Michael Newton: Past life regression is a reality. Methods of regressive hypnosis Past life regression according to the Michael Newton method

Michael Newton can be called a classic of regressive hypnosis. If someone is interested in this topic, but has not yet read Newton's books, I highly recommend them, they explain and clarify a lot. A chapter from the book "Life Between Lives" is dedicated to the guardians, the author calls them guides.

Chapter 8. Our Guides

Among the Subjects with whom I worked, there was not one who would not have a personal Guide. Some guides are more visible during a hypnotic session, some are less so. I always ask Subjects if they see or feel the presence of a disembodied being in a room. If so, this third person is usually the Guardian Guide. Often the patient feels the presence of a non-embodied being even before he sees his face or hears his voice. People who meditate are naturally more familiar with these visions than those who have never consulted their guide.

Having recognized or recognized his spiritual teacher, a person is immersed in an atmosphere of cordial, loving creative power. Through our guides, we are more acutely aware of the continuity of life and our spiritual identity. Guides represent grace in all aspects of our existence because they are the guides in the process of fulfilling our destiny.

Guides are not simple creatures, especially if they are Masters. The level of consciousness of the soul to some extent determines how advanced a guide is assigned to it. In fact, it also depends on the maturity of individual guides whether these teachers have one or many charges? Guides classified as Senior Teachers according to their level of ability usually work with a whole group of souls both in the spiritual world and on Earth. These guides have assistants. That is, each soul group usually has one or more teachers to help it learn. Therefore, some people may have more than one guide.

Michael Newton - Journey Between Lives

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(1931—2016 ) is a counseling psychologist with a PhD who practices hypnosis therapy. Over a period of fifty years of work with people, Michael Newton created and worked out the method of spiritual regression, whose essence lies in returning to the memories of his own soul from the moment of the death of the physical shell. The practical experience of the sessions has been embodied in books that have won the glory of bestsellers and have been translated into 25 world languages.


In 1998, Dr. Newton received the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists' annual award for “The most unique contribution of a hypnotherapist” over the years of his research into the memory of the soul and mapping the cosmology of life after death.

In 2001, at the annual book fair, his second book"Journey of the Soul"was awarded by the Association of Independent Publishers “Best Metaphysical Book of the Year”(Metaphysical Book of the Year).

Founded a year later "Society of Spiritual Return", after a while it was renamed to "Institute Hypnotherapy Life Between Lives im. Michael Newton» (The Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy).Starting in 2002 and for three years, he was in a leadership position.From 2002 to 2005, Newton was the first president of the Spiritual Regression Society.The specificity of his institute lies in teaching students the methods of regression and the practice of mental movement through memories from previous lives and the period between incarnations on Earth.

He holds a doctorate in Counseling Psychology and is a certified hypnotherapist and member of the American Counseling Association. At the department (faculty) of higher educational institutions, he worked as a teacher and consultant, and also continued to actively engage in private practice. In addition, dr. Newton has worked as a corporate and behavioral consultant and has also served as group therapy leader for associations of mental health centers and spiritual revitalization organizations in association with the hospital and social service agencies.

In 2005, Newton interrupted his teaching practice and returned to seeing patients. He became an active participant in popular television and radio programs, video conferences and lectures.

For more than fifty years, Michael Newton has been practicing hypnotherapy. Dr. Newton has developed his own age regression technique by which he regresses his clients to a state in which they are able to remember their past lives. He is considered a pioneer in unlocking the mysteries of life after death through Spiritual Regression.

Until his retirement, Newton willingly shared his accumulated information and personal beliefs about the life of the soul after disincarnation. Michael is currently out of practice, serving on the Board of the Institute and contributing to curriculum development.

Writing activity

As a professional psychologist and practitioner of hypnosis therapy, Michael Newton did not immediately come to the experience of returning to the memory of the soul outside the body. First of all, he was focused on correcting the problems that arose due to emotional and psychological disorders. In working sessions, he helped people understand the relationship between mental and sensory sensations. To eliminate the harmful moments of behavior, Michael practiced a technique called age regression. It consisted in immersing a person in a state of hypnotic sleep and returning to memories of the past. This made it possible to understand the origin of childhood traumas or worries. For about ten years, Newton led a successful practice, with skepticism regarding the issue of reincarnation. But, a series of events occurred that changed his thoughts and views.

One day, a young man came to Newton for an appointment, who had been disturbed by chronic pain in his side since childhood. With the help of the hypnotic state, Newton wanted to teach the patient how to regulate pain sensations. The story of a man put into a trance and the search for the root cause led to a memory from a past life. It turned out that during the First World War, this young man was bayoneted on the battlefield in France. The case of a person returning to his memory from a previous life was the first of its kind and opened the door for Newton to work with past incarnations of the soul.

In 1968, a key discovery was a session with a patient named Una, who suffered from loneliness and longing. Immersed in a trance, the woman was able to describe her state between death and a new incarnation on earth. She also spoke about those who met her in the world of souls. The session amazed the author, he discovered a new system of views on death, his own destiny, the people accompanying us and the meaning of life. From that moment on, the author began to explore, study and record observations. During the 1980s, he was somewhat isolated. Newton reduced his work with patients, devoted himself to the technique of spiritual regression and practice with soul memories of the state between visits to the Earth. During this period, the author avoided esoteric publications and everything that could change or distort his view. But only a quarter of a century later, after the first stunning session, Newton presented the collected material in the form of a book. In 1994, Llewellyn presented the audience with the debut project of an aspiring author called "Journey of the Soul". The book so excited readers that it instantly became a bestseller. Michael Newton did not stop there and, later, three more books appeared under his name:

"Destiny of the Soul"- was published in 2000, it was the second work of the author. The writing of the book was prompted by the expanded information that was revealed as a result of sessions with "mature" souls. A striking difference from the first publication is the lack of structure in the chronological order with which the souls that have left the body move. The chapters are divided into topics, they contain information about the world of souls, earthly spirits, about death, the loss of a child, and our destiny. The book has a more structured presentation of material and data about the structure of soul communities and the circle of fate.

“Life between lives. Past lives and wanderings of the soul- the book was published in 2004 with the main goal - to systematize all the collected material and create a kind of guide for hypnotherapists on the method of spiritual regression. The author shares his thirty-five years of experience in conducting sessions, where he describes in detail everything from preparation for work and personal qualities of a hypnotherapist, ending with a list of questions that Newton himself uses when communicating with the soul. The book is structured differently than the previous two editions. If past books were designed to convey dialogues with subjects, then this one reveals the session from the position of the hypnologist and his view of what is happening. It is important to note that on the pages of this book, Newton does not try to give a personal assessment, so the presentation of the material is reduced to the generalization and interpretation of information, according to the sources.

"Memories of Life After Life" is a 2009 book that brings together the experience of 32 hypnotherapists. Michael Newton served as editor-in-chief of this book. All specialists live and work in different countries of the world. They not only support and practice the method of spiritual regression, each of them has received an internship at the Newton Institute and is certified. All hypnotherapists have chosen to help people as the main purpose for their work. The book tells the stories of people whose life path has led to the inability to explain and solve their problems in the usual ways. The information received during the sessions radically changes their perception of life. The chapters of the book are traditionally presented in the form of conversations between therapist and patient. As an interesting addition, at the end of each chapter, reviews and thoughts of people are written some time after the session (from a couple of months to several years).

It was this work that became the first brick in the foundation of the concept of life beyond death according to Michael Newton. The book, published in 1994, for the first time described life after death from the point of view of the soul, and it was different from the usual human notions. The text of the publication is presented in the form of dialogues between the doctor and subjects in a state of hypnosis, as if the reader is invited to attend the session. The author assigns for himself the role of a "herald", a person who voices the information given to him from above. There are separate paragraphs in the book with observations based on other, undescribed sessions. In these fragments, the author correctly conveys information, depriving the text of its own assessment. The publication includes 29 dialogues that most clearly illustrate the chronology of the path of the soul. The reader will be able to learn about his own "I", about the motives that make us be born again and again on earth. And also to understand what the mental world is and what is the purpose of earthly life. The author consistently reveals the secrets that occur at the time of death, meetings with kindred souls and the structure of the world outside the body.

The book evoked fiery reviews among the people. The ideas conveyed by the author turned out to be simple, credible and understandable to everyone. The stories of the subjects complement, expand the usual worldview, reveal the purpose and, of course, cause heated discussions. The author is believed or criticized, his assumptions are refuted or they are confirmed in their surrounding world. But whether there is an other world that Michael Newton described, everyone can decide for himself, having become acquainted with his books.

A well-known American specialist in the field of regressive hypnosis, a member of the American Association of Consultant Hypnologists, Ph.D. Michael Newton was initially quite skeptical about the phenomenon of reincarnation. However, many years of experience in treating psychological trauma in his patients unexpectedly led him to a lot of evidence that this phenomenon is quite real.

And here's how he talked about it: "I'm a traditional psychotherapist and originally I didn't work with past life regression, with anything I do now. I worked with behavior modification and my patients were people suffering from insomnia, depression and other disorders.

Once a man came to me and asked: "If you use hypnosis, could you send me to my past life?" Then I was very arrogant and declared that I did not do such things, that I belonged to the traditional "academic" orientation in my worldview and that he should turn to someone else.

However, this is what happened next. A few years after that call, a client came to me complaining of pain in his side. He said that he had already consulted with many doctors, had X-rays taken, and was told that it was psychosomatic pain, i.e. the reason is in his mind. And that if he just forgets about it, then the pain will pass. But the pain was so severe that he could not sleep. And he asked me: could I find its root cause in his childhood, could I do a regression into his childhood?

I did such a session and looked at many aspects of his childhood, but there was no case of falling on sharp objects and being stabbed with a knife. Nothing that could cause such a sharp pain in the side. Not satisfied with these results, I told this man, who, by the way, went into a hypnotic state very quickly. This is an important point, because it is the "key" to the past life work that I am now doing. I said, "Go to the source of your pain. Tell me about the first time you felt it."

And suddenly he was on the battlefield in France during the First World War, fighting for the British division. That's how a person simply regressed into one of his past lives and at the same time, continued to lie on my couch. And I am very skeptical by nature and I asked him to describe the stripes of his division on his arm, what kind of battle it was, where he was, with whom he was fighting. Because I did not believe in what was happening at the session then. He described all the details quite accurately. And I was a history buff, so I knew that he was accurate in his words.

Then I realized that this was my first experience with past life regressions. I was confused, like a little boy lost in the kitchen when my mother was not around. After that incident, I realized that past life regression is a reality. I was, of course, skeptical and did many experiments, after which time passed and then I had another incident almost by accident.

I was approached by a woman who complained of loneliness and isolation from society, despite the presence of people around her. She had feelings that she was not part of this world. She felt disoriented in the life she was leading and even contemplated suicide. I also began to work with this woman, but without touching past lives. We worked with her childhood, reviewing her early years under hypnosis and nothing that could cause such a state appeared.

But, as in the case of that man, I asked her: "Go to the source of your loneliness and lack of a companion." And again, she sank very quickly and deeply to the level of hypnotic somnambulism. She was very hypnotic. And then she said, "Right now I see all my companions right in front of me."

I didn’t understand, thinking: “Who are you talking about? What is this “support group”, who are all these people?”. And she stared at the wall of my office and said: "These are my kindred spirits." There were eight of them and she described who was who. I couldn't believe it, goosebumps ran down my spine, because then I was talking to someone who was talking about life between lives. And it was an area that I never dealt with, never read any books about it. And then there were no such books, where this topic would be touched upon.

After that incident, I began to explore the realm of sojourn between lives. Since then, gradually, my practice has become to help people who would like to know about their immortal nature. People began to come to me asking who they really are, who their soul mates are, what kind of spiritual group they have, why they are here on Earth, etc. For me, these are the basic questions in life and the psychological benefit of them is that knowing these answers supports and empowers them. That's how I got to where I am today."

Mile Newton was far from the only American hypnotherapist who encountered in his practice the experience of remembering past lives, but he was one of the first and back in 1994 wrote the book Journey of the Soul about this. He also wrote the books Destiny of the Soul and Life Between Lives written in 2000 and 2004. All these books are also published in Russian.

Unfortunately for us, this excellent researcher, who, despite his former skepticism, was not afraid to face the facts, himself last year set off on his new journey "between lives", which someday we all will have.

M.NEWTON - studies of the existence of the immortal human soul

Michael Newton received his PhD in psychology and is
a certified hypnotherapist and is
member of the American Psychological Association. He also worked in higher
educational institutions, as a teacher engaged in active private
practice in Los Angeles. Over the years, Dr. Michael Newton
developed his own intensive method of age regression,
to more effectively introduce subjects into hypnosis and open the period
memories between lives. He is considered a pioneer in unraveling the mysteries of
life after death using hypnotic regression. He is now
trains other advanced hypnotherapists in his method.

Dr. Michael Newton is the author of three bestselling books, Journey of the Soul:
case studies Life Between Lives (Llewellyn, 1994), Destiny of the Soul:
new examples from life between lives (Llewellyn, May 2000), and "Life between lives":
spiritual regression hypnotherapy (Llewellyn, 2004). Michael Newton has
international reputation as a regressionist who described much of
our life between lives. He has performed at numerous national
radio and television talk shows to talk about our immortal
life in the spirit world.

When Dr. Michael Newton, Certified Hypnotherapist, Started
regression of their clients in time to their memories of a former life,
he stumbled upon a discovery of great importance: that one can look into the world
spirits through the eyes of subjects who are in a state of hypnosis or in
state of superconsciousness, and that clients in this altered state
were able to tell him what their souls did between lives on Earth. His
book "Journey of the Soul" is the result of ten years
research and knowledge aimed at helping people understand
goals in life, and describing how and why our souls - and the souls of those whom
we love - live forever. His follow-up book is Destiny of the Soul.
- also highly recommended reading. In May 2004 there was
Dr. Michael Newton's new book entitled "Life Between Lives" has been released:
hypnotherapy for spiritual regression. Dr. Michael Newton is also the founder
Spiritual Regression Society.

Below is an interview with Michael Newton:

Question: Life Between Lives is your third book in a series of works about
existence after life. How is it different from Journey of the Soul and
"Destiny of the soul"?

Answer: It is different because I detail my methods in it.
spiritual hypnotherapy to get information about the soul. "Life
between lives” should serve as a practical guide for
hypnotists in the art of spiritual regression. This work is in response to
many questions from the public about what it is like to be a client and stay in
supertrance state. I hope the Life Between Lives book will help
reveal the secret of the process of spiritual regression, the development of which
it took me many years, it is to her that I would like to interest as much as possible
more people and therapists.

Question: You have developed your own regression method called “life
between lives” (“ZHMZH”). Can you briefly describe it and explain
why is it based on hypnosis?

Answer: The art of regression is to take ordinary people from
fully conscious waking state and translate into a deep
hypnosis to achieve contact with their superconsciousness, which stores
memory of our soul. In this state, a person is able to see all his
past lives or the state between lives in the spirit world. Working with
client, the regression therapist must spend a lot of time
preparing the client and achieving the desired immersion after insertion,
to achieve the depth of trance that is necessary for contact with
immortal soul. It's more of a dive and maintenance at depth. Here
my secret to successful regression. This takes time. Unlike
conventional one-hour hypnosis, “ZHMZH” takes three to four hours
hard work for both therapist and client. I wrote in detail
about this in the book "Life Between Lives".

Question: Is there a certain point during the regression
which is especially important to your customers?

Answer: This is a difficult question, as there are a lot of important problems in regression.
moments. But one of the most powerful is that which is experienced in deep
hypnosis is the first contact with a spiritual guide. It's like a revelation
see your spiritual teacher. Many people are very worried about
it's time, so I have to pause questions while they

Question: People call you a "messenger of spiritual truth."
What do you think about it?

Answer: Of course, it flatters me. Statements like this haunt me
all the years of work, but the fact is that the highest truth about our being comes
side by side with the existence of our unconscious. My task is to help
people to reveal its content, to learn the spiritual truth. She taught me
my clients.

Question: How did the information you got from the regression
influenced your life?

Answer: I have had thousands of clients who, for more than three
decades of research have brought light to me. At the beginning of my life I
skeptical about everything spiritual. I studied philosophy, history,
comparative theology and traveled in search of constant
the meaning of life eluding me. To be honest, I didn't believe in anything
taller than me and did not believe in life after death. I talk in detail about
his awakening and discoveries in the introduction to Journeys of the Soul. My
clients have given me everything. They had different levels of philosophy
understanding of life, they belonged to different directions, but each time in
deep trance, somewhere in the middle of the session, they all told me
the same thing about existence beyond life. After many sessions I
revised his ideas about Creation, order, purpose in
Universe. My clients have given me my meaning in life and enriched my

Question: What advice would you give to people interested in mastering a job at ZHMZH?

Answer: Start with my book "Life Between Lives" and you will understand
Do you like this area of ​​work. I think an experience in psychology will be useful,
mental health counseling or therapy. Man should also
pass at least a hundred (preferably two or three) basic and advanced
hypnotherapy training, plus two or three years of practical experience,
especially in regression therapy. He must be honest
intention to help people find themselves in a spiritual being, to answer questions
“Where are they from?” and “Why are they on the ground?”. Finally, the therapist must
ready for long, hard hours of active customer service.”

The works of Michael Newton describe the confessions of more than 7,000 clients,
under deep hypnosis. Now anyone can experience this
technique, regressing into his past life.

“Although I have done countless sessions of regression
therapy for more than a decade, after reading those stories
that my patients told me, I decided to educate my clients
regression therapy so they can help someone else. Teaching
of my regression therapy patients, I want each of them to give
people this wonderful and incomparable experience.” Research
Michael Newton reveal to us an unusually slender and harmonious
the spiritual world that knows no death.

The next step is:

Who are we? Why are we here? What awaits us after death? Investigation through hypnosis.
(transition traps)

« In the recent past, in my life, in an amazing way, situations were repeated that made me suffer again and again. The people and scenery changed, but the situations themselves remained the same. It was so amazing that I could predict with 100% certainty the further development of events at the very beginning of the emergence of relationships or situations. I have always carefully monitored all my emotional reactions and actions that may have thrown me into a well-trodden rut, but no matter how hard I tried, the ending always remained the same. The coincidences were so amazing that it was impossible to explain them simply by a combination of circumstances. Having come to understand that I was the source of the problems, I began to try practicing recapitulation techniques. I tried to identify those moments from the past, living which, I attracted into my life people who subsequently hurt me. All this was ineffective. Along with the correct, in my opinion, scenario, there has always been an alternative one. I never considered hypnosis as a method of finding the source of problems, until one day I accidentally saw an ad for regressive hypnosis sessions. I decided to read more about this method first. After reviewing the topic, I realized that I would definitely try its free version first, that is, I decided to try to master regressive hypnosis on my own. Surprisingly, it worked out for me. It turned out to be even easier and faster than what I initially set myself up for. It took only a few independent sessions, and I was able to break through the thickness of the layers into the layer of my past experiences. There, I was able to see with absolute clarity the origin and development of situations that really did repeat themselves like a broken record. The "needle" of life constantly slipped into the former, cut groove on the plate of fate, and there was no chance to avoid this if you did not see and recognize this moment in advance. Seeing and understanding this, my life was instantly transformed. For the first time I feel myself in a new place, with new people. I feel fresh, hear new melodies and smell new smells. I live …."

(an excerpt from a letter from Svetlana K. Spelling and punctuation of the author preserved)

Regressions - the essence of the method

The method of diving into the past, through the use of hypnosis or self-hypnosis, in order to identify aspects of the personality that influence the events of the current life, is called regressive hypnosis. The state of a person who practices regression is characterized by awareness and the ability to remember. In the case of a sufficient depth of immersion, events from the past are experienced with certainty and power that leaves no doubt about the true reality of their existence.

Experts disagree on how successfully regressive hypnosis can be mastered on your own. The issue is the need to achieve a very deep hypnotic trance. Gradually going through all the phases of entering, staying and leaving this state, it is necessary to achieve not only a regression into the past, but into a very distant past, beyond the current incarnation.

Regressive hypnosis by Michael Newton

The founder of the method is Michael Newton. He imagined our mind in the form of three rings. Moving from the outer ring to the inner, we pass through the layers of the conscious - thinking mind, the layer of the subconscious and reach the center. This center is the super or supraconscious. This is the impersonal level of our Self, which is the focus of our undying essence, our Soul. It is an inexhaustible source of life that fills the personality with the power of existence and at the same time brings from the past the impression and pattern of our innate reactions. M. Newton and D. Canon are representatives of the Ericksonian hypnosis school. Ericksonian hypnosis is called therapy of the unconscious, in which the patient is taught to independently enter a trance state. Erickson himself, by the way, considered trance to be an absolutely normal state and stated that a person unconsciously falls into it several times a day, dreaming, reading or fantasizing. Absorbed by these images, he is disconnected from the outside world and does not hear, does not see and is not aware of the closest environment. Some breathing practices, yoga, lucid dreams also immerse a person in a shallow trance. However, its depth is not sufficient for regressions into the past. NLP and shamanic practices reach a greater depth of trance, but it is not enough for regressions. Representatives of the school of classical hypnosis reach the deepest layers of trance in one session. However, in this case, the presence of a hypnotist is necessary, since the person in this case plays a passive role, and without the guidance of a hypnotist, he will simply fall asleep at a certain stage. In the technique of regressive hypnosis according to Michael Newton, a person learns in stages how to enter a deep trance himself, consciously move forward or backward, while maintaining a memory.


The goals of a person starting practice can be completely different: from the simple interest of a researcher to the desire to resolve difficult life situations. The method will be useful to most serious searchers. Immersion in a huge layer of our Self hidden by layers of momentary thoughts, which truly transforms and transforms experience. Here is a partial list of the results that will result from the practice of regressive hypnosis:

  • raising the level of awareness;
  • increase in the level of personal effectiveness;
  • significant improvement in health;
  • increase in personal power and ability to create;
  • elimination of negative blocks and programs;
  • improvement (restoration) of relations with relatives and children;
  • opening of new directions of active and creative life.

Practice Regressive Hypnosis on Your Own

The reader should not get the impression that the brevity of the description of the method indicates its ease of development and accessibility. In classical regressive hypnosis, in which an experienced hypnotist puts the patient into a trance, several many hours of preparatory sessions are required. Hypnotic regression can only be fully realized in a deep hypnotic state.

How to prepare?

First, you need a good theoretical background. It is necessary, at a minimum, to familiarize yourself with the books of Michael Newton, which, fortunately, can be downloaded for free on the net. Secondly, it will not be superfluous to read forums and watch videos on this topic. Thirdly, start practicing, since it is practice that will be your main Teacher. So:

  1. sit on a chair or in an armchair, taking a comfortable position;
  2. give yourself a set to relax;
  3. for a few minutes (10-15) breathe slowly and deeply, focusing all your attention on this process;
  4. Set yourself up for complete self-control during the session and for a safe exit from it on a count of 5.


  1. Give yourself the setting that with each count your state of immersion in the depths of the subconscious will deepen.
  2. Clearly visualize a pendulum that moves rhythmically and for a while freezes in the upper right position.
  3. Without turning your head, begin to follow the movements of the pendulum, moving your eyes open to the right up and fixing them in this position.
  4. Hold your gaze for a while until a feeling of slight fatigue occurs.
  5. Return your gaze to the left and down. This is for one account.
  6. Keep counting and moving your eyes from 10 to 1.
  7. After counting to one, close your eyes and return them to their normal position. Relax completely.


  1. Visualize any landscape you know or imagine. Consider its details.
  2. Immerse yourself in it and feel the coziness, comfort and security.
  3. Concentrate on any finger of one of the hands. Feel it clearly, without trying to do it at the expense of some extra effort. Concentrate all your attention and, after a while, feel the warmth and pulsation at the point of your attention. If you lose the sensation, bring it back again. Be aware of your control and ability to control consciousness in a state of trance.
  4. Imagine a vivid picture from your childhood. Take your time. Let the picture be filled with colors and become voluminous and lively. Allow yourself to become a participant in this "movie" by throwing away all the filters of the brain. You are able to do this quite easily and plunge deeply into the state, just as sometimes, when watching an interesting movie, we completely lose touch with reality and find ourselves participants in the events on the screen.
  5. Remind yourself that you can exit this state at any time.

The time of each phase is determined individually and depends on the ability to relax, concentrate and visualize. With each lesson, the time to complete the steps will be reduced. Numerous questions about how to enter a trance yourself for the purpose of regressive immersion and past life exploration will also decrease each time.


  1. Dive deeper, even deeper. Go to the earliest childhood, the very first days after birth,
  2. Move on, beyond your birth.
  3. Carefully look at the corridor of your lives that has appeared. Doors to the sides open doors to unique layers of your experience. When you pass through a certain door, you will re-experience the experience of that life. However, now the observer is not sleeping. You are present, aware of your experience, and you can make a difference. You have no involvement in the situation, despite the full palette of feelings and emotions.
  4. Choose the door you want to open first. Once you enter, you can move in the layer of your chosen reality in any direction. The instrument of movement is forward and backward counting. Counting from 1 to 3 - move forward. Counting from 3 to 1 - come back.
  5. When you have studied and lived the situations of this life well, leave the layer of this reality by going out the door through which you entered. This would be a good place to end today's regression experience. If you choose to continue your journey, remember that the experiences you experience in your next life will dim the intensity of your previous experience.


  1. Remind yourself to return. Go the same way you came.
  2. Return to childhood experience, and from it to the present.
  3. Before leaving the trance state, give yourself the order to remember everything you saw, felt and experienced during your journey.
  4. Start slowly counting from 1 to 5.
  5. On the count of five, open your eyes and remain still for a while, reflecting on the experience.
  6. Write down the experience and your interpretation of what you see.

Safety precautions for regression therapy

According to most experts, the method is relatively safe. It is believed that it is impossible to achieve deep states without a certain level of mental stability. However, for people with the following diseases, the practice of self-regressive hypnosis is contraindicated:

  • hypertensive crises;
  • epileptic and hysterical seizures;
  • intoxication;
  • heat;
  • any disease in the acute stage.

Where and how else can you learn regressive hypnosis?

Upon a request for training, the Internet provides links to numerous courses conducted almost throughout Russia by specialists of various skill levels. Among them are doctors of medical sciences and people who have independently mastered the techniques of regressive hypnosis. To advertise and recommend someone is not within the scope of this article. As a recommendation, when choosing a teacher, consider work experience, feedback from people who have been trained and cost. Try to find out how close the technique is to the classical one. Give preference to the followers of the school of Michael Newton, as this guarantees you the development of the method in the right way.


Academic science does not believe in the existence of conscious experience prior to birth. Nevertheless, hypnotic methods are successfully used by professional psychotherapists to correct the mental states of patients. To believe or not to believe, whose side to take - it is up to each of us to decide for ourselves. The wise will independently plunge into this amazing and unknown world, and, like a pioneer, go to conquer the unknown depths, fraught with countless secrets and mysteries.