Does uraza spoil if you put candles. What Posterizan candles help from: instructions for use

Wa ‘alaikum as-salaam wa rahmatu-llahi wa barakatu-hu. As it says in the hadith: “Every deed of a person is for himself, except for fasting: he (dedicated) to Me and I will repay for him. Man leaves his food, drink and lusts for My sake” (narrated by Al-Bukhari). In this sense, neither the use of all kinds of injections, nor the use of candles, etc. is not eating or drinking, both from the point of view of the language and from the point of view of custom, and does not contradict the meaning of fasting established by Sharia. Therefore, all this does not break the fast. In this matter, in which Allah has not created hardships for us, we should not be excessively strict. In the verse regarding fasting, the Almighty says: “Allah wants ease for you and does not want hardship for you” (2:185). Ibn Hazm writes: “The fast is not broken: enema, medicine injected into the nose, liquid medicine dripped into the ear, nose or urethra, rinsing the nose (and even if the water has reached the throat), rinsing the mouth (and even if the water has involuntarily entered inside the throat), the use of eye powder (antimony) from any composition, and even if it penetrated to the throat (whether day or night), flour or any other dust (coniferous, flower), an insect that accidentally flew into the mouth ... ". Ibn Hazm, arguing his opinion, writes: “Allah forbids us during fasting only eating and drinking, intercourse, intentionally inducing vomiting and committing sins. It is well known that eating and drinking is not done through the anus or urethra, through the ear, eye or nose, through an injury to the abdomen or head. It is not forbidden for us to introduce into the stomach (except food and drink) what is not forbidden to enter into it. Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah writes the following regarding the use of eye powder, enema, liquid medicine for the urethra, penetration of the medicine into the stomach through the wound: “The most correct point of view is that all these things do not break the fast, since knowledge of fasting, as a component of religion, should be known to all people. If all these things were among the things prohibited by Allah and his Messenger and would break the fast, then the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, should have explained this. But if the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) gave any instructions on this matter, then his companions would know about it and would bring this information to the Muslim ummah just as they brought it to the rest of the Sharia. And since none of the “people of knowledge” transmitted from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) any hadith (whether authentic or weak) on this matter, it becomes clear that there are no indications on this matter. And Allah knows best."

The fast is broken under the following circumstances:

- to eat even a meager amount of food - with a sesame seed or even less, if this happened consciously and without coercion, and at the same time the person knew that this was forbidden. And also the Fast is broken if you drink at least a drop of water or medicine.

Comment : The fast is not broken by inhaling road dust, as well as the smallest particles when sifting flour or something like that, since it is difficult to avoid this. It is not forbidden to taste food, if at the same time it is not swallowed.

- Fasting breaks if water enters the body during intensive rinsing of the mouth or when inhaling. Also, the Fast is broken if you swallow the saliva that has come out of the mouth, for example, draw it back and swallow the saliva from the outside of the lips.

If pure saliva collected in the oral cavity was swallowed, then the Fast is not violated.

If a person swallowed sputum, then there are two conclusions on this issue:

a) if the sputum has risen in the throat above the place where the Arabic letter ح ( X) and was swallowed, the Fast is broken.

If the phlegm in the nose descends below the khaishum (the nasal bone, which is located at the base of the nose), and the person draws it back, then the Fast is broken.

b) if sputum has risen in the throat below the place where the Arabic letter ح is pronounced ( X) and was swallowed, the Fast is not broken.

If the sputum in the nose, descending, did not reach the khaishum (nasal bone, which is located at the base of the nose), and the person pulled it back, then the Fast is not violated.

According to the school of Imam Abu X Anifa in all these cases, the Fast is not broken.

- if after the beginning of dawn one swallows impure saliva, for example, from the smoke of a cigarette smoked before dawn, then the Fast is violated.

- if a person vomited involuntarily, and after that he swallowed saliva before cleansing his mouth, his Fast is violated, since his saliva was contaminated with vomiting.

- if a person smokes, then his Fast is violated, since the small particles that make up the smoke get inside the body when smoking.

- if the smoke from a cigarette of a person smoking nearby, for example, in a car, enters the respiratory tract of a fasting person, then his Fasting is not violated.

- Also, the Fast is not broken by inhaling the smoke of incense, for example, bakhoor or the smell of perfume.

- the use of an enema through the anus or anus also breaks the Fast. And also violate the Fast drops in the nose or ears in the event that the medicine gets inside. Some theologians have said that using drops in the ears does not break the Fast. The use of eye drops does not break the Fast, as well as injections subcutaneously or intravenously.

- if the fasting person lost consciousness, and then came to his senses again, then his Fasting is not violated, provided that he was in an unconscious state not for a whole day. If he was in an unconscious state from dawn to full sunset (that is, the whole day), then his Fast is invalid.

- The fast of a person who has had an attack of insanity, that is, insanity, even if it lasted a moment, is violated.

- if a fasting person slept all day from the beginning of dawn until full sunset, then his Fast is not violated.

- Fasting is broken if a woman on the day of Fasting began menstruation or a period of postpartum cleansing, even if the discharge appeared shortly before sunset.

- If the fasting had a wet dream, that is, involuntary ejaculation during sleep, his Fast is not violated. If the ejaculation occurred as a result of onanism or during the embrace of a naked husband and wife, then the Fast is violated. If the ejaculation occurred due to a touch through an insulator, for example, through clothes, and there was no purpose to cause ejaculation, then the Fast is not violated.

- The Fast of a person who has had sexual intercourse in the daytime of the month of Ramadan knowingly is violated, while remembering that he observes the Fast and was not forced to do so, and at the same time he knew that it was forbidden, even if he did not have ejaculation. If he has had sexual intercourse, forgetting that he is fasting, then his Fast is not violated, and this day does not remain a debt for him. The one who woke up in the morning after ejaculation as a result of sexual intercourse performed at night, etc., then he continues to observe the Fast, and for G usul.

Prophet Mu's wife X ammada, peace be upon him, ‘Aisha, may Allah have mercy on her, said that when dawn came and the Prophet, peace be upon him, was able to junub, He did a full ritual ablution and kept the Fast. This was narrated by Imam Al-Bukhariy.

Some circumstances under which the Fast is also violated:

- committing kufr without coercion, that is, not under pain of death, if it was done consciously, that is, it was not a reservation; and it does not matter whether it was done in jest or in earnest, or in a state of anger. And also regardless of whether he remembered that he was observing the Fast or did not remember. This violates the Fast, as worship from an unbeliever is not accepted.

- ejaculation as a result of passionate kisses during the daytime of the Fast also breaks the Fast. As for passionate kisses, if this did not lead to ejaculation, then this does not violate the Fast. But it is forbidden during the daytime of Lent if the person was aware that it could lead to ejaculation.

During the Fast, the following actions are prohibited, although they do not violate the Fast: observation of the forbidden, deceit, slander, slander. And what some people have composed and say:

«خَمْسٌ يُفَطِّرْنَ الصَّائِمَ النَّظْرَةُ الْمُحَرَّمَةُ وَالْكَذِبُ وَالْغِيبَةُ وَالنَّمِيمَةُ وَالْقُبْلَةُ»

falsely attributing these words to Prophet Mu X ammadu, peace be upon him. These words mean that five things break the Fast: a forbidden look, a lie, backbiting, gossip and a kiss.

Is not X adi With the Prophet, and the above actions do not break the Fast, but are forbidden, and some of them, such as slander, annul the reward of the Fast.


Aroma sticks.

State after which to do G usul, for example, after sexual intercourse (with the wife).

A reservation in this case is a mistake in words; word, phrase, erroneously said instead of others, necessary.

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Each believer in the month of Ramadan with a special feeling expects a great night, which is called "Laylatul Qadr" or "The Night of Predestination." This is the best night of the year, which happens only in the month of Ramadan. It is said in the Qur'an this word must be read in Arabic as - الْقُـرْآن that it is the most honorable, and a good deed done this night is better than additional worship performed over a thousand months in which there is no this night.

The night of Laylatul Qadr can be on any of the nights of the month of Ramadan, but it is more likely that it will be on the last ten days of this blessed month. However, the exact date of this night is known only to Allah. in the name of God in Arabic "Allah", the letter "x" is pronounced like ه in Arabic. The wisdom of this lies in the fact that believers try to more observe the Commands of Allah and do good deeds throughout the month of Ramadan.

At different times, on this majestic night, Allah sent down the famous Holy Books: Zabur, Taurat, Injil. It was on this blessed night that Al-Qur'an Al-Kyarim was sent down to the first heaven in Beit Al-‘Izza. And after that, the Ayats of Qur'an were sent down to the Prophet Muhammad gradually over twenty-three years. It was said by the Prophet, peace be upon him, that the Qur'an was completely sent down to the first heaven on the night of the twenty-fourth day of the month of Ramadan.

It is also said in the Qur'an that angels descend on this night, among which the most honorable of them is the angel Jnbranl, peace be upon him. Abu Hurairah said that the number of angels on earth on this night is greater than the number of stones.

Why is this night called the night of predestination Laylatul Qadr?

On this night, Allah lets the angels know about the events that will take place during the next year: about who will suffer death, and who will start a new life; which of the servants of Allah will be afflicted by illness, poverty or misfortune; to whom Allah will give blessings, health and wealth, etc. This night is so named because on this night the earth is filled with angels who descend from heaven.

There are some signs by which you can recognize Laylat Al-Qadr. Of these, a vision of a special light that Allah created. This light is large and bright, different from the light of the sun, moon or electricity. A sign is considered a vision of a bowing tree or the ability to hear the voices of angels, as well as a vision of angels in their real form.

It is necessary to be sure that the sun has already set before breaking the fast. When the believer is sure that this has happened, he must immediately stop fasting. The Prophet Muhammad said in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic, peace be upon him, in a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim, meaning:

“People will be in prosperity if they hasten to break the Fast”

Breaking the fast, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. advised to eat a date, but if it is impossible to get it, in this case you should drink water. Abu Dawud reported that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning:

“If one of you completes the Fast, then he begins to receive food from a date. If he didn’t find a date, he drinks water”

Before starting a meal, it is advisable to say the following:

“I am wasi’al-maghfirati igfirli Bismillahir-Rah manir-Rah im”

“Oh Allah! You are the All-Merciful, Forgiving! Forgive my sins! I begin with the Name of Allah, Merciful for everyone in this World and only for believers in the Other World.

"Allahumma laka sumtu wa `ala ryzkykya aftartu"

“Oh Allah! For Your sake I fasted and accepted the food You gave me.”

Blessed Sahoor Time

Sahoor is the time before dawn when Muslims can eat for the last time before the onset of each day of fasting in Ramadan. At this time, it is advisable to drink at least a sip of water. Narrated Imam Muslim about that. that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning:

"Observe sahoor - this is a blessed time"

In the month of Ramadan, it is desirable to give more alms, keep in touch with relatives, read the Qur'an, treat those who are fasting at iftars, and be in the mosque.

It must be remembered that it is very important to constantly control your speech and actions, do as many good deeds as possible, constantly think about doing good deeds, and also suppress intemperance and aggressiveness in yourself. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning:

“Fasting is a fence. Anyone who fasts, let him not have sexual intercourse during the daytime and not use foul language, and if anyone intends to provoke him to swear or fight, let him tell that person that he is fasting. Narrated by Imams Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah.

In Muslim countries, there is a tradition to notify believers about the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan with a shot from a cannon. Some believe that the Ramadan cannon first appeared in Egypt in the 9th-10th century, they say that the very copy from which the first shot was fired is still located in the Cairo Citadel.

The tradition of informing Muslims about the beginning of the month of Ramadan by firing a cannon

It is believed that cannons were used to notify believers about the beginning of Lent due to the expansion of the borders of Cairo - one call was no longer enough, and the echo of a shot resounded far around, and residents not only of the city, but also of the surrounding area learned that the next day begins Fast. This tradition gradually spread to other Muslim countries.

In some countries, believers began to be notified by a cannon shot and about the end of fasting every day at sunset.

Today this tradition is preserved in Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey. Tunisia and many other Muslim countries.

Another Muslim tradition of waking the fasting people for Sahoor by drumming has Ottoman roots. In the days of the Ottoman state, drummers (dayaulji) specially hired by the ruler woke up the inhabitants before dawn.

Night bypass "al-musakherati" (tradition to wake fasting people for sakhur)

Drummers walked through all the streets, beating a special drum (davul) and singing quatrains in which they praised Ramadan. The beat of the drums awakened the believers from their sleep so that they could get up and eat before they had to struggle all day. According to custom, the hostess (usually the mother of the family) or the cook who cooks in the house was the first to rise by the beat of the drum to prepare food for the whole family, and then they woke up all the rest of the household to receive food. After the end of the Lent, the inhabitants rewarded the davulji with money for the fact that they regularly woke them up for the whole month.

The presence of alarm clocks and mobile phones in modern homes does not leave the need for drummers, however, in Turkey, from where this tradition has spread to many Muslim countries, it is possible to meet davulji in the holy month of Ramadan even today in big cities in each district there is a drummer who, like many centuries ago wakes fasting people and praises Ramadan.

Ramadan message from Sheikh Yunus Patel (may Allah bless him)

To elevate his spiritual "I" a person needs to curb for some time the exorbitant indulgence of the desires of his animal "I". "Perhaps you will be God-fearing"- this is the purpose of fasting, proclaimed by the Holy Quran.

Fasting from dawn to dusk in the blessed month of Ramadan in obedience to the order of Allah Almighty is a training during which one develops taqwa(God-fearing, awareness of the presence of Allah) is a distinctive feature of the believer. Even if he is alone on the hottest day of the year, he will not give in to temptation and will not allow himself a drop of water, because he is convinced that he cannot hide from the gaze of the All-Seeing.

– at home, in our relationships with parents, wife, children;

- At work;

- on trips

And even when we're alone

with full confidence that we will never hide from the Sight and Knowledge of Allah Almighty.

In addition to observing the rules governing the validity of the fast, we also need to make efforts to cleanse our hearts of base qualities.


1. How important is Suhoor in Ramadan?

Suhoor is Sunnah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to have said:

Eat before dawn, because in suhoor there is barakat. (Bukhari, 1789; Muslim, 1835; narrated by Anas, may Allah be pleased with him)

However, fasting is valid even without suhoor.

2. Can I use toothpaste or tooth powder while fasting?

This is makruh. (Jawahir-ul-fiqh. - Karachi: ed. Dar-ul-ulum. - Vol. 1, p. 379)

3. Is the fast broken by injections?

The post is not broken. But if the injection is given directly into the stomach or brain, the fast will be broken. (Ahsan-ul-fatawa. - Ed. Said. - Volume 4, p. 432)

Note. Insulin injected into the stomach does not break the fast because it is not injected directly into the stomach.

4. Does using a drip break the fast?

No. (Fatawa Mahmudiya. - Ed. Farukiya. - Volume 10, p. 149)

5. Is it possible to donate blood for analysis during fasting?

Yes, you can do that, as long as you don't weaken it so much that it becomes difficult to keep the fast. (Ahsan-ul-fatawa. - Volume 4, p. 435)

6. If rain water gets into my mouth and I swallow it, will the fast be broken?

Yes. (Fatawa Hindiya. - Ed. Turas. - Vol. 1, p. 203; Radd-ul-mukhtar. - Ed. Tijaria. - Vol. 2, p. 403)

7. Is fasting broken by vomiting?

The fast is broken only if the person vomited with a full mouth and deliberately swallowed these vomit, or if he deliberately vomited with a full mouth, regardless of whether he swallowed the vomit or not. (Fatava Hindiya. - Ed. Turas. - Volume 1, pp. 203-204)

By "(vomiting) a mouthful" is meant such an amount that a person cannot hold in his mouth without effort.

8. If I ejaculate in my sleep at night or while fasting, will my fast still be valid?

Yes, the post is still valid. (Radd-ul-mukhtar. - Ed. Tijaria. - Volume 2, p. 396)

9. I am prescribed daily eye drops. What will happen to my post?

Instillation of medicine into the eyes (regardless of whether the medicine is liquid or not) does not affect the validity of fasting. (Fatava Hindiya. - Ed. Turas. - Volume 1, p. 203)

10. Can I swim during fasting?

Not recommended. If water is swallowed by mistake, or if water enters the body through the nose and reaches the brain, the fast will be broken and will need to be restored. (Tahtawi. Hashiya ala "Marakil-falyah." - Ed. Ilmiya. - P. 671)

11. Can oil be applied to the head during fasting?

Yes, it's allowed. (Fatava Hindiya. - Ed. Turas. - Volume 1, p. 203)

12. My exams fall on Ramadan, and it's hard for me to concentrate on an empty stomach. Is it possible to postpone the fast and keep it after the end of Ramadan?

This is not allowed. Keep fasting and pray to Allah Almighty to ease it for you. (Fatawa Rakhimiya. - Old ed. Dar-ul-Ishaat. - Volume 2, p. 34)

13. I am an asthmatic. Is fasting broken when using an inhaler?

It is advisable that you use an inhaler during suhoor and iftar.

But in case of an acute attack, you can use an inhaler. This will break the fast and it will need to be restored. (Tahtawi. Hashiya ala "Marakil-falyah." - Ed. Ilmiya. - P. 677)

14. Is fasting broken by nosebleeds?

No, the fast is not broken just because of a nosebleed. But if the blood passes through the throat, the fast is broken if the person tastes blood in the throat, or if the swallowed blood is more or the same as the saliva swallowed with it. If there is less blood than saliva, the fast remains valid. (Fatava Hindiya. - Ed. Turas. - Volume 1, p. 203)

15. Is it possible to bathe after suhoor in order to be cleansed of janabat?

It is not recommended to delay fard ghusl for no reason. But if a person is in such a situation that he wants to take suhoor before performing ghusl, this is allowed. (Fath-ul-mulhim. - Ed. Dar-ul-kalam. - Volume 5, page 226)

16. Does smoking break the fast?

Yes, it breaks the fast. (Tahtawi. Hashiya ala "Marakil-falyah." - Ed. Ilmiya. - P. 677)

17. Is it allowed to use rectal suppositories during fasting?

The introduction of medicines, etc. into the anal passage breaks the fast. (Fatava Hindiya. - Ed. Turas. - Volume 1, p. 204)

18. If during a fast a person sprays deodorant on himself and accidentally inhales it, will the fast be broken? Do you need to restore the post?

Fasting is not broken by applying perfume and inhaling its aroma. Therefore, it is allowed to apply perfume (itr) during fasting. But deliberate inhalation of something that has a tangible form, such as smoke (smoke of incense, vapors of itra, agarbatti, oud, etc.), breaks the fast. (Tahtawi. Hashiya ala "Marakil-falyah." - Ed. Ilmiya. - P. 660)

19. Does masturbation break the fast?

It is not allowed to masturbate, whether one is fasting or not. If a person nevertheless commits this heinous act while fasting, the fast will be broken and will need to be restored. (Radd-ul-mukhtar. - Ed. Tijaria. - Volume 2, p. 399)

Note. For committing this vile act, it is necessary to commit a large amount of sincere repentance.

20. Are spouses allowed to kiss while fasting?

This is permitted subject to the following conditions:

a) neither spouse swallows someone else's saliva.

b) they control their passion and this will not lead to sexual intercourse or ejaculation. (Radd-ul-mukhtar. - Ed. Tijaria. - Volume 2, p. 410)

However, this action during fasting is not recommended.

If the saliva of the partner is swallowed, it will be necessary not only to restore the fast, but also to perform kaffara (i.e. fast 60 days in a row).


1. Does a woman need to restore fasting days missed due to menstruation?

Yes, Mrs. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported the words of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that a menstruating woman will restore the missed days of fasting, but she should not restore the prayer missed during menstruation. (Iglya-us-sunan. - Ed. Idarat-ul-Koran. - Volume 1, p. 372)

2. Can I visit a gynecologist during Ramadan? Is it possible to do a smear from the cervix?

The introduction of medicine into the genitals breaks the fast. Therefore, it is recommended to make an appointment after Ramadan. (Fatava Hindiya. - Ed. Turas. - Volume 1, p. 204)

3. Can a fasting woman breastfeed her baby?

A fasting woman is allowed to breastfeed her child. Breastfeeding does not break the fast. (Jawahir-ul-fiqh. - Karachi: ed. Dar-ul-ulum. - Vol. 1, p. 380)

4. Is it possible to take medicines, for example, in the form of (contraceptive) pills, during the entire Ramadan, in order to avoid the onset of menstruation, i.e. to keep all the days of fasting, since it is very difficult to restore missed days of fasting?

Although this is allowed, it is not the best solution. This can lead to side effects in the form of irregular menstruation, etc., which will lead to difficulties and problems in the future in performing prayers, Umrah (Hajj), etc., not to mention other long-term health problems.

5. I would like to clarify the issue of women skipping fasts due to pregnancy or breastfeeding. Do they need to make up for the missed days of fasting after Ramadan, or is it enough just to pay fidyah?

Breastfeeding and pregnant women may delay the fast of Ramadan if fasting would harm their health or the health of their child. After Ramadan, they will need to make up the missed fasts if they are able to do so. The payment of fidyah will not be sufficient for someone who is physically able to keep the qaz for the missed days of fasting.

Note. Lactating and pregnant women should consult a decent and experienced Muslim doctor about whether fasting will be harmful for them or not.

6. If menstruation began during the Ramadan fast, can she (secretly) eat if she is alone? Can she eat if her period ends during the daytime? If in both of these cases she kept the fast until the end, will her fast be valid (after all, she fasted for some part of the day, being in a clean state)?

If her period started while she was fasting, she is allowed to eat in secret (not in front of people). But, if her period is over in the daytime, she should refrain from eating, drinking, etc., both in public and in solitude, and act like a fasting person.

In both cases, her fast will be invalid, as menstruating women cannot fast. She will need to restore these days of fasting after Ramadan. (Ahsan-ul-fatawa. - Ed. Said. - Volume 4, p. 438)

7. Can fasting women inject drugs into the genitals?

The introduction of medicines of any kind into the internal part of the female genital organs breaks fasting. (Fatava Hindiya. - Ed. Turas. - Volume 1, p. 204)

And Allah knows best.

Candles Posterisan are used for local treatment of diseases of the anorectal region. Local treatment can reduce the negative manifestations of the disease without affecting the general condition of the person. However, even local treatment with various means can be complicated by negative phenomena. Posterizan has a minimal spectrum of side effects due to the composition close to the natural environment of the intestine.

Composition and form of release of the drug

This drug is available in the form of an ointment for external use and rectal suppositories.

Posterisan rectal suppositories relieve the symptoms accompanying diseases of the anal area such as: pain, buttocks, discomfort, effectively combat the inflammatory process

Suppositories are torpedo-shaped with a smooth white or yellowish-white surface. The suppository contains inactivated microbial cells of the intestinal flora and hydrocortisone (5 ml) and excipients (phenol, fat, alpha-tocopherol, acetylcesteine). Suppositories are produced in paper packages containing 2 blisters of 5 suppositories and instructions.

The active ingredients of the ointment are identical to the suppository.

The action of candles

Thanks to the neutralized bacteria contained in the preparation and glucocorticosteroid (hydrocortisone), suppositories have the following properties:

  • restoration of tissues damaged by inflammatory processes in the rectal region;
  • stimulates the local immunity of the body. The drug is a trigger that triggers the self-healing of the body;
  • the sensitivity of tissues to pathogenic microflora decreases, which prevents further infection of damaged tissues (with hemorrhoids, anal fissures);
  • posterisan hemorrhoid suppositories have the ability to strengthen the tone of the vascular wall, which is necessary to reduce existing bleeding and prevent its further occurrence.
  • Hydrocortisone provides a quick anti-inflammatory effect, instantly reduces itching and burning, helps reduce swelling, which is necessary to reduce the hemorrhoid.

Important. Candles have no contraindications for use, however, before using, you should consult with a proctologist. In some forms of the disease, such treatment may be ineffective due to certain characteristics of the process.

Suppositories or ointment can be prescribed as the main remedy for early detection of the pathology of the anus or as an adjuvant against the background of more serious therapy for advanced and complicated forms of the disease.

Posterisan ointment - used for local treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures

Indications for use

Posterizan suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids. The unique properties of the drug make it possible to achieve a complete recovery of the patient with timely treatment and compliance with the additional recommendations of the proctologist (for care, nutrition, physical activity) for the duration of therapy.

In addition to hemorrhoids, the remedy is used to treat other pathologies of the rectal region:

  • and rectum;
  • anopapillitis;
  • itching of anal or genital localization;
  • dermatitis and eczema localized in the anal region.

The appointment of suppositories (or ointments) should be carried out only by a specialist, taking into account contraindications for use.


The use of the drug may have direct and indirect contraindications.

Restrictions in treatment

The drug is prescribed with caution in the following pathological processes:

  • syphilis;
  • defeat by pathological mycospores of the anal area (fungal diseases);
  • tuberculous lesions of the intestine or skin;
  • neoplasms of a malignant or benign nature in the anal area or rectum;
  • acute form of gonorrhea.

After the elimination of these diseases, it will be possible to prescribe posterizan.

Absolute contraindications

Intolerance to one of the components of the drug in history is a contraindication to the use of the drug. If an allergic reaction occurs during treatment, it also requires a complete rejection of treatment with this drug.


The success of the treatment of hemorrhoids depends on a full assessment of the situation and cannot be carried out independently. Only a specialist can assess the degree and stage of the lesion, comorbidities that affect the development of hemorrhoids and the presence of complications.

Hemorrhoids can be internal or external, depending on the localization of the node, symptoms and possible complications change, which should be taken into account when choosing treatment tactics

Self-medication may be ineffective or cause additional harm to health.

When prescribing suppositories for hemorrhoids posterizan, the doctor will prescribe a scheme and determine the course of treatment, the patient is required to use the drug correctly:

  1. put the suppository only after emptying the intestines. In the absence of the possibility of spontaneous defecation, you should resort to using a cleansing enema or taking laxatives.

    Advice. With spontaneous defecation within an hour after setting the candle, the action must be repeated again.

  2. wash the anorectal area with warm water using baby soap, which will reduce pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora;
  3. dry with a wet motion with a soft towel (rubbing and using a coarse cloth is not allowed due to the risk of additional trauma to damaged tissues);
  4. to facilitate the procedure, take a position lying on your side with the upper leg bent at the knee (a physiologically more favorable position for the introduction of a rectal suppository);
  5. remove one candle from the package and insert it with your finger;
  6. stay in a supine position for 5 to 10 minutes;
  7. if necessary, use suppositories together with ointment, lubricate the rectal area 5-10 minutes after the introduction of the suppository;
  8. wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Important. Treatment with a posterisan candle is prescribed for a week, depending on the dynamics of the disease, the course may be reduced or increased. You can not stop therapy immediately after relief, it is necessary to use the drug for several more days to consolidate the effect. If necessary, several courses are used with a short interval.

Treatment during pregnancy and lactation

Hemorrhoids often occur during pregnancy, many drugs during this period are prohibited for use. However, posterisan suppositories have no effect on the development of the fetus. The appointment of the drug should be carried out by a doctor, the ability to use at any stage of pregnancy allows you to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women, regardless of the period of fetal formation.

Treatment with this drug during lactation is local in nature and does not affect the composition and quality of breast milk. It is not required to change the feeding regimen for the period of treatment.

Treatment with Posterisan does not affect during pregnancy and lactation in the absence of personal intolerance to the components of the drug

Side effects

Treatment with candles for hemorrhoids can cause negative symptoms of a local nature, namely:

  • allergic reaction (most often to phenol);
  • local reactions with high sensitivity (passes on its own after a few hours from admission).

Symptoms of an overdose of the drug have not been identified, however, it is not recommended to abuse suppositories. If a negative phenomenon occurs, including irritation, you should stop using the drug and contact a proctologist to replace the treatment.


Posterizan is unique in its kind and has no structural analogues. However, there are many drugs similar in therapeutic effect:

  • Laticort;
  • Relief;
  • Antihemorrhoids;
  • Sea buckthorn candles and many others.

The article is for informational purposes only and cannot be used as an algorithm of action for hemorrhoids. Treatment of this disease should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a proctologist.

The process of treating inflammation of the prostate gland is quite lengthy and requires an integrated approach based on the results of clinical and laboratory studies. The first place in terms of the effectiveness of the impact on the problem is occupied by suppositories from prostatitis.

The main active ingredient in suppositories is most often beekeeping products, vegetable oils, and preparations of animal origin.

Indications for use

The treatment regimen is prescribed by a urologist. It is strictly forbidden to use candles on your own. The choice of drug is based on what result should be achieved. The action of a suppository is similar to a microclyster, where various medicinal substances are used as a liquid.

To ensure maximum effectiveness of the effect of the drug, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use. The suppository is inserted deeply so that it is located opposite the prostate. After, lie down for half an hour to enhance the result.

According to their composition, rectal suppositories are divided into:

  • Anti-inflammatory - they include an antibiotic. The main feature is that the active substance accumulates in the body and fights the disease continuously. This group is most widely represented in a number of drugs for prostatitis.
  • Painkillers - they are used to alleviate the patient's condition: relieve fever, inflammation and pain. They do not eliminate the cause of the disease.
  • Antibacterial - their main task is to eliminate the pathogenic pathogen. They allow you to treat acute and chronic forms of prostatitis. But in both cases, long-term use is required.

Contraindications for use

Candles are not recommended for patients with heart disease, chronic lesions of internal organs, and hematopoietic disorders. Contraindications can be mental disorders, diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys.

These restrictions are directly related to the action of active substances. Particular attention should be paid to individual intolerance to the individual components of the suppository.

Side effects

When using drugs by patients at risk, some side effects may be observed: itching, burning, swelling. In severe cases, they can cause headaches, arrhythmias, nausea, and diarrhea. In this case, it is necessary to stop taking the drug, and in case of a strong deterioration in the state of health, seek medical help.

In modern medicine, the use of rectal suppositories in the treatment of prostatitis remains one of the most effective means. The drug acts directly on the site of the lesion and does not affect the liver. More information about the disease and methods of its treatment can be obtained on the Internet, on the website

Keywords: suppositories for prostatitis, Contraindications for use, Side effects, Prostatitis treatment regimen, how to treat prostatitis with candles, prostatitis suppositories, rectal suppositories