To be defeated or defeated. Reasons to fail

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Many of us have learned from childhood that making mistakes is unacceptable. If they failed, it was because they weren't good enough and didn't try hard enough. As a result, we became afraid and even ashamed of our mistakes: we hid, hid and embellished them.

This leads to the fact that a person refuses to engage in activities in which there is a high risk of failure. Better not to try. But the most wonderful opportunities open up thanks to her. Either you work from nine in the morning until six in the evening, or you muster up the courage and try something new.

Defeats, mistakes, failures and failures are essential. They are needed for various reasons, which we will discuss below. Train yourself to fail, not to be seen as a loser, but to become even stronger and better.

The more you fall, the less afraid you will be of falling again.

If you are not afraid to fall, then the world is at your feet. All the great men of the past and present are aware of this law.

You have to fall, suffer serious defeats and make mistakes. This is the only way to understand that this is only part of the process and inevitability. At the first defeat, it can be scary and insulting. But the more of them, the more confident you will become.

You can make it your game and deliberately put yourself in situations where you will tolerate rejection. For example, come to an interview that you obviously won’t pass. And so several times in a row.

After some time, the unknown and mistakes will no longer frighten. This is how our brain and our psyche works. The main thing is to remove the negative emotional component.

When, after another rejection, you realize that you are not worried and ask yourself “How can I get this?”, It means that you are ready.

Failure helps you get better

The only way to get better, to achieve your dreams, is to make mistakes and learn from them.

See what defeats Elon Musk suffers over and over again. Yes, he is already at the pinnacle of success and can afford it, but at the very beginning of his journey he had many wrong decisions and defeats. All this made him stronger. That's how it works: there is no other way to succeed (if you don't already have a billion dollars).

This is the reason why there are so few outstanding people in the world. Weak people quit after the first mistake, do not know how to draw conclusions and use them for good.

Failure is part of the process of achieving success, and perhaps the most important part. If everything is going well for you and there are no obstacles on the way to a big goal, then something is wrong. Always try to understand what it is. Suppose you decide to create and turned to investors. They refused, and so mockingly that it caused resentment. Instead of getting negative emotions, come to your senses and start thinking about the areas in which you made mistakes:

  • was terrible: a lot of text and little graphic information;
  • I need to learn presentation skills;
  • You need to watch your body language, I was too nervous;
  • The product is not perfect. It needs to be improved;
  • Everything was banal and boring.

Remember that investors are investing their money and they are not their own enemies. They will invest in your business if they clearly understand all the nuances and see the benefits.

So instead of complaining about how unfair the world is, you should always ask the question, “What went wrong?” and look for answers.

Failure shows what we really want and how desperately we need it.

You probably have several serious goals:

  • To write a book;
  • Start a blog;
  • Lose weight;
  • Improve your abilities;
  • Any other.

Take the goal of “losing weight.” If you fail over and over again to achieve it, then deep down you don’t need it. We don't say it's okay. However, it is worth acknowledging and not deceiving yourself. You need to want to lose weight so badly that any other result will be unacceptable for you. It is necessary to change your thoughts, behavior, action, character, way of thinking.

Every defeat says something. Perhaps you need to change the goal, reformat it. Or maybe find a completely different goal.

Defeats make you stronger

A banality that will always be relevant. The ability to overcome circumstances testifies to courage and strength.

The greatest men have failed thousands of times in their lives. The most mediocre - dozens. The former asked the right questions and persisted, while the latter complained about their fate and told themselves how smart and capable they were (or vice versa).

Whether you like it or not, the personality of any person can be decomposed into components. It's like in a computer game: the quality of memory, the level of logic and critical thinking, the ability to think, quickly absorb information, and so on. It is these components that form the personality. For them, we love great people, because we see what they are better than others. Get stronger after every mistake and stop being afraid of rejection.

We wish you good luck!

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  • - suffer "et, -erpl" yu, - "...

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  • - Book. Fail. /i> Semi-calca from French. fair fiasco. BMS 1998, 593...

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  • - ...

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  • - suffer, suffer, become a victim, endure, victim, suffering side, oppressed innocence, victim, ...

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  • - ...

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  • - incur losses, be at peak interest, lose, suffer, miscalculate, stay at peak interest, incur damage, remain at a disadvantage, hit your pocket, be a loser, ...

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  • - See spend.....

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In the sports career of any tennis player, hurtful losses are inevitable sooner or later. And often they unsettle even experienced professionals. For example, Roger Federer in 2008 lost the final in the decisive set with a score of 9:7 of one of his favorite tournaments - Wimbledon - to his main counterpart - Rafael Nadal (about their confrontation). After that, being the favorite in the following tournaments, he lost to Gilles Simon, Ivo Karlovic and James Blake. In none of these matches did Roger even play at 70% of his capacity.

What is the way out? What can you do when you have suffered a painful defeat and cannot find yourself?

Remember, any defeat cannot worsen your game - only your suspiciousness, defeatist attitude and false beliefs that you play badly can worsen it.

The reason for your possible subsequent failures lies not in an unfortunate defeat, but in your negative reaction to it, which affects self-awareness and destroys self-confidence and self-confidence. Defeat can disrupt the mental state, but not the acquired skills. After all, your physical and technical abilities have not changed.

You must understand once and for all that defeat, no matter how hurtful it may be, is just part of the process of improvement. Recovery from a depressing defeat does not have to be tedious and long. It needs everything, everything, thoroughly analyzed and no longer remembered. The reason for the defeat could be: underestimation of the opponent or his excellent game, which he shows once or twice a season, wrong tactics, bad luck and much, much more. But, of course, one thing - you, as before, can play at your level and show your best tennis.

If you understand that EVERYONE loses important matches at some point, that your abilities don't deteriorate after that, that you are just as good at tennis, that even the most offensive defeat can be your wisest teacher, you will not just recover from failure and continue play tennis as before, but your level will be even higher.

There are plenty of examples where a hard defeat helped players to pull themselves together, rethink a lot and achieve big victories. 21-year-old Pete Sampras, for example, lost the US Open '92 final to Stefan Edberg and later admitted that the loss helped him understand what he needed to work on to become the best player in the world.

Often, defeat helps you "go down to earth", realize that your tennis is not perfect enough and makes you think about improving your technique and style of play.

Try to take advantage of even the most offensive defeats, even if failures are just water to the mill of your success and skill!

    See win... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. to be defeated, to be disgraced, to win Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    fail- [Department of Linguistic Services of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. Glossary of terms] EN Sports topics (general terminology) EN suffer a defeat ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    endure- crash action, object crash action, object shipwreck action, object crash action, object crash action, object fail action, object crash completely… …

    Surrender, pogrom, rout, catastrophe. Prot… Synonym dictionary

    defeat- to defeat an action to defeat an action, an object to suffer a crushing defeat an action, an object to admit defeat an implementation, an agreement to be defeated an action, an object ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    DEFEAT- If in a dream your imagination was struck by some incredible events or fantastic creatures, it means that you will be overcome by doubts about the upcoming choice, while you should be decisive, because only in this case you will not be mistaken and in the end you will find yourself ... ... Dream Interpretation Melnikov

    Ex., s., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? defeat, why? defeat, (see) what? defeat what? defeat, what? about defeat; pl. What? defeat, (no) what? defeat, why? defeats, (see) what? defeat what? defeat, oh ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    Verb, St., Use. comp. often Morphology: I will suffer, you will suffer, he/she/it will suffer, we will suffer, you will suffer, they will suffer, suffer, suffer, suffered, suffered, suffered, suffered, suffered, suffered 1. If you have suffered, then ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    defeat- ▲ failure (to be) in, fight (with whom) victory defeat failure in the fight (inflict #). endure [be] defeated. loss. lose (# war). loser. stay on the losing side. bet. broken card. bit card of whom, whose. cards... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    DEFEAT, I, cf. 1. see hit and smash 1. 2. Failure in war, struggle, defeat. Suffer p. Inflict p. on the enemy. Deprivation of rights (special) deprivation of political and civil rights for a certain period as a measure of judicial punishment. Explanatory ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    defeat- I; cf. 1) to hit 1) to hit Hitting a target with a projectile. 2) Defeat the enemy; failure, loss in competition or in the struggle for smth. Inflict defeat / nie enemy. To be defeated in a fight, in sports, in an argument ... Dictionary of many expressions


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If in a dream your imagination was struck by some incredible events or fantastic creatures, then you will be overcome by doubts about the upcoming choice, while you should be decisive, because only in this case you will not be mistaken and in the end you will win.

If in a dream you were hit in the chest by an enemy arrow - in reality, be more legible in acquaintances and more careful in your statements, because with excessive talkative frankness you will bring trouble on yourself.

To be defeated in a certain battle or duel - such a dream means that with your rash actions you will prevent your friends from doing something that would bring undoubted benefit to you yourself. A dream in which your country allegedly suffered a crushing defeat in the war - in reality, secretly from others, make a trip to another city.

A dream in which you fail playing chess is a harbinger of business troubles due to confusing reporting or dubious transactions. To fail in sports competitions portends a short acquaintance with a wealthy but unprincipled person.

Interpretation of dreams from