Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy correspondence department. Perm Pharmaceutical Academy: reviews, faculties

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bachelor, postgraduate, specialist, other

Skill level:

full-time, part-time

Form of study:

State Diploma

Completion document:



From 30,000 to 120,000 RUR per year

Cost of education:

University characteristics

Budget financing (free education):
Non-state funding (paid education):
Postponement from service:
Military department:
Preparatory education:
KVN team:
Number of students4000
Number of teachers200
Number of PhDs141
Number of prof. and doctors:31

general information

The Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy was organized in 1936 as the Perm State Pharmaceutical Institute. In 1995, the Perm State Pharmaceutical Institute was renamed into the Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, and in 2005 - into the state educational institution of higher professional education "Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development", in 2011 into the state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, and since 2012 - to the state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Academy has license Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher, postgraduate and additional professional education dated 05.03.2013 No. 0560 and certificate of state accreditation dated February 5, 2015 No. 1186 (valid until February 05, 2021) for the right to issue state-recognised education documents to graduates who have passed the final state certification.

At the Academy, educational activities are carried out on state language of the Russian Federation.

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy (GBOU VPO PGFA of the Ministry of Health of Russia) is one of two independent higher educational institutions of the pharmaceutical profile, leading schools of professional pharmaceutical education, providing training and advanced training for specialists in the field of pharmacy in various varied forms of education for 60 regions of Russia and 16 foreign countries North and Central Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

Graduates of the Academy work in the field of industrial production and pharmaceutical production of medicines, their quality control, the organization of drug supply to the population, pharmaceutical supervision, chemical, physical-chemical and forensic-chemical analysis.

The modern structure of the Academy includes 5 faculties (pre-university training of youth, full-time education, distance learning, training of foreign citizens, additional professional education); 21 departments (14 of which are headed by doctors of sciences, professors); internship, postgraduate study, doctoral studies; dissertation Council; scientific library; 8 research laboratories, Regional (educational and methodological) center for analytical diagnostics of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (NS and PV); Regional testing center of Roszdravnodzor for standardization and quality control of medicines (MP); Regional center for the destruction of the National Assembly and the Air Force; 3 training and production pharmacies, a dental clinic, a scientific and educational center, a distance education center, etc.

About 4,000 students, more than 200 interns, 50 graduate students study at the Academy in full-time and part-time forms. According to the programs of additional professional education, about 2.5 thousand specialists of practical pharmacy are trained annually, more than 500 people study at the faculty of pre-university training of youth. Since the establishment of the university, more than 25 thousand specialists with higher pharmaceutical education have been trained, about 300 masters of pharmacy for foreign countries, more than 25 thousand practical pharmacy specialists have improved their skills, more than 20 thousand people have completed certification cycles.

Given the key role of the use of modern innovative and information technologies in the development of all areas of activity, the Academy is actively developing a material and technical base that is adequate to modern requirements. Today it is 5 educational buildings, incl. 1 building of the educational and research center, 2 student dormitories, a nursery of medicinal plants, a sports and recreation center. All buildings and subdivisions of the academy have access to the Internet, an intercom system. To organize the educational process, there are lecture halls equipped with modern technology, computer classes.

The educational process and the implementation of scientific research are provided by more than 200 teachers, among whom more than 70% have academic degrees and titles. The teaching staff includes 31 doctors of sciences (18 of them have the academic title of "professor"), 141 candidates of sciences.

At present, the Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy is a dynamically developing institution of higher education, focused on the latest educational technologies, with significant scientific potential and high demand for graduates, both in Russia and abroad.

The favorable spatial and geographical position of PGFA, including its location in a zone of sufficiently developed transport services and a rapidly growing social and market infrastructure, high quality of training and research work, contributes to an increase in demand for obtaining special knowledge in the field of pharmacy from applicants and students from other subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as attracting citizens from near and far abroad countries, such as Israel, Morocco, Syria, Sudan, Tunisia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, etc.

The stable development of foreign economic and other relations of Russia with the countries of the far and near abroad, the processes of integration of the Academy into the international educational and scientific space contributed to the formation of the Academy as a full-fledged acting entity in the international market of educational and research services and the expansion of cooperation with such foreign partners as: Illinois university, Chicago, USA; University of Metz (France); Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China; Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Beijing), National University of Singapore, World Health Organization, etc.

Research and scientific-methodical work at the Academy is systematic. The main directions of ongoing research work on the creation of new drugs based on organic synthesis products and plant materials, the improvement of drug supply for the population and the solution of human social problems and the improvement of educational technologies correspond to the priority areas of innovative development of pharmaceutical science and are characterized by certain achievements, which is expressed in an increase in the number contracts for research, volumes of extrabudgetary funding, numerous publications, participation in scientific conferences of various levels. The subject of scientific research is protectable. So, over the past 3 years, more than 850 articles and abstracts have been published, including 260 with the participation of students, 9 grants have been received, 26 patents for inventions, 20 applications for patents have been filed, 20 patents for inventions are supported annually.

In the Academy, 5 scientific directions occupy a leading position in the development of modern pharmaceutical science and are fixed by the decision of the Academic Council of the Academy as leading scientific schools.

Academy scientists are developing innovative dosage forms for the production of medical immunobiological preparations at NPO Biomed. Joint developments:

  • tablets "Biostim"
  • industrial regulation "Lactobacterin dry"
  • laboratory regulations "Pills Sextafag"
  • composition of the liposomal form of pertussis vaccine
  • standardization of the drug "Oleksin"
  • method for obtaining the extract "Ural eyebright", etc.

CJSC Medisorb produces activated charcoal tablets according to the technology developed at PGFA;

  • laboratory regulations for the production of piroxicam capsules 0.01 g.
    • tablets "Diabenol"
    • Vinpocetine tablets
    • tablets "Asparkam"
    • tablets "Amlodipine", etc.

The following technologies have been developed for SE Permpharmacy:

  • suspension "Tsindol"
  • "Pilocarpine hydrochloride 1% solution", eye drops
  • furatsilina ointment 0.2%
  • thyme extract
  • Eleutherococcus extract
  • ointment "Anikol", etc.

Together with the Institute of Chemical Chemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a anilocaine- a new domestic local anesthetic of the amide type. It is effective for all types of anesthesia: superficial, infiltration, conduction, spinal. In addition to anesthetic, it exhibits anti-inflammatory, as well as moderate antimicrobial activity. Based on anylocaine in PHFA, dosage forms have been developed: injection solution 1% and 2% in 5 ml ampoules ; compositions and technology of ointments "Anilkam and" Anikol "; gel "Anilogel"; suppositories with anilocaine of extemporaneous manufacture and industrial production; medicinal films "Anilgek" and "Anildioks".

An important and integral part of the Academy's activities is educational work, the creation of conditions for self-realization and creative growth of university students. Participation in KVN, theater groups, a wide network of educational centers, sports sections allow students to increase the intellectual, creative potential of students, promote a healthy lifestyle, and the created system to promote student employment and employment of graduates - to establish and maintain contacts with potential employers.

The development goal of the Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy in the foreseeable future is seen as the transformation of the Academy (a historically established center for the training and retraining of pharmaceutical specialists and highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel) into a modern multifunctional state pharmaceutical center of international importance with the formation of an extensive infrastructure environment capable of sustainable development systems of innovative education and science.

1 of


  • 060108 Pharmacy
  • 060301 Pharmacy


  • 240100 Chemical technology
  • 240700 Biotechnology


  • 02.00.03 Organic chemistry
  • 14.03.06 Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology
  • 14.04.01 Technology for obtaining drugs
  • 14.04.02 Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy
  • 14.04.03 Organization of the pharmaceutical business


  • Management and Economics of Pharmacy
  • pharmaceutical technology
  • Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy

Contacts of the admission committee

Admission conditions

PSFA, in accordance with the license to carry out educational activities, announces admission to study in the following educational programs:

  • specialty program in the specialty 33.05.01 Pharmacy (qualification pharmacist, forms of study: full-time, study period 5 years, part-time, study period 6 years, correspondence course, study period 5.5 years);
  • undergraduate program in the field of study 18.03.01 Chemical technology (qualification academic bachelor, form of study - full-time, study period 4 years);
  • bachelor's program in the field of study 19.03.01 Biotechnology (qualification academic bachelor, form of study - full-time, duration of study 4 years).

Persons with a secondary general education are allowed to study full-time and part-time bachelor's programs or specialist's programs. Persons with a secondary pharmaceutical (medical) education, as well as persons with a higher professional (medical) education are allowed to master the programs of a specialty by correspondence form of education.

(C)3. Persons with an education of the appropriate level, confirmed by a document of secondary general education or a document of secondary vocational education, or a document of higher education and qualifications, are allowed to master undergraduate and specialist programs.

The applicant submits a document certifying the education of the appropriate level (hereinafter - the document of the established form):

  • a document on education or on education and qualifications of the sample established by the federal executive body in charge of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia), or the federal executive body in charge of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare;
  • a state document on the level of education or on the level of education and qualifications received before January 1, 2014 (a document on primary vocational education confirming the receipt of secondary (complete) general education, and a document on primary vocational education obtained on the basis of secondary (complete) ) general education are equated to a document on secondary vocational education);
  • a document on education and qualifications of the sample established by the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov" (hereinafter - Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov) and the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "St. Petersburg State University" (hereinafter referred to as St. Petersburg State University), or a document on education and qualification of a sample established by decision of the collegial governing body of an educational organization, if the specified document is issued to a person who has successfully passed the state final certification;
  • a document on education or on education and qualifications issued by a private organization carrying out educational activities on the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center;
  • a document (documents) of a foreign state on education or on education and qualifications, if the education indicated in it is recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of the corresponding education (hereinafter - the document of a foreign state on education).

Admission to training is carried out on the first course.

Admission to training is carried out within the framework of the target figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of the budgetary appropriations of the federal budget (hereinafter referred to as the target figures, budget appropriations, respectively) and under education agreements concluded upon admission to training at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities (hereinafter referred to as contracts for the provision of paid educational services).

As part of the control figures, the following are distinguished:

  • admission quota for education at the expense of budget allocations for children with disabilities, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood, disabled due to military injuries or diseases received during military service, who, according to the conclusion of the federal institution of medical and social expertise, are not contraindicated in studying at PSFA , orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as the special quota). A special quota is set by the PGFA in the amount of at least 10% of the total target figures allocated by the PGFA for 2016/2017 for each specialty and (or) area of ​​training;
  • target admission quota for training (hereinafter referred to as the target quota).

Admission to education at the expense of budget allocations is carried out on a competitive basis, unless otherwise provided by the Federal Law.

Admission to study places with payment of tuition fees by individuals and (or) legal entities is carried out on the terms determined by the "Regulations on admission to places with payment of tuition fees to the Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy for the 2016/2017 academic year".

The conditions for admission to study in the main professional educational programs should guarantee the observance of the right to education and enrollment from the number of applicants with the appropriate level of education, the most capable and prepared to master the educational program of the appropriate level and relevant orientation of persons

Admission to study under the bachelor's degree programs and the specialist's program (with the exception of the admission of persons entitled to admission without entrance examinations) is carried out:

  • on the basis of secondary general education - on the basis of the results of the unified state exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Examination) evaluated on a hundred-point scale, which are recognized as the results of entrance examinations, and (or) on the basis of the results of entrance examinations conducted by the PSFA independently in cases established by the Rules;
  • on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education (hereinafter referred to as vocational education) - based on the results of entrance examinations, the form and list of which is determined by the PGFA.

PSFA conducts admission under the following conditions for admission to study (hereinafter referred to as the conditions for admission):

  • separately for full-time, part-time, part-time forms of education;
  • separately for undergraduate and specialist programs depending on their focus (profile) in accordance with the rules specified in paragraph 13 of these Rules.

For each set of conditions for admission, separate lists of applicants are formed and separate competitions are held on the following grounds for admission to training (hereinafter referred to as the grounds for admission):

1) within the control figures:

  • for places within a special quota;
  • for seats within the target quota;
  • for places within the target figures minus the special quota and the target quota (hereinafter referred to as the main places within the target figures);

2) to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

PSFA conducts a unified competition for applicants for undergraduate and specialist degree programs based on different levels of education on the same conditions of admission and the same grounds for admission.

Admission to study, depending on the direction (profile) of educational programs (subparagraph 2 of paragraph 11 of these Rules), is carried out for undergraduate programs in each area of ​​training in general and for the specialist's program as a whole.

For admission to training, applicants submit an application for admission with the application of the necessary documents (hereinafter together - the documents required for admission; documents submitted for admission; submitted documents).

A person who has been granted the appropriate authority by the applicant (hereinafter referred to as the authorized representative) may carry out actions in respect of which the Rules establish that they are performed by the applicant and which do not require the personal presence of the applicant (including submitting to the PGFA the documents necessary for admission, recall submitted documents). The authorized person performs the indicated actions upon presentation of a power of attorney issued by the applicant and executed in accordance with the established procedure for the implementation of the relevant actions.

When visiting PGFA and (or) face-to-face interaction with authorized officials of PGFA, the applicant (trustee) presents the original identity document.

Organizational support for the admission to training is carried out by the admissions committee of the PSFA. The chairman of the selection committee is the rector. The chairman of the selection committee appoints the responsible secretary of the selection committee, who organizes the work of the selection committee, as well as the personal reception of applicants, their parents (legal representatives), proxies.

To conduct entrance examinations, PSFA creates, in the manner determined by it, examination and appeal commissions.

The powers and procedure for the activities of the selection committee are determined by the regulations on it, approved by the rector. The powers and procedures for the examination and appeal commissions are determined by their regulations, approved by the chairman of the selection committee.

When enrolling in bachelor's programs and a specialist's program in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of study, the following admission deadlines are set within the target figures and under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., Sat. from 08:00 to 20:30

Latest reviews of PGFA

Daria Khokhlova 13:24 07/08/2013

A year has passed since I graduated from Alma Mater, namely the Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy in my beloved city of Perm. It was difficult and at the same time rich and happy 6 years of difficult study, diverse communication and unlimited life experience. I still remember with pride the moment when the rector announced the passing score on the results of three exams in chemistry, biology and the Ukrainian language. My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I heard the number and realized that st...

Anonymous review 18:24 06/26/2013

She graduated from this university in 2011, received higher education after after the College of Pharmacy. Pharm. The academy is a fairly popular university, not only among residents of Perm, but also Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions. There are also students from Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Ufa, and Vladimir. Competition for admission 4-5 people per place, entrance exams - chemistry and Russian. There are budget ones. On a commercial basis, training is about 50 thousand rubles per year. Forms of training full-time and part-time. Provided...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


No. 02395 is valid Indefinitely from 21.09.2016


No. 02347 is valid from 10/14/2016 to 02/05/2021

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for PGFA

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 5 6 5 4
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education66.41 62.7 62.18 72.35 69.43
Average USE score credited to the budget69.6 66.9 64.90 73.30 74.38
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis57.19 57.82 50.10 57.80 57.3
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department45.37 44.8 43.60 40.70 38.3
Number of students2015 2147 2277 2451 2848
full-time department1550 1449 1249 1250 1278
Part-time department19 21 20 26 30
Extramural446 677 1008 1175 1540
All data

The Academy has a license of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher, postgraduate and additional professional education dated 05.03.2013 No. 0560 and a certificate of state accreditation dated 05.02.2015 No. 1186 (valid until February 05 2021) for the right to issue state-recognised education documents to graduates who have passed the final state certification. At the Academy, educational activities are carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation.

The Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy (FGBOU HE PGFA of the Ministry of Health of Russia) is one of two independent higher educational institutions of the pharmaceutical profile, leading schools of professional pharmaceutical education, providing training and advanced training for specialists in the field of pharmacy in various varied forms of education for 60 regions of Russia and 16 foreign countries North and Central Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

Academy graduates work in the field of creating industrial production and pharmaceutical production of medicines, controlling their quality, organizing drug supply for the population, pharmaceutical supervision, chemical, physical-chemical and forensic-chemical analysis. The modern structure of the Academy includes 5 faculties (pre-university training of youth, full-time education, distance learning, training of foreign citizens, additional professional education); 21 departments (14 of which are headed by doctors of sciences, professors); internship, postgraduate study, doctoral studies; dissertation Council; scientific library; 8 research laboratories, Regional (educational and methodological) center for analytical diagnostics of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (NS and PV); Regional testing center of Roszdravnodzor for standardization and quality control of medicines (MP); Regional center for the destruction of the National Assembly and the Air Force; 3 training and production pharmacies, a dental clinic, a scientific and educational center, a distance education center, etc.

About 4,000 students, more than 200 interns, 50 graduate students study at the Academy in full-time and part-time forms. According to the programs of additional professional education, about 2.5 thousand specialists of practical pharmacy are trained annually, more than 500 people study at the faculty of pre-university training of youth. Since the establishment of the university, more than 25 thousand specialists with higher pharmaceutical education have been trained, about 300 masters of pharmacy for foreign countries, more than 25 thousand practical pharmacy specialists have improved their skills, more than 20 thousand people have completed certification cycles. Given the key role of the use of modern innovative and information technologies in the development of all areas of activity, the Academy is actively developing a material and technical base that is adequate to modern requirements. Today it is 5 educational buildings, incl. 1 building of the educational and research center, 2 student dormitories, a nursery of medicinal plants, a sports and recreation center. All buildings and subdivisions of the academy have access to the Internet, an intercom system.

To organize the educational process, there are lecture halls equipped with modern technology, computer classes. The educational process and the implementation of scientific research are provided by more than 200 teachers, among whom more than 70% have academic degrees and titles. The teaching staff includes 31 doctors of sciences (18 of them have the academic title of "professor"), 141 candidates of sciences.

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy PGFA (Perm)

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy was founded in 1936. Since then, the rapid development of one of the largest pharmaceutical higher education institutions in the Russian Federation began. The leadership of PSFA attaches great importance to the introduction of modern educational technologies. Thanks to these actions, the possibility of distance learning has become possible. You will need a computer and an internet connection to learn.

The academy is constantly opening new faculties and specialties. This is done to provide the Perm Territory and other regions of the country with qualified personnel in the pharmaceutical industry. The entire educational process is carried out by qualified teachers. In distance learning, everyone can get a quality education. To get this opportunity, you must pass the entrance exams.

If you are interested in such faculties as: philological faculty, history faculty, foreign language, pedagogy and psychology of childhood, physical culture and just physical, then check out the university.

Examples of solved tests in your account

Perm State Academy is a prestigious educational institution, the diploma of which provides an excellent opportunity to build a career. Alumni testimonials confirm this.

The term and cost of distance learning at PSFA depend on which specialty you have chosen.

Taking the test remotely - from 999.99 rubles *

Passing the exam remotely - from 1000 rubles *

Thesis defense via Skype - from 2500 rubles*

All final payments for this service are made only after the service is provided (the test or exam is passed, the thesis defense was successful). The final cost depends on the complexity of the task, discipline and urgency. Submit an application for calculation.

Faculties and branches of the Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy PGFA

The academy has the following faculties:

  • Full-time faculty
  • Correspondence faculty
  • Part-time faculty

Official website and personal account

Login to your personal account:


  • Solving tests in your personal account (answers to tests);
  • Remote exams in any discipline (including using TeamViewer; with a webcam; with personal identification);
  • Control, term papers, problem solving;
  • Essays, abstracts;
  • Delivery of the session on a turnkey basis;
  • We solve issues with debts in studies in connection with the transfer from another university;
  • Diploma, master's, dissertation works;
  • Entrance exams (help).

Send a request for calculation: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Call: 8-800-100-6787 (Free in Russia!)

Tests and exams at the Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy (Perm)

The profession of a pharmacist is very prestigious, so every year there is a big competition among applicants. We offer high-quality services upon admission to everyone who wants to study remotely at the Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy. With our help, you will become a student of one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the country.