Where did the name Olesya come from? The meaning of the female name Olesya

By Higiru

As a child, Olesya is prone to colds and bronchitis. At school, he is friends only with girls, not noticing the boys, who are often secretly in love with this independent, slender, athletic girl. She inherited her stubborn and independent character from her mother, and her pleasant appearance from her father, to whom she is more attached.

Adult Olesya is straightforward and jealous. She is attached to the family, and she should be attributed to the type of people who are said to be monogamous. However, this woman is characterized by eccentricity. She certainly commits acts that plunge loved ones into amazement, and even fright. In her youth, she, quite possibly, will stun her parents with the message that she has jumped with a parachute or is going to go to conquer the Himalayas. The profession will be chosen, if not rare, then hardly suitable for a woman - a geologist, a surgeon or, say, a sea captain. Do not be surprised if, upon returning from vacation, you see that your kitchen has been converted into a photo lab - this means that your daughter has decided to become a photojournalist. You shouldn't argue with her. In the end, Olesya is smart enough to listen to the reasonable advice of her parents, to become a normal engineer or accountant. She is not self-critical and will always assume that she was just unlucky, and that is the only reason she is not a global movie star.

Olesya does not lose heart from failures and does not back down from her intentions. The first marriage of the "winter" owners of this name is not always successful (they should not marry "winter" men).

Olesya's marriage will most likely be happy if Igor, Rodion, Rudolf, Arkady, Valery, Vasily, Adam, Daniel, Lazar or Walter become her chosen one. Less suitable: Artem, Stanislav, Nikolai, Svyatoslav, Timur, Adolf.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

She is very affectionate, soft, picky in men. Rarely achieves an advantage over his partner, but he will not let himself be offended. Olesya is an addicted person who is curious about everything related to sex. She is far from indifferent to erotic games, she is susceptible to male caresses, to the touches of a loving male hand on her body, she is especially sensitive to the caresses of her breasts. Not any partner can bring Olesya to a climax in order to give her the highest pleasure, he must be especially gentle and inventive in a love game, which for Olesya can mean more than the sexual act itself.

Just loving Olesya is not enough, you still need to master all the difficult art of intimacy. Olesya is able, unexpectedly for her partner, amazing him, to show sexual abilities previously unknown to him. She always enjoys the feeling of novelty in communicating with a man. If something does not go well with Olesya in intimate relationships, she withdraws into herself, suffers, but cannot clarify them in an open conversation with her partner. She would rather stop all relations with him, although she will not stop suffering and worrying.

Being attached to a man, she remains faithful to him, Olesya's devotion to her lover is worth high compliments. "Winter" Olesya is a narcissistic, stubborn creature, she has an increased sexual desire, but this woman has strict rules and, having married, in any case remains faithful to her husband - however, sometimes waving her like a banner when she wants to subdue her husband under her. In order for her marriage to be durable, it is better for her not to marry a "winter" man.

Short form of the name Olesya. Olesechka, Olesenka, Lesya, Alexa, Leska, Lesenka, Lesana, Oleska, Osya.
Synonyms for the name Olesya. Alesya, Lesana, Lesya, Alexander, Olena.
Origin of the name Olesya The name Olesya is Russian, Ukrainian, Orthodox.

The name Olesya has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Olesya is a Slavic name, one of the variants of the name Lesan, Lesya. The meaning of the name is close to the word "forest" - "girl from the forest", "forest", "living in the forest." There is a spelling and pronunciation of the name - Alesya.

According to the second version, the name Olesya is a form of the female name Alexander, "protector", most often used in Western Ukraine and Poland.

It is also believed that the name Olesya is a short form of the female names Olena (Alena), Elena, Larisa, Alice and an affectionate appeal to Oleg. In modern times, the name Olesya is used both as a diminutive and affectionate appeal to other names, and independently, and is considered an independent name.

Olesya grows up as an athletic and independent girl. Olesya is usually more like her father, but she inherits her character from her mother. The owner of this name is sometimes characterized by very eccentric actions that cause amazement and fear among others.

A girl may suddenly get ready to jump with a parachute or conquer mountain peaks. Olesya believes that she did not become a famous movie star or fashion model just because she was unlucky. Simply put, self-criticism is not her forte. But this even helps her in life - Olesya believes in herself and does not lose heart from failures.

At school, Olesya prefers the society of girls, not noticing the boys, who often fall in love with a slender and independent girl.

Ordinary professions suitable for a girl are of little interest to Olesya. Most likely, she will choose a profession for herself, in which a woman is a rarity. Perhaps she wants to become a geologist or a sea captain. There is no point in arguing with her choice. It’s just that over time, she will still listen to the advice of loved ones and become an accountant or engineer.

Olesya can be called monogamous. She is extremely attached to her family. In relationships, Olesya is straightforward and jealous. At the same time, she is a soft, affectionate girl. Although Olesya will not give herself offense, she is unlikely to achieve an advantage over her man. Loyalty and devotion to Olesya deserves all praise.

It is unlikely that Olesya, who was born in winter, will have her first marriage, especially if she chooses a man who was also born in winter as her wife. "Winter" Olesya is narcissistic and stubborn. Despite the increased sexual desire, this is a woman of strict rules and, having entered into a marriage, she will be faithful to her spouse, not forgetting to flaunt her somewhat, wanting to subdue her husband for herself.

Olesya is curious about everything, the partner must be very gentle and inventive. Olesya strives to experience a sense of novelty in a relationship with a man. Therefore, the partner must be ready for that. But if something does not work out for Olesya in a relationship, she suffers and withdraws into herself, but she will not go into a frank conversation. Rather, she, without much suffering and without worrying, will break off all relations with him.

Name day Olesya

Olesya celebrates name day on March 22, April 2, May 6, May 31, July 17, October 13, November 19, December 23.

Famous people named Olesya

  • Olesya Sudzilovskaya (Soviet and Russian theater and film actress)
  • Olesya (Olga) Nikolaeva ((born 1955) Russian poetess, prose writer, essayist)
  • Alesya ((born 1976) real name - Olga Yarmolenko; Belarusian pop singer, soloist of the Syabry ensemble)
  • Olesya Forsheva ((born 1979) before marriage - Krasnomovets; Russian athlete, vice-champion of the 2004 Olympic Games, world and European champion, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
  • Olesya Barel ((born 1960) Soviet basketball player, International Master of Sports (1980), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1984))
  • Olesya Lyashenko (Russian singer, musician, songwriter)
  • Olesya Zykina (Russian track and field athlete, world champion, Olympic medalist. She performs in running disciplines at 200, 300 and 400 meters. Her main discipline is 400 meters. In 2001, as part of the Russian athletics team, she becomes the World champion in the 400 meters, next year wins gold at the European Championships, becomes a two-time world champion in 2003, and wins 2 more champion titles in 2008. At the Athens Olympics, as part of the Russian relay team in the 4x400 race, he wins a silver award.)
  • Olesya Abdullina (Russian Bashkir athlete (Russian and international draughts), bronze medalist of the World Blitz Championship (Berlin, December 2009), bronze medalist of the European Women's International Drafts Championship in the blitz tournament (Stockholm, Sweden, August 2009), champion of Russia as part of the Bashkortostan team in 2009, bronze medalist of the Russian Women's Championship, World Youth Champion in 2008 (Beijing), World Champion among girls in international drafts in 2007 (France), winner of the 1st World Mind Sports Games among girls 4-time European champion among girls, international master in international draughts.)
  • Olesya Stetsenko (artist)
  • Olesya Vladykina (Russian athlete, champion and world record holder of the XIII Summer Paralympic Games 2008 in Beijing in the 100m breaststroke)
  • Olesya Aliyeva (Russian skier, multiple champion of Russia, international master of sports, sports nickname - "Ali")
  • Olesya Ivanova ((1925 - 1995) real name - Lyudmila Ivanova; Soviet film actress, performer of episodic roles. Her role of Nadezhda Tyulenina in the film "Young Guard" is best known. She played the roles of peasant women, tractor drivers, production editorials, wives of secondary heroes, "simple Soviet women". In the early 1960s, she took the pseudonym Olesya Ivanova, which began to appear in films (apparently, so as not to be confused with another Soviet actress, Lyudmila Ivanova, who also regularly starred in films in episodic roles).
  • Olesya Kurochkina (midfielder and / or forward of the Russian women's football team)
  • Olesya Emelyanova (practicing teacher and inventor, developer of board games, toys, teaching methods and sets for children's creativity, author of fairy tales, fables, songs and plays for children)
  • Olesya Povkh (Ukrainian athlete, Master of Sports of international class, European champion)
  • Olesya Zheleznyak (Russian theater and film actress)
  • Alesya Shestovskaya (real name - Elena; Russian theater and film actress)
  • Alesya Mankovskaya (theater actress)

Independent Cheerful Active

Olesya Sudzilovskaya, actress

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Olesya mean?

The name Olesya is very gentle and feminine. Now, in modern families, it is not very popular. The meaning of the name Olesya endows its bearer with optimism, sociability and energy.

Olesya has the gift of foresight, worldly wisdom and subtle intuition. She will always give practical everyday advice, suggest a way out of a critical situation.

Speaking about what the name Olesya means, it is worth noting that her energy is very strong and is mainly manifested in independence, determination and willpower.

Middle names are perfect for her: Makarovna, Aleksandrovna, Yaroslavovna, Andreevna, Igorevna, Viktorovna or Kirillovna.

It is very important that each middle name gives the owner of the name its own unique aspect. So, for example, Olesya Alekseevna is more sociable and sociable, besides she is an excellent hostess. The bearer of the patronymic Andreevna is characterized by kindness, responsiveness, fidelity in friendship and in the family. Evgenievna is distinguished by the fact that she is a pleasant companion, hardworking and hospitable hostess. Dmitrievna is jealous, quick-tempered, but at the same time cautious.

Would you name your child by this name?

This name has caused controversy among researchers on the issue of its origin.

According to one version, it came from the Slavic lands. Analyzing what the name Olesya means, we can come to the conclusion that, most likely, its meaning is “forest”.

According to the second assumption, it first appeared in Ancient Greece. Translated from Greek, the name meant "protector". This interpretation originally meant spiritual protection.

Knowing the meanings of the male names Alexander and Alexei, they can to some extent be correlated with the name Olesya, since these words have common roots. It is likely that "Olesya" came from these ancient Greek names and is their short form.

History suggests various versions of the origin of this name. However, now in the Russian name-book it is listed as one independent name.

In Orthodoxy, there are no patrons of all Oles. Usually her name day is celebrated on the day of the memory of Alexandra.

The origin of the name Olesya recalls famous personalities, her namesakes: actress Sudzilovskaya, basketball player Barel, athlete Zykina, artist Stetsenko, film actress Ivanova, teacher and founder of educational games for children Emelyanova, actress Mankovskaya and others.

Name Forms

Simple: Lesya Full: Olesya Ancient: OlesyaAffectionate: Oleska

As a child, Olesya is athletic, attractive and slender, like an angel. Since her school years, many fans secretly sigh for her, and she gives her attention to a friend. Olesya, as a rule, does not pay due attention to the guys.

The characteristic of the name Olesya tells that its owner is a faithful and reliable friend. She will always congratulate friends on the occasion, she will not forget anyone. Olesya will listen and support her friends in difficult times, she is generally happy to help people in critical situations.

Olesya is a passionate and inquisitive nature: she is interested in many things. She is curious about almost everything.

When choosing a profession, first of all, she takes into account the material side of the work, the career itself is of little interest to her.

She can succeed in trade or in the service sector. Also, the choice of a completely “non-female” profession is not ruled out: a surgeon, a sea captain, a machinist, a geologist, a programmer or a climber.

On the other hand, under the influence of parents, it can become quite an ordinary engineer or economist. Due to a lack of self-criticism, she will consider that fortune did not smile at her in her life, so she did not reach the heights in show business.

Olesya is a straightforward and jealous person, she always says what she thinks to her face. She is not afraid to express her point of view, different from others. This girl is characterized by eccentricity. She is capable of doing things that shock others.

The secret of the name Olesya suggests that her bearer has an optimistic outlook on life's problems.

She inspires other people with her optimism. Olesya never lose heart even under the most difficult life circumstances. To all this, she is reasonable, able to calculate everything one step ahead. After all, the owner of this name is used to relying only on her own strength.

In general, the following description is quite suitable for Olesya: an affectionate, benevolent and soft-hearted personality.

However, do not forget that she has an impulsive and quick-tempered character. She can suddenly become angry and quickly return to a calm state. Olesya also strives to be original in everything, tries to stand out from the general mass of people. This woman can wear extravagant clothes, although sometimes not typical for her chosen profession.

This is a purposeful and energetic person. To achieve her goal, she can cheat, but at the same time she will not do anything bad to anyone. She always moves forward, forgetting about past mistakes and defeats: failures will not move her from the intended path. By her nature, she is ready to fight for her own destiny.

Character traits











When choosing a life partner, Olesya makes high demands on the opposite sex. In guys, the girl is looking for reliable support in material and spiritual terms.

She is very selective, analyzes and looks closely at the young man for a long time before deciding on the formalization of relations.

In the characterization of Olesya, one can pay attention to the fact that she is one-sided and jealous. A girl with this name is very attached to her family, although she will not devote herself to her without a trace.

She prefers to lead in family relationships, although she chooses a man with a strong character. Faithful and devoted to her husband, she tries to become support and support for her children. Olesya often surprises her loved ones with extraordinary deeds.

The meaning of the name Olesya for a girl

The name Olesya is of ancient Slavic origin and means "a girl from Polissya". In ancient times, our ancestors used this name as a sign of a happy share. Now this name is not very popular in Russia.

The meaning of the name Olesya suggests that the baby is friendly, benevolent and positive. The main negative trait of her character is selfishness.

In childhood, Olesya is energetic. The girl strives to always be the first. She loves her family and helps them.

Olesya has a selfish disposition. This child is capable of doing eccentric things. She can surprise loved ones with her extraordinary behavior.

In relations with people, Olesya is straightforward. With people she likes, she transforms and flourishes. This is a modest and grateful child.

What will Olesya achieve success in?

In school years, Olesya is active, this child is an excellent student. Favorite subject is physical education. Actively takes part in amateur competitions.

When choosing a profession, a girl makes special demands on her future work. She is interested in material wealth. But the profession should also be interesting. Olesya will succeed in trade or in the service sector. She can also choose a "male" job.

Do not put pressure on the girl, do not raise your voice. Talk to your child more, convince him. It is important to always listen to the girl, develop her intellect, control the child's social circle and in no case allow communication with dubious people. You should check your homework regularly.

What games will Olesya like?

Schoolgirl Olesya loves to communicate with people she likes. She is interested in mind games, often doing music or drawing.

In adolescence, he can choose extreme hobbies. For example, go skydiving or join a motorcycle club.

The first version can be called the Slavic origin of the name. According to this version, the name Olesya comes from the names Lesyan and Lesya, and the etymology of these names is directly related to the word "forest". It is believed that in this case the meaning of the name Olesya is "forest", "girl from the forest" or "living in the forest".

According to the second version, the name Olesya came from the name Alexandra. If this version is to be believed, then the meaning of the name Olesya is "protector" or more literary "protective of humanity". But that's not all.

There are versions that the name Olesya is short for Elena , Larisa or Alice. Accordingly, it is believed that the meaning of the name Olesya and the original name are identical. You can find out the meaning of these names by clicking on the links.

The meaning of the name Olesya (Alesya) for a girl

Olesya is growing up as an active and joyful girl. She has independence of judgment and is slightly stubborn. At the same time, Lesya has been endowed with pronounced feminine features since childhood. The character of Olesya is more like the character of her mother, but this does not mean that they will get along well. Girls named Olesya usually love dad more.

Olesya is doing well at school. She easily learns the material and remembers it for a long time. The girl has a penchant for the exact sciences, which later may affect the choice of profession. Olesya happily goes to various circles, and especially sports. The only thing, despite the wonderful innate hearing, Olesya does not like music lessons.

The health of the child does not cause any particular problems. The girl grows active and loves to spend time outdoors. Playing sports will further enhance your naturally good health, so that parents can only rejoice.

Abbreviated name Olesya

Lesya, Leska, Lesek.

Diminutive names

Lesenka, Lesyunya, Lesyusha, Lesena.

Name Olesya (Alesya) in English

In English, the name Olesya is spelled as Lassie and Olesya.

Name Olesya for a passport- OLESIA, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Olesya into other languages

in Belarusian - Alesya
in Chinese - 奧列西婭
in Polish - Olesia (Pronounced as Olesya or Olesya)
in Ukrainian - Olesya
in Japanese - オレシヤ

Church name Olesya(in the Orthodox faith), not a church name. Does not have a specific name change rule, such as Svetlana= Photinia (church name of Svetlana). Olesya will receive a church name at baptism and it will be different from the secular one.

Characteristics of the name Olesya (Alesya)

Characteristic for the name Olesya can be called a mixture of activity and prudence. This is a rather rare type of character, since these features are opposite to each other. Olesya is positive and at the same time cautious. Decisions are made after careful consideration. Can't stand being rushed.

Olesya loves unusual work. She chooses professions that are rare for a woman, which usually causes resistance from her parents. Can become an electrical engineer or a geologist. True, quite often, having received an unusual education and even having worked a little in her specialty, Olesya changes her profession. Considering how Olesya wins people over, her second profession will be directly related to this and she will succeed in it.

The family in Olesya's life is the most important priority. At the same time, Olesya approaches the creation of a family thoroughly. She is ready to spend a lot of time to find that one. Olesya is very jealous and she needs a man who will not give her even the slightest reason for suspicion. In the family, Olesya tries to build trusting relationships, which she usually succeeds in. Likes to spend time with his family.

The secret of the name Olesya (Alesya)

Olesya's secret can be called her commercialism. Olesya justifies herself and calls it frugality, but many do not agree with her in assessing her actions. She needs to be careful in the manifestation of this character trait, and especially with loved ones.

The second secret of Olesya can be called the desire to be a leader in the family. Even after marriage, this feature becomes noticeable not immediately. She, when looking for a husband, is looking for a partner who subconsciously agrees to this state of affairs.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

totem animal- Medusa.

Name color- Sea waves.

Tree- Willow.

Plant- Actinia.

Stone- Coral.