Read medical funny cases. medical histories

We offer a selection of interesting stories, some fairy tales and traditional philosophizing from medical practice.

Transport call, an elderly man with an exacerbation of cholecystopancreatitis, to clear his conscience we take an ECG, his daughter fusses nearby (D). His wife (F) enters the room and sits on a chair at the feet of the patient.
- Get me a cardiogram.
- For what?
J. (calmly)
- I feel very, very bad.
- Mother! You feel bad all the time!
F (calmly, secular tone)
- I have terrible burning pains behind my sternum.
- Mother! You're in pain all the time! Why didn't you tell the district police officer when he came to dad?!
- Then I didn’t feel sick, I didn’t want to distract the doctor from my father. I also lose my legs, I can't stand up, I can't walk.
- Horror. And how long?
F (coldly)
- They have been numb for a long time, they just stopped. I can not get up. Kindly help me.
D (hysterically)
- Mother! You are an artist!
F (coldly)
Don't you dare yell at your mother. I really feel bad. I feel dizzy and feel like I'm floating away somewhere.
D (with impotent rage)
- Mother! You have something bad all the time!
F (very, very calm)
- Doctor, if you don't do anything now, I'll lose consciousness.
- Excuse me, but we need to help the master, if you feel really bad, call 1 more ambulance. We do not do cardiograms according to the requirements of the population.
F (distracted)
- It's clear. I can't see a cardiogram in this house.
(Rises, leaves the room with a steady, firm gait.)

Worked on the mental team. So we are taking the patient, and she keeps repeating "I am God, I am God ..."! But in fact, she does not know that God is I!

- I suffered. I experienced the pangs of hunger. The thirst was exhausting me. I'm tired, I'm exhausted. And now the sharp steel will ruthlessly pierce my emaciated flesh...
- Do you have fasting blood sugar?

On a call from the grandmother 85 years old:
- Were there any operations?
- I had a spiral installed a year ago
- What?
- Spiral.
- For what???
- so that nothing happens
- What could happen?
- Well, you never know...

After 5 minutes, he elicited that the spiral is a stent in the coronary artery.

In fact, doctors are a group of crazy people who are maniacally trying to deprive themselves of their jobs by curing everyone. And only the wise policy of the Ministry does not allow these unfortunate people to be left without a livelihood.

It was in the 90s. Challenge: leg injury.
A guy of 27 years old is chasing around the apartment (and trying to catch up while lying down) a boy of 18 years old, shouting “Stop the bastard, I already served in the army ..!”
An examination of the older guy showed that he had broken his leg specifically with a displacement (right shin, outer ankle in the trash).
They were splinted and loaded on a stretcher into the car. What happened the guy confusedly told us.
So here's what happened...
One of the brothers (younger) received a summons to the military enlistment office, and he only decided to enter the institute. Need a delay urgently. Well, the older brother offered to break the younger forearm, the radial bone, it quickly grows together, they say. How? Well, they anesthetized 0.5 vodka for two, rewound a hand with a wet towel, put it in a radiator and let's break it. They broke ~ they broke, the youngest yells ~ the hand is strong.
“Come on, says the elder, you put your hand on the toilet seat, and I will jump sharply with my foot, in a moment and the arm is broken!” Come on. Well, the younger one put his hand on the toilet seat, the older one perched on the toilet from above and “mayagiri kiyaki” down with his right foot. That's what happened in the head of the youngest in these split seconds, it is not known whether he suddenly wanted to join the army, or whether the instinct of self-preservation worked ahead of the curve. In general, he abruptly removed his hand at the last moment. And the brother, even if he wanted to, could not stop his leg.
The ambulance team found the younger one running away all over the apartment and the older one crawling after him with a broken leg and cursing with a good obscenity, while remembering that he had already served in the army ...

A new toy set "I am a health worker" has appeared in stores. The set includes: a phonendoscope, a thermometer, a small toy bum with the smell of a natural bum, and a manager doll with a twist-off head.

Yesterday I sat with my nephew for 7 years, told him about how he worked on an ambulance, and he take it and ask
- Uncle Vova, how many people did you save?
You know, this question drove me into a stupor. I sat and tried to remember. I remember accidents, knife, firearms, resuscitation. But I really don't remember...

But I remember everyone who died. I remember everyone. Faces, diagnoses, addresses...
It's strange somehow.

- How to recognize a heart attack on an ECG?
- Well, when transcribing, there is ST-segment elevation on the chest leads more than two millimeters above the isoline ...
- What, what??
- Do you see this prick on the tape?
- Well.
- That's a heart attack.

- Hello, hello, this is your district doctor! So, how's your two-week cough doing?
- Doctor, you're crazy, it's 3 o'clock in the morning.
- Why don't I work now?

And then also a complaint about the patient to roll that he did not smile at the doctor at 3 am on the phone and in general, it seemed that he was sleeping.

If the patient has the strength to pump rights while on his deathbed, then he does not die so hard.

Duty, evening. A bad thought creeps into my head: "For a long time no one opened up. Probably, he lost his sewing skills."
Not even an hour passes as a call "self-mutilation". Got six stitches, an hour and a half of writing.
Well, nah ... but I thought about it, and in general I'm afraid now to think of something superfluous.
- Thoughts are material, you need to think about sex.
- Damn, the chief medical officer is calling ...
- Aaaaaaaa!!

Challenge: Overdose.
We arrive, in the car, in the back seat lies a creature of a wonderful blue-violet hue, barely breathing. A friend flies around. He says, they say, let's do everything quickly and dump, otherwise a friend will wake up and get angry that he called an ambulance. I ask what I used, yulit.
There are fresh injection marks on the elbows.
Naloxone 1 dose, without effect, I had to roll in another one, began to breathe, drooled and began to slowly recover.
A friend began to push us back to the car with the phrase that they were on their own. We waited a couple of minutes, made sure that we woke up and left.

On each such challenge, I hope that we will not have time. Well, in my opinion, such people do not deserve life. Why should I save what they don't save. Thousands of people die every day, although they desperately want to live, and these creatures (there is no other definition for these creatures) inject themselves with poison and save them.
And do not shout that these are someone's children, husbands, etc. They did not deserve such happiness as life.

You need to talk less about work in front of children. I remember when I was still in kindergarten, I scared one boy very well, saying that if he was disturbed from sleeping, he would "insert an endotracheal tube into his ass and say that it was a catheter"!

Where and when did he hear it?

A lady works in a kindergarten. Literally: "when shit - the point burns, apparently the liver is sick, right?"
- I'm sorry, but what is a point?
- What kind of a doctor are you, if you don’t know what a point is!

Moscow 23:30 Reason for the call: street, injury.
We arrive, there is no one. We interrogate passers-by - zero information. We call the caller:
-Uh, no, I'm canceling the order, you delgo ehali. (Drive 7 minutes) My brother took me.

Sadness, melancholy, that so disappointed a noble man.

Reason - "heart hurts", 4 years.
- What is hurting you?
- Heart.
- Where does it hurt you?
Shows his palm.

There is no worse reason to call - "oncology 4, unconscious." Relatives are called so that we can see how a person dies ...

Recently, a patient comes for a follow-up appointment with VRV and says:
- Doctor, I can no longer take spice, otherwise it makes me feel bad!

At first I was wary, and then it turned out that it was about the drug "Nise".

Mother of 23 years old, 1.5 month old baby who is breastfed:
- I noticed that when I drink a lot of beer, my boobs fill up with milk so quickly.

A 4-year-old child came to the examination after a neurologist, hiding behind his mother, and asked:
- Will they beat me with a hammer here too?

The girl gets to the gynecology by ambulance.
Doctors do local anesthesia, solve the issue of saving another soul, next to the patient there is a nurse and an anesthesiologist. The patient is nervous, periodically lowers her hands to the problem area, interferes with doctors. The anesthesiologist barks:
- Hands on chest!
The patient nodded, understood, they say, and ... hands on the boobs of the aunts standing on the sides.
Everyone left the operating room in tears.

On a good morning, a patient floats into the office. From threshold:
- I need another doctor!
(I, breaking into a smile) - And why don't I suit you? (beautiful situation)
- Last time I saw a man here, tall, young. I need HIS advice!
- Give me your direction.
- I have no direction.
- Then why did you come here?
I need help getting pregnant.
- Okay. Wait.
She called the only man in the department - the head.
The manager listened, grinned and went into battle.
Ten minutes, as he does not leave the office, I'm worried. Not much...

Call. The child is 2 years old. Meets a very aggressive mother.
- Has been coughing for 2 weeks. Doctors, bastards, cannot cure. I will complain!
- What are you treating? Show the medicines you give the child.
- I don’t give him any medicines and I’m not going to poison the child with all the filth that the doctors prescribe ...

Do you know what annoys me the most at work in the clinic? This is when a mother with a child is sitting in the office, there is a reception. And then another patient knocks on the door with a question: "Hello, can I come in?!".. Your mother, no, you can't!!! You, bitch, see that we already have a patient at the reception ... And like this every day ...

I am an obstetrician-gynecologist. Patients never cease to amaze with their lack of education in elementary matters. Too many women simply have no idea that sexually transmitted diseases are sexually transmitted. They sleep with drug addicts, and their eyes widen when they have HIV or hepatitis: “I don’t inject, where did I get it from?” By the way, many do not report their diagnosis to their husbands, so that they do not leave them, but continue not to use protection: "How can I explain to him why we should now use condoms?"
With abortion in general, Santa Barbara. Appear already in the second trimester with the intention of terminating the pregnancy. To the question "Where were you before?" they answer: “It’s so scary, I was afraid to go to the doctors, they’ll operate, after all. And give me a premature birth!”
One woman came to the turnout with an abortion in progress (she bought Pg pills on her own in a pharmacy and took Pg pills), refused to examine the genital tract (you see, I have a tampon there), and also refused to call an ambulance and emergency hospitalization. I took a receipt from her that she would immediately go to the gynecology emergency room (with her husband by car). It was Friday evening. On Monday, early in the morning, a call - in a dying, repentant voice, the patient admits that she didn’t go anywhere that day, she started bleeding heavily at night, they barely had time to take her to the hospital, and now, you see, she’s in pain after the operation, it’s bad, she’s lying under droppers, more and blood is transfused.

You won’t hear anything in a pharmacy ... But the phrase “Sell me something to KILL A HAMST, OR HE EATS TOO MUCH” I will remember for a long time ...

Man 23 years old:
- Look, something in my throat hurts and moves.
Ds: catarrhal angina.
- No, look again, I think it's worms after all.

Man 42 years old:
- Can I have a male doctor?
- We do not have male doctors, but what happened?
- Well, how can I tell you! I have sexual dysfunction!
- In what sense?
- In what sense, in what sense! - annoyed - x * d is not worth it!
- What are we doing here? You need a sex therapist!
- Well, you're an ambulance, so help!

A call at three in the morning with a reason: a 3-year-old child is suffocating.
- Where is the baby?
- He's sleeping!
- So you called an ambulance that the child is suffocating!
- N-eeee-t, I just wanted to ask if he will choke on snot in his sleep?
- Can we take a look?
- N-no, what are you talking about, he's sleeping.

The same patient comes in for the fourth time, three of them on my shift. Diagnosis: allergic reaction to analgin. For the first time I drank two tablets of analgin for a headache - a shock with all the consequences. I explain that the active substance is in many preparations, it is categorically impossible, etc. The second time on a spazgan and again a severe reaction. Again I explain everything the same, the third time on the trigan. And yesterday - I just came to my senses and asked - what? Analgin pricked. There are no mental disorders, 44 years old, the husband does not seem to be stupid, two daughters - "We understood everything."

You didn't hurt me. You probably threw away my medicine, and they injected me with water.

Sitting with a colleague at work, talking. She is a former SMP worker who worked there for 28 years. Her daughter also works for the SMP.
They give her daughter her call, she goes.
Comes to the funeral, there is a grandmother in a coffin. Prior to this, the granny spent 3 days in the pat.anatomist. department, an autopsy was naturally performed. The grandmother had some kind of pathology, after death the body remains soft, does not stiffen. So, it seemed strange to some of the relatives, they decided to conduct a rectal examination for the grandmother. And it seemed to someone that it was still warm there.
The girl tries to prove that it is a corpse, describes all the signs of biological death, etc. Then one of her relatives asks very importantly:
"Do you have 100% proof that she died?" The girl replies: "Well ... there will be a solid straight line on the cardiogram ..." They said, write an ECG, or complaints, well, etc. and you will receive from us now. Well, do it, I recorded an ECG, showed that everything they say is a corpse in front of you. Grandma was taken to the cemetery. And she took it and "flowed", the road is uneven, well, and so on. Then one of the wise guys once again climbed into the grandmother's crotch and started yelling at the whole cemetery: "She peed! Everything is wet there! She is ALIVE!!!" Again call 03 again, the same brigade is sent for repetition. Upon arrival, the girl loses her nerves, correctly sends and leaves. Relatives call the head physician and demand proceedings. The head doctor calls this girl, she tells everything. And on the trail. the chief physician, the chief medical officer and the senior paramedic are already on the call, along with the same girl.
At the place of the call, everyone confirms to the relatives that the babulik is really a corpse. To which the relatives demand a certificate and a death certificate signed by the head physician. To the question "Why?" They get the answer: "What if something happens to sue you!"

Where is the injection?
- In a muscle.
- It's in the vein, right?

Grandmother, 78 years old. She herself went to the country, to visit relatives 3000 km away, raised her great-granddaughter. With a spare head.
Six months ago I acquired a "magic" device for all diseases. She stopped taking pills from GB. After two scandals with her daughter, she allegedly threw the device away and returned to treatment.
In fact, it's a lie. Stroke, two months of vegetative existence, death.

We have one aunt treated gonorrhea, earned from her husband. This is how he explained his infection:
- I went out to pee on the wheel (truck driver), and the spray from the wheel, along with literally gonorrhea, fell on the subject of pride.
And my aunt believed!
The whole team roared!

The patient on the call insists on the introduction of magnesia with dipyrone intravenously, says that this is the only way the pressure decreases. Asked to show the appointment, said no!
They woke up their son, brought a card: on the cover it was underlined - "does not tolerate analgin and magnesia."
- You still won't get anything for it, but I'm tired of living.

How do we deal with heart disease?
It is better to get up three times on the wrong foot than to step on a sore callus to the doctor who is curing you.
But, when 6 boxes of Holter monitors appeared for 250,000 people in a small Russian town, then 15 years ago their appearance became a breakthrough in the treatment of heart disease. But there are two questions, and they have not yet been resolved at the state level. Quote from a letter.
Dear Tatyana Alekseevna Golikova!
1. The staff of our cardiology department in the instructions for any device that is issued to the patient at home and requires battery power from finger and little finger batteries, asks to specify which domestic batteries are able to power the device with a current consumption of 200mA, a voltage of 1.5-1V for 24 hours? The recommended manufacturer "Cosmos" turns sour in an hour.
2. Is it possible to cancel a paid procedure for a patient who does not have money for good batteries?
3. How difficult it is to store patient data if each of them is a file. That is, it is zeros and ones. For 15 years we have no place for an archive! The three hundred megabytes allotted to us in the doctor's automated place have long since run out, there are no hard drives with an ID interface for public procurement. When changing the motherboard, system engineers cannot install MS-DOS of the desired version on it. The box does not work with other operating systems.

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-2 -1 0 +1 +2

My husband and I are doctors - I am a pediatrician, and he is a surgeon. And on vacation we tell all strangers that we are biology and physical education, otherwise the rest will be spoiled by listening to all complaints and requests for treatment. We met a couple: she is an economist, he is an engineer. We were very surprised when we all met at a medical conference ...

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When I was 14, I got sick... Cough and short of breath. We went to the pediatrician, after examining her, she said that it was just an allergy that should be treated with lemon and carrot juice. Well, my mother decided to do an x-ray in an adult clinic, and it was PNEUMONIA. Such is ours.

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-2 -1 0 +1 +2

I work as a pathologist. One day, the orderlies, having finished all the work, decided to merge in ecstasy with the white one. They drank, ate, one lay down on the table in the sectional room, covered himself with a sheet, sleeps, but so quietly. They came, and I say: "Come in, we'll start soon." Ten minutes pass, and I hear a cry: "Fuck, he's looking at me!" I go in, my handsome man is lying, his eyes are open, he doesn't enter, what happened. I closed my eyes, I say to the students: "Come tomorrow."

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-2 -1 0 +1 +2

A friend had an accident and lost his memory. We got to know him again. Became sociable and cheerful, used to be dull and closed, as he was constantly depressed because of his childhood. His father constantly abused him in a wild way in childhood, his mother died early. Then the father was imprisoned, but the boy was left with a deep psychological trauma. The psychologists didn't help. The accident helped! Hope the memory doesn't come back. It's been two years since he got a job. Life is getting better. No one reminds him of the past.

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-2 -1 0 +1 +2

"In a healthy body healthy mind"
Catchphrase! This is how powerful bodybuilders with a healthy spirit are drawn. Meanwhile, the Roman satirist Juvenal once simply neighed at the dumb sportsmen of his era. His phrase in full was as follows: “A healthy mind in a healthy body is a rarity! »

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My grandmother has a tongue problem. She went to the hospital, they injected her with injections, made bandages, strongly recommended to pull out metal crowns, change jobs. But they could not make an accurate diagnosis. We decided that this is a reaction to a large amount of iron in the body. Having suffered greatly, she ended up in the office of a doctor who immediately asked her a question from the doorway: “You read books, but how do you turn the page - do you lick your finger?” It turned out that this is a book fungus from books from the library.

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-2 -1 0 +1 +2

Under the post about the benefits of garlic.
- as I understand it - garlic is the solution to all problems)))) worth a try, at least. And what is the best way to use it? Ideally
- with onions and herring. then all problems will definitely be bypassed. people, by the way, too.
- given that most problems are from people, norms advice

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-2 -1 0 +1 +2

I talked to the taxi driver. A pronounced oriental man of about 55, without the slightest accent. Stuck in traffic, easily switched to you. It turned out to be an Orthodox Azerbaijani (?!). Born and raised in Ryazan, finished high school in Baku. Then he worked in St. Petersburg and Moscow. He spoke judiciously, slowly and entertainingly. About anything, but not about his profession.
I finally asked him what the coolest thing in life happened to him as a taxi driver. He frowned and went unconscious.
- Nothing fancy. Some only naeb@lova are remembered. Cunning @ py clients. There were many.
- Well, figs with him with a cool one. Was there anything out of the ordinary?
(he thinks hard)
Well, there was one such case. In 2001. The jeep hit me, I rolled over twice. For twenty minutes he lay lifeless.
- Clinical death, or what?
- Well, yes. I saw myself from the side.
Here I freaked out. I read this, but with disbelief. You never know what the hacks of mystical magazines will invent in order to maintain circulation. And on the driver it was felt - this is not the kind of person to invent. And why would he lie? I became interested in the details.
Did you fly around?
No, he just stood on the sidelines. I saw myself covered in blood. People were running around, calling an ambulance. I yelled something at them, but they can't hear me or see me. Horror took. Got it - I'm a ghost now.
- And what, people passed through you?
- No. That's why he stayed away. Didn't come close - I knew that they would pass. It was unpleasant for me.
Only one couple noticed me - they were driving straight at me, they braked. The man behind the wheel asked if an ambulance had been called. I replied that everything was in order, they called.
And I myself think, well, nifigase I'm all right! I'm stuck here, neither alive nor dead, watching my body from the side. And who asks me these questions? The dead, I suppose, since they noticed me. Until now, they ride around Moscow, in memory of some other terrible accident.
The man behind the wheel looked at me carefully. He chuckled and assured that he was still alive. The same problem just happened to him. Since then he has been seeing ghosts. He wished me luck, drove around me and left home.
The ambulance arrived, did its procedures, and bang - I woke up in my body. I did not observe any tunnels and angels. Apparently, the heavenly office decided that it was too early for me. Didn't even bother with the surroundings.
But after that I began to see brownies. Fuzzy, a cloud, but facial features are distinguishable. The first one is especially memorable. I lived in Kolomenskoye then. The old man came to me, through the door and walls. The neighbors explained according to my description - the former owner of the apartment. Peaceful dead. There was no harm from him. Unless some poltergeist bothered. He liked to slightly open the refrigerator door, look inside. For some reason, it is important for brownies to have food supplies in the house. If they are not there, the brownies are upset.
I put a bottle of vodka and hearty snacks in the fridge. But he didn't touch them. And he kept going. I talked to him! He was silent, sometimes responding with expressive gestures.
All this somewhat interfered with my personal life. My friends were frightened of my remarks to nowhere and fled to. I went to my father. On his advice, he sprinkled the hut with holy water, placed crosses, and it worked! The brownie didn't bother me anymore.
But before leaving, he gave me a sad look. Like, bullshit, all your water and crosses. I'm leaving because I don't want to impose. But you would know how bored I am here!

Your mark:
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

According to a friend.
My supervisor (in Chernogolovka) always rode a bicycle to work, both in winter and in summer. The town is small, so everyone knows each other, if not personally, then by sight.
At some point, he decided to go abroad, on a business trip. In those days, for this it was necessary to obtain a bunch of permits and undergo medical examination. commission. In general, all these certificates were a pure formality, and they were issued without looking. But this time, the doctor who was supposed to sign the permit looked at my manager and asked thoughtfully: were you cycling in the cold yesterday? Having received confirmation, he said: "You know, just in case, go to a psychiatrist, let him first sign the permission, and then I."

Your mark:
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

Three months ago we were told that ours was ill in the economy. We thought it was just the flu. Then they found a replacement for us and said that he needed time to recover. A couple of weeks ago, it turned out that he slipped in the shower, hit his head and lost his memory. He doesn't remember anything since 1986, he doesn't know who we are. Made me think about how fragile our life is. Pity the man, otpadny man.

Your mark:
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

Military enlistment office. The dude comes to the LOR.
ENT, peppy man under fifty: - Turn your right ear, cover your left. - The dude did it.
ENT in a whisper: - Forty-six. The dude is silent.
ENT in a whisper: - Thirty-four.
After a long pause, the dude in a joyful whisper:
- Eighty!
Long pause.
ENT: Turn left, cover right.
The dude turns around.
ENT in a whisper: - And if you take it away?
Long pause.
Dude in a whisper, uncertain: -Twelve?
ENT in a whisper: - Free. Five!

Your mark:
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

She practiced nursing. The first intravenous injection ended in failure. Tightening the tourniquet, smacked the dude in the jaw; inserted a needle into a vein, after which, untying the tourniquet, the needle fell out. This poor thing was bleeding. But the nurse who taught me decided to finish off the situation and morally this man with the words: “Give me the other hand, the girl needs to study!” May this unfortunate man forgive me ...

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-2 -1 0 +1 +2

Which is not.
Today. My wife got the flu. But now this disease is for our outside. No doctor can make such a diagnosis. Now we must first of all conduct a biological analysis for viruses, hell knows where and how, in order to write wheezing in the epicrisis. But the minister reports on the progress of vaccination. See how the incidence has dropped! It is not for nothing that billions were buried for vaccines ... And in our country, 2 weeks of a serious condition of "non-flu" led to a complication in the lungs - to pneumonia. It turned out that pneumonia is also out now. Audible even to the naked ear, squelching and hissing in the lungs by ambulance doctors are not heard point-blank. All is clear. The main thing is not to write out a referral to the hospital for hospitalization, otherwise the question will come up - what kind of orvi led to complications in the lungs. No way, the fight is for indicators, and the sick go to drink tea with lemon if they survive. We were saved by an elderly general practitioner who prescribed the necessary courses of antibiotics for pneumonia, which is not available, and antiviral drugs for influenza, which our Ministry of Health does not have either. We're lucky.
I remember from my childhood.
For the entire region, we had only one medical center in which an elderly general practitioner and his wife worked, a paramedic, an obstetrician, a speech therapist, a pediatrician, and much more. There was also a "hospital" in the form of two beds, over the periodic tenants of which the doctor performed his medical manipulations. So I was lying there as a child, moving away from the operation to remove the tonsils. There was such a fad then. Here I am lying, and grandfather comes to the doctor, who is nearby bandaging a lumberjack wounded by a saw. Give, he says to the doctor, some kind of heart pill, tachycardia has tortured him. Tachycardia, the doctor says, but you are our specialist, but why are you so pale, gloomy, did you drink or something? No, says grandfather, I don’t get enough sleep. I get tired for some reason, I probably have a heart attack.
Yes, the doctor says, a heart attack is a serious matter, let's measure the pressure. He tried it on, chuckled, but what kind of poop do you have - he asks? Yes, you sho, the grandfather answers, can I see them in the toilet with holes. Don't be ridiculous, Mikhalych (that's what he called the doctor. In fact, Moiseevich, but who will remember such a patronymic in the Siberian wilderness).
The doctor drove me out of bed, put my grandfather down, felt his stomach and said: you, grandfather, now go home, wash yourself, pack your suitcase and go tomorrow morning to the district, to the hospital, lie down there, get treated. I'll send you directions in the evening. Grandfather is gone. And the doctor, having finished the dressing, began to call the regional hospital in the district - the patient says I have severe, small intestine cancer and some tricky words. He has a heart, what kind of cancer - I was already sweating from fright. Yes, says Moiseevich. Hemoglobin is low on the skin, it hurts in a certain place, which means there is blood loss, fatigue, pressure, and it’s not the first one I have. I already smell like someone is sick. And what did you whine about? Yes, this is my own grandfather, I say. Oh, that's how it is, well, don't be afraid ahead of time. Maybe it's fading. The doctor turned out to be right, the diagnosis of poop and smell was accurate. For two years grandfather was pulled, but then there were no medicines. They didn't pull it out. But there were no protocols, and the Ministry of Health was far away. But doctors were doctors, not providers of medical services.
So what do you say, acute bronchospasm? Drink raspberry tea....

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