Rabbit scales. Libra man born in the year of the rabbit

It is very difficult for these women to resist negative feelings and life events. Much in their development will play the family, social status. If they can choose the path of goodness and self-development, then they will become highly spiritual women. Otherwise, negative feelings will take over. Such uncertainty should, on the contrary, push these women to the best in order to achieve the best in life.

By nature, these women are charming leaders who always attract other people to themselves. At the same time, they can captivate women not within the framework of some team, but on a large scale. That is why they should choose a job related to social activities. They do not know how to analyze the situation, choose the right solutions to the problem. As a result, their character is not detailed, too blurry.

Characteristics of the Libra-Rabbit woman in Love

In relationships, they usually occupy the main positions. They will be able to captivate any partner with them, but it will be more difficult to keep. The fact is that the inability to perceive the situation correctly, the difficulties in communicating with one person, lead to a break. They should put something more than simple feelings in the basis of the relationship in order to be able to keep love in its original form.

Libra-Rabbit Woman Horoscope in Family and Marriage

Family relationships will depend entirely on the partner. These women do not know how to properly build relationships. As a result, family life may not please them with the usual joys. They are serious about planning children, sometimes frightened even by the thought of their appearance. Therefore, their family life is quite complicated, full of contradictions and misunderstandings. To create harmonious relationships, they only need to become stronger and more determined.

Libra Rabbit Woman - Career and Finance

It is not easy for these Pisces to make a career. They must learn to cooperate with other people, to look for ways to solve problems on their own. Then making a career for them is quite simple: everything will come into their own hands. You should not be an ordinary mercenary, since work and workload will not allow the talents of these women to be revealed. If they choose the right path for building a career, they can achieve a lot.

These women need to control their emotions, as negative outbreaks can destroy a lot in their lives. In particular, they may find themselves in a difficult situation, rejecting what they already have. Selflessness is another quality to learn, as it is this kind of behavior that can bring positive results. You should not enter into oral agreements with loved ones, as this is an empty occupation, it is better to do some important things.

The owners of this combination in the horoscope are inquisitive, they are always interested in learning something new. Libra-Rabbit men are kind and attach great importance to harmony. They behave calmly and prudently, avoid extremes. Such people really appreciate art and everything connected with it. They love compliments and have a hard time enduring criticism, because the opinions of others rarely leave them indifferent.

Personality traits of the Rabbit under the sign of Libra

Libra-Rabbit men are practical in everything, in addition, it is believed that they are terribly hardworking for the most part. At the same time, Rabbits-Libra do not forget about spiritual values ​​and strive for aesthetics. They approach work responsibly and conscientiously, but career growth is difficult for them, so it is rarely a priority. The love of freedom does not allow Libra to attach too much importance to prestige. They know how to make money, but they are indifferent to wealth.

The character of men of the sign Libra-Rabbit

Such people are quite selective in matters of friendship, they even have few friends, real friends of the unit. Libra-Rabbit men love to communicate, but sometimes they forget about tact, despite their gentle disposition. Representatives of this type are easy to offend, but they are not vindictive. From the outside, they may seem naive, but in fact, Libra-Rabbit men are insightful and reasonable. They do not like to enter into conflicts, behave with restraint.

Personal life of Libra men in the year of the Rabbit

Rabbits of the Libra sign are characterized by a certain timidity in matters of interpersonal relationships. It is not always easy for them to take the first step, but if they feel mutual sympathy, then they overcome this barrier. They love to listen to the opinion of their chosen one and consult with her. They are reliable in marriage, they try to provide comfortable conditions for relatives. It is easy to negotiate with Libra-Rabbit men. They can be mean, but it’s easy for them to make concessions if necessary.

Years: 1915; 1927; 1939; 1951; 1963; 1975; 1987; 1999; 2011.

Libra-Rabbit (Cat) highlights an attractive appearance. This man loves life in all its manifestations. He is sociable and perky, but at the same time rather frivolous. The stronger the influence of the Libra sign on the personality, the more serious the Rabbit (Cat) becomes. He acquires wisdom and balance from Libra, so he changes dramatically.

It is not difficult for a representative of such a combination of signs to find an approach to each. He is loyal to the weaknesses of people and by all means avoids quarrels and disagreements. He likes to communicate, and therefore he spends a lot of time in society.

The pronounced features of Libra-Rabbit (Cat) include the following:

  • appeasement;
  • goodwill;
  • compliance;
  • sociability.

People around tend to get acquainted with this person. He highly appreciates comfort, devotes a lot of time to himself and seeks pleasure.

In his personal life, he is initiativeless and prefers to go with the flow in anticipation of his ideal. The opposite sex has a genuine interest in the representative of such a combination of signs, because he is gentle and supple. He likes to be a contemplative. He needs a partner who will provide comfortable living conditions and become a leader. Of course, such a position is more appropriate for a woman representing this combination of signs.

Libra-Rabbit (Cat): general characteristics

Libra-Rabbit (Cat) - a very sociable person, loves to make new acquaintances

For Libra-Rabbit (Cat), an attractive appearance is typical. A person loves to devote time to friends and easily establishes contact with others. He is open, diplomatic and friendly. It is easy for him to turn a blind eye to the weaknesses of others. In addition, this person treats himself with irony. He doesn't like conflict.

The representative of this combination of signs has a peaceful and gentle character. True, he is somewhat passive. Even with ill-wishers, he behaves too loyally and correctly.

Libra-Rabbit (Cat) tends to face difficulties in organizing the work process. This person does not know how to predict the outcome of a situation. However, he is an executive and responsible employee who inspires confidence. He does not strive to achieve stunning results and has little interest in specific projects. At the same time, a representative of such a combination of signs has excellent taste, excellent education and a sharp mind. He is prudent, thanks to which he does not allow many mistakes and shortcomings. He objectively assesses his shortcomings, so he does not take on cases that he is not able to handle.

For this person, material well-being plays a huge role, because he strives for a luxurious and elite life. At the same time, he will not overwork himself in order to achieve financial independence. To achieve success, he should take responsibility, and not avoid it. In addition, Libra, born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat), needs to act more quickly and decisively.

The man is too affectionate. He very often changes the object of sighing. True, it is extremely difficult to predict the future of such novels. Much depends on the partner himself, since in a relationship this is a rather passive person.

Libra-Rabbit Woman (Cat): characteristic

The family in the life of a Libra-Rabbit (Cat) woman occupies a very important place

The fundamental characteristics of the Libra-Rabbit (Cat) woman include:

  • kindness
  • sociability;
  • attractiveness;
  • charm.

She likes to hang out with her friends. She devotes a lot of time to them, because she herself is in great need of comrades and friends. A woman needs to share her own feelings, emotions and conclusions with others. She has a pliable, calm and gentle character. She will not avoid responsibility. True, at work she often pays attention to unimportant matters and can be uncollected. But an important quality in the business characteristic of the Libra woman, who was born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat), is her diligence. She always fulfills her duties.

A woman easily wins over colleagues and knows how to convince. It is easy for a representative of such a combination of signs to organize even a large-scale project. She is perfect for work related to external activities. The disadvantage of the Libra-Rabbit (Cat) woman lies in her inability to analyze what is happening and come to the right decision.

Each person has both strengths and weaknesses. It is difficult for this woman to deal with negative emotions and events. She should make a choice in favor of self-improvement and spiritual growth. Otherwise, the disadvantages will prevail.

For a Libra woman born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat), family and social status are of great importance. This is what becomes the motivation for self-development and the desire to achieve what was planned.

In romantic relationships, she shows flexibility and tenderness. It is easy for a Libra-Rabbit (Cat) woman to find an approach to any man. She easily attracts the opposite sex, but she does not always manage to keep her lover. Often the reason for parting is the inability to devote oneself to only one person and the inability to build a harmonious union. The future of the relationship largely depends on the specific partner.

The Libra woman, who was born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat), needs a powerful and extraordinary man who will take responsibility for the well-being of the family. She does not know how to enjoy the ordinary joys of life. She plans children, but sometimes she is afraid of their appearance. Often, life together with a Libra-Rabbit (Cat) woman is filled with disagreements and contradictions.

To harmonize marriage, she must realize that she is personally responsible for the future of the family and that she herself can influence the development of relations. She should keep emotions under control, as they can lead to separation from her spouse.

Libra-Rabbit Man (Cat): characteristic

Professional recognition is important for the Libra-Rabbit (Cat) man, but he does not strive for a leadership position

The Libra man, who was born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat), in all cases makes a strong impression on others. He is attractive, confident and good-natured.

The fundamental characteristics of the Libra-Rabbit (Cat) man include:

  • generosity;
  • generosity;
  • equilibrium;
  • love of life.

He knows how to control himself. Recognition and power are not important to him. The representative of this combination of signs does not strive for leadership. In search of his own destiny, he can change many professions. He is intuitive, so he copes with various cases without much effort. In this combination, excellent teachers are often born. While studying at school, the Libra man, who was born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat), everything is easy, because he is a capable and talented student.

There are many contradictions in his character that bring difficulties to his life. He often falls under the influence of others. He likes to lead a laid-back life, which becomes a source of problems. The weak side in the business characteristics of the Libra-Rabbit (Cat) man is his inability to analyze his own actions. He should rely on his opinion.

Material independence is not of particular importance to him. A man manages to get what he needs without difficulty. He is not a careerist. Professional self-realization is only part of a larger plan.

Such a philosophical attitude to what is happening contributes to the achievement of the status to which this person aspires. The Libra man, who was born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat), should more clearly formulate his own conclusions and defend his views in order to achieve significant results in life.

Love fills his existence with meaning. She gives him strong emotions and experiences. He is handsome and knows how to impress women. Representatives of the weaker sex fall in love with him without memory.

In personal relationships, it is preferable for a Libra-Rabbit (Cat) man to be led. In life together, he is kind and flexible. He makes concessions easily. The head will be a woman, even if the representative of such a combination of signs is the leader and receives more income. Usually everything goes well in the family. The Libra man, born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat), is strongly attached to children.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac signs Libra Rabbit - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The melancholic and sweet-tongued Libra-Rabbits can seem like sissies. Their mind is inquisitive, they make good scientists and journalists. Libra-Rabbit loves the best and can be extravagant. Such people are able to work hard to achieve what they want. They should try to stop snobbery in themselves.

The cat in Chinese astrology is considered a calm and sensitive person. Libra-Cat men and women are some of the calmest people in the entire zodiac circle, they are both intelligent and incredibly emotionally balanced. These people, as a rule, are reasonable in all their actions and thoughts.

Libra cat almost always remains calm and maintains control in any circumstances. These people have a "cold" head and a calming aura. To truly relax, these people need to feel comfortable and be free from responsibility. They are well organized and always find time to rest when they need it.

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They are able to perfectly and quickly evaluate various situations and people. They are quite perceptive and have an excellent memory, easily recalling people and places. To make any decisions, these people often combine instinct and factual data. This method works well in everyday life, with the exception of personal relationships, where, as a rule, one should not trust only instincts and facts.

These people are willing to do everything to the best of their ability. They are hard workers, but do not let their work dictate their lives. These people do not care how to relax, they can stay at home, or they can go somewhere. In personal relationships, such people are usually frank and demonstrative, attentive and romantic. They love getting small gifts and won't mind if you write a quick love note or give them a big bar of chocolate. The weakness in the personality of these people is that their outward calmness can burst and then great anxiety will begin. Their nervous tension tends to accumulate and all their positive qualities can slowly disappear.

The rabbit and the zodiac sign Libra are a combination that is naturally non-conflicting and attracts the opposite sex. Even being with someone in a bad relationship, behaves softer than circumstances require. The Libra cat is a person who is both attractive and frivolous, preferring the search for beauty to specifics - whether it be people, phenomena or things. In all matters of aesthetics, Libra rabbits rely only on themselves. All previous loyalty to others is here just for show. Someone else's opinion in this case, the Libra rabbit man is more likely not to accept, but to evaluate.

The cases that the Libra cat is involved in are often not tied to financial results. Money is nothing more than a concomitant factor that does not interest him too much. Knowing everything well, he is quite cautious, as he is not very good at assessing risks and predicting results. In large cases, it is easier for him to be an assistant or an investor than an organizer.

The combination of intelligence and taste with an understanding of his own weaknesses at the very first setbacks makes him prudent. After them, he, as a rule, does not make mistakes. In a love relationship, rather passive. To a greater extent, this applies to female rabbits. Their personal life attracts them, but in most cases they prefer fantasies to actions.

Rabbit Combination

zodiac signs libra rabbit

Libra, born in the Year of the Rabbit, are charming and attractive people, diplomatic and non-confrontational, at times they are a little frivolous. These people prefer the eternal search for beauty to dry specifics. In the team, these representatives of the combination of Libra and Rabbit are very loyal to the actions, behavior and statements of colleagues, although they never allow themselves liberties, they are correct, friendly and affable.

A person born under the sign of the zodiac Libra and in the year of the Rabbit cares about physical, bodily and spiritual comfort, they feel good surrounded by long-familiar faces, where they know in advance what and from whom they should expect. But unfamiliar companies and noisy parties strain them, quiet and pleasant home gatherings with an abundance of delicious food and drink are closer to them. Here, in the circle of friends and relatives, you can discuss any topic, from caring and interesting to forbidden.

Libra born in the year of the rabbit

Rabbit-Libra is not very interested in practical and rational affairs, their activities are not aimed at the result. At their core, these are not organizers and not leaders, not managers and not business people, they are something in between, not like the others. Therefore, they choose a profession and work that meets these requirements. These people don't let their careers dictate their lives.

Libra-Colics almost always remain calm, rarely something can unbalance them. In love, they, unfortunately, are passive, completely relying on instinct in choosing a life partner. Marriages do not always work out well for them, as partners usually use their gentleness and kindness for their own selfish purposes.

The range of interests of Libra and Rabbits is at the same time very extensive, they do not mind going somewhere and lying around at home with a book, doing sports and going shopping. Their little weakness is the delight of receiving small pleasant surprises, they are happy to receive a chocolate bar and a bouquet, just like that, without a reason or a hint.

Horoscope Libra-Rabbit (Cat)

Having met Libra-Rabbit (Cat), you might think that they are pampered melancholics according to the horoscope. In fact, they are distinguished by wisdom, an inquisitive mind and eloquence. Such people make successful journalists and researchers.

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Libra-Rabbit (Cat) - intuitive nature. He instantly feels the danger, has a good memory and instinctively makes decisions. He is hardworking, but he never forgets about rest and entertainment. They enjoy being at home or with friends.

Libra-Rabbit (Cat) works not only for the sake of money. Finances give him freedom, but are not the main factor in life. In professional matters, Libra-Rabbit (Cat) can be too risky, which leads to disappointment. But, innate caution saves him from serious losses.

When it comes to large-scale investments, then it is better for him to be an assistant, and not the manager of the company. He knows perfectly well what he is capable of, therefore he takes precautions in many matters.

Horoscope of combining Libra with other eastern signs:

Horoscope of combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Libra - Rabbit (cat): Characteristic

Libra Man - Rabbit

The Libra Rabbit man knows how to win over a person, he is always balanced and calm.

He cannot be called a leader, and his organizational skills are not good either. Despite this, he strives to find a job that will really be interesting to him.

On the personal front, the representative of the stronger sex is passive, he is used to always going with the flow and not thinking about anything. His future chosen one must definitely take the initiative, and make concessions if something happens.

Libra Woman - Rabbit

Libra-Rabbit is a sociable and kind woman. She tries to spend all her free time in the company of her best friends.

It is very important for her to exchange impressions with others, they can come to the rescue at any moment. At work, they are quite absent-minded, often distracted by extraneous matters.

In relationships with men, a woman shows maximum flexibility. She manages to find a common language with any male representative.

Rabbit-Libra - calm, balanced personalities with a gentle character. Such a person is not afraid of responsibility, he tries to act very quickly.

Libra born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit)

People who were born in the year of the Rabbit under the sign of Libra have a great interest in life, they are very curious, but at the same time strive for order and accuracy. Therefore, they can work in a newspaper, be a writer or involved in scientific activities. Libra-Rabbit is always attracted by the best and most expensive, so they strive to earn good money and stubbornly go towards their goals.

In ancient China, the Cat has always been considered a gentle and calm animal. Indeed, the representatives of this year have patience and endurance, although they are very eloquent and sociable. Both men and women of Libra-Cat act very thoughtfully and adequately in any situation, their decisions are carefully selected and almost always correct.

Libra-Rabbit is hardworking, but at the same time they are attentive to their well-being and health. Therefore, in the presence of fatigue, they skillfully take worries aside and arrange a good rest for themselves. These people are so calm and patient that they always own the situation and keep everything in their hands.

Women and men who combine the signs of the Rabbit and Libra are sometimes considered snobs, but this is not always the case. They just want to improve their living conditions, and this requires a lot of money. They surprisingly combine the ability to analyze and natural intuition. This enables them to recognize the right people and win them over to their side. But such practicality and the fact that Libra-Cat relies on facts sometimes negatively affects love relationships in which it is important to trust each other, and not analyze.

Libra-Cat does not like to overwork, work for her is not a life priority, it is just a way to provide for her needs and life. These people love pleasant surprises, cute gifts and love notes. They are not homebodies, but they are not big fans of walking around events either. Both women and men of Libra-Rabbit are not tied to a certain type of rest, it is simply important for them to renew their vitality, and the way of rest or its appearance is of little concern to them.

Representatives of the Libra-Rabbit signs have one weak feature - they endure and accumulate negativity for a long time, but then they explode and an avalanche of anger covers them and the people around them.

Libra-Rabbit are soft and non-conflict people, if they are in a strained relationship with someone, they will rather ignore and not quarrel.

It is important for these women and men to contemplate the beauty around them, they will not argue about tastes with others for anything, they will simply silently appreciate everything, but remain unconvinced. Here their tolerance and calm fade into the background. They are constantly in search of the beautiful and the best, it makes no sense to fight with their imagination. However, their attractiveness does not allow relatives and friends to move away from them.

Rabbit-Libra almost never makes mistakes in work, as he never takes risks and carefully takes on certain tasks. This person feels better in the role of a performer than in the role of a leader or organizer. Monetary reward is not at all a motivation for these men and women, but the ability to soberly assess their weaknesses and opportunities allows this person not to need anything.

Libra-Cat women are big dreamers, they are free in their reasoning and dreams, but they don’t want to do anything for relationships, they stay away. Therefore, they need an active second half.

Rabbit - Cat - Libra

British musician and actor Sting. British actress Kate Winslet. Russian actor and sportsman Vladimir Turchinsky. Spanish film director Pedro Almodovar.

This person easily converges with other people, loves communication, relaxation in large friendly companies. Libra, born in the year of the Rabbit-Cat, is always correct, friendly, friendly. At the same time, they calmly relate to the shortcomings of others and statements in their direction - they know how to laugh at themselves.

Rabbit Libra Man

Rabbit-Libra-man is pleasant, good-looking, knows how to win over an interlocutor, balanced. This person is not a leader or an organizer, he is not very interested in practical and rational affairs, he is not attracted by power. He chooses an interesting and exciting job, is able to change many professions before he finds himself and really takes a great interest in something. In personal relationships, the Rabbit-Libra-man is somewhat passive, used to go with the flow and wait for initiative from women. In marriage, he is complaisant and soft, easily makes concessions, adores his children.


Rabbit-Libra-woman is intelligent, very sociable, has many girlfriends and constantly needs their company. For her, the exchange of impressions with friends is extremely important, she is always ready to listen and help, give practical advice in a difficult life situation. In the work of the Rabbit-Libra-woman, she is absent-minded, can be distracted by extraneous matters, but is executive, in case of omission, she tries to catch up and correct the defect. With men, the Libra woman, born in the year of the Rabbit-Cat, easily finds a common language, knows how to get along with them. She needs a strong, bright partner who will boldly manage the family ship.

Rabbit-Cat-Libra - this combination gives a person a soft and calm disposition, but at the same time, some passivity. Such a person needs to learn not to be afraid of responsibility, but to act quickly and decisively.

We study the horoscope: Rabbit - Libra

Astrology is a science that studies the cosmic connection of man with the entire universe. For many years, this science has warned a person against making mistakes that could change his life. An individual horoscope, compiled using a combination of eastern and zodiac worldviews, will help to more accurately reveal the nature of a particular sign.

As you know, Libra is a zodiac sign that balances anyone born in a certain year of the eastern horoscope. In this case, we will talk about the Rabbit, which, having received the balance and wisdom of Libra, becomes completely different.

Horoscope Rabbit - Libra is, first of all, a combination that gives an attractive personality, but still, rather frivolous. The more influence of Libra, the more serious the Cat will be.

Finding the perfect and perfect Cat/Libra is not important. He prefers specifics. As for the advice that the Cat / Libra is constantly given, he listens to them, although with his whole appearance he shows that he does not need them.

Financial component

Important: Cat / Libra will always strive for financial independence, but for some reason, the results will always be insignificant. This can be explained by the fact that money for the Cat / Libra is more of a concomitant factor than the need for them. The Chinese and zodiac horoscope indicates that the Rabbit/Libra is a very cautious person. By itself, the Rabbit is not a supporter of risky operations, but having gained the experience and knowledge of Libra, it becomes even more cautious.

Career and work

In this regard, a good leader is unlikely to come out of the Rabbit / Libra. The sign is deprived of organizational abilities, but it can become a good assistant and adviser. The leader, having listened to the advice of the Rabbit / Libra, can avoid risks and rash actions. In addition, the Rabbit / Libra is an excellent and responsible worker who you can always rely on.

Love relationship

Most likely, Rabbit/Libra will be passive. If the Rabbit / Libra is a woman, then she will live in a castle in the air and wait for her lover on a white horse.

They soon fall in love and it is not surprising that people whom the Rabbit - Libra met on the subway or in line for bread can become their companions.

Men born from 23.09 to 22.10 in the years 1975, 1987, 1999 are also passive in love. They gladly submit to a woman of another sign, considering her the ideal of beauty and femininity. The woman will be the main one in the family, even if the Rabbit / Libra earns more. Interesting: the most talented teachers are people born under the sign of the Rabbit / Libra. In their youth, they study well and are those students who are constantly cheated.

Love horoscope for Libra - Rabbit

These people, non-conflicting and attractive to members of the opposite sex, as well as representatives of other signs, have their own characteristics of behavior, which will be especially interesting for. To know "

Libra Horoscope for the Year of the Rabbit

The Rabbit/Libra horoscope is one of the most interesting. Libra, who always manages to soften certain signs, give them balance and caution, themselves receive in return those qualities that are rich. To know "

Career Horoscope for Libra - Rabbit

According to their deepest essence, people born in Libra in the year of the rabbit are non-conflicting and very attractive to the opposite sex. The reasons for this particular seductiveness are contained in spo. To know "

Sexual horoscope for Libra - Rabbit

Where, where, and in the sphere of love and sex, the scales-rabbits prefer to be contemplatives ... They are not characterized by active actions, and they can simply sit at home and wait for their happiness to overtake them. To know "

Health Horoscope for Libra - Rabbit

Libra, according to the stars, is perhaps the most balanced sign of the zodiac. But he, like no other sign, is characterized by maximalist confusion and disorder. It is the complete absence of how. To know "

Libra - Cat (Rabbit)

TO sign Libra-Cat (Rabbit) includes people born from September 24 to October 23 in 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.

A person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) has an attractive appearance and is a cheerful, sociable and cheerful person, however, quite frivolous. It is worth noting that the greater the influence of Libra, the more serious the Cat (Rabbit) will be, which, having received the balance and wisdom of Libra, becomes completely different. Libra-Cat (Rabbit) easily finds a common language with a wide variety of people, calmly treats the shortcomings of others and always tries to avoid conflict situations. He loves communication and therefore spends most of his time in companies. He is calm, benevolent and internally soft, which attracts people to him. True, this calmness is like laziness. Such a person is very much concerned about bodily and spiritual comfort, and he is constantly busy with himself in the sense of seeking pleasure.

In a love relationship, Libra-Cat (Rabbit) is not active and will sit quietly and wait for the fabulous prince or princess to conquer him. True, it is worth noting that he does not experience a lack of attention. This is a very soft and feminine combination that attracts the opposite sex like a magnet. A person born with this combination is more of a contemplative than an active creator. He is waiting for a partner who will lead him and create a certain comfort for him. Naturally, for a Libra-Cat (Rabbit) woman, such a position is more promising than for a man with this combination of signs.

Libra - Cat (Rabbit) characteristic

A person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) has a very charming and attractive appearance. He likes to spend time in friendly companies and easily converge with people. He is affable, friendly and always correct. Condescendingly refers to the shortcomings of other people and knows how to laugh at himself. He does not like to sort things out and by all means avoids confrontation. The combination of Libra-Cat (Rabbit) gives a person a very soft and calm character, but at the same time some passivity. He, even with his enemies, behaves unnecessarily softly and condescendingly.

Libra-Cat (Rabbit) absolutely does not know how to organize the work process and is not able to predict a long-term situation, but, on the other hand, he is a good executive worker who you can always rely on. In his activities, Libra-Cat (Rabbit) is not focused on results, and he is even of little interest in practical and concrete cases. However, he has great taste, great manners and a clear mind. In addition, he is prudent, which helps him avoid many mistakes. It is worth noting that Libra-Cat (Rabbit) is well aware of his weaknesses and for this reason does not take on too much. The financial side is of great importance to him, especially if you take into account his penchant for the bohemian life, but he himself will not make an effort to increase his financial flow. To become more successful, a person born with this combination needs to stop being afraid of responsibility and act quickly and decisively.

Libra-Cat (Rabbit) is very amorous and it is natural for him to meet his fate in line for bread or in the subway. But how the relationship will develop further will depend entirely on the partner, since Libra-Cat (Rabbit) prefers to take a passive position in a love relationship.

Libra - Cat (Rabbit) woman

A woman born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), charming, kind, intelligent and very sociable. She likes to communicate with friends and needs their company, so she tries to spend as much time with them as possible. It is very important for her to exchange her emotions, feelings, impressions with others. This woman has a calm, gentle, balanced character and is not afraid of responsibility. Although, at work, she can often be distracted by extraneous matters and is quite absent-minded, although this does not prevent her from being executive. By nature, the Libra-Cat (Rabbit) woman is a bright and charming leader, attracting and captivating other people. She can organize any interesting business on a large scale. Therefore, it is important for her to choose for herself a job related to social activities. The negative point in the career is that the Libra-Cat (Rabbit) woman does not know how to analyze the situation and make the right decisions.

In the character of every person there are both positive and negative traits. But for a woman born with this combination, it is incredibly difficult to resist negative feelings and events in life. For her, it is necessary to choose the path of goodness and spiritual self-development. Otherwise, negative feelings can take over. It is worth noting that a lot in the life of a Libra-Cat (Rabbit) woman is played by family and social status, and this is the main engine in her development and the desire to achieve all the best.

In relationships with men, the Libra-Cat (Rabbit) woman is soft and flexible. She manages to find a common language with any male representative. True, she can easily captivate, but it’s more difficult for her to keep near her. Often leads to a break her inability to communicate with one person and the inability to properly build relationships. Her family well-being will depend entirely on the chosen man.

Born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), the Libra woman needs a bright and strong partner who can take responsibility for the family. She does not know how to enjoy the simple joys of life, she takes the planning of children too seriously, sometimes even being afraid of the thought of them. Therefore, her family life is often full of contradictions and misunderstandings. To create a harmonious relationship with a partner, she needs to accept that a woman is responsible for the relationship, and it depends only on her what kind of family will be. She also needs to learn how to control her emotions, as negative outbreaks can destroy a lot in their lives.

Libra - Cat (Rabbit) man

A man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) always makes a good impression. He is good-looking and knows how to win people over. He is generous and self-confident, goes through life with a smile, easily distributing advice, money and other valuables. The Libra-Cat (Rabbit) man is stable and balanced, he is not interested in power and glory. He is not a leader and can hardly be called a good organizer, besides, he has little interest in practical, rational affairs. But, nevertheless, a man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is able to change many professions in order to find the business that he will really like. He has a powerful intuition that can help him complete tasks. It is worth noting that the most talented teachers were born with this combination of signs. And in school years - this is a capable student, from whom everything is constantly written off.

The character of a man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is complex and controversial. This significantly complicates his life. He, with all the strength of his nature, can rush both up and down, moreover, he easily succumbs to the influence of others. He leads an easy, carefree life, which often turns into numerous problems for him. To achieve success in any field, a man born with this combination of signs needs to learn to analyze his actions and not succumb to the provocations of others. Money is of little interest to a man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit). The thing is that he gets everything he needs anyway. A career is also not an end in itself for him, but only a component of a more significant idea for him. It is this calm attitude that helps him easily achieve the position in society that he needs and receive the amount of money that is required. In order to achieve a lot in life, the Libra-Cat (Rabbit) man needs to learn how to correctly and clearly express his thoughts and insist on his positions.

Love for a Libra-Cat (Rabbit) man is the meaning of life. This sphere gives him excellent food for emotional experiences, which are very important for him. He is attractive, knows how to care and, probably for this reason, is always surrounded by numerous admirers. It is worth noting that in a love relationship, a man with this combination of signs, most often, takes a passive position, goes with the flow and waits for initiative from women. In family life, he is soft and accommodating, inferior in everything and agrees with everything. The leader in his family will always be a woman, even if he holds a high position and has a large salary. As a rule, the family life of a Libra-Cat (Rabbit) man develops favorably. He enjoys the emotions that the family gives and as a result, the relationship becomes more harmonious and happier. Born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), the Libra man loves his children and devotes a lot of time to them.

Having met Libra-Rabbit (Cat), you might think that they are pampered melancholics according to the horoscope. In fact, they are distinguished by wisdom, an inquisitive mind and eloquence. Such people make successful journalists and researchers.

Libra-Rabbit (Cat) look elegant and attractive. In order to achieve their goals, they work hard. Sometimes they show snobbery. Sensual and peaceful personalities are Libra-Rabbits (Cats). They are distinguished by a reasonable approach to life, which makes them harmonious and balanced people. They are able to manage their emotions and make their own decisions.

Libra-Rabbit (Cat) never panics, but deliberately acts even in difficult situations. To feel comfortable, they need to insulate themselves from responsibility.
Libra-Rabbit (Cat) - intuitive nature. He instantly feels the danger, has a good memory and instinctively makes decisions. He is hardworking, but he never forgets about rest and entertainment. They enjoy being at home or with friends.

In love, Libra-Rabbit (Cat) behaves like an attentive and sincere partner. He is not devoid of romance, loves to accept presents and confessions of feelings. Such a person can be touched even by a tiny toy donated for no particular reason.

If Libra-Rabbit (Cat) suddenly runs out of patience, then he becomes very restless and aggressive. In fact, such people are peaceful and do not like quarrels. Even with enemies, they communicate gently and with a smile.

Libra-Rabbit (Cat) - a person who is in search of beauty. It can be not only objects, but also people. Sometimes it seems too superficial. They are loyal to the advice of others, but in many situations they rely only on their own opinion.

Libra-Rabbit (Cat) works not only for the sake of money. Finances give him freedom, but are not the main factor in life. In professional matters, Libra-Rabbit (Cat) can be too risky, which leads to disappointment. But, innate caution saves him from serious losses.
When it comes to large-scale investments, then it is better for him to be an assistant, and not the manager of the company. He knows perfectly well what he is capable of, therefore he takes precautions in many matters.

In love, Libra-Rabbit (Cat) is not active. He is waiting for the first steps and further actions in the relationship from his companion. Such people love to dream of love more than to achieve this feeling from the object of passion.

Horoscope of combining Libra with other eastern signs:

Horoscope of combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs: