The Supreme Ones. Three lessons from two apostles

"The one who killed must die."

The corpse turned out to be unexpectedly heavy. It was impossible to drag him through the thick and thorny bushes of the station park, and Lokis, who was holding the dead man by the broad shoulders, backed away, pushing the bushes with his back, cursing through his teeth and muffledly grumbling.

Shut up,” an accomplice in an officer’s uniform suggested to him quietly, but quite impressively. He tucked the corpse's legs, shod in canvas boots, under his armpits, tenaciously grasping the dead man's legs, which were beginning to freeze, with his hands. It was much easier for him to walk. - Swallow your tongue, bastard...

As Lokis is needed for “wetness”, but as for what, he’s immediately “bastard,” the first one snapped, breathing fitfully, after all, it was really difficult for him to walk. But he immediately fell silent and did not open his mouth further until the killers crossed the clearing and entered the forest that began behind the station.

“That’s enough,” said the one who walked behind. - Stop, Lokis. We'll bury it here. It will be more reliable this way. Have you lost your shovel?

“Here it is, there’s a shovel,” Lokis responded.

He let go of the dead man, and he muffled, almost inaudibly, softening the blow of the fallen leaves, lay down on the damp ground after the recent rain. Then Lokis took the bayonet shovel from his shoulder; it hung behind his back on a belt, like a rifle, on top of the belt that held the PPSh machine gun around Lokis’ neck.

Dig, Lokis. And deeper so that the dogs don’t dig it up.

“Okay, Apostle,” Lokis obediently agreed. - I’ll dig it right... The matter is familiar to me.

Before the war, he was a gravedigger in the city of Lucis.

...Two hours before these events, a passenger train was approaching the station where Apostle and Lokis were now hiding the corpse, it was heading from Tallinn to Lucis. In one of the carriages there was a young guy, judging by his clothes, recently demobilized from the army. He was wearing khaki breeches and the same cotton tunic, and had canvas boots on his feet. The passenger placed his duffel bag at the head of the carriage, covered the bag with a padded jacket, and hung his worn cap on a hook in the wall of the carriage.

In appearance, he did not stand out in any way among the thousands and thousands of guys who moved around the country in old army tunics and unworn soldier’s boots. In that difficult year of 1947, the majority of former war heroes did not have time to acquire civilian suits; they sported gray overcoats and rode in carriages where young conductors did not provide sets of fresh bed linen for just a ruble.

It was late, but the passenger was awake. He lay with his head resting on the backpack, looking at the bottom shelf below him and smiling at his thoughts.

The shelves in the carriage were full, including the third ones intended for luggage. But it was believed that on this trip the carriages were free, because no one was lying, sitting or standing between the shelves and in the aisles.

The places through which the train was now moving were then turbulent, and therefore the command from the entrance “Prepare the documents!” Examination!" passengers took it for granted.

There were only two of them checking. A senior lieutenant of average height in a uniform cap of the internal troops and a broad-shouldered, tall sergeant major with a cap on his head. The cap was clearly too small for the big-headed guy, and the foreman winced when it slipped from the top of his head to one ear or the other, but no one noticed it. People were fussing, reaching into their bosoms and taking out papers proving their identity.

When the two approached the guy in canvas boots, he was already sitting on the shelf and holding his passport in his hand. The senior lieutenant barely glanced at the first page, chuckled contentedly and over his shoulder handed the document to the foreman sniffling behind him.

The guy looked at them in bewilderment, and, anticipating his questions, the senior lieutenant said:

Now come down with us... We must deliver you to the commandant.

Then he leaned towards his ear and whispered:

Our commander wants to see you urgently. Come with us, comrade.

The senior lieutenant said loudly:

Pack your things! Stop now...

And he winked conspiratorially at the passenger.

The platform was deserted. No one got off here and no one got on, and the train stopped for one minute. The station attendant looked out, went out for a while, met and escorted the train and went back to his room, without even looking at those three who found themselves in this remote place at night.

“This way,” said the senior lieutenant, “we are located nearby, behind the station.” They are waiting for you there.

He walked ahead in the direction from which the train had arrived. The former passenger followed. Bringing up the rear of the procession was a sergeant major in a cap who had still not said a word.

When they passed the station buildings, the luggage warehouse, and the water pump remained on the right, the senior lieutenant turned sharply to the left. They reached the barns, barely visible in the darkness, and the one walking ahead said in Lithuanian:

We'll be home soon, Lokis.

It was a conditioned signal. Hearing him, the foreman put his hand behind his boot and pulled out a long awl mounted on a wooden handle. Bending, he seized the moment and forcefully thrust an awl under the left shoulder blade of the man whom he and the senior lieutenant had just removed from the train.

First, carefully remove the turf,” ordered the “senior lieutenant,” whom Lokis now called the Apostle. - Can you do everything unnoticed?

Lokis chuckled offendedly:

I built so many bunkers in the forest... Should I not know how?

“Okay, okay,” the Apostle reassured him. - You let the swarm, and I’ll guard... I don’t like it here. It's very quiet around. And it’s going too smoothly for us. Do not you think so?

The apostle finished his sentence and, without waiting for an answer, disappeared into the darkness.

Lokis grumbled inaudibly and got to work. It took about an hour before the hole was ready. Lokis straightened up in the hole, the edges reached his shoulders, threw away the shovel and, holding the hand of the Apostle who arrived in time, climbed to the surface.

“Everything is ready,” said the former gravedigger. “Here, neither the dogs nor the NKVD soldiers will find him during the day with fire.” Let's put it in, or what?

“We put it in,” agreed the Apostle. - Just be more careful... Otherwise, we can’t bury him upright.

Lokis is a master in the funeral business,” responded the killer. - Let's calm the little one down to the highest standards. If we meet him in the next world, he will also thank us.

“You’re a cynic, Lokis,” the Apostle grinned in the darkness. - And also a seer...

What, what? - Lokis asked suspiciously. - What kind of cynic?

Okay, that’s just me,” the Apostle said in a conciliatory tone. - You are a philosopher, I wanted to say, wise, that means you are a person.

“Yeah,” Lokis agreed. - This will do... shall we take it?

Together, Lokis now holding the dead man by the legs, they lowered the corpse into the pit. The Apostle turned on the flashlight for a moment, looked into the grave together with a beam of electric light and coughed with satisfaction. Lokis spat on his palms, picked up a shovel and plunged it into a pile of freshly dug earth.

He managed to throw down only three shovels of soil. Moving slowly, the Apostle walked behind Lokis and, when he bent down for the fourth time, grabbed a pistol from his bosom and fired three times, placing the elongated barrel against the broad back of his now former accomplice.

“The one who killed must die,” the Apostle muttered a phrase from Immanuel Kant’s “Metaphysics of Morals” and illuminated the double grave with a flashlight for the second time. Then he quickly began to bury it.

Having finished, the Apostle carefully trampled down the raised mound, carefully covered the space of dug up earth with turf and covered the grave with dead wood he had collected ahead of time.

He remained in his cap with a cornflower blue top. Feeling his head sweat, the Apostle took off his cap, wiped himself with a handkerchief, for some unknown reason took a deep breath and headed towards the station.

Now the Apostle was alone. This was how it was supposed to be according to his special position in this world.

This article contains: the prayer of the three apostles - information taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Memory: June 30 / July 13

Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles. Byzantine icon, XIV century

Troparion to the Council of the Glorious and All-Valuable 12 Apostles, Tone 4

The first apostles and universal teachers, pray to the Lord of all to grant peace to the universe and great mercy to our souls.

Kontakion to the Council of the Glorious and All-Valuable 12 Apostles, Tone 2

The Stone of Christ, the Stone of Faith, glorifies lightly, the disciples in abundance, and with Paul the entire twelve-strong council today, whose memory is faithfully fulfilled, we glorify these Glorified Ones.

Prayer to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

About the saints, the apostles of Christ: Peter and Andrew, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew, James and Jude, Simon and Matthew! Hear our prayers and sighs, now offered by our contrite hearts, and help us, the servants of God (names), through your powerful intercession before the Lord, to get rid of all evil and enemy flattery, and to firmly preserve the Orthodox faith that you have devoted to us, without any wounds in it through your intercession, We will not be belittled by reprimand, nor by pestilence, nor by any wrath from our Creator, but we will live a peaceful life here and be honored to see good things on the land of the living, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the One in the Trinity, glorified and worshiped God, now and ever and to the ages centuries.

Read also an interesting and very extensive overview of the centuries-old tradition of depicting the apostles:

Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles. Bolshakovskaya icon, XVIII century
  • Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Apostle Andrew is the patron saint of Russia and Ukraine. They pray to him for the conversion of the peoples of Russia to the Christian faith, for the intercession of the Fatherland, for success in naval warfare and simply navigation.
  • Prayer to the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. Beloved disciple of the Lord, author of the Fourth Gospel, Council Epistles and Apocalypse. For his deep love for the Lord and all people, he was called the “apostle of love.” He endured imprisonment, exile and torture, but remained unharmed and died at the age of 105 in Ephesus. The patron saint of schoolchildren and students, they pray to him for the ability to truly love God and neighbors, for well-being in the family, for advice and love between spouses, for the admonition of those of little faith and those who have fallen into sects and schisms.
  • Prayers to the Apostle and Evangelist Luke. Apostle and Evangelist Luke, physician, apostle of the 70, companion of the holy Apostle Paul. He took part in the second missionary journey of the Apostle Paul, and since then they have been inseparable. After the martyrdom of the apostles Peter and Paul, Luke left Rome and preached through Achaia, Libya, Egypt and Thebaid. In the city of Thebes, he ended his earthly journey as a martyr. Tradition credits him with writing the first icons of the Mother of God. Patron of missionaries and catechists, doctors, artists and icon painters.
  • Prayer to the Apostle Paul. After the Lord’s visit, from a persecutor of Christians he became a fiery preacher of the Christian faith. Converted many pagans. Fourteen of his epistles were included in the New Testament. They pray to the Apostle Paul for standing firm in the faith, for good shepherding, for love between shepherds and their flock, for understanding the Word of God and the essence of faith, for help in studying. They pray to the Apostle Paul for the admonition and conversion of non-Christians and people of little faith to Christ, for the return to the fold of the Church of people who have fallen into sects, and also for help in illnesses, demonic possession and demonic attacks.
  • Prayer to the Supreme Apostle Peter. Before becoming an apostle, he was a fisherman, then, together with his brother, the Apostle Andrew, he was the first called by the Lord to become a disciple. He had various grace-filled gifts - he healed the lame, the paralytic, raised the dead, and cast out demons in the name of Jesus. They pray to the Apostle Peter for the well-being of the church, for the increase of faith in the face of lack of faith, during temptations and persecutions, for the admonition and conversion of non-Christians and those of little faith, for the return to the fold of the Church of people who have fallen into sects, for help in studies, for healing from various ailments, for example, in case of fever ( flu), about assistance in fishing and fish farming.
Read other prayers in the "Orthodox Prayer Book" section

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Orthodox prayers ☦

3 prayers to the Apostle Philip

First prayer

“Oh, glorious Apostle Philip, who gave up his soul for Christ and fertilized His pasture with your blood! Hear your children's prayers and sighs, now offered with a broken heart. Because we are darkened by lawlessness, and for this reason we are covered with troubles, like clouds, but with the oil of a good life we ​​are greatly impoverished, and we are not able to resist the predatory wolf who is boldly trying to plunder the heritage of God. O strong one! Bear our infirmities, do not separate from us in spirit, so that we may not be separated in the end from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on all of us for your prayers for the sake of, may He destroy the handwriting of our immeasurable sins, and may He be honored with all the Saints of the blessed The kingdom and marriage of His Lamb, to Him be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship, forever and ever. Amen."

Second prayer

“O holy Apostle of Christ Phillip! We pray to you: save and protect us with your prayers from the temptations of the devil and the falls of sin and ask us, God’s servants (names), for help from above in times of despondency, so that we may not stumble over the stone of temptation, but steadily walk the saving path of Christ’s commandments, until we reach these blessed ones abodes of heaven. Hey, Apostle Spasov! Do not disgrace us, but be our helper and protector in all our lives and help us end this temporary life in a pious and godly manner, receive a Christian death and be honored with a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ; let us glorify the magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.”

Prayer three

“Oh, holy and all-praised herald of the Gospel of Christ, glorious disciple of Christ, the Apostle Philip. Preaching the word of God, you endured many labors, many journeys, and many sufferings, but you sealed your faith with death on the cross. Now, standing before the throne of your Teacher and Lord Jesus Christ, offer up a prayer for us to Him, that His atoning sacrifice may not be in vain in us, that He may turn us from the darkness of sin to the light of the commandments and guide us to the right path. Beseech Him, holy apostle, to preserve the Orthodox faith in us unshakably until the end of our days, to strengthen His holy Church from heresies and schisms until the end of the age, to heal the sick, to drive away demons from the heavenly, and to send down His useful mercy to all of us for every need. Yes, we, in fidelity to the Gospel teaching, will remain and having done everything commanded to us, we will be worthy of a shameless, peaceful, Holy Mystery of sacramental Christian death, and in the Kingdom of Heaven with you and all the saints we will glorify Christ God, He is due honor and worship, together with His beginningless Father and By His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Prayer book in modern Russian language


2. Prayers to Apostle Andrew the First-Called

3. Akathist to Apostle Andrew the First-Called

The Apostle Andrew was the first to follow Christ, and then brought his brother Peter to him. He preached the word of God, walking from Asia Minor to the place where Kyiv now stands. Having climbed the Kyiv mountains, he blessed them and planted a cross. They also pray to him for good suitors.

Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called (translation into modern Russian)

We glorify and magnify your apostolic works, we joyfully remember your blessed coming to us, we honor your sufferings that you endured for Christ, we kiss your sacred relics, we honor your holy memory and believe that as the Lord lives, your soul also lives, and with Him You remain in Heaven forever, and you do not deprive us of your love, for you loved our fathers when, through the Holy Spirit, you saw for our land to turn to Christ.

We believe that you pray to God for us, seeing all our needs in His light. We confess this faith of ours in your temple, and we pray to the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, that through your prayers He will give us everything we need to save us sinners: just as you, at the command of the Lord, immediately left your nets and immediately followed Him, so let each of us does not care about himself, but about his neighbors and thinks about eternal life.

Having you, an intercessor and prayer book for us, we hope that your prayer can accomplish much before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is worthy of all glory, honor and worship, with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

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Works of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee online


Two Greatest Prayers of the Apostle Paul by Witness Lee

Two Greatest Prayers of the Apostle Paul


This booklet consists of messages given by Brother Witness Lee in September 1970 in San Francisco, California.

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The Bible Book Collector is a non-profit organization whose main mission is to publish the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee in Russian. Following in the footsteps of these two servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, who faithfully guarded the legacy of ministry received by the church from the Lord, our goal is to spread the riches of Christ by providing all believers with spiritual food that will enable them to grow in the divine life for the edification of the Body of Christ .

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Troparion to the Apostles

Peter and Paul, the chief Apostles,

The Mother Apostles, / and the universal teacher, / pray to the Lord of all / to grant greater peace to the universe / and great mercy to our souls.

We magnify you, / Christ’s apostles Peter and Paul, / who enlightened the whole world with your teachings / and brought everything to Christ.

Peter (worship to the honorable chains of An. Peter), tone 4:

Do not leave Rome, you came to us / with the honest chains that you wore, the apostles on the throne. / Whom we worship by faith, we pray: / with your prayers to God / grant us great mercy.

To the Council of the Glorious and All-Praised 12 Apostles, Tone 4:

The apostles of the first throne / and teacher to the universe, / pray to the Lord of all / to grant peace to the universe / and great mercy to our souls.

Andrew the First-Called, tone 4:

As the first-called apostles / and the supreme brother / to the Lord of all, Andrew, pray / to grant greater peace to the universe / and great mercy to our souls.

The disciple of Paul and the apostle of Christ, Archippus, / the herald of the Gospel and the teacher of Colossae, / received the stone beating, / like a precious ornament, / having adorned the crown of torment, you entered into the joy of the Kingdom, / where you remember us singing in your memory, / the apostles with the throne.

Jacob, the brother of the Lord according to the flesh,

As a disciple of the Lord, you have accepted the Gospel, righteously, / as a martyr and as indescribable, / as a brother of God, / as a brother of God, / to pray as a hierarch: / pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

You were the chosen Apostle of Christ / and the only begotten brother of the Theologian, / O all-validated Jacob, / obtain remission of sins from those who sing you / and great mercy for our souls.

John the Theologian, Evangelist,

Beloved Apostle Christ God, / hasten to deliver people who are unrequited, / who accept you as you fall. Those who fell into Percy are accepted. / Pray to Him, O Theologian, / and disperse the present darkness of tongues, / asking us for peace and great mercy.

Judas, brother of the Lord,

You are a relative of Christ, O Judas, a leader and a steadfast martyr, / we sacredly praise you, / having trampled down delusion and kept the faith. / Moreover, today we celebrate your all-holy memory, / the resolution of sins through your prayers is acceptable.

The apostolic acts of the narrator / and the Gospel of Christ is a luminous writer, / Luke is praised, the existence of the Church of Christ is glorious, / with sacred hymns we praise the holy apostle, / as a physician who exists, human infirmities, / natural ailments and illnesses of souls, healing / and praying unceasingly for our souls.

Diligently from the tollhouse to the Lord Christ who called, / I will appear on earth as a man for goodness, / Having followed that, you appeared as the chosen apostle / and the evangelist of the Gospel is loudly proclaimed to the universe. / For this reason, we honor your honorable memory, Matthew the God-speaking, / pray to the merciful God / that he may grant remission of sins to our souls.

Silas, Silouan, Crescentus, Epenetus and Andronicus, app. from 70, voice 3:

Let us praise the face of the five-numbered apostle of Christ with songs, / Silas, Silouan, Criskentus, Andronicus and Epenetus, / who have denounced idolatry flattery / and, having caught hold of the unfaithful in the faith, / pray incessantly for all who magnify their memory.

To Simeon, relative of the Lord, smch.,

We sacredly praise you, a kinsman of Christ, Simeon the priest, and a steadfast martyr, / who consumed charm / and kept the faith. / Moreover, today we celebrate your all-holy memory, / the resolution of sins through your prayers is acceptable.

Stefan, first hour and archdeacon.,

You fought the good fight, / the first martyr of Christ and the apostle, / and you exposed the tormentors of wickedness. / You were stoned by the hands of the wicked, / you received the crown from the right hand above, / and you cried out to God: / Lord, do not put this sin on them.

We magnify you, / the passion-bearing Saint Stephen, / and we honor your honest sufferings, / which you endured for Christ.

Having learned goodness and being sober in all, / you were sacredly enveloped in a good conscience, / you drew from the chosen vessel the ineffable / and, having observed the faith, you completed the same course, / to the Apostle Timothy, / pray to Christ God / for the salvation of our souls.

Today the city of Edes is rejoicing, / you received a bath at Baptism, / and Abgar, who has changed his passions, glorifies your memory. / With them we also sing: / fill our bellies with spiritual joy / and heal passions, / Thaddeus the Apostle, with your prayers.

The universe is adorned, / Ethiopia rejoices, / as if she were adorned with a crown, / having been enlightened by you, / your memory triumphs brightly, / God-speaking Philip, / for you taught all to believe in Christ / and completed the course worthy of the Gospel. / Thus the Ethiopian hand boldly brews to God, / Pray Him to grant us great mercy.

Having been a disciple of Christ, a participant in the Divine Council of the Apostles, / having notified the Resurrection of Christ through unbelief, / and having assured Him of His most pure passion by touch, O All-Valuable Fomo, / and now ask us for peace and great mercy.

Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called

Saint Andrew the First-Called is the first of the apostles. You can learn more about this saint, see icons with his image and read his life in this article!

Saint Andrew the First-Called

Today, December 13, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of Remembrance of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

APOSTLE ANDREW was from Galil e And. This northern part of the Holy Land was distinguished by its fertility and picturesqueness, and its inhabitants were good natured and hospitable. The Galileans easily got along with the Greeks who inhabited their country in large numbers; many spoke Greek and even bore Greek names. The name Andrey is Greek and means courageous.

When John the Baptist began to preach on the banks of the Jordan River A On, Andrei, together with John of Zebedee (who came from the same city as Bethsaida), followed the prophet, hoping to find an answer to his spiritual questions in his teaching. Many began to think that maybe John the Baptist was the expected Messiah, but he explained to people that he was not the Messiah, but was sent only to prepare the way for Him. At that time, the Lord Jesus Christ came to John the Baptist on the Jordan for baptism, and he, pointing to the Lord, said to his disciples: “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.”

Hearing this, Andrew and John followed Jesus. The Lord, seeing them, asked: “What do you need?” They said: “Rabbi (Teacher), where do you live?” “Come and see,” Jesus answered, and from that time on they became His disciples. On the same day, the Apostle Andrew went to his brother Simon Peter and told him: “We have found the Messiah.” So Peter joined the disciples of Christ.

However, the apostles did not immediately devote themselves entirely to the apostolic title. From the Gospel we know that the brothers Andrew and Simon Peter and the brothers John and James had to return to their families for a while and take up their usual work - fishing. A few months later, the Lord, passing by Lake Galilee and seeing them fishing, said: “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Then they left their boats and nets and from that day became constant disciples of Christ.

Andrew, who followed the Lord earlier than the other apostles, received the name First Call A new. He remained with Christ throughout the entire period of His public ministry. After the Resurrection of the Savior, Apostle Andrew, together with other disciples, was honored with meetings with Him and was present at Holy Oil O mountain, when the Lord, having blessed them, ascended to Heaven.

After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles cast lots as to who should go to which country to preach the Gospel. Saint Andrew received the countries lying along the Black Sea coast, the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula and Scythia, i.e. the land on which Russia was later formed. According to legend, the Apostle Andrew preached on the Tauride Peninsula, then climbed north along the Dnieper and reached the place where Kyiv subsequently arose.

“Believe me,” the apostle said to his disciples, “that the grace of God will shine on these mountains: a great city will be here, the Lord will enlighten this land with holy baptism and will erect many churches here.” Then the Apostle Andrew blessed the Kyiv mountains and erected a cross on one of them, heralding the acceptance of faith by the future inhabitants of Rus'.

Nikolay Lomtev. Apostle Andrew the First-Called erects a cross on the mountains

After returning to Greece, the Apostle Andrew stopped in the city of Patros, located near the Gulf of Corinth. Here, through the laying on of hands, he healed many people from illnesses, including the noble Maximilla, who believed in Christ with all her heart and became a disciple of the apostle. Since many residents of Patras believed in Christ, the local ruler Egeat was inflamed with hatred against the Apostle Andrew and sentenced him to crucifixion. The apostle, not at all afraid of the verdict, in an inspired sermon revealed to those gathered the spiritual power and significance of the Savior’s suffering on the cross.

Governor Egeat did not believe the apostle's preaching, calling his teaching madness. Then he ordered the apostle to be crucified so that he would suffer longer. Saint Andrew was tied to the cross in the shape of the letter X, without driving nails into his hands and feet, so as not to cause imminent death. Egeat's unjust sentence caused indignation among the people, however, this sentence remained in force.

Hanging on the cross, the Apostle Andrew prayed incessantly. Before the separation of his soul from his body, the heavenly light shone on Andrew’s cross, and in its brilliance the apostle departed into the eternal Kingdom of God. The martyrdom of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called followed around the 62nd year after the Nativity of Christ.

The Russian Church, having accepted the faith of Christ from Byzantium, whose bishops trace their succession to the Apostle Andrew, also considers itself his successor. That is why the memory of Saint Andrew the First-Called was so solemnly revered in pre-revolutionary Russia. Emperor Peter I established the first and highest order in honor of the Apostle Andrew, which was given as a reward to dignitaries of the state. Since the times of Peter the Great, the Russian fleet has made St. Andrew's flag its banner, a blue X-shaped cross on a white background, under the shadow of which the Russians won many victories.

As the first-called apostles/ and the supreme brother,/ the Lord of all, Andrew, pray/ to grant peace to the universe// and great mercy to our souls.

Apostle Andrew the First-Called:

Let us praise the courage of the same-named eulogist/ and the Church’s supreme successor,/ Peter’s relative,/ before now, as in ancient times/ and now we have cried: come, thou who have found the Desired.

Prayer to Saint Andrew the First-Called

First-called Apostle of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, supreme follower of the Church, all-validated Andrew! We glorify and magnify your apostolic works, we sweetly remember your blessed coming to us, we bless your honorable suffering, which you endured for Christ, we kiss your sacred relics, we honor your holy memory and believe that the Lord lives, and your soul lives, too. You remain with us forever in heaven, where you do not forsake us with your love, as you loved our fathers, when through the Holy Spirit you saw our land turning to Christ. We believe, as God prayed for us; in His light all our needs are in vain. Thus we confess this faith of ours in your temple, and we pray to the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, that through your prayers he will give us everything we need for the salvation of us sinners: as you abied the voice of the Lord, forsake your fears; and let each one of us seek not his own, but for the building up of his neighbor, and let him think about a higher calling. Having you as an intercessor and prayer book for us, we hope that your prayer can accomplish much before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Akathist before the icons of St. Andrew the First-Called

Let us praise the first-called apostle of Christ, the holy preacher of the Gospel, the divinely inspired enlightener of the Russian country, Andrew the Most Glorious, with songs, standing on the top of the hill, where his right hand raised the Cross, and to him, as the supreme follower of the Church, who has shown her the path to Christ, we cry out in tenderness: Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

You were the angel of the good news of the Lamb of Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, to Andrew the Apostle, and you remain with Him forever in Heaven; From there, look at the songs brought to you in your temple, in the place where your feet stand, and, as you are rich in the grace of God, give us a good word, so that we call to you: Rejoice, thou who shone forth unto us the star from the city of Bethsaida; Rejoice, equal brother of the Supreme Peter. Rejoice, disciple of the great Forerunner of Christ; Rejoice, first of all, the apostle, called to apostolic service by the Lord Himself. Rejoice, for you also cried out to others with joy: “Come, you have found the desired Messiah”; Rejoice, and lead us to Him. Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Teacher, where do you live? - You asked, Andrew, the Savior of our souls and, having spent one day with Him, you loved the Messiah you had found for all the days of your life, and you brought your oldest brother to Him. Likewise, we, like your least brothers, do not cease to be attracted to Him, and we, following in your footsteps, cry out to God: Alleluia.

Seeing in you, Saint Andrew, a flame of faith and love, the Lord again found you on the lake of Gennesaret, like a fisherman, together with your brother, sweeping deep waters, and he said to you: “He will come after Me, and I will make you a fisher of man.” You followed Him aby and with the inspired word, as if you caught people in the wild for Christ, with whom we caught you for salvation, we say to you: Rejoice, for you learned spiritual fishing from the Lord Himself; Rejoice, for on the same lake with the others the apostles were overwhelmed; by faith you were saved in the Lord, who rebuked the wind and the sea. Rejoice, you who have acquired great faith, when you saw the wonderful feeding of five thousand with five loaves; Rejoice, having received the gift from the Lord to heal every ailment and every disease. Rejoice, for a voice from heaven was heard by the Greeks, who saw Christ by you; Rejoice, for there was a revelation on the Mount of Olives that will come to you at the end of the world. Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Having enjoyed the wanderings of the Lady and the Immortal Meal in the High Place of Zion, as a faithful friend of Christ, together with the rest of the apostles, you saw the Lord and your God, from the Worthless and the Holy Spirit you received, in order to bind and solve the sins of people. And again, in the same upper room of Zionstei, there was an abundant outpouring of the promised Spirit on you in fiery tongues. Moreover, all the tribes were amazed at how with their tongue you spoke of the greatness of God, singing: Alleluia.

We receive the commandment from the Lord to preach the Gospel to all creation, flowing around many cities and countries, Apostle Andrew, calling people to the knowledge of the True God and baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; with them we too have been made worthy of the grace of Baptism. For this reason, let us sing a note of gratitude to you: Rejoice, faithful herald of Christ’s miracles; Rejoice, loud preacher of the Holy Gospel. Rejoice, idolatrous service to the consumer; Rejoice, planter of true piety. Rejoice, for according to your word people are reborn by water and the Spirit; Rejoice, for through you the faithful partake of the Immortal Meal. Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

The power of God has fallen upon you, First-Called Apostle, to proclaim the power and glory of the Son of God and to confirm all faith in the Holy Trinity for those called. Likewise, keep us, who worship the One God in the Three Hypostases, in the green pastures of the faith of Christ, so that we may be sanctified by the grace of the Holy Spirit, and sing with a loud voice to Him: Alleluia.

Having brought your brother Simon Peter, the First-Called, to Christ, you went with him to your apostolic ministry, first to Antioch and Sinope, there having defeated the demons of the regiment, you freed your companion Apostle Matthias from the prison bonds, and baptized those who were with him, to the Supreme Peter from there to the western countries flowing, you gave him a brotherly kiss, but you yourself labored well in the eastern workshop. Likewise, we, the people of the Eastern Church, bless you: Rejoice, power of God, driving away armies of demons and breaking the bonds of prisons; Rejoice, friend of the apostolic grace, secretly freeing us from the bonds of hell. Rejoice, West and East with your God-wise brother, preaching for the sake of the word of God, dividing by lot; Rejoice, in the city of Sinope you exposed the unbelief of the Jews by the power of your miracles. Rejoice, for there you were from the godless for Christ’s sake; Rejoice, for from the Lord who appeared to you the healing of ulcers was granted to you. Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Returning twice to the holy city, and together with the apostles celebrating the fiftieth day there, twice again you marched from holy Zion, to preach Christ to the whole world, first with John, the confidant of the Lord, then with Simon the Canaanite and Matthias, whose lot was destined to become an apostle, and the entire borders of Asia and Pontus flowed around you, announcing the word of salvation to everyone, so that they could sing to God: Alleluia.

From the Sea of ​​Galilee to the Euxine Apostolic Pontus, your spread out and all the seas around, proclaiming your gospel, you have risen, O First-Called One, into the countries of Scythia, planting the Cross of Christ everywhere as a sign of our salvation. For this reason, we, even if we were born later, heeding your gospel and remembering your deeds, call to you: Rejoice, thou who has tamed the fierce robbers in Nicaea and slain the fiercest dragon; Rejoice, the Cross of Christ has been erected in the midst of this city, as the Forerunner of the two-fold Father of the God-bearing ones gathered there. Rejoice, for in Asia and Pontus the light of Christ has risen by you; Rejoice, for your apostolic rod opened the foothills of the Caucasus to the light of Christ. Rejoice, for the darkness of the Cimmerians was illuminated; Rejoice, who gave the universe life to drink from streams of water. Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Possessed by a storm of passions and, like the waters of the ocean, troubled, the tribes of men, who do not know the True God, you led, apostle, to the quiet refuge of Christ and those hearts, like a fragile boat overwhelmed by unbelief, you established on the anchors of the Orthodox faith. In the same way, we, as children of the Orthodox faith, cry out to God with grateful hearts and grateful lips: Alleluia.

On the Mount of Olives, sometimes you and the other apostles asked your Divine Teacher, Andrew: “Tell us, what is the sign of Your coming?” On the mountains of Kyiv, as an organ of the grace of the Holy Spirit, you foretold the coming glory of this place; We, who were ordained to be worthy of this mercy, tenderly cry out to you: Rejoice, for you brought us the law of the Gospel from Mount Zion; Rejoice, for through the waters of Voristhenes the apostle of God came to us. Rejoice, grace of the Jordan, for the sake of our Baptism, you bestowed this word; Rejoice, erected the Cross of our salvation on the Kyiv mountains. Rejoice, for the abundant outpouring of God’s grace was foretold here; Rejoice, for the existence of the city is great and many churches are to be heralded here. Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Today, in fulfillment of your prophetic voice, the glorious temple adorns itself in the place where you foresaw things that do not exist, as if they exist through the gift of the Holy Spirit; Around it, a great city with golden-domed churches testifies to the truth of your words, to which even to this day you, as if from the heights of the pulpit, have preached peace. Likewise, we, seeing the fulfillment of your God-inspired words, cry out to God with a great voice: Alleluia.

From the luminous dawn, the First-Called Apostle, having received the light of divine knowledge, Saint Olga rose up to the Russian land as the star of our salvation, raising up after herself, like a luminous luminary, her grandson Vladimir, the enlightener of the entire midnight country. In the same way, we, having raised our eyes to you, Andrew the God-Wise, as to the initial harbinger of our salvation, let us write this praiseworthy: Rejoice, for the star of our salvation, Holy Olga, was granted the knowledge of the Divine light; Rejoice, for through her good faith the Kingdom of Christ has been opened. Rejoice, for through your blessing the glorious light has come to us from this day; Rejoice, for according to your apostolic foreshadowing, the prince equal to the apostles has appeared to us. Rejoice, for through you Saint Vladimir the kingdom of earth has joined the kingdom of heaven; Rejoice, for the Dnieper and Pochaina, the rivers of Kiev, were a saving font for us. Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

The shepherds and flocks preach the memory of your deeds to the glorious city of Kyiv and the entire Russian country, O wise man Andrew the Apostle; in the depths of the caves, the incorruptible saints of God, with Anthony and Theodosius, with silent lips, as if they live, proclaim your glory throughout the century and generation, for by you the Cross erected here, like a blessed-leaved tree, will grow to bear us the fruits of piety and holiness. We of your heavenly helix, like spiritual chicks, have taught us to sing to God: Alleluia.

Not just Rus', you were the herald of salvation, the First-Called Apostle of Christ, but you brought the entire Slovenian tribe, like the Kokosh, gathering its chicks under the wing, to Christ; You, from Chersonis into the darkness of the midnight country, despising the people there, so that the wise teachers, Cyril and Methodius, might learn the word of God, you have prepared your preaching for many centuries; We, like the mouths of these enlighteners of ours, cry out loudly to you: Rejoice, blessed Slovenian tribe from time immemorial; Rejoice, thou madet wise by their word by the word of God. Rejoice, for the child of God was obedient to the word of the Church; Rejoice, for in Chersonis, where you preached, the first Russian writer, Saint Cyril, was found and received. Rejoice, for by those Alpha and Omega, the firstfruits and the end, you proclaimed the wisdom of Christ to them; Rejoice, for this teacher has translated all the inspired scriptures into the Slovenian language for us. Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Without fearing deserted Scythia, you extended your apostolic wanderings into the depths of the midnight country, O First-Called One, from there you came to ancient Rome, who then became the head of the pagan world; Otherwise, for the sake of idolatry, leave him for the sake of darkness, and came to the red shore of Vospor, there in the city of Byzantium, where the new Rome and Mother became a Christian, you established your apostolic throne. Yes, from him the entire East and North will be illuminated with the light of faith, and the faithful children of the Church of Christ unanimously call to God: Alleluia.

Mother Zion - a man says psalmically, as if a person was spiritually born in it, a new Zion has become for us Kiev: in it the light and grace of God appeared to all the sons of the Russians from the pulpit, which you, the First-Called Apostle, established in Byzantium. In the same way, we, illuminated by the Everlasting Light, gratefully cry out to you: Rejoice, you who descended from Mount Zion and illuminated multi-hill Kyiv with the mountain light; Rejoice, you have sent down to this city abundant fruitfulness with your spiritual blessing. Rejoice, for thou hast established thy apostolic throne in the midst of the universe; Rejoice, for under its shadow (in new Rome) you have gathered all the languages ​​enlightened by you. Rejoice, since Orthodoxy is established in their souls; Rejoice, for even the darkness of the West breaks away from the East. Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

When the time of your repose came, blessed apostle, you came to the ancient Patras of Achaia, and there you were devoured, for you ended the course, you fought a good fight, preaching Christ crucified to everyone, a temptation to the Jews, and madness to the Greeks, but to us, who are called and saved, - Christ, God's Power and God's Wisdom, from the Unknown and learned to sing to God: Alleluia.

Everywhere in the name of the Lord Jesus, you healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out demons, and in Patras you confirmed your dying sermon with miracles, O Apostle of Christ, and you turned the anthipate of the Blade to the knowledge of the truth, when you were struck by an ulcer for the sake of opposition, you were quickly raised from your sickbed; All the people, having seen the power of God in you, crushed their idols, therefore the Lord appeared to you, as Paul sometimes did in Corinth, and commanded you to take up your Cross, thereby marking your suffering in Patras, for His sake. In the same way, we, marveling at the great grace in you, reverently cry: Rejoice, great power of Almighty God; Rejoice, treasure of great price and wonders. Rejoice, enlightenment and decoration of ancient Patras; Rejoice, you who have changed the unbelief of the anfipat into faith. Rejoice, for there the Lord again appeared to you, calling you to the feat of the cross; Rejoice, for the crown of righteousness has been prepared for you. Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Nero the Caesar, like sometimes Herod, instigated persecution against all the faithful, in Rome I will behead Paul with the sword, and crucify Peter on the cross, likewise the tormenting hand reached you in Patras, when instead of the meek Blade you installed the cruel Egeatas as a judge, who did not tolerate the baptism of his brother, Below, he was softened by the healing of his wife, cast into prison and, like the Supreme Peter, condemned to the cross. You, this prisoner, in a darker dungeon, as if in a bright temple, thou didst vouch for Anthipat’s brother Stratoklis as Bishop Patrom, singing to God with all the faithful in the midst of the prison: Alleluia.

In the place of the forehead we erect a cross, having seen, on which you were crucified, you were not afraid, O apostle, even to death to testify to your beloved and beloved Christ, and stretching out your hand to this sign of salvation, you tenderly cried out: Rejoice, O All-Honorable Cross, before him I stand with joy, knowing you, my hope; Rejoice, Life-Giving Cross, whose head has reached to Heaven, and crush the foot of the gates of hell. Rejoice, venerable Cross, accepted by my Master as the sweetest grape that has poured out salvation for us; Rejoice, blessed Cross, who saved the thief and bestowed upon him the fruits of confession. Rejoice, for you were the fulfillment of my joy; Rejoice in the same way, O passion-bearer, having sealed your faith in Christ on the Cross. Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Come, witness of my joy! - You appealed to the Apostle to the doer of the will of Egeata, - do your will over me, crucify me and, like a lamb, sacrifice me to the Creator who created me. And this river, you ascended to the cross, as if to a high pulpit, for three days and three nights you preached the word of God to the people standing around, so that they would not be afraid of death, confessing the Lord Jesus. When your face was illuminated with heavenly light, the tormentor was horrified and commanded to take you from the cross; Otherwise, you, the passion-bearer, did not want to be freed from the torment of the cross, until your departure you incessantly cried out to God: Alleluia.

Glorifying your apostolic deeds, St. Andrew the First-Called, we bless your holy death, with which you glorified the Life-Giving Passion of the Son of God, and with the tenderness of our hearts we cry to you: Rejoice, friend of Christ, who with joy endured the suffering of the Cross for Him; Rejoice, faithful apostle, from the cross you preached the words of the Eternal Life to people. Rejoice, for at the hour of being taken down from the cross in autumn you are light, like lightning from heaven; Rejoice, for you have promised great grace to those who Orthodoxy confess the Christ you preached, the Son of God. Rejoice, apostolic foundation of the Mountain of Jerusalem; Rejoice, sitting with the apostles on one of the twelve thrones, to judge all the tribes of Israel. Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

O First-Called Apostle of Christ Andrew, look upon this blessing of all who honor your holy memory, and as you have erected the Tree of the Cross on the mountains of the city of Kiev, ever overshadow us with this saving sign, so that, guarded by the Cross of the Lord God and our Savior, we will reach the measure of the age of fulfillment Christ and let us be worthy with you and with all the saints, in a voice of joy, to sing to God our Savior forever and ever: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Icon of St. Andrew the First-Called

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He was the first of the apostles to follow Christ

And although historians may continue to express doubts, the obvious facts cannot be ignored

We are talking about an icon of Byzantine writing, painted by the nuns of the monastery of St. Nicholas

Each of the 12 apostles of Christ, whose names have survived to this day, made a significant contribution to the development. But who were these people whom the Son of God himself chose? And what contribution did they make to world and church history?

Apostle Peter and his story

In the Jewish city of Bethsaida, two brothers were born into a simple fishing family: Andrei and Shimon. It seemed that the lives of commoners were predetermined by their origin. Growing up, the brothers also fished, as their father had once done, and their grandfather before him.

In adulthood, the men moved to live on the coast of the Sea of ​​Galilee. There Shimon found himself a wife. And his brother Andrei did not want to rush into marriage and helped his brother in the fishing business.

One day, on the coast, two fisherman brothers met Jesus. He invited them to follow him. Andrei responded immediately, but Shimon doubted it for some time, but still decided to go with his brother.

Although formally Andrew was the first disciple and servant of Christ to respond to the call, Jesus especially singled out Shimon among the others, to whom he gave the nickname Cephas. The Greeks named this apostle Peter. These names at that time could be translated as “stone”. Christ promised to entrust Peter with the keys to the Kingdom of God.

Catholics consider Peter the first pope. All other Christians call him the founder of the holy church. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Apostle Peter preached so ardently and fervently that, listening to his sermons, thousands of people began to believe in the Lord and his son. Peter was executed for his preaching. At the site of his burial, St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican was built.

Andrew was nicknamed the First-Called due to the fact that Jesus addressed him first. He differed from his brother Peter not only in character, but also in his outlook on life. After the death of his beloved teacher, the meek young man went on a missionary mission to the lands of Scythia and Greece.

According to historical data, Andrei traveled half the world with his sermons. It is believed that it was he who converted Rus' to Christianity. Andrei, like his brother, was executed for his faith. But before that, he managed to perform many miracles and healed hundreds of sick people. And all the time he was persecuted at the hands of opponents of the new religion.

John, like Peter and Andrew, was a fisherman. Jesus Christ called him his beloved disciple. And he was nicknamed the Theologian thanks to the four Gospels and the text of the “Apocalypse,” which he wrote for all followers of Christianity.

Before the crucifixion, Christ entrusted John with an important task. He asked to take care of his mother Maria. According to one version, this apostle was an earthly relative of Jesus. And after the execution of the teacher, he diligently followed his instructions.

Today Jacob is known in many European countries. The Bible says that he was the brother of John the Evangelist. After preaching in Southern Europe, the apostle was executed by King Herod. His relics were buried in the castle of a noblewoman named Lupa in Spain. In 825, a monk accidentally found the remains of the saint. A church was built on this site.

These apostles carefully wrote down all the lessons of Jesus Christ. They preached in Galilee, Greece, Syria, Armenia, Ethiopia, Arabia and Asia Minor.

For their activities, the disciples of Christ also suffered martyrdom at the hands of those whom they healed from illnesses by the power of their faith. Based on biblical history, the 12 apostles of Christ, whose names Christians still remember today, preached the teachings of the Savior until their last breath, despite cruel torture and threats.

The Gospel of Matthew is especially revered by Christians. And there are the following reasons for this:

  • it was Matthew who wrote the biography of Jesus Christ;
  • Another disciple of the Savior retelled the famous Sermon on the Mount, which is a summary of all Christian teaching.

In the world, this apostle was a tax collector. But he left his work and followed Christ at his first call.

Apostle Thomas. External resemblance to the Savior

From birth, Thomas was named Judas by his parents. But having met Jesus, he received from him the nickname “Thomas,” which translated meant “twin.” One of the legends says that this apostle had an incredible resemblance to Christ himself. But this information is not reliably confirmed anywhere else.

Thanks to one saying of this apostle, the expression “Doubting Thomas” appeared. When Christ's resurrection occurred, Thomas was not near his tomb. And after the wonderful news, he said that he would not believe it, since he had not seen everything with his own eyes. Thomas preached for a long time in India. There he was executed for his activities.

The three apostles, according to some historical information, were half-brothers of Christ. Jacob was given the middle name Alpheus. The rest were called by the names that were given to them from birth.

According to one version, this disciple of Christ was the only native of Judea. The rest were Galileans. The Apostle Jude was in charge of the community's treasury. While traveling with Jesus, he performed miracles of healing. There were legends that Judas could even raise the dead.

But the fate of the most zealous apostle of the community was predetermined. Christ himself predicted to him that he would betray him for 30 pieces of silver. Judas then repented, gave up the money and committed suicide by hanging.

After a long time, the Codex Chakos was found in Egypt, which was then called “from Judah.” This text contains information that Judas is the only disciple who comprehended all the Divine mysteries. Although disputes on this matter do not subside even today.

The disciples of Jesus, the 12 apostles of Christ, whose names are well-known, went down in history as the founders and disseminators of his teachings. They were his faithful servants and admirers. They wrote down everything that the Son of the Lord said. And they did not stop their activities even after the crucifixion of Christ. They themselves accepted martyrdom for their faith. And they did not give up their beliefs, sacrificing their lives to convert as many people as possible to Christianity.

It is difficult to find people more different from each other. Peter is married (the Gospel mentions his mother-in-law, and the epistles contain a word about his wife-companion), and Paul is a virgin.

Peter knew Christ from the first days of the Savior’s public ministry, and Paul only recognized Christ as resurrected.

Further. Peter is a Galilean fisherman, and Paul is a disciple of the great scribes and a Pharisee by upbringing. They are both Jews, but Paul preached the word of God mainly to the Gentiles, renewing them by the Spirit and forming the Church from them. Peter preached the Gospel mainly to the circumcision, that is, to his fellow tribesmen.

Peter is the oldest among the closest disciples, but Paul worked the most, although he says: “Not I, but the grace of God.” They died differently.

Paul, as a Roman citizen, had his head cut off. Hitting the ground three times, Pavlov’s head brought out three springs from the ground. The place of his death is still called “Three Fountains”. And Peter was crucified upside down, having previously executed his wife. “Wife, remember the Lord!” - Peter shouted to her and hung on the cross, with his feet pointing the Church to heaven, where we should all ascend.

What does this difference between the two apostles, commemorated and celebrated together, tell us? About the fact that everyone in the Church is different. And this difference is a true blessing if there is unity of faith and union of love. People should be different, dissimilar, irreducible to each other. If dictators have “no irreplaceable people,” then with God everyone is unique and everyone is irreplaceable. The main thing is to have a common faith.

So Peter and Paul, having labored in different ways in different places of the universe, came together at the end of the road in Rome, where in those days all roads led. There they completed their labor and their earthly path as martyrs, confirming the truth of their preaching with a fearless death. Now they are truly together. Together - as heirs of the Kingdom of God and crowns of reward; together as teachers of the Church, loved by all who love the Lord Jesus.

One of the most important components of spiritual life is changing your name. A name is not a nickname, not a sound, but the very essence of a person, revealed verbally. Before Abraham was Abraham, he was Abram. Having first found and then tested him, God changes his name by adding another letter, which is extremely ambiguous, and only due to lack of space and time we do not talk about this in detail.

Likewise, Moses, dying on the border of the Land of Promise, transfers power and authority to his companion Hosea. He must lead the people into the Land, but first Moses changes his name to Jesus.

In the Apocalypse, among other promises, Christ says that he will give “to him who overcomes a white stone, and on the stone his new name.” That is, the saved will be renamed in the Kingdom of God, just as Christians change their name when taking monastic vows.

So the celebrated Peter and Paul did not always bear these well-known names. Peter was Simon, and Paul was Saul. Christ renamed His disciples, foreseeing their future service and knowing their inner properties. So the sons of Zebedee - James and John - became the “sons of thunder.” Simon, the son of Jonah, received the name “stone,” that is, Peter. This stone is a good confession of Jesus as the Son of the Living God. The Church stands and will stand on this confession until the end of time.

Paul means “small” (from Latin “Paulus”). While preaching the Gospel to the pagans, it was fitting for Paul to bear such a name so that the ears of the pagan would not be offended by the unusual sound. The great Paul called himself small because he considered himself a “monster,” that is, a “miscarriage.” He considered himself a useless creature, since there was a time when he persecuted the Church of God. Isn't this renaming significant? What does it teach us?

It brings together two essential things - firmness of faith and personal humility. The name Peter has the hardness of a rock against which any waves break. In the name of Paul is voluntary self-abasement, a cure for pride, which threatens every person with spiritual death.

It is not for nothing that Peter and Paul are remembered together. After all, a person does not need just one thing, but both virtues. Firm faith without humility is fraught with collapse and destruction. Humility without faith is useless self-criticism. Here is another lesson for us from such a seemingly unnoticed topic as new apostolic names.

Let's continue the conversation about Peter and Paul. Important dates have so-called pre-celebration and post-celebration, that is, days of preparation for the celebration and days of enjoying the meaning of the past holiday. We do the same, speaking about the supreme apostles three times - as if before the holiday, on the holiday and after it.

Every time we receive communion, we repeat the apostolic words. By the way! Let us not forget that we cannot take communion without first remembering Judas the traitor and prudent thief! “I will not kiss You like Judas, but like a thief I will confess You: remember me, O Lord, in Your Kingdom.” This is how we pray before the Chalice. Obviously, because every sinner before God is a robber, and the worst thing in faith is treason, betrayal. It is better not to know Christ than, having learned, to exchange Him for anything.

And in this same prayer there are the words of Peter and Paul. What is the most important thing that Peter said? Confession delivered within Caesarea Philippi in response to the question: “Who do people say I am?” “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” he answered then, following inspiration from the Father. We say these words before communion: “I believe, Lord, and confess that You are truly the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”

What did Paul say? Oh, a lot. But among many things, this: “Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the first.” And we repeat these words before the Cup.

After Peter’s words: “You are Christ, the Son of the Living God,” we add: “who came into the world to save sinners, from whom I am the first.” Thus, when we receive communion, we pray in the words of Peter and the words of Paul, in which there is pure confession, on the one hand, and humble awareness of our sins, on the other.

We said a little earlier that the very names of the apostles teach us firmness of faith and repentance. Peter is the Stone, Paul is the one who voluntarily humbled himself. They said that a person should not only believe, but believe and humble himself. But it’s not easy to humble yourself, so as not to wither away from melancholy, but to humble yourself and believe.

In particular, the combination of faith and humility is required before the Cup. Here is the maximum tension of internal strength and intelligent attention of the heart! Here is a genuine introduction to the power of the apostolic faith! There is a significant kinship here with Peter and Paul, with Andrew and James, with Thomas and Matthew. What's wrong with them! Here is unity with the Incarnate Word Himself, Who gives life and cleanses from all sin.

Here are three lessons for us from the two apostles: 1) unity of faith in living diversity, 2) the union of firm faith and active humility, and 3) communion with the apostolic spirit at the Holy Chalice. May all this be contained within us through the prayers of the former Galilean fisherman and former disciple of Gamaleilov.

First of all, we will say that the Apostle, as we have already noted, is never read without a subsequent reading of the Gospel, and therefore almost always the number of apostolic readings coincides with the number of Gospel readings. The only exception, when one Apostle and two Gospels are read, is very rare in practice, but is present in theory. This happens only when the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos occurs on one of the first three days of Holy Week (Maundy Monday, Maundy Tuesday and Maundy Wednesday); The last time this happened was in 2004, and the next time in 2015. In these cases, one Apostle of the holiday is read, while two Gospels are read: the day and the holiday.

At Vespers, Matins and the Hours, in all cases when the Apostle is to be read at these services, only one Apostolic Conception is read. At the same time, at the liturgy it is not only possible to read several conceptions, but even more often, according to the Charter, two conceptions are supposed to be read, while the reading of one conception is relatively rare. Mainly, this is due to the existence of a moving and fixed circle of worship, so that during the liturgy on most days of the year, readings from two circles are used: ordinary (1st Appendix of the Apostle) and fixed holidays (monthly, 3rd Appendix). Also, on some days of the year, two holidays are celebrated at once, each of which has its own apostolic reading. Next, we will consider in what specific cases it is necessary to read one, two or three conceptions.

One apostolic reading read at the liturgy in the following cases:

1. On the Lord's twelve feasts, only one prokeimenon is sung on any day of the week (the prokeimenon of the voice on Sunday and the prokeimenon of the day on weekdays are canceled) and only the Apostle of the holiday is read. On Sundays, the regular reading is either canceled altogether or postponed to the next Sunday (this is possible when the number of Sunday days between Pentecost and the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee is more than 32 and when the “departure” rule is in effect). On weekdays, the ordinary Apostle (like the Gospel) is transferred to the previous day (if the holiday happens on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday) or to the next day (if the holiday happens on Monday).

2. On the Mother of God, Great and Vigil feasts, on a weekday (except Sunday), one prokeimenon is sung (the prokeimenon of the day is canceled) and only the Apostle of the Feast is read. In this case, the ordinary reading is transferred to the previous day (if the holiday occurs on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday) or to the next day (if the holiday occurs on Monday).

3. On some Sundays and weekdays during the singing of the Lenten and Colored Triodion, the Menaion services are canceled; in these cases, only the prokeimenon of the Triodion is sung (in the Week of the Publican and the Pharisee and the Prodigal Son, the prokeimenon of the voice, since no special prokeimenon is assigned for these weeks) and read only ordinary (daytime) Apostle.

4. On the days of remembrance of saints without a sign, for whom the Apostolic reading is not prescribed in the Charter, only the prokeimenon of the day is sung (on the after-feast - the prokeimenon of the holiday) and only the ordinary Apostle is read (for example, September 10 and 27, November 5 and 9, etc.).

5. During the celebration of the Lord's twelve feasts, only the prokeimenon of the holiday is sung and only the ordinary reading is read (see September 21), excluding the option if the memory of a great saint occurs on this day.

Two Apostolic Readings(together with them two prokeimenon, alleluaria, sacrament) are laid out in the liturgy much more often than one, and specifically in the following cases:

1. On Sundays, if there is a feast of the Mother of God or a saint to whom the apostolic reading is assigned in the Typikon (almost all the saints in the monthly book, except for some saints without a sign, have a special conception in the liturgy), the Sunday Apostle and the feast (saint) are read. Two prokeimenons, an alleluaria and a sacrament are also sung: first the resurrection one, then the saint one.

2. On weekdays, in the case of the memory of saints with polyeleos, doxology and sixfold, as well as in general all those saints to whom an Apostle is appointed in the Typikon, the ordinary conception and the conception to the saint are read, and the ordinary one is read first on all days of the week, except Saturday. Two prokeimenons, an alleluaria and a sacrament are also sung: first of the day (after-feast - holiday), then of the saint. Only on Saturdays of the period from the Sunday of All Saints to the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee is preceded by the reading of the saint and only then is the ordinary reading (see Typikon, Chapter 12), excluding the periods of the forefeast and afterfeast of the twelve feasts. On these Sabbath days, first the prokeimenon (also alleluary and communion) of the saint is sung, then the day's Sabbath.

3. If on a weekday there occurs a non-twelfth feast of the Lord or the Mother of God, connected with the service of a saint, to whom the Charter assigns separate Apostles and the Gospel (for example, September 1, October 1 and 26, November 27, August 1, etc.), then two beginnings are read, and first comes the Apostle of the feast, then the saint. Two prokeimenons, an alleluaria and a sacrament are also sung: first for the holiday, then for the saint. In this case, the ordinary reading of the day of the week is transferred to the previous day (see Typikon, September 1).

4. In the celebrations of the Twelve Feasts of the Theotokos, two Apostles are always read. Moreover, if the service to the saint is not performed, then the ordinary conception of the holiday is read (see September 12), but one prokeimenon is sung (along with it one alleluary and communion) - only the holiday. If the Charter also appoints the service of a saint to be dedicated (for the celebration of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos - November 25, as well as in the case of a polyeleos or vigil saint), then the Apostle of the Feast and the Saint are read. Two prokeimenons, an alleluaria and a sacrament are also sung: first for the holiday, then for the saint.

Three Apostles, like the three Gospels, they are read quite rarely, and in this case the third reading is always added to one of the other two (most often the first) and is read “at the beginning.” The last expression means that the attached beginning does not have an introductory phrase and the transition to it is not distinguished by voice or intonation, that is, the reading of two beginnings occurs as in the case of one beginning with a “crime.” So, outwardly, the reading of the three Apostles is no different from the reading of the two conceptions, especially since in any case only two prokeimenons, the alleluaria and the sacrament are sung, and the third is omitted. Let us indicate three main cases when the reading of the three Apostles at the liturgy can take place.

1. On the eve of the twelve feasts, on the eve of the feasts of the great and vigil saints, as well as on the eve of the non-twelfth feasts of the Lord and the Mother of God, combined with the service of an ordinary saint, the three Apostles are almost always read (however, two prokeimenon, alleluaria and sacrament are sung: the day and the saint). This is explained by the fact that ordinary readings scheduled on the day of the holiday itself are in these cases transferred to the previous day (if the holiday happens on Monday, then to the next day, on Tuesday). If an ordinary saint has a separate Apostle on this day, then we find that it is necessary to read three readings: the ordinary reading of the present day, the ordinary reading of the coming day and the reading of the saint. It is easy to understand that in this case the two ordinary readings are combined “at the beginning”, that is, they are read as one reading, and then the Apostle of the saint is read separately (see Typikon, November 20). By the way, in this case there are often no problems with combining two ordinary readings, since they often occur sequentially, one after another, or are quite close.

2. If the Lord's non-twelfth feast occurs in a week, connected with the service of a saint (September 1, October 26, August 1), then three Apostles are read: the feast, the ordinary Sunday "before conception" and the saint (at the same time the prokeimenon, "Alleluia" and communion of the holiday, then the saint, and the prokeimenon, “Alleluia” and communion, the voices are omitted). It is obvious that the readings of the Lord's Feast and the Sunday service are united into one concept, since the Sunday service is also dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ. Moreover, this first composite Apostle will always be read with a crime, since the holiday readings and the Sunday readings can often be found in different messages.

3. In the Weeks before the Exaltation and after the Exaltation, which have special readings, the Three Apostles are often also read, since on these Sundays the Menaion service is not canceled. Thus, on the Week before the Exaltation, for example, the following readings will be read: Weeks before the Exaltation (started 215 to the Galatians), ordinary Sunday “at the beginning” and Saint Menaion (see Markov’s chapters on September 7 and September 8, “even in week"). As for the singing of the prokeimenon, alleluaria and sacraments, the prokeimenon, “Alleluia” and sacrament of the Week before the Exaltation are sung, then the saint, and the prokeimenon, “Alleluia” and sacrament are omitted.