Why does love bring so much pain? Lyrics of the song ZOLOTOV - Forever I.V And I take this pain by inhaling nicotine.

1 Verse:

Time flew by and so the past was not noticeably forgotten
She said that in my house, you are not an invited guest.
You see, my parents don't like you
And why don't I take my guys to the party.

And I, before I would not have endured an hour,
Without your eyes, and now we have business there
You are on the other side of Moscow, as I found out
We have a relationship, of course - I shoot instagram.

Came from work: ate, slept,
Put likes to friends, so that they would not forget,
We'll post a photo together so they think they're happy
And suddenly we became indifferent to the relationship.

Your next quirks, again quarrels at home, then this is not it,
That, then again, let's do it differently
I do it wrong, what a fool
And the fact that there is a mess in my head, supposedly there is no need to worry.

At least look at Sasha, Olya, Katya, Pasha
So for everyone, don't worry, time will tell
When you get used to it, you won't see something strange
In ikeas, ashanas and the silence of the week in the bedroom.

I would kiss you, talk for hours
Fly together on the seas, love you all
The last row in the cinema, a restaurant, do not sleep until morning,
To always, without lying, just you and me.

Verse 2:

Parted millions of times, only to the point
Tears dripped from your eyes, on my T-shirt
You said: that there is no worse me, that this is not needed,
But in the evening, she again cooked dinner for two.

And I'm in the gym, then to work, Saturday evening
I asked for understanding, you asked for care
And in my free time, I spent everything with you
Whatever you call it, but not love.

Yes, that's all: no, it's just that you attributed everything to age
It seems not fifteen, get serious
Choose your friends from my friends boyfriends
Work at home, still suddenly leave.

Yes, this love hurts even though we don't want to
And I take this pain by inhaling nicotine
Now let's see what's ahead of quarantine feelings
And his brigantines stopped searching for atliantids.

I want to no longer look at the price tag,
Do not count in the bank how much we overpay interest
I will call you for a walk, we will go to the cinema with you
On the last row, next to you, I don't care about the movie.

I would kiss you, talk for hours
Fly together on the seas, love you all
The last row in the cinema, a restaurant, do not sleep until morning,
To always, without lying, just you and me.

I would kiss you, talk for hours
Fly together on the seas, love you all
The last row in the cinema, a restaurant, do not sleep until morning,
To always, without lying, just you and me. Version 1:

Time flew and the past was not so clearly forgotten
She said that in my house, you are a guest not asked
You see, my parents don't like you,
And why to my guys I don't take on tusu.

And I would not have endured an hour before
Without your eyes, and now there we have affairs
You "re at the other end of Moscow, as I learned
We have the same relationship, of course - I burn the instagram.

From work came: ate, slept,
Like friends put, that would not forget,
Let's post a photo together to think that we are happy
And suddenly we became indifferent to relationships.

Your next quirks, quarrels at home again, this is not something
That, then let's do it again
I'm doing it wrong, what a fool
And the fact that in my head a mess, supposedly do not have to worry.

Look at Sasha, Olya, Katya, Pasha
So at all, do not worry, time will tell
When you get used, you will not see something strange
In ikei, Auchan and silence of the week in the bedroom.

I would kiss you, talk for hours
Together to fly to the sea, to love you all
Last row in the cinema, restaurant, do not sleep until morning,
To forever, without lies, just you and me.

Parted millions of times, only to sense
Dripping tears from your eyes on my t-shirt
You said: that I am not worse, that such is not needed,
But in the evening, again for two preparing dinner.

And I am in the gym, then to work, Saturday night
I asked for understanding, you asked for care
And in my free time, I spent everything with you.
You called somehow, but not love.

Yes, that "s all: no, just, you blamed everything on age
It seems not fifteen, become serious
Choose your friends from the friends of my friends
Work at home, still leave suddenly.

Yes, this love brings pain, even though we do not want
And I take this pain inhaling nicotine
Now we look, what are the feelings ahead in quarantine
And his brigantini stopped searching for atliantid.

Do not want to look at the price tag,
Neither count in the bank how much interest overpay
I "ll call you for a walk, we" ll go to the cinema with you
On the last row, next to you, I don't care about the movie.

I would kiss you, talk for hours
Together to fly to the sea, to love you all
Last row in the cinema, restaurant, do not sleep until morning,
To forever, without lies, just you and me.

I would kiss you, talk for hours
Together to fly to the sea, to love you all
Last row in the cinema, restaurant, do not sleep until morning,
To forever, without lies, just you and me.

Love brings pain because it opens the way to bliss. Love brings pain because it transforms, love is change. Any transformation is painful: the old is replaced by the new. The old is well known, reliable, safe, while the new is completely unknown. It's like you're in an uncharted ocean. Faced with the new, your mind is lost, it was with the old that he was at ease. The mind can only function in the well-known; with the advent of the new, it is extremely useless.

This is where fear arises, followed by pain: you have to leave the old, comfortable, safe world, where everything is familiar and convenient. This pain is comparable to that experienced by a child, leaving the mother's womb. This pain is similar to that experienced by a chick when it hatches from an egg. It is similar to the pain experienced by a chick for the first time standing on a wing.

The fear of the unknown instead of the reliability of the familiar, the danger of the unknown, the unpredictability of the unknown make you a frightened person.

And because the transformation takes place from selfhood to non-selfhood, the agony is great. But to experience ecstasy without going through agony is impossible. In order to be cleansed of impurities, gold must go through fire.

Love is fire.

It is because of the fear of pain that millions of people live a life devoid of love. And although they still cannot avoid suffering, their suffering is in vain. Suffering in love is not needless suffering. Such suffering is productive, it lifts you to higher levels of consciousness. Suffering without love is completely fruitless, it will not lead you anywhere, it will not help you go beyond the hateful vicious circle.

A person who avoids love becomes a narcissist, he is closed. He knows only himself. But how deep will this knowledge be if he does not bother to know the other, since only the other serves as a mirror for us? You will never know yourself until you know another. Love is another great source of self-knowledge. One who has not known the other thanks to a deep feeling for him, thanks to an all-consuming passion, the highest ecstasy, will not be able to know anything about himself, because he will not have a mirror in which he would see himself.

The relationship of the two is this mirror, and the purer their love, the more sublime it is, the better and more clearly the mirror will reflect. However, sublime love requires you to be open. Sublime love requires vulnerability. You'll have to lay down all your armor - it hurts. You have to stop being always on guard. You will have to drop the calculating mind. There is no risk here. You have to live in danger. Another may hurt you; this is the fear of vulnerability. Another may refuse you; this is the fear of love.

The reflection of yourself in another can be ugly - that's why you are so anxious. You try to avoid the mirror. But avoiding the mirror will never make you beautiful. Moving away from a situation fraught with danger, you will lose the opportunity to grow. Accept the challenge.

Love should not be avoided. She is the first step towards God, and it cannot be avoided. Those who try to go around without meeting love will never come to God. This is an absolutely necessary step, for you realize your totality only in the presence of another - when your own presence is a hundredfold increased by him, when you are pulled out of your narcissistic, bottled-up little world into the bright sun, under the open sky.

Love is an open sky. To love is to soar in the sky. And the boundless sky, for obvious reasons, causes fear.

Undoubtedly, it will not be possible to drop the ego without pain, because we have been taught to cultivate it. We think that the ego is our only treasure. We constantly cherished and cherished it, polished it to a shine every now and then, so that when love suddenly knocks on the door and all that is required of us is to drop the ego, we, of course, get hurt. Because this has been your life's work, this is all you have created - your ugly ego, this foolish notion: "I am separate from being."

This view is ugly because it is wrong. It is all an illusion, but our entire society is based on the notion that every person is a person, but in no way presence.

But the truth is precisely that there is no personality in the world at all; there is only presence. You are not - not as an ego separated from the whole. You are part of the whole. The whole penetrates you, it breathes in you, it pulsates in you, the whole is your life.

Love gives you the first experience - to be in one sound with something that is not your ego. Love gives you the first lesson - you are able to harmonize with someone who has never been part of your ego. If you are able to be in harmony with a woman, with a friend, with a man, with your child or mother, then why not be in harmony with all human beings as well? If being in harmony with one person brings so much joy, then what will happen when you merge with everyone? And if you manage to harmonize with all people, then why not try the same with animals, birds, trees? One step breeds the next.

Love is a ladder. Starting with one person, it leads to a totality. Love is the first step, the top is God. To be afraid of love, to be afraid of the pangs of love, is to remain locked up in a dungeon.

Modern man lives in a dungeon - his narcissism. Narcissism is the greatest obsession of today's mind.

As a result, problems arise - problems that are completely meaningless. There are stimulating problems - they lead you to higher levels of awareness. And there are problems that lead nowhere, which simply limit you, not allowing you to get out of the old trash, keep you in prison.

Yes, with love comes problems. You can avoid them by avoiding love. But you need these problems! They have to be met, they have to be faced, they have to be experienced, they have to be passed through and beyond them. You can go beyond the limits only by passing through them. Love is the only true experience worth having. Everything else is secondary. If it promotes love, great. Everything else is just a means, love is the end goal. Therefore, no matter how strong the pain, surrender to love.

If you do not dare - as many did not dare - then you will continue to live in your case. Then your life will not become a pilgrimage, it will not become a river to the ocean; it will remain a muddy stagnant pond, and in the near future do not expect anything in it but mud and silt. To stay pure, you need to keep flowing. The river keeps its purity by the fact that it flows. Flow is the process of maintaining immaculate purity.

The lover remains pristine. All lovers are pure and blameless. Those who walk away from love cannot keep their purity; they hibernate, stagnate; sooner or later they begin to exude a bad smell - and sooner rather than later - because they have nowhere to go. Their life has stopped.

It is in this position that the modern mind finds itself, and as a result, all kinds of neuroses, all kinds of madness, rage around. Mental disorders are reaching epidemic proportions. It is no longer individual individuals who suffer from mental disorders - the whole planet has become a continuous madhouse. All mankind is stricken with some kind of neurosis.

The origins of this neurosis are to be found in your stagnant narcissism. Everyone has seized on their illusions of separateness - that's how they go crazy. But this madness has no meaning, it is unproductive, devoid of creativity. Another way out is suicide. But will suicide be creative and productive?

It is not necessary to commit suicide by taking poison, throwing yourself off a cliff, or shooting yourself in the forehead; it can be slow and gradual - and that's exactly what happens. It is rare that someone takes his own life, following a sudden impulse. Most people choose the slow option; slowly, day by day, they bring their death closer. And this suicidal tendency has become almost universal.

This is not real life, and the reason, the main reason for this, is that we have forgotten the language of love. We no longer have the courage to embark on an adventure called love.

That's why people preferred sex - it's less of a hassle. It doesn't last long and you don't get attached. Love is attachment; it implies certain obligations. Love requires closeness - only when you are close do you become a reflection of each other. In sexual contact with a woman or a man, no close acquaintance occurs; in truth, the other person's soul remains untouched. You just use his body and go home, your partner does the same. You never reach that degree of intimacy when you reveal your true faces to each other.

Love is the greatest Zen koan.

It hurts, but don't try to avoid it. If you do not rise to this challenge, you will miss out on the greatest opportunity for growth. Surrender to it, accept the suffering that has fallen, because through suffering comes the greatest ecstasy. Yes, one has to experience torment, but it is in torment that ecstasy is born. Yes, you will have to die as an ego, but if you can die as an ego, you will be reborn as a God, as a Buddha. And your love will allow you to taste the beginnings of Tao, Sufism, Zen. Love will give you the first proof that God exists, that life is not without meaning.

People who say there is no meaning to life have never known love. All their speeches only testify to the fact that they missed love in their lives.

Don't be afraid of pain, don't be afraid of suffering. Pass through the impenetrable night - and a magnificent sunrise awaits you ahead. The sun is born only from the darkness of the night. Only after overcoming the darkness of the night, you can meet the morning.

All my efforts are directed towards love. I only teach love and nothing else. You can forget about God; it's just an empty word. You can forget about prayers - they are rituals imposed on you by others. Love is a natural prayer, not imposed by anyone. You are born with her.

Love is the true God, not the God of the theologians, but the God of Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, the God of the Sufis. Love is tarika, a method to destroy you as a separate individual and help you become infinite.

Disappear like dew and become the ocean - but for this you have to go through the doors of love.

No doubt, when you start to disappear like dew after living so long, you feel pain, because you think: “I am like this, but I have to give it up. I've come to an end." You have not really come to an end, it is nothing more than an illusion of death. You have identified with the illusion, it is true, but that does not stop it from being an illusion. Only when the illusion dissipates can you see who you are. And this discovery will lead you to the highest peak of joy, bliss, celebration.

Treat change like cleaning your apartment. First one thing, then another, and you look - everything glitters!

Life gives you only those experiences that best contribute to the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know what kind of experience you need? Very simply - the one you are living at the moment.

A new life begins unexpectedly. Not from Monday and not from the New Year. She just starts.

He realized that she was not only close to him, but that now he did not know where she ended and he began.

Read the best books first, otherwise you won't be able to read them at all later.

The world is interesting. If you say "thank you", they will say "thank you" to you. You smile, they smile at you. All good things start with you.

Are you kind? - it's good, it's very useful in life... ...Not for you, but for others.

Happiness begins with you and ends with you. It's so simple. Love is when you want to grow old with someone.

How good it is to be alone. But how nice it is when there is someone to whom you can tell how good it is for you alone.