People born in the year of the dog are Aquarius. Scientist Dog, an intellectual in his midst

People born between January 21 and February 19 in 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934 are protected by the combination of Dog and Aquarius, which encourages them to eternally strive for harmony in the soul and in the world around them. What other features may be hidden in them, what are their characteristics, let us consider in more detail.

Features by horoscope

Patron signs have a great influence on their charges: the Dog man greatly values ​​home space, the comfort that reigns there, and is ready to endlessly invest in its creation and improvement. This is a very faithful, devoted person, an excellent colleague and friend who knows how to keep secrets. His open nature attracts others, but he does not strive to be the center of attention, although he is always ready to lend a shoulder and provide support even to a stranger.

However, airy Aquarius cannot help but bring his lightness and sometimes even frivolity to his character. Those born at this time have an easy-going approach to life, often find new hobbies and immerse themselves in them. Even romantic relationships are perceived by him as a kind of hobby, an opportunity to pass the time while waiting for his one and only. At the same time, even a serious romance with him can turn out to be unhappy, since such a man is very independent, critical, and sometimes jealous, which is why it is so important for him to find a complementary woman, because peace in the family is the most important condition for his happiness.

He is a very strong-willed person with a strong character, determined, purposeful, and knows exactly what he wants from life. Stubbornness and perseverance allow him to go towards his intended goal and always get what he wants. Aquarius, born in the year of the Dog, easily achieves good positions, never needs money, any effort aimed at achieving a goal, coupled with a strong nature, always gives a positive result. Hard work and responsibility are sure to be noticed by superiors, so a quick career rise is not long in coming. But at the same time, excessive straightforwardness can do a disservice, turning honesty into tactlessness, and a painful sense of justice sometimes turns out to be simply unnecessary.

In himself, he is a very calm, reasonable, outwardly somewhat cold man, averse to strong displays of emotions and preferring to resolve all issues not by scandal, but by dialogue. Very dependent on having close people nearby; being alone is much less likely to achieve success in life.

In love

This man is always looking for his woman. A critical approach does not allow him to have his head in the clouds, so his ideal is quite achievable. Good intuition allows you to make fewer mistakes, so this man can hardly be called a womanizer - a man approaches every relationship with full responsibility, weighing the pros and cons for a long time. He considers intellectual and spiritual compatibility to be the main criterion in choosing his partner, so when he finally gets married, the union is more reminiscent of friendship.

A good match for him would be a soft woman with a light character, quite smart, who would balance the despotism of her husband, smooth out the rough edges in the relationship, and become a reliable support and keeper of the hearth for him.

In bed he prefers romance and all its components: silk linen, candles, flower petals, aromatic oils and massages; loves long caresses and attention to his person, but he himself is ready to give pleasure to his partner. He experiments a lot and openly shares his fantasies with his woman, but given the jealous nature of the Dog, it is better for her not to answer him in kind. However, the sexual side of the relationship is not the main and necessary one for him; a man perceives a commonality of interests and hobbies as more important.

Family, marriage and life

The Aquarius man takes a long time to choose who to marry, so he often gets married quite late, and the chosen one is often a woman who holds similar views on life. Warm friendly relations and complete mutual understanding will always reign in his family. He is very kind to his soul mate, making her truly happy is not difficult for him. The Aquarius Dog becomes a good father, attached to his children and passionate about raising them. Family is the main value for him; he is ready to sacrifice his whole life to surround his household with his warmth, care and love.

As a rule, the man takes upon himself the arrangement of everyday life, but at the same time such a responsibility gives him great pleasure - who, if not the Dog, knows that the house should not be a temporary refuge, but a calm haven. The love of changing the environment also leaves an imprint on this person’s home: frequent rearrangements and regular repairs will become the norm.

By nature, this person is an altruist, always ready to provide help and support, especially when it comes to loved ones. He loves to gather relatives and friends around himself, and in general strives to create a large, friendly and strong family.

Compatibility with other signs

Those born in the year of Dogs easily get along with people due to their complacency, openness and willingness to help. However, when building a long-term relationship, many other qualities of both the man himself and the prospective life partner should be taken into account. In particular, this guy has a very high opinion of his own virtues and expects a suitable match to extol them in the same way. Therefore, it will be very difficult for the Dog to deal with the self-centered Dragon. The eastern predator, who loves to sparkle his scales at social events, does not understand the desire of his other half for the hearth and home. But a difficult union also awaits a man with a Goat, who greatly values ​​solitude. He strives for society and constant communication, but she wants to be left alone, so she will face frequent reproaches for being gloomy and unsociable. A pig rarely evokes initial sympathy, although if it arises, this union will be strong and fruitful.

On the contrary, the best matches for this man will be girls born under the signs of the Rat, Rabbit and Snake. As a rule, they will have a huge number of common hobbies, which will make this relationship very harmonious; in each other’s company these people will feel very happy. The first one well understands a man’s desire for adventure and is ready to accompany him in them, the second one will be able to organize exactly the home that he so dreams of. The third, like no one else, understands his craving for harmony.

As for other signs, these unions will be successful if the Dog shows enough flexibility and meets his partner halfway, although excessive despotism can greatly hinder this.

According to the Western horoscope, Aquarius gets along extremely well with almost all signs of the zodiac, complementing all of them, and the best matches for him will be Libra and Sagittarius.

See the following video for the characteristics of the Dog sign.

The zodiac sign under which a person was born gives him many different qualities. However, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the year of birth, that is, its “eastern” horoscope. Let's consider the main character traits of women who combine the unbridled imagination of Aquarius and the good nature of the Dog.


Aquarius dogs are responsible and kind people, always ready to help. The late hour or long distance will not stop them - these lovers of change are easy-going and can quickly hit the road. These sympathetic people often help others in solving their problems, but do not expect reciprocal rewards. They are not particularly interested in money, and even more so they do not strive to find profit in everything. That is why such ladies often take on social work and choose professions related to helping other people.

Girls with this zodiac and year of birth in their horoscope love to dream. Their ideas about the world are sometimes too idealistic; they sincerely believe in the best human qualities and try to live up to them: honesty, justice and the ability to take other people’s opinions into account are above all. Many people around them consider them strange for their selflessness, striving for ideals and “having their head in the clouds.” Sometimes even loved ones cannot understand what is going on in the Aquarius-Dog’s head.

Meanwhile, the ability to think freely from stereotypes and openness to everything new allows such a woman to act ahead of her time, boldly bringing innovative ideas to life.

Despite all modesty and apparent timidity, Aquarius-Dog can easily rush from his home in search of a better life, dramatically change his field of activity and gain new knowledge from an area with which he has not previously come into contact. However, this only applies to practical things. In a relationship, a woman is faithful to her partner and tries to build a strong union that will grow into a family. True, in order to decide on marriage and leave an interesting and full of impressions life, the partner must truly “hook” her. The intellectual level of a man is very important for the Aquarius-Dog, because it is in her partner that she sees her closest friend and valuable interlocutor.

These ladies avoid conflicts and rarely engage in open confrontation. If the situation requires intervention, she will express her point of view in a reasoned manner and will not become personal. This woman simply respects views on life that are different from her own, and allows people to be who they are.

Talismans and patrons

The planet that patronizes such representatives of the fair sex is Uranus. It endows people with intellectual superiority and the ability to think freely.

The element Air is the element of space and mental activity. Her zodiac signs usually have increased impressionability, a tendency to change in life, an extraordinary thirst for knowledge and extraordinary intellectual potential, bordering on genius.

For all Aquarius, astrologers recommend talismans in the form of a lock with a key. This is a symbol of everything mystical and unknown that so attracts Aquarius. The amulet is designed to help them unravel the mysteries of the universe and their own destiny. Also, such a talisman symbolizes the inviolability of family ties and helps the owner to remain faithful to his partner.

For Aquarius born in the year of the Dog, astrologers recommend wearing opal. The stone will give him peace of mind and a sense of his own strength. Also, he, like other Aquarians, can be recommended jewelry with amethysts, sapphires, and garnets.

Career and finance

Due to her openness to everything new, she usually has a variety of skills and abilities in her arsenal. She puts interest above material values, so she does not always choose a highly paid job. The main thing is that the work brings moral satisfaction, and that the soul lies in it. Such an employee never puts her problems on others and tries not to ask her colleagues for help, but if one of them gives her a helping hand, she will be sincerely grateful. The disadvantage of this nature is excessive love of freedom, so if the boss makes claims to her, then she can insist on her own and continue to act in her own way.

They do not like work that requires a strict dress code, a tight schedule and a lot of responsibility. All these frameworks are abhorrent to the Aquarius-Dog and do not allow them to completely devote themselves to the task with all their passion. Creative professions or even freelancing are more suitable for this freedom-loving nature.

Since they are burdened by increased public attention, they prefer professions that do not involve publicity. Ceremonies, lavish banquets, and formal performances are usually not her area of ​​interest. Our heroine can attend a corporate event, but only if it brings together people who are truly dear to her, whom she is ready to meet in any setting.


In the Aquarius-Dog family, they also do not accept pressure from their husband, children, parents and other relatives. In marriage, they adhere to the idea of ​​equality between partners and are sincerely indignant when their husband tries to prohibit them from doing anything. This applies to work, hobbies, pastime and choice of friends. It is not typical for this type of personality to be kept women; they want companions to help with the children and sometimes share the care of the house. Sometimes the Aquarius-Dog is so passionate about social life or work that he even tries to send his spouse to the stove. Because of this, quarrels and misunderstandings may begin in the family.

Our heroines treat their children with great patience and care; they are able to maintain a calm tone, even when they are tired at work or have had a fight with their spouse. It is unusual for them to panic when solving children’s problems; their natural composure helps with this. If a child is naughty, she will rather try to find an approach to him, to reach his mind using arguments and explanations, rather than shouting and scandals. No matter how much this woman loves her little ones, she does not always find time to communicate with them, because in her area of ​​interest there are so many things: career, social work, search for herself and the meaning of life.


This woman is not an example of meekness and all-forgiving love, since she is too freedom-loving.

Let's consider the most successful horoscopic pairs that Aquarius-Dog can make:

  • Aries;
  • Twins;
  • Aquarius.

The above signs will be able to get along with an extraordinary personality and accept its characteristics. Aquarians themselves will find a kindred spirit in her; Leos, Aries and Gemini, who cannot tolerate boredom, will always discover new facets in her.

Men born under the constellations can be considered unsuitable for unions with Aquarius-Dog:

  • Calf;
  • Fish.

Romantic Cancers and Taurus may not appreciate the progressive aspirations of this woman, because they want to see in their companion, first of all, a keeper of the hearth. Pisces, in turn, can attract her with their originality and ability to generate ideas, but together they will get too entangled in fantasies.


Among the famous representatives of this astrological combination is Playboy model Nicole Wood. In one of the interviews, the girl said that she broke up with the man because he was against her aspirations to conquer Hollywood. She also shared her dream of flying a fighter plane and having a loving husband waiting for her at home. This is a typical Aquarius-Dog position - to switch roles with a man.

Valentina Grizodubova is a woman who not only had her head in the clouds, but literally conquered the skies. At first she was interested in music, graduated from the conservatory, but then she entered flight school and became a famous pilot, commanding an air regiment during World War II.

Other famous women born in the year of the Dog under the sign of Taurus: singer Liza Minnelli, Vera Brezhneva, actresses Natalya Vavilova and Svetlana Khodchenkova.

Because of their belief in justice, they sometimes make mistakes in people, since not everyone shares their ideals. This offends the honest Aquarius-Dog, which is why she can become very upset and withdraw into herself. The betrayal of loved ones hurts her like no other. Sometimes she should be more calm-blooded and not react to such moments that are inevitable in life.

Such ladies can have a quarrelsome character. This is due to the individualism that is characteristic of them. Not every man will accept the fact that his wife constantly realizes herself in different fields, and tries to leave the household routine to someone else. In order to preserve family relationships, Aquarius-Dog should be more attentive to their spouse and children, who may lack communication with their mother.

After all, it is important for a child not only to have quality education and development, but also to have spiritual communication at home.

Personalities who came into this world under the sign of Aquarius according to the Western horoscope and in the year of the Dog according to the Eastern calendar amaze with their unpredictability. They are eccentric and modest at the same time, and also have a specific worldview.

These people value blood ties very much; only in communication with blood relatives do they find rest and tranquility. They always remain faithful to their principles, they are suspicious and sensitive, kind and serious.

Characteristics of Aquarius in the Year of the Dog

At first glance they are frivolous, but in fact they are responsible and serious. They are very demanding of themselves and expect the same from others; they usually approach people with high standards, but at the same time with condescension.

They don't want to be the center of attention and don't dream of fame. They do not tolerate flattery and never flatter themselves, especially for profit. After all, an honest and devoted Dog does not tolerate any lies, even the smallest ones. And when faced with a deceitful person, they immediately break off the relationship.

Aquarius-Dogs are not aggressive or scandalous, they do not bring a quarrel to an open showdown, but skillfully nullify it. They try to resolve any conflict peacefully, they always openly express their point of view, skillfully justifying it.


More than anything else, they love purity: in thoughts, in dreams, in relationships. They approach the people around them with an open heart and clear thoughts. Free and independent in their judgments.

If these people find themselves in a difficult or even hopeless situation, they will not turn to loved ones for help, but will try to solve everything on their own. If someone himself extends a helping hand to them, they will not reject it, but will subsequently repay goodness for goodness a thousandfold.

Weak sides

The main weakness of the Aquarius-Dog personalities is their desire to criticize everything and everyone. It is this quality that does not allow them to get married or build strong relationships, and sometimes interferes with work relationships, in conversations with colleagues or with superiors.

These people are very stubborn, it is difficult to convince them of something, and in addition, they are quite cynical and therefore it is difficult for them to build relationships with others.

What qualities are worth developing?

They are very independent and do not tolerate any pressure, even from close people. They don’t even want to give in to their children or parents, or their bosses.

They take offense at justified and unjustified reasons. criticism. They take everything personally. If they can tame themselves and accept fair criticism from others, they will be able to get better in this life.

Features of a male character

Guys have an extremely complex character, they like to criticize everything, and it is because of this that most problems arise in their lives. They are always full of new ideas and unusual fantasies and are able to accept any other people's ideas without being surprised by anything.

With strangers they behave like ideal spouses and fathers, but when communicating with loved ones they show extreme despotism and do not tolerate any objections. Usually outsiders consider them to be extremely positive and optimistic people, but in a close circle they show themselves to be a tyrant.

Features of female character

Aquarius-Dog girls are impulsive and sensitive, open to new connections and very keen on everything new and unusual. These ladies are very independent, free and self-reliant. They solve all their problems themselves, trying not to shift them onto the shoulders of others.

If they like the work, they are ready to work even for minimal remuneration. For these ladies, material values ​​will always come second.

Representatives of the fair sex never strive to be the center of attention, but they devote a lot of time to social life. They are progressive and self-confident. Sometimes their arrogance hurts them a little.

Characteristics for girls and boys

Children born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Dog have a complex character from birth. They acutely feel and experience any injustice, not only to themselves, but to the entire world around them.

These kids are always ready to seek the truth and fight for the rights of the downtrodden. In addition, they become independent early and usually reject any help from adults if they believe that they can handle a job or problem on their own.

And these children are also extremely selfish and tactless. If you do not try to level out these qualities from childhood, then they grow up to be self-centered. Which will have a very bad effect on teamwork and family relationships in the future.

How does Aquarius born in the year of the Dog manifest themselves?

On the one hand, these are kind and honest individuals, they are open but direct. On the other hand, they never cheat and do not tolerate lies and pretense. They don't know how to compromise.

Taken together, these qualities can bring them some trouble. After all, you still need to have sufficient tact for comfortable relationships with colleagues at work and with family members at home.


Aquarius-Dog teenagers show extraordinary academic abilities and will never be at the bottom of the rankings. They are best suited for humanities subjects. They have an excellent gift of persuasion, an unconventional view of the world and the ability to simply convey their thoughts to others.

Exact sciences are also subject to them, you just need to show patience and perseverance. Already from childhood, they gravitate towards leadership, but they try to manage the children's team from a position of strength and do not tolerate any interference in their affairs.

In work and career

Aquarius-Dogs are determined and self-confident people. They easily set goals and achieve them. The main thing is that she does not cease to interest them.

From a young age they make the necessary connections, acquaintances and gain the necessary knowledge. Therefore, in adulthood, it is quite easy for them to organize their lives according to their intended model.

Usually they easily make a career, without even really striving for it. They never attach much importance to money, but they also never live in poverty. Usually such people are called “lucky”, because fate constantly throws them chances, and Fortune never turns back.

In bed

Both men and women born under this combination of signs are not prone to changing partners and do not constantly rush into new love adventures. They meticulously look for a person who will suit them according to their spiritual qualities, and, having found someone like him, they remain faithful to him all their lives.

In bed they do not require bold experiments, but they enjoy every minute of intimacy with a loved one. The bed is a place where they can be completely open and calm. These people will never forgive betrayal and will immediately break off all relationships, despite strong feelings and the presence of children.

In love and marriage

Getting along with both a man and an Aquarius-Dog woman is quite difficult, since they do not tolerate any coercion, and in marriage they want to see a free union of equal partners. But only after meeting a person of the opposite sex, they immediately begin to show their despotic character and demand complete submission.

It is better for guys to get married in adulthood, having already gained life experience, otherwise misunderstandings and stubbornness will not allow them to build the right relationship. Only in middle age do men become more tolerant and can compromise.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

Aquarians always find a common language with other Aquarians, with the dual Sagittarius and Gemini, as well as with the homely and modest Virgos.

With effort on both sides, an alliance with stubborn Taurus, secretive Cancer, domineering Leo and sensitive Pisces is possible. But alliances with Capricorns and fiery Aries are doomed to failure.

Compatibility according to the Eastern horoscope

Dogs can usually create a strong alliance with other Dogs, with noble Tigers and hardworking and patient, albeit somewhat stubborn Horses. Alliances with the friendly Pig, the capricious Goat, the homely Rat and the stubborn Ox have good chances.

If you try very hard and make concessions, then an alliance with the wise Monkey, the vain Rooster and the cunning Snake is possible. But an alliance with the royal and majestic Dragon is immediately doomed to failure.

What is the best name for a child?

Before choosing a name for your child, you should think carefully. The name should soften negative character traits and introduce the necessary traits for a successful life.

The best names for boys born in the year of the Dog under the sign of Sagittarius: Alexander, Andrey, Mark, Maxim, Anton, Dmitry, Vladimir, Robert, Mark, Miron.

The best names for girls: Varvara, Anastasia, Antonina, Ksenia, Anna, Sofia, Daria, Iya, Polina, Glafira, Iraida.

Famous Aquarius born in the year of the Dog

  • Famous couturier Paco Rabanne, February 18, 1934,
  • Film theorist and director Sergei Eisenstein, January 28, 1898,
  • Theater director Vsevolod Meyerhold, February 9, 1874,
  • Utopian philosopher, educator, humanist Thomas More, February 16, 1478,
  • French diplomat Charles Talleyrand, February 2, 1754,
  • Professor of Economics Thomas Malthus, December 23, 1834,
  • English writer Somerset Maugham, January 25, 1874.

The Aquarius-Dog sign includes people born from January 21 to February 19 in 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018.

Aquarius-Dog is an interesting combination that is formed under the influence of two opposite, but not conflicting, signs.

Both signs have a very specific worldview. , combining with the eccentricity of Aquarius, gives birth to a great individualist who, by nature, is a reformer, transformer and crusader.

The truth-loving Dog strives to embody the innate ideals of justice in the real world. And, on the contrary, it acquires its own ideals only thanks to what is happening. In this combination, idealism constantly struggles with selfishness, the desire for the good of everyone - with the desire for one's own benefit, regardless of others.

Socially, Aquarius-Dog is often involved in social work. There are many grandiose plans in his head, and he tries with all his might to make the lives of the people around him better. A person born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Dog is a real dreamer. He loves to travel and explore the world, so he happily accepts any changes in life.

He can easily change his usual job for a completely new activity and achieve success in it, or he can break away from his established place and go in search of adventure. He is an open, brave and sociable person with a great sense of humor. The strength of his character lies in his selflessness. And his weakness is that he is easily provoked and does not cope well with betrayal, especially from close people.

In a love relationship, Aquarius-Dog, despite the craving for change, shows loyalty to its partner. He values ​​relationships and tries to make them as harmonious as possible. Sex fades into the background for him, since the intellectual and spiritual component of the relationship is more important to him.

A person born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Dog is cheerful and friendly, with a bright and unforgettable charisma. He is open to communication, loves making new acquaintances, has an easy-going approach to life and spends most of his time pursuing his hobbies and entertainment. By nature, Aquarius-Dog is an altruist, ready to selflessly help people. But at the same time he is independent and does only what brings him pleasure. His principle is “do what you want as long as it doesn’t harm others.”

Aquarius-Dog is a person of great will and courage. He is balanced and cool-headed, acts balanced and confident. Aquarius-Dog thinks outside the box and always strives to create something new. This is an innovator from God. He has free views and an open mind, so he is often significantly ahead of his time. He also has high standards, which he always defends. He doesn’t like confrontation, but if he thinks he’s right, he’s ready to prove it with arguments.

The weakness of this personality lies in a pathological hatred of any injustice. He is seriously concerned about the future of humanity and grandiose plans are scrolling through his head on how to make the world a better place. He has good organizational skills, is very enterprising and strives for progress in everything, be it his career or his personal life.

Aquarius-Dog is talented and versatile. In this combination you can meet representatives of almost all professions. He always keeps pace with progress and innovation, and is interested in everything mystical, fantastic and unusual. In technology he can become a famous inventor, in music - an experimenter and avant-garde artist. This is a critic of social and government shortcomings, who will not only point out miscalculations, but is ready to build a bright future for himself and others with his own hands.

At the same time, Aquarius-Dog loves change, and can easily change not only his job, but also his field of activity, and completely transform a new team. This is undoubtedly a progressive person who respects not only himself, but also others. He knows how to appreciate all the diversity of life and correlate what happens around him with his internal principles.

Devotion is the main quality that Aquarius-Dog demonstrates in the love sphere. As a rule, if he does not make a mistake in choosing a partner, then this relationship lasts a lifetime. As a life partner, he is looking for a caring, kind, sincere person who can support him at any moment. He has increased demands for cleanliness and order, but at the same time does not like to do household chores, preferring to delegate them to his partners.

This combination is very favorable for partnerships, especially if the partner follows the quirks and new ideas of this person. The Aquarius-Dog loves his children very much, but devotes much less time to them than he would like. He makes friends with them rather than educates them.

Aquarius-Dog woman

A woman born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Dog is bright and interesting, active and sociable, full of charisma and enthusiasm. She makes contact easily, is always concerned about the fate of other people and is ready to help at any moment. She is easy to get along with, enjoys variety and usually has a large number of friends.

The Aquarius-Dog woman is distinguished by her resilience and determination, accuracy and pedantry in all matters. She takes life lightly and devotes a lot of time to her interests, entertainment, and hobbies.

The Aquarius-Dog woman is amazing. Her femininity and grace have an elusive magic and always attract attention. She is emotional, kind and pleasant to talk to. There is never a dull moment with her - she is quite witty and has a lively mind, bringing positivity and excitement to any society.

A woman born with this combination of signs is fascinated by new ideas, people and impressions. She always strives to learn something new, often has mystical abilities and has the gift of foresight.

An Aquarius-Dog woman can achieve enormous success in her career if she chooses a creative field to realize her abilities and talents. She is highly original, multifaceted and irrepressible.

Creative professions will give her the opportunity to make the most of her natural gifts, such as intelligence, beauty, and rich inner content. It is important for her to follow her own path, because she has something to say and show to the world.

Born in the year of the Dog, she tries to avoid work where it is necessary to adhere to a strict dress code and a strict schedule. As a rule, she strives to find an interesting job that will bring her, first of all, moral satisfaction. In any team, the Aquarius-Dog woman will find an approach to everyone, regardless of the type of temperament. If she doesn’t like a job, she won’t do it for any money. But if the work is to your liking, then the woman will do her job even for a small reward.

In relationships with men, the Aquarius-Dog woman is cheerful, flirtatious and tempting. She is mysterious, attractive and knows how to please, but she does not strive to get married at all and lives her own rich and interesting life. Possessing magnetism, she is usually surrounded by numerous admirers.

But for an Aquarius-Dog woman to agree to get married, the man will have to try very hard. She will think many times before exchanging her life full of vivid emotions for creating a family nest. In a relationship, she values ​​spiritual closeness most of all and it is important for her to have similar interests with her partner. As a rule, an alliance with this woman is more like a friendship than a love one.

Aquarius-Dog man

A man born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Dog is distinguished by honesty, exactingness and justice. He is very original and original, therefore he stands out from the crowd due to his special relationships. Originality and uniqueness allow him to achieve excellent results in his career and personal life. He is always passionate about new people and events - his active nature does not tolerate stagnation.

By character, he is a strong, decisive, strong-willed and purposeful man. He always goes to the end. No matter how the circumstances develop, nothing can prevent the implementation of your plans. And it is precisely this perseverance that allows him to achieve the best in life. He does not tolerate lies and is sensitive to any kind of betrayal.

The Aquarius-Dog man is capable of making a dizzying career even with minimal abilities. From an early age he knows what he wants from life and systematically moves towards this result, using his knowledge, acquaintances, and connections. As a rule, the Aquarius-Dog man is quite successful and financially prosperous. At work, he prefers intellectual activity with a change of environment, a variety of requirements and conditions.

His mentality is distinguished by originality and uniqueness. He loves to travel, meet new people, and explore the world. He is definitely determined to reject everything that is imposed from outside. Only he himself decides what is good for him and what is bad, what will bring results and what is nonsense.

In personal relationships, the Aquarius-Dog man is bright, gentle, intelligent and romantic. Naturally, he attracts numerous glances from fans. Many people fall in love with him, but not everyone manages to build a serious relationship.

Born in the year of the Dog. He is quite critical of everything, questions everything. This creates most of the difficulties in his life. Such a person sometimes behaves cruelly and despotic in family and close relationships, but no one in society will ever notice this. Anyone who doesn’t know him well won’t even be able to think that he has an authoritarian structure in his family.

Astrologers advise the Aquarius-Dog man to marry in adulthood. By this time, the wisdom acquired over the years will not allow him to destroy the relationship. He can build a happy family life only with a soft, flexible, compliant girl who will not see tyranny in his actions. For her, this will be manifestations of his love, patronage and care. If he finds such a woman, then their relationship will become a real treasure, which will provide ample opportunities for conquering new horizons.

Aquarius, born in the year of the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope, is full of energy and friendliness, a positive attitude towards life and selflessness. Being very open and generous, he painfully experiences betrayal, lies, injustice not only towards himself, but also towards any other human being.

The eccentricity characteristic of this zodiac sign takes on a mischievous, playful character in the Aquarius-Dog. At the same time, he is a responsible, active person who does not like to stagnate in one place, striving to understand all the diversity of the world around him.

In all areas of life, Aquarius-Dog is very demanding of himself. Despite his easy-going, sociable character, he takes his obligations seriously and does not accept deception in any situation.

Representatives of this sign of the Eastern Zodiac horoscope are characterized by large-scale thinking, which is fully manifested in dynamic activities that involve frequent moving, processing large amounts of information or expanding the circle of acquaintances. In other words, the freedom-loving nature of the Aquarius-Dog likes a life full of interesting events and impressions. It's no surprise that he usually has a lot of friends - there's never a dull moment around him!

Aquarius-Dog Love

Aquarius-Dog in love seeks variety and satisfaction of his vivid fantasies! Another of its properties is the ability to make friends. That is why in his life there is possible the existence of a paradoxical phenomenon for many other horoscope signs - sex friends. He knows how to be your friend and lover at the same time, without misleading you about his intentions: he does not intend to take any serious steps. For what? After all, everything is fine.

If for some reason you do not intend to put up with the position of a sex friend, you will have to either look for another object of love, or push the Aquarius-Dog. Yes, without blackmail and pressure he is unlikely to be ripe for a serious relationship. It is interesting that if he signs up for them, he will try to approach his obligations responsibly. So it is not completely lost for marriage.

Sexuality of Aquarius-Dog

Aquarius-Dog in bed needs mentoring - he could use a more experienced partner. He makes love with the enthusiasm of a teenager - everything is terribly interesting to him, although in some places not everything is clear. If you remove unnecessary enthusiasm and work on your technique, you’ll be just fine!

Celebrities of the Aquarius sign born in the year of the Dog:

Vera Brezhneva, Ukrainian singer and actress.
Liza Minnelli, American actress and singer.
Leonid Gaidai, Soviet director.
Natalya Vavilova, Soviet actress.
Svetlana Khodchenkova, Russian actress.
Sergei Eisenstein, Soviet director.
Enzo Ferrari, Italian designer and racing driver.