Who sets the living wage? How to calculate the cost of living for a family? What do pensioners get

Every quarter, regional governments set a living wage for the main socio-demographic groups of the population: children, pensioners, able-bodied citizens. In addition, a separate indicator is set for the year for pensioners in order to make social supplements, if the income of a citizen is less than this level. The city authorities approved the relevant indicators.

In the article we will tell you how these indicators are formed, how their value is related to the level of the minimum wage, what determines the size of the minimum pension, and also exactly what the living wage is set in Moscow in 2020 from January 1.

Who installs and how?

The minimum subsistence level is a conditional value, which is the monthly monetary maintenance of a person, capable of providing him with a certain standard of living in modern economic conditions.

The value of this indicator, according to Federal Law No. 134-FZ of October 24, 1997, is reviewed every quarter, the calculation must be made no later than the next three months. The law obliges the authorities of the subjects to take into account the peculiarities of the region and the interests of the local population. The cost of living in Moscow and other cities is determined for three categories of citizens:

  • able-bodied, not retired;
  • pensioners;
  • children.

Based on the figures for each group, an average value is calculated - per capita.

This indicator is used to assess the level of well-being of citizens, approve the size of the minimum wage, and when planning budget payments to students, the poor, and pensioners.

So, on the basis of the law of the city of Moscow No. 23 of May 15, 2002, the subsistence minimum is applied when providing such social benefits:

  • child benefits;
  • compensations to the needy (one-time and paid every month);
  • one-time financial assistance to citizens who find themselves in a difficult situation;
  • social scholarships for low-income university students.

The average per capita living wage in Moscow in 2020, from January 1, is 17,329 rubles. This value is enshrined in the Decree of the Government of Moscow of December 17, 2019 N 1709-PP.

The lower limit of expenses for the considered categories of citizens for the 3rd quarter of 2019:

  • 19,797 rubles - for able-bodied Muscovites who have not reached retirement age;
  • 12,253 rubles - for those receiving a pension;
  • 14,889 rubles - children's minimum.

Living wage pensioner

Each region separately determines the living wage for a pensioner for a particular year. Residents of the region who receive a pension below this amount are entitled to a regional supplement.

Law of the City of Moscow dated October 30, 2019 N 26 “On establishing the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to determine the regional social supplement for pensions for 2020” establishes the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in Moscow in 2020 - from January 1, its value will be 12 578 rubles. Compared to 2019, the increase in the pensioner's PM amounted to 463 rubles. Last year, the PM of a pensioner increased by only 299 rubles compared to 2018.

Thus, from January 1, for pensioners living in the city for less than 10 years, the amount of the cash allowance is determined relative to the above minimum (12,578 rubles).

As for Moscow pensioners who have been registered and have lived in the capital for more than 10 years, their minimum pension, including allowances, in 2020 is 19,500 rubles. It was raised a year ago by 3,000 rubles at once, and since September 1, it has increased by another 2,000 rubles, as the mayor of the capital separately notified the townspeople.

Consumer basket

The size of the subsistence minimum in the capital is determined based on the amount of food required for daily use of items and services listed in the city law No. 32 of 06/19/2013 on the consumer basket.

The basket structure includes three components:

  • a minimum set of products grouped into 11 main groups;
  • essentials - medicines, clothes, shoes, hats, bedding, school supplies, stationery, household chemicals;
  • payments for the services of public utilities, transport organizations, expenses for visiting cultural institutions.

The composition of the consumer basket is reviewed at least once every five years. Since the last correction occurred in June 2013, the next revision should have been made no later than the first summer month of 2018. On June 6, 2018, the law was amended, according to which its validity was extended until June 30, 2021 inclusive.

Minimum wage in Moscow

The subjects of the Russian Federation are empowered to establish a regional minimum wage. In Moscow, the minimum wage is tied to the cost of the consumer basket: with an increase in the subsistence level of the able-bodied population, an increase in the minimum wage follows. There are no changes in the downward direction.

As in other subjects, the decision on the size of the minimum wage is made by representatives of all interested parties:

  • associations of trade unions protecting the interests of employees of companies and organizations;
  • communities of employers obliged to comply with the provisions of the agreement;
  • city ​​authorities.

The city has a Moscow trilateral agreement for 2019-2021 dated September 19, 2018. According to its norms, the minimum wage is equal to the subsistence minimum for able-bodied citizens, that is, 20,195 rubles. This value has been preserved since the second quarter of 2019 (the PM of able-bodied citizens for the 2nd quarter in the capital amounted to 20,195 rubles), since the minimum wage cannot be reduced.

Many of our fellow citizens are wondering which one. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Probably every Russian has heard of such a thing as a minimum living wage. But not everyone understands what exactly it means, why it is necessary and how this amount is calculated.

What it is?

The living wage in our country involves determining the real value of the so-called conditional consumer basket. In other words, this is the amount of money a person needs every month to satisfy his most minimal needs in terms of nutrition and providing the necessary conditions for survival.

The concept of "living wage" is mainly of a statistical nature and serves to reveal the standard of living and income of the population. Thus, there are two main groups of people - the poor and the non-poor. The first category includes citizens whose monthly income is below the minimum subsistence level. The second category of the population is citizens whose income exceeds the amount established as the "living wage".

in Moscow

If we consider the issue from the point of view of the realities of life of Russian citizens, in particular people living in the capital, then the amount recognized by the state as a “living wage” is not enough for a Muscovite to be able to provide himself with essential goods. Most residents of our main metropolis, according to numerous social surveys, argue that this amount is sorely lacking to live on them for one calendar month.

In addition, it is believed that in Moscow it is greatly underestimated.

Nevertheless, the state has clearly defined the list of needs that a Russian citizen experiences, and the satisfaction of which is the main condition for his survival. The so-called minimum consumer basket is “filled” with these needs.

Composition of the minimum consumer basket

This concept conditionally includes two categories of the simplest needs of Moscow citizens per person. The first category includes the necessary food, and the second - non-food products, as well as services. A table on the cost of living in Moscow will be presented below.

The number and volume of these needs for the able-bodied population is determined for the year. This list includes:

  • bread, as well as other bakery products, cereals, pasta, legumes, etc. - 127 kg;
  • potatoes - 101 kg;
  • vegetables - 115.5 kg;
  • fruits and berries - 61.5 kg;
  • sugar, as well as confectionery - 23 kg;
  • meat and meat semi-finished products - 57.5 kg;
  • fish - 19.5 kg;
  • dairy products - 295 kg;
  • eggs - 220 pieces;
  • various types of oil (vegetable, butter, etc.) - 12 kg;
  • tea, coffee, spices, salt, etc. - 5.5 kg.

Non-food group

What else affects the minimum subsistence level in Moscow? Non-food basket. It contains, as a rule, clothes, household and personal hygiene items, as well as various types of services, including utilities. This group includes:

  • outerwear - 3 pieces for 7.5 years;
  • light outerwear - 7 pieces for 4.5 years;
  • underwear - 10 pieces for 2.5 years;
  • socks, tights, etc. - 6 pieces for 1.5 years;
  • hats, haberdashery - 4 pieces for 6 years;
  • shoes - 5 pairs for 3.5 years;
  • writing instruments - 2 pieces for 1 year;
  • economic, as well as various household goods - 18 pieces for 11 years;
  • bed linen and accessories for sleep - 13 pieces for 8 years;
  • sanitary and personal hygiene items, as well as medicines - 11% of the amount of money that is spent monthly on non-food items.

In Moscow, in addition to food and non-food items, it also includes some services. In accordance with the legislation and the size of the "living wage" in the capital, one adult able-bodied person annually needs:

  • providing living space - 18 square meters;
  • residential heating - 6.9 Gcal;
  • water (both cold and hot, including water disposal) - 285.5 liters per day;
  • electricity - 50 kWh;
  • gas supply - 11 cubic meters (monthly);
  • use of vehicles - 628 times a year;
  • services of culture, sports, etc. - is 5% of the monthly amount provided for the payment of services;
  • other services - 16% of the monthly amount used to pay for services.

What is the minimum living wage in Moscow, not every resident of the capital knows.

Secondary Benefits

In accordance with the legislation and regulations approved specifically for residents of the capital, the subsistence minimum is also used to calculate certain social benefits for citizens, which are provided for by federal laws and other regulations. It can be:

  • additional cash benefits for the birth of children to young families (in order to stimulate the birth rate in the country);
  • monthly financial assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult life situation; a lump-sum payment in the form of compensation for the reimbursement of expenses related to the adoption of children;
  • monthly child allowance;
  • utility bill subsidies;
  • monthly payments to single mothers in the form of compensation in connection with the increase in the cost of living.

The size of these benefits can also affect the subsistence level in Moscow.

The goals of establishing a living wage

In addition to the above payments, the cost of living is also taken into account when accruing social scholarships to students from low-income families, when registering under housing improvement programs, calculating subsidies for paying for services for using residential premises, providing legal assistance free of charge, etc.

The value of the minimum monetary payment for life is also calculated for different categories of the population, which include:

  • able-bodied citizens;
  • pensioners;
  • children.

For each of them in the capital there is a separate living wage, the value of which is determined in accordance with the special needs of citizens belonging to a certain category. Subsequently, this value is taken into account in the process of assessing the standard of living of Moscow residents, as well as for planning the implementation of social support for those in need.

Features of calculating the minimum subsistence level in Moscow

This amount is calculated in accordance with the results of the last quarter and is based on special data received by the state statistics authorities for the city of Moscow on the level of prices for food products, as well as non-food products necessary for citizens.

The subsistence minimum is determined quarterly by a government decree, and comes into force from the moment it is published in official sources.

The value for different categories of Muscovites

This amount is calculated individually for different categories of the population of Moscow. Thus, there are three types of subsistence minimum:

  • for able-bodied citizens;
  • for pensioners;
  • for children.

For the latter, the subsistence minimum is minimal, while it is maximum for the working population of the city of Moscow.

The cost of a conditional consumer basket in the capital is slightly higher than in other regions of Russia. This is due to the fact that life in this city is much more expensive.

As a result, the subsistence minimum here is 17,674 rubles for able-bodied Muscovites, 13,453 rubles for children, and 10,874 rubles for people of retirement age.

This question is rather difficult. Although the norms are set by the state, they are still constantly changing. Therefore, these changes must be carefully monitored. As a rule, if a person does not have that very minimum, he can be recognized as needy. In Russia, such citizens are provided with support from the state. So what is included in the cost of living? How much is it at the moment? What must every citizen of the country be provided with without fail? All this further!

By category

To be honest, our today's question includes a huge number of features. What is included in the cost of living in Russia in 2016? For starters, it's cash. It is they who are usually understood in the first place by the "minimum".

Just the size of these is constantly changing. Moreover, much depends on which category of citizens you belong to. In Russia, this is taken into account. So, for example, for children the indicator will be one, and for the able-bodied population - completely different. Where did this rule come from?

All this was invented on the basis of the needs of a person in a particular period of life. The living wage should ensure a normal life for a citizen. So to speak, to supply it with the most necessary for life and health without frills and luxury. More specifically, how much money is currently due to one or another category of citizens?


It has already been said that the subsistence minimum, at least in monetary terms, is constantly changing. You have to find out the exact information for a specific period of time. At the moment, this figure has increased slightly. At least for some people.

In the 1st quarter of 2016, per capita accounted for 9,776 rubles. It is on this amount that you will have to provide for your life. If you think about it, not so much (given the constant rise in prices in Russia). But pensioners were less fortunate. For them, at least a month amounted to only 8,025 rubles.

Two more categories of citizens for whom the minimum monetary expression has different meanings are the able-bodied population and children. The first is 10,524 rubles, and the second - 9,677 rubles. Such norms are currently established in Russia. Now it is clear how much the subsistence minimum is for 2016 (Q1) in monetary terms. But do not rush to rejoice!

Doesn't converge

Why? The whole problem lies in the fact that in most cases it is simply impossible to provide a decent standard of living for the indicated amounts. Prices are only rising, and rapidly. At the same time, the income of citizens decreases. And if it rises, then it does not keep pace with the rate of price growth. Therefore, it is very difficult to "survive".

By the way, Russia is perhaps the only country where the "minimum for life" exceeds the minimum wage of the population. It's not too good. It makes almost no sense to think about how much the cost of living in the country is when your income is not too high. Or he is average, but in the family you have a lot of members.

Nevertheless, where does this very minimum come from! It is not just invented in the government! Really. After all, there are some features and moments that are included in the cost of living. Just for the amounts mentioned above. In any case, the state believes that citizens should "fit" into them for monthly expenses.

consumer basket

All this thanks to the developed system called the consumer basket. It includes everything that should be provided to citizens for normal life. And nothing depends on your desires - no personal preferences or frills! Please note: the calculation of the consumer basket takes into account a period of 12 months!

What is included in the living wage? These are goods and services that provide a certain (minimum) standard of living for the population, taking into account the "life" of some items. The consumer basket also depends on the category of citizens. And it includes three main components: products, non-food products and services. Now in Russia there are rules established back in 2013. So far, the consumer basket will not change. In any case, it is assumed that it is valid until 2018. What is included? It is better to consider possible options for the working-age population. It is this that makes up the bulk of the population of the country.


A huge role (and a large proportion of the population) is played by able-bodied citizens. Already by the monetary minimum, it is clear that such persons are entitled to the most resources and services. So this is where the biggest numbers will be.

First of all, you should pay attention to the set of products. The consumer basket indicates only the most necessary components. And it doesn't matter if you use this or that component or not. According to the minimum, able-bodied citizens are supposed (in kilograms):

  • bread products - 126.5;
  • potatoes - 100.4;
  • vegetables - 114;
  • fruits - about 60;
  • sugar and "confectionery" - by 24;
  • 58.5 meat products, 19 - fish;
  • dairy products - almost 300 (more precisely, 290);
  • 210 eggs;
  • fats (margarine, butter, and so on) - 10.

Please note: bread products include a variety of cereals and pasta. Also included are legumes, bread, flour, bakery products. Plus, about 5 kilograms are allotted for other "expenses". Here is a set of products provides our minimum. Other food products include: salt, tea, coffee, various spices. In general, everything that can be eaten, as well as what is not included in the above detailed list.

Not food

What are the essential goods? And what is included in the list of non-food minimum? This includes:

  • outerwear (coat);
  • costume and dress component (upper);
  • underwear;
  • hats;
  • hosiery;
  • shoes;
  • stationery (including school supplies);
  • bed sheets;
  • household goods;
  • essential goods (medicines, sanitary items).

Accordingly, each of them is also entitled to a certain amount. Able-bodied citizens can count, respectively, on the following indicators (in quotation marks the term of "life" in years is indicated, pieces and pairs of components are taken into account):

  • 3 (7,5);
  • 8 (4);
  • 9 (2,4);
  • 7 (1,5)
  • 5 (5);
  • 6 (3,3);
  • 3 (1);
  • 14 (7);
  • 19 (10,4);
  • 10% of spending on non-food items.


The physiological subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population does not end there. It remains to consider the mandatory services that every citizen should receive on average per year. All this is not so difficult to understand, but remembering the exact data is not easy! So, the required services include:

  • housing (18 square meters);
  • heating (6.7 Gcal);
  • water (cold and hot - 285 liters per day);
  • gas (10 cubic meters / month);
  • electricity (50 kilowatts per month);
  • transport (620 trips per year);
  • "cultural" services (5% of expenses);
  • other (15% of spending).

All of the above is a social subsistence minimum for citizens. More precisely, it takes into account only what is necessary for the average able-bodied person in the country. But only in this matter there is one huge drawback. Which one? Now let's figure it out.

Does not work

The whole problem lies in the fact that often the entire consumer basket does not take into account the cost of services. That is, it is calculated with an approximate calculation of the average price tags in the country. But in different regions, various prices prevail for goods, products, and services.

Plus, if you think about it and divide, for example, food products by 12, you will get indicators that a citizen should “consume” per month. It is almost impossible to "fit" into the subsistence level (in terms of money). After all, the cost of services and goods in the regions is constantly increasing. And wages, as already mentioned, either decrease or remain unchanged.

This means that in practice it is almost impossible to supply yourself with everything you need only at the expense of minimal funds. Only if you buy some food products on them. And then the diet will not be too enriched. Thus, for the population, the established minimum living conditions seem like a complete mockery! Now it is clear what is included in the cost of living. The majority of the population does not agree with these indicators. It has already been said - it is extremely difficult to live within the indicated restrictions!

In our today's article, we will analyze what PM is, learn how to calculate for a family. This information will help you determine if your family is "poor".

Living wage - what is it, what does it include?

The living wage is the income of a citizen of the Russian Federation that a person needs to ensure a minimum standard of living. It usually includes the cost of products and goods that a person needs to maintain his health. At the same time, the value is calculated immediately for several categories of citizens, which makes it possible to conveniently and more accurately establish other benefits.

The following table will tell you what concepts you will encounter when studying the cost of living in Russia.

The calculation of PM is based on the following:

  1. The population of the Russian Federation is taken into account to determine the welfare of citizens.
  2. Calculations are based on socio-demographic categories for a competent distribution of payments.
  3. The size of the consumer basket and the total amount of payments made by citizens every month are taken into account (for example, "communal"). In this case, the calculation is as follows: at least 50% of products should be included in the PC, 25% for services and non-food products each.
  4. The increase in prices for goods and services is taken into account.
  5. The minimum norms for the consumption of products that belong to the category of essentials are determined.

At the same time, the subsistence minimum counts both on one person and on the family as a whole. The total monthly income of the family divided by all its members (people living at the same address).

But communal apartments, where non-relatives can be registered, are not taken into account in the calculations. The family in the understanding of officials is all close relatives: spouses, parents, children.

Why do you need to know and be able to calculate PM?

According to Article 2 of the Federal Law, the subsistence minimum has two goals:

  • Assessment of the standard of living of citizens, development of social policy and implementation of special programs at all levels - from federal to local.
  • Establishing the amount, scholarships, payments, pensions, etc.
  • Determination of the size of the Federal budget for the next year.

If we take into account each region of the Russian Federation separately, then knowing the size of the subsistence minimum is necessary in order to:

  • To get ahead of the standard of living of Russians in each subject of the Russian Federation, in order to implement social programs in this particular region.
  • For proper budgeting.
  • To identify low-income families, provide material and other assistance to low-income people.

It is important to note that regional authorities can change the size of the subsistence minimum based on the results of the analysis, therefore, most often, the size of the subsistence minimum is different for each region.

PM sizes for different categories in 2020

In calculating this value, the government divides the population into three categories:

  • Pensioners.
  • Children.
  • able-bodied citizens.

Let's look at this in more detail, taking two cities as an example - Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Category Who enters there? The value of PM in the capital The value of PM in St. Petersburg
Working-age population This includes persons who are able to take part in work activities, including:
  • Men from 16 to 64 years old.
  • Women from 16 to 59 years old.

Please note that age may vary.

This group also does not include disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups

18 580 rubles 12 079 rubles
pensioners People who have reached retirement age 12 115 rubles 8 954 rubles
Children (underage) Persons unable to work due to their underage 13 938 rubles 10 754 rubles
Size per capita The average value, which applies to all citizens 16 260 rubles 11 021 rubles

These dimensions of the PM are established by decrees of the Government of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other regions, the subsistence level is also set by the Government or local authorities.

In general, in Russia, the size of the PM is as follows:

  • Per capita - 16,260 rubles
  • Able-bodied — 18 580 rubles
  • Pensioners — 11,505 rubles
  • Children — 13 938 rubles

How to calculate the cost of living for a family - instructions

To calculate the size of the PM for each individual citizen, experts carry out the following:

  1. They calculate the products consumed by a citizen for a year, including them in a productive basket and divide the resulting value by the number of months in a year.
  2. The resulting value should be multiplied by the average cost of these products or services.
  3. We say the obtained values.

But to calculate the PM for the family, you should act differently. We will tell you how to do this without the help of specialists, which will allow you to determine whether you fall under the concept of a “low-income family”, whose PM is less than that established in your city.

The formula for the calculation is as follows:

PM \u003d ((PM tn * N tn) + (PM n * N n) + (PM d * N d)) / (N tn + N n + N d), where:

For the calculation, be sure to use the following instructions:

  1. First, determine what socio-demographic groups the family consists of. For example, it can be only representatives of the working population and children, or only pensioners, etc.
  2. how many people in the family belong to each group.
  3. Determine the size of the PM in your area for each group.
  4. If any of the categories is not represented (for example, children), they do not need to be taken into account in the calculations.
  5. Put all the values ​​into the formula and do the calculations.

A simple example for calculation

Let's calculate the subsistence level for a family of five people who live in Moscow:

  • Father, 45 years old (refers to TN).
  • Mom, 40 years old (TN).
  • Daughter, 15 years old (children).
  • Son, 13 years old (children).
  • Grandfather, 70 years old (pensioners).

Now let's plug the values ​​into the formula:

MP = (18580 * 2) + (13938 * 2) + (12115 * 1) / (2 + 2 + 1).

PM = 37160 + 27876 + 12115 / 5

Answer: 15,430 rubles.

It remains just to compare with the indicator for your city - if the average per capita income per family is less than the established PM, you will fall into the category of "Poor".

PM for determining benefits

As we have already said, the amount of social benefits, earnings, and financial assistance for the poor must be determined taking into account the size of the PM. Therefore, when calculating this value, experts rely on:

  • Expenses that the working-age population spends every month.
  • Expenses for taxes and deductions established by the local authorities in each region.
  • Income on the submitted declarations in the form of 3-NDFL and 2-NDFL. Such documents can be obtained from the tax office at the place of registration.

If we talk about a family, then its prosperity, of course, is affected by the number of family members who cannot generate income (we are talking about children and pensioners, the disabled), the professional activities of able-bodied citizens.

It is worth noting that some of the calculations are carried out taking into account the expenses that a person needs to maintain normal life. It also takes into account spending on education, food for children, because most often the cost of living for children is traditionally higher than for pensioners.

In some cases, the Law establishes a PM threshold (normative) that residents of the Russian Federation should not violate. For example, pension payments cannot be lower than the minimum wage, as well as the amount of earnings, scholarships, and other benefits.

In contact with

The living wage is the minimum amount necessary for the life of a citizen (for the purchase of food, clothing, payment of mandatory and utility bills, etc.). The cost of living in Moscow in 2018 (and in other cities) is used for several purposes:

  • helps to characterize the standard of living of the city population, develop and implement social programs based on the data obtained;
  • used in the preparation of the budget of the city, determining the cost of the budget to help the poor;
  • is an indicator for the provision of various social benefits;
  • affects the size of the regional minimum wage.

On the Internet, you can find the request "the minimum subsistence level in Moscow" - but it is a mistake to believe that this value has a minimum mark. The living wage cannot have a minimum or maximum size, this is not a “from and to” plug, it is a clearly established value for a certain subject of the Russian Federation.

The living wage in Moscow is set quarterly by the city government. In order to establish the value of the minimum, the data of state statistics for the city on the level of prices for the consumer for the necessary food and other goods, as well as the amount of mandatory payments, expenses, etc. are analyzed. The cost of living in Moscow in 2018 will differ not only in comparison with other cities, but also for different population groups. Since the needs of citizens of retirement age and working citizens are different, all this is taken into account to establish its final amount.

When calculating the cost of living for 2018 in Moscow, as well as in other regions, it must be taken into account that the consumer basket is an important factor. The consumer basket (that is, the set of products necessary for the life of a citizen) is determined at least once every five years for the Russian Federation as a whole and separately for the regions. This is one of the factors that affects the fact that the cost of living in Moscow differs from other cities. Why is the consumer basket not the same for different subjects of the Russian Federation?

The composition of the products included in the consumer basket is determined not only on the basis of the needs of the human body, but also taking into account the natural and climatic conditions in which it lives, private national traditions and local characteristics of food consumption. Thus, the cost of living in Moscow in 2018 is made up of several factors, which are influenced not only by the status of the capital, but also by the geographical location of the city, price levels, etc.

Information about the cost of living in Moscow is published in the official publications of the Government of the capital on a quarterly basis. Thus, resolutions on the establishment of the subsistence minimum can be found, in particular, on the official website of the mayor of Moscow.

Today in Moscow, what size of the subsistence minimum is relevant? Let's take a closer look at what amounts necessary for living are set for various groups of the population of the capital, what it depends on, and what it can affect.

The subsistence minimum in Moscow in 2018

The subsistence minimum for the first quarter of 2018 in the city of Moscow was approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 526-PP dated June 5, 2018.

What is the living wage in Moscow currently in force, according to this regulatory document:

  • per capita - 15,786 rubles;
  • for citizens of working age - 17,990 rubles;
  • for citizens who have reached retirement age - 11,157 rubles;
  • for children - 13,787 rubles.

So, we answered the question: “what is the cost of living in Moscow in 2018?”. Now let's see what this value affects for certain groups of the population and why it is necessary to set a living wage.

What affects the subsistence minimum in Moscow in 2018

Citizens who, for reasons beyond their control, have an income of less than the subsistence minimum, may receive state social assistance. It can be both families and citizens living without a family.

Living wage for a pensioner in Moscow

The subsistence minimum for pensioners is calculated in a general manner - based on the prices of the necessary food, clothing, and mandatory payments. If compared with other social groups, then the value will be the smallest. The living wage in Moscow for 2018 for a pensioner is set at 11,816 rubles.

In order to establish special social supplements for pensions, the established value of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in each subject of the Russian Federation must be brought to the attention of the Pension Fund no later than November 1 of the year following the financial year for which it is determined.

Living wage per child in Moscow

The needs of a child are very different from the needs of people of retirement age and the needs of the working population. It should be borne in mind that only essential things are taken into account for the calculation - for example, toys are not an essential item.

The cost of living (Moscow) from January 1, 2018 for children is set at 13,787 rubles. This is almost 20% higher than the minimum set for pensioners. The size of the child subsistence minimum is also needed to determine the grounds for the payment of various benefits to citizens and families with minor children.

Living wage for working persons

For working citizens, the established minimum wage cannot be lower than the official subsistence minimum. Read more about the minimum wage in force in 2018 in Moscow in