An outdoor game of crows and nests. Mobile game "Crows"

Two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Another 4-5 meters are measured from them, and they are drawn along the line. The first two lines are the start lines, the second are the "houses". Teams line up with their backs to each other near the first lines, i.e. at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. There are two teams, one of them is called "sparrows", and the second - "ravens". The leader stands between the teams and calls the words: sparrows or crows. If the leader said: “crows”, then the crows are catching up with the sparrows, who are trying to escape for the second line, i.e. hide in the house. All captured sparrows become ravens. If the host says "sparrows", then the sparrows run and catch the crows. The game can continue until there are no players left in one team. Or the game goes a certain number of times, and then the team with the most players wins.

Two parallel lines are drawn on the ground three steps from one another. Stepping back from them in both directions for 20-25 steps, two more lines are drawn. The players are divided into two teams: one of them is called "crows", the other "sparrows". They become two ranks in the middle lines, facing in opposite directions. During the game, the leader loudly says "ravens" or "sparrows" pronouncing the last syllable abruptly, pausing in front of him. The named team runs to the far line in front of it, and the other team, turning around, pursues the enemy. It is necessary to stain the fleeing before he reaches the line. After counting those who have been tarnished, the teams take their starting position and the game is repeated four to six times. The team that tarnishes the greater number of "opponents" wins.

The participants of the game line up in a column one at a time (one step apart) in the middle of the site and count on the first or second. The first numbers - one team, the second - another. Objects are laid out on both sides of the players: towns (“ravens”) on the right, tennis balls (“sparrows”) on the left. There are half as many objects as there are participants in the game. The players, at the direction of the leader, perform various simple movements on the spot (arms to the sides, up, sit down, stand up, march in place, etc.). Then the leader of the syllables pronounces one of the words. If this word is “in-ro-ny”, then all the players rush to the towns to the syllable “ny”, but if it is “ro-by”, then when the last syllable is pronounced, all players run to the balls, trying to grab one object. Since there are fewer items than players, only the most attentive and fast get them, for which the team is awarded winning points. The game is played 7-9 times, after which the number of successful starts of each team is counted and the score is announced accordingly.

We offer two variants of the rules of the mobile game "Sparrows and Crows". Both options are suitable for playing on the playground, at a children's party or in the classroom.

Rules of the game "Sparrows and Crows" - option number 1

  1. The participants are divided into two teams. One team will be "sparrows", the other - "ravens". Teams are placed opposite each other at a distance of 2-3 meters.
  2. At the command of the driver (adult) "Sparrows!" the team of sparrows should rush to catch up with the team of crows, and on the command “Crows!” - vice versa. The game continues until the chasing team catches all the players of the escaping team.
  3. The trick is that the driver pronounces the commands in syllables slowly: “Voooh - rooooo - ... WE!” or "Woooo - rooooo - ... GO!", so until the very last moment, the players do not know whether to catch up with them or run away. By the way, a cunning driver can also call completely different words: “Voooh - rooooo - ... TA!”, “Voooh - rooooo - ... ZHBA!”, “Voooh - rooooo - ... VKA!”, Which adds to the game more fun. And yet, to complicate the game, you can line up teams with their backs to each other. Then it will be easy to run away, and it will be difficult to catch up.

Rules of the game "Crows and Sparrows" - option number 2

In the second version of the game, two teams are also required, only now two types of different items are required - for example, balls and cubes. Items are laid out on opposite sides of the teams. Players, on the commands of an adult driver, perform simple tasks (squat, bend over, raise an arm or leg). The driver may suddenly say the word “sparrows” (then everyone runs and grabs the ball) or “crows” (then everyone should grab a cube). For each correct item brought, the team receives a point. The team with the most points after several rounds wins.

Outdoor games with children of the younger group "Bird Day"


To develop in children auditory attention, the ability to move in accordance with the words of the text; through the game to fix in children the names of some birds (crow, heron, owl, chicken), their habits and characteristics.

The course of outdoor games:

The teacher brings to the attention of the children illustrations depicting birds: a crow, a heron, an owl, a chicken.

Kids, look who is in the pictures? (listen to children's answers, clarify)

Let's remember the names of these birds.

The teacher alternately pays attention to the illustrations, invites the children to name the bird, in case of difficulty, she calls herself. Then the name is pronounced in chorus and individually. After looking at each illustration, the teacher invites the children to play an outdoor game.

Mobile game "Crows"

Purpose of the game:
To develop auditory attention in children, the ability to move in accordance with the words of the poem, exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound [p], learn to speak either loudly or quietly.

Game progress:
Children portray crows, they stand in the middle of the room and perform movements in accordance with the text that the teacher says in a singsong voice. The words "kar-kar-kar" are pronounced by all children.

Here under the green tree
Ravens jump merrily:
"Kar-kar-kar!" (loud)
All day they screamed
The boys weren't allowed to sleep.
"Kar-kar-kar!" (loud)
(Children run around the room, waving their arms like wings)
Only at night they fall silent
And they all fall asleep together
"Kar-kar-kar!" (quiet)
(Squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep)

Mobile game "Heron"

Children stand on one leg or the other.

It's very difficult to stand like that.
Don't put your foot on the floor
And do not fall, do not swing,
Don't hold on to your neighbor.

Mobile game "Owl"

It is dark in the forest, everyone is sleeping for a long time. (Children stand in a semicircle, depicting sleeping birds)
All birds sleep, one owl does not sleep,
Flying screaming
Owl Owl,
Big head, sits on a bitch, (Children depict an owl in accordance with the text)
He turns his head, looks at all sides,
Yes, suddenly how to fly!

There are 4 versions of this game. Two versions are movable and the other two are seated.

Rules of the game "Sparrows and Crows"

Option 1

Two teams of players are formed. The first is "sparrows", the second is "ravens". Teams line up facing each other. The distance between them should be 2-3 meters. Among adults, a driver is selected who will lead the whole process. When he gives the command "Sparrows!", the corresponding command tries to catch up with the crows. When the command "Crows!" - vice versa. The game ends when one of the teams catches all the opponent's players.

The whole excitement of the game lies in the fact that the driver slowly pronounces the commands: “Voo - roo - ... WE!” or “Woo - roo - ... BEEP!”. Thus, the children do not know which team will attack until the last syllable is pronounced. At the same time, the driver is not forbidden to shout out deceptive words: “Voo - roo - ... NEZH!", “Voo - roo - ... VKA!”, “Voo - roo - ... TA!” etc.

Another way to increase the degree of excitement is to line up teams with their backs to each other.

Option 2

There are also two teams. But in this version, you will need several items of two kinds. For example, cubes and balls. Arrange items on different sides of the teams. At the command of an adult, children will have to perform simple tasks - squat, raise their arms or legs, etc. When the driver says, for example, "Sparrows", the team of sparrows grabs the ball. When saying "Crows", the crow team runs after the dice accordingly. Each correct item brought to the team earns one point. The victory is awarded to the team with the most points.

Option 3

Unlike previous versions, this version of the game does not require division into teams and children can play sitting down. This time, a certain action is assigned to the control words. For example, upon hearing the word "crows", all participants are required to raise their hands up, and the word "sparrows" to cross their legs. There are countless options for such actions. Those players who did not have time to perform the correct movement are eliminated from the game. The game continues until the last participant who has completed all the tasks remains.

Option 4

This version of the game only requires two players. They should sit opposite each other with their hand outstretched towards their opponent. Hands should not touch each other. The driver, as in all previous versions, pronounces the code words sparrows or crows. The participant who heard his word tries to grab the opponent’s hand, he, in turn, should try to pull it away during it.


The players form a circle, which depicts a large puddle formed after rain. Sparrows bathe in a puddle.

A crow is chosen, which is placed on the side of the circle. The players jump on both legs: jumping into the circle and jumping out of it. At the leader's signal: "Crow!" - a crow outside the circle flies to a puddle and drives out of it (salit) sparrows that did not have time to jump out in time. The salted ones are out of the game. The outdoor game ends when the crow knocks down 2-3 sparrows (according to the condition).
Those whom the crow has never taunted are considered winners.

version of the game "Sparrows and Crows"

The game "Sparrows and Crows" will be interesting for children of preschool age and elementary grades. The game is very dynamic and mobile, in it there are no winners and losers.

The game is played on an open area, on which two lines are drawn at a distance of 10-20 meters from each other, which are the boundaries of the playing area. Participants are divided into two identical teams, and are located in the center of the playing area parallel to the drawn lines in two lines facing each other. The distance between the lines is approximately 2 meters.

Exactly in the middle between the lines of players is the leader. Players on one side of him are considered a team of crows, those on the other are sparrows. The leader aloud calls the name of the team, after which the players of the named team must turn around and run behind the line behind them. At this moment, the players of the second team must catch up and knock down the fleeing ones.

For example, the leader shouted “Sparrows!”, Then the members of this team must run to the saving line, and the crows at this time must have time to salt them. At this any moment, the leader can shout “Crows!”, And the crows will have to save themselves, they will catch up with the sparrows.
The participant in the game, who was taunted, immediately moves to the opposite team, and begins to catch his former comrades. During the game, each player can be many times both a crow and a sparrow, so it is important not to get confused and know exactly which team the player belongs to and what he should do at the moment: catch up or run away.

To complicate the game and not let the players relax, you can, for example, call the same team several times in a row or make long pauses after the first syllable: “in! ...rons” or “in! ... robots”.