Popovers are pop-up breakfast buns. Popovers (Jumping Buns) Empty Popover Buns - Recipe

I propose to diversify your diet and cook popovers - jumping buns that resemble eclairs in shape and taste. They are made from pancake dough, with the only difference being that more eggs are laid. Popovers are baked in the oven in special forms, preferably silicone. These buns can be filled with any filling: for a savory taste, you can fill them with cheese or curd mass, and to make them sweet, fill them with cream using a cooking syringe.

Popovers or jumping buns recipe with photo

You can easily bake them for breakfast, because they are baked for only twenty minutes, and during this time you can make a dressing for popovers. You can pour grated cheese directly into the mold with the dough. In general, improvise as you like.

how to make pancake buns


  • a glass of milk,
  • a glass of flour,
  • 2 eggs,
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  • butter according to the number of molds.

Cooking process:

Whisk eggs, salt and milk in a deep bowl.

We take another deep bowl, pour flour into it.

Next, pour the liquid mixture into the flour in small portions: add half the norm of milk, stir well so that there are no lumps and only then pour in the remaining egg-milk mixture. The dough turns out like pancakes, even a little thinner.

Now turn on the oven to warm up to 230 degrees and at the same time prepare the molds. Put a piece of butter in each cell and put in the oven for a minute to melt it. Lubricate the molds with a brush and sprinkle them with flour. Can be lubricated with cold butter or vegetable oil.

Take the dough and fill the molds halfway with it. I did this with a small ladle from a multicooker, very convenient.

We put the molds in the oven, where it is already hot, and after 10 minutes we reduce the gas to 180 degrees. After another 10 minutes, take the buns out of the oven.
We take out the popovers and see how they jumped out of us this time, because they can jump out in different ways. It depends on the dough, the size of the molds and the oven.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Popovers are great breakfast buns. They are also called "jumping" - due to the fact that they literally try to "jump" out of their forms during baking. Popovers are a bit similar to, as they are hollow inside and can also be stuffed, like eclairs. But it takes much less time to cook them and they are perfect for breakfast as buns. As a filling, you can use both sweet and unsweetened ingredients. From this amount of ingredients, I got 9 buns for breakfast.

- flour - 140 grams;
- eggs (large) - 2 pieces;
- butter - 1 tbsp;
- milk - 200 ml;
- salt - 0.3 tsp

How to cook with a photo step by step

Remove eggs, butter and milk from the refrigerator before making popovers. All products before kneading the dough must be at room temperature. Milk can even be slightly warmed up to a warm state. Butter can be melted in the microwave. Sift flour and prepare salt.

Drive eggs into a deep bowl and add 1/3 tsp of salt.

Using a whisk or a mixer, beat the eggs until light foam is obtained.

Pour the already cooled melted butter and 100 ml of warm milk into the beaten eggs. Whisk it all up a little more.

Then gradually add wheat flour and mix with a whisk, preventing flour lumps from forming. At the end, pour the remaining 100 ml of milk and knead the dough well, which will be like thin pancakes in consistency.

Now the dough needs to be poured into molds. I used silicone molds for cupcakes, which I filled 3/4 of the way with the dough. Silicone molds do not need to be lubricated at all, unlike metal molds for cupcakes or muffins, which must be lubricated with vegetable oil. I do not recommend pouring the dough into paper forms. I know from experience that popovers stick to paper very strongly and it is then difficult to separate it.

Turn on the oven in advance at 230 degrees. Put the popovers in a preheated oven for 15 minutes, leaving the temperature at 230 degrees. Then reduce it to 160 degrees and bake for another 15 minutes. I do not recommend opening the oven door until the buns are completely cooked, otherwise they will simply settle and not be hollow inside. The best way to see how cooked they are is through the oven window. For the first 15 minutes, the products will try to “jump” out of the molds right before our eyes, and for the next 15 minutes they will bake inside. Remove the ready-made "jumping" buns from the oven and remove from the molds, let cool. You can start to your liking. I suggest, as one of the snack options, stuff with grated processed cheese, dill and garlic.

Popovers or popovers are ready for breakfast. They can also be served without toppings.

Bon appetit!
See also our selection

Popovers are classics of American cuisine. These pastries are a complete alternative to the more familiar custard cakes.

Buns got their name because the dough, in the process of baking, seems to “jump” out of the molds. The muffin tastes fresh, crispy on the outside, but empty on the inside. And it's great! After all, the neutral taste and voluminous texture allow you to fill them with absolutely any filling. It can be sweet jam, and custard, and cottage cheese, and even meat, ham or fish - whatever.


  • fresh chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • flour (wheat premium) - 200 g;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • sunflower oil (deodorized) - for lubricating the form.


Similar ingredients form the basis of the dough for making custard cakes - bland and not too thick. This is exactly what you have to cook for future "jumps". First, prepare the chicken eggs: break them into a large bowl and beat with a whisk. Please note that you need to not just mix the yolks with the proteins, but to achieve a homogeneous mass.

Remove the milk from the refrigerator in advance - it should be at room temperature. When the eggs are properly beaten, start gradually adding milk and at the same time continue the beating process. Try to knead the mixture from the bottom up, this is necessary so that the components are well connected at the initial stage. If bubbles begin to appear on the surface, then the eggs were beaten correctly.

Add the sifted flour to the mixture of milk and eggs. It is recommended to divide the entire volume of flour into three parts and introduce one at a time, constantly kneading the dough with a whisk (but do not beat). The mixture must be mixed as thoroughly and evenly as possible, and at the end add a pinch of salt.

The result should be a sticky dough with bubbles. Let it rest for at least 40 minutes.

Popovers or jumping buns are baked in molds - any will do: both Teflon and silicone. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into tins so that it slightly covers the bottom. Next, preheat them in the oven at 200 0 C for 3-4 minutes. Silicone molds do not need to be oiled or preheated. Pour the dough into the molds, filling a little less than half of their volume. Put in the oven at 180-200 0 C for 18-20 minutes (lower than average level).

Don't forget that the "bouncers" will definitely jump out of their molds when they are ready. And they will do it the way they want. This will not happen immediately, closer to the end of the baking time. Almost at the end they will turn red, so that their readiness can be easily understood by their appearance. Remember! When baking these products, it is strictly forbidden to open the oven until the end of the cooking process!

Remove the buns from the oven and carefully remove the popovers from the tins. Those baked in oil can be dried on a paper towel. In appearance, they will be more ruddy, shiny and crispy, and those without oil will be less greasy.

It's so easy to bake wonderful popover buns that are perfect for absolutely any filling. Yes, and they look mischievous and cheerful, not only children, but even adults will cheer up.

We offer you several filling options for our buns.

How to start popovers:

If the filling used has a liquid texture, filling is done by filling the buns with a pastry syringe. But if the filling is thicker, it is necessary to make a small neat incision at the bottom of each product and fill through it.

Sweet filling:

  • custard;
  • curd;
  • vanilla pudding;
  • oil cream;
  • protein custard;
  • butter cream.


  • liver stuffing with fried onions;
  • onion-mushroom filling of champignons;
  • from salted cucumber and salmon with the addition of a small amount of cream cheese;
  • cheese-garlic and others.

Dear hostesses, warm greetings to you!

Today we offer you an interesting and very simple recipe for a delicious breakfast - popovers.

They are also called Yorkshire pudding and popping pancake buns.

Popovers are buns with a secret: whoever tries it once, cooks now!

The secret of their charm is that they are prepared very quickly and easily, even a beginner can handle it.

Well, you choose the filling for popovers yourself!

The buns are crispy on the outside and soft and hollow on the inside. In this cavity, you can put a sweet dessert filling or any other, making them snack bars.

These are so wonderful, let's cook them.


  • Eggs - 4 pcs
  • Warm milk - 300 ml
  • Flour - 225 g
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Melted butter - 1 tbsp. l
  • Vegetable oil - 60 ml
  • Parmesan and herbes de Provence to taste


Let's start by preparing the form. It is most convenient to take these forms for muffins.

Inside each cell you need to pour a little vegetable oil - about a dessert spoon.

Then you need to put the form in an oven preheated to 230 degrees so that the oil is already hot when we start cooking the popovers.

Now we will make the dough for the jumping buns themselves. To do this, break the eggs into a bowl, shake them with a whisk.

Salt, add warm milk (approximately 35 degrees) and melted butter.

Warm ingredients are the secret to the success of this recipe.

Sift in the flour and mix well so that there are no lumps.

The dough is very liquid, about the same as usually goes for pancakes.

It should drip off a spoon or whisk.

When our dough is ready, we take out the heated form with hot oil from the oven.

Pour the dough into each cell almost to the very edge.

At this stage, you can sprinkle some of the future popovers with grated cheese and herbs if you are planning a savory filling for them.

We put them in the oven at 230 degrees. Now the fun begins. We'll see why they're called jumpy buns.

Popovers will begin to swell and literally strive to jump out of shape. Of course, this will not work for them, but it will drum them up great.

We bake them for 15 minutes at a temperature of 230 degrees, after which we reduce the heat to 180 and for another 10-15 minutes we will dry them.

Orient the cooking time according to your oven, you may need a little more or a little less time.

When our Yorkshire puddings are ready, take them out of the mold onto a wire rack or onto a paper towel.

Popovers are crispy, fluffy and amazingly delicious!

When they have cooled down a bit, they can be broken and put the filling in the center.

Several options for toppings for popovers

  • whipped cream with powdered sugar, and any berries or fruits
  • whipped cream with powdered sugar, cinnamon and nuts
  • condensed milk with berries and nuts
  • chocolate paste
  • cream cheese mixed with garlic and dill and salted red fish
  • melted cheese with sausage
  • grated cheese with garlic and mayonnaise

Very nice and delicious breakfast! Come up with different fillings, experiment.

Popovers are sure to become a favorite treat in your family.

For those who like more detailed recipes, watch the video on making popovers.

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Bon appetit and good mood every day!