Show beautiful houses with plans. Houses with an attic floor: a good solution for giving

A beautiful home is not just prestigious. If you want harmony and well-being, the dwelling should correspond to your ideas about this very harmony. Today we will talk about what beautiful houses are. Projects, ideas, planning secrets and much more - in our material.

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What is included in the development of the project

Before you get to work, draw yourself a so-called road map. Answer the questions that will directly affect the nature of the house project:

  1. Will the house be a place for temporary or permanent residence?
  2. How many people will live in the house? Will guests stay there?
  3. Will the outbuildings (garage, sauna, summer garden) be located separately on the territory or should they be included in the project of the house?
  4. Do you want to hide the house from view from the street and neighbors, or should it be in plain sight?
  5. Are there features of the site landscape that may affect the project?

After you have sketched out for yourself the location of the main buildings on the site, it's time to start the project.

Feel free to borrow the best house and cottage designs from available sources. Only a professional architect can come up with a house, as they say, from scratch. And for us it is better to look for the most successful ideas and combine them in our own construction.

The work starts with a sketch. It might look like this:

The second step is planning. Here it is important to draw up a plan of the house with the location and size of all rooms, places for windows and doors. At this stage, it is important to take into account the features of the building material that you plan to use. The design of the roof, the thickness of the outer and inner walls, the dimensions of the openings will directly depend on it.

For those who easily master computer programs, such an activity will seem very exciting. There are many programs that help not only draw up a project at home, but also visualize it in detail on the screen. In them you can find interesting projects of houses and cottages ready-made and change them to your taste.

Examples of computer-aided design of premises:

For your information! The top 10 design software are:

  1. Google Sketchup.
  2. Revit.
  3. AutoCad.
  4. sweethome.
  5. floor plan 3D.
  6. ArchiCAD.
  7. Arcon.
  8. Autodesk 3ds Max.
  9. KZ-cottage.
  10. chief architect.

Ideally, you should immediately consider all engineering networks. Heating and electrification can, of course, be done later, but the sewer system should be planned initially.

The final design stage is the facade design and interior design. You must understand that the task before you is not an easy one. You will need to enlist the support of a specialist who understands construction or shovel a ton of literature in search of the necessary information.

Advice! You can find a lot of interesting ideas in home design magazines. For example, the magazines Beautiful Homes, Ideas for Your Home, Dwell, InteriorDesign.

Optimally comfortable layout

So what does a comfortable home mean? It is clear that convenience begins even before the moment when you step over its threshold.

In the house, everything should be adapted in such a way that everyone at home is as comfortable as possible. Each family member should have their own zone. Passages between rooms should be arranged so that there are no inconveniences.

Traditionally, the area of ​​the house is divided into the following zones:

  • entrance (hallway);
  • common space (living room, kitchen-dining room);
  • a guest room;
  • private rooms;
  • auxiliary premises (, corridors, furnace);
  • sanitary rooms.

All of these zones must be present in the . If two or more floors are planned, then the living room, kitchen, bathroom and furnace are usually located on the first floor, and the rest of the rooms are on the second and subsequent ones.

Here are a few projects of cottages (photo and layout):

How to correctly orient the house to the cardinal points

No, now we will not talk about feng shui. Without a doubt, this is an interesting doctrine, but our task today is to choose the optimal location of the house relative to the cardinal points so as to save on its maintenance and at the same time create the most comfortable conditions for residents.

In most regions of Russia, north and northwest winds prevail, so this direction is considered the most unfavorable. Therefore, on the walls facing this direction, there should be a minimum of window openings, and the walls themselves must be carefully insulated. Inside the house on this side it is better to place utility rooms or a garage. There is no need to spend money on full-fledged heating of these zones, and they themselves will become a heat-insulating buffer that protects living rooms.

The northeast is a great place to enter the house. In this part, you can also place utility rooms, for example, a workshop or laundry. In the northeast, you can plan the kitchen and bathroom.

East is the side from which you can admire the rising sun. A living room with large windows, a swimming pool, a bedroom - all this is appropriate to orient to the east. You'll get plenty of natural sunlight in the morning when it's still not too hot.

The southeast wall is considered optimal for the dining room and kitchen. If there are creative personalities in your house, then the windows from the workshop should go in this direction. The location of the guest room will also be successful.

The south is the place for the common room. It will be nice to spend most of the time here with the whole family.

Functional areas in the layout of the house

We have already touched a little on the topic of zoning space in the house. Let's consider it in more detail, with the characteristics of each zone separately:

Zone Characteristics
TambourTambour is necessary to keep warm in the house. With the exception of the southern regions of Russia, everywhere the air temperature in winter drops below zero, so protection from cold and wind is very useful.
HallwayAll corridors usually converge here. From the hallway there is an entrance to the living room and kitchen, furnace. It comes from here. To be comfortable, the hall should be large enough.
WardrobeA wardrobe is arranged even in apartments, so for a private house this is a mandatory attribute. The wardrobe stores not only clothes, but also summer and winter things, household appliances, which are not needed every day. Here you can install an ironing board.
Living roomThis part of the house is considered the "front". Here you will receive guests and spend time with the whole family. The living room should be spacious and modern, even if the house itself has a small area.
Kitchen-dining roomIt is better if a separate entrance leads to the kitchen. This will prevent food odors from spreading throughout the house. The kitchen can be combined with a dining room by placing a dining group and separating it from the workspace with a counter or.
Guest roomThis is not a mandatory attribute of a private house, but you must agree, it is very convenient to offer late guests a place to sleep. It would be logical to combine a guest room with an office.
bathroomThe bathroom can be separate or combined - it's a matter of taste. But in a spacious room, in addition to a shower, you can also place a washing machine.
Utility roomsIt is convenient if the house has a furnace, a workshop and a pantry. If possible, bring the nodal connections of engineering networks to a separate room, so you will greatly facilitate your task of their periodic maintenance and repair.
BedroomsThis is a private, intimate part of the house. Children's rooms and the matrimonial bedroom should be kept away from the kitchen and the noisy living room. It is convenient if additional bathrooms are adjacent to these rooms, especially if the premises are located on the second floor.
Additional premisesThese elements include a built-in garage, a covered veranda or winter garden, a swimming pool, balconies, a billiard room. They are not required, but their presence makes living in the house more comfortable.

How and with what to fill your house - only you decide. But you must admit, the presence of these zones will make it very convenient. We offer you a small gallery of beautiful country houses and cottages. Photo projects of successful interiors:

Basic building materials

The durability and reliability of the house will directly depend on how correctly you select building materials. Conventionally, building materials can be divided into two main categories: artificially created and natural.

Natural materials include brick, cement, logs and timber. All polymer products can be classified as artificially created. The main question for the developer is what material to use for the construction of external walls. Let's look at possible options and photos of beautiful houses and cottages from these materials.

Projects of beautiful one-story wooden houses

More and more developers prefer natural wood. The reason is simple - it is easier to breathe in a wooden house, it is an environmentally friendly material and this is important for those who care about their own health.

Wood has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. In winter it is warm in such a house, in summer it is cool. You will significantly save on heating such a house.

The most “natural” option is a hand-made log house. It is made from a single log, cutting down the attachment points and caulking the cracks.

Timber houses are built much easier and much faster. Ideal joints are provided by profiled timber. Glued laminated timber is especially strong and durable. It does not need shrinkage and perfectly retains its shape.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden houses:

pros Minuses
Environmentally friendly materialShrinkage of the house can last for several years. All this time you will warp windows and doors.
Construction will cost less than brickWood is a flammable material
Retains heat very wellThe wood is susceptible to decay and fungus.
Does not require interior or exterior decoration
Installed on a lightweight foundationNatural logs can crack.
The service life of a house made of solid logs is 100 years

Look at the photo of one-story beautiful wooden houses. Is it possible to compare this beauty with the cold restraint of brick and stone?

Photo projects of beautiful one-story brick houses

Brick is the most traditional material today. A brick house will last a century and a half and will cope with all natural weather anomalies. The technology of such construction has long been worked out and the only thing that appears new is the types of bricks. In addition to traditional ceramic and silicate building materials, modern manufacturers offer combined options and different types of blocks.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick houses:

pros Minuses
Attractive appearanceLaying requires professional skills
Long service lifeThe large weight of the house dictates special requirements for
From bricks you can create a project of any complexity
Not susceptible to decay and moldBrick house needs high-quality thermal insulation

The most beautiful brick cottages can be found in prestigious areas of any city. Look at the photo projects of beautiful houses from this material:

Frame structures and their photos

Houses created using frame technology are the cheapest type of housing. Among other things, they are built in a matter of days. As the basis of such a house, a frame made of wood or metal is being erected. The first is cheaper, but the second will last a very long time, and repairing such a house is easy. You just need to replace the trim.

OSB sheets are used as sheathing, and stone wool or foam plastic is used for insulation.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses:

pros Minuses
Cheap and fast constructionWalls are not strong
High level of heat saving, saving on heatingShort service life - about 50-70 years
The minimum cost of interior decorationNeed high-quality ventilation due to the increased tightness of the walls
Easy re-planning if neededThese houses are a fire hazard.
Engineering networks can be hidden in the walls

By the way, for those who doubt the durability of such buildings, there is interesting information. In houses that were built as temporary for teams of workers - the builders of BAM, people still live to this day. And most of these houses were built using frame technology.

And, finally, frame construction does not interfere with your imagination. Modern finishing materials will make the facade of such a house very attractive. Look at the photos and projects of beautiful cottages created using Canadian technology:

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Glass houses - a new trend

Modern construction technologies make it possible to create real glass houses in which everything from ceiling to floor is made of transparent material. This is not to say that this type of construction is suitable for everyone. If you are not Edward Cullen (character of the book "Twilight" - approx. ed.) and do not live in a dense forest, you are unlikely to enjoy being in front of everyone. But, on the other hand, if the site for construction is located at a distance from neighboring houses and the highway - why not?

Advantages and disadvantages of glass houses:

We present to your attention beautiful projects of houses and cottages made of glass:

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What to choose: individual or standard design?

Thinking about their own construction, everyone faces this choice. Which is better: a typical or an individual project?

Individual design is original. You can choose extraordinary architectural solutions, choose the number and area of ​​rooms. At the same time, you can be absolutely sure of the exclusivity of your own home. You can develop such a project yourself, but it is better to turn to specialists who will provide for all the nuances that you may not know about.

Much easier to decide on a typical project. You can make changes to it if you wish. But, again, all these changes should be agreed with the designers in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

By the way, even with a standard project, you can build a very beautiful house. Pay attention to the decoration of the facade and interiors and you will get what you want. Look at the photo: a small beautiful house was created according to a standard project, but decorated in such a way that you are unlikely to find another one like it.

The specifics of the project of a one-story house

A one-story house is a classic solution. You don’t have to fool around with a massive foundation, location and additional bathrooms. For a small family, one floor is enough.

Calculate how many rooms you will need and what utility rooms you will need. Sum up the area of ​​​​required premises and pay attention to finished projects with such an area. Consider your own financial resources as well. Here are some finished projects with different areas:

The project of a one-story house can be modified to suit your own needs. Please note that the construction cost may increase if you decide to add the following details:

  • multi-pitched roof of complex geometric shape;
  • large basement or basement;
  • bay windows, pillars, consoles, verandas;
  • non-standard windows;
  • glazed walls.

Advice! Before choosing a project, visit friends and neighbors. Ask them what area their main rooms occupy and evaluate whether such dimensions will suit you.

The architectural company will offer you a catalog of finished projects. Choose the right one and suggest your own adjustments. Photo projects of beautiful one-story houses:

Features of the project of a two-story house

Usually they choose for two reasons: either it is a matter of prestige, or a lack of land area. Traditionally, on the first floor there are premises for common use, on the second - private rooms. Thus, the house is divided, as it were, into two parts - day and night. During the day, everyone lives on the first floor, at night they rest on the second.

Houses on two floors can be decorated in a variety of ways, experimenting with design ideas. A good idea is to build a balcony on the house. From it you can admire the landscape.

But it should be noted that such a house will require significant investments in the foundation. In addition, you will need to find a place for the stairs, which means that you will have to add space for it on the first and second floors. It is necessary to provide for solid interfloor ceilings and an extensive system of engineering networks. For heating, you will have to install a system with forced circulation.

Advice! If there are elderly people in your family, make a project so that the rooms for them are located on the ground floor. So you save them from the risk of falling down the stairs.

Photo projects of country houses with two floors:

Beautiful houses with attics

You need to design at an early stage. The lower floor under the attic must withstand the increased load.

The decisive factor is the shape and angle of the roof slope. Here you need to find a middle ground: too small an angle will lead to the accumulation of snow and rainwater, too large - will reduce the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room. To climb to the attic you will need a ladder. It does not have to be placed inside the house. In some projects, it is located outside.

What can be placed in the attic? Anything from living rooms to a gym or a creative workshop.

The interior of the attic can also be the most diverse. Designers skillfully play with sloping walls and beams, making the room very attractive. Here are some photos of small beautiful houses with attics inside and out:


Private house for the whole family

Photo of wooden houses and cottages

A wooden house is the cheapest and most affordable option. Despite the absence of modern decorative elements, the wooden house looks like an exhibition piece.

At the same time, modern technologies have already managed to put their stamp on the traditional architecture of wooden houses, and this is clearly visible in the design.

High pointed roofs are a favorite technique for obtaining the effect of a tower.

But the projects of houses and cottages, the photos of which are presented below, attract much less attention, but leave a feeling of good quality and a healthy lifestyle.

Wide sloping roofs, wooden walls and a high plinth made of roughly processed stone are typical of Russian traditions of one-story construction.

The use of wood and brick in the construction of the house provides it with both strength and environmental friendliness.

Photo of private stone houses

A cottage in the form of a small castle is a classic for the most prestigious, elite one-story areas.

Depending on the preferences of the owners, the castle can resemble a gingerbread house.

Modern cottages: photo of a simple private family home

In the suburbs, you can often see simpler options. For example, such a house-box without any frills.

But the box house can also be built in such a way that it will arouse admiration and envy of neighbors.

Sheathing and decoration of private houses and cottages can be absolutely any. Some prefer a textured coat, while others prefer smooth surfaces and easy-to-clean plastic siding.

Small in size cottages can be very elegant and ideal for a single family.


Each owner decides for himself what kind of cottage he needs and in what style it needs to be decorated. About tastes, as they say - do not argue!

More and more people are abandoning apartments in favor of a private house. Undoubtedly, building your own house will cost much more than buying housing in a high-rise building, but it's worth it. Everyone decides for himself what price he is willing to pay for comfort, silence, lack of neighbors and the opportunity to create a home of his own liking.

If you decide to build, be prepared for the fact that the process will take you a lot of time, effort and finances. Even if you have turned to the services of a construction company, some issues will have to be resolved on your own. To build a beautiful house, you need to think through all the details at the initial stage. In this article, we will tell you what you should pay special attention to.

The main characteristics of a beautiful house

Cosiness. A house can be built according to the latest fashion and using the most expensive materials, but not comfortable for life. Provide for all the little things to spend time in your home was a pleasure.

Space. Avoid tightness and clutter.

Harmony. The most difficult thing in building a beautiful house is to achieve perfect harmony. It is noticeable in everything: in planning, finishing facades, interior design and furniture arrangement.

Individuality. The market for ready-made solutions for the construction of houses offers mostly the same type of projects, due to which many cottage settlements have been built that cannot be distinguished from each other. Houses are devoid of uniqueness and do not attract attention.

Quality. It is impossible to build a beautiful house, choosing only the cheapest materials for construction and decoration. Carefully consider what you can save on, and what you definitely shouldn’t spare money on.

Choosing a facade

The facade forms the first impression when looking at the house. It should be given special attention if you want your home to look spectacular and stylish. Today, a huge selection of materials is provided, natural and artificial, practical and artsy. Let's consider some of them.


A very popular natural material that fits perfectly into the stylistic design of a country house. Among its advantages, it is worth noting environmental friendliness and heat-insulating properties. Wood provides free air circulation in the room, which certainly adds comfort.

However, to increase the service life of the tree, special care is required: insect treatment and special impregnation against mold and fungus.

It should be noted its fire hazard, although there is a separate type of processing from this. But after all the manipulations done, such a facade can no longer be called environmentally friendly.


Finishing made of natural or artificial stone looks expensive and thorough. Such material will last a long time, and give the house an extra gloss. But the beautiful facades of private houses require significant investments and a professional approach. Stone cladding is a very expensive and time-consuming type of finish, which implies the availability of appropriate experience and skills.

It is easier to work with artificial stone, and it weighs much less. The main advantage is that it is almost impossible to distinguish it from natural, which makes it more popular among builders.

Concrete and glass

A modern private house made of concrete slabs and with a large glass area is not uncommon in our time. Many people choose panoramic windows not only because they let in a lot of light and offer a beautiful view of the surrounding nature, but also look stylish and extraordinary. If you are a fan of the urban style, feel free to use concrete in your home decoration.

When choosing glasses, pay attention to their energy-saving, heat-insulating and anti-shock properties.

Clinker brick

Looking through photos of beautiful private houses, the eye involuntarily lingers on neat and concise brick houses. If you see your dream house as such, and finances do not allow it to be built entirely of brick, use it in facade decoration. This material is environmentally friendly, wear-resistant and soundproof.

Clinker bricks are produced in different colors and shapes, which means that there is an opportunity to show imagination and try to combine different colors and textures.

Decorative plaster

One of the most affordable exterior finishes is decorative plaster. It is good because it is easy to apply and has a rich color palette. You can repaint the house at least every year, special skills are not required here.

But besides the advantages, it has a significant drawback: fragility. Unfortunately, decorative plaster is not able to withstand the dampness of rains, severe frosts and the scorching rays of the sun for a long time.


Let's skip the aesthetics and pay attention to the practical function of finishing the facade. Siding is simple, neat, reliable and without unnecessary details. Suitable for lovers of minimalism and those who want to save money. Unpretentious in care, durable, non-flammable and resistant to natural disasters.

The market offers a whole range of different colors, textures and shapes, everyone can find a suitable option for decorating their home.

House layout

It is impossible not to announce that the house should be beautiful not only outside, but also inside. It is important to correctly plan the location and footage of each room so that each family member can have their own personal space. It is important to consider the design of the kitchen in the house, living room and other common rooms.

The style of the interior creates the general mood of the entire home, its unique atmosphere and comfort. Do not be too lazy to study the beautiful designs of private houses in magazines and catalogs, if possible, seek the advice of a professional.

landscape design

Properly designed landscape of the site plays an important role in the perception of the home as a whole. The beautiful courtyard of a private house is always clean, well-groomed, not cluttered with unnecessary items and buildings. High-quality landscape design will help to give gloss and presentability, where every detail is thought out to the smallest detail and has a finished look.

It is necessary to divide the site into zones and draw up a plan for arranging each of them. Show your creative abilities and creative thinking, they will help you in the implementation of your plans and ideas.

You can break a pond, install a gazebo, plant trees and shrubs, lay out a luxurious lawn. But remember that if the area is small, you should not try to fit as many elements on it as possible, focus on the main thing.

Photos of beautiful private houses

Cottages came to us from England, and they were built for a small family. Quite often, their attic space was equipped under, which made it possible to increase the living space. The total area of ​​such a house was 100 square meters. m. are significantly different from the classic ones.

They represent a residential building that can be built both within the city and outside it. The size of the cottage reaches 300 square meters. m, and without fail, communications are connected to it for comfort. The building is often adjacent to the equipped and ennobled. About what else functional cottage houses differ in - read on.

Modern beautiful cottage: wall materials (photo options)

Advice! As a rule, before choosing a finished building or starting work on its project, it is worth considering the material component, as well as what the disadvantages and advantages of these residential premises depend on. With proper use and construction, the cottage will serve you for a long time.


This material is a classic for this building. Wooden cottages vary depending on the processing of wood and they are characterized by certain features. Let's look at them in the table below:

Variety pros Minuses
Log and chopped The cheapest of all possible materials, especially in forested areas. The use of a columnar foundation provides low thermal conductivity. It is unlikely that moisture will penetrate inside Fire hazardous. The shortest operating time. The lower part needs protection from rain
From a bar Easier and therefore faster construction process. Less raw material is used Expensive. Less aesthetic
From rounded timber Beautiful facade. Durability. Safety High price. Complicated and lengthy construction process