptoms are absent, then a sign of pregnancy through menstruation can be considered:

  • scanty, brownish discharge;
  • "menstruation" is always painless;
  • came much earlier or later than the deadline;
  • ended quickly;
  • only happens during the daytime.

Features of physiology

Can menstruation go during pregnancy or is it a pathology? Why do menstruation go, what causes spotting? Regularly, an egg ready for fertilization matures in the female body, by the time of its maturation, the uterus prepares for the attachment of the fetal egg, building up a special layer of cells. If fertilization does not happen, the egg and the layer of the endometrial epithelium are brought out with menstruation.

When fertilization has occurred, the body begins to hormonally rebuild so that the fetal egg is fixed in the uterine wall, and no factors provoke its rejection. Thus, to the question of whether it is possible to be pregnant if menstruation is coming, the answer is yes, but only at very early dates, because menstruation after conception is more a pathology than a norm.

How do you know if the cycle hasn't stopped?

Can pregnancy occur after menstruation how to find out? Of course, by buying a test. But sometimes that's not a guarantee either. With 100% certainty, you can confirm the presence of an embryo if you take an analysis for the chorionic hormone (hCG), which begins to grow literally from the first week. And with the normal development of the fetus, it increases by 1.5 times every 2 days.

Human physiology is amazing and complex, especially for us women. The female body is one big mystery, and although doctors have studied it up and down, curious cases arise daily in medical practice that contradict all norms. These include menstruation during pregnancy.

The concept of menstruation

To understand the whole unusualness of this phenomenon, one should clearly understand the principle of the female reproductive system. We all know that the work of the body of the fair sex is cyclical, and the first day of the cycle is considered to be the first day of menstruation. In the middle of the cycle (approximately on the 14th day), the egg matures, ready for fertilization. At this time, the lining epithelium inside the uterus increases in size and becomes loose, preparing for the attachment of a fertilized egg. The egg gradually moves through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity, and if conception does not occur, it is destroyed and released along with the torn off layer of the epithelium in the form of monthly bleeding. The cycle is restarted.

Conclusion: menstruation is a clear sign that pregnancy has not occurred, this is the process of the release of a destroyed egg, cleansing before a new cycle.

Why are my periods, I'm pregnant!

Can menstruation go during pregnancy? Obviously not. It is logical to assume that menstruation in the truest sense of the word (the exit of the rejected endometrium and the unclaimed egg) cannot occur during a woman's pregnancy for physiological reasons. This is normal and in theory. In practice, everything is completely different: approximately 10-20% of pregnant women experience periodic or regular periods both in the first trimester and up to childbirth. Paradox!

In especially curious cases, the lady finds out about her “interesting situation” at a very serious period of 4-5 months, when the baby began to move, and the stomach began to bulge indecently (it doesn’t look like overeating and intestinal problems, right?).

And there is also the opposite situation, when a woman knows for sure that a new life is born inside her and is surprised to find the regulations that came exactly according to the “old schedule”, as if there was no pregnancy at all. And the experts found their explanation for everything.

Is it menstruation?

To be honest, to call menstrual bleeding those that are sometimes observed in pregnant women is not entirely correct. Bleeding - yes, but not menstrual. Do we ladies understand? Therefore, we call them as we are used to: menstruation.

But the point is not in the name, but in the very nature of such secretions. From the school biology course, and from personal experience, we know very well that the delay in the regulation is the first sign of the onset of fertilization, that there is no menstruation during pregnancy and lactation, and this is normal. So a similar phenomenon in a lady in a position is not the norm.

In the vast majority of these cases, women experience spotting (arising from a number of reasons), which they can mistake for menstruation (they can start at the same time, go for several days and look like a true menstruation in volume, color, etc.) . And all this is observed, often in the first trimester.

Due to the prevalence of this phenomenon, some experts consider menstruation during early pregnancy a variant of the norm, BUT, only after examination for pregnancy-threatening conditions.

Conditionally safe causes of bleeding

In the first 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, a woman can really have real menstruation, which then will not be repeated in the next cycle. This is rare, but it does happen, especially in those who have been using (contraceptive pills) for a long time before getting pregnant.

The reason for such random periods may be a hormonal failure, when a change in the level of the hormone progesterone triggers menstrual changes. Usually there is no threat to the fetal egg in this case, but one cannot hope for "maybe".

In addition to naughty hormones, the following situations can happen:

✓ The woman had two ovulations, i.e. at different times, an egg was released from each ovary. One was fertilized, and the other collapsed and came out bleeding;

✓ Late ovulation and fertilization that took place before menstruation started;

✓ Menstruation is caused by an egg somehow retained from the previous cycle while the "new" one is fertilized.

There are also bleeding caused by other causes and not related to menstruation:

✓ implantation bleeding (loudly) - scanty spotting or spotting for 2-4 days, occurs at about 4 weeks of gestation at the time of attachment of the fetal egg to the uterine wall;

✓ bleeding caused by mechanical damage to the cervix or vagina during a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse. Short, scarce.

When to sound the alarm

It is quite clear that normally there should be no spotting during the entire period of bearing a baby, especially after 12 weeks of gestation.

Blood from the genital tract is actually a very alarming sign (but not always, as follows from the information above), signaling life-threatening and health-threatening signs that threaten not only the fetus, but also the mother.

What does bleeding during pregnancy indicate:

  • ;
  • ✓ P fetal pathologies incompatible with its further development. No matter how hard we try, circumstances do not always take into account our desires. Prudent nature (natural selection - whatever you want to call it) has thought of everything for us and gets rid of its own mistakes. In this case, if the most severe genetic mutations and violations of embryogenesis occur during fertilization, then the further development of the child is impossible, and the body itself terminates the pregnancy with a miscarriage; uterine failure.
  • Women whose organ has an irregular structure, underdeveloped or has physiological defects, may face bleeding problems of varying intensity. The uterus in this case is not able to bear the child;
  • or - conditions in which the embryo or already fetus has died in the womb or develops outside the uterine cavity. In any case, surgical intervention is required;
  • AND infection and inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs. Usually, the discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Naturally, a situation of this kind requires urgent treatment, since it threatens the health of the unborn baby;
  • Placental abruption can cause bleeding from 13 weeks of gestation. This condition also requires the immediate intervention of specialists, since there is a high risk of blood loss in a woman and hypoxia in the fetus, up to his death;
  • P skid- a rare but dangerous phenomenon, characterized by the formation of many bubble-like structures from the chorion of the fetal egg. They are formed in the cavity of the maca, on the ovaries in the form of cysts and come out with bleeding. The danger of this phenomenon lies both in the termination of pregnancy and in the risk of the formation of a malignant tumor that quickly metastasizes to the brain and vital organs;
  • G Ibel of one of the embryos in a multiple pregnancy, while the second can in relative order;
  • ✓ P placenta previa can cause bleeding of varying degrees, especially often this happens in the third trimester, when the fetus is already quite large;
  • D malignant formations in the uterine cavity (polyp, fibroids, etc.) as well as endometriosis.

As you can see, there are much more threatening states than situations where "menstruation" does not cause concern. But that is why a woman should be alerted to any discharge, similar to menstruation, at any time.

Immediate medical attention is necessary for the following symptoms:

✓ pain of any nature in the lower abdomen, on its sides;

dizziness, nausea, vomiting;

profuse bleeding from the vagina;

the presence of dense clots, parts of tissue in the secretions;

bad smell;

fever, pale skin.

With such symptoms, call an ambulance immediately! You can't delay!

How is menstruation different from bleeding during pregnancy?

The apparent similarity of external manifestations can completely confuse a woman, which makes her think about the onset of menstruation, even if she is confident in her position. But, as we managed to find out, a rarity is menstruation during pregnancy. How to distinguish spotting from normal menstruation?

Short duration. Spotting continues, basically, no more than 4 days;

No symptoms of PMS (drawing pains, breast swelling, mood changes, etc.). Although in some cases it is noted that breast swelling, on the contrary, does not go away;

menstruation CAN BE in the first month (up to 5-6 weeks) of pregnancy due to malfunctions in the reproductive system and are often observed once;

the nature of menstruation should be determined based on whether the presence of a developing embryo / fetus is diagnosed. If a woman is NOT aware of her condition, menstruation may be due to some reason (see previous paragraph). If a woman is reliably pregnant, then, in most cases, spotting is not menstruation in the direct sense;

bleeding from the vagina in a future mother in some cases does not pose a threat to life and health

profuse spotting accompanied by pain, dizziness, fever, etc. require urgent medical attention;

In ANY CASE, if you find discharge that is close to bloody, you should ALWAYS notify your supervising doctor.

Remember that a timely appeal to specialists allows you to save the life of the baby, normalize your condition and get by with little blood in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Negligence towards yourself and your unborn child, ignoring the signs of your body, the hope for self-resolution of the problem are unacceptable!

Do not hesitate to say that something is bothering you, do not hide even such intimate details from the doctor, do not sacrifice your health for the sake of household chores and work. Remember that pregnancy is a huge responsibility for someone else's life, which is placed on your shoulders, and you have no right to put it at risk! Health to you and your children!

Often, when pregnancy occurs, the question arises of whether menstruation can be with her? Many women claim that they had critical days almost up to three or four months of pregnancy, but can this really be?

From the point of view of medicine and anatomy, menstruation during pregnancy is impossible, this contradicts the very physiology of the menstrual cycle and the nature of pregnancy.

Can menstruation occur during pregnancy?

To understand the answer to this question, you need to remember the knowledge of female physiology.

The menstrual cycle of a woman is a kind of monthly preparation for pregnancy, in the first phase there is a rejection of the obsolete endometrium and an increase in the level of hormones responsible for the maturation of the egg.

The first days are menstruation, blood flow and the growth of a new endometrium, then the gradual maturation of the follicle, which ovulates by the middle of the cycle and the egg enters the tube cavity.

If it does not meet with the sperm there, then it ages, the level of hormones decreases and the “old” endometrium is rejected, which loses its functional significance - the embryo has not penetrated into it. Then there is menstruation.

If the egg is fertilized, it migrates into the uterine cavity and is introduced into the endometrium prepared for this, which gives it nutrition and protection.

Under such conditions, the level of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum - the place in the ovary where the egg was released - is maintained at a high level, the endometrium is not rejected and menstruation does not occur.

Pregnancy develops, the placenta is formed. Therefore, during pregnancy, menstruation simply cannot go, otherwise there would be no pregnancy.

But if menstruation occurs during early pregnancy? This is not menstruation per se, but bleeding resulting from various causes and is almost always a cause for serious concern.

A small amount of blood is possible to take during pregnancy, but if it is about 10 days from conception, it may be implantation bleeding.

This is the process of implantation of the embryo into the endometrium, in which one in five women may experience a slight "daub" mistaken for menstruation.

The presence of "menstruation" during pregnancy

Is the manifestation of menstruation dangerous during pregnancy - this question is often asked by women, and doctors answer - that in most cases this can be eliminated in time.

Naturally, the presence of bleeding during pregnancy in the early stages is always a deviation from the normal course, but it can not always really threaten the mother or baby.

The most basic thing that can be the reason that menstruation can occur during pregnancy is the bleeding during implantation described above.

But far from always it can be in the form of bleeding or even spotting, often implantation goes completely unnoticed by a woman.

Can I have scanty periods during pregnancy? This is in rare cases possible with late ovulation and a long period of implantation, when the egg does not have time to enter the uterus before the onset of menstruation.

But in this case, there is also a risk of pregnancy failure, since the endometrium will be partially exfoliated, and therefore not consistent. Under such conditions, a delay may occur already by the next cycle, when a change in the hormonal background occurs as a result of implantation.

Why do periods occur during pregnancy?

If this is not implantation bleeding, we can talk about the pathology associated with pregnancy and not about menstruation as such, but about the development of bleeding.

In the early stages, the presence of bleeding indicates the onset of detachment of the fetal egg and the onset of miscarriage. At the same time, pains arise as during menstruation during pregnancy, pulls the lower abdomen, and first spotting appears, and then bloody.

If the detachment is insignificant and everything is in order with the embryo, then the woman's body can independently stop bleeding by increasing the production of progesterone and maintaining the pregnancy.

Usually then only slight spotting occurs. In more serious situations, there may be pain and spasms, and the bleeding gradually increases.

With such symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance and be hospitalized in a hospital, doctors will try to save the pregnancy by conducting medical procedures and prescribing drugs. In addition, you need to strictly adhere to bed rest and rest.

The reasons for detachment of the fetal egg and miscarriage at a very early date, which the woman herself can sometimes take for menstruation, are neoplasms in the uterus, endometriosis, oxygen deficiency in the fetus and its death.

Genetic defects of the fetus or defects in the laying of organs and systems can also significantly affect. Thus, the body tries to carry out a kind of natural selection and remove a potentially non-viable fetus.

Another dangerous cause of bleeding, similar to menstrual bleeding during pregnancy, may be the formation of an ectopic pregnancy.

With it, the fetal egg can be fixed in the abdominal cavity, on the ovary or in the cavity of the tube, or there may be another option for cervical pregnancy.

All of these pregnancy options cannot be carried, they can lead to bleeding and threat to the life of the patient.

If an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and genitals is required, which will confirm the diagnosis. Unfortunately, such a pregnancy must be terminated immediately so as not to get complications.