Fashionable spring-summer pedicure: trends, photos, videos. Fashionable spring-summer pedicure: trends, photos, videos

Well-groomed toenails are relevant at any time of the year, and especially during the warmer months, when you can afford open-toed shoes. If you have done a fashionable pedicure 2019, then coquettishly protruding fingers with beautiful nails look just great! At the same time, a neat pedicure does not lose popularity - only colors, decorative elements and the manner of application change. Every season, new trends appear, which proves that skin care alone is not enough for an attractive appearance.

permanent option(aka nail extension). Available in acrylic or gel, it is in incredible demand due to its stability, durability and attractiveness.

SPA variety. Indicates the pre-treatment of the nails of the feet with the most modern cosmetic products.

Hardware pedicure. A procedure that does not cause pain or irritation at all. It consists in using a special apparatus with special nozzles. The latter are selected for each client individually.

Dry (European) variant. It is considered as safe as possible, as it does not involve the use of any cutting objects. Ointments and creams are the main means to combat unwanted cuticles.

Edged pedicure (classic). In this case, the treatment of nails is carried out after soaking them in a hot bath.

Design solutions


They look luxurious and festive. These are the sentiments that will be welcomed in 2019. In this case, shiny elements can be located in different ways:

  • over the entire surface of the nail plate or in a certain part;
  • near the base, in the middle, at the edge (as a basic addition).

For example, in 2019, a pedicure with rhinestones laid out in the shape of a crescent and depicting an arched bend at the bottom of the nail will be popular. Another option is a complex decor, which is an original composition of details of different shapes and sizes. They are usually placed on the thumb.

Thus, even the simplest concept can be diversified with such bright elements. But the choice of tones is a matter of personal taste. Fashionistas can choose any palette: from traditional white or transparent to non-standard lilac-lilac shades.


This timeless classic is perfect for a pedicure. Its popularity is due to the maximum proximity to the natural color and the speed of design. There are no complex decors that require attention and painstaking work. The only caveat: such a style decision requires the presence of regrown toenails up to 2 mm (but no more).

Design is welcome in different non-standard colors: black, purple, blue, orange and so on. At the same time, a small amount of pearl powder, the finest patterns with floral motifs, and transparent rhinestones are appropriate. But all of the above is only suitable for the thumb - this is the trend of 2019.


With its help, you can create a trendy "metal" pedicure. This is not difficult to do, the main thing is to find a suitable palette to your liking. So the only problem in this case is the choice between several options, when you want both, and the other, and the third.


Not only monochromatic varnish with decor is relevant, but also original artistic solutions, such as small pictures on nails. Nails are allowed to be painted with various ornaments. Delicate floral arrangements made up of the thinnest lines are trending now.

Although the fashion for such embellishment is gradually fading away, in 2019 it still exists. For example, lovers of this technique in winter can choose a “knitted” pedicure, and the rest of the time - decorated with colorful plants and airy butterflies.


Its second name is ombre. This is one of the multicolor options when several polishes with smooth transitions are combined on the nails. Fashion industry legislators specifically insist on two types of gradient:

  • with a palette shift to the little finger;
  • with color effects on each individual nail plate.

This design represents a group of the most problematic, since it requires incredible skill, and at best, the intervention of professionals. But, despite the investment of time and money, the result is worth it.

Its essence is as follows: the nail hole is painted over in such a color that would be opposed to the main background. It can be much darker or much lighter - it does not matter. Recognized as classics:

  • burgundy and restrained silver;
  • rich black and gold plated;
  • bright red and white.

Despite the traditional combinations, every fashionista can come up with her own, which fits her wardrobe and perfectly complements the created image. This decor is also called "reverse french".

There are truly a lot of options for a moon pedicure. It can be made triangular, convex or, conversely, concave. The first of the above looks incredibly extravagant and is suitable for brave girls. Combinations of several shades will give special chic and originality: two, three, or even four or more.

Blending textures

In 2019, the creative impulse of individuals is popular. This trend is manifested in the fashion for non-uniform textures of toenail coatings. Using such a simple technique, you can significantly diversify your appearance and become the happy owner of the most fashionable pedicure.

What exactly needs to be done? It's simple: use a single-color varnish, and then generously apply sparkles or a layer of dense shimmer on 2 or 3 fingers. Another original solution is to take the popular varnishes with “confetti” and, using fantasy, combine them with plain coatings.

multi-colored variations

The idea is that painting all your nails the same color is boring, gray and uninteresting for a long time. Adherents of such views love to alternate different shades, or even not use tones twice at all.

Stylists say: it's fashionable and fresh! Contrasting solutions literally refresh the look of the legs. This design is ideal for visiting incendiary summer parties or the beach, as it fits into the reckless festive mood as much as possible.

The only condition is that nails should in no case conflict with shoes or look strange or pretentious with them. But you should not worry about accessories, manicure and clothes: they will not affect the perception of the image in any way.

Pastel shades

A discreet muted palette is a great choice for creating original nail art. In this case, you can use a variety of shades: from light mint or peach to their more intense variations.

It is the simplest, but very fashionable. It looks especially attractive when the most fashionable pedicure of 2019 does not so much repeat the manicure as it has some inconsistencies. These can be various design solutions, the placement of straziks or miniature ornaments, and so on. But common motives, as always, are welcome. They are often expressed in the proximity of the palette, the choice of types of decor or the same patterns. Experiment!

Well-groomed legs play no less important role than handles. In the summer, when the fingers are open, it's just a sin not to do a beautiful pedicure. You can do it yourself at home, or you can turn to professionals for help.

A few years ago, when gel coatings were just gaining popularity, no one could have imagined that such technologies would soon be applied to our legs. In trend 2016 pedicure gel polish. Basically it fashion trends no different from a manicure.

This season it is popular to wear not too long nails. This applies to both hands and feet. They need to be given the same shape. In the spring, summer of this year, a light oval is in trend. Positions do not give up and the classic square.

Do not forget that a pedicure is not only about clean and beautifully painted toenails. This is the hygiene of the entire foot as a whole. Carrying out this event, the legs need to be steamed, the rough skin should be cleaned, the cuticle should be pushed back or cut off. When the entire foot care procedure is completed, you can begin to apply the coating.

Season spring-summer 2016 emphasizes naturalness. It concerns both clothes and accessories, and shades of nails. Nude colors are in fashion, which look gentle, elegant and unobtrusive. Lacquer can be simply applied as a monochromatic coating, or you can refresh it a little with decor.

The undoubted classic is the French technique. The nails are painted in a certain color, and the overgrown tip is drawn with white. This season, you can choose beige tones for the base, or you can play in contrast, using the bright trends of this summer. To add personality, create a small drawing. Give preference to curly patterns or strict geometry.

Summer 2016 loves flashy brightness. IN fashion yellow, blue, green, red and their shades. Classic black looks stylish and elegant. All nails can be covered with one varnish, or create a stylish "rainbow" using several colors.

As on the handles, it is fashionable to paint the toenails. Cute moon design adds mystery. The hole can be drawn along the contour, or you can give it a coal shape. A stylish gradient just won't let you take your eyes off your legs.

Do you love rhinestones? This season, they can decorate not only the nails on the handles, but also on the legs. With their help, the most intricate patterns are created. Such a pedicure will be a chic addition to the evening look.

From all the variety of options, the eyes simply diverge. If you can’t make a choice, combine several techniques on your nails. Your legs will look very stylish.

When designing on toe nails, do not forget about handles. Despite the fact that it is in fashion to combine the incongruous, manicure and pedicure, made in the same style, will always look feminine and cute.

Take care of your feet. Do not forget to clean the heels of rough skin, and smear the feet with a special moisturizer at night. Create interesting designs, drawing admiring glances to your fingers.

Summer is the best time to show off in all its glory. This includes the legs as well. However, it is necessary that they be well-groomed. It is always necessary to do a pedicure, even in frosty winter, when the legs are hidden in warm socks and boots. Fashionable pedicure for the summer of 2016 almost completely repeats the trends in manicure, and therefore every beauty can choose an option for herself to her taste. So, in this article we will consider the most daring and fashionable coverage options.

Pedicure 2016 - fashion trends for the summer

This year, stylists offer a lot of pedicure options so that you can proudly wear open stylish shoes and emphasize your well-groomed. In 2016, the following trends in pedicure are stylish:

  • monophonic metal coating;
  • plain red coating;
  • cover in style ;
  • wine shades;
  • french pedicure.

The design of a pedicure for the summer of 2016 can be the most diverse. The main thing is to take into account your own taste and general style when choosing it. In summer, it's time to think not about simple coverage options, but to turn your attention to active decorations and drawings made in the theme of holidays and sea holidays. This choice is especially relevant at a time when you are going to go to the beach. However, in the bustle of the city, such a pedicure will also look quite fresh and original, because colorful nail art is exactly what you need for a hot summer.

If you want the coating to fit many bright summer looks, then in this case you can paint each nail in a separate color. Fashionable pedicure color for the summer of 2016 is the one that matches the shoes. In addition, bright colors of nails look very stylish, which can be either plain or made in the form of various applications. Common motifs between manicures and pedicures are welcome, of course, but at the peak of popularity this year is the discrepancy between toe and hand nail designs.

We hope that this article has helped to understand the main fashion trends in pedicure. Thanks to the information received, you can easily choose for yourself only the best options.

Very soon, the period of light sandals, open-toed shoes, flip flops will come. Therefore, now it is worth taking care of well-groomed toenails. Probably, most do not pay attention to the legs in the cold period. Why decorate your toes if they are hidden under thick socks and warm shoes? So many fashionistas think so. Consequently, during the autumn-winter season, the pedicure completely lost its shape and appearance. Now you have to work hard to restore freshness and beauty to your fingers. And the actual design of pedicure 2016 becomes an important issue.

Fashion trends of pedicure 2016

In the new season, designers suggest using a universal one on your feet. This will allow your legs to be beautiful even in emergency and unforeseen situations. Let's see what kind of pedicure will be fashionable in 2016?

Monochromatic pedicure in different shades. One of the most stylish types of toenail designs is the monochromatic coating of different colors of varnish on each toe. Stylists suggest giving preference to a delicate range and combining its dark and light colors. In the new season, pink-lilac, milky-cream and pastel shades of turquoise are in trend. You can complement this design with sparkles or glitter.

french pedicure. French legs are still in trend. This season, stylists recommend moving away from the classics and using rich shades and colorful prints for a French pedicure. In addition to bright varnishes, use foil, glitter, casting. Let your legs be beautiful and attractive.

summer drawing. The warm season is always a sunny positive mood. It is this idea that is relevant for the fashionable pedicure 2016. Spring and summer flowers on the toenails are a stylish design this year. Liquid stones and a fruit and berry theme on a bright background are also popular.

Evening decor. Add a touch of sophistication and elegance to your everyday pedicure. Rhinestones, pearls, glitter, sequins will help you make your design for every day original and unusual.

Fashionable pedicure in 2016 will gracefully emphasize all the advantages and become a bright accent of any image. The choice of this season is huge - for any style and outfit you can make your own. There are many unexpected proposals, non-trivial ideas and new versions of classics in the trends.

Fashion trends: pedicure 2016 photo

Several trends have become relevant this season, meeting a variety of tastes and styles. So you can safely choose and change the most diverse options that fit your own image.

To date, there are 5 main types of pedicure:

  1. A trimmed pedicure, sometimes referred to as a classic, is a nail treatment that is done after a hot bath to soften the nails.
  2. European (dry) pedicure is considered the safest, since this type of pedicure does not resort to the use of cutting objects. The cuticle is removed using various creams and ointments.
  3. Hardware pedicure is a painless procedure in which a special apparatus with nozzles is used. Since they are selected for each woman individually, such a procedure brings a minimum of inconvenience and does not cause discomfort.
  4. SPA pedicure is a cosmetic treatment of toe nails using modern cosmetics.
  5. Permanent pedicure is a nail extension. You can do both acrylic and gel extensions.

The most fashionable summer pedicure 2016 photo trends

Our legs should look especially attractive in summer, when girls wear open shoes, various sandals, sandals, etc. Now there are a huge number of options for summer pedicure, which surprises and amazes with its beauty. Of course, such a pedicure is best done in the salon, where it will be performed perfectly and covered with a special coating that will last for a long time. Colorful nail art - what you need for the summer.

Classic plain pedicure 2016 photo

Monochrome pedicure is a timeless classic. At the peak of popularity - a bright, juicy palette, acquiring a special advantage against the background of tanned skin. For summer, polishes of red, orange, rich pink, coral, blue, green, turquoise and mint shades are suitable. With a decrease in temperature outside, deep, saturated tones are more appropriate - burgundy, blue, black, ink, dark purple, chocolate and others. There is an erroneous opinion that the color of a monochromatic pedicure must necessarily match the color scheme of a manicure. Actually it is not. According to the latest trends, the design of fingernails and toenails in different colors is not considered bad form. The main thing is not to neglect the elementary rules of color compatibility. acrylic and gel extensions.

French pedicure 2016 photo

The classic pedicure design is a French on your nails. Nails should look nice and neat, nails should be a little long. In the next season, the jacket will be relevant not only white, but also other colors. Also, not a lot of rhinestones on the thumb will help make your pedicure more attractive.

Fashionable pedicure with rhinestones 2016 photo

Glamor is back in fashion, which means that manicure and pedicure using rhinestones and jewelry are again at the peak of popularity. But there is one condition that stylists set for fashionistas - to combine such a pedicure with a classic manicure, such as, for example, a neutral jacket.

Fashionable pedicure with abstraction 2016 photo

Another win-win option is abstraction. Any drawings will be good, from complex multi-color compositions resembling a mosaic, to simple dots located both in a chaotic and clear geometric order. One of the advantages of abstract and geometric design is that it allows you to create great images without even having special artistic abilities.

Multi-colored pedicure 2016 photo

It is not necessary to use one color of varnish on all nails. It is allowed to paint each nail in one tone. The maximum number of colors with a simultaneous combination is 5-6. These can be contrasting solutions or a progression of several shades - for example, from light green to yellow. This year, this design is just right for the beach and summer parties. The only thing this design should not conflict with is shoes. Otherwise, multi-colored pedicure can be used without paying attention to clothes, manicure, or accessories.

Fashion gradient 2016 photo

The popularity of gradient pedicure has not subsided for several seasons in a row. The second name for this design is ombre. This year, fashionistas prefer two gradient techniques - with a smooth flow of one shade to another from the little finger to the thumb and within the same nail plate.

Lunar pedicure 2016 photo

In the list of trends 2016 moon pedicure. You can do it in several ways, for example, using a stencil for French manicure. Tidy your nails and degrease the surface with nail polish remover or a special tool. Apply a clear base to make your pedicure last longer. Then apply the shade of varnish chosen for the hole to the entire surface of the nail - it should be lighter than what you have chosen as the main color. When the polish is dry, fix the stencil so that it covers the area of ​​the hole, and cover the nail with a dark shade of polish. Seal with a clear top coat.

Fashionable pedicure with foil 2016 photo

Fashion in the new year will continue for a mirror manicure. Not only silver and ash colors will be in fashion, but also multi-colored foil or foil inserts. Everyone can do such a pedicure, you need to purchase foil of the desired color and pattern in a special store.

The indisputable advantage of the French pedicure is its versatility, because it looks great with evening dress, and with democratic denim shorts and sandals.