Pickled cucumbers in Polish recipe for the winter. Step by step recipe with photo

Pickled cucumbers in Polish for the winter are simply incomparable. In addition to cucumbers, carrots and onions, some spices and a good mood are added to the jars. These cucumbers are delicious, they are very crispy and moderately pickled. Why they got this particular name, I won’t tell you for sure, but even in my personal cookbook it’s just such a description and name - Polish cucumbers. Serve cucumbers to the table with carrots and onions, in general, put all the vegetables from the jar on a plate. Cucumbers are perfect for a feast or a family dinner, they can be laid out in portions on plates, as an addition to meat - beautiful and tasty. I think you'll like these as well.

- cucumbers - 600 gr.;
- carrots and onions - 1/2 pc. medium size;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- parsley - 2-3 sprigs;
- hot pepper - to taste;
- peas of allspice and black pepper - 4 pcs.;
- water - 300 ml;
- salt - 0.5 tbsp;
- sugar - 2 tablespoons;
- vinegar 9% - 1/4 cup.

Wash and dry cucumbers, it is also advisable to soak them in cold water in advance for at least 6 hours. After trimming the tails of the cucumbers on both sides, cut the cucumbers themselves into circles or strips. If your cucumbers are small, then they can be pickled whole.

In clean sterile jars, throw sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcarrots and randomly chopped onions to the bottom.

Add peppercorns, add some parsley. Also throw the garlic, you can chopped, you can whole.

Now fill the jar with cucumbers. In the process of filling, shake the jar a couple of times so that the cucumbers fit tightly.

Separately, boil clean filtered water on the stove, pour it into a jar of cucumbers, leave it alone for 15 minutes. I'm sure you'll love these too.

After that, pour the water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, boil for a couple of minutes and pour in the vinegar.

Return the marinade immediately to the jar, roll up with a sterile lid and place upside down. In addition, insulate the jar with a blanket or blanket, leave for a day. After a while, transfer the cucumbers to the cellar for long-term storage.

Enjoy your meal!

Pickled cucumbers in Polish for the winter are simply incomparable. In addition to cucumbers, carrots and onions, some spices and a good mood are added to the jars. These cucumbers are delicious, they are very crispy and moderately pickled. Why they got this particular name, I won’t tell you for sure, but even in my personal cookbook it’s just such a description and name - Polish cucumbers. Serve cucumbers to the table with carrots and onions, in general, put all the vegetables from the jar on a plate. Cucumbers are perfect for a feast or a family dinner, they can be laid out in portions on plates, as an addition to meat - beautiful and tasty. I think you'll like these as well.

- cucumbers - 600 gr.;
- carrots and onions - 1/2 pc. medium size;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- parsley - 2-3 sprigs;
- hot pepper - to taste;
- peas of allspice and black pepper - 4 pcs.;
- water - 300 ml;
- salt - 0.5 tbsp;
- sugar - 2 tablespoons;
- vinegar 9% - 1/4 cup.

Wash and dry cucumbers, it is also advisable to soak them in cold water in advance for at least 6 hours. After trimming the tails of the cucumbers on both sides, cut the cucumbers themselves into circles or strips. If your cucumbers are small, then they can be pickled whole.

In clean sterile jars, throw sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcarrots and randomly chopped onions to the bottom.

Add peppercorns, add some parsley. Also throw the garlic, you can chopped, you can whole.

Now fill the jar with cucumbers. In the process of filling, shake the jar a couple of times so that the cucumbers fit tightly.

Separately, boil clean filtered water on the stove, pour it into a jar of cucumbers, leave it alone for 15 minutes. I'm sure you'll love these too.

After that, pour the water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, boil for a couple of minutes and pour in the vinegar.

Return the marinade immediately to the jar, roll up with a sterile lid and place upside down. In addition, insulate the jar with a blanket or blanket, leave for a day. After a while, transfer the cucumbers to the cellar for long-term storage.

Enjoy your meal!

Unlike other pickling methods, the Polish-style cucumber method produces tasty and crunchy vegetables. The product eventually becomes slightly sour, but at the same time acquires a pleasant aroma. Cooking cucumbers in Polish requires following some pickling rules, thanks to which the vegetables remain firm for six months or more.

For harvesting in Polish, you will need fresh cucumbers, which must first be soaked for 4 hours using the coldest water possible. After that, the vegetables are cut into longitudinal strips.

The result should be cucumbers about 0.9 centimeters thick. If onions are used (white is recommended) and sweet pepper, these ingredients are cut into 0.7 cm rings.

Fresh garlic is minced separately. In total, at least two tablespoons of the mass should be obtained.

The taste of the product largely depends on the quality of the brine. To prepare the filling, you need to bring clean water to a boil and add vegetable oil with salt. After the liquid begins to boil again, the pan is removed from the heat. Then vinegar is added to the water. It is recommended to store this snack in liter jars. However, the volume of containers in this case does not play a fundamental role. Banks, along with lids, must be steam sterilized. After seaming, the containers are turned over and covered with a warm blanket for a day.

Requirements for choosing cucumbers

For this recipe, it is recommended to take cucumbers 10 centimeters long. Vegetables should be even, without visible damage. It is optimal if the peel is green (shades can vary from light to saturated). Overripe fruits are not suitable for harvesting.

Fresh garlic is suitable for pickling: such a vegetable gives more flavor. To keep the vegetables strong for a long time, currant or cherry leaves, which contain tannins, are added to the jars.

How to cook cucumbers in Polish?

When choosing recipes for making snacks, you need to consider the type of additional ingredients. Some types of vegetables give complications to the stomach and intestines, causing disorders.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe not only allows you to make the most delicious appetizer, but also prepare the basis for future dishes. If desired, the product can be further diluted with other ingredients, depending on taste preferences.

According to this recipe, 4 kilograms of cucumbers are harvested. For pickling are used:

  • head of large garlic;
  • a tablespoon of sunflower oil and vinegar;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • parsley;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt.

The vegetables prepared in the manner described above are laid out in a saucepan, where the rest of the ingredients are added, and mixed. Salad in this form should be infused for two hours. During this time, vegetables give the necessary juice.

After sterilization, the mixture is placed in jars. A towel is laid out at the bottom of the pan and containers with salad and juice are placed. Next, water is poured so that about 2-4 centimeters remain to the neck of the jar with a lid (not rolled up).

The pan is put on fire and aged after boiling for 12 minutes (for cans of 500 milliliters) or 20 minutes (for liter ones). At the end, the containers are rolled up and left for storage.

with mustard

Such salting is also considered a classic. This pickling option requires 4 kilograms of cucumbers to take 2 tablespoons of mustard seeds and the same amount of chopped garlic.

The brine is prepared from:

  • a tablespoon of sugar, 6% vinegar and sunflower oil;
  • two tablespoons of black ground pepper;
  • three tablespoons of salt.

The process of preparing vegetables is no different from the previous recipe. The only difference is that the ingredients must be left for three hours. Banks are similarly heated in a saucepan for 20 minutes.

With carrots and onions

If you add carrots with onions to the basic recipe, then the pickles will turn out to be more delicious. To do this, just take a kilogram of cucumbers and:

  • two medium carrots and the same amount of pepper;
  • onion;
  • 100 milliliters of vinegar;
  • 65 grams of mustard;
  • 60 grams of sugar and 70 - salt;
  • crap root.

If desired, allspice in the form of peas, bay leaf and dill seeds can be included in this recipe. With these ingredients, the taste of pickled vegetables will become richer and slightly spicy.

Onions are cut into rings, and carrots are cut into thin strips. On a liter sterilized jar, it is recommended to take small vegetables. Spices (pepper, lavrushka and dill) are further added to the container, and prepared cucumbers are placed on top, the space between which is filled with carrots and onions. At the end, the remaining ingredients are added.

Further, pure water is heated to a temperature of 40 degrees and poured into jars with a vegetable mixture. Each container is closed with lids and placed in a saucepan, at the bottom of which a towel should be laid. Then water is poured, and the jar is heated for 15 minutes in boiling water.


If you want to cook spicy cucumbers for the winter, you should use this recipe. Canning is carried out in a similar way. This recipe calls for liter jars.

From the main ingredients you need to take:

  • 4 kilograms of cucumbers;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • parsley.

Add to the marinade:

  • 200 grams of sugar (preferably crystalline);
  • 100 grams of coarse salt;
  • a tablespoon of 9% vinegar and sunflower oil (preferably unrefined).

Cucumbers are cut into thin bars, up to 5 centimeters long, after which they are mixed with chopped garlic. Vegetables are mixed with the rest of the ingredients (parsley should be finely chopped) and left to infuse for 2 hours.

After the end of the allotted time, the salad is laid out in jars. Juice must also be poured into containers.

Water is poured into the pan so that it does not reach the neck of the jar, and brought to a boil. It must be remembered that the iron bottom should be covered with a terry towel. Otherwise, the glass will crack during the sterilization process. Jars with lids are placed in a saucepan and kept in boiling water for 20 minutes. At the end, the containers are rolled up and cooled.

with garlic

If for some reason vinegar cannot be added to the marinade, then you can use this recipe to prepare a snack. Salting such cucumbers is quite simple. This will require 1.5 kilograms of gherkins and 3 heads of Winter garlic. Horseradish root and a tablespoon of rock salt are added to the marinade. To dilute the taste and prevent softening of the gherkins, it is recommended to use cherry or currant leaves.

Additional ingredients are laid out at the bottom of each sterilized jar, after which cucumbers - starting with large ones and ending with small ones. To prepare the brine, 5 liters of clean water are poured into the pan and salt is added. Then the marinade is distributed over the jars with the vegetable mixture. Containers are recommended to be closed with tight capron lids. Garlic gherkins are ready to eat after 1 month.

Acute without sterilization

The basis of a spicy snack is:

  • 1.5 kilograms of gherkins;
  • 500 grams of bell pepper;
  • no more than 40 grams of chili pepper.

To prepare the marinade you will need:

  • a liter of clean water;
  • 13 bay leaves;
  • 100 grams of salt;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of wine vinegar.

Vegetables are pre-cut and cleaned of seeds. Onions are chopped in the form of half rings. After that, the vegetables are laid out on the bottom of the jars.

When working with chili peppers, it is recommended to wear gloves. The ingredients prepared for the marinade are added to the water and brought to a boil. The resulting composition is immediately poured into jars, to the vegetable mixture. The containers are closed (not rolled up) with lids. When the marinade has cooled, the mixture is re-poured into the pan and brought to a boil. At the end, banks are filled with this composition.

With cherry leaves

This original blank is distinguished by non-standard taste qualities. Adding three leaves of cherries (you can take currants) ensures the safety of the gherkins during the winter.

The basis of the appetizer is 500 grams of gherkins and three garlic cloves. Marinade is prepared from:

  • 200 milliliters of vinegar;
  • bay leaf;
  • 60 grams of salt;
  • 3 peas of black and allspice;
  • horseradish leaf;
  • 100 grams of sugar.

If desired, half a teaspoon of chopped tarragon and 2 dill sprigs are added to this recipe. All ingredients are prepared according to the above rules. Then horseradish, dill and cherry leaves are placed on the bottom of the jar, and gherkins are tightly packed on top. The top of the jar is filled with the remaining ingredients. Next, salt, sugar and vinegar are added to a liter of water.

The mixture is brought to a boil and poured into jars with vegetables. At the end of the container, they are placed in a saucepan and sterilized according to the rules given.

Today I want to talk about my favorite recipes for cucumbers in Polish: for the winter, I usually roll up several jars for each recipe, so that later I can diversify my menu.

When it comes to canning, they immediately remember pickling cucumbers. But few people know that there are more interesting recipes for the winter. Salad "Polish" is one of them. Trying various options - for example, with mustard, garlic or with carrots and onions, you can satisfy even the most demanding gourmets!

Polish pickled cucumbers

Pickled cucumbers were very fond of in my family, and therefore I always wanted to find my perfect recipe for the winter, one that both tasted good and was not too difficult to prepare. I once copied this recipe from my girlfriend and tried it at the first opportunity. And not in vain - the family ate everything clean!


  • Cucumbers - 4 kg;
  • Garlic - 1 head (large);
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • Salt - 4 tablespoons;
  • A bunch of parsley.

Before I start cooking, I usually soak cucumbers for several hours, especially if the cucumbers are store bought or have already lain down. So they absorb the missing moisture, and there will be more brine in the jar. In addition, it helps to remove bitterness, keep cucumbers crispy and prevent voids.

How to cook:

  1. We cut the cucumbers into slices, peel the garlic and pass through the garlic press. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and stir. Now you can relax a little - we wait 1.5-2 hours for the juice to stand out.
  2. Jars (you can use both liter and half-liter ones) are washed and sterilized. We lay out the resulting mixture in jars, tamp and fill with juice.
  3. We cover the bottom of a large saucepan with a towel and put the jars, having previously covered them with lids. Pour in enough water so that it does not reach the neck about 2-4 cm, and put on fire. How much to sterilize depends on the size of the jars: if you use half-liter jars, then you need about 10-12 minutes after boiling water, if you use liter jars, then 20 minutes will be enough.
  4. We take out the jars, roll them up, turn them over and let them cool, after wrapping them well.

Cucumbers "Polish" with mustard

This recipe was shared with me by my grandmother. Its main feature is that this way you can save overgrown cucumbers, with which you usually don’t know what to do. You can also use crooked, broken fruits - according to this recipe, and even with garlic, it will turn out very tasty!


  • Cucumbers - 4 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • Vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp.;
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. "with a slide";
  • Black ground pepper - 2 tablespoons;
  • Mustard seeds - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Chopped garlic - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. Wash cucumbers, peel and remove seeds. Cut into slices and put in a bowl. We put all the other ingredients, mix thoroughly and leave for 2.5-3 hours.
  2. Wash and sterilize the jars before the blanks, boil the lids. We spread our cucumbers and pour the juice that has managed to stand out during this time.
  3. We cover the jars with lids, sterilize for about twenty minutes from the moment of boiling. As soon as the vegetables turn brownish, take out the jars and roll them up. After we turn over, wrap warmer and leave to cool.

Polish cucumbers with carrots and onions

Sharing recipes, I can not tell you about one more. This is my favorite recipe for cucumbers in Polish, for the winter - that's it! In addition, this is a universal option - with such cucumbers you can serve both fish and meat.


  • cucumbers;
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt - 2 tsp;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Table vinegar 9% - 70 ml;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Allspice peas;
  • Dill seeds.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends. We clean the carrots and onions, then cut them: carrots lengthwise into 4-5 parts, onions into rings.
  2. In clean jars we put dill, allspice and bay leaf. Behind them we begin to lay out cucumbers, alternating them with onions and carrots. Add salt, sugar and vinegar.
  3. Pour cucumbers with warm boiled water - 35-40 degrees, cover with lids and put in a sterilized pan (do not forget to cover the bottom of the pan with a cotton cloth or towel - so the jars will be more stable). This will take about fifteen minutes from the moment of boiling.
  4. We roll up the jars, turn them over, wrap them well, and wait until they cool down.

Jars with canned cucumbers prepared according to this recipe should be stored in a cold place.

Cucumber salad for the winter in Polish

Cucumbers are quite spicy - sweet. They are usually cut into circles, slices or quarters. The Polish recipe for pickling cucumbers is simple, but very tasty. Marinating is carried out in liter jars, as this container is the most optimal for the average family. So let's get started


  • Cucumbers - 4 kg;
  • Head of garlic (winter variety) - 2 pcs.;
  • Crystalline granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • Coarse rock salt - 100 g;
  • Table vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.;
  • Sunflower unrefined oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • Parsley greens - a bunch.

Preparation description:

  1. Wash cucumbers thoroughly and pat dry. Next, cut off their tips (on both sides) and cut the fruits into sticks no more than 5 cm long.
  2. Pass the peeled heads through a press and add to the chopped cucumbers.
  3. Next, pour the cucumbers with vinegar and vegetable oil, sprinkle with salt, sugar and finely chopped parsley. Stir and leave on the kitchen table for 2 hours.
  4. After the specified time, carefully gently mix the salad and fill it with sterile 1 liter jars.
  5. Cover each jar with a lid and lower into a pot of boiling water. A terry towel must be placed at the bottom of the pan to prevent the jar from splitting. The water level is on the shoulders of the cans.
  6. Sterilize the cucumber salad in Polish for 20 minutes.
  7. After 20 minutes, remove the jars from the pan and roll up.

The appetizer is obtained with a spicy garlic aroma and a slight hint of sourness. It goes well with boiled potatoes and baked meat.

Cucumber slices "Polish"

Composition of ingredients:

  • Cucumbers - 4.5 kg;
  • Bulbs - 1 kg;
  • Garlic cloves - 6-7 pcs.;
  • Sweet paprika - 10 pcs.;
  • Rock (coarse) salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • White crystalline sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Dill;
  • Vegetable oil - 450 ml;
  • Table vinegar 6% (apple vinegar can be used) - 100 ml.

Step-by-step description of preparation:

  1. According to this recipe, pickling cucumbers will take place in a somewhat unconventional way. Cucumbers will not be rolled whole, but cut into slices. In addition, preservation will be boiled with onions, butter and sweet peppers and other spices in bulk containers, and only after that it will be laid out in jars and rolled up.
  2. Peel the onion and garlic. Remove seeds from peppers. Cut the stems off the cucumbers. Wash all prepared ingredients;
  3. Cut the onion and pepper into rings, pass the garlic through a press. Cut cucumbers into slices.
  4. In a large enamel saucepan, mix the prepared vegetables with spices, dill, oil and vinegar and leave for 1 hour. Then put the pan on the fire and boil the mixture for 15 minutes after boiling.
  5. Pour the mixture into sterile jars and roll up immediately. Turn the jars upside down, wrap with a towel and leave to self-sterilize until completely cooled.

Note to the owner

Pickled cucumbers and salads prepared from them for the winter can be consumed already after 1 month after their seaming. This time will be quite enough for them to be properly salted, marinated and saturated with all the spices.

Sunset with garlic

If you do not eat vinegar, I offer you an amazing recipe for salting cucumbers with garlic in Polish. I will try to reveal to you in as much detail as possible the topic of how to salt “healthy” garlic cucumbers that can be consumed even by children.


  • Gherkins - 1.5 kg;
  • Garlic "Winter" - 3 heads;
  • Currant and cherry leaves - to taste;
  • horseradish root;
  • Rock salt (not iodized) - 1 tbsp.;
  • Filtered water - 5 liters.

The norm of cucumbers is taken approximately. Prepare a brine from the indicated amount of water and salt. Put cucumbers in jars and fill with brine. As they fill, adjust the required number of cucumbers. After all, each housewife has a completely different number of them in the jar.


  1. Wash cucumbers very thoroughly. Otherwise, your workpiece will turn sour and will not last throughout the winter period.
  2. Sterilize jars. At the bottom of each jar, place the washed leaves of cherries and currants, horseradish root, as well as a peeled head of garlic.
  3. Next, start laying cucumbers. Place large fruits on the bottom of the jar, and smaller ones on top.
  4. The next step is to prepare the cold brine. Please note that you do not need to boil water! Just fill the pot with filtered water, add the indicated amount of salt and mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Then pour the prepared brine into jars with cucumbers and garlic, cork them with tight nylon lids and put them in the basement.
  5. After 1 month, fragrant crispy cucumbers pickled with garlic in Polish style will be completely ready for use. They are stored for 7-8 months after salting.

Cucumbers "Polyatsky" spicy without sterilization

Composition of ingredients:

  • Cucumbers - 1.5 kg;
  • Fresh chili pepper - 30-40 g;
  • Bulgarian onion - 500 g;
  • Laurel leaf - 13 pcs.;
  • Filtered water - 1 l;
  • Rock salt - 100 g;
  • Sugar - 250 g;
  • Wine vinegar - 3 tbsp.


  1. Wash cucumbers and cut lengthwise into 4 pieces.
  2. Chop the onion into half rings.
  3. Peel the chile pepper from the stalk and seeds, and then cut into strips (wear gloves at this point - the pepper is very hot).
  4. Fill sterile jars with prepared ingredients in layers.
  5. Prepare a marinade from water, salt, wine vinegar and sugar.
  6. Pour the boiling marinade into jars, cover with lids and leave to partially cool.
  7. Then carefully pour the marinade into a saucepan, bring it to a boil again and pour it back into the jars.
  8. Roll up, put the jars on the floor upside down and leave for a day. Then transfer to storage in the basement or pantry.

I also suggest watching this video, which shows in detail the entire cooking process.

Polish-style canned cucumbers are so different - there are thousands of options, there are plenty to choose from! So, everyone can find something suitable for themselves. You can correct any of the Polish cucumber recipes for the winter. For example, add your favorite spices or spices at your discretion. Sunset will not suffer from this in the slightest. Enjoy your meal!

Before canning, cucumbers should be poured with ice water and left to soak for 3-4 hours. After each cucumber, rinse, cut off the tails. All jars must be sterile. You can sterilize them in any way convenient for the hostess: in the oven, microwave or steam. Put 2-3 cloves of garlic on the bottom of the jar, cover them with sprigs of parsley and dill. Pour a couple of peas of allspice and black pepper on top of the greens, spread the onions and carrots, after cutting them into rings.

Add sugar, salt and vinegar to the jar.

Then pour boiling water, you can directly from the kettle. If you are afraid that the bank will crack - put a knife blade under the bottom.

Now we cover the jars with lids, there is no need to roll them up. We take a pot of hot water, put our jars of cucumbers there. To better fix them, you can put a towel on the bottom.

Cucumbers are sterilized 7 to 10 minutes after boiling water, until their color changes from green to light olive.

Then we carefully take the jar out of the pan, immediately roll it up turnkey. We turn the finished preservation upside down, cover with a towel or any other until it cools down.

Preservation should be stored in a cool dark place for no more than a year.