Writing ь after hissing. Russian language guide

The purpose of the lesson: remember the rules for writing a soft sign for verbs and nouns in hissing, be able to distinguish 3rd declension nouns from 2nd declension nouns and plural nouns. part 1st declension in r.p.; repeat vocabulary words be able to compose phrases according to a given scheme.


1. Organizing moment.

2. Vocabulary work.

I will call you the words, and you will make phrases with them according to the scheme “verb + noun. with a suggestion."

One student works at the blackboard, the rest - in a notebook.

Underline the spellings.

3. Work to find patterns.

The words are written on the board:

cut, gear, brick, sleep, speech, protect, daughter, garage, hide, burn, lay.

1. Look carefully at the words written on the board. What groups can they be divided into? What classification principle did you apply?

Words can be divided in different ways:

- into parts of speech: verbs and nouns;

- according to the principle: with a soft sign and without.

2. Let's combine both classifications. What can we do?

4. Consolidation exercise (work at the blackboard, each student writes 5 words).

Write down the words, orally explain the conditions for writing a soft sign or its absence, using the diagram above.

5. My riddles are your clues.

I will give you riddles. Write the answers in your notebook. Whoever solves all 5 riddles gets 5.

1. An angry touchy person lives in a deaf forest. There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog.)

2. They beat him, but he does not cry, he just jumps, he just jumps. (Ball.)

3. The bird waved its wing, covered the whole world with a black feather. (Night.)

4. Black Ivashka, wooden shirt, where he leads his nose, he puts a note there. (Pencil.)

5. A small ball fumbles under the bench, wiggles its tail, frightens the whole house. (Mouse.)


6. A child of a father and mother, but not a son to anyone. (Daughter.)

6. Punched card (for quick control).

Words for work:

beach, cut, nap,

thing, ski, oven,

beam, landscape, grove,

thousand, do not save, reportage.

7. Independent work.

Distribute the words according to the principle “with a soft sign at the end after hissing” and “words without a soft sign at the end”.

Quiet_, reeds_, brag_, ivy_, eat_te, rag_, smear_, broch_, mouse_, telecast_, rejoice_, birth_, hot_, burn_, sword_, hide_, knife_, candle_, kalach_, cut, tornado_, heal_, stop_, shoulder_, cry_.

8. Results of the lesson, explanation of homework.

9. Homework. Pick up 20 of your examples on the topic of today's lesson.

settlement Sofrino,
Moscow region

In Russian, at the end of words, sibilants (Ж, Ш, Ш and Ш) are possible in six parts of speech:

in adjectives (HOT),
in verbs (WRITE),
in adverbs (FAST),
pronouns (OUR),
particles (ONLY).

Each of these parts of speech for the use of a soft sign has its own special rule.

1. If we have a noun in front of us, then a soft sign after hissing is placed only when the word belongs to the III declension (NIGHT). Nouns I and II declensions with a hissing at the end are written without a soft sign (MANY CLOUDS, BRICK). Do not forget that patronymics and surnames ending in -IC are nouns of the second declension and are written without a soft sign. For example: SERGEEVICH, RURIKOVICH, VOINOVICH.
2. If the word answers the question WHAT? and is a short adjective, then after the hissing at the end a soft sign is not needed (HOT, POWERFUL).
3. Verbs with a hissing at the end are always written with a soft sign. For example: LOOK or LOOK (in the form of the second person singular of the present or future tense), CUT (in the imperative mood), BURN (in an indefinite form). Please note that in verbs a soft sign may appear after the hissing and not at the very end of the word, but before the postfixes -СЯ or -ТЕ, for example: BATH, HIDE.
4. At the end of adverbs, after hissing, a soft sign is always written (PUSH, JUMP, AWAY), except for exceptions: UZH, MARRIED, UNBELIEVABLE.
5. Pronouns with hissing at the end are written without a soft sign, for example: OUR, YOUR.
6. Always with a soft sign, particles are written SHOW, ONLY, BESH.

We already knew this and did not prevent him from managing in his own way; but between us was an officer who had recently been transferred to us. (“Shot”, A. S. Pushkin)

A skein of silk and thread hung around Petrovich's neck, and some kind of rag was on his knees. (“Overcoat”, N. V. Gogol)

This is exactly how they first took and suspected these, how bish_ them ... Koch and Pestryakova. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

Finally, the poor fellow became, in a way, unbearable_, he decided to climb through by storm at all costs, you understand. (“Dead Souls”, N. V. Gogol)

This expression said that she had decided, without complaining, to endure her misfortune, and that her husband was the cross sent to her by God. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

The sun was just beginning to rise from behind the clouds; the air was fresh and dewy. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

And how do you think about what and who - what insignificance can be the cause of people's misfortune! (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

He knew that this story contributed to the glorification of our weapons, and therefore it was necessary to pretend that you did not doubt it. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

As soon as he began to say something that did not satisfy the purpose of the accusation, they accepted the groove, and the water could flow wherever it pleased. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

They say that his mother was very good-looking, and it seems strange to me why she married so unsuccessfully_, for such an insignificant person ... (“Poor people”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

I told him... Don't cry for me: I'll try to be both courageous and honest all my life, even though I'm a murderer. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

The whole battle consisted only in what the Cossacks of Orlov-Denisov did; the rest of the troops only lost a few hundred people in vain. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

It will fall by itself when it is ripe, but you will pluck it green, spoil the apple and the tree, and you will set the teeth on edge yourself. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

In a nutshell, Nikolai bought for six thousand_ seventeen stallions to select (as he said) for the casual end of his repair. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

On the other side of the fence the old man was whittling a hoop and did not see Levin. (“Anna Karenina”, L. N. Tolstoy)

Except for falsehood and lies, nothing could come out now; and falsehood and lies were contrary to his nature. (“Anna Karenina”, L. N. Tolstoy)

No one has declared war, but people sympathize with the suffering of their neighbors and wish to help them, - said Sergei Ivanovich. (“Anna Karenina”, L. N. Tolstoy)

And now in Moscow, where every meeting is a knife in her heart, she lives for six months, every day waiting for a decision. (“Anna Karenina”, L. N. Tolstoy)

Night came - the mother blessed her daughter and wished her a good sleep, but this time her wish was not fulfilled; Liza slept very poorly. (“Poor Liza”, N. M. Karamzin)

But sometimes - although very rarely - a golden ray of hope, a ray of consolation illuminated the darkness of her sorrow. (“Poor Liza”, N. M. Karamzin)

And there is one key - there are more than three of them, with a jagged beard, of course, not from a chest of drawers. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

Don't worry, I won't give it to you, - the mustachioed man said resolutely and went after them. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

But as I leave, I dare say that in the future I hope to be spared such meetings and, so to speak, compromises. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

The weeping of poor, consumptive, orphan Katerina Ivanovna seemed to have produced a strong effect on the public. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

Her pale yellow, withered face tossed back, her mouth opened, her legs stretched convulsively. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

Game_! - yelled Luzhin, enraged to the point of rage, - you are all flying wild, sir. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

Marfa Terentievna did not let up, but more and more pestered the mayor: take Bonaparte out and put it down, then in the end he was exhausted. (“History of a City”, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

Whatever fires out of a gun, it will shoot through the heart, whatever it waves with a saber, then the head is off the shoulders. (“History of a City”, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

He repeatedly made campaigns against the short-earners and was so eager for spectacles that no one without himself would be killed
did not trust. (“History of a City”, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

"Enough! - he said decisively and solemnly, - no more mirages, no more feigned fears, no more ghosts! .. ”(“ Crime and Punishment ”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

It was thought that the sky would collapse, the earth would open up underfoot, that a tornado would fly in from somewhere and swallow everything, all at once ... (“History of a City”, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

He bargained with them for a long time, asking for altyn and money for the search, but the bunglers gave a penny and their stomachs in addition. (“History of a City”, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

The exercise was prepared by N. Solovieva and B. A. Panov (“League of Schools”).

M soft sign does not mean soft hissing at the end of nouns, verbs and adverbs, because these sibilants are either always hard (w, w) or always soft (h, w).

After such consonants, put at least five soft signs - they will not become softer or harder. In these cases soft sign plays grammatical role . So in a word silence- indicates that the given word is a feminine noun, 3 declensions. In a word cherish- indicates that the given word is a verb in the infinitive. In a word write– indicates that it is a second person singular verb. In a word entirely- indicates that it is an adverb.

A soft sign after hissing at the end of a word is written:

  • For feminine nouns in them. p. units hours: rye, silence, night, thing.
  • Have verbs in all forms; at the same time, b is preserved before -sya, -te .: take care - take care - take care; cut - cut.
  • Adverbs in w and h ( all the way, upside down) and in one word on w ( wide open).

A soft sign after hissing at the end of a word is not written:

  • For masculine nouns in them. p. units hours: garage, reeds, rook, raincoat.
  • The nouns have R. and cf. R. in the genus n. pl.: many clouds, groves, schools.
  • For short adjectives: good, hot, fresh.
  • For adverbs on w: already, married, unbearable.

A large set of materials for the lesson on b after hissing (presentations, tests, cards, games, dictations and much more)

10 words per b rule after hissing

For 2nd - 3rd grade: nonsense, rye, a mouse, a stove, a doctor, a comrade, a hut, and because of the clouds, many tasks around the dachas.
For grade 4: mouse, speech, doctor, comrade, hot, and behind the clouds, many tasks, guard, bathe, you know.
For 5th - 7th grade: false, alkali, comrade, only, many tasks, guard, bathe, smear, jump, hot.

25 words per b rule after hissing

For 2nd - 3rd grade: nonsense, rye, mouse, stove, lie, louse, thing, brooch, gouache, ball, doctor, comrade, bream, tick, circus performer, weaver, trickster, kalach, executioner, strongman, hut, and because of the clouds, many tasks, around cottages, many puddles.
For grade 4: mouse, speech, luxury, bile, trifle, youth, trumpeter, rich man, bearded man, trickster, pusher, circus performer, kalach, hot, fresh, from behind the clouds, many tasks, programs, monsters, guard, captivate, bathe, write, read, you know.
For 5th - 7th grade: false, alkali, buckshot, trifle, luxury, comrade, radio beam, hoop, Muscovite, many tasks, gears, monsters, guard, captivate, bathe, write, read, you know, smear, cut off, only, jump, wide open, unbearable, hot , fresh.

Lists on individual rule items


Feminine, 3rd declension

Mouse, daughter, speech, falsehood, nonsense, youth, oven, rye, lies, louse, rags, thing, brooch, baldness, gap, game, wilderness, trifle, alkali, dryness, help, medical assistance, self-help, mutual assistance, technical assistance, bitterness, night, midnight, gouache, power, wasteland, silence, luxury, bile, bastard, ink, retouching, thickness, flow, buckshot, harness, harness, harness, fallow, stupidity, whim, trembling.

Feminine, pl. h.

A lot of skis, dachas, clouds, sales, sales, meetings, successes, failures, transfers, hernias, monsters, monsters, transfers, renditions, galoshes, biliters, Ksyusha, Pash, Dash, Sash, puddles, prey, carcasses, conflagrations, candles , prize-winners, foremen, paws, paws, lifters, thousands, nags, tasks, losses, shoulders.

Masculine, 2nd declension

Hunchback, trumpeter, grabber, rich man, horn, stricter, puller, pugach, tractor, autotractor, bearded man, trickster, pusher, circus performer, weaver, trickster, kalach, executioner, strongman, crying, interpreter, basmach, kosmach, kumach, rhymer, zurnach, trepach, violinist, doctor, female doctor, chief physician, sanitary doctor, military doctor, veterinarian, dietician, rook, cedar, nosach, barbel, laugher, scorcher, rumorer, sword, scourge, sandwich, king's son, tsarevich, prince, krivich, Muscovite, Dregovich, Ryadovich, Pskovych, Popovich, Rodich, Kindred, Erofeich, Knyazhich, Paralysis, Cry, Kulich, Radimich, Kostromich, Brick, Speech, Barich, Gentry, Lyutich, Vyatich, Sotchich, French, clinch, light, grub, tornado, match, ketch, sketch, putsch, general education, head teacher, sealing wax, ignoramus, beam, radio beam, hoop, panych, Serpent Gorynych, hrych, owl, key, ball, sabbath, pita bread, Chuvash, legash, trader, pencil, chardash , mordash, drunk, broadsword, jumble, hut, ours, murash, bandolier, ladle, flare, kulesh, dervish, Yiddish, kukish, crumb, sultanas, finish, fetish, shish, hashish, bakshish, revenge, rematch, cards blanche, punch, brawl, penny, aprosh, mac, march, demarche, minced meat, ruff, bursh, ingush, shower, kush, tush, kuntush, cartouche, scrape, ragged, insert, afterbirth, foundling, miscarriage, lily of the valley, ruff , embryo, berdysh, stray, baby, round, naked, reed, fosterling, fattener, fosterling, bastard, foundling, serpent, foolish, animal, gosling, cub, kitty, duckling, blackie, ugly, mole rat, strong, reptile, silly , profit, maggot, strumming, loss, winning, rally, wagering, zamorysh, spool, pellet, Latvian, shorty, shifter, roll, pout, whooping cough, plush, kruglyash, white, goulash, plemyash, curly, cloak, sling, bream , mite, fistula, comrade, companion, vegetable, horsetail, borscht, khrushch, dude, pimple, ivy, cartilage.


Hot, viscous, smelly, handsome, loose, combustible, prickly, good, furious, fresh, burning, molting, powerful, effervescent, skinny, ebullient, odorous, creaky, creeping, ubiquitous.


Backhand, backward, completely, wide open, completely, away, jump, unbearable, exactly the same.

Exceptions: already, married, unbearable.


See, see, see, only.



Burn, lie down, clothe, bring on, extract, bake, neglect, cherish, guard, speak, detect, flow, burn, cut, cut, reach, drag, pound, be able, strain, strain.

2nd person verbs

Smile, eat, bite, kick, drink, pour, sleep, eat, love, kiss, move, nod, use, write, read, wash, use, weaken, move, hold, see, know, fly, mourn, heal, you are enrolled, you study, you use, you can, you repent, you guard, you extract, you burn, etc.

Imperative verbs

Spread, cut, eat, prescribe, don't cry, hide, respect, provide, discover, sum up, multiply, disturb, focus.

b is preserved before -te and -tes: smear, smear, hide, hide, etc.

Publication certificate No. 1356502 dated May 31, 2017

Why you need to know the rule

The letters Sh and Zh denote only hard sounds, and the letters Ch and Sh only soft sounds. b after these letters is not heard, since it is not able to give softness to hard sounds or add softness to already soft ones.

b after hissing is considered a letter that indicates the form of the word, but native speakers understand the form of the word without b. On the contrary, according to the form of the word, we determine whether it is necessary or not to write b.

Thus, the spelling in Russian b after sizzling has no rational explanation and practical meaning. b after hissing- a tribute to tradition. But the rule will have to be learned, since no one has canceled it yet.


Hissing drops out at the end of a word with the following word forms:

In some words from this list b is written, in others it is not written.

After hissing (w, h, w, u), the letter b is written only in the following cases:

In nouns

At the end of feminine nouns in them. and wine. pad. units h, for example: rye, night, mouse.

In verbs

  • At the end 2nd person singular h. the present and future tense of the verb after the final sh, for example: you carry - you carry, you wear - you carry, you take - you take.
  • At the end of the verb in singular h. imperative mood, and the letter ь is preserved before -sya, for example: smear - smear; hide - hide; eat.
  • In plural h. imperative mood before -te, -te, for example: smear - smear; hide - hide; eat.
  • At the end of a verb in an indefinite form, and the letter b is written before -sya, for example: shear, shear.

In adverbs

In all adverbs after final w and h, For example: all the way, jump, away, and also in the adverb wide open.

Toch b- exactly b written with two b and hyphens.

In particles

At the end of the particles: vysh, bish, only, ish.


you wash b - 2nd person verb.

you wash b Xia- 2nd person verb.

Namazh b - imperative verb.

Namazh b Xia - imperative verb, the letter ь is also preserved before -sya.

Namazh b those - imperative verb, the letter ь is preserved before -te.

Namazh b tes - imperative verb, the letter ь is preserved and before -tes.

midnight b - feminine noun 3 cl. in them. pad.

Doctor - with masculine noun.

And behind the clouds - noun in gender. pad.

By the way b- adverb with H at the end.

Unbearable - adverb with J at the end.

Lish b - particle.

Hot - short adjective.

History of the rule

The spelling b after hissing has remained unchanged since the earliest spelling books.

Before the reform of 1918, writing b in nouns had, if not meaning, then logic: at the end of feminine nouns with hissing at the end, b was written, at the end of masculine nouns - b. Here is a copy of a 1915 textbook page.

The uselessness of the rule was recognized even by the first philologists who described Russian grammar.

During the reform of 1918, it was necessary to remove the extra, unreadable b and b at the end of words, which was proposed by the commission of philologists in 1912, but for some reason the Bolsheviks removed b and left b.

Since then, during all spelling reforms, philologists have proposed to complete the matter: remove the rules about b after hissing and not write it after h, sh, w, w at all. For example, it was proposed to do this during the spelling discussion of 1929 - 1930, in the 60s when drawing up a set of rules for Russian spelling, and in subsequent years when trying to reform.

What to look out for

  • Although there is a special point of the rule for adverbs, at the moment there are only 9 adverbs with hissing at the end in the language. It is easier to remember the spelling of 8 words and 3 exceptions than to remember the rule all your life. Without b: already, married, unbearable. C b: completely, jump, completely, wide open, away, unbearably, backwards, backwards, exactly.
  • Do not confuse adverbs with short adjectives that are written without b: hot, sticky, smelly.
  • The rule lists all verb forms that end with a sibilant. And this means that in verbs, b is always written after sibilants.