Roe deer in the oven. Roe deer or elk meat baked in foil Bake roe deer meat in the oven

Not many hunters can boast that they had a chance to try roe deer dishes. Among wild ungulates, roe deer meat is the most valuable. Experts say that it has the most useful properties in August-September, because at this time the animal has not yet used up the nutrients accumulated over the summer.

Useful properties of roe deer meat

Roe deer lives in the wild, consumes only natural plant foods, so its meat has unique beneficial properties. It contains the minimum number of calories: its energy value is only 138 kcal per 100 g.

The product is rich in protein, and its fat is less dangerous to the human body than the fat of other forest dwellers, since it has a low refractoriness. Dishes prepared from roe deer meat can be consumed not only by healthy people, but also by the sick. They contain iodine, phosphorus, vitamins PP, B6 and B12, as well as a set of trace elements: iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, copper, selenium and about 20 amino acids.

The use of this meat helps to improve the functions of several systems, including the digestive, nervous and endocrine systems. The liver, heart and lungs are highly valued in the roe deer, since it is in them that the most valuable elements are concentrated.

As for contraindications - there are practically none.. Game is not recommended to eat with individual intolerance or in the case when protein foods are generally prohibited (for high cholesterol). However, it is worth knowing that roe deer meat is a hard-to-digest product and when it is consumed, discomfort from the digestive organs is possible in those who have had their gallbladder removed.

Cooking features

Roe deer meat is dark in color, veined and has a peculiar smell. If you cook roe deer meat without special preparation, it will be very tough. Therefore, before you start cooking, the game must be soaked. The meat of a young animal is soft and dishes prepared from it are juicy, and too old meat, even after soaking, will remain tough.

You need to soak the game in the following way: clean it from films, wash it, add chopped garlic, onion, spices to it. Prepare a marinade (1 tbsp. 3% vinegar per 2 liters of water) and soak the meat with it for 4-5 hours, then rinse well.

You can cook delicious roe deer by following some recommendations:

  • the softest part of the carcass - ham and saddle, an exquisite delicacy - tenderloin;
  • it is better to fry game (at the same time it needs to be watered with lemon juice), stew with aromatic herbs and bake in foil;
  • unusually tasty cutlets are obtained from this meat;
  • offal is best cooked in wine and sour cream sauce;
  • for cooking barbecue, the tenderloin will have to be marinated for at least two days.

The best roe deer recipes

In cooking, there are many recipes that can be prepared from this game. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have a cooking skill, many of them are available even to novice housewives.

Roe deer meat with sweet sauce

For 1-1.5 kg of meat (neck, shoulder blade, costal part) - 50 g sl. butter, 60 g diced bacon, 1 carrot, 1 onion, parsley, ½ celery root, black and allspice - 5 each, ½ cup dry red wine, lemon juice and zest, 1 tbsp. l. jams, 2 tbsp. spoons of 8% vinegar and sugar, 50 g flour, 1 tbsp. l. raisins, 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped nuts, thyme, cloves, ginger on the tip of a knife.


  1. Clean the meat from the films, rinse and cut into small pieces. Put butter, pieces of bacon, sugar, chopped roots into a saucepan and lightly brown. Put meat, salt, add wine, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water, vinegar, chopped onion, spices and simmer for an hour.
  2. Then take out the meat, season the secreted juice with flour fried in butter. Let the sauce boil and add 1 tbsp. l. jam (from currants, rose hips, etc.), if desired - a little juice and lemon zest. The sauce should have a sweet and sour taste. At the end, add raisins, nuts, spices. Serve the sauce with the stew in a separate bowl.

Braised ribs

You can cook roe deer ribs according to a very simple recipe and surprise your guests.

Ingredients: ribs - 300 g, 100 g fat, 1 onion, 5 pcs. potatoes, 50 g sl. oils, salt, pepper - to taste. Cut the ribs into equal parts, potatoes into cubes, onions into rings.


All ingredients must be laid out in a brazier in layers:

  • the first is bacon and onion, cut into rings;
  • the second - game, potatoes, onions, salt;
  • the third is onion, salt, pepper.

Pour the dish with water and cook for 1.5 hours over medium heat. To prevent the garnish from burning, it is necessary to constantly add evaporated water. After cooking, the dish should be infused for 30 minutes.


To cook a delicious roast, you need to use a tenderloin from the chest part of the carcass.

Ingredients: tenderloin - 1 kg, bacon - 600 g, 2 pcs. onion, st. oil - 30 g, salt, bay leaf, pepper.


Cut the meat into equal pieces, rinse, put in a roasting pan, salt and pour cold water. Simmer on low heat for 3 minutes, then add butter, bacon pieces, onion, pepper, bay leaf and cook for another 15-20 minutes. Serve with potatoes or rice.

Ingredients: meat - 500 g, fresh fat - 50 g, 2 head. onions, dry red wine - 50 g, celery and parsley root 20 g each, salt.


Rinse the meat and stuff with bacon with vegetables. Finely chopped onion fry in a pan, add celery root and parsley, salt, pour a little boiling water, simmer in the oven under a closed lid until tender. At the end, add red dry wine. Serve with vegetables and herbs.

Hungarian natural cutlets

For 1-1.5 kg of roe deer spinal meat you will need: 50 g of smoked lard, 200 ml of sweet white wine, 50 g of mushrooms, 150 g of sour cream, 2-3 tbsp. l. rast. oils, 30 g sl. oils, 1 tbsp. l. flour, one cup beef stock, ½ tbsp. l. ground red pepper, salt.


  1. Aged, washed and peeled from the films, cut the spinal part of the game into cutlets, beat a little through the film, salt, sprinkle with red pepper, stuff with thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbacon, roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil.
  2. Fry the flour in a saucepan, pour in the broth, wine, sour cream, add chopped mushrooms. Add the sauce, stir and boil for 5 minutes. Serve with chopped cutlets separately in a gravy boat.

As a side dish, you can serve a head salad and buns or vermicelli fried in a pan in which cutlets were cooked.

Roe deer meat dumplings

Roe deer meat is lean, so it is better to add a part of fatty pork meat to the minced meat for dumplings, about 1/5 of the total minced meat. Approximately ¼ of the total volume of minced meat should be finely ground onions.

Ingredients: 700 g of roe deer meat, 300 g of fatty pork meat, 2 pcs. fried onion, 1 pc. fresh onion, 2 tbsp. l. milk, salt, pepper.

Dough Ingredients: 1 egg, water, flour, salt.


To increase the juiciness in minced meat, it is recommended to add a small amount of milk and salt. The dough is prepared in the traditional way. Boil dumplings in salted water for 15-20 minutes. Season the finished dish with sour cream or butter, sprinkle with herbs.

Liver on the face

You can cook roe deer not only at home, but also in nature.

Ingredients: 2 kg of liver, salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. Roe deer liver, cut into pieces of 200-300 g, planted on peeled and pointed in the form of a rhombus willow or birch sticks with a diameter of 2-3 cm and a length of about 1 meter. Make shallow cuts on the liver and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  2. Stick the rampage near the fire in such a way that the pieces of the liver are about 20-30 cm from the flame of the fire. Cook the dish for no more than 20 minutes. During this time, the rampage must be turned several times so that all parts of the piece are evenly heated.

Roe deer meat is a delicacy, knowing the features of its preparation, you can create delicious dishes at home or in nature that will delight your loved ones and decorate the festive table.


  • Roe deer leg - 1.5-2.5 kilograms.
  • Adjika ready - 100 gr.
  • Salt - 20 gr.
  • White pepper - 3 gr.
  • Garlic - 20 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 30 gr.
  • Red pepper, ground - 5 gr.
  • For sauce:
  • Classic Tkemali sauce - 50 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr.
  • Green Tabasco sauce - 5 gr.
  • Garlic - 10 gr.
  • Lime juice - 10 gr.
  • Sugar-sand - 5 gr.
  • Dill and parsley greens - 10 gr.
  • Pink pepper - 1 gr.

How to cook

We take the leg of the roe deer, thoroughly wash it, make a cut with a thin sharp knife to the middle of the thickness of the meat. Stuff the cut in the meat with garlic cloves. Rub the meat with salt, white pepper, and garlic grated on a fine grater. Evenly apply a thin layer of adjika. Wrap the meat in foil, make at least 3 layers, and make sure that the bones do not break through the foil. Bake in the oven at T-160 degrees for 2 hours. Check the readiness of the meat with a skewer, if a red liquid flows, then put it on for another 20 minutes.
After that, tear the foil, and apply a thin layer of a mixture of mayonnaise and red, ground pepper. Put back in the oven, raise T to 180-190 degrees and bake for another 15-20 minutes with visual control until a pronounced color appears.
Prepare the sauce: Squeeze the juice from the lime, randomly chop the garlic and herbs. Mix all the ingredients, except pink pepper, beat with a blender until smooth, add pink pepper, mix. Put in saucepan.
Decoration: This dish does not need to be specially decorated, as it will be cut on the table. Put your foot on lettuce leaves, arrange with bell pepper, you can also greens and / or lingonberries.
En. value of roe deer meat per 100 gr. Proteins-21.4 fats - 1.3 carbohydrates 0, Calorie content - 97 Kcal.
Sauce per 100g: Proteins-25 fats - 53 carbohydrates 56, Calories - 520 Kcal.
Bon appetit!

Additional Information

Roe deer meat is usually not sold in stores, so I do not indicate the cost.

Recipe: Baked roe deer leg, how to cook quickly and tasty at home

Roe deer in the oven

Roe deer meat does not appear in the house every time, but if you have purchased this product, be sure to cook it according to our recipe for the next holiday. Roe deer in the oven will turn out tender, soft and tasty. You will surprise guests and family with your culinary skills and bring a lot of pleasure.

  • roe deer meat - 2.5 kg;
  • purified water - 300 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar - 200 ml;
  • dessert wine - 150 ml;
  • berry syrup;
  • salt - to taste.

First, clean the meat well from the films and rinse thoroughly under running water. In a separate large saucepan, mix apple cider vinegar with purified water in equal proportions.

Put the meat in this marinade overnight. Thanks to this procedure, roe deer meat will become more tender and the specific smell will go away. Turn the meat several times after a certain time.

Prepare a heat-resistant form and pour coarse salt and sage on the bottom, pour 100 milligrams of purified water and 150 milligrams of apple dessert wine. Carefully place the marinated meat on top.

Sprinkle with a little salt and again with sage. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and bake the meat for forty minutes. After the time has elapsed, turn the meat over to the other side and cook for another forty minutes.

You can turn over several times until you see, during the puncture, instead of blood, a clear liquid. Now take the berry syrup and grease the meat with it from all sides. Put the oven back in for no more than ten minutes.

Be sure not to burn the syrup. Roe deer meat will turn out in awesome glazing.

Roe deer meat can be served both hot and cold with the desired side dish and fresh vegetables. Enjoy your meal.

Parsing game:
Tenderloin and Ridge
OK. On the first, bringing home the roe deer, I thought. aa. game, hard and smelly. well her. And twisted with onions for minced meat. Received absolutely lovely meatballs. And I can hear. Well, I can feel it in my gut. Well, not tough meat. Yes, tomuzh meat in cutlets quickly ends somehow.

And I began to make it whole pieces.

A wild boar, for example, is immediately marinated and gets into the sleeve and the oven. Then it cools and turns into boiled pork.

It is marinated either in adjika
Or garlic ginger
Or mustard

Beer is also an option, but I don't like the meat floating in the marinade. I just rub.

But let's get back to the roe deer.
She has a clipping, of course. Small but still. It makes a perfect filet mignon. Yes. With dogwood sauce or demi glass. And in general, all the deliciousness of game with sauces from twigs and forest and field berries is positioned.

So. Let's break it down into parts.

The ridge remains from the cut. Chop the ridge in portions and leave on the broths. Which are very dark saturated colors. Those who are afraid of this color cook borscht and all sorts of dark, opaque soups. Disguise.

I cook in two ways.

Extinguish. Not very long with the addition of round carrots, whole onions. Yes, a little bit of water.

And I prefer to stew for a long time but in the oven in a cauldron.
Roe deer have no smell. Simmer at a pace of 180 hours 2.5. But do not boil it into a stew so that the meat falls off. All you have to do is bite.

I cook them until tender with onions and carrots.
I take it out, dry it and fry it in a wok with garlic and ginger.
But it is not important. You can make it with sweet and sour sauce until caramelized.

Well, the third
Marinate for a day in the same adjika, for example, and bake in foil in the oven.

front leg
Of course, you can remove the meat and get something like a stroganoff bey or roll the minced meat. But it is better to surprise with a baked hot leg. It's not usually very big. Marinated easily. No sour lemons or vinegars needed. Please add rosemary, salt and pepper. Maybe a bit of dry red.
You can either adjika well, or something else. Here sobsno how to bake lamb dopatku. But the meat is more tender. Closer to the lamb.

And a beautiful hind leg
there are two of them and both with meat. The frog is so meaty.
That's all you want. And manti are good if you chop both minced meat and just pieces.
Manti are good with pumpkin and potatoes. And if you loosen up with a moose, it’s generally charming.

You can bake just like the front. But here the bone is deeper, so it will not give heat to the meat from the inside. It will come out tasty but not like a spatula.

Or, carefully remove the meat from the bone and make boiled pork or stew in a lot of ways.
I try to do it in the oven. The process is longer but the result is better.
From vegetables only onions and carrots. Whole onion carrot coarsely chopped.
Having extinguished, I postpone the roe deer from the broth and taaaam I’m already bringing potatoes or rice.
But again, I prefer potatoes separately baked in the oven to roe deer.
Roe deer is also good in combination with ripe melon. But now it's winter. so crap.

Something like this. could forget something. Remind me if so.

How to cook deer meat

Beef, pork, lamb... These types of meat have long and firmly entered the menu of Russian residents. Surely every housewife has in stock a couple of recipes for their preparation. But what to do if in the hypermarket you come across a more exotic meat. For example, roe deer. Pass by. In no case! Meat roe deer Extraordinarily tender, juicy, and it is not difficult to cook it at all. Try roe deer in lingonberry sauce and serve with celery salad. Guests will be delighted!

Choose your recipe

  • For 4 servings:
  • 750 g of roe deer pulp from the back leg;
  • a pinch of salt and ground black pepper;
  • 10-12 dry juniper berries;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 25 g of peeled almonds.
  • For sauce:
  • 75 g lingonberry jam;
  • 50 ml red wine.
  • For salad:
  • 50 g iceberg lettuce leaves
  • lettuce and "radicchio";
  • 1 medium celery root;
  • 1 sour apple;
  • 1 small red bell pepper;
  • 3 art. l. lemon juice;
  • 3 art. l. cream 22% percent fat;
  • some salt;
  • a pinch of white pepper.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees.

wash meat. remove the strands.

Pound the juniper berries in a mortar.

Rub the roe deer with salt, pepper and chopped juniper berries. Then tie it with strong threads or thin twine so that meat looked like a solid piece, hiding inside all the thin, dangling pieces.

In a saucepan, heat the vegetable oil and fry the roe deer in it until brown, constantly turning over meat .

Place the saucepan with meat m in the oven and bake for 1 hour. During this time, you need to water at least twice. meat the resulting juice.

Cut up the lettuce. To do this, tear the washed and dried lettuce leaves into large pieces. Peel the celery, wash, cut into thin strips. Wash the apple, cut out the seeds and cut into thin strips in the same way. Remove the seeds from the red bell pepper, rinse it from the inside, shake off the water, chop. Whip the cream into a thick foam, add lemon juice, a little salt and white pepper, drop by drop. Pour dressing over salad, stir.

Prepare the sauce. Add lingonberry jam and red wine to the juice formed during frying the meat, boil quickly. Put the slices in the sauce roe deer and warm over low heat for 7-10 minutes.

Toast the almonds in a dry, hot skillet for 3-4 minutes.

Roe deer or elk meat baked in foil

What to cook from

  • roe deer or elk pulp - 600 gr.
  • lard - 150-200 gr.
  • salt, herbs - to taste
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
  • sour cream - 1-2 tbsp

How to cook

  • Clean the meat from films, rinse, marinate.
  • Then dry the meat, cut into portions and put one at a time on pieces of foil.
  • On each piece of meat put bacon sticks, onion rings, sprinkle with salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with chopped herbs and put a little sour cream on top.
  • Wrap in foil and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees until fully cooked.
  • Put the meat with foil on plates, carefully unfolding so that the juice does not leak out.
  • Boiled rice, pasta, marinated salad can be served as a side dish.

Good recipes are shared with friends.


Roe deer is a very large animal, its height is 0.9 m at the withers, and its weight can reach 55-57 kg. This wild animal is valued not only for its meat, but also for the variety of ways to hunt it. Roe deer, due to its abundance, is the most famous game animal in Eurasia from the Deer family, inhabiting deciduous and mixed forests. After a successful hunt, the question always arises of how to cook roe deer. We devote this article to the solution of this problem.

Meat selection and health benefits

If we take wild animals, then it is roe deer meat that has the highest rating. It is easily digestible and very tender compared to deer, elk and maral, it contains less refractory fat. The meat that is obtained at the beginning of the hunting period is most valued, since the useful substances accumulated over the summer by the animals have not yet been used up. The meat of old males is quite tough, has a specific smell. To remove these shortcomings, it is soaked and cooked for a long time, as a result of which most of the active and beneficial substances are destroyed.

In calves, meat without a bright taste, more watery, contains little fat. Roe deer tenderloin, ham and saddle are considered the most tender and exquisite. The animal feeds on grass, lives in pure nature, for this reason its meat is useful to everyone - both healthy and sick. It contains many trace elements and vitamins. Recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems. Now we will give general recommendations on how to cook roe deer.

What can be done with this game? Boil, fry, stew, bake in foil. It is previously recommended to clean the meat from the films and marinate in vinegar with various spices, garlic or onions. roe deer from game are very juicy - a real delicious meal. When frying, pieces of meat can be rubbed with fragrant herbs, garlic or lemon juice. It can also be used as an excellent filling for pies.

As spices for cooking dishes from this game, we recommend combining allspice and black pepper, nutmeg, caraway seeds, and ginger. Rice or potatoes are excellent as a side dish. The heart, kidneys and liver are also beneficial. They accumulate very necessary substances for the human body. What is prepared from them and how? The liver is stewed or fried with spices and onions. The heart, lungs and kidneys are best stewed in sour cream and a little white wine added. Now let's share a few recipes on how to cook roe deer.

Recipe number 1: fry and bake roe deer meat

We take a small amount of roe deer meat, 300 grams in one piece, rinse it thoroughly and dry it. We stuff vegetables and bacon on all sides, add chopped onion, celery and parsley roots, finely chopped. And now we will tell you how to cook roe deer meat further. Fry a little together with vegetables in a well-heated frying pan until a golden crust forms.

Then add black pepper and salt to taste, pour a little boiled water on the bottom of the dish, close it with a lid and send it to the oven. Literally a few minutes before the end of the process, pour dry red wine, 60 grams, into the pan, mix the mixture, and let it stew a little more. You have learned the easiest way to cook roe deer. Serve on the table with vegetables and herbs.

Recipe number 2: marinated roe deer

Half a kilogram of game is washed and dried, stuffed with smoked loin and sent to marinate for two days. At the end of this period, cut vegetables into circles: 50 grams of carrots, onions and parsley root. Gently lay them on the bottom of the pan, and already on top - the meat extracted from the marinade. Sprinkle the dish with seasonings: chopped garlic, bay leaf, salt and pepper. There is nothing complicated about that, roe deer, no. Drizzle with melted butter and set aside for 30 minutes.

Then we take out the pan, put in it quite a bit of tomato paste (half a teaspoon), one and a half tablespoons of wheat flour and pour in a little boiled water. Cook for 15 minutes, add dry red wine (100 ml) and simmer for a few minutes. As a side dish, boiled friable rice is perfect for our dish. For the marinade, we combine water and vinegar in equal parts, add the onion, chopped into rings, bay leaf, peppercorns and the Marinade must be boiled.

Recipe #3: Roe Deer Roast

To cook roe deer according to this recipe, marinating the meat is indispensable because of its rigidity. We clean it of fat and all films, fill it with marinade and leave it in a cold place for four to five days. Then some housewives have a question: how to cook roe deer in the oven? Nothing complicated.

Salt and send to the oven, where we stew, pouring oil from time to time. After the meat is well browned, it is necessary to remove excess fat from it, pour over not too thick sour cream and continue to simmer for another two hours. You already know the recipe for the marinade. It is versatile and suitable for almost all cooking options. Roast roe deer is recommended to be served with

Recipe number 4: bake a roe deer saddle in dough

Necessary ingredients for one kilogram of meat: lard - 100 grams, salt, pepper.

For the dough you will need: flour - 300 grams, granulated sugar - 20 grams, ghee - 10 grams, yeast - 10 grams, vegetable oil - 50 grams, salt - 5 grams, water - 150 ml.

How to cook deer? There are different recipes, we will now consider one of the original ones. The saddle is the lumbar part - from the pelvic bones to the last rib. Pre-marinate it for 24 hours. Prepare the yeast dough.

To do this, add salt, sugar, flour, yeast to warm water, knead the dough, then put margarine, knead well, set aside for three to four hours to rise. We crush a couple of times during this time. After that, we coat the saddle with dough, rubbing it in advance with salt, stuffing it with lard. And now about how to cook roe deer in the oven. We place the saddle on a baking sheet and send it to the oven preheated to 220 degrees. The dough will be baked and a strong shell will turn out. The meat will be tastier and juicier as a result. By the way, we do not recommend using foil, as it will break through and all the juice will flow out. Bake the saddle for an hour and a half. Then let it cool down a little and chop it into pieces, after which we serve it on the table. The dough crust is also quite edible.

Recipe number 5: cooking roe deer ribs

The spinal part turns out to be very tasty, and now we will tell you how to cook roe deer ribs. Pieces of three centimeters thickness are cut. They are beaten off, peppered, salted, sprinkled with vegetable oil. After that, they are laid out on top of each other in a deep bowl, while they are shifted with parsley and onions. Then we put the meat under oppression for two hours in a cold place. After two hours, put the pieces of bacon in the pan and fry it with the prepared meat.

Pour sauce on top, consisting of what remains after frying, water (50%), a pinch of flour and butter. All this is salted and boiled for several minutes. As a side dish for such excellent meat, boiled rice, fried potatoes, horseradish salad with beets or tomatoes are served. Now you know how to cook roe deer ribs.

Recipe number 6: roe deer goulash

Products for the dish: meat - 0.5 kg, fat - 60 grams, one onion, red pepper - one teaspoon, tomatoes - four pieces, green pepper - four pods, salt.

We already know that many different dishes can be prepared from roe deer. Among them are some ordinary ones, such as goulash. We wash the game, cut into slices or cubes. Fry finely chopped onions in fat, add red pepper, put the meat, salt and simmer, gradually adding hot water.

We clean the tomatoes, remove the grains from them, cut them and, together with the green pepper, cut into rings, add to the meat when it is half ready. Simmer until tender and serve with potatoes. Bon appetit!

Roe deer leg baked in the oven is a very tasty, spectacular and at the same time quite easy-to-prepare dish that every natural food lover can treat himself and his guests to.


  • one ham on the bone;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • one finely chopped carrot;
  • one finely chopped onion;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • a teaspoon of black pepper;
  • 100 grams of balsamic vinegar;
  • one chopped lemon;
  • 100 grams of adjika.

Cooking method:

  1. We take a leg of a roe deer (we sell a young roe deer of the year), its average weight is about 2.5 kilos. We defrost the leg in the refrigerator, since the leg is large, it can take more than a day.
  2. We clean from all external films, and soak in cold water for a day to remove excess blood and smell. I have it fit only in the pelvis, tk. the leg is rather elongated.
  3. A day later, we prepare the marinade. There is a wide field for experiments, there are many variations of marinades, you can make your own. I will give general recommendations and talk about the composition that I used. It doesn't make sense to use a lot of vinegar, our roe deer are soft, young and tender. It will be difficult to place the leg in some kind of container and a lot of marinade may be required, so you can marinate the leg in a bag (without perforation).
  4. For pickling one leg, I used: one finely chopped carrot, one finely chopped onion, six cloves of garlic (squeezed through a garlic press), a tablespoon of salt, a teaspoon of black pepper, 100 grams of balsamic vinegar, one chopped lemon. This mixture should be thoroughly mashed and rub the leg with the marinade.
  5. Then pour the marinade into a plastic bag, put the roe deer leg there, tie the bag close to the leg and shake it well there so that the whole leg is covered with marinade. Be careful, bones can stick out at the leg, which can tear the bag.
  6. Put the bag with the leg in a cool place for a day and periodically take the bag and hang the leg there so that the marinade coats all its parts. After a day of pickling, we take out the leg, clean off the remnants of the marinade from it and pack it in foil or in a baking sleeve. I started cooking it in foil, but since the leg is large and my foil is narrow, the juice began to flow out of the foil onto a baking sheet during cooking, and I repacked it into a sleeve.
  7. We put the leg in the oven and bake at 150 degrees for 2 hours.

The meat turned out to be very soft and quite juicy, moderately spicy and retained the taste and smell inherent in game. It was easily separated from the bone and cut even without a knife, with a fork. Baked roe deer leg is not an ordinary, delicacy dish that looks great on the table and decorates it wonderfully.

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On Sunday, happiness suddenly came: the carcass of a young roe deer from the light hand of our familiar hunter named Oleg (hello! ;)). Since she almost never dealt with hoofed game, it was scary to even approach her.

While my husband chopped the body “into details”, I read literature and publications from “open sources” (c). How many nuances and details! And for cutting, and for marinating, and for cooking, and for serving! I read a lot of interesting and contradictory things, analyzed everything and came up with my own formula for cooking game, which you can read about below.

So I have carcass of a young roe deer.

They cut into such details: 2 hind legs, 2 front shoulder blades, neck, 2 ribs, 2 tenderloins (fillet), sacrum.

I cooked the back leg first. Cleaned from films, external veins and other connective tissues. Washed and dried with towels. I weighed my leg: about 4 kg with bone.

Marinade: 250 ml apple cider vinegar (5-9%), 5-6 onions, 2 large carrots, 1 medium celery and parsnips each, 4-5 bay leaves, 4 cloves, 6 unpeeled garlic cloves, 1 tbsp. coarsely ground black pepper, 3-4 tbsp. salt, 3-4 tbsp. vegetable oil, 3-4 liters of drinking water at room temperature.

Mix everything and pour the leg in a spacious bowl (only plastic or glass), pulled a plastic bag on top (leaky). Marinated for about 2 days, 2 times a day turned the leg in the marinade.

Baking. Clean the leg from vegetables and spices, drain the marinade. Place the leg in a deep baking dish and pour in 1 cup of water. Put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 2 hours. Turn the leg over after an hour. After this time, reduce the temperature to 140 degrees and bake for another 2 hours, pouring over the released juice every 15 minutes and turning every hour. If the top of the meat dries up and burns, cover with thick foil.

Remove from oven and let rest for 15-20 minutes. Then, with a sharp knife, cut the meat from the bone and serve with marinade pickles, sour sauce (lingonberry, cranberry, cherry plum) and dry red wine.

And here's what happened to me:

Juicy, tender meat with a delicate spicy aroma.