Little proverbs sayings nursery rhymes book baby. What are nursery rhymes, sentences, tongue twisters, riddles, fables, proverbs and sayings

Rhymes and tongue twisters

Sounds V-F, V-F

  1. Our Filat is never to blame.
  2. Fimka is visiting Fimka, Fimka is visiting Fomka.
  3. Fenya is visiting Vanya, Venya is visiting Fanya.
  4. The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.
  5. Sparrow flew higher: You can see everything from a high roof.
  6. In the field, Frosya is flying millet, Frosya is carrying out weeds.
  7. In the field, a wolf-wolf rides a bicycle. Today he overtook a sparrow and two crows, Only the wind-breeze could not overtake.
  8. Fedya went to the buffet for candy. The fact that there will be no sweets in the buffet.
  9. The wind, the wind, the wind blows, the wind howls,

He stirs the snow with might and main, he tells fortunes at the edge.

  1. There are two shovels near the bed, two buckets near the tub. After morning exercises, we worked in the garden - Now it's time to water them.
  2. Owl took a soccer ball, and at the new minks, a football match began between two teams - holes.
  3. Aunt said: “Fi, football!” Mom said: “Fu, football!” The sister said: "Well, football!" And I answered: “In, football!”
  1. A pig walks along the forest, tears grass-ant and puts everything in a basket.
  2. Get vaccinated, first class! - Did you hear? It's us! I am not afraid of vaccinations, if necessary, I will inject.
  3. Sparrow-thief climbed into the barn To peck millet with a blunt nose.
  4. What a beautiful peacock! But he has one vice: All peacock beauty begins with the tail.
  5. The fidgeting wind tore the gates like windmills. The grouchy raven was stealing yesterday's cheesecakes.
  6. The raven brought the grapes to the little crow.

Eat, little crow, grapes. Or are you not happy with it?

Sounds B-P, B-P

  1. Behind the hippopotamus, a hippopotamus quickly stomps on its heels.
  2. The cockerel jumped on the threshold: "Give, baker, a pie."
  3. A rooster sings about colorful birds, about lush feathers, about fluff.
  4. Borya Pole gave toffee, Polya Bora - barberry.
  5. White sheep beat the drums.

They beat them indiscriminately, they broke their foreheads.

6. Granny bought Marusya beads,
The geese got under the grandmother's feet.

The granddaughter Marusya will not have a gift - All the beads were pecked by a bead by a geese.

  1. The parrot says to the parrot: "I will parrot you, parrot." A parrot in response to a parrot: "Parrot, parrot, parrot!"
  2. The bull rioted in front of the oak, shaking its white forelock under the oak. Oak grabbed him by the forelock: "Don't be belligerent!" exclaimed the oak.
  3. Petrushka the mischievous brought a vacuum cleaner. He cleaned the ice floe in five minutes, And then - the penguin's jacket.
  1. Two bulls fought violently near the fence, They gored all sides in a noisy dispute.
  2. The beaver started a ball in the forest, the beaver called the guests to the ball: Squirrels blow flutes, they dance the polka butterfly.
  3. The hare ran through the swamp, kept looking for a job, He did not find a job, but cried and went.
  4. Early in the morning I bought a lamb bagel,

He put the bagels on the horns, carried the lambs to the meadows.

  1. The buds have blossomed on the tree - it's time to prepare the barrels.
  2. Our ram almost fell into Bora's trap.
  3. The hippopotamus opened his mouth, the hippopotamus asks for rolls.

17. Somehow a vigorous ram boasted: “I am insane with courage: If I met a bull, I would beat a bull, I would mercilessly crush the Bull’s sides. I would have gored the wandering wolf, I would have butted Barbosa, I would have succumbed to the beaver. And I would have met a leopard - so what? I would fearlessly rush at him too! But then a breeze rustled over the path - A ram ran away in fear.

Sounds D-T, D-T

  1. Grandfather Dodon blew a tune, Grandpa hit Dimka with a tune.
  2. The pipe was given to Dodon by his grandfather, a hundred-year-old grandfather.
  3. We picked berries and kept score: A berry in a mug, two berries in a mouth.
  4. Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, the shepherd lost his dudu. And I found a pipe, I gave it to a shepherdess.
  5. Hoopoe, hoopoe, hoopoe, hoopoe!

Is it comfortable in your hoopoe nest, hoopoe?

  1. They stomped and stomped, they stomped to the poplar, They stomped to the poplar, but their feet stomped.
  2. Granny Ulita looks both stern and angry.

But you go to visit her and taste the sweets.

  1. In the morning, a chicken walks around the yard, leads the chickens.
  2. I'll go buy a pipe, I'll go outside. Louder, pipe, pipe, we're playing, come out!

10. They put the woodpecker to sleep in a wooden bed,

In spite of everyone in bed, he hollowed out a hollow for himself.

  1. We wish you a good journey, so that it would be fun to ride and go.
  2. A young leopard fell into a large waterfall. A young leopard fell into a large waterfall.
  1. Dimitri and I are friends: wherever he is, there I am. And we also have a law: where I am, there he is.
  2. “It’s far to go to the swamp, it’s not easy to go to the swamp,” moaned the ducks and ducks, forgetting all their jokes.
  3. - I caught a bear!
  • Bring him here!
  • He doesn't go!
  • Well, come here yourself!
  • Yes, he does not let!

17. Even on Tanya's birthday Theme out of habit
Instead of congratulating Tanya, he pulled her pigtails.

  1. Daria gives Dina melons, beautiful melons, like in the picture.
  2. Dima loves to fight very much, no one wants to play with him. - Do not pout at your friends, brother, you yourself are to blame for this.

Sounds of G-K-X, G-L-X

  1. Klava put the bow on the shelf, called Egorka to her.
  2. The goose Goga and the goose Gaga can't go anywhere without each other.
  3. The dove pecks at the grains, and she will pick up the shell.
  4. Kolya ran around in circles, saw a friend in the circle.
  5. On a willow with jackdaws, a jackdaw,

And on the shore under the waves - pebbles.

  1. Blue-eyed Yegorka climbed up the hill.
  2. The jackdaw sat on the fence, the rook started a conversation with her.
  3. We twist jump ropes faster, we jump more fun.
  4. Hera and Kesha saw rolls somewhere while walking.
  1. From afar, the jackal walked to the feast to the mole.
  2. The gorilla spoke to them, sentenced, Spoke, spoke, sentenced.
  3. The goose walks along the path, the goose plays the harmonica, And the harmonica player is proud: “I am ha-ha-ha - vociferous!”
  4. A rooster and a gander slap in single file, The gander looks down on the rooster: “Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, I’m not afraid of the rooster!”
  5. Here are geese with a brood of goslings clamoring, hissing like snakes. They threaten the truck, craning their necks.
  6. Goslings at the water cackle, cry. Looks - the goose does not look at the goslings.
  7. The cuckoo calls: “Cuckoo! Ku-ku! I wrote the song myself!

And this simple song - "Ku-ku!" I came up with famously in the forest on a bitch.

  1. “Ha-ha-ha! - the goose cackles. - I'm proud of my family! I keep looking at the goslings and the goose - I can’t look enough!
  2. Rook rode in a hammock, geese - in the waves on the river, Pigeons flew past and sat on a twig.
  3. Yegorushka-Egor climbed over the fence, caught on a nail, Hanging - shouting: “Remove poor Yegor from the fence!”
  4. Yasha dreams of anchors, dreams of yachts and the sea, Yasha is small yet, has not grown up to be a sailor.
  5. Once a mole dug a huge grotto in the mountain. He took out a bag of bones and invited guests.
  6. Having bitten the bark, the hare under the mountain,

To excel in games, he danced until his calves hurt.


Rhymes and tongue twisters

Sounds L-L

  1. Sat down and ate everything.
  2. Near the bell.
  3. Aimed at the target, but hit the stump.
  4. The tree has needles.
  5. He lay, lay, and ran.
  6. Klava put coal in the left corner.
  7. The woodpecker was sitting on the tree and chiseled the cracks.
  8. They broke the ice, we broke, shreds flew from the winter.
  9. Well done, this Lina, sculpts everything from plasticine.
  1. The jackdaw sat on a stick, the stick hit the jackdaw.
  2. Our Polkan fell into a trap.
  3. Flying in the field of the Field, catching Tolya Kolya.
  4. Alyonka sat in a corner, Alyonka had a lot to do.
  5. Well, think, an injection! They pricked, and - went.
  6. Once upon a time there was a cat, he caught mice, he drank milk from a saucer.
  7. The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow, the oak hollowed like a chisel.
  8. The woodpecker was hollowing out the tree, woke up the grandfather with a knock.
  9. The cat lapped up the milk, and Kolya dipped the roll into the milk.
  10. Alyosha gives a signal to Ulyana, Ulyana will hear - she will find Alyosha.
  11. Malanya chattered milk and chatted and blurted everything out.
  12. Klava put the bow on the shelf, saw a needle on the shelf.
  13. A cap is sewn, but not in a Kolpakov style, A bell is poured out, but not in a bell style.
  14. Lena was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.

It was too lazy to climb under the bench, I was looking for a pin all day.

  1. White snow, white chalk, white hare is also white. Only the squirrel is not white, it wasn't even white.
  2. The sun was shining on us, the wind was blowing around us, It was not boring on the way, and everyone was singing ...
  3. La-la-la, Mila was swimming in a boat. Lo-lo-lo, the sun is warm. Lu-lu-lu, glad Milochka is warm. Ly-ly-ly, the songs of Milochka are sweet. Klava was sitting in a boat, singing songs with Mila.

Sounds L-Y (I, E, E, Yu)

1. Lena barely ate, she didn’t want to eat from laziness. 2. Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree, prickly needle.

  1. Julia was small and twirled like a top.
  2. Yulia, Yulenka Yula! Julia was kind. Yulia could not sit still for a minute.
  3. Julius will be an efficient ship's cabin boy.
  4. Yashka has a skiff with an anchor, there is an anchor on the vest.
  5. In summer, the rustle of green leaves is heard in the forest.
  6. Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai, clean up after yourself, don't be lazy.
  7. Valery painted the cavalry with watercolors. The cavalry gallops at Valery's quarry.
  1. Barely Elizar goes, goes to the bazaar, And you can't catch up with Elizar from the bazaar.
  2. Yula spins around Yulia, sings, does not let Yulia and Yura sleep.
  3. Praise to young Julia, fast, nimble, like a top. And in June and July, Julia will rest in the south.
  4. I was carrying apples in a box on a skiff.
  5. Yasha dreams of anchors, dreams of yachts and the sea. Yasha is small yet, has not grown up to be a sailor.
  6. Barely, barely, the merry-go-rounds spun.
  7. We ate, ate ruff at the spruce. They were barely eaten at the spruce.
  8. Prickly, but not a hedgehog, not a hedgehog, but a ruff.
  9. - Tell me, letter E, how is your life? The letter E gives a report: - Nothing, life goes on.
  10. The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have very sharp needles.

Otherwise, the hedgehog does not look like a Christmas tree at all.

  1. The little Christmas tree is cold in winter, We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.
  2. A hawk on an ash tree opened a manger, Bird children were invited to his place.
  3. I will break the apple in half, I will share the apple with my friend.
  4. Yura just sat down on a chair, dangled his legs and fell asleep. Yura was very tired, he was spinning all day long.
  5. Kolya stabs stabs, Fields field flight.
  6. Let's quickly take needles and glue, Glue needles to a leaf From a green prickly Christmas tree.
  7. Heroically, Lena fought with laziness all day, But, much to our regret, laziness defeated Lena.
  8. Yogi lay down on nails, because he is a yogi.

Sounds R-R

  1. Tara-tara-tara-ra! Grass grows on the porch. Hey, tari-tari-tari! I will buy Rae amber.
  2. Tara-tara-tara-ra! How tractors leave each yard.
  3. Thirty-three cars in a row chatter, rumble.
  4. Once upon a time there were crayfish, crayfish-bullies, Crayfish lived together, did not want a fight.
  5. Three trails, grass on the trail, trail on the grass, grass on the trail.
  6. Three trumpeters blew trumpets.
  7. All beavers are kind to their cubs.
  8. Large red grapes grow on Mount Ararat.
  9. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood at the edge of the yard.
  1. Three ravens on the gate, three magpies on the threshold.
  2. Agrafena and Arina grow asters and dahlias.
  3. Khariton has four crayfish and three newts in his aquarium.
  4. With one magpie one hassle, forty forty - forty troubles.
  5. There is a fence in the yard, Yegor climbed onto the fence.

Ku-ka-re-ku! crows the rooster. - Rip all the feathers down!

  1. A ferry makes its way across the river.
  2. They jump in tongue twisters like carp in a frying pan.
  3. Clusters of mountain ash burn in the sun. Ripples from mountain ash in the eyes of the guys.
  4. A mouse in the corner has gnawed through a mink, dragging a crust into the mink of bread. But the crust does not fit into the mink, the crust is large for the mink.
  5. - Tell you about shopping? - What kind of purchases?

About purchases, about purchases, about cereals and about subgrains.

  1. Prov Yegorka brought a whole pile of firewood to the yard.
  2. The gray mole digs the ground, ruins the garden.
  3. Ra-ra-ra, we will remove all the garbage in the morning. Ro-ro-ro, we will collect all the garbage in a bucket. Re-re-re, sweep hard in the yard. Ri-ri-ri, the yard was cleaned, one, two, three. Ry-ry-ry, we did not notice the heat.
  4. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters in the yard are chopping firewood with axes.
  5. The ram's horns are twisted-twisted, twisted-twisted.
  6. The rhinoceros brought the horn to the threshold,

And Pankrat and Kondrat brought a jack.

  1. Tigers roar, crows scream, shutters creak, horses snore, To teach all the children to pronounce the difficult R.
  2. I was driving a Greek across the river, he sees a Greek - there is cancer in the river. He stuck a Greek hand into the river - cancer for the hand of a Greek tsap!
  3. There is a hill in the yard, a mink under the hill. A mole guards a mink under a hill.
  1. Yegorka quickly speaks a tongue twister.
  2. On the mountain, on the hill, Yegorka roars bitterly.
  3. A gun loaded with a cork, the ruff gave the timid fish. Since then, the pugnacious black crayfish has not started fights with the fish.
  4. On the mountain geese cackle, under the mountain the fire burns.
  5. The road to the city is uphill, from the city - from the mountain.
  6. In the morning, sitting on a green hillock, magpies learn tongue twisters: “Kar! Potato, cardboard box, carriage, cap,

Cornice, caramel, pocket, peanut!

35. Ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra, there is a mountain on the mountain,
And on that mountain there is an oak, and on the oak there is a funnel.

Raven in red boots, gilded earrings. A black raven on an oak tree, he plays a silver trumpet.

36. Crow

Kra, kra, kra! crow cries,-
Theft, guard, robbery, loss!

The thief crept early in the morning, he stole a penny from his pocket, Pencil, cardboard, cork and a beautiful box!

Hey, crow, don't scream, don't you scream, shut up!

You can't live without deceit, you don't have a pocket!

  • Kar! The crow jumped up and blinked in surprise.
  • Why didn't you say before?! Guard! Pocket stolen!

37. Letter P

The dog growls. The cat is purring... I'm just unlucky.

I try, but I am silent, I really want to say R.

I don’t get “er” ... Recently, for example,

I call: "Marina!" - You hear: "raspberry" ...

The sister smiles: “It’s time to go to the forest for raspberries!”

Again I repeat “el” and “el”, everyone is probably tired ....

In the yard the engine is crackling, in the kennel the Trezor is growling.

The rain rustles, the thunder rumbles - this "er" sounds all around!

I got up early today. The mouth opened, roared:

Tractor. Grrrach. Portrait. Irrra. RR Joy.

RRRRrainbow. Hurrah!

Sounds R-R-L-L-Y

  1. He aimed at a crow, but hit a cow. He aimed at a sparrow, but hit a crane.
  2. In the swamp, in the meadow, there is a jar of cottage cheese. Two black grouse flew in, pecked, flew away.
  1. Varvara was making jam, grumbling and saying. Marina pickled mushrooms, Larisa sorted raspberries.
  2. Yegor played with Igor, rolled down the hill somersault. Rodion played football and scored a goal.
  3. In a sultry field through a tumbleweed Quail jump with quails.
  4. Three black crows flew. The crows missed the black crows.
  5. Magpie argued with a crow, chattered, Chattered, argued with a crow.
  6. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, But they didn’t catch.
  7. On the aspen, dewdrops sparkled in the morning and on the mountain ash.
  1. Mountain ash grew by the river, and the river flowed, rippled. The fisherman catches the fish, but the catch floated away from him into the river.
  2. Lara washed the floor, Lilya helped Lara.
  3. Roma was driving along the road, he broke a wheel on the threshold.
  4. The ram walked along the steep mountains, found grass, grass-ant.
  5. Barsik the cat was catching rats, the rabbit was nibbling cabbage leaves.
  6. An eagle on a mountain, a feather on an eagle, a mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.
  7. The fox walked through the forest, the fox yelled in a voice. The fox tore the stripes, the fox weaved the bast shoes:

My husband has three, two for myself and kids for bast shoes.

  1. Carl stole the corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Carl.
  2. I reported, but did not report, I reported, but I reported.
  3. Gingerbread Man rolled, and boxes on the road. Kolobok was surprised and rolled into the box.
  4. Yashka stretched out in a puddle and almost drowned. It's good that he immediately wet the puddle with his shirt.
  5. Alla knitted a scarf for the doll, but did not finish it completely. Alla cleaned the table, she wanted to sweep the floor. I did not sweep the sweep, I just spent time.
  6. Roma was frightened by the thunder, he roared louder than thunder. From such a roar, the thunder lurked behind the hillock.
  7. We bought Egorka a slide for a slide. All winter Egorka rode on a hill.
  8. The tiger bought a TV, he asked for the best one.

“I like,” he said sternly, “to have a lot of stripes.”

  1. Have you heard the clatter of nimble legs? This is our hedgehog friend.
  2. Left, right! Left, right! The squad is going to the parade. The drummer drums for an hour and a half. Left, right! Left, right! The drum is already full of holes!

27. If there were no horns in cows, if there were no ears in mice,
If there were no tails for moles, scallops for cockerels,
Piglets in piglets, red paws in goslings,

Light wings of rams and mustaches of cockroaches ...

If you had read carefully, you would have corrected it!

28. Farm Grakov, near the river, near the forest.
There are three fences and a mound near the forest.
Birch trees have grown with might and main along the river.
Fishermen catch fish on a fishing trip.
Catch fish on a hook,

On which there is a bait - a worm. In our river there is space for crayfish, The fisherman Yegor dragged a mountain of crayfish.

29. Five years Seryozha in January, while four, the fifth,
But adults also play with him in the yard.

And as on a sled, for example, he flies boldly from the mountains! Seryozha, only the letter “er” spoils the matter a little. The sister is angry with her brother, her name is Marina, And he stands in the middle of the yard, shouting: “Where are you, Malina?” It is not so easy to say “belt, frost, river, cold”, But once on a January day, a miracle happened in the morning. The elder sister sneezed, he shouted: “Be healthy!” But he could not say that word yesterday.


Tongue twisters and jokes on Sound Sh

  1. Our Masha is a baby, she has a short fur coat on her.
  2. Hush, mice, the cat is on the roof, and the kittens are even higher.
  3. A hat and a fur coat - that's our Mishutka.
  4. I walked over the pebbles, found a silk fur coat.
  5. Misha's hat knocked the bumps off.
  6. Our path is strewn with peas.
  7. Take a spoon and eat peas.
  8. Dasha is darning panties for the teddy bear.
  9. On the window, a cat deftly catches a tiny midge with its paw.
  1. Yasha in a cap rides a turtle.
  2. The cat sleeps and sees the mouse.
  3. Lyosha and Klasha eat semolina.
  4. Our Masha was given semolina porridge.
  5. I will not find the ears of our frog.
  6. The baby is flooded: “Where is the hedgehog ?!” You won't console, you won't take away.
  7. Proshka made a mistake with the bowl: Proshka turned the bowl over.
  8. The cat sews panties on the window,

And the mouse in boots sweeps the hut.

  1. Sha-sha-sha-sha, our Masha is good. Shu-shu-shu-shu, I'm writing a letter to Masha. Sho-sho-sho-sho, I'll write well. Shi-shi-shi-shi, you write to me too.
  2. Masha has a midge in porridge. What should our Masha do? She put the porridge in a bowl and put everything to the cat.
  3. The mouse whispers to the mouse: "You keep rustling, you keep rustling." The mouse whispers to the mouse: "I will rustle more quietly."
  4. Here are the kids: Masha, Misha. Masha is smaller, Misha is taller. Misha Masha is writing something. Guess what Misha writes?
  5. Here is a frog on the path, her legs are cold. So she needs warm boots.
  6. Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.

The little cuckoo said to the cuckoo: "The hood is good!"

24. Masha is tired of porridge, Masha did not finish her porridge.
- Masha, finish your porridge, don't bother your mother.

  1. Midges stuck around the lamp, warm thin legs.
  2. The mouse sat in a corner, ate a piece of bagel.

Sh-S sounds

  1. Sasha loves drying, and Sonya loves cheesecakes.
  2. In the silence of the wilderness, a whisper hurries to a rustle.
  3. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.
  4. Pine cones, checkers on the table.
  5. There are six rascals in the hut.
  6. Mother gave Romasha whey from yogurt.
  7. Our gray cat was sitting on the roof, And your gray cat was sitting above.
  8. Our sail is sewn to the conscience, and the storm will not frighten us.
  9. The old women listened to the cuckoos on the edge of the forest.
  1. Frol was walking along the highway to play checkers with Sasha.
  2. Washed mice bowls for bears.
  3. Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies. Two worse mice carried two pennies each.
  4. Little Matryoshka lost her earrings. Earring earrings found on the track.
  5. We bought boots for the cat for the holiday, We combed her mustache, sewed new panties.
  6. Sasha asks: “Hedgehog, hedgehog, will you sew a dress for me?” Turning slowly, the hedgehog left the baby.
  7. I'll give the cat milk, the bear - sweet honey, And I'll give you a book if you read it yourself.
  8. The cuckoo walked through the garden - pecked at the grapes, The cuckoo walked past the market - stepped on the basket.
  9. The clumsy bear walks through the forest, collects cones, sings songs. The bump bounced right into the bear's forehead, the bear got angry and kicked the top. I will no longer collect bumps, I will sit in the car and go to sleep.
  10. We know that the sound Sh is in the huts, in the ears ... The sound C is where there is a forest, a pine tree, a village, a canopy.

Do not confuse the sound C with the sound Sh: Shaggy we don’t turn a bear into a bowl, And if a cat ate a rat, we don’t say that it’s a roof.

20. The language above is sha-sha-sha, our Masha is good.
The tongue below is sa-sa-sa, the nose was bitten by a wasp.
Tongue up - sho-sho-sho-sho, I draw well.
Tongue down - co-co-co-co-co, I'll draw a wood here.

The tongue is up - shi-shi-shi, the ears of the bunny are good. The tongue is down - sy-sy-sy, the cat has a long mustache. 21. The roosters fluffed up, but did not dare to fight: If you rooster too much, you can lose your feathers; If you lose your feathers, there will be nothing to cock.

Sound Zh

  1. Zha-zha-zha-zha, there were two hedgehogs. Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu, a beetle flies up to a hedgehog. Jo-jo-jo-jo, we'll give them a pie. Zhi-zhi-zhi-zhi, all the hedgehogs ran away.
  2. The beetle has fallen and cannot get up, it is waiting, who will help it?
  3. In a living corner, snakes and hedgehogs lived and lived - they ate and slept.
  4. I met a hedgehog in the thicket: “How is the weather, hedgehog?” - "Fresh." And they went home, trembling, hunched over, huddled, two hedgehogs.
  5. Couch potato, a red cat, lay his stomach.
  6. The poor hedgehog is shivering, he can't do anything, Mom is still worried:

“Here, worries will multiply - the poor hedgehog is shivering.”

  1. My paper crane, there were no shawls in the blue sky, So that you, my crane, would not be driven away by the cranes.
  2. Grandfather Hedgehog, do not go to the bank: the snow has melted there, It floods the meadow; you get your feet wet, red boots.
  3. In the morning I buzz, I wake flowers, I circle, I buzz and I drive honey.
  1. Under the flower, the hedgehog-mother began to bathe the hedgehogs, The hedgehog-mother will not understand how to wash their backs.
  2. Rain, rain, don't rain! Rain, rain, wait! Let the gray-haired grandfather reach the house.
  3. The gray hedgehog is very quiet and the hedgehog too, and they had a hedgehog - A very quiet hedgehog.
  4. At night, a father hedgehog, a mother hedgehog and a hedgehog child walk along the paths at night.
  5. The sea urchin at the bottom of the sea sang about the forest hedgehog: - Oh, you, hedgehog, brother hedgehog, how do you live without the sea?
  6. The hedgehog ran away at night, no one offended him.

He yearned already in the morning, he yearned yesterday.

  1. The letter Zh is wide and looks like a beetle, and at the same time, like a beetle, It makes a buzzing sound: zhzhzh.
  2. The hedgehog bear cub with a hedgehog and a hedgehog was frightened, Siskin with a siskin and a little chick,

Swift with a haircut and a haircut.

18. Zha-zha-zha-zha-zha, the hedgehog has needles.
Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu, we will give milk to the hedgehog.

Jo-jo-jo-jo, we will put the curd. Zhi-zhi-zhi-zhi, only hedgehogs live here.

  1. A beetle buzzes over the lampshade; The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, spins.
  2. It's nice to push a thick-skinned rhinoceros, What is it like for a poor passer-by?

It's good that such ignoramuses Meet less and less.

  1. And Aibolit runs to the hippos and slaps them on the tummies.
  2. Where do snakes live? Where are the hedgehogs?
  3. I am a beetle, I am a beetle, I live here, I lie, I look, I buzz all my life: buzz.
  4. There in the rye between the red, I once sat on a hedgehog.
  5. A hedgehog with a hedgehog and a hedgehog collect blackberries, the Red-sided fox also wants to profit.
  6. I'm in a puddle, I'm in a puddle, I'm looking for where the puddle is already.

I found where the puddle is already, and now I'm lying with a cold.

  1. The little crane took the acorn, threw the acorn at the crane.
  2. If you lived near the blackberry, Blackberry jam is very familiar to you.
  3. The glutton took pity on the juggler: "It's a pity he won't have dinner soon."
  4. There are miracles in life: a snake stung by a wasp, She stung in the stomach, it hurt terribly. Here. And Dr. Ezh said to the snake: “I don’t find anything,

But still, I think you'd better crawl on your back until your belly heals. Here".

Sounds Zh-3

  1. The cubs did not know that the hedgehogs were pricking, The cubs played with the hedgehogs once, Suddenly the cubs in tears: “Hedgehogs are splinters!”
  2. An old hedgehog in the forests of the Caucasus once met a porcupine.
  3. A cowardly hare ran into the garden, found cabbage, sits and nibbles; suddenly hears: The owner is coming, - and he ran into the forest from him.
  4. And funny animals- cubs and hedgehogs Play and play pranks, they don’t want to listen to the hare.
  5. The bunnies trembled when they saw the wolf on the lawn.
  6. Why did they call the old-timer of the local puddles a snake? No one has been stung by a harmless black snake.
  7. Beach pebbles are offended: “Oh, things are not important with us.

We sunbathe all year round, but the tan does not stick.

  1. Zhenya walked out of the forest, carrying a box; There were mushrooms in that box.
  2. Zhenya gnawed a shortbread, Zhorzhik gnawed nuts, Eremka played loudly on the accordion.

10. If you did not live near the blackberry,

And you once lived near strawberries, Strawberry jam is more familiar to you And not at all the usual blackberry jam.

  1. This little animal is quite harmless, True, her appearance is unenviable, And people called the poor thing echidna.
  2. Seryozha took a bag of nails, Zhenya brought a bag of milk mushrooms. Seryozha loaned nails to Zhenya, Zhenya gave Seryozha milk mushrooms.
  3. What do you need to skip to to turn a stutter into a bunny?
  4. The rain became more frequent on a visit, the old poplar tree became sad.
  5. Here a hare with long ears talked to snakes.
  6. The wolf is terribly furious - he cannot eat the hedgehog: Shriveling, the hedgehog put out his needles - he burned the evil wolf.

Sounds of W-SH

1. The beetle buzzes: "I walked and walked, I found a yellow pebble."

  • It's an acorn! You're wrong! says the giraffe to the beetle.
  • Well, hang it on a bough, says the beetle to the giraffe.

2. Falling leaves underfoot, yellow leaves lie -
Dad, mom and leaf.

And under the leaves rustle Shursh, Shurshikha and Shurshonok.

  1. Mom will pass - Shurshykha will rustle quietly under her foot, and the child will run - a little Shurshonok will rustle.
  2. Hedgehogs made friends with mice in the rye, and they all went into the reeds, And not a soul in the rye.
  3. A hedgehog lies by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles. Similar to small hedgehogs, Last year's cones lie on the grass.
  4. Lop-eared Lopushok went out into the rain on the meadow

And I gathered the wet ants under the leaf in a circle.

  1. On the roof of Shura lived the crane Zhura.
  2. The hedgehog has hedgehogs, the bear has cubs, the snake has stingers, and the mouse has little mice.
  3. Mouse has acorns, monkey has bumps.
  1. The cat has spoons in a basket.
  2. The beetle flies over the meadow, he is tired of walking.
  1. The hedgehog washed his ears, neck, skin on the abdomen in the bath. And the hedgehog said to the raccoon: “Will you rub my back?”
  1. A tassel is waving its tail over a sheet of paper. And not just waving, but smearing the paper.
  2. Little feet ran along the path, They ran to the meadow, lost their boot.
  3. One step, two steps, left, right boot. I teach Alyoshka to stomp a little.
  4. The eyes of the cat Murka squint: "Come out, mice, let's play blind man's blind."
  5. On the lawn near the chamomile, a beetle flew in a colored shirt.
  6. I played with a balloon with a needle, and here it lies, breathing a little. It is even clear to the toy: it is dangerous to play with a needle.
  7. Two crows told fortunes, ten - they turned hay. And the magpies did not grieve, they extinguished the fire by the river, The bumblebee fumbled in fragrant flowers,

And the crane was frying the fish.

Sounds Shch, Shch-Sh

  1. Tongs and pincers - these are our things.
  2. I'm dragging, I'm not dragging, I'm afraid that I'll let go.
  3. I brush the puppy with a brush, I tickle his sides.
  4. Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner. And the brush has a sex stick above its head. A stick fell on the puppies, two puppies how to squeal!

We will treat puppies: "Eat cabbage soup - you will not squeak."

  1. Scha-scha-scha, we bring home the bream. Ash-ash-ash, we will put on a raincoat.
  2. Sasha's cheeks are red, he ate a lot of cabbage soup and porridge.
  3. The puppy was so frail, I fed him everything with cabbage soup, Protected him from the furious cold, the puppy squealed with joy. Still would! He grew up happy.

Now the puppy is not a puppy, but a dog.

  1. Masha, don't look for us anymore, We pinch sorrel on cabbage soup.
  2. Between the birch trunks, a pereschelka walks ... Which of the two goldfinches outdoes one?
  1. Skinny Timka is skinny of all, skinny than skinny Koshchei.
  2. The puppy eats cabbage soup from sorrel for both cheeks.
  3. The puppy squeaks plaintively, he drags a heavy shield.
  4. Pike lived in the river, brushed water with chalk, cooked cabbage soup for guests, treated minnows.
  5. The pike swallowed the brush, the brush tickles her throat.
  6. I brush my teeth with this brush, I brush my shoes with this brush, I clean my trousers with this brush, I need all three brushes.
  1. The pike was kind, she made friends with the fish. Pike cooked cabbage soup from seaweed, Okunkov, gobies, treated bream with cabbage soup.
  2. The goldfinch chirped and clicked, puffed out his cheeks like a ball, A pike looked out of the pond, wondering: what kind of thing?
  3. A dandy respects a brush, a dandy brushes off the dust, If a thing is not cleaned, there will be nothing to flaunt.
  4. Wolves roam, looking for food.
  5. The cat invited the mouse to drink fresh milk. The mouse in the hole squeaked: “I don’t want him yet. I still got bacon, I can do without milk.
  6. Our beautiful locomotive, brand new, shiny, He dragged the wagons, like a real one.

Sound Ch

  1. A sheep's coat is warmer than any stove.
  2. Petya has a wheelbarrow, and Pasha has a pack of cookies.
  3. Chi-chi-chi, the bricks are hot on the stove. Cho-cho-cho-cho, watch out, it's hot! Choo-choo-choo-choo, I'm rolling on the train. Cha-cha-cha-cha, I wanted kalach. Ah-ah-ah, the rook has arrived. Uch-uch-uch, there are a lot of clouds in the sky. Oh, oh, oh, it's night. Ich-ich-ich, the owl has also arrived.
  4. Birdie, birdie, here's some water for you, Here's some crumbs on my palm.
  5. Chiki-chiki-chikalochki, a goose rides on a stick, a duck - on a pipe, a chicken - on a chicken, a bunny - on a wheelbarrow, a boy - on a dog.
  6. At the top of the tower, rooks cry day and night.
  7. Four Annies, not a bit tired, dance for the third day, And all under jokes: chok-chok, heel! Chookie-chookie-chookie.
  8. Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi, look: bagels, rolls are blush, hot. Rooks flew in here, picked up rolls, and we were left with lambs.
  9. The chizhik was sitting in a cage, the chizhik sang a song loudly: “Chu-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo, I will fly free!”
  1. The snow is melting, the stream is flowing, the branches are full of rooks.
  1. There are many different keys: a key - a spring among the stones, a treble key, curled, and an ordinary door key.
  1. Runaways are jumping - sunbeams.
  1. "Reason" - what a convenient word! It helps out any lazy person.

No reason needed! Don't look for reasons!

  1. Important rooks walk across the plowed field. The tractor worked plenty, then there will be rolls!
  2. The Snow Maiden cried, seeing off the winter, Walking behind her sad, a stranger to everyone in the forest.
  3. Red sheep, give the wool a ring,

Give, sheep, milk, the stove will cook porridge.

  1. The streams murmured and the bumblebees purred and buzzed over the streams.
  2. Teacups in sadness, clattering and strumming, screamed...
  3. The rook says to the rook: "Fly with the rooks to the doctor, It's time for them to be vaccinated to strengthen the feather."
  4. What do you want to tell me, birdie? What's in your nest egg? That it's time for the chick to fly? What is a cat sneaking up on you?

Although you are very talkative, you speak indistinctly.

21. The seagull warmed up the kettle, invited eight seagulls:
"Come all for tea"! How many seagulls, answer!

CH-S sounds

  1. The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea. The turtle makes everyone laugh because it's not in a hurry. And where to rush to someone who is always in his house?
  2. A box of matches, sister matches. From these matches, the flame and rushed away.
  3. Chok-chok, the heel hit the knot, Tore off, broke, chok-chok, heel. There is an old man at the fence. I'll give him a shoe.

Old man, old man, fix my heel!

  1. “Ch” was confused with a four by a chizhik and read: “Four izhik.”
  2. The little fox sits behind a bush, The fox-sister waves its tail, And the poor hare looks out of the bush, The hare does not have such a tail.
  3. For an hour we went to the turtle, The turtle served a kettle and cups, Then she crawled to her neighbor for tea, And we sit waiting for the turtle.
  4. Two birds were flying, they were small, How they flew, all the people looked.
  5. Chizhik was visiting his aunt, he flew to the tap dance for tea. Miracle tea in the evening and a bite with a sugar worm.
  6. Like white balls cabbages.

Ball, ball, jump, you see, the bag is empty. 10. Wolves walk quietly, silently, such is the habit of a wolf.

And the Christmas tree, if it doesn’t creak, stands, is silent, as if sleeping.

11. - Why are you so prickly, hedgehog?

This is me just in case.

  1. - Brook, brook, give me some water for a cup of tea. We will drink hot tea in the country, Drink with cookies, with kalach, and bake a pie. And, sparkling under the rays, the brook laughed. He quickly jumped from the stone into the teapot, gave some water for tea.
  2. Why is the desert empty? There is no leaf in it, no bush. And do not hear the talk of a hurried stream? Why is there not a cloud in the sky? Why only clouds of sand are driven by a whirlwind Yes, it carries thorns? Why don't the gardens make noise

Don't fruits hang in gardens? Why?

Let's build a channel and all the "why?"
We will answer all why.

Sounds Ts-Ch-Sch

  1. We took water with my sister from the well in the morning. Suddenly the mitten stuck firmly to the wet bucket.
  2. The sun gently laughs, shines brighter, hotter,

And from the hillock, a talkative stream flows loudly. It is radiant, silvery, it sparkles and trembles, And the other, just as pure, merrily hurries beside.

  1. It is only a coward who is afraid to go to the doctor for an injection. Personally, when I see a syringe, I smile and joke.
  2. The heron has a hen, the hare has a hare, the pike has a little bee.
  3. The hare replaces the wolf, he does not notice all the oblique ones.
  4. Along the cobbled street, a soaked watermelon rushes galloping.
  5. And the wave of the river, splashing, threw off the foam from his shoulder.
  6. A hedgehog came out with a shoe brush, got down to work clear.
  7. The sun peeped through the crack, hanging down a fiery bang.
  1. They let the pike into the river, put the pie in the oven.
  2. More often thickets in our forest, thickets in our forest.
  1. I’ll just go out the gate, to everyone going to work - the Blacksmith, the weaver, the doctor - “Good morning!” i scream. "Good afternoon!" - I shout after everyone going to dinner. “Good evening!” - this is how I meet everyone hurrying home for tea.
  2. Little Sanya's sleigh drives by itself.
  3. Little Sleigh's sleigh overturned.
  4. The hay would still sleep on the hay.
  5. There is a lot of mowing on a sharp scythe.
  6. There would be mowing, but frost came.
  7. Take care of your nose in severe frost.
  8. Senya's son mowed a haystack.
  1. We were walking in the forest and saw a fox.
  2. Mow, spit, while dew; dew down, and we're home.
  3. Mom sat on the bench, on the right - Seva, Slava - on the left.
  4. Sonya's braids are growing.

Grow, braid, to the waist, do not fall out a single hair.

  1. The well-fed catfish slept calmly, saw a sweet, sweet dream.
  2. We sit on the stairs and we sing songs.
  3. Senya, Sonya, Sima and Sanya went sledding. Sled - lope, Senya - off his feet, Sonya - to the side, Sim and Sleigh - bang into a snowdrift!
  4. Sa-sa-sa, a wasp is sitting on the table. Sy-sy-sy, the wasp has a mustache, a mustache. Co-co-co, gotta deal with the wasp. Su-su-su, drive away all the wasps!
  5. A sparrow sat on a pine tree, fell asleep and fell down in a dream.

If he had not fallen in his sleep, he would still be sitting on a pine tree.

19. Senya carries hay in the vestibule, Senya will sleep on the hay.

We have seven sleds. Seven at a time, we sat ourselves in the sleigh.

20. Goodbye, garden, garden! All aspens sleep, sleep.

And we ourselves will go to sleep, only we will sing a song.

21. It was fun on the hill Sanya, Sonya and Egorka,

But Marusya did not ride - she was afraid to fall into the snow.

  1. The baby elephant surprised the baby elephants - the baby elephant got on the scooter, Ride a little, and the scooter broke down.
  2. The sun has set behind the village again, the tits are sleeping, the jays are sleeping, The mustachioed catfish is sleeping in the river, the forest, and the garden, and the house are sleeping. The herd is sleeping, the shepherd and the dog... The dream has taken them all to itself.

24. The donkey found a wasp in the bushes, stopped, he looks:

Who is this? Bird? Owl? Fox? - The wasp stung the donkey.

25. Elephant - a Muscovite, he was brought to the capital as a baby elephant
From a neighboring country, one where elephants are found.

Sounds 3rd

  1. Bunny Buba has a toothache.
  2. Little Zina has an elderberry in her basket.
  3. Zakhar launches the snake, Zoya plays with the bunny.
  4. Zoya is a hare's mistress, she sleeps in Zoya's bunny basin.
  5. Here's a fun idea - to run a kite on a string.
  6. The zone bunny is called Zoznaika.
  7. Everyone goes from the bazaar, and Nazar - to the bazaar.
  8. On a winter morning, birch trees ring from the frost at dawn.
  9. Zina has a toothache, Zina stopped eating soup.
  1. For-for-for, the goat eats cabbage. Zo-zo-zo, let me take a bite. Zy-zy-zy, the evil eyes of a goat. Zu-zu-zu, drive the goat away.
  2. The goat was pissed off by the goat, the goat was bullied by the goat. But don't be angry, goat, don't be angry!

And you, kiddo, apologize.

  1. Early in the morning Nazar went to the market, Bought a goat and a basket Nazar.
  2. Green birch turns green in the forest. Zoya caught a dragonfly under a birch.
  3. Znayka understands everything perfectly,

And Dunno only opens his mouth at everything.

  1. A goat walks with a scythe goat, a goat walks with a barefoot goat. There is a goat with a slanting goat, there is a goat with a barefoot goat.
  2. Rosa was carrying a goat, a goat and a goat in a cart. Rose in the forest lost a kid, a goat and a goat.
  3. I have a goatling, I tend to it myself.

I'll take the kid to the green garden tomorrow morning.

  1. Oblique hare, don’t go barefoot, but walk shod, wrap your paws, If you are shod, foxes will not find a hare.
  2. The punishment period continued, Klim stood in the corner and got angry.
  3. A bunny rides on a tram, a bunny rides, reasoning:

- If I bought a ticket, who am I - a hare or not?

  1. Why did the bunnies take a green umbrella from the little housewife? Then, to hide from the wolf under this silk umbrella.
  2. The snake charmer is busy with his sonorous music. And to the music, friends, the snake will also dance.

23. They bought Rubber Zina in a store, they brought Rubber Zina in a basket. She was razin, rubber Zina, Fell from the basket, smeared in the mud.

- Don't be such a slacker, rubber Zina,
And then send Zina back to the store.

Sound Ts (Ts-S-3)

  1. The heron clicked to the chick: the herons are gray to the face.
  2. The chicken clings tenaciously to the chain.
  3. Two chickens run along the green street.
  4. There is a heron near the swamp, smiling, laughing.
  5. Bend over to the trough of water to drink.
  6. The hen laid an egg under the porch.
  7. The sun shines brightly through the window.
  8. Water flows from a nearby well all day long.
  9. Let the blizzard sweep, spread white snow.
  1. The well done blacksmith finally ate Varenets.
  2. Tell you a fairy tale about a bunny and a fox?
  3. There is a cart of oats, next to the cart is a sheep.
  1. The gray bunny washes. It looks like he's going to visit. He washed his nose, washed his tail, washed his ear, wiped it dry.
  2. Tsy-tsy-tsy, chicks run to me. Tsa-tsa-tsa, I will give them wheat. Tsu-tsu-tsu, I'll pour them some water. Tso-tso-tso, bring me an egg.
  3. Wandered to our kindergarten Twelve little chickens. A motley hen brought them from the street.

- Motley chicken, you forgot the street,
This is a kindergarten, but not for chickens.

  1. In the flower garden, two sheep graze all day. At the porch without end, the pussy eats from the saucer. From the flowers, finally drive out all the sheep!
  2. The chicken admired the chickens: no matter what the chicken is, it's smart. Well done, daring, very valuable chick.
  1. The heron, standing on the porch, explains the letter C:

- Come, chicken, chick, repeat: "Chick-chick-chick."
If you learn your lesson, I'll give you a flower.

19. - Chick-chick-chick, chickens, there is water in a tub.
Those who are afraid of me, I will not give water to those.

Here the chickens are running, they are not afraid of Natka. There is a saucer near the tub, they will all get drunk.


ROLLS - short rhymes (less often songs) intended for the entertainment of infants and accompanied by elementary game movements: during pronunciation or singing. The purpose of nursery rhymes is to amuse, amuse the child, cause a good emotional state. Most Popular Stories: " Ladushki "(clap children's hands to the beat of the verses, at the conclusion. words, the pens are spread and placed on the head:"They flew, sat on the head!"); " Magpie "(playing with the fingers of a child imitates cooking porridge and distributing it to children);"There is a horned goat"(gestures of an adult depict a meeting with a goat). Nursery rhymes are a wonderful invention of folk pedagogy and folk poetic creativity, based on a deep penetration into the psychology of early childhood.

aba sowed peas -
Jump jump, jump jump!
The ceiling collapsed
Jump jump, jump jump!
Baba walked, walked, walked,
Found a pie
sat down, ate
Went again.
Baba stood on her toe
And then on the heel
They began to dance Russian
And then squat!

This basket
There are many colors.
We took them
from different gardens.
Rose, violet
Alee here is
Necessary for granddaughter
Weave a wreath.
Manyushka, Manyushka,
How good you are.
grandma loves you
From the bottom of my heart.

about the garden, in the garden
There is a dog running.
Legs are thin
Boca calls,
And a squiggle tail
They call her Bug.

- mustache, geese: - Ha-ha-ha.
- Do you want to eat? - Yes Yes Yes.
- Bread and butter? - No no no.
- And what? - Candy, candy!
- Well, fly as you like!
- Just take care of the wings!
- Gray wolf under the mountain
- He sharpens his teeth, he wants to eat us!

ryndi-bryndi, balalaika,
A babayka sits under the table,
And the babai is sitting on the stove,
He has rings in his ears.

we have a big family
Yes funny:
Two are standing by the shop;
Two want to learn;
Two Stepans with sour cream
Two Dashas at the porridge
Two Ulkas in a cradle
One Masha is not ours,
Yes, and that's good.

- little murine,
Where were you?
- At the mill.
- Kitty-murisonka,
What did she do there?
- I grinded flour.
- Kitty-murisonka,
What was baked from flour?
- Gingerbread.
- Kitty-murisonka,
Who did you eat gingerbread with?
- One.
- Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone!

Sentences - appeal to animals, birds, insects. Household name "bewitchers".


Fly to the sky

There are your children

Eat sweets

Everyone one by one

And you don't have one

bring me some bread

black and white

Just not hot

butterfly box

Fly to the cloud

There are your children

On a birch branch

snail of goodness

let out the horns

I will give you a cake

And a jug of milk.

Mouse, mouse

Take a rotten tooth

And give me a good one.

Patter - genre of oral folk art. This is a specially selected phrase with a difficult to pronounce selection of sounds, a quickly pronounced comic saying or a joke. They help the child to quickly master their native speech and learn to speak well.

The beetle buzzes over the lampshade,
buzzing beetle,
Buzzing, spinning.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on a cuckoo hood,
How funny he is in the hood!

Mystery , the genre of oral folk art among all peoples of the world; a poetic, often allegorical description of an object or phenomenon.The main purpose of the riddle is that it develops a person's ingenuity, ingenuity..

A girl sits in a dungeon

And the spit is on the street.

Ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly,
Flapping its wings loudly, loudly,
Hen is a faithful shepherd,
What is his name?

Calls are appeal, certainly in poetic form, to natural phenomena.

Sunshine, sunshine
red bucket,
Rise high
Shine far:
To the dark forests
On raw borks,
To the river, to the fields,
To the blue seas
To the green garden
And for all the people.

Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy.
With joy, joy
With great mercy:
Freak flax high,
Rye, oats are good.

Oh, sandpipers, larks,
Fly to us in odonushki
A sandpiper flew from across the sea,
Sandpiper brought nine locks.
"Kulik, kulik,
Close the winter
Unlock the spring
Warm summer!"

Fiction - it is fiction, fiction; something that doesn't happen in life. It awakens fantasy, imagination.

Early in the morning, in the evening
Late at dawn
Uncle rode on horseback
In a chintz carriage.
And behind him at full speed
jumping steps,
The wolf tried to swim
A bowl of pies.
The hare looked up at the sky
There's an earthquake
And from the clouds on him
Dripping jam.

Rides on a fox
hen riding,
The cabbage head is running
With a somersault hare.
Catching a pike in the sea
fisherman's net,
swimming cow
In a cap of milk.
grain of wheat
The sparrow pecks
And the worm to the crow
Carries in a box.

Proverbs and sayings- apt expressions created by the Russian people, as well as translated from ancient written sources and borrowed from works of literature ...

So the proverb is a whole sentence

a saying - just a phrase or phrase. This is the main sign distinguishing proverbs from sayings.

Proverb contains morality, morality, instruction. Proverbs usually consist of two parts: “If you do it in a hurry, you will make a mockery”; “The earth is painted by the sun, and man is painted by labor.” Often these parts rhyme. "Without proverbs speech is not spoken, ”they used to say in Rus'. Proverb: light in sight, like water off a duck's back, seven Fridays a week

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 32 "Cinderella" of the urban district of the city of Oktyabrsky, Republic of Bashkortostan

Card file

ecological action "Feeding trough".

Riddles, proverbs, sayings, signs,

poems about birds

Prepared by Kharisova A.N.

Educator of the first category

Oktyabrsky, 2016


I knock on wood

I want to get a worm
Though hidden under the bark -
It will still be mine!

Answer: Woodpecker

red paws,
Long neck,
Pinching on the heels
Run without looking back.

Answer: goose

On the pole - the palace,
in the palace - a singer.

Answer: Starling

Spatula nose, red paws,
Swims, dives, loves to quack!

Answer: Duck

Sleeps during the day, flies at night
Passers-by in the forest scares.

Answer: Owl

Who sings so loudly
About the rising sun?

Answer: Rooster

Standing on one leg

He gazes into the water.
Pokes beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river.

Answer: Heron

Fidget motley, long-tailed bird,
The bird is talkative, the most talkative.
The white-sided messenger, and her name is ...

Answer: Magpie

Faithful guardian and friend of the fields,
The first messenger of warm days.

Answer: Rook

Chick-chirp! Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy! Who is this?

Answer: Sparrow

Who is in a bright red beret,

In a black satin jacket?
He doesn't look at me

Everything knocks, knocks, knocks.

Answer: Woodpecker

Where are you from, where are you from
Came to us, red-breasted?
- I flew all over Siberia.
- What is your name?

Answer: Bullfinch

Sitting in a cage all day
And under his breath he repeats,
But hearing the door creak,
He screams "Philip-Philip"
Let Kesha drink faster
Who is this...

Answer: parrot

He builds a house on the rock.
Isn't it scary to live there?
Though beauty is all around
But such height!
No, the owner is not afraid
Roll down a steep cliff -
The owner has two mighty wings...

Answer: Eagle

Who is on the tree, on the bitch
Counting: ku-ku, ku-ku?

Answer: Cuckoo

Amazing child! Just got out of diapers, Can swim and dive, Like his own mother.

Answer: Duckling


The word is not a sparrow, you won’t catch it flying out.

The night cuckoo cuckoos the day cuckoo.

A big bird needs a big nest.

The young sparrow learns to chirp from the old one.

An obese hen does not lay eggs.

Every swallow praises its nest.

Every bird flies to its flock.

The chicken drinks and looks at the sky.

The bird is red with the feather, and the man with the mind.

Spring is not complete without the first swallow.

One swallow does not make spring.

A sandpiper flew in from across the sea, brought spring out of the gate.

I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.

The tit boasted with its tail to light the sea.

The bird is red in plumage, and the man is in skill.

Titmouse is a sister of a sparrow.

Where the bird does not fly, but knows its nest.

Do not teach the eagle to fly, and the nightingale to sing.

The swallow begins the day, and the nightingale ends.

The nightingale does not need a golden cage, but rather a green branch.

The nightingale sings for a month, and the crow croaks all year round.

A nightingale and a crow live in the forest, but they sing their songs in different ways.

The crow flew over the sea, and the crow returned.

How many crows do not croak, she will not be a nightingale.

A healthy woodpecker does not hammer a tree.


You don't go through life in feathers alone.

The bird is visible in flight.

Eagle in appearance, black grouse in mind.

There is nothing like leather.

Where chickens are beautiful, there are roosters - well done.

Waiting like a raven's bones.

The magpie knows where to spend the winter.

And without a rooster it will dawn.

A hut without children is like a nest without birds.

Each bird is the owner of its nest.

No matter how many cuckoos cuckoo, fly away by winter.

An old bird is not caught with chaff.

Better a bird in the hand than a bird in the sky.

The will of a bird is more precious than a golden cage.

That bird is stupid, which does not like its nest.

A forest without birds and birds cannot live without a forest.

Every bird is proud of its feather.

Every bird sings in its own way.

Every bird is fed with its beak.

Each bird has its own habits.

A small titmouse, but a sharp claw.


Low-flying swallows portend rain.

To see birds flying high in the sky before starting the journey - to success in business.

Geese hide their beaks under their wings, standing on one paw - soon there will be a strong cold snap.

Pigeons living near the house will save it from fire.

To see a swan sitting on eggs - there will be a thunderstorm.

Magpie jumps on the roof of the house in which the patient lies - to recovery.

To see a stork - to a meeting with an old friend.

Magpie near the water while fishing - to a good bite.

The cuckoo sat on a dry tree - to the cold.

Chickens do not run from the rain under the roof - it means that it will end soon.

Many seagulls roam the shore - to the storm.

If birds cross your path from left to right - a good sign,

if on the contrary - from right to left - unsuccessful.

Near the house, an owl screams - to wait for the soonest addition to the family.

An eagle flying low overhead - to good luck in business.

When a bird knocks on the window, especially a titmouse, this is good news. However, be careful, because if it is a crow or even worse than a crow, then the news will be bad.

Magpie is always deceit or gossip. So, if this bird jumps on the porch or on the balcony, then the owners of this house will either be slandered or embroiled in intrigues. But she did not always portend trouble, since they used to believe that if a magpie sits on the roof of a house where there is a patient, then this is for his speedy recovery.



By the side of the road
A long-legged stork is walking.
The best of fathers
Looking for food for the chicks.


Past the blue doves
A sparrow is flying.
Sparrow is so tiny!
Looks a little like me.
Nimble little chick
Fidget and fighter.
And a fervent cry rings out:
- Chick-chirp and chick-chirp!


The crow looked
in the spring puddle:
What beauty is there?
I'm no worse!


People on the street raised their heads:
Doves, doves, white doves!
The city is filled with the noise of their wings,
The dove reminded people of the world.


The black rook is so noisy
Restless, talkative.
He us with the birds in the area
Meet at your leisure.


Do not hiss, angry goose -
I'm so afraid of you!
Well, please stop being angry -
I want to make friends with you.


In a red hat on one side
Knocking on the trunk all day
My forest friend
Fidget woodpecker.


Field lark!
There is no better singer!
In an open field - your house,
In the clear sky - a song!


Streams run down the hill
Goodbye winter!
Do you hear someone calling in the distance?
The cranes are back!


Here's another friend
And her name is Cuckoo.
Sit modestly on a bitch
And shouts: - Ku-ku, ku-ku!


The swallow sang:
- Tivit-tivit.
She has an amazing look:
Kohl flies low -
So the rain is near.


It has been like this since antiquity:
These birds are a symbol of fidelity.
Looking into your reflection,
Here they glide on the surface of the water,
Praise all people
Two white swans.


There are two mighty wings
The king of all birds has an eagle.
I don't want to argue with him
He has mountains on his shoulder!


Always ready to repeat
This bird is word for word.
Don't blame the bird
Talkative parrot.


Quickly pecks grains,
Doesn't let us sleep in the morning
Voiced singer -
Yellow-bellied titmouse.


In the summer, to be honest,
It is difficult to meet a bullfinch.
And in winter - grace! -
You can see him a mile away!



Bird, outwardly inconspicuous,
Sing among the branches
So that we gasp: - After all, this
Vociferous nightingale.


You flymagpie,
Far, far away
bring candy
For a little kid.

Peter found a seed.
The sparrow came to visit.
While Petya sang songs,
The sparrow ate the find.


Nightingale- nightingale -
singing head,
Fly to Olya in the morning.
Sing songs loudly
Take your daughter to kindergarten.

Pestrushechka hen,
Sew a pillow for us
With flowers, lace
For our daughter Tanya.
Tanya will sleep
Sweet on the pillow.

"Where was magpie ?"-
"Far, far away!"-
"What are you talking about?" - "Toys" -
"Where did you find it?" - in the hut,
Brooches on the window
Earrings on the table
Rings - on the stove,
Nails on the porch
Hairpins and needles
Pulled off the shelf...


Learns to swim.

Only chicken

Won't learn.

magpie, magpie
She was white-faced.
The stove was stoked
Cooked porridge!
invited guests,
Distributed the porridge:
Who in the mouth
To whom in a scarf
Who cares
To whom in a hat.
And our pussy -
In a bigger bowl!

Titmouse, titmouse,
Beautiful birds.
The seeds are pecking
Sing a song!
The song is clear
- Spring is upon us!

chicken, chicken,
Don't go outside
Better walk around the yard
Take care of your kids.

Ay, ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku!
Is sitting crowon a bitch
collects gossip,
Knows everything in the world.

Ay, si-si, si-si, si-si!
Jackdawcalled a taxi.
She says: "I'm tired
She's become old!"

Jackdaw jumping down the track.
Jackdaw - thin legs.
black head,
Gray raincoat-new thing.

white-sided magpie
Lived nearby
Cracked like a ratchet
Tail around,
Flying close -
Not low, not high.
All news again -
Got it, got it!
Tail twirled
And flew into the forest -


Drake andduck
Sit down for a minute
Relax on the bench.
"Let's rest for a minute,"
The duck suggested
And let's go for a ride.

Walks around the yard turkey:
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit...
A turkey walks next to her -
Comb on one side.
He is proud of the turkey
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
For him in the light of a bird

There are no relatives.

Twotits- two neighbors
Ate a cherry on a branch.
And from a cherry a worm
Showed them the tongue.
“Zwin-zwilin!” - the tit sings. -
That's no good teasing!
Yum-yum-yum - on the tongue ...
The worm was teasing in vain!


Sparrowfluffed up
- Wet in a puddle
feather belt,
But swim in a puddle
I'm used to.

Spoke to the rook rook:
- You, rook, are a doctor bird!

All rooks and rooks

They shouted: "We are doctors!

Kra-krach! Kra-krach!

We are good doctors!


- Tivit...
I have an awesome look:
I'm flying low
So the rain is near.

Titmouse, titmouse,
Cheerful bird.
Flying smartly
The cheat is chirping.
Bird - titmouse
Small in stature,
Our titmouse
Sparrow sister.

Hey, Dudu-Dudu-Dudu!
Is sittingCrowon the oak.
He plays the trumpet
In gilded...
The pipe is fine

The song is complex.


Three flewCuckoos
Through three huts:
How they flew
All People looked;
How they sat down
All the people were amazed!

Arrived Sparrow.
Jumping gallop!
Flew into the sand
The sock came out.
Went to the water
Found Young.
Itself with tops -
Head with a pot!


Sparrow, sparrow!
Fly up, don't be shy!
Peck seeds from the palm of your hand,
Dance on thin legs!
Only a cunning sparrow
Doesn't fly too close.
Watching carefully from a branch
Do not lure and candy!

Proverbs and sayings about health

The topic of this article is popular sayings about health.
Most of all, parents care about the health of the child, because when the baby feels good, he will develop with joy. But when a cold catches up, mom comes to despair: she dressed, fed, cherished the baby and still overlooked it. No wonder the proverb says "A child hurts a finger, a mother's heart hurts."

To help us, the ancestors laid down many proverbs about how to save or restore health. Some we express without thinking about the content. There are also those whose veracity has been verified by our own experience. On this page we have placed for you best health quotes. Here are some interesting proverbs:

He who has not been sick does not know the price of health.

Shines in the sun.

Not everyone dies who is sick.

There is no cure for health.

Diploma is not a disease - it does not take years.

And one cow, yes, is healthy.

He does not know health, who is not sick.

Where it hurts - here is the hand, and where it's nice - here are the eyes.

Not everyone dies who gets sick.

For every disease, a potion grows.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular proverbs and sayings about health:

Sleep is the best cure for disease
At the moment of sleep, all processes in the human body slow down, we spend much less energy, which is a necessary factor to fight the disease. In a dream, the psychophysical state returns to normal. And the psychological mood for the patient is of particular importance.

Folk ditties for children

Russian folk ditties

Russian ditties- unique folklore genre of folk art.
Chastushkas are called short funny songs, in most cases of four rhyming lines, which are a folklore genre of oral art of the people. As a separate genre, they began to stand out in the middle of the century before last. . Russian folk ditties- traditional tunes that were popularized at the beginning of the twentieth century. Youth from the countryside came up with many ditties. Performing them at various holidays and just during the festivities. In the process, a balalaika or an accordion usually played along, although often ditties sang without music.
In the preschool period, the child lays the foundation for the formation of a mature personality. The kid absorbs all the information that is given to him, so it is very important to choose the right educational games. They bring up the child, acquaint with the values ​​of mankind, moral, cultural, moral. Playfully, the child learns to prioritize correctly, to behave appropriately in society. It is at this time that the child has his own opinion, the formation of which is strongly influenced by the authority of the parents.

Grandma Yozhki sing ditties

Ditties of butterflies hedgehogs

Chastushki Babok Ezhek diversify the entertainment of the child and really help the baby to plunge into the unforgettable fairy-tale events through which characters of the cartoon "Flying ship".
Children's dittiesthat parents introduced us to will be very useful for modern kids, will help them develop comprehensively.

All free time the child should playfully get acquainted with new information presented in a form that is understandable to him. This will support the psychophysical development of the baby at a normal level for his age. A funny, memorable ditties Babok Ezhek will not leave indifferent even adults. Here are the words of this cheerful song performed by Babok Yozhek:

Words by Y. Entin, music by M. Dunaevsky

Stretch fur accordion
Eh, play-play
Sing ditties, grandma Ezhka
Sing, don't talk!

I was tipsy
And she flew on a broom.
Oh, I don't believe myself
These superstitions!!

I walked home through the woods
The devil followed me.
Thought it was a man
What the hell is this!

I turned back home
The devil is following me again.
Spit on his baldness
And sent to the devil!

The most harmful of people -
This storyteller is a villain.
That's a skillful liar,
Too bad it doesn't taste good.

Children do not tolerate monotony and boredom. At leisure, it is important to captivate the child. It is possible to increase the amount of knowledge of a child only when new facts become interesting for the baby. After all, he perceives his existence as a game, this is how children's thinking works. Games using children's folklore of various genres will come in handy. It is easier to train a child’s memory and broaden his horizons without imposing, this technique brings good results.

Funny ditties for kids

Children's ditties are funny

We found the best ones and posted them on this page very funny children's ditties. We draw knowledge from various literary genres that were invented by our ancestors a long time ago. Not only facts about the world around are taken into account, some entertainment options have also survived to this day and we simply cannot ignore them. One of these entertainment was singing ditties, short funny short poems that talk about everything with humor. Some of them have an element of sarcasm. This folklore genre was loved by writers and poets of different times. Children's ditties very varied, they funny and all preschool kids love it.
Abbreviated songs will certainly make the listener smile, because a joke and comedy can be called a hallmark all ditties. This genre has emerged relatively recently. The first memories of ditties date back to the middle of the century before last. Although these figures are approximate. And it is impossible to say specifically who first came up with the idea of ​​making fun of something with a ditty, which was described in the first work. What motivated the creation of a new genre of folklore is also unknown. One can only assume that with the help of sarcasm, the people wanted to express their opinion about inequality and injustice in relations between people. With the development of this folklore genre, many memorable ditties for young children appeared. Let's get acquainted with some children's ditties. funny ditties will please both you and your children:

Yegor has two spatulas,
And Nina has molds.
I'm for it them tongue
I'll pop it out of the window.

Lazy in the morning Vova
comb through,
A cow came up to him
I combed my tongue!

I know Napoleon
He discovered America!
I should teach history
No more strength!

In the morning, mother, our Mila
Gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give
And then she ate them herself.

Some facts about the appearance of ditties however, it can be stated with certainty. Chastushkas were born between ordinary people, ordinary villagers. Perhaps they would not have gained such popularity if it were not for the children who immediately liked these funny songs - children's ditties, funny and catchy. Every day during the games they began to sing cheerful lines about what they saw at every turn. Well, how to sing without music? Chastushka always played along with the accordion. Over time, this instrument was replaced by a guitar and piano, the melody of which is now often heard when ditties are sung.

Popular counting rhymes in schools

The best counting rhymes for schoolchildren

Children love to communicate with their peers, find new friends, share knowledge, play collective games. In a group game, it is important to choose a specific role for each participant; for this, the guys use counting rhymes. On whom the counting rhyme stops, the cherished role will fall out. On this page you will find great rhymes for students, and on other pages of the site you will find interesting counting rhymes on other topics, riddles, proverbs, poems for children, songs, ditties, jokes, tongue twisters.
The people composed many folklore genres intended for the development of the child. Rhythms occupy a special place in this list. Short rhymes with a cheerful meaning were very fond of the children. Kids easily memorize rhyming lines, so that later they can be used in the process of choosing a role for participants in collective games. Here are some fun rhymes for students:

One two three four-
I was taught to read:
Don't count, don't write
Just jump across the field.
I jumped, I jumped
She broke her leg
The leg began to hurt,
Mom began to feel sorry
Regretted, scolded
And she sent for the doctor.
Doctor rides a bull
With a balalaika in hand.

One, two, dash, four,
Five, six, seven
Eight nine ten.
Comes up
White month!
Who reaches the month
He's going to hide!

One two three four,
Midges lived in the apartment.
A friend himself got into a habit with them,
The cross is a big spider.
Five, six, seven, eight
Spider we ask
You glutton, don't go!
Come on, Mishenka, drive.

Our kittens were born
One two three four five,
Come join us guys
View and count.
Once a kitten is the whitest
Two kitten - the most daring
Three kitten - the smartest
And four is the noisiest
Five is like three and two
Same tail and head
Also a speck on the back

We have good kittens
One two three four five
Come join us guys
View and count!

Counting for schoolchildren is a fair and just choice. It doesn’t matter if you are the oldest or the youngest in the team, no external factors affect the choice, only an honest lot. The guys love to learn counting rhymes to brag to their friends about the knowledge of a new rhyme and to announce it before the start of the game, because this role is also important. Little children memorize simple counting rhymes from a couple of easy-to-pronounce words. The child grows up, goes to the senior classes of the school, over time he knows more and more of these works, they become more complicated and longer. Each child has his favorite counting rhymes, on occasion he gladly uses them, as if he assigns roles in the game. At the end of the article you will find the most popular counting rhymes for schoolchildren, which can often be heard at school breaks among high school and junior high school students. Some options are perfect for designing the title page of a student's portfolio in grade 1.

The best children's counting rhymes

The best children's counting rhymes

Children's counting rhymes help the child develop - after all, in order to use the counting rhyme for games with your friends in the yard, you need to learn it by heart!
Rhymes are called short poems that children use to distribute roles between the participants in the game. But like any other work for children, children's counting rhymes retain a specific goal to help the child develop. In addition to learning numbers, kids using counting rhymes acquire several more useful skills.
Choosing a participant for the role of a leading rhyme, the child gets used to acting honestly, treats each member of the team with respect, and abides by the rules. Memory training during the game is very useful, and thanks to the rhyme of the lines, the child learns to feel the rhythm. Discipline is another important quality that easy to instill in a baby with the help of a children's counting rhyme. An adult can easily arouse a child's interest in any game if he uses children's counting rhymes. Playfully, the baby develops, and the acquired skills will help him in the future.

The sun is in the sky
Salt on bread
Cherry - in the garden,
And you are in sight!
I will find!
I'm on my way!

The gray hare tore out the grass.
He put her on the bench.
Who will take the weed
He will go out.

One, two, dash, four,
In the blue sea-ocean
The golden ship is sailing.
And on the island of Buyan
The dark forest is growing.
Let's think and guess
How can we count the pines.
Don't think, don't guess
Just chase us.

Five, six, seven
Eight nine ten.
Comes up
White month!
Who reaches the month
He's going to hide!

Bryntsy Indians
Bryntsy Indians
Play it!
Bryntsy Indians
Don't want!
Bryntsy Indians
I'll go!

The fox walked through the forest
She screamed in a loud voice.
The fox was tearing the little ones,
Fox bast shoes weaved -
husband two,
Three for myself
And to the kids
By patties!
Having heard a counting rhyme with interesting content, the child will want to learn it. It will not be difficult, because the rhyme present in it will allow you to remember the rhyme with a minimum of effort. Children during the game they say a children's rhyme collectively, or it is expressively read by one of the participants. These poems tell about various objects and phenomena that surround a person. There is an acquaintance of the child with the world and, first of all, with arithmetic operations.

Counting for children of preschool and school age

The best counting rhymes for children

The basics of arithmetic need to be taught to a child from an early age, but it’s impossible to make a baby sit down calmly and learn numbers, he wants to play and have fun all day long.

The way out of this situation is simple - use counting rhymes for kids. Brief rhymes will introduce him to the rules of counting. The child will be happy to learn children's counting rhymes to use them to choose roles between friends in various collective games.

Children themselves often fantasize by changing various lines of counting rhymes, this is interesting, fun and very useful for the child's mind. But changed counting rhyme for children will never lose its essence - it helps children get acquainted with mathematics, take the first steps towards the knowledge of this science.

Popular counting rhymes for young children:

One two three four,
Who lives in our apartment?
Dad, mom, brother, sister,
Murka cat, two kittens,
My puppy, cricket and me -
That's my whole family!
One two three four five,
I'll start counting again.

Bullseye is rolling
From a steep mountain.
Who will raise
That one go away!

We shared an orange
There are many of us, and he is one.
This slice is for the hedgehog,
This slice is for a swift,
This slice is for ducklings,
This slice is for kittens,
This slice is for the beaver,
And for a wolf - peel.
He is angry with us - trouble!!!
Run somewhere!

- Mouse, mouse,
long ponytail,
You don't hide deep.
Invites the cat to visit
Drink fresh milk.

The mouse in the hole squeaked:
- The honor, of course, is great,
I just got the fat
I'll go without milk.

Don't be afraid of us, silly
Get out of the hole!
Let's play cat and mouse.
The mouse is YOU!
And the cat is OH!

Our kittens were born
One two three four five,
Come join us guys
View and count.
Once a kitten is the whitest
Two kitten - the most daring
Three kitten - the smartest
And four is the noisiest
Five is like three and two
Same tail and head
Also a speck on the back
He also sleeps all day in a basket.
We have good kittens
One two three four five
Come join us guys
View and count!

Rhythm is one of the genres of oral creativity of the people. It is used to develop memory in children, the counting rhyme is indispensable in games with several participants, even when there are only two of them, for example, a child and a mother. An easy-to-remember rhyme with a cheerful context shows the child the principles of elementary mathematical operations in order to interest the baby. Information of this type is absorbed by preschool children very well. Plus, children's memory and logical thinking are trained.

Good proverbs with numbers

Sayings and proverbs with numerals

The use of numerals often found in proverbs and good proverbs with numbers our people have come up with a lot.
We use numbers and numerals a lot. They can be found on shop windows, heard about them from the media. But when we don't know what exactly we are talking about when using certain numbers, they become just signs. We have collected and placed on the page good proverbs with numbers which you will find below.

Numbers explain to us how much a particular product or thing costs, how old your child is and when his birthday is, how many brothers and sisters the baby has, toys, etc.
An interesting fact: numerals have been used in speech recently, back in Rus', instead of the numbers we are used to, there were letter descriptions.
Date and time, human pulse and much more we learn thanks to numbers. Not all examples can be counted.

Proverbs with numbers help children not only learn new numbers and study them, but also stimulate the development of the speech apparatus. With the help of sayings and proverbs, kids develop thinking, learn to formulate thoughts and understand those that have been formulated by other people. Short phrases arouse children's interest in their native speech, the desire to study it deeper, to obtain new information, including about the use of the noun.

Good examples of proverbs with numbers:

Don't clap with one hand.

There is only one truth in the world.

Once doesn't count.

As two drops of water.

Who soon helped, he helped twice.

Lazy man works twice.

Bouncer price - three kopecks.

Without four corners, the hut is not cut.

A horse with four legs, and even then stumbles.

Like a fifth wheel on a cart.
Over the seven seas.

Seven do not wait for one.

A penny and three money set aside.

Seven without four and three flew away.

One hundred empty, five hundred nothing.

Half a penny without altyn, without forty-seven kopecks.

Proverbs about family and family values

Russian proverbs about the family for children

Today we will touch on the popular recently the theme of the family in Russian proverbs and sayings.
A proverb is a short phrase that contains the deepest meaning, the experience of generations and the wisdom of the whole people. Each proverb teaches a person, advises, recommends a further plan of action.

Proverbs for a beloved mother

Russian sayings and proverbs about mother

Let's remember the best proverbs and sayings about mom for children. Children's proverbs are diverse, but they have one thing in common: in each phrase there is a desire to show the baby the difference between good and bad. They show children the value of sincerity and kindness, which comes from the heart, it cannot be purchased or exchanged for any other values.

proverb about mom is not always accurate. Allegory is inherent in it, although in a phrase it fits into a general judgment or form. Next to her is a proverb, which can be called an incomplete not fully said proverb, because there are no descriptions and parameters of the situation in it, there are only specific data. If collect all existing proverbs and sayings about mom, together they will be able to fully describe the most sincere, deepest feelings for a loved one. The actions that he produces at a particular age, all possible traits of a person's character (both positive and negative), his way of thinking, mores, traditions. Proverbs show children what is good and what is bad, what can be expected from different people. This page contains the best, brightest Russian proverbs and sayings about mother for children.

The meaning of Russian proverbs and sayings about the native land

Russian proverbs about the Motherland

How many wonderful gave us Russian proverbs and sayings on the theme of the Motherland our people and conveyed their meaning through the centuries from generation to generation!
When exactly the sayings appeared, which at the present time are usually called proverbs or short phrases with a deep meaning about everything in the world, is not known for certain. What date the appearance of the saying dates back is also difficult to say. But sayings easily describe any phenomena of nature and even the subtleties of relations between people, and such descriptions were formed by people even when no one knew how to formulate thoughts on paper for further reading. Sayings and proverbs are an indispensable thing in everyday colloquial speech. On this page you will find the best Russian proverbs about the motherland for children and for the older generation.

Proverb about the Motherland is a folk art in a poetic form, this genre appeared a very long time ago. According to most scientists, such creativity of the people arose when the primitive system appeared, then there was no question of writing. Patriotic Russian proverbs about native lands have been passed on to the younger ones from the older generation for several thousand years. The meaning of the proverb about the Motherland lies in longing for the native side while staying in a foreign land, emphasizes the ardent love for one's land, for one's people.

Family values ​​in sayings

Russian proverbs about family

Proverbs and sayings on the topic of family values- one of the most popular in our time.
With proverbs and sayings about family, invented in ancient times, we were given the standards of education, relations between people, they describe the norms of morality and ethics, which are slightly different for each nation. From them we learn the style of perception of certain events by the native people, their opinion about the importance of various factors: friendship, fidelity, trust in each other, love, understanding. The deep meaning of some sayings does not lie on the surface and its understanding does not come immediately. Ushinsky once noted that proverbs and sayings genre of folklore , which most colorfully describes everyday life, periods of development of the people, historical events, experience, views on what is happening, reasonableness. Children learn from them a lot of facts not only about history, but also about him, a person who lives in society.

Some sayings about family:

There is no goodness in an unfriendly family.

Family is the backbone of happiness.

In a good family, good children grow up.

In a family where there is harmony, happiness does not forget the road.

The family is in a heap, and the cloud is not terrible.

Now it seems to us that sayings and proverbs about family were invented by the people a long time ago, but in the modern world no one creates them. This impression is deceptive. The fact is that you can’t sit down at the table, come up with a proverb and write it down. For the appearance of a proverb, as you know, you need a reason. Listen more to the words of the person you are talking to.

Famous sayings, the meaning of sayings

Sayings with the word WORD

sayings- wisdom that came to us from time immemorial. The meaning of sayings strongly intertwined with everyday life, relationships with people, love for the Motherland and many other issues that are relevant not only for the time when they were invented, but also for our contemporaries.
Every nation, every culture has countless sayings and proverbs . Each generation comes up with new sayings, and only those that are relevant and have passed the temporary test have come down to us. Phrases are well remembered and carry the deepest meaning, and they were transmitted from the elders to the younger ones through conversation, from the time when no one knew writing. In a short, capacious phrase, each word is filled with deep meaning and we know very interesting sayings with the word Word.
:: Boastful word is rotten.

The famous adage "How many people, so many views" applies if people have different opinions about the same situation. It can also be applied to proverbs and sayings. Different proverbs recommend different ways out of the same problems (often contradictory). This shows that sayings and proverbs are composed by people, everyone has different characters and worldview, which leads to such a variety of thoughts that have come down to our time.

Kazakh proverbs and sayings

The emergence of proverbs and sayings cannot be designated by a specific date, they came to us from the depths of centuries, the people composed them at any period of history, and in modern life they are also added up. Experts from all countries are studying this most interesting genre of oral creativity of the people, and cannot fully unravel it. Sayings and proverbs in Kazakh entered the treasury of world culture - they reflect not only the identity and cultural heritage of the Kazakh people, they have absorbed the wisdom of centuries of enrichment with cultural experience with other peoples, and especially with the Russians.

Sarnanan sarkyt zhegenshe,
Itten tartyp.

What to expect from a mean treat,
It's better to take a bone from a dog.

Bermegendi berip yyalt.

To shame the stingy, give him yourself.

Tileushinin bir beti kara,
Bermeushinіn ekі beti qara.

The petitioner has one cheek on fire,
the one who refuses has both cheeks on fire.

Bergen jomart emes, algan jomart.

Not the generous one who gives, but the one who does not take.

Altyn Korse Perishte Zholdan Tayada.

Seeing gold, and the angel turned off the road.

Zhylanga tuk bitken sayyn kaltyrauyk bolady.

The more fat the snake
the more she trembles with greed.

Eki tyshkan bir baidyn zhurtyna talasypty.

Two mice got into a fight because of Bai's rubbish.

Akyldy aryn korgaydy,
Saran malyn korgaydy.

A wise man guards his honor, avaricious cattle guards his.

One of the Kazakh sayings says that speech without a proverb It's like food without salt. Food that has not been salted is not appetizing and not very palatable, and conversation without sayings and proverbs is also uninteresting. All Kazakh speech is rich in proverbs and sayings, this people has always respected the strength and power of the word. The legends describe how Biys (orators and experts in the word) could resolve conflicts between people by proclaiming just one phrase. Sayings and proverbs in the Kazakh language absorbed the strength of the spirit of the Kazakhs, faith in justice, caring for loved ones, family values.

Russian proverbs about friendship

Proverbs about friends and friendship of peoples

Proverbs on the theme of friendship will never lose their relevance, and even in our time of revolutionary information technologies there is a place good old proverb about friendship, mutual assistance and fellowship.
It is beautiful to sing, tell stories and fairy tales, so that they listen to you with rapture, not everyone can do it. Another thing is a proverb or saying about fidelity, about the friendship of peoples, old friends in colloquial speech, we often use them, and do not even notice it.

An untested friend that the nut is not split.
Not explored - friend; and known - two.
Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
Friendly is not heavy, but apart - at least drop it.

Learning proverbs about friendship

The best sayings about friendship

Introduce your child to proverbs on the topic of friendship must be started at an early age.
It is known that the development of native speech is a serious factor in the formation of personality. The theme of perception of the world, traditions, history of the nation through the folklore styles of oral creativity of the people is most widely disclosed, which called proverbs and sayings. Most interesting and popular proverbs about friendship we publish on this page just below.

In folklore, the subject is quite often affected friendship Because this topic concerns absolutely all people. If a person has friends, he is confident in himself. A friend will provide support in a difficult situation, rejoice at the success of a friend. But often by mistake we call friendship completely different relationships, and when reality is revealed, it becomes very sad. How to learn to call a spade a spade, to see the difference between real friendship and other types of relationships? If a person is able to understand and formulate the meaning of the term "friendship", he can become the best friend and maintain this relationship for life. Communication is not synonymous with friendship, it cannot be called an external factor. It is rather a feeling, a feeling of sincere, open and disinterested friendly love for the person next to you.

Beautiful sayings about spring

Proverbs and sayings about spring

Everything is green and blooming, the birds under the window arrange real concerts... spring is in full swing... Several visitors to our site sent the site through Contacts request publish interesting sayings on the theme of spring. We gladly responded to this request and place on this page the most popular proverbs and sayings about spring which you will find below.
The awakening of nature, warm long days and, of course, work on the harvest are associated with spring. It is during this period that work is in full swing in rural areas in order to reap the fruits in the fall. In many areas of folk art, the words "spring" and "work" are inseparable. Including many proverbs and sayings on the spring theme.

people started write sayings about spring and on other topics long ago, when there was no written language yet. Orally, from the elder to the younger, the experience and wisdom of generations were passed on with these phrases. And in the modern world, they have not lost their relevance. In each saying or proverb, you can find a recommendation, a hint for the right actions in certain cases that we encounter in everyday life. They never pop up in our memory just like that, there must be a reason for this. When it is, a proverb or saying helps to clearly and easily formulate one's opinion, and even understand how best to proceed further for a better outcome.

Proverbs and sayings about work

Russian proverbs and sayings about labor

Sayings and proverbs- bright paint in Russian. We have prepared and placed for you on this page dozens of the best proverbs and sayings about work.
Russian proverbs and sayings these are short sayings that contain the essence of the experience and wisdom of the people. The work of different nationalities, and the Russian one is no exception, contains reasonable phrases that easily describe a look at every life situation from different angles. When appeared proverbs and sayings- it is difficult to say for sure, but the first records with works in which there are proverbs date back to the 12th century. It should be noted that some proverbs with sayings were not invented by the people, but by specific people, for example, writers. Why is there an uncountable number of such phrases in the famous Krylov's fables. Wise Russian proverbs and sayings about labor in a short, eloquent form they tell about diligence, diligence in work and business ingenuity of Russian people.
What about Russian proverbs and sayings about labor mean for today? In addition to making our speech bright and colorful, they also formulate answers to many questions that a modern person has at every step. These answers were found by the ancestors, who thus shared their invaluable experience with us. So it will be useful for everyone to turn to this creativity.

Sayings in English

English sayings and proverbs with translation

Utility use of sayings and proverbs in English in the process of mastering a foreign language is undeniable. We have selected the most best and popular english proverbs which you can find at the end of the article.
Every person who learns English is faced with pronunciation problems, poor vocabulary, slow and uncertain speech. English proverbs and sayings will not only perfectly correct all these defects, but will also allow you to know the traditions of the country, because they are folk art.

In English sayings and proverbs the wisdom and experience of the people, accumulated over the centuries, has been preserved. Thoughts and conclusions that no mechanism of technological progress can reach, since it is not capable of thinking and it has no soul. Proverbs and sayings arose much earlier than writing, easy-to-remember phrases were passed on from the elders to the young. They are designed to help a person find the right way out of various everyday problems. Old sayings in English carry a deep meaning and symbolism of the phenomena occurring around us, the relevance of which is relevant today.

Proverbs of the Russian people

Russian folk proverbs

Proverbs- the experience of the people in short sayings. Russian folk proverbs carry the incredible power and age-old wisdom of our people, so it is very desirable to start introducing children to this folklore genre from a very early age.

Russian proverbs and sayings

Proverbs about the Russian language

The relevance of proverbs- the value is unchanged. We found and published for you on this page the best proverbs about the Russian language which are posted below.
Proverbs and sayings enrich the Russian language. Sometimes you are amazed how such a short phrase can contain so much meaning, the wisdom of the whole people.

Proverbs explain the difference between good and bad, show the strengths and weaknesses of human characters and actions. In everyday life, we often use them, the thoughts expressed in proverbs are always relevant. Over time, the formulations change, some are forgotten, they are replaced by modern sayings. Proverbs about the Russian language reflect its versatility and beauty, expressed in a short and capacious phrase.

Without the Russian language, you can’t put together a boot

The Russian language is the strength of the weak!

Great and mighty is the Russian language

Proverbs and sayings
are the property of the Russian language, make it brighter. Each student learns more about them from literature lessons, in which time is specially allocated for this topic. This colorful genre does not leave anyone indifferent.

Long and complex tongue twisters for diction

Liguria Patter to improve diction and pronunciation

Tongue twisters will correct the shortcomings of diction... especially long and complex ones like phrase about liguria which many radio and TV presenters use to practice clear and correct pronunciation without hesitation.
On the coast of the Ligurian Sea in the northern part of Italy there is a very cozy and picturesque place Liguria and patter, which we mentioned above, begins with a story about a Ligurian traffic controller who regulated in Liguria.

On Thursday the fourth at four and a quarter, the Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria, but thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, and did not catch. And then the protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol, how the Ligurian traffic controller interviewed by the interviewer spoke loudly, but not cleanly reported, but so reported about the wet weather that so that the incident would not become a contender for judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized ...

This is a snippet funny liguria tongue twisters, as it is called by many Internet users. And you can find the whole tongue twister below.

A tongue twister about Chinese

Patter Once upon a time there were three Chinese

We develop the child's speech apparatus not only with simple, but also with complex tongue twisters. Despite the fact that it is quite difficult for a child to memorize large amounts of information by heart, he memorizes complex, but INTERESTING texts with pleasure and quickly enough. For example, enough well-known patter THERE LIVED THREE CHINESE, children are remembered for 8-10 repetitions, although even an adult "will break the language", trying to quickly pronounce the words of this tongue twister. My preschool son, wanting to impress his grandmother, memorized the words of this tongue twister literally on the fly and recited it quickly, almost without hesitation.

Once upon a time there were three Chinese:
Yak, Yak-Cidrak,

Once upon a time there were three Chinese women:
Chick, Chick-Dripka,

Yak on a chick,
Yak-Tsidrak on Tsypka-Dripka,
on Tsypka-Dripka-Lampamponi.

Children were born:
Yak and Tsypka have Shah.
Yak-Tsidrak and Tsypka-Dripka have Shah-Sharakh.
At Yak-Cidrak-Cidrak-Cidroni
and Tsipki-Dripki-Lampamponi -

English tongue twisters with translation

English tongue twisters

The topic of this article is English tongue twisters as a way to improve foreign speech.
Everyone knows Russian tongue twisters, and most of them are remembered from childhood. Forcing kids to learn short funny rhymes, parents develop their diction, pronunciation. In the same way, using simple and complex English tongue twisters and pure tongues can develop foreign speech. With their help, it is easy to get rid of the accent, improve speech. At the end of the article you will find, as well as English tongue twisters with translation - it is very important to clearly understand the meaning of the memorized texts for the development of speech and teaching a foreign language.
English tongue twisters develop a language, vocal cords for foreign pronunciation, improve speech, adjust the correct articulation of English sounds. A mandatory factor is the loud reading of phrases, because from the fact that we look at them with our eyes without saying aloud, the speech apparatus will not develop.

Examples of complex tongue twisters

The most difficult tongue twisters

For what need complex phrases how to significantly improve your diction, pronunciation with their help, how to achieve good results during memorizing the most difficult tongue twisters? You will learn about this from this material, and you will also find on this page a lot of the most complex and funny tongue twisters.

Often we rush to express a thought without thinking that we are talking too quickly. Without listening to their own speech, people sometimes "swallow" some sounds, distorting the words. The interlocutor is forced to listen in order to understand the pronunciation, while the essence of the conversation goes into the background.
In order not to get into uncomfortable situations, and to be heard, it is necessary to train, develop the speech apparatus. Take this question seriously, because you want to be able to speak in a uniform tone, without random high notes, quiet endings and other defects. One of the most convenient methods of improving speech is to work with complex tongue twisters.

Simple and complex children's tongue twisters

Tongue twisters for children

In this article, we will tell you about why do we need tongue twisters for children, how to properly engage with a child in practicing certain sounds using tongue twisters, and you will also find many children's tongue twisters collected on one page for your convenience. Tongue Twisters are a simple rhythmic text that combines sounds that make it difficult to easily pronounce words. The creation of tongue twisters has long been associated with the desire of the people amuse the children. It should be noted that this entertainment is very useful for the development of the speech apparatus and diction in children of different ages. The use of tongue twisters for classes with children allows you to achieve great success in correcting incorrect pronunciation in a short time.
The development of the correct speech of the child involves the use of tongue twisters, as they are very loved by children of preschool and school age. The pronunciation of tongue twisters can be different: slow, moderate and fast.

Funny tongue twisters for practicing pronunciation

Funny tongue twisters

Everyone knows that tongue twisters were invented in order to develop diction among performers, teachers, children and everyone who wants to speak clearly and distinctly. This method is the simplest and most effective way to improve pronunciation. We have prepared for you and placed on one page a lot of funny and useful tongue twisters for the development of the speech apparatus and diction. Funny tongue twisters will amuse and make laugh both adults and small children.
First stage of learning tongue twisters provides a clear pronunciation. Speed ​​of speech is not important in the beginning. The most important thing is the repetition and correct pronunciation of sounds. For the development of speech of a 3-4 year old baby, ordinary tongue twisters. And for older kids, choose funny and catchy tongue twisters to memorize.

Tongue twisters for children. How to improve diction

Patter for the development of diction

In this article we will talk about how necessary and tongue twisters and tongue twisters are useful for developing diction and correct speech. All of us from mother nature are endowed with a clear, sonorous and light voice, with correct and free breathing. But those people who are engaged in professions where they have to work with their voice often suffer from the fact that their voice gets tired, sits down, their breathing becomes noisy, snoring appears. The voice can also sometimes sound too high or sharp, it is deaf, sometimes it tickles in the throat, because of which you have to cough, sputum may appear or even nodules form. It is no secret to anyone that tongue twisters are not just very useful for developing diction in a child, but also contribute to the development of sensory abilities and strengthen the nervous system.
Training your diction, that is, cultivating your clear, articulate and clear speech, is necessary for any child for successful communication, harmonious development and learning. Tongue Twisters- This is a kind of speech material that is intended to train the clarity of pronunciation and diction in a person. Speaking tongue twisters and tongue twisters is necessary for children to improve the quality of their diction, and adults will also be an important and very useful activity.

Many of us in childhood, our parents and other relatives helped correct our preschool burr with the help of tongue twisters. For those who had difficulty distinguishing the sounds “S-Sh”, many different tongue twisters are offered, such as: “Sasha walked along the highway ...”.

The best tongue twisters for children

If it comes about tongue twisters, then it’s worth saying that a tongue twister is a naive in content, simple text that is built on difficult syllables and phrases and contributes to speech development. Required tongue twisters for speech training and correct pronunciation.

When and who were invented tongue twisters for the development of speech, it doesn't really matter at the moment. But one thing is really clear that these short and at the same time funny rhymes with various hard-to-pronounce sounds have become part of folklore in many countries. These little rhymes are used by teachers, speech therapists, parents and educators.

Patter for speech development should be pronounced in 3 different tempos: slow, medium and fast. In this case, you need to monitor the clarity in the pronunciation of each individual sound. If a certain sound causes a problem in pronunciation, then you need to work on tongue twisters where this sound is often found.

Jokes for kids

Children's jokes

As is known, jokes are called folklore humorous genre, which uses a funny and sometimes completely meaningless combination of words to make the speech look a little joking. Children's jokes Very fond of children aged 2-3 years. The protagonist in children's jokes can be any bird, animal or person. For modern people, the concept of "joke" may be unfamiliar. Some do not even realize that such an ancient genre is present in folklore at all. On this page we have collected for you some of the best children's jokes jokes for the little ones that help in the development and upbringing of the baby.
The very form of the word already allows us to talk about such an antiquity of this word, which comes from the word “bayat”, which means “to speak”. Jokes are very close in genre to various proverbs. They are also commonly used in comic situations. Among the peasants, they used to be often called fables. Note that children's jokes often used in fairy tales and are called proverbs.

The best nursery rhymes for the development and upbringing of a child

Children's rhymes for the little ones

nursery rhyme is one of the genres of oral folk art and is a great tool for developing communication skills in a small child. This genre is designed so that the baby can quickly master the skills of speaking and understand others. Besides, children's rhymes help perform some movements and gestures at the moment when it is necessary in the learning process. In this genre, it is customary for a gesture to accompany the word, in contrast to counting rhymes, where gestures are considered the most important. This page contains one of the best nursery rhymes for the little ones.

A cowardly bunny and a wolf stump. Proverbs about animals

You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.
Beat the dog, scolding the chicken.
There would be a mumps, there will be a bristle.
To be a bull on a string.
In the cold, the cat does not catch mice.
The wolf sees the goat - he forgot the thunderstorm.

A wolf is a bad shepherd for sheep.
The wolf is not a friend to the horse.
Do not call the wolf to the dogs for help.
Feet feed the wolf.
Have pity on the wolf - it will bite even more wickedly.

Popular proverbs

About nature:

April with water, and May with grass.
Without water, the land is a wasteland.
Without frost, water will not freeze.
Take care of your nose in severe frost.
Everyone is young in the winter cold.
There is shade in the forest all day.
In the autumn bad weather, seven weathers in the yard.
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.
You can't kill the wind with the wind.
Water flowed from the mountains - brought spring.
Sparrows chirp - nests curl.
Every seed has its time.
Where there is snow, there is a trace.
Where the pine has grown, there it is red.
The tree wants peace, but the wind does not.
Heat creates wind, coolness creates rain.
You can't keep up with the wind in the field.
Save the hare's legs.
If there were no frosts on the flowers, and in winter the flowers would bloom.
What is a birch, such is the process.
The berry is red, but it tastes bitter.
The swallow begins the day, and the nightingale ends.
Summer day - for the winter week.
A small pine grows in boughs.
Lots of snow, lots of bread.
A lot of snow - a lot of bread, a lot of water - a lot of grass.
The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.
The sun won't shine on everyone.
That's why the pike in the sea, so that the crucian does not doze off.
The nightingale is not great, but the voice is golden.
Do not believe in buckwheat in bloom, but believe in bins.
The wood is not high, but protects from the wind.
Without bowing to the ground, you will not raise the fungus.
From the clouds that are already behind, do not expect rain.
Early steam will give birth to wheat, and late fallow will give birth to a broom.
There is no rose without thorns.
Groves and forests - the beauty of the whole world.
The moon was shining, but here's the problem: it doesn't always shine.
Today it does not melt, but tomorrow who knows.
Tit to the hut - winter in the yard.
Lilac or birch, but the whole tree.
Snow to the earth-breadwinner is a warm casing.
The snow is cold, but shelters from frost.
Magpie on the tail brought.
Pine is oak's sister.


"At Ivanov's yard

The water caught fire.

The fire was extinguished in the whole village,

But the fire was not extinguished ... "

Fables. Nursery rhymes. Proverbs and sayings. Tongue Twisters. Rhymes


cat and hen

Proverbs and sayings

About skill and diligence

About laziness and negligence

About nature

Tongue Twisters


Fables. Nursery rhymes. Proverbs and sayings. Tongue Twisters. Rhymes


At Ivanov's yard

The water caught fire.

The fire was extinguished in the whole village,

And the fire was not extinguished.

Grandfather Foma came

Scattered beard.

He drove the people into the barn,

Put out the fire alone.

How Thomas put out the fire

He didn't say anything about it.

Only heard from the side:

He put out his beard!

nursery rhymes

cat and hen

cat on the window

sewing a shirt,

Hen in boots

The hut is sweeping.


Mice lead a round dance,

A cat is napping on a couch.

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake the cat Vaska.

Here Vaska the cat wakes up,

Will break the whole round dance.


Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

butter head,

Silk beard!

Do you let Vanya sleep?

Proverbs and sayings

About Motherland

For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

About friendship

There is no friend - look for, but found - take care.

All for one, one for all.

About skill and diligence

Business before pleasure.

Teaching is the path to skill.

Patience and a little effort.

Measure seven times and cut once.

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.

About laziness and negligence

Hurry up and make people laugh.

Under a lying stone and water does not flow.

Don't rush with your tongue, hurry with your deeds.

You do it in a hurry - you do it for a laugh.

About nature

Summer is a store, winter is a trap.

December ends the year, and winter begins.

Lots of snow, lots of bread

a lot of water - a lot of grass.

The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.

Tongue Twisters

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.

* * *

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

* * *

The raven raven crowed.


Ay, choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo,

I'm milking peas

I'm milking peas

On Ivanov current.

The hen is running towards me

The caulker is in a hurry.

Oh, she's running, in a hurry,

Does not say anything.

A feather from a chicken

Flew far away

Oh, far, far away

in Ivanovo village.

* * *

zealous horse,


Rides across the field

Rides the field.

Togo will catch

With us in the halls

* * *

The countdown begins:

A jackdaw sat on a birch,

Two crows, a sparrow,

Three magpies, nightingale.

* * *

Oh you, dawn-dawn,

Evening dawn.

And who will find the dawn

He will go out.

* * *


Look out the window!

Sunshine, dress up!

Red, show yourself!