Meals for every day. Delicious Lenten Meals

Lent is a time of trials and spiritual cleansing. We refuse food containing animal fats and ... we face a large selection of plant foods. But how to choose from them those that will help us make the diet quite diverse and replace the usual animal products. Let's try to make a more or less familiar menu from plant products. So, we start from what we often eat in a normal, fast life.

Since most fasting people do not follow all the rules of fasting to the subtleties, namely, they do not limit themselves to hot food and vegetable oil, although the rules of Great Lent recommend doing this, which you can read more about. We will focus on the majority and not think about which day you can use vegetable oil and which not.


Perhaps the most difficult meal in the post - morning. There is little time, it is impossible to cook for a long time, you want something very light, but at the same time nutritious and high in protein and vitamins. In addition, I want to eat hearty enough, because it is not known what awaits you during the day and whether you will be able to find lean food. Before Lent, egg dishes and various curds did an excellent job with all these tasks. Now they are not available...

Beverages. The usual tea-coffee of plant origin, although the milk that we add to them is a prohibited product. But now there are many options for a vegetable substitute: almond, coconut, oat, soy ... However, fasting is the best time to bring variety to your life and try drinking herbal infusions, berry drinks and so on instead of tea and coffee.

Lunch at the office

Here you need something compact, convenient, that you can eat without getting dirty. And besides, it doesn't smell too bad.

Sandwich. We have already dealt with bread. Lavash of all kinds, pita, all kinds of cakes, and finally, rice paper, in which you can also wrap something, are also suitable. It is convenient to make sandwiches with a variety of vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, celery, stewed beets, cabbage, fried eggplant-zucchini. You can pack mashed potatoes or beans into pita, make patties from chickpeas or some vegetables.

Various recipes for meatless sandwiches you will find

Lenten cutlets. There are plenty of options here. The only problem is that these options form into one cutlet. Chickpea flour, mashed potatoes, semolina will help to glue finely grated vegetables into a homogeneous mass.

4 potatoes

2 small carrots

2-3 tbsp. l. canned corn

2-3 tbsp. l. canned peas

1 st. l. lemon juice

½ onion

salt, black pepper, chili pepper, turmeric

2-3 tbsp. l. flour


vegetable oil for frying

Step 1. Boil potatoes and carrots.

Step 2. Boil carrots until half cooked, then peel, cut into small cubes.

Step 3 Finely chop the onion and fry it.

Step 4. Mix peas, corn and carrots.

Step 5. Peel potatoes, crush them, add onions and other vegetables. Put flour.

Step 6. Mix everything and make cutlets.

Step 7. Roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil.

You will find more recipes for lean meatballs

Salad with cereals. Raw vegetables and leftover porridge you cooked for breakfast are great options for lunch. In addition, such a salad turns out to be very satisfying and healthy. In principle, you can use absolutely any vegetables and cereals, endlessly experimenting with flavors.

100 g boiled buckwheat

1 handful of cherry tomatoes

½ lettuce

½ bell pepper

Olive oil

Lemon juice

Salt and pepper

1/3 tsp sesame

Step 1. Cut all vegetables into large cubes.

Step 2. Finely chop the greens. Onion cut into thin half rings.

Step 3. Mix buckwheat and vegetables, sprinkle with herbs, add onions.

Step 4. Beat olive oil with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Dress salad with dressing.

Step 5. Sprinkle the salad with sesame seeds and put in a container or jar.

Sauce. Sandwiches with vegetables and vegetable salads should preferably be seasoned with sauce. You can just use vegetable oil, or you can use lean mayonnaise bought in a store. But it is best to cook lean mayonnaise yourself. That is, of course, it will not be mayonnaise, but the sauce is very similar to it. For example, from mashed canned beans. This can be both vinaigrette and Olivier seasoning.

bean mayonnaise

1 can of white beans

300 ml vegetable oil

Sugar and salt

1 tsp mustard powder

2 tbsp lemon juice

Step 1. Pour water from a jar of beans into a separate bowl.

Step 2. Punch the beans in a blender, salt and pepper it. Add sugar.

Step 3. Add mustard without ceasing to beat.

Step 4. Without stopping whisking, pour vegetable oil in a thin stream.

Step 5. Squeeze juice into mayonnaise, beat again and put away for storage (it can stand up to 10 days in the refrigerator).


Lean stew Photo:

Vegetable pancakes. If you grate a couple of potatoes, zucchini, cabbage and carrots. Add a little semolina or some flour to all this - you get excellent pancakes. Instead of potatoes, you can use millet or rice porridge, rubbed through a sieve. You can experiment with vegetables.

Fry these pancakes in a pan, and then bring to readiness in the oven. You can also steam them to avoid using a lot of fried oil.

By the way, if you want sweet pancakes for dinner, use a banana as a base.

1 cup round rice, cooked

400 g pumpkin pulp

3 tbsp Sahara

2 tbsp chickpea flour

½ cup almond milk

1-2 tsp vegetable oil

Step 1. Grate the pumpkin on the smallest grater.

Step 2. Cook the rice, and then puree it with a blender.

Step 3. Mix pumpkin with rice, add flour and a little milk with soda. Salt and add sugar.

Step 4. Heat the pan, sprinkle with oil, put culinary rings on it, put the pancake dough in them and fry on both sides for 1 minute.

Step 5. Bring to readiness in the oven.

We replace meat. Perhaps one of the most difficult problems for meat lovers is to be left without it in fasting. It is quite difficult to replace it in taste and structure, let's be honest. We will not accept as full-fledged substitutes - soy sausage and roast. But if the taste of meat cannot be replaced, then in terms of content - in principle, it is possible. A large amount of protein and vitamins is found in legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas, mung beans), in some cereals (buckwheat, quinoa), they give good saturation and are perceived as a main dish - eggplant, mushrooms.

To increase the calorie content of dishes, add some nuts to them, although they are fatty, they contain a lot of protein and vitamins.

Finally, look for plant-based sources of calcium, iron, and vitamins. Very good as an additive to salads and vegetables - sesame seeds. It has an abyss of calcium.

Seafood. Fish is allowed only twice during Great Lent, on April 7 on the Annunciation and on Palm Sunday, April 24. But on other days you can eat seafood. Most often, they are recommended to eat only on weekends, but formally they are not prohibited at all and they can be consumed on any days, except for those on which you need to eat only raw food.

Spend the Post with us! The "cook" knows a lot of fasting dishes with photos and is ready to share them with those who are fasting. In our Lenten Recipes section on Povarenka, you will find a complete menu for each Lenten day from options for various dishes.

For example, for a good start to the day, here you will find breakfast recipes for fasting people, for every taste, simple, easily digested by the body, not weighing it down and energizing for the whole working day.

On the first for dinner, we offer to cook either fresh cabbage soup, or a fragrant mushroom soup ... Or maybe you would like to taste a hearty pickle with pearl barley? The first Lenten dishes and their recipes are at your service!

Do not forget to serve lungs for the lenten menu at lunch. And as a snack after breakfast or for an afternoon snack, you can make a dessert salad of fruits and berries, smoothies with ice from fresh fruits whipped in a blender.

We will share with our readers recipes for homemade lean pastries (large pies, miniature pies, bread, pancakes ...).

It is during the post that it is advisable to get a bread machine from the far corner, if you have long forgotten about it, and cook fragrant homemade bread in it, the cooking methods of which we provide you with. Here you will also find dough recipes for various pastries, in which the ingredients will be only vegetable. At the same time, the dough will delight you with its splendor and excellent taste.

In fact, for the preparation of many Lenten dishes, step-by-step photographs are not needed, because they (dishes) are simple, affordable, very easy both in terms of the set of products and the principle of their preparation. That's why they are lean, because they contain not only the simplest herbal ingredients, but also preparing such food is easy, fast and simple.
Together with us, the Lenten cuisine of your Lent promises to be varied, vitamin-rich, tasty, “colorful”, digestible, pleasing to the eye and cleansing for the whole organism.

By eating lean foods, a person will not feel weakened, since such food fully satisfies the needs of the body. A person adhering to the restrictions during fasting feels cheerful and light. A person adhering to the restrictions during fasting feels cheerful and light, and not weakened and exhausted, as some believe. Many people follow this diet all their lives and feel very good about it. In order for lean food to be tasty and look beautiful on the table, we created this section on the site.

It is important to know the history of Lent and the meaning of Lenten cuisine in Russia.

  • Great Lent begins 49 days before Easter.
  • His goal is to prepare for the Easter holiday within 7 weeks.
  • The first 40 days are considered a type of Jesus fasting in the wilderness for 40 days after being baptized.
  • Subsequent: Day 1 is Lazarus Saturday, the second day is Palm Sunday and Holy Week - the final 6 days.
  • The last week is the most important, as it helps to refresh the memory of the last week of our Lord's life. These are the resurrection of Lazarus, the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey, and the Last Supper and Jesus' sermons.
Properly balanced nutrition helps a person to restrain aggression. By correctly following all the rules of fasting, it is easier to fulfill the spiritual prescriptions associated with fasting. All this will be well reflected in all areas of human life. Priest Alexander Ilyashchenko spoke well on this occasion: “No matter how important fasting is, it must be observed in such a way that it does not harm physical health, since a physically weakened person tends to show bad traits and aggression, and this, in turn, can ruin him relationships with people."

If you are fasting, you probably often get the idea that you would like to find new Lenten dishes. No wonder you came to this section and were not mistaken - we offer a large selection of dishes that can be cooked during Lent.
The section "Dishes in the post" is open just so that you can find interesting recipes and cook them at home. Almost all recipes have step by step photos to make the cooking process as easy as possible for you.
Dishes during fasting do not contain meat. However, many replace it with mushrooms or legumes as these foods are highly nutritious. In the section there are different recipes from these and not only products.
On some days, it is allowed to eat fish, so you can also cook fish dishes during fasting if you like some of our recipes.
Recipes for meals during fasting can please your family. Fasting doesn't mean bad food. Cooking delicious fasting meals is really easy.
Use recipes for Lenten meals in Great Lent, Christmas Lent, Assumption Lent or Petrovsky - see for yourself. Almost all recipes will easily fit any post, depending on the days. Dishes in Lent are more strict, but you will also find such recipes here.
Lenten dishes from vegetables (zucchini, pumpkins, cabbage, potatoes, eggplants, cauliflower, beans, etc.), mushrooms, fruits (apples, pears, berries, etc.), seafood (squid) are presented here , mussels, shrimp, etc.), from cereals (rice, pasta, buckwheat, lentils, etc.), from fish. There are lenten dishes for every day and for a holiday. You will find lean cuisine without butter, eggs and dairy products.
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Peasant bean soup, tasty and satisfying, for Christmas Lent

Ingredients: potatoes, carrots, onions, canned beans, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn, water, salt, pepper

Delicious and hearty bean soup according to this recipe is suitable for a lenten menu: it does not contain meat, but there are a lot of vegetables. Such a first dish will surely please all your family members.

- 2 potatoes;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 150 g canned beans;
- 100 g of broccoli;
- 100 g of cauliflower;
- 70 g sweet corn;
- 1.5 liters of water;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste.


Kutya from bulgur for Christmas is very tasty

Ingredients: bulgur, water, raisins, nuts, poppy seeds, chia, sugar

Delicious, beautiful kutya for Christmas is obtained not only from wheat, but also from bulgur. Add nuts, dried fruits, poppy seeds to it, as in our recipe, and it will come out just wonderful and very festive.

- 1 glass of bulgur;
- 2 glasses of water;
- 100 g of raisins;
- 60 g of walnuts;
- 2 tablespoons poppy;
- 2 tablespoons chia;
- sugar or honey.


Baked Idaho potatoes in the oven

Ingredients: potatoes, oil, spice, garlic, salt, pepper

The Idaho Potato recipe will come in handy if you want to surprise your guests with a new option for making a delicious side dish. our master class will tell you in detail what to do.

- 300 g of potatoes;
- 4 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- spices for potatoes;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste.


Lean crispy potato hash browns like McDonald's

Ingredients: potatoes, salt, pepper, dry garlic, spice, semolina, flour, vegetable oil

Lenten recipes can be very effective and tasty. For example, you can make hash brown from potatoes. This dish will please everyone without exception.

- 2 potatoes;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- dry garlic;
- spices to taste;
- 1 tbsp decoys;
- 1 tbsp flour;
- 0.5 cups of vegetable oil.


"Monastic" salad - the perfect addition to the menu for the Christmas Lent

Ingredients: cabbage, cucumber, bell pepper, dill, oil, vinegar, salt, pepper

To prepare this salad, you will need very simple ingredients, and you get a delicious dish that is suitable for every day, and for meeting guests who are fasting.

- 200 g of cabbage;
- 1 fresh cucumber;
- 1 sweet pepper;
- 1 bunch of dill;
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- 1 tsp wine vinegar;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste.


Braised cabbage with mushrooms in a pan

Ingredients: cabbage, carrot, oyster mushroom, bell pepper, tomato juice, salt, pepper, garlic

Braised cabbage is always very tasty. And if you cook it with mushrooms, bell peppers and tomato juice, it will turn out even tastier! Our recipe will tell you what and how to do.

- 250-300 g of cabbage;
- 1 carrot;
- 150 g oyster mushrooms;
- 1 sweet pepper;
- 1 glass of tomato juice;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- 1 clove of garlic.


Delicious, incomparable lean borscht with canned beans

Ingredients: canned beans, potatoes, water, carrots, onions, beets, bell peppers, tomato sauce

Lenten dishes can be hearty and very tasty, the recipe for lean borscht with canned beans will prove this to you. It's easy to prepare, so you're sure to get it right.
- 150 g canned beans;
- 2-3 potatoes;
- 2 liters of water;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 1 beet;
- 1 bell pepper;
- 200 ml of tomato sauce;
- salt to taste;
- sugar to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- 150 ml of cabbage;
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.


Bulgur with vegetables in a slow cooker

Ingredients: cauliflower, onion, sweet pepper, bulgur, water, sunflower oil, salt, black pepper, dried dill, garlic

An excellent side dish for any meat dish is bulgur with vegetables. It can be cooked on the stove, but it is easier to do it in a slow cooker. In addition, this option will be even tastier.

- 100 g of cauliflower;
- 1 onion;
- 1 sweet pepper;
- 2 multi-glasses of bulgur;
- 4 multi-glasses of water;
- 30-50 ml of sunflower oil;
- 0.5 tsp salt;
- ground black pepper, dried dill, garlic and other spices - to taste.


Baked potatoes in their skins in the oven in foil

Ingredients: potatoes, vegetable oil, rosemary, salt, pepper, Provence herb

There are many ways to bake potatoes in the oven, but the easiest way to do this is in their uniforms in foil. At the same time, your potatoes will come out just fine, do not even hesitate!

- 5 potatoes;
- 25 ml of vegetable oil;
- 1 sprig of rosemary;
- salt;
- pepper;
- Provencal herbs.


Lean "Napoleon"

Ingredients: pita bread, coconut milk, water, semolina, sugar, extract, coconut shavings, berry

Cake "Napoleon" - a favorite dessert of many. It has many cooking options, one of them is lean. Our recipe will be dedicated to him.

- 1 large lavash;
- 250 ml of coconut milk;
- 60 ml of water;
- 4 tablespoons decoys;
- 4 tablespoons Sahara;
- vanilla extract;
- shavings of coconut;
- fresh berries for decoration.


Delicious stewed cabbage with beans

Ingredients: beans, cabbage, onion, vegetable oil, tomato paste, salt, pepper

Beans, cabbage, onions, tomato paste and spices are all you need for this recipe. The end result is a delicious and nutritious meal.
- 100 g of beans;
- 300 g of cabbage;
- 100 g of onions;
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- 1.5 tablespoons tomato paste;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste.


Pasta with zucchini and tomatoes

Ingredients: zucchini, tomato, pasta, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, herbs

An excellent lean dish that can be prepared without any problems in the summer is pasta with vegetables. Zucchini and tomatoes are a wonderful addition to pasta, so it comes out tasty and nutritious.
- 200 g of zucchini;
- 200 g of tomatoes;
- 350 g pasta;
- 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- greens for serving.


Cutlets from zucchini and rice in a pan without eggs

Ingredients: zucchini, rice, flour, greens, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, spice, vegetable oil

Appetizing, tasty and satisfying - that's what you can say about these lean meatballs made from rice, greens and zucchini. You can cook not only in the post - they will always be a success.
-1 zucchini;
- 1 glass of rice;
- 1 glass of flour;
- dill greens;
- green onion;
- bulb onions;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- salt;
- pepper;
- spices;
- vegetable oil.


Delicious spelt with vegetables in a slow cooker

Ingredients: spelled, carrot, onion, water, salt, vegetable oil, pepper mixture

Spelled with vegetables cooked in a slow cooker is very tasty and satisfying. If you watch your diet, then you will certainly enjoy this healthy dish.

- 1 tbsp. spelled;
- 100 g of carrots;
- 120 g of onion;
- 2 tbsp. water;
- 0.5 tsp salt;
- 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- a mixture of ground peppers to taste.


How to cook spelled pasta deliciously

Ingredients: pasta, onions, tomatoes, chickpeas, tomato puree, garlic, parsley, olive oil, salt, paprika, pepper

Spelled pasta can be cooked so delicious that your family will eat it all and ask for more! How to do this, you will learn from our recipe.

- 200 g spelled pasta;
- 60 g of onions;
- 150 g of tomatoes;
- 200 g of canned onions;
- 50 g of tomato puree;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 30 g of parsley;
- 20 ml of olive oil;
- salt;
- ground paprika;
- black pepper.


Korean-style asparagus salad with carrots

Ingredients: cucumber, Chinese cabbage, Korean carrot, soy sauce, flax seed, soy asparagus

Soy asparagus in the company of fresh cucumber and Korean carrots seasoned with soy sauce is a great salad for all occasions. It turns out tasty, appetizing, and healthy!

- 1 fresh cucumber;
- 3-4 leaves of Beijing cabbage;
- 120 g of carrots in Korean;
- 3 tablespoons soy sauce;
- 1\5 tsp flax seeds;
- 100 g of soy asparagus.