Oleg Russian name or not. What does the name Oleg mean?


Meaning: The male name Oleg is Scandinavian in origin, although today it is considered exclusively Slavic. Derived from the word "Helge". The literal interpretation of this name sounds like "holy" or "sacred." It came to our lands in ancient times along with the Varangians ...

The name Oleg is in rather high demand today. It has a rather interesting meaning and Old Norse roots, thanks to which it has the strongest energy. And it is also compatible with many Russian female names ...

Conversational options: Olezhka, Olezhik

Modern English counterparts: Helg, Helge, Helgi

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Oleg promises a man so named many good qualities, but at the same time, some uncertainty. Usually this is the owner of a rather complex character, an outstanding person, also dual. He is impulsive and wayward, successful and risky, vulnerable and touchy, quick-witted and active. His deceit and lies can unsettle for a long time, and a spiritual wound can even plunge into a long series of depressive days.

Oleg, this is usually a principled, hardworking man. He will succeed in many endeavors, but not infrequently he will do it without enthusiasm, but purely because of a sense of "duty". And it is also desirable that he has a person at hand who will always push him to action, instruct, teach and prompt him ...

Advantages and positive features: hardworking, principled, stubborn, assertive, always achieves his goals and longs for self-improvement. And also the bearer of the male name Oleg, this is usually an uncompromising and complex person, to whom it is simply impossible to prove anything.

Oleg treats badly people who do not listen to his opinion, hates leaders and those who can dominate him, avoids communication with too bright personalities.

The name Oleg, according to most experts, has the same origin as the name Olga, also popular in the CIS countries.

The nature of the name Oleg

The nature of the name Oleg is such that in one hundred percent of cases the guy named by this name is endowed with a difficult, but calm disposition that delights everyone without exception. The character of a guy named Oleg is such that one simply cannot help but admire him - he is endowed with calmness, measuredness, regularity, kindness, a thirst for justice, integrity, self-sufficiency, prudence and prudence. Oleg's character will never allow him to deceive a loved one or leave someone who needs help in trouble. His character is complex. That it is almost impossible to predict the actions of Oleg named by the name form, but he is remarkable in his actions and prudence, which Oleg himself shows even in the most difficult life situations. Well, and no less important - Oleg, this is a person whose character largely depends on parental upbringing. Although, if you look from the other side, it depends not only on upbringing, but also on many other factors ...

So, the character in this case may depend on such an important factor as the significance of the zodiac sign, the energy of the symbol of the year of birth according to the Chinese calendar, and even the time of year when Oleg was born.

Early childhood

The boy, whose parents at birth decided to choose the name Oleg, the meaning and energy of this name is usually awarded with a calm disposition and a rather kind character. Kindness, integrity, cheerfulness, gentleness and tenderness, attentiveness and virtue, a thirst for attention and care - these are the features that can characterize the boy who received the name Oleg.

For the most part, all Olegs try to attract less attention to themselves in childhood, and this is manifested primarily in communication with peers - this one can go about his business for hours on end without any distractions. He does not need to indulge or misbehave to have a good mood. Just doing what you love is enough. This boy has everything a child needs, and a sense of responsibility, and caring, and commitment, and diligence - he gets along well with his parents and all adults from the environment, but often does not get along well with children, because they consider him a weakling and a sneak, a sissy, although in reality it is not.

He obeys his parents, never allows himself to indulge, tries to be like his father, and at the same time adopt as many maternal qualities as possible.


Oleg is a teenager, this is a completely different person. The meaning of this name can endow the boy with an angelic character, but his calmness and lack of popularity in society will sooner or later lead to the fact that he wants to somehow stand out from the crowd. Most likely, this will be followed by a demonstration of character and strength, a desire to be the first, rash acts and many mistakes in actions.

The boy, who is patronized by the meaning of the name Oleg, will have to be constantly kept under control by his parents, because at any fine moment he can turn from a calm and reasonable person into a real bully, whom everyone will complain about and with whom everyone, without exception, will certainly be unhappy.

Obligation, diligence, honesty, justice, prudence, prudence, diligence and determination, regularity and good nature - this is what Oleg can boast of, whom his parents keep, as they say, in check. He is capable of many good deeds, he has a lot of talents, he stands out with a mind whose warehouse one cannot but admire, but all this will be revealed only if his mother and father can explain to him that popularity in society is not worth the sacrifice and defiant behavior.

grown man

An adult boy, or rather a man, the meaning of this name can endow with a completely indestructible nature, the character of a strong man, but not physically, but morally. With the right parental upbringing, Oleg can grow up to be balanced, calm, honest and systematic, fair and purposeful, persistent and stubborn, but slightly insecure. This one easily achieves all the goals. But only if there is proper moral support - Oleg needs moral support like no other, his actions must be supported by comrades, decisions must be approved by like-minded people, and goals must be set by one of the trusted persons. Here he is, a man over whom the meaning of the name Oleg patronizes.

In the future, he can achieve a lot and even become a full-fledged boss, but not without the support of at least relatives. But he is a kind man and a good friend, one can only dream of such a comrade, his support is worth a lot - he will never leave in trouble, conscience will not allow, will not betray, and in general, he always tries to be useful to the environment. In general, if in general, then this is an ideal man, not very self-confident, a little indecisive, but effective and active, energetic, and even keeps his word, moreover, in all situations without exception.

The interaction of Oleg's character with the seasons

Winter - if you call a newborn boy that was born under the influence of the meaning of Winter, then he will be a stubborn and proud representative of the strong half of humanity, independent, independent and self-confident in nature. He is demanding, but not to himself. At the same time, he succeeds in everything he undertakes. And his kindness and responsiveness, and do promise him success in his personal life.

Summer - this bearer of the name Oleg is a kind and at the same time quick-tempered little man. It ignites easily if offended, but also easily departs - it cannot stay in a furious mood for a long time, forgives and gives a chance for correction. He is cheerful and good-natured, and also eloquent - these qualities promise him popularity in society. A holiday is the style of his life.

Autumn - a methodical planner is born here, a person who follows the plan in everything, reasonable and focused, purposeful. He analyzes the environment well, always strives to improve achievements, has excellent intuition, which protects against serious mistakes. Too pessimistic - he sees a catch and betrayal in everything, which does not play into the hands.

Spring - he is vulnerable and sensitive, capricious as a girl, clean, devoting a lot of effort to his appearance. Demanding of the people around him, overly dependent on mood. Strives for leadership, sometimes even ready for deception, which repels people. Has a bad temper.

The fate of the name Oleg

The fate of the name is one of the most complex and most mysterious factors, but nevertheless, it attracts the attention of all researchers, without exception, even today. As for the fate of the name Oleg, everything is complicated here, because in this particular case it all depends on a bunch of very different characteristics, and not just on the characteristics of the name. In this case, the fate of the name and its bearer is determined by many aspects. Although the researchers still managed to find out a few interesting points.
One of them testifies that the fate of the named Oleg assumes indecision and uncertainty, because of which he, even falling in love, will not be able to tell his chosen one about his feelings. That is why fate can determine him a long search for a soul mate and stay in prolonged loneliness.

But despite this, Oleg's fate will sooner or later lead him to becoming a real father and a good husband. True, fate will allow him to get along only with a woman who is complaisant and compliant, but ready to support him in everything. Oleg's fate is to be a person who depends on his relatives and their opinions all his life, and in this case, on the opinion of his wife, who must do everything in her power to make Oleg feel more confident and decisive.

Love and marriage

It can be stated with 100% certainty that Olegs, for the most part, turn out to be really good husbands. And all because their love usually does not end at the candy-bouquet period, but continues in marriage, and goes with them through many decades, unless, of course, the marriage lasts that long. Oleg, these are usually men who fall in love once and for all.

Oleg's woman will not have to think about how he will be in marriage. He will be the same as he was before him, he will not change, he will not begin to become impudent or “sit on his neck”, he will not turn into an everyday tyrant. He both devoted a lot of time to courtship and courtesy before marriage, and will continue to devote the same amount of time, being with his beloved already in marriage. He will not try to change, even if asked about it - he will forever remain the same as he was during the evening meetings and at the very beginning of the relationship.

Will he be henpecked? It is unlikely! But he will not refuse to work around the house and help his wife either. He will always help his wife around the house, take the children for a walk so that the little wife can rest, and in general, he will show maximum understanding towards his wife.

Oleg as a father

It is difficult to really say what kind of father Oleg will be, but you can be sure that he will not become a bad father. Perhaps he lacks responsibility, commitment, gentleness and sincerity, and perhaps even he will postpone the conception of children until the last, but be that as it may, and when he becomes a dad, he will perform all his father's duties as well as possible. He will surely approach fatherhood responsibly and will bring maximum benefit to his children.

By the way, Oleg can become more attached to his son than to his daughter. And all just because he will be eager to correct his own mistakes and educate a second self, but corrected, improved, so to speak. He will not leave his daughter either, but for the most part her upbringing will be shifted onto the shoulders of her mother.

As for the development of children, their provision with everything necessary, love and devotion to them, Oleg will certainly show himself from the best side. He will provide the family with money, and he will buy everything for the children that they will need. Maybe he will devote a little time to them, but he will not specifically distance himself from them either. Oleg is a father who is always devoted and faithful to his children, capable of much for their good, but trying not to show his affection for them.

Horoscope named after Oleg


Aries - the meaning of Aries gives birth to a boy named Oleg, who always has such character traits as independence and straightforwardness. This is a complex person, sharp in communication, impudent, vindictive and self-confident. He is not ready to follow someone else's opinion, strives for recognition by society of his originality and uniqueness.


Taurus, on the contrary, by the origin of the inner world is too intelligent, an obvious gentleman, balanced and self-confident. He is prudent and prudent, attentive to the world around him - and in the chosen one he doesn’t have a soul at all, he will please her in every possible way, admire her, love and exalt her.


Gemini - this zodiac sign promises a guy named Oleg nobility and politeness, diligence, emotionality, temperament and passion at the same time. All together, these features prevent him from establishing harmony between professional activity and personal life. Women are trying to idealize.


Cancer - here we are talking about a little boy with a constantly changing mood. It is difficult to communicate with such a person, and his resentment and vulnerability can even flow into aggression. That is why he is lonely in most cases, and compatibility with women does not bring him happiness at all - rarely anyone can withstand him.

a lion

Leo - and here, who received the name Oleg, is a gambling male, energetic, risky, an adventurer who prefers to act all the time. For him, life is a game, an adventure in which every trouble can be a gift of fate. Charming and eloquent, but not inclined to a serious relationship with obligations.


Virgo - and here leadership is celebrated by such qualities as rigidity and adherence to principles. He analyzes everything around, strives for regularity in everything, looks for logic where there is none, cherishes people with high moral values. Will give preference to a kind and gentle connoisseur of the family hearth.


But Oleg, who appeared from the womb under the sign of scales, is a calm and delicate man, peaceful, positive and kind. With such everything is easy, because he is also a compromise man, always looking for a delicate solution to any conflict. For fear of being betrayed, he hesitates to start a family for a long time.


Scorpio, a sign promising irresponsibility and ambition. This one lives only in the present day. Sociable, easily disposes to himself of both men and women, a seducer, which to look for, loves to play with feelings. She loves stormy and passionate romances, after which there will be no obligations.


Under the sign of the Sagittarius, a boy is usually born, whose compatibility with women is based on their understanding of his crazy ideas. He is a born activist, smart and tactful, with a desire to be constantly on the move. He makes plans for the future and always makes them a reality.


Capricorn - this zodiac sign symbolizes sincerity, good nature, fun and optimism. This one always opens up to people, but often gets burned because of this. He treats women reverently, a connoisseur of female beauty, moreover, both external and internal, sincere. Appreciates patience and tact.


Aquarius will be an attentive and sympathetic boy named Oleg, who from an early age demonstrates narcissism. To the rest, he is condescending, always ready to listen and understand, help, be smart in solving troubles. Women are often afraid of his impulsiveness.


Pisces is a self-contained, timid and apathetic child, from an early age struggling with his own weaknesses, although unsuccessfully. He is looking for a strong-willed and tough woman, the one who will possess and manage him. He lacks self-confidence, rarely able to independently control fate.

Compatibility with female names

Oleg has the best compatibility in terms of feelings and passion with Anfisa, Flora, Eleanor, Kira, Renata and Nora.

But with such as Antonina, Ninel, Lina, Taisiya, Tamila, Dina and Jessica, the union cannot work out at all, and if it does, it will be too problematic.

In general, an ideal match for this man will be a talker, an unscrupulous optimist, a woman surrounded by attention and fun ...

The name Oleg comes from the Old Norse word "helge", which means "bright, sacred". In Old Russian, the name sounded like "olg". The name Oleg first appeared in Rus' in 862, when the Novgorodians called the Varangians to serve. So the famous Rurik dynasty came to power in Rus', among which was the first bearer of the name Oleg.

For a long time, the name Oleg was exclusively princely, and therefore was not widely used among the people. And although children were not called that until the 19th century, it was not forgotten, since it was closely connected with the history of ancient Rus'.

In the first years of Soviet power, the name Oleg remained rare, then it quickly began to gain popularity. Since 1925, and to this day, the name Oleg remains quite common, and although the peak of his popularity has declined, the name has never completely gone out of use.

History knows many outstanding personalities who forever glorified the glorious name of Oleg. Among them are famous artists Oleg Basilashvili and Oleg Yankovsky, football player Oleg Protasov, famous clown Oleg Popov, aircraft designer Oleg Antonov, Russian singer Oleg Gazmanov and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The name Oleg entered the Orthodox calendar after the canonization of Prince Oleg of Bryansk, who abdicated and became a monk.

Blessed Prince Oleg Bryansky, together with his father, took part in the war against Lithuania. Having known the full horror of the murder, he abdicated in favor of his brother, preferring to serve God in the monastic rank. In 1275, he built the Petrovsky monastery in Bryansk, where he received the tonsure under the name Vasily. The noble prince died as a strict ascetic in 1307 and was buried in the monastery church.

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Name characteristic

Oleg is endowed with a rather restrained character; outbursts of anger are rare for him. And although he can sometimes give the impression of a cold and unapproachable person, by nature he is a kind, sympathetic and open man who knows how to keep his feelings under control.

Oleg does not like to plan his life, preferring to live today, and impatience makes him look for easy ways to success. But he is persistent and not used to doubting his abilities, and therefore quickly achieves success. Independent and principled, in order to achieve the desired result, he can act harshly and hostilely, disregarding the interests of others. If this promises him a benefit, he can easily trample on generally accepted moral standards.

Oleg is endowed with a strong inner core, which allows him to stand up not only for himself, but also for others, and he does it easily, without anguish and demonstration of strength. He has an innate talent to be a leader, but lacks sufficient determination. Oleg prefers to walk in easy and short ways, but he cannot be called a lazy person. Most likely, Oleg will not be a leader, but it seems that he does not need it.

Oleg does not like disorder and confusion, and this applies not only to everyday life. He is focused, accurate, consistent. There is no greed and meanness in him, but the financial situation is important for him. This man loves money, but does not make a cult of them.

Oleg is prone to depression, during which he can become addicted to drinking. He has a great need to be loved, but he himself is not always able to express his love - pride is to blame. It is also difficult for a man to establish friendships, although communication is quite simple. Oleg is generally poorly versed in people, so he can be easily manipulated.

In general, most Olegs are independent, charismatic and attractive men. And how the fate of each of them individually will turn out depends only on the person himself.


Little Oleg is very attached to his mother, and will keep this attachment for the rest of his life. It is difficult for him to get along with other children, but at the same time he is highly susceptible to other people's influence, so parents should carefully monitor the boy's social circle, especially in adolescence. Bad habits stick to a teenager very quickly.

Oleg can study very well, he has all the data for this. Peers and teachers appreciate him for his thoughtfulness, prudence and honesty. He rarely comes into conflict with peers, but he usually has few friends.

The surest decision for Oleg's parents will be to captivate a teenager with sports - this will help him to be liberated, grow up as a confident young man, save him from the influence of the street and bad habits. Given the susceptibility and sensitivity of Oleg, he needs it like no one else.


Oleg has been in good health since childhood, but his addiction to smoking and alcohol can undermine him. Migraine attacks are not uncommon, with which a man will have to fight all his life.

Another problem may arise with the ears, throat and nose - it is these organs that Oleg has the weakest. Also, a good sleep is important for him, otherwise Oleg will feel bad.


Oleg usually learns the sexual side of life early, but does not differ in great passion. He does not identify sex with love, so very often intimacy for him is nothing more than pleasant entertainment.

Oleg is squeamish, so the appearance of his partner, her cleanliness, accuracy and even smell are of great importance to him. He is generally very sensitive, and a man's sexual abilities largely depend on his mood, ability to relax.

In sex, Oleg appreciates tenderness and affection, rudeness and vulgarity do not excite him. Often he forgets about the needs of a woman, trying to extract maximum pleasure only for himself.

In general, Oleg cannot be called a particularly skillful lover, although he can often get carried away by girls, and just as quickly lose interest in them. And although many girls love Olegs, they do not break hearts, and a train of deceived women does not stretch behind them.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Most often, two marriages happen in the life of a man named Oleg, and if the second turns out to be unsuccessful, then most likely he will forever remain a bachelor. One of the reasons for the breakdown of the marriage may be Oleg's addiction to alcohol - drunk, he becomes aggressive and uncontrollable.

A strong and powerful woman will suit him as a wife - with such a wife he will feel calmer. He will gladly take care of his wife, but will not tolerate humiliation.

In family relationships, care, trust and love from his wife are extremely important for Oleg. In addition, his chosen one must definitely find a common language with his mother, since Oleg is very attached to her.

Oleg is an excellent host and faithful husband, very rarely decides to cheat. In everyday life, he is whimsical enough, he will not tolerate a mess in the house. He gets along with children with difficulty, as he treats them very demandingly.

The most successful marriage is possible with women named Eugenia, Marina, Anastasia, Olga, Yana, Veronica, Tatiana, Svetlana and Irina. Relationships with Oksana, Ekaterina, Daria, Alina and Natalya should be avoided.

Business and career

Oleg is an excellent logician and strategist, but he usually lacks a commercial streak. Work means a lot to him, but most often he treats it as a source of income, and no more. For this reason, it is difficult for him to find his real calling - he works where they pay more.

It is undesirable for a person named Oleg to engage in simple, rough work - this name is more suitable for creative professions, teachers, artists, spiritual leaders. It is also undesirable for him to go into politics, to administrative work, and even more so never to get involved in crime - there is no doubt that luck will turn away from him instantly. Such positions are also contraindicated for him, where it is necessary to force people to work, control and punish.

However, Oleg can be an excellent performer, diligent and hardworking. He can find himself in such professions as a programmer, manager, politician, teacher, engineer or financier. It is advisable for Oleg to conduct his own business on his own, without the help of partners - otherwise, disagreements, quarrels and even litigation cannot be avoided.

Talismans for Oleg

  • The ruling planet is Venus and Jupiter.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Libra and Sagittarius. Oleg is recommended to call boys born under these signs of the zodiac - then fate will be especially favorable to them.
  • A good time of the year is autumn, a good day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky color - white, green, blue.
  • The totem animal is a snake. This totem symbolizes wisdom, danger, power and rebirth. In the Christian tradition, the snake is an ambivalent symbol, personifying both the sacrifice of Christ and the tempter Satan.
  • Totem plant - camellia and hazel. Camellia symbolizes beauty, health and well-being. Hazel is a source of wisdom and fertility. At all times in Rus', hazel was considered a sacred tree, so its branches were used as a talisman against witchcraft, as well as for making divination and magic cards.
  • Talisman stone - pearl and aquamarine. It is believed that pearls are of divine origin, and therefore have magical properties. It has a beneficial effect on family ties, improves mood, pacifies pride and vanity, relieves envy and hatred. Aquamarine helps to change the life of its owner for the better, to improve relations with others, to become kinder and more responsive.

Horoscope for Oleg

Aries- The personality is independent and impudent, not pleasant in communication. He has strong energy and enterprise, but often goes ahead, regardless of the opinions of others. A born optimist and maximalist, Oleg-Aries never doubts himself, so he has every chance to quickly climb up the career ladder. It is uncharacteristic for him to rest on his laurels, he is never satisfied with what he has - for this reason he always strives for the unknown. The proud nature of Oleg-Aries does not allow him to recognize authorities and learn from the mistakes of others, the very idea that someone will lead or command him is unacceptable for him. He does not even suspect that a skilled person, especially a woman, can easily manipulate this simple-hearted and sincere man. In his personal life, he is an idealist who puts his beloved on a pedestal. He will always be faithful to her, but for a successful marriage, Oleg-Aries needs to feel like a leader and indisputable authority in the family.

Taurus- a balanced and pleasant person, unhurried and thoughtful. But it should be remembered that in his character there is something from a bull - if you make him angry, then everything around will be destroyed. Although it must be admitted that Oleg-Taurus' attacks of anger are rare, it is difficult to piss him off. The most attractive feature of this person is reliability in everything. He can make an excellent entrepreneur who grows his capital gradually, avoiding any risk. It is impossible to imagine him in the role of a debtor or a petitioner - the desire for stability and financial well-being is in his blood. The slowness inherent in Oleg-Taurus is not at all a sign of inhibition, he is simply a perfectionist by nature, striving to check and double-check everything a hundred times. He is heavy on his feet, completely predictable, tries to avoid any changes, including in his personal life. Only the infidelity of the spouse can destroy the marriage of Oleg-Aries, and also if she turns out to be a spender or a slut.

Twins- A witty man with an easy character. He is a strong, determined person, for whom the dynamics and speed of life are a priority, and routine and boredom kill him. Oleg-Gemini loves to attract attention, loves flattery and praise, is distinguished by painful sensitivity and suspiciousness. He can do rash and stupid things without thinking about the consequences. Another distinguishing feature of this man is posturing, and sometimes arrogance. It is not always possible to rely on his word, he often forgets about his promises. This is a talented and creative person, but financially not reliable. Oleg Gemini does not know how to save money, often lives in a big way. During his life he can change several professions, as he masters new specialties easily, he also easily knows how to join a new team. In marriage, a man is not reliable, usually he marries more than once. You should not expect that he will plunge headlong into the household and raising children - personal freedom will always be more expensive for him, and he will prefer to spend all his free time outside the home.

Cancer- a sensitive person, prone to frequent mood swings. His character is dominated by such features as softness, dreaminess and naivety, but in a critical situation this person turns into a not hefty warrior and strategist. He will never give away what is dear to him, but he does not need someone else's either. Oleg-Rak is terribly afraid of changes and tries his best to avoid them, clings to the past and reflects on the past. In business, he manifests himself extremely carefully, but he is “friends” with money. This person will always be able to find an opportunity to earn extra money using exclusively traditional methods for this - no crime or risk. Home and family for Oleg-Rak is not an empty phrase at all. On the contrary, the joys of the hearth are the most precious thing for him. A man needs constant confirmation of his love for himself, so his beloved woman must be sensitive enough. Oleg-Rak will take care of himself with gratitude, providing himself with a comfort zone that he needs like air.

a lion- a gambling, active and reckless man, for whom all life is a game. He is full of desire to rule always and everyone, and he does it with the passion of a real lion defending his dignity. Only with age does this person become softer and wiser, and in his youth he is quick-tempered, straightforward, passionate and independent. Ordinary laziness can prevent Oleg-Lev from making a brilliant career, but if he manages to overcome it, then success is guaranteed to him. The desire for a luxurious and idle life can play a cruel joke on a man, as his ambitions often outstrip his possibilities. In this case, Oleg-Lev may be mired in debt, but it must be admitted that this does not happen often. There is absolutely no meanness and self-interest in this man, he will never pass by a person who is in trouble. In marriage, he manifests himself as a very jealous, and sometimes despotic partner, especially if his business is not going very well. His wife must understand that restraint is not characteristic of Oleg-Lev, and therefore life with him will never be easy.

Virgo- a person thorough and tough, with firm principles and a logical mindset. Logic, order and accuracy in everything is his life principle, which he never changes. Oleg-Virgo remembers and notices everything, and rarely gives out his intentions, he takes any, even the smallest, responsibility extremely seriously. He is not sentimental and practical, but he needs work like air - he is a man of action. He sincerely believes that all people should live by his rules, and therefore sometimes seems too picky and strict - especially in leadership positions. Oleg-Virgo fully exists on a materialistic, practical level, and therefore, financially, he usually has complete order. In relations with women, he is as decent and constant as in everything else. In marriage, he can take the role of a father and try to protect and protect his wife from any troubles in life. But if a woman needs romance, then this man will not suit her.

Scales- the person is trustworthy, calm and courageous. He is delicate with others, avoids conflicts in every possible way and always keeps a compromise ready. He likes to impress, but he is also very kind, fair and tactful. By nature, Oleg-Libra is not a leader, he will not be able to lead a large team and work in responsible positions - for this he lacks determination and self-confidence, he is afraid and tries to avoid any responsibility. He hardly tolerates criticism, but he needs flattery and praise like air. But Oleg-Libra is practically incapable of meanness, even for his own great benefit. For him, in general, any extremes are an exception; he tries with all his might to find peace of mind and peace. As a life partner, this man needs an active and enterprising woman, since it is she who will have to solve all household, and maybe financial problems.

Scorpion- nature imperious, ambitious and scandalous. If a difficult period comes in the life of this person, he will never complain about fate, but will boldly go ahead, perceiving any obstacle as a temporary difficulty. Oleg-Scorpio is always under the control of his passionate nature, he is ready to overcome any obstacles, and the consequences and tarnished reputation are the last thing he cares about. The glory of "restraint and patience" is absent in his lexicon. People are drawn to this person like a magnet, by nature he is a born leader and an unsurpassed manipulator. This man has an incredible sense of purpose and the ability to work day and night, forgetting about everything. It is difficult to find a better worker and leader than Oleg-Scorpio. But, in spite of everything, even such a strong and independent personality really needs a family and the support of loved ones. In his family, he will be the undoubted leader, as well as a great owner and jealous, and therefore his chosen one should be patient and prepare for the fact that her life will never be calm, much less boring.

Sagittarius- a smart, tactful and intelligent man, full of inner dignity. He is a big fidget, every minute he is looking for something, he wants new exploits and achievements. He needs to constantly move, rush, do something. The cheerful nature and cheerfulness of this man are simply amazing, he loves publicity and always tries to be in the spotlight. Oleg-Sagittarius is always sincere and frank, financially practical, but his problem is that sometimes he spends his energy on enterprises that are not worth it. However, the horoscope of this person speaks of his incredible luck, due to this he often becomes the darling of fate. He knows how to infect others with ease, optimism and confidence in the future. Oleg-Sagittarius values ​​​​his freedom extremely, and he cannot be called monogamous, therefore more than one marriage can happen in his life. His wife should be a little bit of an actress, as this person is disgusted by monotony and conservatism in relationships. He will also expect from his partner full understanding, freedom and support of his interests.

Capricorn- a sincere and good-natured person, cheerful and balanced. He is secretive, conservative, knows how to obey strict discipline, and one can only envy his endurance. But not everyone will guess that in his soul Oleg-Capricorn is a great romantic and dreamer who knows how to fence himself off from this cruel world. A spiritual fire is hidden behind the external calmness of a man, and the true feelings and thoughts of this person never lie on the surface. Oleg-Capricorn firmly believes in the power of his performance, and this is the key to his success in business and finance. Practicality and ambition make him a valuable worker, but he will never work for an idea - only for a decent reward. The bonds of marriage for Oleg-Capricorn are sacred, and therefore he always returns to the family nest, even if he sometimes has affairs on the side. Love and sex are as necessary for this person as food and sleep.

Aquarius- a person attentive and impassive, able to notice the smallest details. He is distinguished by a friendly attitude towards everyone, a desire to help, it is always a pleasure to deal with him. However, he does not let anyone into his inner world, he is a loner and a rebel by nature, he prefers to solve all his problems on his own, without outside help. Sometimes he is stingy with the manifestation of emotions, although a sensual fire often rages inside him. He does not tolerate lies and deceit, does not like to lend and borrow, and treats money wisely. Wealth is not an end in itself for Oleg-Aquarius, and therefore he often works in low-paid positions. A man has a negative attitude towards marriage, since a woman for him in the first place is a friend and comrade. But he is not at all jealous and demanding in everyday life, he himself will never cheat on his wife. Next to Oleg-Aquarius there should be an attentive and caring person who will be sympathetic to his need to sometimes be alone, away from family and daily worries.

Fish- an apathetic and timid personality, struggling all his life with his own weaknesses. He is peaceful and always ready to help his neighbor, even to the detriment of himself. He tries to avoid difficulties in life and prefers to go with the flow, waiting for gifts of fate. In life, Oleg-Pisces is an incorrigible romantic, dreamer and idealist. This man has every chance to achieve incredible success in life - for this he has both talent and abilities. Or he can remain a nobody, get carried away with alcohol, become a loser, continuing to soar in the clouds. He also should not count on grandiose successes in business. He is not a fighter in life, most often a case or the patronage of a stronger personality helps him become successful in life. Oleg-Pisces can find happiness in family life and become a wonderful spouse, but his wife may have to take care of all domestic and financial problems. He is prone to compassion, so the spouse can count on his love and moral support in any situation.

As you know, the name largely determines the character of a person and even in a certain sense affects his fate. Let's see what secrets it holds Name Oleg and what to expect from life to the person who wears it.

The origin of the name is not entirely clear. It is believed that it has primordially Slavic roots (in the old Russian version it sounded like "Olg"), but there is another version that claims that it is a Russian modification from the Scandinavian "Helgi".

Did you know? There is another not very common assumption among scientists that correlates the ancient name with the Turkic "Ugut", which in other Eastern languages ​​sounded like "Khaleg" and was used both as a name and as a title.

If we proceed from the fact that the Varangians, that is, the Scandinavians, are the founder of Kievan Rus, and the first Kiev prince Oleg was probably a tribesman of Rurik, this version looks quite convincing.

The meaning of the name among the Slavs and the Scandinavians is different. In the "national" tradition, it carries the meaning of getting rid of something, granting relief. In the Varangian version, "Helgi" means much more, since "heilagr" (heilig, helig) is "holy", "sacred".

Another version of the name decoding, associated with the language of the ancient Germans, translates the name as “clear”, “bright” or “lucky”. If we consider the eastern version, then Oleg means "great."

Day Angel

In memory of the Monk Oleg Bryansk Angel Day (name day) Oleg - October 3(September 20 old style).

Sometimes another date is called - June 1, but what this information is based on is not entirely clear.

Short and diminutive forms

This name has many forms: Olezhka, Olezha, Olesya, Olyusya, Olegushka, Lelik, Leka, Alya, Alik.

Consider the analogues of the name in some languages ​​of the world, both modern and pre-existing:

  • Norse, Old Germanic- Helgi;
  • German- Helge [Helge], Helgo [Helgo], diminutive Helgi [Helgi];
  • Ukrainian Oleg ("e" is read as "e"), diminutives[Olezhik], [Olezha], [Olezhka], Olyo, Olko, [Olchyk], [Olesyk], [Lasik], [Les];
  • Belorussian- Aleg, diminutives- Alezhyk, Alezhka, Ales;
  • Bulgarian- Oleg;
  • Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic- Helge [Helge];
  • Swedish- Helge, Hälge [Helge], Helle [Helle].

In other languages, this name has no analogues, so we can clearly see that it, indeed, historically connects only the Scandinavian and Slavic peoples.

A child with this name begins to demonstrate the inconsistency of personality from childhood. His constant searches are not the result of whims, the boy sincerely does not know what decision to make. On the other hand, the child is very much subject to the influence of others, and, having agreed with the authority of a certain person, he retains his dependence for life.
Oleg's mother needs to be very careful: by imposing on the boy the idea of ​​the inviolability of her opinion, she runs the risk of raising a man who will subconsciously compare all his women with his mother, look for a guardian in his wife, and sincerely suffer from the inability to reconcile the daughter-in-law with the mother-in-law.

Important! Teaching the boy to make decisions on his own and be responsible for them is the main task of Oleg's parents.

In the process of growing up, the boy begins to demonstrate more and more difficult character. He is inclined to analyze absolutely everything and this causes a certain irritation among others who take this trait for arrogance and arrogance.

It is difficult for Oleg to get along with people with leadership abilities, he subconsciously does not want and cannot obey anyone.

People with this name really appreciate the order in everything - both in things and in the head. Their consistency and accuracy sometimes border on tediousness. At the same time, they are absolutely not alien to romance, which does not prevent them from remaining practical and quite economical in expenses (sometimes to some greed). However, in certain cases they are sincere and completely disinterested.

Having set a goal for himself, this man will strive for it with concentration and uncompromisingly, showing miracles of patience and diligence. But this positive, in general, trait has another side: the end justifies the means - this is about Oleg.
Selfishness and confidence in their own exclusivity determine the behavior of such people. For the same reason, it is very difficult for the bearers of this name to admit their own wrong, even if it is obvious, although self-irony is still not alien to them.

Oleg gives the impression of an ambitious and independent person, but often this is just a mask. He is not vindictive and can empathize with someone else's grief, do good deeds. This is especially true for people born in winter.

"Summer" name bearers are quick-tempered, but they easily move away and, in general, are very positive and charming. The “autumn” Olegs are more reasonable and calm, while those born in the spring are vulnerable, capricious, stubborn.

Important! It has been noticed that notorious people and losers cannot stand the bearers of this name.

The undoubted advantages of people bearing the name Oleg are a sharp analytical mind, purposefulness, and caution.

These are, of course, high-flying people. Among the shortcomings, excessive emotionality, irritability, in some cases callousness and selfishness are often manifested.

Studying is given to these boys very easily, it is only important that at this stage the child does not fall under the bad influence of some informal yard leader. As a rule, after school, Oleg continues his education at the institute.

The choice of profession largely depends on the time of year when Oleg was born: the winter months give the boy a penchant for the exact sciences, those born in autumn are more likely to become good lawyers (investigators, lawyers), in spring and summer creative features are most clearly manifested.

With any choice of profession, Oleg can be of great service to his excellent memory and observation, excellent intuition and a certain amount of luck.
The only thing that Oleg is not very suitable for is collective work under the sole control of someone else. The bearers of this name absolutely cannot tolerate violence against their personality, by nature they are individualists.

To achieve maximum results from such a person, he must be given complete freedom of action. A non-standard approach and a very developed ambition will help Oleg solve even the most difficult task.

In business, Oleg can also achieve success, but on the condition that he will initially be the sole owner of his business: relations with partners will almost certainly end in a difficult break.

The name gives its bearer good health. Problematic organs in childhood are the lungs, at the end of life the genitourinary system suffers more often. Disorders in the work of the pancreas, liver, spleen and large intestine are also possible.

Like any creative person, Oleg may develop bad habits, in particular, an excessive addiction to alcohol. Headaches are also possible.
Bearers of this name should exercise extreme caution when driving, as the likelihood of an accident is very high.

The main hobby is most often sports, Oleg does it with pleasure and can devote almost all his free time to such a hobby.

As a rule, Oleg is monogamous, but the problem is that his mother may be the love of his life.

Being a connoisseur of cleanliness and order, he can torture his wife with his tediousness.

Men who bear an old Russian name are very attentive to children, they make excellent fathers.

With all his commitment to the family hearth, Oleg does not at all belong to monogamous males. On the contrary, in intimate life, he needs constant variety and is not at all averse to using his charisma to organize a small adventure on the side.
However, serious betrayals usually do not come, these men are too selfish and spontaneous. Sex on the side for them, first of all, means self-affirmation. At the same time, internal self-doubt makes them jealous and unable to accept and forgive the betrayal of their beloved.

A good wife for Oleg will be a wise, clean and patient woman, with whom he will be pleased not only to make love and build a joint life, but also to communicate.

Auspicious names for union - Not very favorable names for the union

  • Antonina - Alla
  • - Angelina
  • Inga - Bella
  • Irma - Wanda
  • - Barbara
  • - Faith
  • - Catherine
  • Rimma -
  • Svetlana -
  • Tatiana - Regina

The letters that make up the name Oleg have the following meaning:

  • ABOUT - good intuition, sensuality and trepidation, bright talent (vocation), pragmatism, financial "vein", the desire for self-knowledge, finding one's own path, the ability to introspection, the ability to separate important from trifles, mystery and incomprehensibility to others;
  • L - sensuality and refinement, bright creative inclinations (the ability to see and appreciate beauty, artistry, artistic abilities), the ability to empathize with someone else's pain, selflessness, the ability to give, changeability, craving for comfort, irresistibility in love, sociability, impetuosity, exorbitance in passions ( possible tendency to gluttony, alcoholism);
  • E - sociability, sometimes excessive, observation, good intuition, spontaneity, desire for leadership, self-sufficiency and independence, rejection of monotony;
  • G - purposefulness, craving for self-knowledge, pedantry, analytical mind, conscientiousness, dependence on other people's praise, charm, intelligence.

The number of the name Oleg is three. She characterizes a creative person with a rich imagination and well-developed intuition.

Threes are very emotional, active, sociable and charming. They love to have fun and are the soul of any company. These are pronounced extroverts.

They are somewhat impulsive. They can succeed in any profession, except for one where there is no place for development and creativity.

“Threes” are not alien to a certain narcissism, they have excellent taste, they appreciate order, beauty and accuracy in the surrounding people and things.
People with this number have an analytical mind, but at the same time good intuition. Among them, leaders are often born who can captivate, lead the crowd. At the same time, they themselves prefer the simplest path, when faced with difficulties, they often leave the task unsolved.

They put their own interests and comfort above all else.

Name astrology

  • Planet- Jupiter.
  • Color- dark blue, silver, purple.
  • Tree- hazel.
  • Plant- camellia.
  • totem animal- snake.
  • Talisman Stone- pearls, amethyst, tourmaline.
  • Zodiac sign- Twins.

Name in history: famous and famous people

Consider the most prominent representatives bearing this ancient name:

  • Perhaps the most famous person bearing the name Oleg was the first Kiev prince - the very one who, according to legend, was bitten by a snake that crawled out of the skull of his dead horse and, thus, fulfilled an old prophecy (the story, most likely, has nothing to do with reality). But here are the remarkable feats of the Grand Duke and his undoubted merits in the creation of a new European state on the banks of the Dnieper - Kievan Rus - the true truth, as well as the fact that the shield of the Kiev ruler was nailed "on the gates of Tsaregrad" to commemorate the victory (more political than really military ) over the great Constantinople.

Did you know? An interesting episode has been preserved in the annals about how the great Oleg plunged the Greeks (inhabitants of Byzantium) into a panic. Having arrived at Constantinople by sea, the prince could not enter the city, since its inhabitants blocked the entrance to the bay with chains. Then Oleg ordered to pull his boats out of the water and put them on wheels. Having waited for a fair wind, the prince, with his impromptu "land fleet", went to the city. Seeing such an unprecedented miracle, the Greeks were frightened and begged for mercy, promising to pay any tribute. The long campaign ended with the signing of a trade agreement that was very beneficial for the young state.

  • The name Oleg was borne by another Russian, more precisely, the Bryansk prince, who lived in the 13th century and was known for renouncing power in favor of his brother and becoming a monk under the name Vasily. For their charitable deeds and strict abstinence Oleg Bryansky numbered among the Saints.
  • In recent history, the name Oleg is primarily associated with Soviet cinema. It is even surprising how many truly bright and talented actors of the 60-80s of the last century bore this name Borisov, Dal, Efremov, Tabakov, Basilashvili, Yankovsky, Strizhenov- perhaps the younger generation no longer remembers these names, but our mothers and grandmothers admired them quite deservedly!
  • Among more modern movie and pop stars, this name is not so common. Perhaps, one can only recall the singer and composer popular in the 90s Gazmanova, as well as the famous heartthrob of the same era, actor Menshikov, who played Erast Fandorin in the film "State Councillor".

  • It would also be unfair not to mention Oleg Antonov- the legendary Soviet aircraft designer, developer of the famous An aircraft, Oleg Blokhin, who is rightfully called one of the brightest players in the history of domestic football, as well as Oleg Popov- perhaps the most popular Soviet clown, who recently died of cardiac arrest.

If we talk about today, then perhaps the most striking personality bearing the old name is the odious Ukrainian politician, leader of the Radical Party Oleg Lyashko.

And yet, history, astrology and numerology say that by giving a child this ancient Slavic name, you give him an interesting and bright fate, because among his namesakes there were a huge number of talented people who earned well-deserved fame and respect from both contemporaries and descendants .

Oleg is a beautiful male name. It is of Scandinavian origin, formed from the name Helgi (Helgi, Old Russian Olga), which means "sacred", "holy". Translated from German as "lucky", "bright", "clear". The name came from the distant past, from the time of the Rurik dynasty. Beautiful, good name of a big, simple and reliable person. Signs of light, strong, beautiful and powerful become more significant with age. Currently quite common, mainly in large cities.

Oleg is the owner of a very controversial character. He is impulsive and capricious, failures for a long time knock out solid ground from under his feet. But he likes to flaunt his successes, so that everyone appreciates his mind, quick wit and success. The origins of his activity are not a character given by nature, but a sense of duty, so Oleg does many of the things he undertakes without much enthusiasm. This man also possesses such qualities as adherence to principles, charm, diligence, prudence, therefore, in life he manages to achieve a lot, which is largely facilitated by the originality of his mind.

Characteristics of the name Oleg

Corresponding zodiac sign: .

patron planet: .

The dominant element of Feng Shui: .

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Turquoise.

Talisman-color: Dark blue.

Mascot Plant: Camellia.

Animal Mascot: Poloz.

Character features: Inconstancy, Restraint, Perseverance, Pride.

Oleg vulnerable, stubborn, sensitive and capricious. He carefully monitors his appearance, because he believes that it is the outer shell that is the basis on which relations between people are initially built. Oleg, born in the spring, will not tolerate anyone's superiority, so he tries to do everything in his power to prove his leadership. Pride, exactingness and pretentiousness make him a difficult person to communicate, so he has few close people.

Oleg kind and quick-tempered, vulnerable, but quick-witted, he does not know how to be angry for a long time, so he quickly forgets about his grievances. Thanks to his cheerful nature and natural good nature, this man has many friends who are ready to share both joy and sorrow with him. The summer Oleg himself will also come to the aid of his loved ones at any time of the day or night. There is no place in his life for gray everyday life, because he is always surrounded by cheerful people for whom reality is a holiday.

Oleg- a focused, methodical and reasonable man who is very attentive to everything that happens around him. He knows how to analyze the situation, draw not only the appropriate conclusions, but also work on mistakes, which helps him avoid many troubles. The practicality of the autumn Oleg often prevents him from building personal relationships, since he is always looking for a catch in everything. If he learns to take life easier, then life will become easier for him.

Oleg- nature is stubborn, proud and impregnable. Often his independence and independence are mistaken for self-confidence, so this man has few friends. He is very demanding of others, but in relation to himself this quality does not show. In fairness, we note that everything that he undertakes, he does very well, therefore he is valued and respected at work. The kindness of winter Oleg deserves special attention, because of which he often suffers.

The nature of the name Oleg

Since childhood, Oleg has a controversial character. He never knows exactly what he wants at a given time. He treats school diligently, tries to study well. Does not show whims to his parents. The adult representative of this name is characterized by an analytical, sharp mindset, subtle intuition. He is controversial and proud, but behaves with restraint. Outwardly, he shows impregnability and pride, but inside he is a very sincere, kind and sympathetic guy.

The secret of the name Oleg lies in the prudence, logic and confidence of its owner. There is self-irony in it, Oleg is unforgiving. Likes to have everything in its place. He is irritated by disorder and confusion. He is always stable and adheres to his point of view about a particular situation. There is a possibility of falling under the influence of others. A distinctive feature of character: the desire to always and in everything to occupy first places, to be a leader. Rich in inner strength and can stand up for himself.

Positive traits of the name Oleg: Slowness, caution, prudence, emotional balance. Oleg has a sharp mind and iron logic, but at the same time he likes to dream. Very often he manages to turn dreams into reality. A man named Oleg can calculate his capabilities and calmly go to the intended goal.

Negative traits of the name Oleg: Self-love, isolation, emotional coldness. The name Oleg is indifferent to the violent manifestation of emotions, he is irritated by female tears. He can use the location of a person for his own selfish purposes.

Interests and hobbies

Sport is Oleg's main hobby, because he devotes a lot of time to his physical development, and he does it with great pleasure, and not under duress. Likes to sleep long in the morning. He spends his free time with his friends, but at the same time he is prone to the abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Profession and business

Oleg treats his professional activity with special diligence and perseverance. He is a born logician and strategist. He tries to build a career in stages and slowly. Able to achieve results in any job. Shows interest in the exact sciences. The profession of a mathematician, electronics engineer, logistician, teacher or manager is suitable for him. It can also perfectly prove itself in jurisprudence, politics, pharmaceuticals. He is able to become a high-ranking civil servant and a wealthy businessman. Oleg's business will definitely go uphill, but only on the condition that he will build it himself, without the help of partners. Otherwise, disagreements, quarrels and even litigation cannot be avoided.

Psyche and health

By type of character, Oleg is a phlegmatic. Balanced, practical and logical, Oleg can be a gentle romantic, he is just ready to reveal his true nature only to the closest people. Oleg is an internally strong person who can stand up not only for himself, but also for others. But he knows how to restrain himself and smooth out sharp corners, which speaks of his diplomacy. This man tries to suppress the will of others, he likes to command, and he does this not always correctly. The owner of this name greatly appreciates his independence, which he is not ready to part with even in marriage.

Oleg's health is strong, and all for the simple reason that he starts playing sports early (as you know, physical activity strengthens the body). As a child, he should protect his lungs. In adulthood, headaches are possible. Can undermine health cravings for alcohol.

Love and sex

Oleg knows how to beautifully look after a woman, he is generous, attentive and caring: his chosen one will not feel a lack of compliments and gifts. The romanticism of this man is also captivating, running counter to his practicality and rigidity: a candlelit dinner, a visit in the middle of the night with a huge bouquet of roses - all this can be easily arranged by Oleg. His passion passes very quickly, therefore, in order to keep Oleg, a woman needs to surround herself with an aura of mystery and maintain intrigue. Oleg will be able to truly fall in love with a smart, interesting, mysterious and feminine girl who knows how to properly present herself in society. In addition, in a woman he appreciates individuality, therefore he is looking for an extraordinary chosen one. Communicating with women, Oleg immediately takes the initiative into his own hands, so it is quite difficult for girls to resist the pressure and onslaught of this self-confident and powerful man.

Oleg's intimate relationship is not easy. The reason for this is the combination of his sensuality, love, extraordinary affection and at the same time indifference. The owner of the name is a passionate partner, he considers sex as self-affirmation. It is common for him to often get carried away with girls and just as quickly lose interest in them. Frustrated, he falls into depression and despondency. Avoids long-term relationships that can lead to marriage. The sexual life of such a man is unpredictable. He is always amused by the new and the unknown. Sex with each new woman is different and unique. In the fair sex, she appreciates cleanliness and accuracy. An active, lively and self-supporting girl can win his heart.

Family and marriage

Most often, the choice of a life partner is influenced by Oleg's idealization of his mother, therefore he is looking for a wife who looks like a mother. If he does not find the same ideal woman, then he tries to remake his beloved, who, having resisted, may lose her family. Oleg marries exclusively for love, and when the feeling passes, he can leave the family in search of a new passion. Mostly in Oleg's life there are two marriages, and if the second turns out to be unsuccessful, then the owner of this name is unlikely to ever tie the bonds of Hymen.

In family relationships, Oleg manifests himself as a monogamous. He is an excellent owner, a devoted and faithful husband, a caring and attentive father. As a spouse, he chooses a woman who has similar external data with her mother. The second half should be soft, gentle and homely, ready to listen to him in everything. He gives his wife great freedom of action, without interfering in the conduct of household affairs. In case of disagreements and disputes, it is always the first to go to reconciliation. Having married, he never leaves his family, even if he lives without love, but for the sake of convenience and comfort.

Horoscope named after Oleg

Oleg-- this is an independent, daring, straightforward and sharp man in communication, for whom someone else's opinion means absolutely nothing. At the same time, Oleg-Aries, for all his categoricalness, absolutely cannot stand loneliness, therefore he either surrounds himself with acquaintances and friends, or starts a relationship in which the other half must invariably admire his partner, thereby stimulating his activity. The Oleg-Aries woman must have great patience.

Oleg-- balanced, self-confident and intelligent Oleg-Taurus is unhurried and reasonable. He weighs his every word, and ponders his actions, so he cannot stand surprises, fuss and any unrest. If feelings are born in the heart of Oleg-Taurus, then they are always solid. Moreover, this man is very attentive to his chosen one in particular and to relationships in general. He is a wonderful family man who will never leave his family.

Oleg-- politeness, diligence and nobility of Oleg-Gemini are truly captivating. But the emotionality of this man, his temperament and passion can prevent him from building both work and family relationships. From a woman, he expects warmth, care and sincere love. Harmonious and warm relationships for Oleg-Gemini are the basis of life. He is very hard going through betrayal, because he is faithful to his partner.

Oleg-- this is a changeable nature, whose mood changes in a split second, therefore it is sometimes difficult to find a common language with Oleg-Rak. His sensitivity and vulnerability become the reasons that he is prone to depression. Therefore, it is very important for him that there is a woman nearby who can support, console and encourage Oleg-Rak in any situation. At the same time, this man can take advantage of the situation and shift his worries and problems to his beloved.

Oleg-- a gambling, energetic and active adventurer - this is how Oleg-Lev can be characterized, for whom life is a game full of amazing adventures, new and incredibly interesting events. He is waiting for gifts from fate, while he himself is in no hurry to do anything in order to achieve his goal. Oleg-Lev is a real seducer who can charm any woman with his sweet exhortations. When the feelings pass, he throws his passion without much regret.

Oleg-- serious, thorough, tough, principled and strong Oleg-Virgo is always guided solely by facts and sober calculation. He knows how to analyze and see the details that help to understand the main essence. Oleg-Virgo will choose a woman with high spiritual values. In addition, such qualities of the chosen one as tenderness, responsiveness and kindness are important for him. Therefore, he bypasses quarrelsome women who cannot live without scandals.

Oleg-- the courageous and calm Oleg-Libra behaves very delicately with others, because any showdown disgusts his peaceful nature. He is always ready for compromises, since he considers a constructive dialogue to be the tool by which any problem can be resolved. Oleg-Libra tries not to let women get close, as he is afraid of being betrayed. For a long time he chooses the only one with whom he then builds a strong family.

Oleg-- ambitious, but at the same time irresponsible Oleg-Scorpio lives for today. He tries to please everyone around him, so he flirts with women and flatters men, thereby surrounding himself with insincere people. Oleg-Scorpio often uses his charm for his own selfish purposes, especially when it comes to winning the love of women. Bottom line: short but bright novels, after which there is emptiness in the soul.

Oleg-- this is a smart, tactful, intelligent and talented man, whose energy would be enough for more than one person. He is witty, positive and enthusiastic, and sees the world in pink. This is probably why many of his unrealistic plans come true, despite their unreality. Oleg-Sagittarius needs an equally active dreamer, with whom he can realize his crazy ideas. For this man, it is important that his chosen one accepts all his strange ideas with understanding.

Oleg-- this is a sincere and good-natured man, with whom it is always interesting and fun, while Oleg-Capricorn is balanced and knows clear lines between fun and seriousness. He is always open for communication, but not in his habit of opening his soul to people. Oleg-Capricorn is a reverent connoisseur of female beauty, but the decisive moment when choosing a chosen one is still the inner content of a woman and her spiritual qualities. In a woman, he appreciates a sense of humor, tact and patience.

Oleg-- this is an attentive, but absolutely impassive person, whose responsiveness is feigned. In fact, Oleg-Aquarius takes care of himself exclusively. He is observant, methodical, patient and reasonable, but romanticism and impulsiveness are not inherent in him at all, so women get bored with him. Oleg Aquarius tries to please the fair sex, he is elegant and gallant, but this is not enough to win women's hearts.

Oleg-- the closed, timid and even apathetic Oleg-Pisces is constantly struggling with his weaknesses and contradictions that arise in his soul. He lacks the inner strength and self-confidence to take control of his destiny and manage it, so he often relies only on chance. Next to Oleg-Pisces is often a strong, tough and strong-willed woman, whose main task is to guide her humble chosen one on the true path.

Oleg name compatibility with female names

Oleg and Olga- the rapprochement of Oleg and Olga occurs gradually, since both are very serious about the institution of marriage. Such caution leads to the fact that these two manage to create a harmonious and strong family.

Oleg and Anna- both partners in this tandem trust each other, because the main priorities in their family are loyalty, trust and honesty. Oleg and Anna are a wonderful couple who can cope with any life hardships.

Oleg and Elena- the characters of Oleg and Elena are very similar, which significantly accelerates the development of their relationship, which promises the usual family happiness that many couples strive for. But still, boredom can destroy this calm union.

Oleg and Julia- neither Oleg nor Yulia are ready to give up their ambitions. Both have an imperious character, therefore they are unlikely to succeed in peacefully coexisting within the same family, and this despite the similarity of characters, goals and interests.

Oleg and Anastasia- quick-tempered and jealous Nastya always tries to control Oleg in everything, who is not averse to flirting with the fair sex. As a result, scandals often arise in a couple based on jealousy and mistrust, which can destroy a marriage.

Oleg and Tatiana- Oleg is not one of those men who will indulge his beloved woman in everything, which does not quite suit the capricious Tatiana, who is used to attention. In addition, both love to command, while they cannot share power among themselves.

Oleg and Ekaterina- between Oleg and Katya, that passionate love does not arise, because of which people do stupid things. Their feelings are balanced and calm, therefore the family life of the owners of these names has no pitfalls.

Oleg and Natalia- this tandem has nothing to worry about their future, because they are connected by a deep feeling of love, passion and warmth. In addition, both go to the same goal, which cannot but bring them closer. Natalya and Oleg never delimit their powers within a relationship, and even more so they do not make sure that one of them, God forbid, does not take on too much responsibility.

Oleg and Marina- well, Oleg and Marina are people from different planets, which does not prevent them from building harmonious relationships filled with love and trust. These two know how not only to argue, but also to find a compromise solution that will suit both.

Oleg and Maria- stubbornness and unwillingness to give in to each other eventually destroy an interesting and multifaceted couple of Oleg and Maria. This family lacks emotional release and new sensations that refresh relationships.

Oleg and Irina- at first glance, Oleg and Irina are an ideal couple, but often their family values ​​\u200b\u200bare different, which in the future can lead to separation. To avoid this, they need to create their own family traditions.

Oleg and Svetlana- this couple is able to create a harmonious family, especially considering the fact that both live the same values ​​​​and dreams. Family for Svetlana and Oleg is the basis of a successful and prosperous life.

Oleg and Christina- this couple is able to survive any difficulties, because their strength lies in spiritual kinship, while the material component fades into the background or third plan. Oleg and Christina live with feelings, so their union is strong.

Oleg and Victoria- the relationship between Vika and Oleg is not built on passion, but on a truly deep feeling of love, which is nurtured for months and years. It is not surprising that no circumstances can destroy their tandem.

Do you want to know what this beautiful and very old name means? Today the topic of our article is Oleg: the meaning of the name character and the fate that awaits the boy with this ancient and very euphonious name. We will start, as in other articles, with the history of its origin ...

Oleg: an exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, a guy, a man with that name?

In this article you will learn:

Origin and meaning of the name Oleg

The name Oleg has ancient Slavic roots and means "sacred", "bright". In Rus', the name was highly revered, princes and nobles gave it to their offspring.

The most famous is the warrior prince Oleg, nicknamed the Prophet, who in battle reached the sacred Constantinople (Constantinople) and left his shield over the gates of the city as a sign of victory.

  • Saint Oleg of Bryansk is considered the patron saint of all Olegs. Having taken tonsure in the Bryansk Peter and Paul Monastery under the name Vasily, he led the strict life of an ascetic.
  • People from all over Rus' came to St. Oleg of Bryansk for blessings.
  • The name Oleg has retained its relevance at the present time, it sounds modern and has charisma.

Notable people with this name

Many talented people of art and sports bore and bear this name:

What character can a boy Oleg have?

He has been talented since childhood, his talents are manifested in different areas: in studies, in sports, in relationships with people, in achieving goals.

Stubbornness is another of Oleg's defining character traits. If he set himself the task of achieving something, it is difficult to lead him astray. At the same time, he does not always share his thoughts and decisions with others, even with his parents, but stubbornly and persistently moves towards the goal on his own.

  • Friends O. chooses once and for all. It is important for him that a friend is reliable, and one can rely on him. Although he does not resort to the help of friends very often, he just needs to be sure that such friends surround him.
  • Oleg is kind and unselfish, for him it is not there to help a person without demanding anything in return. He can rush to help even an unfamiliar person if he understands that he needs it, and he has the strength and ability to help.
  • By nature, he is an introvert, he does not need constant communication and the presence of people. He is happy to be alone, avoids noisy companies.
  • Adult O. is principled, he has his own point of view on everything, which he defends, even if he is wrong. It is not so easy for people to find a common language with him, and he does not always find understanding among others. On the other hand, it is impressive that a man does not strive for leadership at any cost, he does not have the task of being in the center of attention of the company.
  • If the conversation is not interesting to him or the discussion has reached a dead end, he, having expressed his arguments, calmly leaves the public arena.
  • Oleg is neat and pedantic in thoughts and deeds, everything should be in order and in its place.

What fate awaits Oleg?

From an early age, Oleg stubbornly moves towards his goal according to the plan that he made for himself.

  • He goes to study at the institute that he considers necessary, not particularly guided by the rating of the institution or its prestige. The exact sciences are close to him, so he often chooses cybernetics, electronics, engineering, applied mathematics, programming, finance and banking;
  • Already in his student years, he goes to work in order to master the future profession in practice;
  • Oleg cannot be called a naked materialist, he knows the value of things, but does not prioritize material well-being in any way;
  • For the first time after graduation, Oleg is actively gaining experience, slowly but surely moving up his career. He is an intelligent and responsible performer, always brings the work to the end, gets along with colleagues. At work, he is non-confrontational, believes that doing is better than talking, and his employees respect him for his serious and correct attitude to business;
  • Closer to thirty years, Oleg occupies a good position, in good standing with the leadership. This is the time when he begins to accumulate capital and plan a family;

Characteristics of the name Oleg, features of character and fate

With friends, O. used to meet in a close male company. He usually has 3-4 close friends, they are all familiar from childhood and they have a lot of common topics for conversation.

family and friendship

Even becoming a family man, O. always finds time to meet with friends, for him it is a kind of ritual. He is sure that true male friendship is one of the values ​​of a mature man.

Oleg has been successful with women since early youth, he has many novels, but for the time being they end in nothing, he does not enter into long-term relationships and is in no hurry to marry, preferring to first stand firmly on his feet.

  • A man seeks to find a wife who would understand him, be his beloved, friend, and adviser at the same time. And subconsciously strives for his chosen one to be like a mother, who for him is the ideal woman.
  • It is not easy to find a wife with such qualities, O., but when this does happen, he becomes a wonderful family man. He enjoys spending time with his family, he likes to receive guests and help his wife around the house.
  • At first, his relationship with children is not very simple, but then they improve with age, and Oleg becomes a reliable support and adviser for his adult children.

What will be the child named Oleg?

As a child, Oleg is a calm and reasonable boy. He approaches all cases in detail, studying the issue from all sides.

He cannot be called a mischievous boy; he prefers noisy games to those where you need to think, be smart. Even if there are a dozen kids in the yard playing hide and seek or catch up, Olezhka can sit aside and build a sand tower or play with cars.

  • From a very early age, he behaves like an adult serious person. He is annoyed by lisping, treating him like a little one. He willingly and in detail answers the questions of adults, but only if they treat him with due respect.
  • Compared to his peers, the boy has a rich vocabulary, he can easily argue his point of view, it is clear that the child is developed beyond his years.
  • At home, O. pleases his parents with his obedience, he can offer his mother help around the house, he does not have to be forced to clean up his toys. If a boy has a younger brother or sister, then it’s just happiness for a mother to have such an eldest son as Olezhka. There is no envy and selfishness in relation to the youngest child in him, he is ready to look after and take care of him.
  • At school, he studies well, but not because he is ambitious, but because study, in principle, is easy for him. He has an excellent memory and logical thinking, he is especially strong in the exact sciences.
  • Oleg's relations with classmates are even, but he is not very liked in the team. Children consider him a "nerd" and a "show off". Unwittingly, O. periodically demonstrates a sense of superiority over others.

The boy is actively involved in sports. He likes team sports, where you can find like-minded people, become a team leader, and show results. If parents and the child take this seriously, then Oleg can show great success in football, hockey, and basketball.