“What is the monument for in a dream? If you see a Monument in a dream, what does it mean? Dream Interpretation: why the monument is dreaming Why is the monument dreaming in a dream.

If you dream of a monument to a famous figure, it means that a change of circumstances is coming in reality, which will bring you success, profit and mutual love, if this is a full-length sculpture. Seeing a monument in the form of a bust portends the loss of a dear friend and his imminent funeral.

A dreaming monument with a head crap on birds portends wasted efforts, funds, and most importantly, wasted time. A stone monument turned green from old age or overgrown with moss is a sign of oblivion and inattention to parents.

To see tombstones, wandering around the cemetery - a harbinger of sadness and longing, to read the inscriptions on them - you will be upset by someone's illness.

To see a grave with your monument is a calm existence without worries and worries. To order a monument to yourself - to receive a lot of money, honors and glory.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Monument

Seeing a marble headstone in a dream means that you will soon hear about the death of a person who was dear to you. See interpretation: marble. Sometimes this dream predicts the receipt of an inheritance or the successful resolution of some lawsuit. To see a beautiful marble monument in a dream is a harbinger of success, receiving awards, honors. Sometimes such a dream means that you regret the best days of your life. To see a marble bust in a dream means that you will be separated from a close friend. To see your bust in a dream means that you should limit the flight of your imagination. Sometimes such a dream portends news of people you have almost forgotten.

To see an obelisk in a dream means a reminder of some events or people. To see an obelisk in a dream and be surprised is a sign of profit or reward. If you dream that you are at the top of the obelisk, then glory and honors await you. See interpretation: fall.

A destroyed obelisk in a dream means that your rash actions will damage the reputation of another person, or such a dream speaks of the collapse of your grandiose plans.

Building a monument in a dream is a sign of family happiness, a harbinger of imminent marriage or the birth of children. To see it destroyed in a dream means that illnesses, losses and disagreements in the family await you. See interpretation: tombstone, cemetery.

Seeing a rich tombstone is a harbinger of receiving a large inheritance. Seeing a headstone on your grave in a dream is a sign of a calm and happy life. A tombstone on a neglected or forgotten grave in a dream is a harbinger of failure and loneliness. See interpretation: bust, statue.

Interpretation of dreams from

Any monument is a phallic symbol.

Monument according to Hasse's dream book

Monument to see - vain work; to see one's own is to live in peace; tombstone - sadness.

Monument according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A monument in a dream is a sign of ossified and erroneous ideas about someone or something. Most often, such a dream warns of the need for a more sober assessment of a person or situation, otherwise painful disappointments are inevitable.

A monument made of gold or beautifully decorated indicates that you are blindly idealizing someone, risking falling into dependence on him.

A monument made of bronze or wood is a harbinger of an imminent and major disappointment in someone you know.

Broken monument - suggests that disappointment can lead you to a serious conflict.

Seeing in a dream a bust or head of a monument made of wood or bronze is a sign that you are greatly mistaken about the value of some of your ideas and plans.

Monument to yourself - indicates your inflated ambitions. After such a dream, be careful: in real life, vanity and pride can become a source of big trouble for you.

Monument according to the latest dream book of G. Ivanov

The monument is a stable financial and social position.

Monument according to the Spring dream book

Seeing a cemetery monument in a dream - it's time for you to remember the dead.

To erect a monument on a grave in a dream is a serious illness that can end in death.

Monument according to the Summer dream book

Make a date in a dream near the monument - to break with your loved one.

Monument according to the Autumn dream book

To stand in a dream near a monument to a famous person - to visit some places of interest.

Monument according to the dream book from A to Z

If you dream of a monument to a famous figure, it means that a change of circumstances is coming in reality, which will bring you success, profit and mutual love, if this is a full-length sculpture. Seeing a monument in the form of a bust portends the loss of a dear friend and his imminent funeral.

A dreaming monument with a head, crap one's pants on birds - portends wasted efforts, funds, and most importantly - wasted time. A stone monument turned green from old age or overgrown with moss is a sign of oblivion and inattention to parents.

Seeing tombstones, wandering around the cemetery - a harbinger of sadness and longing, reading inscriptions on them - you will be upset by someone's illness.

To see a grave with your monument is a calm existence without worries and worries. To order a monument to yourself - to receive a lot of money, honors and glory.

Monument according to the dream book of Simon Kananit

Monument - To see - in vain work - to see one's own - to live in peace - tombstone - sadness

Monument according to the Esoteric dream book

A monument is an unforeseen complication, an obstacle for someone. interference from those in power. Your own near death.

Tombstone for yourself - for a long life.

Another - think about the meaning of life.

Monument according to the Modern Dream Book

If in a dream you see a monument in your honor, it means that in reality you have exhausted yourself with self-criticism and therefore cannot reasonably assess the current situation, make important decisions that people around you are waiting for.

If you initiated the destruction of a monument, this is a symbol of the fact that something is tormenting you, does not allow you to relax.

If you spend all your energy in order to raise money for the restoration of the monument, you are worried about something related to something dear to you, with your parents.

If you find yourself in a country where there is nothing but monuments, you should treat reality differently, otherwise your life threatens to turn into a nightmare.

If you are trying to perpetuate the image of a loved one by creating a monument in his honor, this means the fear of losing support in life, the support that a reliable person provides.

Monument according to the Eastern dream book

The dream in which you make an appointment at some monument a testifies: you are not sure of the correctness of your choice and hope that some event will soon happen that will put everything in its place.

If you see how the monument comes to life, it means that your coldness can cause parting with your lover.

To be present at the opening of the monument is a harbinger of the fact that you will witness some significant event.

Monument according to the dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

undeserved honor, imposture.

Monument according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Monument - You see a monument in a dream - it is likely that you will soon receive an inheritance. You dream of a neglected monument, overgrown with shrubs and grass - you forgot about something important, without which you cannot succeed in life. You see in a dream a monument to yourself - engaging in self-criticism, you have crossed all boundaries; your self-criticism is more like self-flagellation; you are so demanding of yourself and the results of your activities, you think so much about responsibility that you are not always able to make a decision. It’s as if you are destroying a monument - a dream suggests that you have discord in your soul; the memory of some unworthy act torments you, and you cannot get rid of this memory. It’s as if you are ordering a monument - a dream testifies: you are afraid of losing the person closest to you; you do not admit it to yourself, because you are often angry with this person.

Monument according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

What does the Monument mean in a dream - See also Monument. Unfortunately, a monument to himself - to honors. Imagine that this monument was erected in your honor.

Monument according to the Explanatory Dream Book

See a dream Monument to see - Get an inheritance; overgrown and neglected to see - oblivion.

Monument according to the Jewish dream book

What does the Monument mean in a dream - To examine the monument - to a pleasant surprise;

Monument according to the Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Monument - oblivion. Tombstone - sadness.

Monument according to the dream book of a housewife

What does the Monument mean in a dream - dreams of recognizing your merits; past aspirations that were very important to you.

Monument according to the Psychotherapeutic dream book

Monument to see - to receive an inheritance; overgrown and neglected to see - oblivion.

Monument according to the Italian dream book Meneghetti

Why dream of a Monument (monument) - An image of stereotypical forms of the past or an image of the structure of deforming grids or a category of super-ego.

Monument - you think stereotypically and it harms your business. To erect a monument to see in a dream - you will achieve what you want.

Monument according to the Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

Monument to see - to receive an inheritance; overgrown and neglected to see - oblivion.

Monument according to the dream book of Health

To see your monument - you were overcome by vanity and pride, they are the cause of your problems; to see your own tombstone - to a long life.

Monument according to the Medieval Dream Book of Daniel

To see the monuments portends a deception.

Monument according to the Russian dream book

The monument is a big disappointment.

Monument according to the French dream book

To see a monument in a dream - to sad events.

To admire a beautiful monument - to unexpected good news, monetary success.

Monument according to the dream book for the bitch

The monument is an unexpected great legacy.

Monument according to the dream book of the XXI century

To erect a monument in a dream means to be successful in business.

Seeing a monument in a dream is an omen of a conversation with an important person.

To order a monument for a deceased person - to profit, inheritance and gain.

A broken monument - to loneliness and sadness.

For a woman to see a bronze statue in a dream means that there may be complications in relations with a future life partner, or that the wedding you are counting on may not take place.

A marble statue in a dream - symbolizes unfulfilled desires.

Seeing a monument to yourself in a dream is a sign that you overestimate yourself or wealth and honor; to another person is a sign that he will go far in life.

Moving statues - dream of danger and disaster.

To turn into a golden or silver statue in a dream to a poor person - to wealth, wealthy - to attacks by enemies or ruin.

Monument according to the Slavic dream book

Monument - to success in business.

Monument according to Longo's dream book

Seeing a monument in a dream - you do not want to reckon with the opinions of others, because you consider yourself the best, smartest, most beautiful, and everything you do, you do right. With your self-confidence, arrogance, you erect a barrier between yourself and people, become unattainable for those around you, more and more alienate them from yourself. Wouldn't regret it later.

Sitting at the foot of the monument - you will be thinking about plans for the future, which, as you would like, should be many times better than today, and even more so yesterday.

To erect a monument - all your thoughts and feelings are subject to one great desire: to gain great fame, to become famous. But in the pursuit of fame, you do not notice that you are losing something more important: a loved one who lacks your attention. If you do not change your behavior, your loved one will disappear from your life, and no one else will interest you to the same extent.

Monument according to the Erotic dream book of Danilova

If you dream of a memorial monument - a dream portends a love adventure or a rather long romance that you will not be able to forget for a long time. Your chosen one will be a real embodiment of your understanding of beauty and sexuality.

If you dream of a monument on a grave, this means that your feeling will not be appreciated, so you will be forced to continue searching for your other half.

Monument according to the Gypsy dream book

Monument - To erect means to be successful in business; the monument to see foreshadows a conversation with a noble person, and sometimes with the sovereign himself.

Tombstone in a dream - symbolizes some event from the past or a whole stage in your life, under which you have already drawn a line.

Making or installing a tombstone is a sign that you must say goodbye to past problems that once mattered to you. Otherwise, the memory of the past will poison your life, preventing you from succeeding.

An old or neglected monument means old memories that still hurt you to the core, interfering with a fulfilling life.

If fresh grass breaks out from under an old tombstone, be prepared for the fact that some events of the past will remind you of yourself, or a half-forgotten situation will turn into an unexpected continuation.

Tombstone according to the latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Tombstone - a dream-tip: visit the temple and order the appropriate service for the repose of your relatives by name.

Tombstone according to the dream book from A to Z

If in a dream you look at old tombstones in a cemetery, this is a favorable sign, foreshadowing that your grief will be in vain and everything will turn out in the most prosperous way. A cracked or collapsed tombstone means the sincere love of your chosen one, but your feigned indifference can lead to the fact that close and possible happiness will melt like smoke.

In a dream, ordering a tombstone for the grave of a relative portends you honors and a prosperous life. If you order a tombstone for yourself, such a dream predicts an early loss of your husband as a result of an accident.

If you find a tombstone with your name in the cemetery, this is a sign of the loss of a friend that threatens you and a harbinger of bad news.

Tombstone according to the dream book of Simon Kananit

Tombstones - a quiet life.

Tombstone according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Tombstone - you see in a dream Tombstone - this dream is a harbinger of sadness; a person dear to your heart will bring bad news. You see your acquaintances or relatives standing at the Tombstone - serious friction will arise between the people you saw in a dream, which can lead to scandals and years of resentment.

Tombstone according to the Noble Dream Book of N. Grishina

To see a tombstone - a date with a friend / a significant event in your life, fate.

To put a tombstone - promotion / danger to the life of some person.

Tombstone according to the dream book of O. Adaskin

Tombstones are memories of a past life. Reading the inscriptions on tombstones is the desire to understand why certain events occurred in your life.

Tombstone according to the dream book of E. Erickson

What is this tombstone for?

1. Any hewn stone that appears in a dream suggests that we know ourselves, our nature. The simpler the Tombstone, the more opportunities we have for self-improvement, for improving our character, the more pretentious, the more successful we are in using our creative energy.

2. Often the tombstone in the role of a marker emphasizes a certain idea, points to a sacred place. It may also mean old instinctive knowledge.

3. From a spiritual point of view, the gravestone represents the Sacred Stone, and therefore reminds the dreamer that one must be firm in one's spiritual convictions.

Tombstone according to the dream book of a housewife

What does the Tombstone mean in a dream - a change in character for the better.

Tombstone according to the Mayan dream book

Good value If you dreamed that you were digging a grave, then soon you would have time to take a break from problems. To make this time last longer, come to an abandoned cemetery and tidy up an unmarked grave.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were lying in a grave, then someone wants to kill you. To protect yourself, go to a graveyard and pour corn oil over an unmarked grave.

Gravestone according to the American dream book

Tombstone - restriction.

Tombstone according to Longo's dream book

Seeing a tombstone in a dream - to the lack of news or bad news. If you can adequately meet this, then you will find the strength in yourself to move on in life. Do not allow yourself to become limp and think that "life is over."

Seeing a cracked tombstone in a dream - you are in danger, and you have no idea which side to expect a blow from. It will be sudden and take you by surprise. What can you advise? As you should analyze your relationships with others and think about who might be offended by you. For what kind of sins did someone become angry with you?

If you dreamed of an abandoned tombstone, this indicates that you have forgotten the lessons of the past. If you do not appreciate the past, then it can teach you new lessons.

Tombstone according to Denise Lynn's short dream book

Someone's creativity.


Tombstone according to Denise Lynn's detailed dream book

The headstone is a symbol of transformation, death and resurrection. For example, the Celtic tradition viewed the burial mound as the womb of Mother Earth. Thus, the grave was considered a kind of womb - a place of preparation for rebirth.

If you dream of a monument to a famous figure, it means that a change of circumstances is coming in reality, which will bring you success, profit and mutual love, if this is a full-length sculpture. Seeing a monument in the form of a bust portends the loss of a dear friend and his imminent funeral.

A dreaming monument with a head crap on birds portends wasted efforts, funds, and most importantly, wasted time. A stone monument turned green from old age or overgrown with moss is a sign of oblivion and inattention to parents.

To see tombstones, wandering around the cemetery - a harbinger of sadness and longing, to read the inscriptions on them - you will be upset by someone's illness.

To see a grave with your monument is a calm existence without worries and worries. To order a monument to yourself - to receive a lot of money, honors and glory.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Monument

Seeing a marble headstone in a dream means that you will soon hear about the death of a person who was dear to you. See interpretation: marble. Sometimes this dream predicts the receipt of an inheritance or the successful resolution of some lawsuit. To see a beautiful marble monument in a dream is a harbinger of success, receiving awards, honors. Sometimes such a dream means that you regret the best days of your life. To see a marble bust in a dream means that you will be separated from a close friend. To see your bust in a dream means that you should limit the flight of your imagination. Sometimes such a dream portends news of people you have almost forgotten.

To see an obelisk in a dream means a reminder of some events or people. To see an obelisk in a dream and be surprised is a sign of profit or reward. If you dream that you are at the top of the obelisk, then glory and honors await you. See interpretation: fall.

A destroyed obelisk in a dream means that your rash actions will damage the reputation of another person, or such a dream speaks of the collapse of your grandiose plans.

Building a monument in a dream is a sign of family happiness, a harbinger of imminent marriage or the birth of children. To see it destroyed in a dream means that illnesses, losses and disagreements in the family await you. See interpretation: tombstone, cemetery.

Seeing a rich tombstone is a harbinger of receiving a large inheritance. Seeing a headstone on your grave in a dream is a sign of a calm and happy life. A tombstone on a neglected or forgotten grave in a dream is a harbinger of failure and loneliness. See interpretation: bust, statue.

Interpretation of dreams from

Many people are interested in what the tombstone is dreaming of. In fact, it symbolizes the absence of news or bad news. If it is possible to adequately meet this, then most likely a person will be able to find the strength in himself in order to move forward. At the same time, you should not allow yourself to be sad and reflect on the fact that "life is over." Seeing in a dream a tombstone that is cracked portends danger.

A tombstone in a dream can also symbolize some event or several important stages of life that a person has long forgotten and does not want to remember. Therefore, these events are important for a person.

Installing or making a tombstone in a dream is a symbol of the need to say goodbye to bygone problems that have been serious for life for a very long time. In a different situation, the memory of the old days will interfere in life and in achieving your goals.

It happens that you dream of fresh grass that closes the tombstone. A dream of this type reminds a person that he needs to prepare for the fact that some events from life will return or a long-forgotten situation will become an unexpected continuation.

It is also important to remember that the headstone is a symbol of transformation - resurrection and death. Therefore, the grave that appeared in a dream is considered a place to prepare for rebirth. This dream has a positive effect on a person. At the same time, a person wants to show himself from a new side or seem better. Another interpretation of the image of the tombstone suggests that it is a symbol of a date, of gaining fame. The psyche of all people perceives such dreams differently, therefore, interpretation should not be taken seriously.

In fact, a dream with a tombstone is a good symbol. It basically testifies to the respect of descendants, about memories. Sometimes it is very useful to remember what has long passed.

A dream where you have to look at tombstones or wander around the cemetery is considered a harbinger of longing and sadness. A dream where one had to read inscriptions on tombstones symbolizes concern about someone's illness. If a person in a dream saw a tombstone with his name, then this indicates that a person in the future will have a calm and measured life without worries and worries. A dream where you had to make an appointment near some tombstone suggests that a person is not sure of the correctness of his choice and hopes that some event will happen soon that can put everything in its place.

Dreams with the image of a tombstone have many interpretations. All of them are quite different. It’s not worth it when you dreamed of a tombstone to worry and worry. This image is not considered a harbinger of death, which is most important.