Is it possible to coat biscuit cakes with protein cream. Cream for biscuit cakes

Today we will get acquainted with delicious and simple cream recipes that are perfect for biscuit cakes and more. First, consider the cream with sour cream and boiled condensed milk, which turns out to be very sweet with a slight sourness and is also suitable for honey or sour cream cakes. They can fill eclairs, nuts or baskets.

Sour cream with condensed milk for biscuit cake

Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl, blender


Sour cream500 g
Sugar100 g
boiled condensed milk250 g

Choosing the ingredients

  • Take high-quality, expensive condensed milk, which contains only natural ingredients.
  • During whipping, condensed milk and sour cream should be at the same temperature.
  • Beat the mass for 5 minutes to get a thick, elastic mixture.
  • Take sour cream with high fat content. If desired, you can first put it in gauze and leave to drain. Excess liquid will leave it, and you will get a very thick mass, which will be an excellent base for the cream.
  • You can store it in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.

Step by step recipe

video recipe

And now let's watch a short video in which all the details of making a delicious cream.

And here is another easy and delicious recipe for curd cream for sponge cake and more. Thanks to the curd, the mass is very rich and thick. We all know about the benefits of cottage cheese, but not everyone likes to eat it just like that. But in their favorite delicacy, they will not only eat it, but also ask for more.

This also applies to natural yogurt. This mass is not only tasty, but also low-calorie, which is important for those sweet lovers who watch their weight. Take this simple recipe to your culinary notebook and delight your loved ones with delicious desserts more often.

Cottage cheese and yogurt cream for biscuit cake

Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Servings: for 1 cake.
Calories: 139 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: blender, deep bowl


Choosing the Right Ingredients

  • Take natural yogurt, without additives and unsweetened. If you decide to take yogurt with some kind of filler, then use less sugar, otherwise the mass may turn out to be sugary-sweet.
  • Cottage cheese use 9%. To prepare such mixtures, the fat content of cottage cheese should always be high.
  • Cream is also required fat. They whip better and have a rich flavor that will pair well with the other ingredients in our product.

Step by step recipe

video recipe

And in this short video you will see all the details of creating a very tasty cream for sponge cake and more.

I bring to your attention a recipe for chocolate cream for biscuit cake. It is prepared very simply and consists of two ingredients, but at the same time it turns out to be unusually tender and tasty.

I myself was looking for such a recipe for a long time, and when my sister told me and I cooked it, my joy knew no bounds, because it was exactly what I was looking for. Now, when I need such a product, I only use these two ingredients to make it.

Chocolate Cream Cake

Cooking time: 15 minutes.
Servings: for 1 cake.
Calories: 337 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer, heavy-bottomed saucepan, hob.


Interesting Facts: The history of the appearance of such a cream is quite interesting. In France, a confectioner accidentally spilled cream into hot chocolate, and for this act the boss called him the insulting word "ganache", which means "blockhead". But after tasting the resulting mixture, the chef was pleasantly surprised, because it turned out to be very tasty and quickly solidified. And so a recipe for a delicious cream appeared, which at that time sold out so quickly that they did not even have time to come up with a name for it. That's why we still call it "ganache".

Step by step recipe

For this product, you need to use the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio.

video recipe

Dear readers, let's watch a short video that shows in detail the entire process of making chocolate buttercream for sponge cake.

We often use lemon cream for biscuit cake, the recipe of which came to us from the UK. Initially, such a dish was prepared instead of jam and served with any flour products. Now it is widely used in cooking, adding to various desserts.

In its composition, it turns out to be unusual due to the lemon peel and sweet and sour taste. It is also very light, low-calorie and does not weigh down desserts, which is a huge plus. Let's take a closer look at the whole process of its preparation together with you.

lemon cream

Cooking time: 20 minutes.
Servings: for 1 cake.
Calories: 177 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: saucepan, citrus juicer, hob.

Dear cooks, I hope you are already preparing a delicious cake with one of the creams that I offered you. Write in the comments if you liked the resulting dish. If you have any suggestions or additions to the recipes, write to me, your opinion is very important to me. And now I wish you success and bon appetit!

Recipes for making cream for biscuit cake.

Biscuit is one of the simplest types of dough from which you can create unusual masterpieces, both with chocolate and fruit flavors. Many housewives are wondering which sponge cake cream is better? In this article, we will provide recipes for delicious creams for biscuit cake.

Butter cream for biscuit cake

Of course, everyone has different tastes, so it’s impossible to say unequivocally which cream is the most gentle and best. This is a matter of taste, and each hostess and her guests will figure out for themselves what they like best.

A classic when creating a filling for a biscuit is a creamy version. Its main advantage is its density, splendor and the absence of the need to produce two filling options. Butter cream is very fluffy, airy, holds its shape well, does not flow, therefore it is suitable both for use in the form of a layer and on top for leveling. Girls who follow the figure will definitely not appreciate the product, but the sweet ones will be satisfied.


  • 240 g cow's butter
  • 210 g fine sugar
  • some vanilla
  • 120 ml cow's milk
  • A pinch of salt

Butter cream for biscuit cake, recipe:

  • It is worthwhile to pre-set the cow's butter in heat so that it becomes a light consistency, like semolina. Froth it in an electric mixer at high speed, about 120 seconds.Make sure that the power of the device is stable. Variations can affect quality.
  • When the paste becomes fluffy, add sugar in small portions. It is necessary to reduce the speed of rotation of the nozzles.
  • Pour fine sugar in a teaspoon, continuing the operation of the apparatus. Enter vanilla, salt, add milk in small parts.
  • Foam until the product becomes airy, homogeneous, and the milk stops exfoliating from fat.

Cottage cheese cream for biscuit cake

Quite popular is the cottage cheese version. Its advantage is that it has pleasant organoleptic properties and a thick texture. Organoleptic properties are expressed due to the sour tint. It was originally used for velvet cake, but today it is used everywhere. They can fill eclairs, cakes, waffle rolls. The main disadvantage is that it is soft and loses its shape when the temperature rises. Therefore, it is not recommended to prepare a dessert during the summer heat, or immediately clean it in the cold.

Required products:

  • 1300 g cream cheese, ideal mascarpone
  • 800 g cow's butter
  • 400 g fine sugar
  • Vanillin

Recipe for making curd cream for biscuit cake:

  • It is worth keeping everything at a temperature of +25 for 120 minutes. All ingredients should be soft and pliable. Start preparing with cheese, it must be foamed with nozzles until an airy paste is obtained.
  • In small portions, 20 g each, introduce softened cow's butter. It is necessary to achieve a foamy mass, into which 20 g of fine sugar is introduced.
  • Introduce vanilla extract, and reduce the speed of rotation of the nozzles. This must be done until the sweetener crystals dissolve.
  • As soon as this happens, it is necessary to increase the power and froth for another 5 minutes. Watch the power of the device.

Cream for biscuit cake with condensed milk

The filling with condensed milk is one of the most satisfying, but not suitable for decorating the top. Its main disadvantage is high fluidity. Yes, this filling well impregnates the air mass, the dough, but it drains from the surface.

List of components:

  • 250 g cow's butter heated to 25 degrees
  • 400 g condensed milk
  • Vanillin

Recipe for cookingrhema for biscuit cake with condensed milk:

  • It is necessary to insert the nozzle of the device with which you will foam into a bowl of cow's butter. The paste will double or double in size.
  • On average, the time spent is 7-10 minutes. Add vanilla flavor and pour in condensed milk in several approaches.
  • Do not try to add a whole serving, because the fat will settle. It is necessary to let the device run until the product is filled with bubbles.

Protein cream for a layer of biscuit cake

The protein version is often used. It is considered one of the most low-fat desserts, it is preferred by girls who watch their figure. It is created from egg white, but there are several options for such a layer.

List of components:

  • 5 large egg yolks, needed to make about 130g
  • 240 g fine sugar
  • 320 g cow's butter, heated to 25 degrees
  • Vanillin and salt

Recipe for making protein cream for a layer of biscuit cake:

  • Prepare your whites. It is best to take a bowl, wipe dry with a napkin, or lemon juice. This is necessary so that no traces of fat remain in the container, which will simplify the transformation of the product into foam.
  • Place the bowl of egg whites in a pot of boiling water and keep the heat on. It is necessary to foam the egg whites together with sugar. Mix thoroughly to form a thick paste.
  • Please note that heating must be carried out so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, remove the bowl from the pot of boiling water and dip the blades of the frother.
  • Turn it on and work until you get foam. On average, it takes about a quarter of an hour. Next, in pieces, about 30 g each, add oil.
  • The paste needs to be homogeneous. It is necessary to achieve a foamy mass, into which 30 g of fine sugar is introduced.

Custard for biscuit cake

This option is considered a classic, as it is very simple and cheap, it gives a huge field for imagination. Indeed, as additional ingredients that fit between the layers, you can use fruits, nuts and jelly.

List of components:

  • One large egg
  • 120 g sugar
  • 500 ml full fat milk
  • 120 g cow's butter
  • Vanillin
  • 30 g flour

Recipe for custard for biscuit cake:

  • In a container with thick walls, beat the egg and add the sifted thickener, mix with a whisk until smooth. Pour a small sweetener there and rub it again.
  • In small portions, about 50 ml, pour in the milk and mix. Please note that the appearance of lumps and grains is unacceptable. As soon as you manage to get a homogeneous, slightly thick mass, you can start languishing over low heat.
  • Cook the mixture for about 2-3 minutes, with constant stirring. You need to thicken the paste properly. For averaging, it is better to use a wooden spatula or silicone brushes.
  • The cream is set aside until cooling, and in small portions, with the constant operation of the blades of the electric mixer, softened cow butter is introduced in small pieces. The product can also be prepared without fat, in which case the dough becomes very soft and can fall apart, which gives the dessert an untidy look.

Chocolate cream for biscuit cake

One of the most sought after options is the chocolate product. It is very easy to create, you only need 3 products.

List of components:

  • 120 g dark chocolate
  • 230 g butter
  • 400 ml condensed milk

Recipe for making chocolate cream for biscuit cake:

  • It is necessary to pre-expose the cow's butter so that it becomes soft and pliable. At this time, it is advisable to put the broken chocolate into a container, put in the microwave for about 2 minutes. During this time, the mass will become soft.
  • For cooking, it is not necessary to purchase expensive chocolate in packages. You can buy the most common tiles by weight. Perfectly suited for making chocolate icing.
  • As soon as the mass becomes liquid, it is necessary to deal with oil, foam the equipment at low speeds. Pour condensed milk in small portions. This must be done until the sweet product runs out.
  • Pour in melted chocolate. Please note that at this stage the speed of the equipment must be reduced. The mixture is put in the refrigerator for a short time, only then it is used to decorate desserts.
  • This product does not flow well, it can be safely used for filling, or for the purpose of decorating a cake for leveling.

Yogurt cream for biscuit cake

Yogurt cream has a pleasant taste and lightness. It can be used as a main course, and for impregnation of biscuit cakes.

List of components:

  • 2 packs of cream thickener
  • 400 ml heavy cream
  • 200 ml full fat yogurt
  • 120 g powdered sugar
  • Vanillin

Yoghurt cream for biscuit cake, cooking recipe:

  • In a bowl for an electric mixer, froth the cream together with the sweetener. It is necessary to work with the device until you can easily turn the container upside down and its contents will not fall out.
  • Add thickener and froth again. The main problem is that in small towns such thickeners are quite difficult to find. Usually they are given in large supermarkets, which is quite inconvenient. That is, a thickener for cream in a small store may not be at all. In this case, you should not be upset, you need to purchase gelatin.
  • Approximately 10 g of thickener is enough for the entire portion, it is pre-soaked in water and added to the finished product. Turn off the device so that it does not foam anything. The mass at this point should be very thick, dense.
  • In small portions, about a tablespoon, enter full-fat yogurt. The optimal fat content is 6-8%. Since such yogurt is not easy to find in small towns, you can use homemade yogurt prepared in a yogurt maker from homemade milk with a high percentage of fat content.
  • After adding yogurt, it must be kneaded with a soft spoon, or a silicone spatula. For these purposes, kitchen appliances are not used.

Sour cream for biscuit cake

The simplest solution is sour cream. It is kneaded very simply, during the process you do not need to cook anything and prepare in advance. Creation time 5 minutes. You need to use the right ingredients.

List of components:

  • 150 g powdered sugar
  • 500 ml sour cream
  • Vanillin

Recipe for sour cream sponge cake:

  • It is necessary to foam the fermented milk product with the technique until smooth and fluffy. In small portions, approximately 20 g each, it is necessary to pour powdered sugar.
  • The equipment does not turn off, but works all the time. You need to froth until the powdered sugar runs out. At the end add vanilla. The cream will not be thick, but it soaks the cakes well.
  • It is not suitable for leveling the surface, so if you are preparing a dessert for an anniversary or holiday, you will have to prepare an option for leveling it with mastic.

Our website has a lot of interesting things for culinary specialists:

VIDEO: The best impregnation for biscuit

Biscuit cakes are the ideal raw material for making homemade cake. They are baked quickly and easily, and they turn out very soft, fluffy and tasty.

About what ingredients biscuit cakes are prepared from, we will tell in the presented article. From it you will also learn about what such a cake base is impregnated with, what creams it is lubricated with and how the dessert is formed.

Biscuit cakes: step by step recipe

There are many options for how to bake a fluffy and soft biscuit at home. A variety of products can be used for this. However, one ingredient in it always remains the same. These are chicken eggs. It is they who contribute to the production of tasty and lush cakes.

To make a standard cake, you may need 4-5 eggs. In addition to them, other products are added to the dough. Which ones, we will tell right now.

So, in order to bake lush and soft biscuit cakes at home, you need to prepare:

  • fat sour cream - about 200 g;
  • large chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • soda quenched with table vinegar - an incomplete dessert spoon;
  • white sugar - about 260 g;
  • sunflower oil - 10 ml (for lubrication of the form);
  • light flour - about 300 g

Knead the dough

The presented recipe for biscuit cake cake is considered a classic. It does not require the purchase of expensive products, and also does not take much time.

To knead the dough, chicken eggs are separated in advance into proteins and yolks. The yolks are thoroughly ground together with sugar (white), and then sour cream is added to them. While the sweet product dissolves, proceed to the processing of proteins. They are pre-cooled and then whipped into a very strong foam. Subsequently, it is laid out to the yolks and again thoroughly mixed.

Soda, quenched with table vinegar, and light flour are added to the resulting mass. All ingredients are well mixed with a spoon and immediately proceed to heat treatment.

Baking products in the oven

Biscuit cakes, the photos of which are presented in this article, are baked quite quickly. To do this, take a deep detachable form and grease it with sunflower oil. Then all the biscuit dough is placed in the dishes and immediately sent to the oven.

At a temperature of 198-200 degrees, the product is baked for a whole hour. After the specified time, the cake should increase in size, become fluffy, ruddy and soft.

The readiness of the biscuit can be checked as follows: a toothpick or a match is stuck into the thickness of the product. If nothing sticks to the object (raw dough), then the cake can be safely removed. Otherwise, it must be left in the oven for some more time.

Cutting the biscuit

Of course, biscuit cakes can be baked separately in the oven. However, we suggest putting all the dough into the mold at once.

After the product is ready, it is removed from the dish, placed on a flat surface and cooled. In the future, the biscuit is cut into several cakes 1.5 centimeters thick. To do this, use a large kitchen knife.

By the way, if the edges of the product turned out to be uneven, then they should also be cut off. To do this, put a plate of the appropriate diameter (slightly smaller than the cake) on the biscuit and cut off unnecessary parts.

In the event that you decide to bake the cakes separately, then the dough must be divided into several equal parts (4 or 5) in advance. They are alternately laid out in a greased form and baked for about 40 minutes.

The disadvantage of this method is that it takes a lot of time. In addition, baked cakes can turn out different, which will make the cake uneven and not very beautiful.

Other ways to cook cakes

Now you know how classic biscuit cakes are made. The recipe presented above is the most popular among housewives. However, it should be noted that there are other ways to prepare such a product. For example, some cooks additionally add condensed milk to the dough. Also, a biscuit is often made on kefir or yogurt. In addition, instead of slaked soda, baking powder can be poured into the dough.

If you decide to make an original dessert, then we recommend preparing the base using candied fruits, nuts, citrus zest. Often the recipe for a biscuit cake cake includes a component such as cocoa. With it, you get a very tasty chocolate treat, especially if you use the appropriate cream.

Making a sweet treat

How to soak biscuit cakes? This question is often asked by those housewives who want to get the most juicy and tender cake.

There are many options here. However, the most popular among culinary specialists is ordinary syrup. To prepare it, we need:

  • boiled water - 2 cups;
  • large white sugar - 5 large spoons.

Cooking process

To prepare sugar syrup, you just need to combine both of the mentioned components and boil them over a fire for about 6 minutes. The cakes are thoroughly impregnated with the resulting liquid, and then they are used for their intended purpose.

By the way, if you decide in advance to use sweet syrup, then it is recommended to add a little less sugar to the dough. Otherwise, the dessert may turn out cloying.

Other types of impregnations

Now you know how to soak biscuit cakes. However, it should be noted that sugar syrup is not the only way to get a juicy and tender cake. So, some cooks use store-bought liquor diluted with water as an impregnation. With it, the dessert acquires a special aroma and taste.

If you decide to make a strawberry, cherry or raspberry cake, then it is recommended to soak the biscuit with syrup taken from the corresponding jam. If it is too thick and contains a lot of berries, then it must be filtered and diluted with the right amount of boiling water.

Step-by-step recipe for a cake from ready-made biscuit cakes

Nowadays, it is easier to buy a cake in a store than to bake it yourself. However, no purchased dessert can be compared with homemade. Therefore, we recommend preparing such a delicacy only with your own hands.

In the event that for one reason or another you cannot bake a magnificent and tasty biscuit, then you can buy it at any time at the nearest store.

Of course, ready-made biscuit cakes are different from self-made ones. However, you can also make a delicious and beautiful cake from them, which all members of your family will surely appreciate.

So, the recipe for a cake from ready-made biscuit cakes requires the use of:

  • unboiled condensed milk - 1 standard can;
  • high-fat butter - 170 g;
  • ready-made cakes (chocolate or light) - 1 pack;
  • Yubileiny cookies, chopped roasted nuts or cocoa - use at your discretion (to decorate the dessert).

Making delicious cream

A cake made from ready-made biscuit cakes is made very quickly. Therefore, most housewives prefer to purchase such products in a store rather than bake them on their own. Moreover, the main advantage of purchased cakes is that with the help of them the dessert always turns out to be even and surprisingly beautiful.

But before you form a cake from ready-made biscuit cakes, you still have to work a little. After all, condensed cream is not yet sold in supermarkets. For its preparation, high-fat butter is left at room temperature for several hours. Then soft cooking oil is laid out in a deep bowl and beaten with a mixer at the highest speed. In the process of such processing, condensed milk is gradually poured into the oil. After a few minutes, a very fluffy and high-calorie cream is obtained.

How to form correctly?

The cake recipe in question from ready-made biscuit cakes requires the use of a large cake maker. We will need it not only in order to beautifully serve dessert to guests, but also in order to form it.

Thus, one of the ready-made cakes is laid out on the prepared cake dish, and then soaked with syrup (if desired) and smeared with condensed cream. Then lay out the second biscuit and do with it in exactly the same way.

After all the cakes are used up, the formed cake is completely smeared with the rest of the cream (including the side parts) and they start decorating it.

Decorate dessert

Homemade cakes can be decorated with different products. Someone uses ordinary cocoa powder for this, while someone rubs dark chocolate. Also beautiful and tasty is a dessert sprinkled with chopped roasted nuts or shortbread crumbs.

Bring to the dinner table

As mentioned above, recipes with ready-made biscuit cakes are very popular among housewives. And there is nothing surprising in this. After all, such a cake is made in just 60 minutes.

After the homemade dessert is formed and decorated properly, it is immediately sent to the refrigerator. During the stay of baking in the cold for several hours, impregnation for biscuit cakes will do its job, and you will definitely get a juicy and most tender delicacy.

After the lapse of time, the finished dessert is removed from the refrigerator and served to the table. After the guests appreciate the culinary skills of the hostess, the dessert is cut into portions, distributed on beautiful saucers and presented to friends along with a cup of hot tea.

Making sour cream

We talked about how thickened cream for biscuit cakes is made above. However, there are other ways to prepare such a delicacy.

If you do not use impregnation for biscuit cakes, then the cream for them should not be made too thick. Otherwise, you will get a dry and not very tasty cake. An ideal option for such a dessert is sour cream. To make it at home, we need:

  • high-fat sour cream - about 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - about 200 g.

Cooking method

As in the previous recipe, you will need some free time to make homemade cream. High-fat sour cream is placed in a deep bowl, and then beaten strongly using a mixer. Having received a lush milk mass, granulated sugar is gradually poured into it. If desired, it can be replaced with regular powdered sugar.

By continuing to beat the ingredients for some more time, a very light and airy cream is obtained, which is immediately used for its intended purpose.

Formation process

It doesn’t matter what cream for biscuit cakes you have taken. In any case, it should be used in exactly the same way as it was presented in the previous recipe. Sour cream is evenly applied to all cakes, which in turn are laid out in a pile.

Having formed a dessert, it is also covered with a sweet milk mass, and then decorated with berries, fruits, chocolate, whipped cream in spray cans and more.

Cooking curd cream

We talked about how sponge cake cakes are made above. If, along with sour cream and eggs, a small amount of cottage cheese was added to the dough, then it is more advisable to make the cream with the addition of the same dairy product. So you get a more tasty and nutritious dessert that children will especially like.

Cottage cheese cream is very often used by culinary specialists to make homemade cake. It is considered not only the simplest, but also the lowest calorie.

For its quick preparation we need:

  • cottage cheese of low fat content - about 400 g;
  • thick cream 30% - about 250 ml;
  • vanillin - apply to taste;
  • fine sugar - add to taste.

How to cook?

If you purchased coarse-grained cottage cheese, then it is recommended to grind it through a sieve beforehand. Only in this case you will get the most tender and tasty dessert.

After you have a homogeneous curd mass, it is placed in a deep container, and then whipped with a blender at high speed. In the process of such mixing, granulated sugar, heavy cream and vanillin are gradually added to the dairy product.

Whip all the ingredients until a fairly thick and fluffy mass is obtained. After tasting it, you can additionally add powdered sugar or any other ingredients (for example, zest, nuts, cocoa, etc.) to it.

How to form?

Forming a biscuit cake with curd cream is easy and simple. But due to the fact that such a delicacy turns out to be too thick, it is not able to make the cakes juicy. Therefore, before applying it, the biscuits must be impregnated with some kind of impregnation. To do this, it is good to use sugar syrup or a solution made from liquor.

Using cottage cheese cream for a cake, you will make not only a very beautiful and voluminous, but also a tasty and healthy dessert.

Making delicious chocolate cream

Biscuit cake layers are a universal raw material. It is suitable for any creams, including custard, butter, oil, protein, etc.

If you decide to make a chocolate dessert, we recommend lubricating the cakes with chocolate cream. So you get a very beautiful dark product with a pronounced characteristic aroma and taste.

So, to make chocolate cream at home, we need:

  • egg yolk - from one large egg;
  • cold water - 1 large spoon;
  • condensed milk - about 120 g;
  • softened butter - about 200 g;
  • cocoa - 3 large spoons.

Cooking chocolate treat

There is nothing complicated in making chocolate cream. To do this, take 1 egg yolk, add a large spoonful of cold water to it and mix well. Then condensed milk is added to the ingredients. Also, in a separate bowl, beat softened butter strongly.

After the described steps, all the ingredients are combined and continue to stir. Having added the required amount of cocoa powder to the dishes, the cream is whipped until a thick and lush mass of dark color is obtained.

If you decide to use this cream recipe to form the cake, then the cakes should be soaked in syrup. Otherwise, the dessert will turn out dry.

The only disadvantage of chocolate cream with condensed milk is its high calorie content.

Summing up

Using the materials of the presented article, you can not only bake lush biscuit cakes on your own, but also make impregnation, as well as cream for the cake.

If you do not have time to knead the dough with your own hands, and then subject it to heat treatment, then we recommend using ready-made cakes, which are sold in almost every store. How exactly to use them, as well as to form homemade desserts from them, was also described in this article.

Cream for biscuit cake is the most delicious and beloved component of the cake. The cream is able to give the usual biscuit cake a wide variety of flavors, allows you to cook absolutely different confectionery products, turn a trivial cake into a masterpiece.

The main advantage of the biscuit lies in its versatility. Absolutely any kind of cream is combined with biscuit dough, so it is impossible to describe how to make cream for biscuit cake in one post. The most common are sour cream that gives sourness, fatty and satisfying butter, healthy and nutritious curd or yogurt cream, sweet and beloved by everyone, without exception, chocolate or caramel cream based on condensed milk.

This or that cream is prepared depending on the desired calorie content of the dish, taste or additional components. Which one is better is hard to say. For example, a cake with berries and fruits goes perfectly with cottage cheese, yogurt or sour cream. Chocolate cake is recommended to be supplemented with a thick butter cream. We recommend making a dessert with nuts with caramel cream from boiled condensed milk.

We offer proven recipes for creams. Their preparation does not cause difficulties, and the result will exceed all expectations.

Photo of a simple sour cream cake

Sour cream is not as high-calorie as butter, and less sweet than protein. Great for cakes with fresh or canned fruits and berries, it has a pleasant sourness and will be appreciated by those who do not like sugary desserts. The most popular biscuit-based cakes are cherry and sour cream cake or fruit and sour cream cake. Cakes are light, juicy, tender, do not overload the body with fats and carbohydrates.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • fat sour cream (from 30%) 2 glasses
  • sugar 1 cup
  • vanilla sugar 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the chilled sour cream with a mixer at medium speed, gradually adding sugar.
  2. At the very end, add vanilla sugar. Use immediately while the cream is fluffy.

Photo of light curd cream for cake

Cottage cheese cream for biscuit is considered one of the most useful and low-calorie. It goes well with berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants), fresh and canned fruits (apricots, plums, peaches). To get a thick layer of cream, it is recommended to thicken the cream with gelatin.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • cottage cheese 500 g
  • heavy cream (30%) 250 ml.
  • sugar 1.5 cups
  • gelatin 20 g.
  • berries (optional) 300 g

Cooking method:

  1. Pour gelatin with 150 grams of warm water. Leave to swell for 30 minutes. Heat the swollen gelatin, stirring, until completely dissolved. Cool down.
  2. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to get a homogeneous mass without lumps.
  3. Whip the cream with a blender into a fluffy mass, gradually adding sugar. Add cottage cheese, stir. Adjust the amount of sugar to taste.
  4. Pour the gelatin into the cream in a thin stream. Add washed and dried berries. Stir gently. Cream of cream and cottage cheese is ready.

Photo of thick chocolate cream for cake

Chocolate cream according to this recipe is suitable for white and chocolate biscuit cakes. It can also be served as an independent dessert. The cream turns out to be thick, dense, goes well with juicy soaked biscuit cakes. Prepares quickly and easily. The calorie content of the cream is high, so you should enjoy the cake with chocolate cream in moderation.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • sugar 1.5 cups
  • butter 400 g
  • cocoa powder 3 tbsp. spoons
  • water 100 ml.
  • cognac (rum, chocolate liqueur) 2 tbsp. spoons

Method for preparing chocolate cream for biscuit cake:

  1. From sugar and 100 milliliters of water, boil the syrup. To do this, mix sugar with water and cook, stirring, until the sugar dissolves. Remove the foam that forms when the syrup boils. Set aside to cool.
  2. Beat the eggs with a mixer until fluffy. Gradually add chilled sugar syrup.
  3. Whisk softened butter with cocoa powder. Add egg mixture and cognac. Continue whisking until smooth. The most delicious cream is ready.

Photo of fruit yogurt cream for cake

Cakes with yogurt cream have become the best gift for girls who are trying to keep fit. With their appearance, it became possible to enjoy a delicious cake without harming the figure. By itself, yogurt is a valuable fermented milk product containing lactic acid bacteria that are important for the body, so desserts with its use are not only tasty, but also healthy. It is preferable to give such cakes to children. They are light, low-calorie and delicious. Try making fruit yogurt cream at home. It is possible that it will become a frequent delicacy for your family.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • yogurt 500 ml.
  • cream (30%) 1 cup
  • powdered sugar 1 cup
  • fruit juice 1 glass
  • gelatin 30 g.

How to prepare yogurt cream for biscuit cake:

  1. Soak the gelatin to swell in juice as directed on the package.
  2. Whip the chilled cream into foam, gradually adding powdered sugar. If you use juice from packages, please note that it is quite sweet. The amount of powder can be reduced.
  3. Heat the swollen gelatin. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let the mixture cool down a bit. Combine yogurt, whipped cream and gelatin. Stir carefully.
  4. If desired, you can add pieces of fruit or whole berries to the yogurt cream - raspberries, strawberries, peaches. The cream hardens, keeps its shape well, it can be used under mastic. To get a thick layer of cream, layer it in several steps, waiting for the previous layer to harden a bit.

Photo of butter cream for biscuit with condensed milk

The most common cream is a cream based on boiled condensed milk. The familiar, homemade taste known since childhood, delicate creamy texture, ease of preparation - thanks to these qualities, the cream is most often prepared for a layer of biscuit cakes. Ideal with white and chocolate biscuits, with cakes soaked in ordinary syrup or refined alcohol. Thick butter cream on boiled condensed milk can be used to decorate desserts, it keeps its shape and does not flow at room temperature.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • boiled condensed milk 400
  • butter 200 g
  • cream (30%) 200 g.
  • cognac 1-2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

  1. Beat softened butter with boiled condensed milk and cognac.
  2. Separately, whip cold cream into foam. Connect the masses carefully. The cream is ready.
  3. If you want to use cream to decorate the cake, it is better not to add cream. They make the cream airy and delicate, but they keep the pattern worse.
Since cream for biscuit cake is the main component of the dessert, on which the success of the dish depends, special attention should be paid to its preparation. Tips and subtleties of experienced confectioners on how to prepare a cream for a biscuit correctly will help you not to make a mistake:
  • To prepare sour cream, you need thick, fatty sour cream, from 30% and above. If one could not be found, you can make the usual 20% sour cream thicker. To do this, throw the sour cream into a colander, previously lined with gauze or a linen napkin. Leave to stand for 3-4 hours. Excess whey will drain, and sour cream will become thicker.
  • Before whipping sour cream or cream, they need to be cooled well. Warm dairy products will remain liquid, a lush cream will not work.
  • Butter cream will not be so high-calorie if part of the oil in the recipe is replaced with thick semolina porridge in milk.
  • If using gelatin creams, spread the cakes in a cake pan. The cream will not float, and the finished product will retain the correct round shape.
  • Instead of sugar, add powdered sugar to the cream. This will help to avoid situations where the sugar has not dissolved and crunches unpleasantly on the teeth.
  • Feel free to change the proportions in the above recipes yourself. The quality of the finished cream will not change. Only the taste will change slightly.

To taste, this cream resembles ice cream and is suitable for lubricating cakes.


  • 1 egg;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 40 g cornstarch;
  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 100 g of butter with a fat content of 82.5%;
  • 200 g cream with a fat content of 33%.


Whisk the egg with sugar and cornstarch. Bring the milk to a boil and pour it into the egg mixture in a thin stream, trying to achieve uniformity.

Put the saucepan with the resulting mass on medium heat and, stirring constantly, cook until thickened. Add softened butter and make the mixture smooth.

Transfer the mass to a wide plate, cover with cling film and cool. Then lightly beat with a mixer. Separately, bring the cream to a creamy consistency and combine with the custard mixture.

2. Cottage cheese and sour cream for cake

Perfect for layering a cake.


  • 400 g sour cream with a fat content of 25–30%;
  • 100–150 g of sugar;
  • vanilla sugar - to taste;
  • 200 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%.


With a mixer, beat sour cream with two types of sugar. It must completely dissolve. Punch the cottage cheese with a blender and mix it with sour cream until smooth. Put the cream in the refrigerator for half an hour.

3. Cream cheese cream for cake

Great for decorating, leveling and layering a cake.


  • 400 g cream cheese;
  • 100 g cream with a fat content of 33%;
  • 50 g of powdered sugar.


Chill the cream in advance in the refrigerator. Place the bowl and beaters of the mixer in the freezer about half an hour before cooking.

Place all ingredients in a bowl. Blend with a mixer on low speed until smooth. Then increase the speed and beat the cream into a fluffy dense mass. As a rule, the whole process takes no more than 5 minutes.

4. Simple sour cream cake

Suitable for layering cakes.


  • 500 g sour cream with a fat content of 15–20%;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar.


Place a sieve with gauze in several layers on a small container. Put sour cream in a sieve, wrap cheesecloth on top and refrigerate for 4-6 hours.

During this time, excess moisture will drain. If sour cream is not prepared, then the cream will turn out to be very liquid.

Beat sour cream with powdered sugar with a mixer until smooth.

An ideal cream for decorating and lubricating cakes.


  • 180 g of butter with a fat content of 82.5%;
  • 120 g;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 1 teaspoon cognac - optional.


Beat the softened butter with a mixer for 4-5 minutes. Add condensed milk and vanilla and beat again until smooth.

Pour cognac into the cream and stir. This is optional, but it will give a special taste and aroma.

Suitable for leveling the cake and greasing the cakes.


  • 250 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%;
  • 70 g of condensed milk;
  • 200 g of butter with a fat content of 82.5%;
  • 70 g of powdered sugar.


Beat with a mixer at room temperature and condensed milk.

Beat the softened butter separately for 4-5 minutes. Then reduce the speed and gradually pour the powder into it.

Add the curd mass to the butter in parts, gently mixing until smooth.

7. Sour cream custard for cake

YouTube channel "Vkusno VSE"

It is good to lubricate cake layers with such a cream.


  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • 300 g of sour cream with a fat content of 20%;


With a mixer, bring the egg with sugar until smooth. Add flour and beat again. Combine the mass with sour cream and put in a water bath.

Cook 5-6 minutes, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add 50 g of oil. Achieve the homogeneity of the mixture and cool.

Beat the remaining softened butter with a mixer until fluffy. Without stopping, gradually introduce the sour cream mass. Place the cream in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

8. Kefir custard for cake

Good for layering cakes.


  • 100–150 g of sugar;
  • vanilla sugar - to taste;
  • 350 ml of kefir;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • 200 g butter with a fat content of 82.5%.


Whisk the egg and both types of sugar with a whisk. Add kefir and flour and bring the mass until smooth. Simmer over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Then cool.

Beat the softened butter with a mixer. Without stopping, gradually add kefir mass.

Yuliya Small YouTube channel

It is good to lubricate the cakes with this cream.


  • 15–20 g of gelatin;
  • 90 g of water;
  • 200 g cream with a fat content of 33%;
  • 500 g of any fruit;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of powdered sugar.


Soak the gelatin in cold water and let it swell. If the yogurt is thick, take 15 g of gelatin. If drinking, it is better to use 20 g. Then melt the gelatin in a water bath and cool to room temperature.

Whip the cream with a mixer until a thick creamy consistency. Separately, beat the yogurt with powdered sugar and, without stopping, pour in the gelatin in a thin stream.

Add cream and gently stir until smooth. Put the finished cream in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes so that it thickens a little.

10. Protein Cream Cake

Patterns from this cream will hold their shape well.


  • 3 egg whites;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 2 pinches of citric acid;
  • a pinch of vanilla.


Beat egg whites with a mixer until soft peaks. Place the bowl of egg whites over a saucepan of simmering water.

Add sugar, citric acid and vanilla and beat on medium speed for 10-12 minutes until thick. Remove from the bath and punch for another 3-5 minutes.

This cream can be used to lubricate cakes and decorate pastries.


  • 100 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar.


Boil and cool to room temperature. Mix it with vanilla.

Beat the butter with a mixer and, without stopping, add the powdered sugar. Pour in the cooled milk, gradually increasing the whisking speed.

YouTube channel "Cooking with Irina Khlebnikova"

Suitable for cake layering.


  • 1 large lemon;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 75 g of semolina;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 200 g butter with a fat content of 82.5%.


Pour boiling water over the lemon and leave while you prepare the other ingredients. Pour semolina into a saucepan with cold milk and make the mass homogeneous. Stirring constantly, cook until thickened over low heat.

Transfer to another container. Dry the scalded lemon and grate the zest on a fine grater. Remove the skin, remove the white layers, film and bones. Punch the citrus pulp with sugar with a blender.

Mix the porridge with lemon and zest with a blender. Beat the softened butter with a mixer. Without stopping, add semolina mass to it in parts and bring to uniformity.

YouTube channel Mariko

It is suitable for layering and coating the cake.


  • 250 g cream with a fat content of 33%;
  • 30 g coconut;
  • 100 g white chocolate.


In a saucepan, mix the cream with. Heat over medium heat without bringing to a boil. Dissolve the chocolate in the mass. Because of the shavings, the cream will not be completely homogeneous.

In another container, put the mixture in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. During this time, the cream will thicken. Beat the mass with a mixer into a lush foam.

Cassandre Ursu YouTube channel

Cream of chocolate and cream is ideal for leveling the cake.


  • 200 g black or 300 g milk or 400 g white chocolate;
  • 200 ml cream with a fat content of 30–33%.


Chop the chocolate with a knife. Pour the cream into the saucepan and bring to a boil while stirring. Remove from heat and melt chocolate into cream.

Cover the surface of the cream with cling film and refrigerate overnight. Before greasing the cake, leave the mass at room temperature for three hours.

15. Chocolate Custard Cake

Suitable for spreading and decorating a cake.


  • 7 egg yolks;
  • 45 g cornstarch;
  • 140 g of sugar;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 200 g dark chocolate;
  • 250 g of butter with a fat content of 82.5%;
  • vanilla extract - to taste.


Beat the egg yolks, cornstarch and sugar with a mixer into a thick white mass. Boil the milk in a saucepan, stirring occasionally so that it does not burn.

Using a whisk, pour half the milk into the eggs in a thin stream. Then, also working with a whisk, pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan with the remaining milk.

Stirring constantly, bring the cream to a thickening over low heat. When bubbles appear on the surface, boil the mass for another 1 minute and remove from heat.

Dissolve the pieces in the custard mixture and cool, covering the surface with a film. Beat softened butter with vanilla in a mixer. Without stopping, gradually add the chocolate mass to the butter.