Red floor dream book. Paint the floors in the house

To see on the floor is the inability to improve one's life, submission to random circumstances.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Clean smooth floor- this is peace and confidence in the usefulness of one's contribution to the family (one's half) and in the basis of the family as a whole. A full-fledged, beautiful, healthy family gives only positive emotions, mental stability and ease in solving cases.

Destroyed, littered or dismantled floor- this is destruction due to mental deviations of one half of the family. The rest will strive to balance itself, so a broken gender speaks of the destruction of relationships and the breaking of ties. Sleep is unfavorable. This additional information should be applied to the favorable and unfavorable interpretation of the dream.

The floor is wooden- the family is based more on emotional relationships than on economic ones.

The floor is stone- economic relations in the family are more thorough than emotional ones.

Stone- the floor is stronger, harder to break, but harder to fix: anger/wood dries out faster than thoughtfulness/metal and sadness/earth.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Floor- relationships in the family, a position of stability or self-doubt; health.

Water pours from below- danger.

Wash- argument; death.

Sweep- guests; losses; publicity; parting.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

floor wash- death, separation; lay anew- illness, death.

Esoteric dream book

Floor- your support, rear.

Solid, beautiful- you have a strong support, solid rears.

Flimsy, wobbly- you can be betrayed by those on whom you most count.

Gender change- exciting events that can change your views and ideas.

Ukrainian dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

ABC of dream interpretation

To paint - symbolizes a change in your intentions, image.

Dye clothes - abuse someone's trust.

Painting a house, floors, walls is a good offer, a good deal.

To see a palette with paints, to draw - to have a large selection of opportunities, interesting ideas.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Dyeing fabric - to a sharp change in your mood.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Dye fabric - your relationship with a friend will take on different shades.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

If you see how clothes or fabrics are dyed, you will be happy or upset, lucky or unlucky: it all depends on the color of the paint.

In general, color in dreams associated with paint for a painter, painter, dyer - plays an important role, regardless of who paints, you or someone else.

Paint white - at a loss; in black - to the loss of a friend; in green - to hope; in red - to the invitation; in blue - good luck; in gold - someone will envy you.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Paint in a dream?

To paint something in a dream means that in reality you yourself will involuntarily give out your secret, if at the same time you cover walls, objects, etc. with oil or other paint.

To paint lips, eyelashes, etc. is a sign of universal recognition, but eternal dissatisfaction with oneself.

Dyeing fabric, leather or fur products at a dry cleaning factory means that you will suddenly find something that you have long lost and unsuccessfully searched for.

Painting something dark white is a risky business that can bring either big profits or big losses. To paint black - to bad luck, perhaps to the loss of a friend; if the face - to great grief.

To paint green is a sign of gaining hope, financial success, a long trip is ahead or the reception of business visitors from afar.

If you paint something red in a dream, it means that you will soon receive an invitation to a celebration; bright red color - improve your health on vacation.

The blue or blue color in which you paint the walls in the apartment during repairs is a harbinger of fun about the happy fulfillment of your plans.

To paint in yellow or ocher color - in reality arouse someone's envy by the successful course of your affairs, you will be prevented in every possible way from completing them.

If you use brown or tones close to it, say, coffee, when dyeing, in reality you will face big troubles in the family.

A dream in which you paint something with gold paint - you will emerge victorious in a long and difficult struggle thanks to optimism and self-confidence.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

To paint material is to brand oneself; himself for a man - a shame; for a woman - coquetry; in white - a big loss; in black - to lose a friend; in green - to have hope; in red - get an invitation; in blue - fun and good luck; in gold - give rise to envy.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Paint according to the dream book?

Paint - new plans, an attempt to improve the situation; self-deception.

In gray, black, dark blue, purple - pessimism, depression, sadness; enmity (they say: "denigrate" someone).

In white, blue - for good, justification ("whiten" - improve).

In green paint - hope for the best.

In red - love, health.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

To paint white is a big loss; in black - to lose a friend; in green - hopes; in red - an invitation; in blue - good luck; in gold - envy; paint the house - move.

Esoteric dream book

The meaning of sleep: Paint according to the dream book?

Paint the surface, update the house - make unplanned repairs.

Easter eggs are a very good deal, a brilliant opportunity. See don't miss it!

Dream Interpretation to paint the Walls

Why dream of painting the Walls in a dream from a dream book?

She dreams that you are painting the walls - a difficult job is expected, which will take a lot of time and effort, but the efforts will be justified by the grandiose results.

The material benefit will be obvious, do not discount the work that seems unsightly.

What color did you paint the walls?

Paint walls white in a dream

I dreamed that you were painting the walls white - in reality you were starting a risky business that could turn into either big profits or big losses. Consider actions before doing them.

Paint the walls green in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Felomena interprets painting the walls green as a sign of good hope, future success in financial matters. A long trip or a meeting of guests from afar is expected, get ready for new experiences and a pleasant pastime.

What did you paint the walls with?

Dreaming that you paint the walls with paint

To paint the walls with paint - such a dream portends global changes in the home, redevelopment or repair. Changes can also occur in personal life, it is possible to conclude a successful deal, receive a profitable offer.

In dreams in which you or someone else paints something, there is a desire to change what you have long been familiar with, to give a new form to your life or to analyze it from all sides. The color that you use in a dream reflects your attitude to things and objects. For example, if you are painting a fence or the house itself, a dream promises a quick move. Whether it will be successful, and whether you like this idea, you can tell by the color of the paint.

If you hold a brush with paint in your hand, then in reality you are satisfied with your professional activities. To see how fabric or finished clothes are dyed is to joy or chagrin, depending on the paint. If a man dyes his hair in his dream, the dream portends conflicts and disagreements. For a woman, the same dream means flirting with a new admirer. The green color of paint in dreams symbolizes hope, blue - good luck. Red means an invitation to visit, an event. Black portends the loss of a friend, and white promises losses.

Dye your hair according to the dream book

In real life, women dye their hair primarily to change themselves. Based on this, one should be engaged in the interpretation of what this dream is dreaming of. It is worth noting that if in life you have to do this procedure quite often, then having a dream in a dream, it will not matter much.

But if in reality you rarely resort to this method of changing your image, then you need to listen to the interpretation of the dream book. So a dream of such a plan can mean future changes in life, and most likely it will be the sleeper who will initiate them. The time of the year, day and other features can indicate the period of sleep.

Dyeing your hair in a dream can be a kind of call that you should make changes in your life. And they can relate not only to the appearance, but also to the whole lifestyle. Perhaps in the near future you are waiting for some changes. Why such a dream is dreamed of in detail will tell the color of the hair.

For example, to dye your hair black is interpreted by a dream book as a clear negative. All planned transactions should be carefully evaluated and, if possible, canceled. To paint in black in a dream means the complete collapse of any enterprise. The dream may also indicate the loss of a close friend or girlfriend.

But to dye your hair in a light color is interpreted by the dream book as a sign of the exact opposite. It is a symbol of good intentions and pure thoughts. A sign of good changes and improvement of life in general. An exception may be repainting in a gray color - this dream can symbolize imminent trouble or illness.

The red color indicates a strong passion, the interpretation of the dream book suggests that the sleeper will receive a long-awaited offer. Dyeing your hair red in a dream can warn of betrayal and problems on the love front.

Why else dream of dyeing your hair in a dream

Dyeing your hair with golden paint, according to the dream book, indicates that the sleeper is in complete control of his life. And everything that happens in it - both good and bad - depends entirely on him. But, the dream book advises to be careful - you have a lot of envious people and ill-wishers.

If in a dream you paint yourself green, then in reality you really hope for someone or something. And according to the interpretation of the dream book, these hopes are fully justified and will bear fruit.

Dyeing your hair blue in a dream means fun and entertainment in reality. Orange paint in a dream - to significant changes. But the brown color after staining rather has an unpleasant meaning. You should be careful about new things, the sleeper may be in danger of poverty, despondency and other problems.

Miller's dream interpretation of dyeing hair in a dream is interpreted as emptiness in the soul and environment of the sleeping person. Dyeing your hair in two colors at the same time in a dream is a symbol of the upcoming choice and great doubts about it.

Why dream that someone else is repainting in a dream - perhaps a loved one is angry at the sleeping person, but he does not even suspect it. The interpretation of sleep for an outsider is done in accordance with the general meanings of the dream book.

You should also know that dyeing hair in a dream for women means that she will have a chance to flirt and enjoy her own triumph. For men, such a dream often means shame and loss of reputation.

Why dream of dyeing your hair?

Who just does not believe in prophetic dreams. Many attach great importance to the "decoding" of dreams. So why dream of dyeing your hair - the interpretations are so diverse that it probably makes sense to give a few examples for comparison.

Dyeing hair - waiting for a serious conversation with a close (beloved) person, as a result of which the attitude towards him will change.

If a woman dreams that she dyes her hair, changes in life are coming soon.

In the interpretation of a dream, color also matters.

Depriving hair of color in general is the loss of something important.

Dark tone - the loss of a close friend or girlfriend.

Green color - there will be significant hope.

The presence of red color - receive a long-awaited invitation.

Blue color - enchanting mood, entertainment.

Dye your hair golden - dangerous envious people will appear.

Orange color - to positive changes.

If the hair is dyed by a woman on her own - a manifestation of coquetry and femininity in real life. For men, such a dream threatens with loss of reputation and shame.

A dream about hair coloring is a subconscious manifestation of the desire to change life, and dramatically.

Hair represents a person's wealth. (Vanga). Are you dissatisfied with your financial situation? - friends will be presented with versions of success and wealth (that is, to brighten up the truth, paint)

These are just some of the options.

In general, as it is known, dreams are a reflection of a person's experience or his internal state. The subconscious gives a signal with the help of symbols. A more or less correct decoding is possible only if there is a clear assessment of the life situation, psychological state, external and internal conflicts.

Upon a detailed examination of the interpretation by various specialists (psychologists, esotericists, folk sages), a logical conclusion suggests itself that dyeing hair in a dream is a sign of significant changes that will happen in the near future. Probably, it is also a symbol that it is time to change something in life (environment, place of residence or work). The changes will be significant, and most likely unexpected.

If there is a desire to interpret the dream in detail, then it is not enough in the morning to simply keep in mind that hair was dyed in a dream.

It is advisable to fully put together the whole picture of what he saw (and also remember what color they became). White (or light) color - a “happy” dream.

Predicts well-being, rare luck in some project, undertaking. A sign that very soon happy and extraordinary events are expected.

If in a dream there was an attempt to dye your hair dark, this is not a very good omen. I had a dream about this - it’s time to try to avoid making important deals (the forecast for such a dream is very disappointing). And you should also wait with the planned personal projects.

Another point is when your hair is dyed red (or golden). Such a dream suggests that everything can turn out equally well, and it does not matter. This means that the sleeping person is the creator of his own destiny. And the correct solution to any situation is entirely in the hands of the one who sees such a dream.

The same dream can mean the beginning of a new rich round of life. Here you need to be more careful, because this can drastically affect the established order of life, bring down the established pace of existence.

If the color in the end turned out to be completely different from what it should have turned out, this means only one thing: there is a strong fear of any changes in life, an attempt to avoid them.

Thus, how to interpret dreams about hair coloring is to choose the one to whom such a vision appeared.

Why dream of painting lips?

Since ancient times, people have tried to explain their dreams in order to be able to look into the future. Today, thanks to numerous dream books, you can decipher any dream. The main thing is to take into account all the main details of the plot when interpreting.

Why dream of painting lips?

More often, such a dream serves as a definite warning that in the near future you will have to face serious surprise, which in the end can affect your future life. For a man, a night vision where he paints his lips indicates that in reality he is not ready to accept existing female features, for example, softness or vulnerability. A dream where you had to paint your lips with bright lipstick after a long selection of the right shade is a sign that in real life it will be difficult to find a decent man. The dream interpretation advises to reconsider your requirements for members of the opposite sex. A night vision where you painted your lips indicates that there is a fan in life who hides his feelings. If an unfamiliar woman painted her lips, then one should expect deception.

In some cases, a dream where lipstick had to be applied on the lips serves as an indication that the dreamer does not show sincerity in relations with other people. Perhaps in reality you often have to wear “masks”. To paint lips with red lipstick in a dream means that in real life the dreamer does not have any complexes regarding her own appearance. This may mean that you often have to hide your true feelings. For young girls, such a night vision prophesies an early intimate relationship with a new acquaintance. In one of the dream books there is information that if you had to paint your lips in a dream with lipstick, then you will soon have to face deceit and betrayal. If the dreamer was washing lipstick, this is a sign that in the near future he will have to work hard, and this will not bring any pleasure.

Paint the fence

Dream Interpretation Paint the fence dreamed of why in a dream to paint a fence? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of painting a fence by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing a strong and reliable fence means that your fears are groundless, you have nothing to be afraid of, since you are under reliable protection. To see a wire fence in a dream means that you yourself are to blame for your troubles. Your complicated affairs have tied you hand and foot. See interpretation: wire.

To see a fence made of rods (wattle) is a sign that your affairs can get off the ground. Seeing it broken is a sign of danger to your property. To do it yourself in a dream means that you will have to work hard to circle your enemies around your finger. But if you don’t succeed in a dream, then you will get confused in some business. If you dream that someone is putting up a wattle fence, then be afraid of the intrigues that your enemies weave.

A hedge in a dream means a close parting with a loved one. Successfully climbing over it in a dream predicts victory over rivals. To see or put up fences in a dream is a sign that you will catch on to your mistakes in time. If the fence is lopsided and you are afraid that it may fall, then your position will be shaken. Such a dream predicts that you should not enter into risky ventures. The same thing means a dream about a broken, damaged fence. Building a fence or a wall in a dream predicts that you will be able to protect yourself in a difficult moment. Repairing a fence in a dream is a sign of difficulties that can undermine your health. Such a dream predicts danger and means illness.

For those who are going on a trip on business or are waiting for a decision on an important matter, a dream about a fence is a sign of obstacles in business. Climbing over a fence or wall, finding a hole in them is a good dream and predicts you good luck in a difficult and risky business. However, to see a hole in someone else's fence in a dream means that the owner of the fence will soon die. If you dream that angry animals demolished the fence, then soon expect political upheavals. Breaking the fence yourself in a dream is a sign of decline in the affairs that you will try to fix. To protect yourself with a fence in a dream means to protect yourself from danger and live a serene happy life. The dream in which you saw that the fence suddenly fell down will bring you big troubles that will have a bad effect on your future.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing a fence in a dream - to an obstacle in business, to separation from a loved one.

However, the fence also means security, a symbolic fence for you from fear and trouble.

Repairing a fence is a call for caution.

A hole in someone's fence - to the death of the owner, a hole in your fence - to the danger of losing something.

To see something through a hole is to regret the lost.

Putting or building a fence - to success in business, influential patronage.

Tear down, destroy the fence - to material losses.

But if you overturn the fence in order to pass, you will achieve a lot in life, you will achieve your goal.

Climb the fence - successfully complete the job.

Fall off the fence - to failure.

To bring down the fence suddenly, by accident, after sitting on it with friends, is an accident with someone close.

Climb over the fence - take extreme measures to fulfill your plan.

If a crowd of people or a herd of animals overturns the fence, this means sudden help from outside for you.

A dreamed wattle fence or a hedge has the same meanings, only not for the business sphere, but for personal life (obstacles in love, marriage, getting out of difficulties, help from relatives, etc.).

Dream Interpretation - Fence

A dream in which a fence stands in front of you, of course, personifies a life obstacle, obstacles in business and other failures. If in a dream you crush this fence, in reality you are threatened with a decline in business up to ruin.

Building a fence in a dream means gaining benevolent patronage and reliable protection. To repair it - such a dream says that you should take a more balanced approach to business so that their optimal solution is not found retroactively.

Seeing in a dream a very old and rotten fence that collapsed as soon as you leaned on it is a harbinger of an accident with one of your close friends. Climbing over a fence in a dream means that in reality you will have to resort to tricks in order to carry out your plan. Hanging on a fence, clinging to a nail, portends a successful completion of the case. Falling off the fence and hurting yourself painfully is a warning to you not to take on a business in which you do not understand anything, because failure will inevitably follow.

Blowing up a fence in a dream or seeing it blown up is a sign that with your decisive actions and assertiveness you will achieve much more in life than if you resignedly submit to circumstances and wait until lady luck deigns to smile at you. Crashing into a fence in a car and smashing it to pieces is a harbinger of unexpected support from yesterday's competitor. A burning fence - a bright streak will come in life.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

If in a dream you climbed a fence - ahead of the successful completion of an important matter.

Fell off the fence - keep in mind that you are not taking on your own business.

We crawled into a loophole in a dream in a dream - in reality you want to resort to dishonest means to achieve your goal. Overturned the fence - you will achieve the almost impossible.

Put up a fence - active, creative activity and prosperity are ahead. For a girl, such a dream portends spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

They broke the fence - soon get rid of the heavy burden of memories. You will finally be freed from the old love and will be able to look at life with interest. You are young and full of energy to meet love again. You can’t live in the past all the time - give your soul a chance to be reborn.

D. Loff said the following about such dreams: “Fences are isolation in a negative sense and security in a positive sense. A more accurate interpretation can only be obtained by considering who or what the fence is protecting from. You will decipher the meaning of such a dream if you can assume that overcoming this obstacle promises - positive or negative emotions. In addition, the fence is a kind of boundary, especially when you feel that it is an insurmountable barrier.

Seeing yourself alone at the fence signals the need to protect yourself more reliably.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

In a dream, climb a fence - to the successful completion of an important matter. If you fell off the fence, then this dream warns you that you are taking on a task that you are incapable of, and failure awaits you.

An unfavorable dream is in which you, sitting on a fence with friends, accidentally bring it down - it promises an accident with one of your loved ones.

If in a dream you climb over a fence, then in reality you will want to resort to unsuitable means to achieve your goal.

In a dream, knocking over a fence in order to pass is a sign that with your energetic deeds in life you will begin to achieve and achieve the almost impossible. If you dream of a herd that overturned a fence on its way, this is a harbinger of receiving support from an unexpected side for you.

A favorable dream is that you are putting up a fence: it portends you with active creative activity and prosperity.

For a young lady, such a dream portends spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Dream Interpretation - Fence

To dream of your fence intact and in good order is a sign that nothing threatens your well-being.

If in recent days you have had any conflicts with others, then the dream promises that the situation will improve soon.

If in a dream your fence seems too high, this means that you should not become isolated in yourself and your problems.

Seeing your fence rickety or noticing a hole in it: this is a signal that your well-being is in danger.

Alien or ownerless fences: symbolize obstacles and restrictions on your life path.

Usually, such dreams encourage you to stick to some established framework and protect you from the temptation to do some dubious business.

To dream of a fence blocking your path is a warning of unexpected obstacles that threaten to interfere with your plans.

To see an ownerless fence collapsed or to notice a hole or a gate in it is a sign that in reality in the near future you may have new perspectives, good or bad, depending on the general atmosphere of sleep.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Sign of upcoming obstacles.

Climb over the fence - you can overcome them without much difficulty.

You really want to, but you can’t climb over the fence - difficulties and stagnation in business await you.

Climbing the fence - to soon complete a responsible business.

Falling off the fence is a warning that you have taken on a task that you are unable to complete.

Building a fence is a harbinger of patronage and help.

Breaking the fence - to decline in business.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Successful completion of an important task. Build or repair - you have to choose between an important matter and a necessary one. Climbing the fence - your career growth depends on the result. Sitting is a well-deserved rest after working days. Climb or step over - do not stop there, new victories await you ahead. Climb through a hole - find a way out of a difficult situation. Destroy - to achieve your goal, you will have to break your stereotypes for life. Crawl under the fence - in order to succeed, you need to go for a trick. To paint - the key to your success is getting rid of unnecessary guardianship, most likely from relatives.

Consider the dreamed fence. Try mentally coloring it green. Repair the fence if necessary. If possible, make the fence even larger.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

paint doors

Dream Interpretation Paint doors dreamed of why in a dream to paint doors? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of painting doors by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Paint

To paint something in a dream means that in reality you yourself will involuntarily betray your secret if at the same time you cover walls, objects, etc. with oil or other paint.

To paint lips, eyelashes, etc. is a sign of universal recognition, but eternal dissatisfaction with oneself. Dyeing fabric, leather or fur products at a dry cleaning factory means that you will suddenly find something that you have long lost and unsuccessfully searched for.

Painting something dark white is a risky business that can bring either big profits or big losses. To paint black - to bad luck, perhaps to the loss of a friend; if the face - to great grief.

To paint green is a sign of gaining hope, financial success, a long trip is ahead or the reception of business visitors from afar.

If you paint something red in a dream, it means that you will soon receive an invitation to a celebration; bright red color - improve your health on vacation.

The blue or blue color in which you paint the walls in an apartment during repairs is a harbinger of fun about the happy fulfillment of your plans.

To paint in yellow or ocher color - in reality arouse someone's envy by the successful course of your affairs, you will be prevented in every possible way from completing them.

If you use brown or tones close to it, say, coffee, when dyeing, then in reality you will face big troubles in the family.

A dream in which you paint something with gold paint means that you will emerge victorious in a long and difficult struggle thanks to optimism and self-confidence.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

To dye fabric in a dream means an expression of hope. Color defines desire, makes it concrete. Therefore See interpretation: colors.

Painting a house in a dream - to a change of residence. A freshly painted house (wall, room) in a dream portends a successful execution of the plan. See interpretation: house.

Erasing paint, making a thing colorless is a sign that, due to your mistake, your life will become boring, uninteresting. Sometimes such a dream means losses, losses.

Get dirty with paint in a dream - to scandal, gossip, intrigue. To paint in bright colors (or colorful) is a harbinger of a rapid development of events, a change of impressions, the joy of communicating with pleasant people. See interpretation: draw.

To paint something in gentle, pastel colors in a dream means a desire for intimacy with a loved one, the need for friendly communication, intimate conversation, the search for mutual understanding, the need to express deep, sincere feelings. To paint something in a dream in brilliant, iridescent tones means that your defiant behavior will cause disapproval of others or their envy. To paint in black, dark tones in a dream is a harbinger of mourning, deep sadness, grief. See interpretation: painting, ornament.

Dream Interpretation - Door

In general, doors in a dream mean obstacles. If the doors themselves open in front of you in a dream, then this means that everything you have planned can come true and success in business awaits you. A dream about an open door portends a woman that she will soon have a new lover. Opening the door yourself in a dream is a sign that you will have no one to blame or thank for what happened. To see new doors in your house - to add a family or a change in lifestyle associated with new problems. For those who are expecting the birth of a child, such a dream predicts the birth of a son. The doors that slammed shut in front of you and those that you could not open are failures. Searching and not finding the door in your own house is a sign of obstacles in business; such a dream predicts to the sick that his illness will last a very long time and may end in death. To stop near a closed door in a dream and call it or make a phone call means that at the moment the implementation of your plans depends on other people. Expect disappointment. A dream should be considered successful in which, after your calls, the door will open and you will enter it. To see open doors in a dream - to a gift or an unexpected pleasant incident. Locks on the doors mean the intrigues of ill-wishers. Locking the door with a key in a dream is a sign of imminent marriage for women. If in a dream the door to your apartment or house suddenly flung open, then expect unpleasant news that will cause you a lot of trouble. Sometimes such a dream predicts grief and the loss of a loved one. For some, a dream predicts that they will soon have to change their place of residence.

The creaking of a door in a dream will warn you of an unpleasant visit. A door burning with a bright flame means a meeting with friends whom you will accept with open arms. Burnt out doors in a dream - portend a great misfortune that can happen to one of your family members or to someone who had such a dream. The dream in which you saw that you forgot to close the door means that through your own fault you will lose money or incur losses. Entering the door in a dream is a sign that you will be engaged in some business that will cause you a lot of trouble. If you dream that in a dream you entered the door of your parental home, then your anxieties will subside and your soul will find peace in the circle of loved ones. The dream in which you saw the door close behind someone means a quick separation from this person. For spouses, such a dream means a divorce (if you saw or know that the door closed behind your spouse). Hearing a knock on the door in a dream is a bad omen. Wait for bad news - this is trouble knocking on your house. If you dream that you are trying to close the door, and at the same time it falls, then beware of an accident. If in a dream the door falls on someone, then this person is in danger in reality. See interpretation: house, fire, key.

Dream Interpretation - Doors

Find a way out of a difficult situation. Open doors are a signal of the need to take decisive action; closed doors - the obstacles that have arisen in your path are temporary; someone breaks open your door - you will be able to reveal treachery towards yourself; open the door with a key - soon you will receive information that reveals an important secret; wide open door - get support from an unexpected guest.

You are in a room behind closed doors - you are in a situation of complete dependence on another person: a room without windows - you mistakenly believe that the current situation is unsolvable; they are watching you through a gap in the door - they control your every step, interfering with your personal life; you have lost the key and cannot open the door - the circumstances will lead you to a state of despair and animal fear.

Passing through the door - symbolizes the possibilities for the implementation of plans, depending on how you do it: secret, front, side or back - the implementation of plans is possible through the attraction of reserves (according to the meaning of the door), which your rivals do not know about; chopped, broken or burning - a complete collapse of your plans; why at home - abundance and prosperity await you; rotating around its axis - they are trying to draw you into an adventure; big and high - the reward for your work will be a promotion; richly decorated - you set yourself unrealistic goals; closed the door in front of your very nose - your gullibility will not allow you to take advantage of the only true chance; squeeze through narrow doors - you will encounter insurmountable obstacles; to pass through a suite of doors - complete success awaits you in solving your task; get out of the door in the pouring rain - slanderers and envious people will become an obstacle to success; to see how others enter or exit the door - you can realize what you have planned if you put your current affairs in order; wandering along the corridor in search of the right door - you did not calculate your strength and shouldered a lot of obligations; to leave the door forward with your back - to achieve the intended result, you have to break the law.

Imagine that the door itself opens in front of you. You go inside the house (or go outside - depending on where you were in the dream).

Seeing the door of your own house in a dream means the possibility of a new phase of your family life: the door creaks - unpleasant guests who will bring discord in relations with your loved ones; open door - you will be deceived by people who were dear to you; close the door - an attempt to protect your family happiness will be crowned with success; the door crumbles into pieces - to break relations completely and irrevocably; knocking on your door - you will learn important news that can change the financial situation of your family; ring the doorbell - bad news that will turn the house upside down; the burning door of the house is a danger to your life or your loved ones; there is a small door on your door - your secret love affairs will come out; you clog the door with nails - in the near future you will have to move.

Imagine that you are walking through the door of your own house into the yard for a breath of fresh air. Try to experience the feeling of pleasure from the surrounding silence (see Yard, Air).

Dream Interpretation - Door

Seeing an open door in a dream portends success and a warm welcome, a closed door portends disappointment and trouble. A door with a lock hung on it - to meet unpleasant people. A door with creaking hinges - to an unwanted visit. A broken door - to a generous offering, burning - a disease of one of the household. Extinguishing the burning doors of your house in a dream is a meeting with friends on a sad occasion.

Not finding doors at your house is an obstacle in business.

To close the door with a key - for marriage, a door that is not locked with a key - you will get a new admirer. Just closing an open door is disappointing and troublesome.

Entering a door in a dream indicates that your efforts to get rid of unwanted visitors will not lead to anything. Entering the door of the parental home portends a cloudless existence surrounded by kindred souls.

Seeing others entering or leaving the door means possible difficulties in putting things in order. If in a dream the door flies off its hinges and falls on you, this is a danger that awaits your friends.

To stand in front of the doors of some institution in bad weather and not be able to get inside - in reality to do stupid things and behave like a capricious child.

Looking through the peephole, watching what is happening on the landing, means that in the near future you will have difficulties that will bring you to insomnia and a nervous breakdown. Close the door on the heck - refuse to help neighbors with whom you are at odds.

Dream Interpretation - Door

To see a large and high door - wealth and nobility will soon await you.

Seeing a richly decorated door is an impossible dream.

Opening the door - to luxury, unjustified spending.

Unexpectedly opening door leaves - fortunately, profit, good luck.

Creaking doors - to an unpleasant meeting.

To see an open door to your home in a dream - to self-doubt, deceit.

Search and not find the door at your house - to an obstacle in business.

Closing the door is in danger.

The door crumbles into pieces - to an unpleasant situation.

They knock on your door - for upcoming important events in life.

They ring the door - to the bad news.

You open the door, and there is no one behind it - to big trouble.

To see a beautiful door handle - soon you will have an interesting acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation - Door

A large and high door - wealth and nobility.

Seeing that there is no one behind the doors is a big trouble.

Gates or doors are made of stone - portends longevity.

Gates, doors tightly closed or littered - things are not going well.

Doors crumble to pieces - it will not be a pleasant situation.

Doors open wide - portends happiness and profit, good luck.

The dragon (snake) crawls through the door - portends wealth, profit.

Doors, gates break, become unusable - portends a great misfortune.

Changing doors to new ones is the birth of a noble offspring.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Opening the door is wealth.

The doors leading to the grave open - good luck in all matters.

The doors suddenly swing open - portends great happiness.

The doors suddenly swing open - happiness and profit, good luck.

Repairing or changing doors or gates portends great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Door

The door, like the gate, is a symbol of the female genital organs, the genital opening. Their symbolism is quite close.

If you are standing in front of closed doors, then you want to make the object of your aspirations an offer to have sexual relations, but do not dare.

If you are standing in front of a closed door, pulling the handle, and the door is not locked and opens easily, then your friend (s) has long dreamed of sexual contact with you and will gladly meet your desires.

If you have forgotten or lost your house keys, then your sexual relationship is not all right. Show more affection and tact in relationships with a partner.

If you cannot open the door, then you may have sexual disorders.

If you varnish the door, paint it or upholster it, then you are very jealous, and, in most cases, unreasonably, and easily excitable; your sexual contacts may be brief due to premature ejaculation.

If you put a new door, then you dream of a frequent change of sexual partners.

If you walk out the door, then your sexual partner is a burden to you, and you want to part with him.

If there is someone in the house, but they don’t open it to you, then you have a serious sexual conflict with your partner, you can’t manage to establish sexual relations in any way; to build relationships, you may need to contact a specialist.

If you are afraid to open the door, then you have a strong fear of starting a sexual life, or sexual contact with this partner.

If you open the door to someone, then this indicates your sexual dissatisfaction.

If a man finds the door open in a dream, then he cannot forgive his girlfriend for previous sexual relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Door

A closed door means that you will not be appreciated.

Frustration, trouble, obstacles.

An open door is favorable circumstances, shared love, a generous gift.

New doors - to a new occupation.

Burning doors of your house - to the illness and even death of one of the family members.

Search and not find the door of your own house - to obstacles in business.

Slowly opening doors - love (for a woman) and acquaintance with a woman (for a man).

Open doors - to success in all matters.

Entering the door - trying to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers.

Seeing others enter and exit is a complication in solving your problems.

A door that has fallen off its hinges is a danger to those around you.

Hacking the door - doing something "contrary to the laws.

Dream Interpretation - Door

Opening a door in a dream is a luxury, unjustified spending / getting out of a difficult situation / commit adultery.

Seeing an open door in your house is insecurity and painful forebodings / deception on the part of a friend.

The door in your house opens by itself, creaks and hangs on its hinges - an unclean conscience / friends will betray / danger.

Locking your door is a great danger, you will need a lot of courage.

To see someone else's door locked - friends will turn away / you will find yourself an uninvited guest.

Hacking the door - you will meet an obstacle on the way.

To see a richly decorated door is to desire something unattainable.

To see a small door in your apartment is something secret and forbidden in your life, something that you try to hide even from the closest people.

Some creatures pass through it - the personification of vice.

They knock on your door - you will be called to an important task / a good embassy / the main events in your life are coming.

They call her - bad news.

To be locked up somewhere - do not trust your friends / a bad future / in general is always bad.

Why dream of painting?

You can find out for free in the dream book, why dream of painting by reading below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not Paint, but something else - use the search form for online interpretations of dreams.

Why dream of painting

See paint.

See in a dream Paint

In white - a big loss;
in black - to lose a friend;
in green - hope;
in red - an invitation;
in blue - good luck;
in gold - envy;
paint the house - move.
Also see White, Black, Green, Red, Blue or light, Home, Gold.

What does the dream mean to paint

The material is to brand oneself; to paint oneself is a shame for a man; for a woman - coquetry

See in a dream Paint

In white - a big loss; in black - to lose a friend; in green - to have hope; in red - get an invitation; in blue - fun and good luck; in gold - give rise to envy

What do dreams mean?

Paint - material - brand oneself - oneself - for a man - a shame - for a woman - coquetry - in white - a big loss - in black - to lose a friend - in green - to have hope - in red - to receive an invitation - in blue - fun and the luck of the idea - in gold - give rise to envy.

Dream about painting

To dye fabric in a dream means an expression of hope. Color defines desire, makes it concrete. Therefore See interpretation: colors.

Painting a house in a dream - to a change of residence. A freshly painted house (wall, room) in a dream portends a successful execution of the plan. See interpretation: house.

Erasing paint, making a thing colorless is a sign that, due to your mistake, your life will become boring, uninteresting. Sometimes such a dream means losses, losses.

Get dirty with paint in a dream - to scandal, gossip, intrigue. To paint in bright colors (or colorful) is a harbinger of a rapid development of events, a change of impressions, the joy of communicating with pleasant people. See interpretation: draw.

To paint something in gentle, pastel colors in a dream means a desire for intimacy with a loved one, the need for friendly communication, intimate conversation, the search for mutual understanding, the need to express deep, sincere feelings. To paint something in a dream in brilliant, iridescent tones means that your defiant behavior will cause disapproval of others or their envy. To paint in black, dark tones in a dream is a harbinger of mourning, deep sadness, grief. See interpretation: painting, ornament.

What does it mean to paint in a dream

Dyeing fabric in a dream is a change in your life.

The meaning of dreams

To paint something in a dream means that in reality you yourself will involuntarily betray your secret if at the same time you cover walls, objects, etc. with oil or other paint.

To paint lips, eyelashes, etc. is a sign of universal recognition, but eternal dissatisfaction with oneself. Dyeing fabric, leather or fur products at a dry cleaning factory means that you will suddenly find something that you have long lost and unsuccessfully searched for.

Painting something dark white is a risky business that can bring either big profits or big losses. To paint black - to bad luck, perhaps to the loss of a friend; if the face - to great grief.

To paint green is a sign of gaining hope, financial success, a long trip is ahead or the reception of business visitors from afar.

If you paint something red in a dream, it means that you will soon receive an invitation to a celebration; bright red color - improve your health on vacation.

The blue or blue color in which you paint the walls in an apartment during repairs is a harbinger of fun about the happy fulfillment of your plans.

To paint in yellow or ocher color - in reality arouse someone's envy by the successful course of your affairs, you will be prevented in every possible way from completing them.

If you use brown or tones close to it, say, coffee, when dyeing, then in reality you will face big troubles in the family.

A dream in which you paint something with gold paint means that you will emerge victorious in a long and difficult struggle thanks to optimism and self-confidence.

What does it mean to paint in a dream

New plans, an attempt to improve the situation; self-deception. In gray, black, dark blue, purple pessimism, depression, sadness; enmity (they say: "denigrate" someone). In white, blue for good, justification ("whiten" to improve). In the green paint of hope for the best. In red love, health.

The meaning of sleep to paint

To changes in life. Clothes - you have abused trust. House, floors, walls - a good deal. In white - at a loss. In black - to the loss of a friend. In green - hope for a change in relations with a loved one will be in vain. In red - you will be invited to become a partner in a profitable business. In blue - a fun party. In gold - you will give a reason for envy. In gray - enemies will vilify you.

The brighter the colors, the happier the change. Imagine that you are painting something in very bright, cheerful colors.

Symbolizes a change in your intentions, image.

Dye clothes - abuse someone's trust.

Painting a house, floors, walls is a good offer, a good deal.

To see a palette with paints, to draw - to have a large selection of opportunities, interesting ideas.

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    According to Grishina, paint in dream floor- to large waste. dream interpretation Grishina predicts the purchase of a car, an apartment, or large expensive household appliances. Another way to explain why dreaming paint floor paint - a change in image, goals and views. If dreamed, What floor in the house painted in white, then in reality you are open to new acquaintances, opportunities and acquaintances.

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  • Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Paint house, floors, walls - a good offer, a good deal. To see a palette with paints, to draw - to have a large selection of opportunities, interesting ideas. coloring something dark in white is a risky business that can bring either big profits or big losses. Why dreaming Paint By dream book: Paint- If you dreamed that you are something painted in white - then financial problems await you. If in dream you anything painted in black - then you can quarrel with a close friend.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Paint, but the right interpretation sleep no in dream book dreaming Paint in dream in dream seen this symbol. Try it! Antonina: Hello. I dyed in dream wood floor, red-brown paint.

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  • Dream Interpretation "magenya"

    For what dreaming floor in dream? By dream book this means some information about the family or people who are your support and hope in life. New floor- promises help and good health. New in your house had a dream- to good health and good mood. Painted- an updated perception of the environment, an attempt to restore friendly relations.

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  • Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Paint floor in dream to change. If the color handsome and you liked the painting, then the changes will be for the better. And vice versa. dreamed dream, me, mom, aunt, uncle’s apartment (relatives from my mother’s side), we are preparing to receive guests in his apartment, I walk around the apartment and notice that this is the first floor, it feels like in the basement, outside the window there is a mound of earth that closes the windows half , so it feels like in the basement ... I looked into the bathroom, and there the water flows on floor, I also thought that this is how water can.

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  • Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Floor- wash in dream wood floor- money laundering dream book interprets dream which you had a dream. Slippery floor- To the loss of a place in the service. Linoleum - Choose linoleum in the store - to buy new clothes. Wash floor- Gossip. Spring dream book. For what dreaming Floor in dream: Floor wooden - to the disease. Slippery floor- slippery floor means the fragility of your actions.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Paint, but the right interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Paint in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol. my mother-in-law saw in dream,like me dyed floors in a pure bright yellow light, and my children were running nearby! My daughter seemed to crap one's pants!

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    dreamed color your own house or apartment? This is a sign that a change of residence awaits you soon. If in dream you and on floor applied paint - the move will be successful, new pleasant acquaintances will appear. dreamed paint walls in dream oil paint? dream interpretation warns: you yourself can accidentally give out the hidden secret to others.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonnik-mira"

    Paint in dream floors- soon a new love will enter your life, it will last a very long time, and with this person you will be happy like never before. In addition, this dream can also symbolize moving to a new place of residence, which will have to be equipped literally from the very beginning.

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  • Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    FOR WHAT DREAMING Floor IN DREAM, DREAM Floor DREAMED, INTERPRETATION SNA. Fell in dream on floor portends illness. Sweep or wash floor portends significant changes in life. Remodel, repair or paint floors- large financial outlays. Floor, covered with linoleum or carpet, portends an act due to which your reputation may be tarnished.

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  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming paint? When a person sleeps, the brain continues to work, processing the information received. Many scientists believe that during these thought processes, a person sees various images, which are called sleep.Dream about how a person paints fence, in principle, symbolizes the same thing. But if a person in dream paints floor or walls, then dream can symbolize long and happy love.

When a person sleeps, the brain continues to work, processing the information received. Many scientists believe that during these thought processes, a person sees various images, which are called dreams. Other scientists believe that a person’s sleep is an immersion in another reality and even other dimensions.

What if you dream of painting?

But be that as it may, every person dreams, but most people cannot subsequently remember what they saw. But there are dreams that are very etched in the memory so that it is simply impossible to forget them. Sometimes such dreams are called prophetic dreams, as a dream warns a person that he should beware of certain things, actions and conversations. Or, on the contrary, this dream portends good luck in all endeavors. For example, if a person has a dream about how he paints something, it can mean a lot. Such a dream may mean that a person in the near future expects any changes in life, novelty, an attempt to improve any situation in real life.

So, why dream of painting - the color of the paint is of no small importance, if a person paints in white, then this can mean any losses in material and financial terms. If the paint color is black, then this may mean loss and quarrels with relatives and loved ones. If the color of the paint is green, then such a dream means that any hopes in a person’s life will be fulfilled. Other paint colors, for example, red, can mean in real life some kind of invitation to a pleasant meeting or event, long-awaited love.

Blue shades of paint mean good luck and success in almost all areas of life. If the paint is yellow, then such a dream can mean parting with relatives and friends. Shades of blue - well-being in family life and at work.

Orange colors in a dream can mean very strong love. Purple shades of colors in a dream can mean that a person will achieve great honor and respect. But painting something brown can symbolize troubles in life due to too intrusive and incorrect behavior. Also of no small importance is what exactly a person paints in a dream, for example, painting a house or apartment can symbolize moving to a new home. A dream about how a person paints a fence, in principle, symbolizes the same thing. But if a person paints the floor or walls in a dream, then such a dream can symbolize a long and happy love. If you dream that he dyes his clothes in any color, then this may mean that he is abusing someone's kindness and cordiality too much and he needs to stop and thank the person. Of no small importance in such a dream is the gender of a person, if a man paints his body in any colors, then this may mean that in the near future he will be dishonored, and if a woman does this, then this symbolizes coquetry and frivolous behavior. And if she dreams that she paints or draws something, then such a dream can mean betrayal or betrayal by a loved one.

What portends?

But there are also pleasant things, if a person prepares for Easter in a dream and paints eggs, then such a dream should be taken very carefully. In real life, there may be a chance to get very lucrative offers, quickly climb the career ladder and other pleasant opportunities. If a person in a dream paints something with watercolors, this means a long and calm life. And besides this, such a dream can symbolize the fulfillment of a dream. If, when painting, a person mixes several colors in a dream, then in real life various intrigues can await him. And if a woman has such a dream, it may mean that in reality they may try to seduce her. To paint another person in different colors means in real life to point out to someone his shortcomings. If a person sees from friends, relatives or acquaintances how they paint something, this may mean that these people or a person are trying to hide something. If during painting a few drops of paint fell on clothes, then such a dream can portend various minor troubles associated, first of all, with the actions of other people.

And if the person himself in a dream, with the help of paint, tries to mask (paint over) something, some inscription on the surface or an image, then such a dream may indicate that the person is trying to deceive or hide something from others.

But if a person paints something with the help of aerosol cans, then such a dream may mean that in real life he will prove something to the people around him.

Do not forget that there are dreams that do not carry any information at all.

Sex in a dream is a symbol of a stable position, and its features warn of upcoming events or even changes. Dream Interpretations will tell you how to get the most accurate interpretation of sleep.

What is the dream of the floor according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are falling to the floor, then Miller's dream book interprets this as an illness. In the event that you are repairing the flooring, this will mean a quick cash outlay. It is considered a bad sign, meaning that misfortune will soon occur, to see a dirty floor in a dream.

Floors in a dream - interpretation according to Vanga

To see yourself falling to the floor in a dream means that someone else is trying to annoy you pretty much. Make every effort, otherwise he will undoubtedly succeed in doing it. Washing floors according to Vanga promises you successful career advancement, the main thing is not to argue with management!

What is the dream of the floor according to Freud

Freud's dream book interprets all visions in a sexual context. So, if you dreamed of mopping, this is interpreted as the need to discuss your relationship with your soulmate. Sex in a dream, in general, portends changes for which you need to prepare in advance.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

The wanderer's dream book interprets gender as our relationship with loved ones. Accordingly, washing floors in a dream is a bad sign: a quarrel with a friend or family will soon occur. On the contrary, sweeping the floors is a dream for the arrival of guests.

Why dream of floors according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea

A dirty floor dreams of realizing the fact that we cannot figure out our own lives. The sorceress Medea understands gender as our position in life. Washing the floor means that you have to get rid of something or someone in your life, change the usual order of things.

What does it mean to dream about the floor according to the spring dream book

To see the floor in a dream according to the spring dream book for illness. If, however, you dream of a slippery floor, then you should think about your last actions. They were received ambiguously

Gender according to the esoteric dream book

A hard floor means reliability in your life, you have reliable friends and partners. If, however, you dream of a dilapidated floor, know that those you rely on are not so reliable, they can betray you at any moment!

Why dream of a dirty floor?

Different dream books interpret the vision of a dirty floor in a dream in different ways. So, some experts interpret such a dream as an opportunity to soon receive significant financial profit. On the other hand, it is widely believed that a dirty floor dreams of a serious quarrel in the family, illness of loved ones and the possible death of relatives.

Washed floor in a dream - what does it mean to wash floors?

Washing floors in a dream, most often, means an early promotion. However, do not rush to rejoice. If, in a dream, you washed the floors in someone else's apartment, then success in moving up the career ladder is not waiting for you, but for one of your colleagues. On the other hand, some dream books interpret mopping as a warning. Probably, someone seeks to annoy you at work and ruin your career.

Why dream that you are sweeping the floor

There are different interpretations of such a dream. The dream book for women says that if you swept in a dream, then you will have to move soon. On the other hand, if you swept the floor with friends, then this is far from mutual assistance, but, on the contrary, to an imminent quarrel.

Miller's dream book interprets such a dream as a messenger of imminent prosperity in all areas of life. If in a dream a representative of the stronger sex sweeps the floor, then the most unexpected news should be expected.

Why dream of water, blood, garbage on the floor?

Clean water on the floor is a dream for the better. In this case, you will be successful, both at work and in your personal life. Dirty water, on the contrary, hints at your health problems. Perhaps you should think about it and go to the doctor for an examination.

Muddy water on the floor in the apartment of a loved one can portend tragedy, even death. Freud's dream book also indicates that if water is pouring across the bedroom floor, then a woman should diversify her sex life and experiment with new sensations. If a man dreamed about this, then you should be careful, you will probably fail in your sexual life soon.

Blood on the floor is not always a bad sign. Sometimes this is interpreted as a smile of fortune: you will soon be lucky in the lottery or you will be able to make a profitable deal for yourself. On the other hand, if you dreamed of a large pool of blood on the floor, then expect trouble. You are at risk of a serious illness.

When a girl dreams of a pool of blood, it promises problems in sexual life. In general, experts call for a very careful approach to the interpretation of such dreams, advising to take into account all the details seen. It is better to turn to the interpretation of several dream books.

Garbage scattered on the floor of your apartment promises you trouble in the family sphere. Try not to argue with your soulmate in the coming days and strive to solve pressing problems, avoiding sharp corners.

Why else dream of sex?

  • wooden floor

A wooden floor is a dream if you are subconsciously jealous of the success of your competitors. If you wash a wooden floor, then you may soon be involved in money laundering.

  • sinking floor

The floor falling through the house is undoubtedly a bad sign. Failure awaits you, possibly a serious illness. According to other interpretations, this may mean a deterioration in relations with your loved one, including in sexual life.

  • paint floors in a dream

Painting floors, dreamed of in a dream, like repair, promises change. It can be changes in your personal life, or a change in your appearance. Moreover, painting floors in a dream can be a harbinger of an imminent move to a new place of residence or to another city.

  • the dead man washes the floors

If a person whom you knew, but he has already died, washes the floors in your house, then such a dream promises misfortune. Perhaps soon death will come to your house. However, experts in the field of dreams advise not to rush into depression, perhaps the departed simply reminds of himself.

  • why dream of hair on the floor

If in a dream you see that your hair is falling to the floor, this means that at the right time, loved ones will support you. Another interpretation of such visions is diametrically opposed. Dream Interpretation Enigma regards such a dream as a warning that you will soon encounter deception or betrayal.

  • sweep the floor with a broom

Sweeping the floor with a big broom in a dream means your desire for a wild life. It is probably worth listening to this interpretation and having a good rest. In addition, such plots may indicate imminent changes in life or the success of an upcoming financial transaction.

  • mopping floors

Unlike sweeping, washing floors in a dream with a mop does not bode well. Most likely, soon you will face the risk of falling into an extremely uncomfortable situation. Be alert!

  • why dream that another person washes the floor

If you dreamed that a stranger was managing in your house, this means: someone is aiming for your place. This can apply to both family life and professional activities.

  • if the husband washes the floor in a dream

If a woman dreams that her husband is doing the cleaning, this is a change in the family. Talk to him, he is probably planning an escape route and wants a divorce. Other dream books interpret such a vision as the imminent departure of a husband for a long time, possibly on a long business trip.