Apartment plan three-room Czech project. Typical layout of an apartment in a brick house

The projects of Czech houses have always been different from the projects of other series of houses. They have a fairly comfortable layout and spacious rooms.

What were Czech high-rise buildings made of?

The Czech house is characterized by the practicality of the building material. As a rule, it was built in the middle of the 20th century from:

  • Expanded clay concrete.
  • Panels.
  • Brick.

The material was chosen based on the scale of the project and the number of storeys of the building itself. The number of storeys of houses in this series was 5 and 9 floors. The number of front doors or entrances is 3-5 pieces.

Expanded clay concrete in the construction of Czech houses

Expanded clay blocks are distinguished by their architectural expressiveness. They are environmentally friendly and can be adapted to any climate of the region in which the house is being built.

Building features:

  • All external walls of such buildings do not require additional finishing. They are very strong and durable.
  • Houses using expanded clay concrete are quite simple to build. They do not require any new design and design solutions. It is for this reason that all houses of Czech projects are distinguished to this day by their practicality and reliability.
  • In terms of size, expanded clay concrete blocks are several times larger than the standard size brick itself. They are easily combined with reinforced concrete structures, which allows you to build a solid house that is very resistant to earthquakes and various types of climatic and weather phenomena.
  • The service life of such material is at least 80-100 years. Therefore, Czech houses that were built from such material are still in use and are not deformed.

In most cases, a series of Czech houses were built from expanded clay concrete. This process began initially in the USSR and gradually moved to the countries of Scandinavia, Germany, and so on.

Panel slabs in the construction of Czech houses

What are prefabricated Czech houses? Such buildings were erected quite quickly. The building material was reinforced concrete slabs of impressive thickness (20-30 cm). The size of the slab depended on the scale of the building, but, as a rule, it was 1x2 m, 1x1 m, 1x0.5 m, and so on. The plates were connected to each other with metal reinforcement and concrete mortar. Without the use of special construction equipment in the construction of the house was impossible.

Czech panel houses are a fairly light structure. At that time, in the 60s. This construction technology helped to solve the housing problem. Houses of this type were built over the years.

It is worth considering that the panel houses did not get off the outside. All work on insulation was carried out inside.

They used materials such as:

  • Drywall (old style).
  • Clay.
  • Sand.
  • Cement.

Dry natural materials acted as a heater.

Panel houses are very cold. Between the plates of such a structure it was always possible to pass cold air into the room. A screed was made on the floor, the ceilings, unlike the Khrushchev project, were always even, since the plates had the same size and were evenly distributed throughout the building. With bricks at that time, everything was much more complicated, since one missed row could affect the height of the ceiling in one room (from one corner of the room the ceiling was 2.45 m, and from the other 2.65-2.70 m).

It cannot be said that panel houses with a long service life. He was still about 30 years old at that time. After this time, the panels began to crumble and the house required a major overhaul.

If earlier work on the reconstruction of such buildings was carried out, but today all such processes are carried out at the expense of the residents of the house itself. They plaster the walls of multi-storey buildings and carry out not only the process of reconstructing the external facade, but also insulating the walls, since the plates lose their properties after 30-35 years.

It is worth noting that panel houses all come with thin load-bearing walls and very thin interior partitions. This made it possible to increase the usable area in the apartment.

layoutin such houses was standard:

  • At the entrance there was a rather large corridor of a rectangular or square shape.
  • From him already went deep into the room, which were separate.
  • The only thing that could unite them was the living room, from which there could also be passages to the bedrooms.
  • Panel Czech houses have a ceiling height of no more than 2.65 m. At the same time, the doors could not be too large.

If you look at the photo, you can see that the height of a five-story panel house differs slightly from the height of a brick house of the same number of storeys. All this is due to the fact that brick houses are more practical and were built on a rather large plinth. This cannot be said about Czech panel houses, which are lighter and due attention was not paid to insulation. The main criterion for construction was speed.

Brick houses of Czech projects

Czech house designs made of such building material as bricks have been distinguished even at the moment by their fundamental nature. They are strong, reliable and durable. The average service life of a building of this type is at least 80 years. The walls in the construction were large, especially those that were load-bearing. Interior partitions are less voluminous.

A series of Czech-style brick houses presented a fairly spacious layout.

They had a slightly different arrangement of rooms than panel houses:

  • At the entrance to the apartment there was a spacious long corridor, from which the entrances to the rooms were distributed. The ceiling height was standard - 2.45-2.65 m.
  • The number of entrances and the number of storeys of buildings was similar to panel buildings. But, the front doors were spacious and there were at least 3-4 apartments on them.
  • The same cannot be said about Czech panel houses, which have small front doors and only 3 apartments could be located on the landing.
  • It was only at the very beginning of the construction practice. The houses had a high base. Finishing work was not carried out on the facade of the building. The main process of warming and insulation was carried out inside the apartment.

Also used here:

  • Clay kneading.
  • Sand.
  • Drywall of the old sample.
  • Concrete solution.

With the help of the latter, the concrete slabs of the ceiling were strengthened. With the help of all other materials, finishing work was carried out.

Distinctive features of Czech projects of multi-storey buildings

The main differences between Czech projects, in addition to a spacious and comfortable layout, were also the number of balconies. It was from there that the concept of "loggia" came. Such balcony rooms are large and quite roomy. They are inside the building. Their front part is a brick wall with glazing.

The apartments also have a balcony, the apartments themselves can be:

  • Single rooms.
  • Two-room apartments.
  • Three-room apartments.
  • Four-room.
  • Six-room apartments (very rare).

One-room and two-room apartments in a six-entrance building can only be in front doors, starting from the 2nd entrance and ending with the 5th, 1st and 6th entrances have diverse apartments.

You can also notice that all the balconies and loggias that were built in Czech houses are staggered on the facade of the building. Balconies are portable structures.

Construction of a Czech-style house

The construction of a multi-storey building, according to the Czech project, is currently quite rare. In most cases, this technology for the construction of a residential building is used for very fast construction (panels).

At the moment, when building a house, Czech projects are very often used, which are distinguished by their practicality. In order to build a Czech house, you must first draw up its plan.

It is worth considering that the layout of such a structure should be convenient. All rooms have separate entrances.

Also, do not forget that the house of the Czech layout has large spacious rooms, while the building is small in size.

Materials from which Czech houses are currently being built

With the modern development of building technologies, nothing is impossible.

To date, there is a large selection of materials from which Czech houses are built:

  • Brick.
  • Aerated concrete.
  • Wood.

Characteristics of a brick building:

  • These are the most popular building materials.
  • Brick is already quite simple and acceptable.
  • It is used today in the construction of multi-storey buildings.
  • They began to practice the construction of a private house.
  • This material is cold and for this reason it is worth paying special attention to wall insulation. This is especially important when building a building with high ceilings.
  • The thickness of the walls has not changed in the Czech projects, just a reinforcement bundle has been added.

Aerated concrete:

  • Aerated concrete at the moment and then is an analogue of expanded clay concrete.
  • It is a strong and very light material that does not require a very strong foundation (depending on the ground).
  • Aerated concrete has a porous structure that can absorb moisture.
  • Unlike expanded clay concrete, which does not require finishing, the surface of aerated concrete must be protected.


  • Wood has also become popular for the construction of Czech projects.
  • As a rule, houses are built from it, the number of storeys of which does not exceed two floors.
  • It is strong and durable.
  • The surface of the material in rare cases requires finishing work, as it looks very attractive itself. But the issue of insulation and insulation remains open.
  • All these works are currently being carried out indoors and do not affect the appearance of the building.

Wood is used very often for the construction of cottages or Czech country houses.

Decoration of Czech houses

The house in the Czech style has its own differences in design. It is a building that is made in light and sometimes white colors. External walls are usually plastered with decorative plaster.

If earlier it was possible to meet only wooden windows, then metal-plastic and plastic windows began to replace them.

Roofs are made in a darker design:

  • Red.
  • Brown.
  • Dark red.
  • It is very rare to find roofs in brighter shades.

Inside, warm shades also predominate, which create comfort in the home. Plus, they're more practical.

Floors of private Czech houses

At the moment, private houses with a two-story floor can be built in the Czech style. The second floor can be full-fledged, or it can be in the form of an attic room.

It is best to give preference to a mansard roof in construction, since this technology is easy to use and there is less load on the base of the building itself.

Projects of Czech houses and construction are built on a monolithic foundation. They are strong and durable. The buildings themselves are considered resistant to seismic activity. They are also built without external finishing works, as before.

To relieve you of the inconvenience associated with a compact kitchen, a small loggia, the lack of a well-thought-out organization of the internal space of the dwelling, the design project of a Czech-planned apartment developed in our studio will allow you. Based on your needs and preferences, we will find the optimal stylistic solution that emphasizes the advantages of the room and effectively eliminates its shortcomings. With us, your dreams of perfect room decoration, comfortable, functional and cozy living environment will become a reality.

The work of our specialists begins with the departure of an employee to the site. Having familiarized ourselves with the features of the property, its initial state and the wishes of the customer, as well as having completed all the necessary measurements and preliminary calculations, we begin to design the interior design of a Czech-style apartment. Constant interaction with the client, bringing him up to date on current affairs contributes not only to the timely introduction of changes to the facility improvement program, but also to more productive cooperation.

The design of a three-room Czech apartment in the form of sketches allows you to clearly demonstrate the general concept of the room, the functional zoning of the space, the chosen color palette, the combinations of finishing materials, the passage of the communications network and the location of the main interior items. At this stage, the proposed options are actively discussed, the smallest details are worked out and further actions are agreed. The approved plan for the organization and design of the premises is sent for correction and serves as the basis for a working draft, which is necessary for a competent contractor to bring all ideas and plans to life.

The professionals of our studio will take care not only of the impeccable filling of the rooms with furniture and accessories, but also rationally solve the problem of the limited space of individual rooms. A Czech design with redevelopment may involve combining a bathroom and a bathroom, moving internal partitions, and dismantling structures. Thanks to the talent and skill of our specialists, a pantry or a large corridor will become part of the kitchen or living room, and a small balcony will turn into an office or an extension of the bedroom. If the customer is not ready for global changes, then the play with light, shades and decor, as well as the use of screens, podiums and shelving will provide the allocation of new functional areas and visually expand the boundaries of the room.

The interior design of a Czech apartment is not just a beautiful picture that causes the joy and delight of the client, it is a carefully thought-out combination of aesthetics and practicality that allows you to maintain an attractive appearance of the room for many years. If you want to increase the value of your property or competently eliminate all the shortcomings, then contact us and create a new quality of life for yourself.

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Czechs are called apartments designed according to the Czech standard. Czechs appeared in Voronezh exactly at the same time as in other cities of the country, namely in the 70-80s of the last century. The successors of such apartments in the twenty-first century have become apartments with an improved layout.

Layout of Czech apartments

Czechs are located in brick or panel high-rise buildings. In a typical Czech there are from one to four rooms. The total area of ​​a one-room apartment is on average 38 sq.m, a two-room apartment is 50 sq.m, a three-room apartment is 60 sq.m and a four-room apartment is 80 sq.m.

The fundamental difference between Czechs and Khrushchevs and Brezhnevs is the large areas of rooms and spacious kitchens (9-10 sq.m), where it finally became possible to place everything that the owner of the apartment thought. Czech layouts are very diverse, and perhaps the only common thing is that such apartments always have a balcony or (more often) an extensive loggia. Among other features - a separate bathroom, in some series - access to the balcony through the protruding part of the next room or from the corridor. Windows in Czechs occupy hardly the entire wall and face one side of the house.

The houses themselves are quite functional and comfortable for living: on the landings between the floors in the house according to the Czech project there is a garbage chute, in each entrance there is a passenger elevator. Unlike Khrushchev and Brezhnevka, Czechs do not require major repairs immediately after settling in them: the state of communications in such housing is usually not bad.

Disadvantages of Czechs

Czechs located in panel houses have poor heat and sound insulation properties. Most of the walls there are load-bearing, therefore, if the residents decide to redevelop, they are forced to do it very carefully.

According to many, the big minus of the Czechs is the height of the ceilings, not exceeding 2.7 m. Narrow elevators in Czech-designed houses often do not allow large household appliances and even baby carriages to be raised to the floor. Elevator equipment is often already worn out and in a deplorable state. The author of the article remembers that in his house even the panel with the elevator control buttons had to be changed several times over the past few years.

Where are the Czechs in Voronezh and how much do they cost

Czechs are one of the most sought after types of apartments in Voronezh, especially those located in brick houses. Most of them are in the Central, Left Bank and Zheleznodorozhny regions. The main streets of the location of brick Czechs are on the left bank of Antonov-Ovseenko, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, in the Kominternovsky district

The Czech project is represented by nine-story panel multi-entrance buildings with a low technical floor. Since the names of this series of the project are rather complicated: I-480-15VK, 1KG-480-12u, etc., they are all called "Czech" or "Old Czech".

Apartment plans. The apartments are equipped with bay windows. There are many different layout options available. For example, an end two-room apartment may have an area of ​​10 sq.m. more than a two-room apartment located in the middle of the house. The placement of balconies in two-room and three-room apartments can also be different.

Kitchens are usually small - 6 sq.m., equipped with gas stoves. Floor covering - parquet board or linoleum. Ceiling height 2.5 -2.65 meters.

The entrance is one-sided, there are several entrances. The garbage chute is located in the spans between the floors. There is one passenger elevator at the entrance. Floor areas are combined with flights of stairs.

The houses consist of 1-4 room apartments. There are 4 apartments per floor (rarely 6 apartments).

Drawings of the layout of apartments, a series of "Czech"

1 - room: 35/18/7.5 sq.m.

2 - room: 50/30/7.5 sq.m.

2 - room: 60/35/8.5 sq.m.

2 - room: 53/34/7.4 sq.m.

The Czech layout of apartments has been known for a very long time. Such housing is thoughtful and comfortable, but many things here are similar to each other. The interior of the "Czech" seems ordinary and simple, stereotypical and monotonous. But the Czech layout can be completely redone - there are walls that are not load-bearing, so they can be easily removed. The "Czech" has its drawbacks. But with the right approach - they can be turned into pluses - they include niches, nooks and crannies, storage rooms, cramped corridors. In Czechs - there are loggias, sometimes there are two of them. They can be insulated, trimmed with wood, held light, attached to the hall. If professionals take up the matter, then such an apartment can be made really larger. Expand the corridor, combine the bathroom, taking a few meters from the hallway. In order to make high-quality repairs in such housing, contact our studio to create an accurate project. Interior plan - will insure you from unnecessary investments and will allow you to see future repairs in 3D.

When developing a project for an apartment with a Czech layout, the designer takes into account all the features: 1. Any object has its pros and cons. Therefore, our masters immediately understand where it is possible to emphasize the merits, and where to remove the shortcomings. 2. The number of people living in the apartment. For example, for adults it is appropriate to make large rooms, expand the area a little and come up with a place for relaxation.

Why order an apartment design from us?

1. Comfort in everything. Our specialist will create the design of the object and offer a solution that will appeal to you and your loved ones. Such an apartment can become very comfortable, and we will help you take a fresh look at the living space!

2. The project for the renovation of a Czech-planned apartment also includes zoning. You will be surprised by the professional design that will transform it and make it stylish! We approach the issue in a practical way, and we will be able to use every centimeter of the area.

3. Original interior. Gray wallpaper, herringbone linoleum, white ceiling - is this not for you? We will offer an individual plan for the repair of the "Czech". It will be created according to your wishes and eliminate traditional techniques. Such an interior will reflect your charisma and bright character!

4. Practicality. It should be about the designer. Our experts will be able to pick up furniture, materials to your taste and budget.

By ordering a project of a Czech-planned apartment, you save a lot of time. Our designer will show you several examples, and the one you like will be completed until you approve it completely. Our meetings can take place in the city, where it is convenient for you. We can also talk in the office, by phone or electronically - by mail. All this is necessary to save your time. The price of the Czech project depends on its footage. The larger the area of ​​​​the apartment - the greater the cost of the repair plan. But, if you order such a project from specialists, then you will not regret it at all. We will plan repairs according to your budget and needs, we will take into account all the nuances of finishing. The cost of the technical project of a Czech-planned apartment is 1200 rubles per square.

A detailed repair plan includes documents of a working, technical and engineering nature. The engineering work plan includes:

1. Plan for conducting light, electrical networks.

2. Choosing a quality alarm to prevent fires.

3. Plan of heating, air conditioning system of the facility.

4. Drainage and sewerage.

A complete project in our company can be ordered at a price of 1200 rubles per square. This cost is adequate for any object, and as a result, you get a decent repair at a good price. A different plan - including a real and well-thought-out engineering project of a Czech apartment, can be ordered from us at any time. We will be glad to cooperate with you!