Natalya Demkina known as the X-ray girl. Girl-"X-ray" surprised scientists again

The period of transition from one millennium to the next was marked by the appearance in different parts of the world of people with paranormal abilities. All sorts of swindlers and pseudo-psychics flourished on this wave, who did not want to think about what detrimental consequences their inept interference in the processes of the universe could have. However, the capabilities of some, special people really amazed and baffled even scientists. Among these unique personalities, one can also include a girl from Russia - Natasha Demkina.


Natasha Demkina was born in 1987 in Saransk. According to her mother, the girl was distinguished by early development: she began to speak at 6 months, and when she was one year old, she could recite Pushkin's poems by heart. At the age of three, she already knew the letters. Natasha grew up as a seasoned child: her mother could calmly put her barefoot in the snow after the bath. However, she did not show any psychic abilities until the age of 10, until Natalya got an operation to remove her appendix. When the girl was to be discharged, her health left much to be desired. X-rays showed that the doctors left surgical tampons inside the little patient, so she had to remove the stitches.

Manifestation of new abilities

After the operation, Natasha got "double vision": she told her mother that she could see what was inside: "A hose like a vacuum cleaner, two beans and a tomato." The child was not yet familiar with human anatomy and gave a description of organs by analogy with objects known to him. A frightened mother took her daughter to the doctors. They did not diagnose any abnormalities and gave a referral to a psychotherapist, who also did not find any pathology and asked: “What do you see inside me?” Natasha drew a "pouch for food" with a spot in the place where her companion had a stomach ulcer. This convinced the psychotherapist that she was facing a child with unique abilities. The doctor called Natasha "the future Vanga": the famous clairvoyant died a few months before these events and predicted that her gift would go to a girl living in an unknown country.

The first experiments to identify Natasha's abilities were made by the doctors of the children's polyclinic: the girl was shown patients with a number of diseases, and she diagnosed them based on a visual examination. And the doctors had to state that her conclusions in most cases coincide with the indications of ultrasound. The Izvestia newspaper published an interview with Irina Kachan, an endocrinologist at Children's Polyclinic No. 1, who, commenting on the phenomenon of Natasha Demkina, nevertheless spoke in favor of traditional research methods through tests and medical equipment: “Nevertheless, I admit that the girl has outstanding abilities. Let her not have a 100% accuracy in determining the diagnosis, but the percentage of hits is high. And errors occur only due to the fact that she is not a specialist, she has her own explanation about illnesses. For example, I see a spasm of the head vessels in a patient, she also sees shiny balls, which, in her opinion, need to be caught and the pain will pass. In order to become a professional, a girl definitely needs knowledge and a medical education.”

Difficult calling

Information about the nugget girl quickly spread throughout the small town, and people reached out to Natasha for a consultation. The phone was ringing with calls for help. Sick children were brought to her, sometimes they were even brought in their arms. Natasha recalled that it was morally very difficult to look at all these sufferings. Visitors crowded not only in the apartment, but also on the stairs and near the entrance, which caused displeasure of the neighbors, they even wrote statements to the police, which, however, did not reveal any violations.

Patients entered a small room, stood at the door and Natasha "scanned" their body: who had a blood clot in a vein, who had kidney stones. It happened more than once that the girl denied the medical diagnosis and recommended that the operation be canceled, and then subsequent medical examinations confirmed her case. One young man, Eduard, was unsuccessfully treated for tuberculosis for a whole year at the Saransk Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases. Natasha drew him how she sees his problem: signs of sarcoidosis granuloma - damage to immune cells. This drawing helped Edward get healed in a Moscow clinic.

It also happened like this: Natasha, before the medical verdict, determined a serious illness. In this way, she saved many lives.

Journalist Igor Monichev, who considered psychics charlatans, asked Natasha to determine the place of a long-standing injury in him, and she accurately indicated it.

Natasha explained her feelings in this way: “I seem to have two eyesight. I can switch at any moment just like that, for no reason. One has only to want to look at a person's health. Such a switch for me is not difficult, just think about it. I see the full structure of the body, who has what and where it is and how it works. How I define the disease is difficult to explain. Something like impulses come from the affected organs. The second sight operates only during daylight hours and falls asleep at night.

The schoolgirl barely had time to do her homework, and there was no time for entertainment at all. She saw 20 patients a night three times a week. In a small Mordovian town, medicine was not up to par, and patients were drawn to Natasha by a stream, whom the doctors were unable to help.

Natasha understood the need for medical education. “With medical terms, I can make an accurate diagnosis. I need to know and understand what exactly I see. This will make it easier to work with people who come for a consultation.”

To study medicine, the girl entered the academy at the Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogaryov. Her main dream was to receive a higher medical education at the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov, but this training was too expensive for her family.

Extrasensory perception and the Orthodox faith

Unfortunately, Natasha's talent did not help her solve her own problems. But she is an Orthodox person, and faith saves her. The girl was cured of back pain by dipping into the icy water of the miraculous Paraskeva Pyatnitsa spring in the village of Paygarma. Natalya regularly stands up for services and admits that she is learning not to be offended and not to be angry.

Cargo of world fame

A few weeks later, Natasha became known throughout the country. A number of sensational articles were published in the press. Unlike most psychics, she agreed to any research and experimentation. The American professor Richard Wiseman believed that she was taking a big risk by agreeing to these experiments, which were not always arranged with good intentions. But she herself was interested in finding a scientific justification for her “second sight”, and also in getting a certificate that would give her the right to officially apply her talent.

Thus, the girl ended up first in England, then in America. In England, the tests were successful. In America, her abilities were scrupulously tested by experimental psychologists Richard Wiseman and Ray Hyman, who specialize in exposing false psychics. American experts considered her talent to be false, since Natasha was able to identify pathologies in only four out of seven patients. Natalya herself subsequently recalled that the Americans put severe pressure on her, were skeptical, and there were no relatives nearby, and she, a seventeen-year-old girl, was emotionally unprepared for such psychological pressure. The tests lasted over four hours and were extremely tiring in and of themselves. In addition, in some cases, a specialized medical education was necessary for diagnosing.

The following experiments took place in Japan, at the Center for Human Studies at the University of Tokyo. They were a complete success. They were conducted by experienced doctors of medical sciences, whose specialization was precisely in the study of the paranormal abilities of a person: Narai Riske, Yoshio Machi, Ishiya Hironochi and Yamamoto Hiroshi. Natasha had to diagnose people who were completely wrapped in robes and who had masks put on their eyes so that they could not give her any signals. She was even planted with her back to the patients, and still she was able to correctly identify such anomalies as four kidneys, a heart with a shift to the right, a steel endoprosthesis in the patella, and even a three-week pregnancy.

The girl was also asked to mentally take an x-ray of the dog. Natalia did not disappoint this time either: she found that a prosthesis was implanted in the right hind leg of the animal.

At the suggestion of Japanese experts, Natasha tried to identify health problems from a photograph of a person. Amazingly, she was able to identify a person with liver cancer from a small photo in her passport.

Absolutely all the diagnoses Natasha made correctly. Upon completion of testing, venerable Japanese professors gave a standing ovation to a fragile blond Russian girl. They gave her a certificate documenting her amazing abilities.

Natalia Demkina - an accomplished specialist

Natasha graduated from high school with honors and entered the Moscow State Medical and Dental Institute. In parallel with her studies, she continues her "X-ray" practice, helping the sick. When she arrives in Saransk, her patients visit her. They can call even at 4 o'clock in the morning: "Natasha, I have an attack, what should I do."

High-ranking officials also turn to her for advice, though through intermediaries: Natasha is brought their personal belongings, according to which she diagnoses, and then makes recommendations.

Natalya Dyomkina works with the patient's energy layers, believing that the disease begins at the energy level: it can be caused by both physiological disorders and human "karmic" mistakes.

"X-ray girl" from Saransk Natasha Demkina once shocked the world community. She sees people through, in the truest sense of the word. With the help of her unusual "second" vision, Natasha is able to discern even such diseases that elude the eyes of experienced doctors. The fame of her quickly spread throughout the city, and soon a whole line of sufferers lined up at the door of her house. So who is she, Natasha Demkina? A talented young hoaxer or, indeed, a miracle child?

The first to recognize her wonderful gift were Mordovian doctors who worked with sixteen-year-old Natalia Demkina. Her diagnoses are amazing in their accuracy and reliability. The girl's mother still wonders how this is possible. She told reporters that the girl was born completely normal. The only thing that distinguished her from her peers was her early development. She spoke at six months. And by the year I knew a dozen of Pushkin's poems. At three she was reading fluently, and even knew how to steer a snowmobile. Natasha from early childhood was not afraid of any colds. Until late autumn, she wore light clothing. Tempered, could walk barefoot in the snow. However, having discovered such a talent in her daughter, the mother was surprised. It all started with the fact that a girl at the age of eight was admitted to the hospital with sharp pains in her right side. Soon the primary diagnosis was confirmed - acute appendicitis. An appendectomy was performed, and the postoperative period passed without complications until the moment when it was possible to go home. The day before discharge, Natasha developed acute pain in the area of ​​the postoperative wound. Ultrasound showed a foreign infiltrate. A repeated revision of the abdominal cavity showed that the doctors forgot a napkin in the wound. And soon she told her mother: "Inside you are a corrugated hose, like our vacuum cleaner, two beans, a tomato that looks like a bull's heart." These were her first revelations on the way to the title of "X-ray girl". At that time, she did not know medical terminology and elementary anatomy of the human body. The mother considered that the girl should be shown to a psychiatrist. After a long conversation, the doctor spread his hands in surprise. The girl saw right through people. She drew a "food pouch" (the doctor's stomach) and a "hole" in it (a healed ulcer). There were rumors that the girl was given the gift of Vanga, who died shortly before her birth, and predicted before her death that the gift of the healer would go to the newborn. The local clinic was interested in a similar phenomenon. Natasha was provided with patients whose diseases she easily listed. Sometimes she even corrected the diagnoses of ultrasound doctors. However, many doctors are quite skeptical about the girl's gift. They were accustomed to traditional treatment, but did not deny that she had extraordinary abilities, which she could put into practice if she received a quality medical education. As Natasha herself says: “I seem to have two views. I can switch at any moment just like that, for no reason. One has only to want to look at a person’s health. Such a switch is not difficult for me, just think. who has what and where and how it works. It is difficult to explain how I define the disease. Something like impulses come from the affected organs. Second vision works only during daylight hours and falls asleep at night." However, the girl cannot see herself from the inside. But even experienced doctors come to her for a consultation. The local authorities decided to help the girl. Now she is studying medicine at the multidisciplinary academy of the Mordovian State University. This will make the diagnosis easier. And there are more and more people who want to know about their health every day. People call their home phones and plead for help. The girl has never refused anyone and never took money. The stairwell, opposite the doors of their modest two-room apartment, is crowded with people. Neighbors even tried to call the police to disperse the crowd, but they did not see anything illegal in the actions of the suffering. And the girl continues to work miracles. People who were diagnosed with cancer came to her more than once. She answered that they had no disease and sent them for new examinations. And repeated cytology gave a negative result. Ultimately, even in the UK they learned about it. Journalists from The Sun invited the girl to London. They decided to do a little experiment and invited her to visit their colleague, who had recently been in a car accident. The girl accurately indicated all the damaged organs and bones, despite the fact that the journalist diligently prepared for the meeting and hid all visible traces of injuries. The British liked the girl so much that they asked her to stay in London for a few more weeks. Parents are proud that she was able to achieve such heights. Meanwhile, with the support of those who believe in her, Natasha has become a successful young representative of alternative medicine. She puts her knowledge into practice. Takeshi Kitano made a film about her. Since the girl had already mastered the basics of medicine, she had ambitious plans. Now she dreams of opening an experimental multidisciplinary clinic that will use a different approach to diagnosing human diseases, which will rely on her wonderful gift. She is already doing research in the field of oncology, trying to figure out how to make the tumor regress. Over the past years, many have entrusted their health to her, from housemates to the inhabitants of Rublyovka. Natasha, however, has not lost her inherent simplicity in communication and modesty. After all, everyone is equal before the disease. However, it is not known how the gift of this young lady will develop further. Perhaps she will do good and save people. Perhaps the ability will fade. We will follow developments. After all, such people are extremely rare in our lives.

The whole world learned about the phenomenal abilities of 17-year-old Natasha Demkina at the beginning of this year. Newspapers were full of headlines about "girl- x-ray", which can shine through people like a medical device. American journalists gave Natasha a live test and came to unexpected conclusions.

The gift of the x-ray girl opened for no reason at the age of 10.

“Mom, I see how your blood is moving,” Natasha X-ray suddenly said, lying with her mother on the couch. Both of them weren't even afraid. And they were not surprised when the girl suddenly began to correctly pronounce medical terms. But in the family they did not have a single doctor.

The first patients, of course, were my mother's girlfriends. Friends followed them. When our x-ray girl was already in her senior year, a queue of patients from different cities lined up at the door of her apartment. For seven years, the "X-ray girl" "permeated her gaze" with about 10 (!) Thousands of patients.

The real glory fell on the girl - x-ray in January of this year. English journalists brought Natasha to London, and on one of the TV channels live in front of millions of viewers, she showed the miracles of diagnostics with one hundred percent success. The X-ray girl was immediately interested in the well-known Discovery TV channel, which decided to make a film about her. Natasha signed a contract with the channel for six months, one of the conditions of which was a ban on communication with other media.

During this time, Natasha X-ray graduated from the gymnasium with a gold medal. According to the Unified State Examination, she scored 96 points out of 100. And, having passed only one exam in biology, she became a student of the medical faculty of the Moscow State Dental University. Semashko.

In New York, the Commission on the Study of the Paranormal gave our x-ray girl, in our words, a "deuce". And the English newspaper The Guardian called Demkina a charlatan.

Found a nail in my tooth

I am not x-ray! - in the hearts she immediately blurted out. - The X-ray function is somewhat different from mine. The device scans completely and immediately. And for me, in order to view the whole organism, I need to deal with each organ separately.

Look at my jaws - find a surprise there, - I asked Natasha-X-ray through my teeth and tightly closed my mouth.

We look into each other's eyes for a few seconds, then she looks away and ... strikes me on the spot. The “X-ray girl” “saw” a carnation-pin screwed into my dental canal after the removal of the nerve a year (!) Ago, and even a lump-seal on the gum from the inside (!) Side.

American tricks on the x-ray girl

So what happened in New York? I ask, recovering from a slight shock.

The story as told by the Demkin family really turned out to be dark. In London, the abilities of our x-ray girl were tested by journalists. There was no doctor around. 6-8 patients were brought to Natasha, and then her diagnosis was compared with what was entered in their medical records. The coincidence was one to one. Therefore, Natasha X-ray soon appeared on live television, where she "watched" patients in front of the audience. In general, the success was stunning. But not backed by science.

Already other journalists from the Discovery Channel brought the X-ray girl to New York and handed over to the head of the Commission for the Study of the Paranormal, Richard Wiseman. He is famous for the fact that at one time he allegedly brought to light Uri Geller, who with his eyes bent iron spoons and stopped the clock on Big Ben. But Wiseman doesn't have a degree either. He is a former illusionist who has made it his mission to expose the tricks of others.

This commission created unbearable conditions for me during testing, - says Natasha - x-ray. - Firstly, they put me in the same room with seven patients at once. And I had to diagnose each of them. And usually I take one. So the session lasted several hours. But in the end, Wiseman set me up. I could not compare my diagnoses with the official conclusions of doctors. They were not shown to me afterwards. For example, I didn't "see" a metal plate in one guy's head. Or maybe she wasn't? In another test, I was asked to point to one person out of seven who had a scar on his body. And there were two women with completely identical scars, and in the same place. Only the reasons for the origin of these scars were different: one had an appendix removed, and the other had a gynecological operation. I mentioned this misunderstanding to the commission, and they say that I should point out only one person. I freaked out and pointed to the one with gynecology, because it's more serious than appendicitis. And to offset the commission, it turns out, a woman with a scar from appendicitis was needed. So I didn't get another point. Moreover, one of the commission members accused me of receiving information about patients via SMS. From God, right? I have no friends or enemies in America. And one psychologist argued that supposedly I, an x-ray girl, see diseases by gestures and facial expressions. And he even volunteered to diagnose patients with me. As a result, he has zero points, and I have 4 out of 7. This is almost 60 percent of the hit. But the commission still did not recognize my phenomenon.

Did you like the movie about yourself?

Me on him ... in parallel, - without hiding her displeasure, Natalya said - x-ray. - The key phrase that sounded at the end of the film puts an end to me: "If we recognized Natasha's gift, then all fundamental medicine should be thrown into the trash." I was needed for filming as an excuse to debunk unusual abilities.

Natalya Demkina sees through all people in the truest sense of the word, this girl has x-ray vision. Natasha is known in the world as an x-ray girl, her abilities are subject to scientific experiments and tests.

Where did X-ray vision come from?

Natalya Demkina was born in 1987 in the city of Saransk. As a child, the girl was smart - she spoke at six months, and at the year she read Pushkin's poems. At the age of three, Natasha learned the alphabet and soon learned to read.

The first signs of unusual vision, parents and others began to notice at the age of ten. Shortly before that, the girl's appendix was cut out, but due to negligence, the doctors forgot a tampon in the abdominal cavity. Inflammation began, it’s good that they quickly found a foreign body and did a second operation.

The parents of the amazing girl say that it was after the second operation that the daughter began to tell what she sees inside people. Not knowing medical terms, she described the internal organs by analogy with vegetables and surrounding objects.

A worried mother took her daughter to a psychotherapist. Natasha told the doctor what she sees inside her stained food bag- so she described the stomach with an ulcer.

worldwide fame

Wide popularity came to Natalia only in 2004, when she, being an eleventh grader, went with her parents to London and appeared on television there. Then the same x-ray girl with accuracy described numerous fractures one of the journalists who got into a car accident.

The American Discovery Channel became interested in the amazing vision of Natalia Demkina and continued to study her unusual abilities. With the support of the channel, scientific experiments were carried out, during which Natasha examined seven volunteers exclusively with the help of her eyes.

The scientists compared the results of the descriptions with x-rays. IN four out of seven cases the girl clearly described all the features of the internal organs and the state of the skeleton. Among the participants were people with removed appendicitis and parts of the lung, with a metal plate in the skull, an artificial joint.

After that there were other experiments. Natasha showed her abilities not only when diagnosing people, but when working with animals.

After school, having passed the exam with 96 points, Natalya entered the medical faculty of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. Like, she wanted to become a dentist. Not only patients, but also doctors come to Natasha for a consultation to clarify a complex diagnosis.