Preparation of kvass on an industrial scale. Kvass production: business organization, marketing, possible problems

Kvass(cf. Russian. sour) - a traditional Russian drink with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol of not more than 1.2%, made as a result of incomplete alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation of the wort.

Kvass is easy to prepare both industrially and at home. For the preparation of yeast kvass at home, yeast, crackers (or rather, kvass wort) and sugar are usually used. Berries, mint, hops, apples, pears, raisins and other products are also often added to kvass to give the drink special flavors. A separate group of non-cereal kvass (the raw materials for which are beets, sea buckthorn, etc.) are used mainly in cooking and folk medicine. The medicinal and dietary properties of such kvass were studied and described by B. V. Bolotov.

Kvass is prepared from various types of flour and bread, water and malt and is a product of lactic acid and partly alcoholic fermentation of sugary substances formed from starch contained in the raw materials. Flour is used rye, barley, wheat, buckwheat and oats; they take both rye and wheat bread; malt is mostly rye and barley. Sometimes kvass is made without the addition of malt. The most common is bread kvass.

For the preparation of non-alcoholic kvass, almost any vegetable product is used, poured with water and left for a day (for example, for rare kvass - grated radish).

The essence of the traditional methods of preparing kvass is as follows: a mixture of malt, rye, wheat or any other flour, taken in certain proportions, varied for different varieties of kvass, is poured into a wooden tub and brewed with boiling water; when brewing, they usually take about 1/10 of the total amount of water that has to be used for kvass. The resulting thick pasty mass (mash) is mixed with an oar until a sweet taste appears in it; after that, the mash is transferred to cast iron and the latter are placed in a Russian, pre-heated oven for a day. After this time, the cast iron is removed from the furnace and the mash is transferred to large vats, then diluted with water, left to stand for 2-3 hours and the settled liquid, after adding yeast to it (no more than 1% of all starting materials), is poured into prepared barrels. Fermented rye bread is sometimes used instead of yeast. Barrels of kvass are placed on a glacier or in a basement, generally in a room with a low temperature.

There are a huge number of recipes for making kvass. The difference between them lies both in the quantities and varieties of starting materials, and in the details of the cooking technique itself; for example, both cold and hot water is taken to dilute the mash; the residence time of the mash in the oven and the wort in the vats is different in different ways. Some varieties of bread kvass are flavored with sugar, hops, mint, raisins, molasses, honey, vorain (honey residues obtained as a by-product when making candle wax from honeycombs) and so on before bottling into barrels.

Technology of production (preparation) of bread kvass

Bread kvass production technology consists of:

Preparing white sugar syrup
- wort preparation
- preparation of starter cultures of microorganisms,
- must fermentation,
- kvass blending.

The guaranteed shelf life of bread kvass is 2 days at a temperature not exceeding 12 °C.

With a variety of methods for preparing bread kvass, the essence of the chemical changes occurring in this case in general is as follows. As already mentioned, the mixture of flour and malt with water, the so-called mash, is kept for a long time at a moderately high temperature in the oven, as a result of which the starch contained in flour or bread, under the influence of the unorganized enzyme diastase, which is found in malt, is converted at this time into sugar and dextrin. When the dough is subsequently diluted with water in vats and after the addition of yeast, the resulting sugar and other soluble parts of flour and malt are fermented under the influence of mainly two types of organized enzymes: alcohol fermentation fungus and lactic acid fermentation bacillus, resulting in the formation of alcohol and lactic acid. Since the mash is not boiled, the wort is kept at a low temperature for a long time and the cooling is slow, this provides all the conditions for the acidification of the wort, that is, for the development of lactic acid fermentation; despite the addition of yeast, alcoholic fermentation in the wort occurs only to a weak degree, since the alcoholic fermentation fungus does not withstand the above conditions for the preparation of the wort, under which lactic acid fermentation is predominant and proceeds so vigorously that it prevents the strong development of alcoholic fermentation.
According to a recognized expert in the field of beer and soft drinks based on bread, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ya. Sviridyuk, this is precisely what distinguishes kvass from beer - the starting materials for both drinks are the same, but the method of preparation is different: when making beer, everything is directed in order to prevent the occurrence of sour fermentation, for which the mash is heated to a higher temperature and cooled as quickly as possible, so that alcoholic fermentation in beer is predominant, while in the preparation of kvass, the opposite occurs.

In addition to the substances mentioned, lactic acid and alcohol, other by-products appear during fermentation, such as carbon dioxide, acetic, formic acids, etc., then mannitol, dextrin, acid esters with alcohol, etc. substances that give kvass its peculiar taste. After pouring kvass into barrels and bottles, fermentation in it does not stop. The formation of lactic acid occurs most vigorously during the first 4-5 days, and then acetic acid fermentation occurs; subsequently, the more the percentage of lactic acid in kvass increases, the slower lactic fermentation occurs and acetic acid fermentation comes to the fore. The higher the room temperature of kvass barrels, the faster the development of acetic acid.

When preparing kvass, hygiene standards must be observed: barrels and vats must be thoroughly steamed, boiled water should be taken to dilute the wort - otherwise, along with the formation of lactic acid, butyric fermentation occurs, and such kvass, when consumed, produces and enhances the development of butyric acid in the intestines and can serve cause severe digestive disorders. Storage of kvass should be furnished with the best possible conditions - a clean, well-ventilated room, clean barrels. Rationally prepared and carefully preserved kvass can remain unchanged for 2-3 months. With careless storage in kvass, decomposition processes soon begin; acetic acid fermentation comes to the fore, and kvass acquires an unpleasant sour taste. Sometimes kvass acquires the properties to stretch into threads, which depends on the formation of a special gum substance; often kvass is covered with mold fungi. In such kvass, Dr. Georgievsky found a fatty acid of the highest order, reminiscent of caproic acid in smell.

In this article:

Kvass does not need advertising. Since Soviet times, our people have been accustomed to quench their thirst with this foamy drink with the characteristic aroma of rye bread. And the benefits of a natural product compared to carbonated sweet water with dyes and flavoring imitators are undeniable. And thanks to the adaptation of beer equipment (PET bottles, thermoKEGs) for the sale of drinks, kvass lost its only drawback - huge unsanitary barrels, in which the drink often spoiled right during the trade.

Natural, refreshing, tasty kvass is steadily increasing its segment in the soft drinks market. Therefore, the production of bread kvass is a very interesting idea for small and medium-sized businesses.

Market analysis of kvass

The kvass market in Russia is still far from being saturated. Moreover, despite the annual appearance of new producers, the consumption of kvass is constantly growing. For example, in 2010, about 500 million liters were sold through the country's retail chains. kvass. According to economists-analysts, in the next few years the kvass market will continue to grow by 10% per year in price terms, and up to 5% in physical terms.

The most popular container for kvass is PET bottle(about 90% of sales) and KEGs(about 8%). The remaining 2% falls on barrel packaging, but such packaging is gradually becoming obsolete, giving way to more modern technologies. The most common container is a 2L bottle (about 60% of sales).

There are various varieties of kvass: cranberry, pear, lemon, which are prepared on the basis of berry juice or jam without adding flour, but ordinary bread kvass won real people's love. Recently, a “live” drink based on natural fermentation of kvass wort and with a shelf life of up to 7 days is gaining more and more popularity.

Large producers (mainly breweries) prefer to produce synthetic analogues, the so-called "kvass drinks", without fermentation, by mixing concentrates with sugar and then saturating with carbon dioxide. Such drinks are stored much longer (about six months), but they have a rather controversial relationship with natural kvass.

We will consider the production of natural kvass, and not surrogates.

“Live” products have many advantages that can be profitably beaten in advertising and attracting consumers, and one serious drawback is a limited shelf life and a special temperature storage regime. Such kvass will not be stored in a warehouse until “better times”, therefore, before starting production, it is advisable to have preliminary agreements on sales. It is most profitable to sell through supermarket chains, retail stores and outlets, therefore, before starting production, you should realistically assess competition, pricing, the possibility of cooperation and other conditions for the successful sale of developed products.

Permits, certification and other organizational issues

For the legal registration of activities, you will need to choose the organizational form of doing business - it can be an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. To identify activities for the production of kvass, the OKVED code 15.98.2 "Production of soft drinks, except for mineral waters" is provided.

An indicative list of documents required to start the production of kvass (may vary depending on the region, so it is better to check with the relevant authorities):

  • founding documents(certificate of registration, charter), which lists the main type of activity - the production of soft drinks;
  • tax registration certificate;
  • document confirming ownership of a production facility;
  • permits for the work of the production workshop from Gospozharnadzor and form N 303-00-5 / y from Rospotrebnadzor, certifying that the premises comply with the standards and can be launched for the production of a trial batch of products;
  • certificate from the water utility that the water for brewing kvass complies with the norms of SNiP;
  • certificates for raw materials, materials;
  • technological scheme of kvass production: list of equipment, production capacity, technological map;
  • the production program of production, certified by the head with a description of the technological process, indicating GOSTs, TUs, recipes and an assortment list of products;
  • list of employees of the enterprise (with the results of the medical examination passed);
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for products from Rospotrebnadzor in the form N 303-00-3 / y obtained on the basis of laboratory analyzes of a trial batch of kvass.

Room for the production of kvass

The room must comply with standard requirements and sanitary and hygienic standards:

  • have a connection to clean drinking water; - belong to category "D" (not explosive, not flammable);
  • divided into three zones: a room for production, for aging and for storage of finished products.

With a capacity of 500 l/day, recommended area of ​​production premises must be at least 70 m 2, - the technological room must be equipped with good ventilation, electrical supply, heating and sewer drainage. From the point of view of fire safety, it is good if the walls and floor are finished with ceramic tiles, and the ceilings are painted with water-based paint.

Former canteens are well suited - they are often rented out, and it is easier to obtain permission to produce in such a room than in a basement, warehouse or production area. There must be a place in the room for a refrigeration unit (or 2-3 ordinary refrigerators), in which the goods will be stored until they are sold.

Equipment for the production of kvass

To open a small production for the production of kvass, you will need special equipment for the fermentation process. Basic equipment - fermenters. The amount of products produced depends on their capacity.

With the help of a simple fermentation apparatus with a capacity of 100 liters. can be made up to 6000 l. kvass per month.

Each apparatus must be equipped with an electronic high-frequency temperature controller and a built-in timer to control and program the fermentation process.

The minimum set of equipment required for the production of 200 liters per day:

  • Fermentation apparatus - 23,000 rubles;
  • Dosing container - 6000 rubles;
  • A barrel with a tap (50 l) is intended for the sale of kvass on tap - 4 pcs. * 1350 rubles = 5400 rubles;
  • Cooling cover to keep the temperature of kvass - 2200 rubles;
  • Screwdriver and nozzle for twisting plugs - 4700 rubles;
  • Thermal box for storing bottles - 3000 rubles;
  • Barrel for kvass wort concentrate (50 l) - 320 rubles.

Total: 44,620 rubles.

The manufacturer attaches to the equipment a set of necessary documentation for the production of kvass: a passport and a certificate of conformity, an extract from TU 9185-001-50789493-2007 for the production of kvass, a recipe and a technological scheme for the production of kvass.

Technological process of kvass production

1. Water preparation

For the preparation of natural fermentation kvass, you will need drinking water that is suitable for sanitary and hygienic standards, in accordance with the requirements SanPiNa ideally, use water used in the manufacture of soft drinks TI 10-5031536-73-90). The requirements for product sterility at all stages of production also apply to water - it should be boiled or passed through a special filter with UV radiation.

2. Wort preparation

To obtain kvass wort by the infusion method, special kvass briquettes are used, made on the basis of rye flour and sugar beets. Briquettes are poured with boiling water (30 liters of water per 4 kg of briquettes). Sugar and kvass wort concentrate (fermented rye malt) are added to the fermentation tank, according to the recipe. Then 100 liters are poured. warm water (about 35°C) and pre-diluted yeast mixture.

3. Fermentation

After adding the yeast mixture, the wort is thoroughly mixed, the fermenter is tightly closed. The temperature (about 30 ° C) and the fermentation time (at least 12 hours) are set.

4. Ripening

The fermented liquid is filtered through a filter, poured into sealed containers (plastic food barrels, kegs, PET bottles) for further maturation. The containers are hermetically sealed, since carbon dioxide accumulates during the fermentation of the drink, and the packaging must withstand a certain level of pressure. Kvass is placed in a dark room, where it is kept at room temperature for 4 hours.

5. Cooling

After the kvass has matured and the drink has been saturated with carbon dioxide, the containers are placed in the refrigerator.

6. Implementation

Kvass of natural fermentation is sold together with the container in which maturation took place.

Kvass production scheme

Profitability of mini-production

Consumption of raw materials per 1 liter of classic bread kvass:

  • kvass briquettes - 0.0465 kg * 130 rubles = 6.05 rubles;
  • kvass wort concentrate - 0.01163 kg * 62 rubles = 0.72 rubles;
  • sugar - 0.0581 kg * 40 rubles = 2.32 rubles;
  • yeast 0.00058 kg * 30 rubles = 0.017 rubles;
  • electricity - 0.00233 kW * 1.5 rubles \u003d 0.0035 rubles.

The total cost of 1 liter of draft kvass is 9.11 rubles.

Total bottled kvass (the cost of a 1.5-liter and 2-liter PET bottle with a cap and a label is 7 rubles) - 16.11 rubles.

With the production of 200 liters per day (one fermentation unit), the cost of production per month (24 working days) will be:

  • draft kvass 2400 l * 9.11 rubles = 21864 rubles;
  • bottled kvass 2400 * 16.11 rubles = 38,664 rubles.

The selling price of draft kvass is 35 rubles/liter (84,000 rubles/month). The selling price of kvass in PET bottles is 45 rubles/liter (108,000 rubles/month).

Revenue - 192,000 rubles / month.

Profit - 131,372 rubles / month.

Other fixed payments (depending on the region, utility prices, lease conditions and the chosen taxation system):

  • rent of premises with an area of ​​30 m 2 - 10,000 rubles / month;
  • salary of 2 employees (worker and sales representative) - 27,000 rubles / month;
  • heating - 2,500 rubles / month;
  • other utility bills (water, garbage disposal) - 1,000 rubles / month;
  • income tax 20% - 26,274 rubles.

Total: 66,774 rubles. With the operation of one fermentation unit with a capacity of 200 l / day, the net profit for the month will be 64,598 rubles.

Of course, few people limit themselves to buying only one fermenter, because 5 such installations will bring 6-7 times more profit. But to open a small production and start creating your own client network, this option is one of the most profitable. Initial capital investments in production are small, and the payback period of the equipment will be about a month.

Drinks based on grain raw materials and fermented drinks include kvass obtained by fermentation and bottled kvass, which are produced using the technology of carbonated soft drinks.

The main raw materials for fermentation kvass are kvass wort concentrate (KKS), sugar, water.

Kvass wort concentrate (GOST 28538-90) is a product obtained by mashing with water rye and barley malts, rye or corn flour, or freshly germinated stewed (fermented) rye malt with the addition of rye flour and enzyme preparations, followed by clarification, thickening of the resulting wort in a vacuum apparatus and heat treatment of the product. It is also used for the preparation of kvass concentrates. In appearance, it is a viscous thick liquid of dark brown color, sweet and sour taste, with slightly pronounced bitterness, with the aroma of rye bread, highly soluble in water, having a mass fraction of solids of 70 + 2% and a titratable acidity of 16 + 4.0 cm 3 NaOH solution with a concentration of 1.0 mol / dm 3 per 100 g of concentrate.

In small industries, kvass rye bread or dry kvass is used as a raw material.

Kvass rye loaves (OST 18-1999) are used in the production of bread kvass using the infusion method for obtaining wort. Kvass bread is baked from a mixture of rye and barley malt, rye flour, water, without yeast and sourdough. The taste is sweet and sour, characteristic of rye bread, without a bitter aftertaste, with a pronounced aroma, without signs of mustiness, moldiness and other foreign odors. Color - dark brown. Mass fraction of moisture - 40%, and water-soluble substances - 52.0%. The loaves are baked using a special technology that ensures intensive accumulation of melanoidins, which give the loaves a dark brown color and the aroma of rye bread.

Dry bread kvass (OST 365) is a semi-finished product for making bread kvass at home and for the industrial production of kvass by infusion. It is obtained from crackers of specially baked bread. In appearance - coarse rusk flour with a taste characteristic of rye custard bread, brown in color with a reddish tint, a pronounced aroma, without signs of mustiness, moldiness and other foreign odors, with a mass fraction of moisture 10%; mass fraction of water-soluble substances not less than 49%.

For the production of bottled kvass, concentrates of Russian and Moscow kvass are produced (GOST 28538). In appearance, it is an opaque viscous thick liquid from light brown to dark brown color, sour-sweet, bready taste, with a mass fraction of solids of 70 + 2%.

Extracts of kvass for okroshka and for Russian okroshka (GOST 28538): in appearance it is opaque

viscous thick liquid of dark brown color, sweet and sour taste with a salty taste and aroma of rye bread and dill - in the extract of okroshka kvass and with a flavor characteristic of horseradish with the aroma of parsley, dill, rye bread - in the extract of kvass for Russian okroshka. The mass fraction of solids for the extract of okroshka kvass is 70 + 2%, for Russian okroshka - 65.5 + 2%.

The main stages of kvass production:

Obtaining kvass wort;

Fermentation of kvass wort;

Blending kvass;

Pouring kvass.

At factories, kvass wort is obtained by infusion from kvass rye bread or from dry kvass by extraction with hot water or from kvass wort concentrate by dissolving to the required mass fraction of dry substances.

When preparing kvass wort from kvass wort concentrate, it is added in an amount of 70% of that provided for in the recipe, diluted with water at a temperature of 30-35 ° C by 2-2.5 times. The remaining 30% of KKS is used at the stage of blending fermented kvass.

Kvass wort is fermented using a combined starter, which consists of kvass yeast of race M and lactic acid bacteria of races 11 and 13 in a fermentation or fermentation-blending apparatus. After pumping the wort into the fermenter, 25% sugar (of the prescription amount) is added to it in the form of sugar syrup at a temperature of 25°C and thoroughly mixed. The mass fraction of solids in the wort for bread kvass should be at least 2.5%, and for okroshka kvass - 1.6%. Then, a pre-prepared combined starter culture from pure cultural leaven yeast and lactic acid bacteria is introduced in an amount of 2-4% by volume of the wort.

Yeast and lactic acid bacteria, when combined, form ethyl alcohol, lactic and acetic acids, CO 2 , a number of aromatic products that give kvass a specific taste and aroma.

Pressed baker's yeast can also be used for fermentation, but the quality of kvass deteriorates. Their consumption is 0.15 kg / 100 dal * kvass. Beer and wine yeast are also used.

Fermentation of kvass wort is carried out at a temperature of 25-28°C until the mass fraction of solids decreases by 1.0% and the acidity reaches 2.0-2.5 cm 3 of a NaOH solution with a concentration of 1 mol/dm 3 per 100 cm 3 of kvass. The average duration is 16-18 hours. At the end of fermentation, kvass is cooled to 6°C, while the yeast settles to the bottom of the apparatus, they are not reused. Kvass is pumped into the blending apparatus and blended directly in the punching and blending apparatus.

Fermented kvass is blended by adding the remaining 75% sugar in the form of sugar syrup, 30% KKS and, if necessary, color. The blend is thoroughly mixed with a stirrer or carbon dioxide to reduce the loss of CO 2 . After checking the main indicators, they are transferred for bottling.

In the production of bread kvass for hot shops, the fermented kvass is blended with the calculated amount of ascorbic acid, calcium chloride, potassium phosphate and sodium chloride in the form of aqueous solutions: Kvass is poured into tank trucks and barrels. The temperature of kvass during bottling should not exceed 12°C.

Kvass is a drink that has been familiar to us since childhood, despite the fact that it is the result of the fermentation of grain raw materials, and which gives us such a desired coolness in the summer heat. For the first time this drink in a person's life appeared a long time ago and since then it has not lost its popularity. But at the same time, since then, kvass has become a product of mass consumption.

For its production, products such as malt (obtained from wheat or barley) can be used, in some cases they are used. In addition, if desired, some other ingredients are added to it, such as honey or foundation, in some cases mixtures of some herbs. It is believed that kvass as a drink is a purely Slavic traditional drink.

Apparatus for the production of kvass - equipment

Even for kvass at home, you will need appropriate equipment, in particular containers for fermenting the wort, in most cases an ordinary glass jar is used for this at home. But on the scale of industrial production, special fermenters, devices for crushing grain, for blending kvass, and much more are used. At the same time, it is necessary to cancel that, depending on the amount of the drink produced, the volumes of the devices will also depend.

It is also worth noting that during the production of kvass it is very important to get a drink of a sufficiently high quality, which cannot be achieved without the use of high-quality raw materials, as well as devices that could help achieve the desired result. The correct selection of equipment for kvass is especially important from the first days of the existence of production, although it must be taken into account that this cannot always be arranged. And also during the modernization of the business to increase its scale.


  • Drink making machine;
  • Washing keg;
  • Fermentation tanks;
  • Mixing tank (circulation+mixer);
  • Capacity for the prepared water of 120 l. (float + spurs);
  • Water purification system. (3-stage cleaning + UV filtration);
  • Cold hop machine;
  • Sip-wash;
  • Raw material dispenser;
  • Mixer for raw materials;
  • Reducer with heating functions;
  • Measuring instruments;
  • Intake heads fitting A (G/S/H/M/U/D).

The minimum price for the purchase or assembly of a mini-factory with a capacity of 10,000 liters per day is from 250,000 rubles.

Kvass production technology + video how they do it

Today, such a drink as kvass is produced using the technologies of carbonated and soft drinks. And its main ingredient is the so-called kvass wort concentrate. In addition, it includes, of course, water.

What the process looks like:

  1. Water treatment. To make natural fermented kvass, you need drinking water that meets the sanitary and hygienic standards SanpiNa and / or TI 10-5031536-73-90. Water must be sterile, so it should be disinfected by boiling or passing through a special disinfecting filter with UV radiation.
  2. Wort preparation. To obtain kvass wort by the infusion method, special kvass briquettes based on rye flour and sugar beets are used. Briquettes are poured with boiling water (30 liters of water per 4 kg of briquettes). Sugar and must concentrate are added to the fermentation tank according to the recipe. Then warm water (about 35 ° C) and a pre-diluted yeast mixture are poured.
  3. fermentation process. After adding the yeast mixture, the wort is thoroughly mixed, the fermenter is tightly closed. The temperature (about 30 ° C) and the fermentation time (at least 12 hours) are set.
  4. maturation process. The fermented liquid is filtered through filters, poured into plastic food barrels, kegs or PET bottles for its further maturation. Kvass is placed in a dark room, where it is kept at room temperature for 4 hours.
  5. Cooling process. After the kvass has matured and the drink has been saturated with carbon dioxide, the container is placed in a refrigerator. Further, such kvass of natural fermentation is sold together with the container in which it was aged.

Since the wort concentrate is the main ingredient for kvass, the main attention is paid to its manufacture. It is obtained from barley or wheat malts that are mashed with water. But in addition to malts, corn or rye flour can be used. It should be noted that any production for the production of kvass has its own recipe for its production. For example, freshly germinated fermented rye malt may be used in some plants. Small-scale enterprises most often use the so-called leavened rye bread. In addition, dry bread kvass and much more can also be used. It all depends on the scale of production and the desire of the manufacturer to supply a high quality non-alcoholic drink to the market.

And for this, it is imperative to follow the sequence of each stage of kvass production. So one of the first stages is the production of wort, for the manufacture of which the above ingredients are used, which must be infused for a certain amount of time. The next stage is the fermentation of kvass wort. To do this, kvass wort must be pumped into a special apparatus and, depending on the recipe, add a certain amount of sugar (at this stage it is 25% of the total amount of sugar required). For more thorough mixing, it is added in the form of sugar syrup. Next, kvass is blended. In its process, the remaining 75% of sugar is added, in addition, it is necessary to add kvass wort concentrate, and also, if necessary, color. After thorough mixing, the kvass product is transferred to the bottling stage. Ordinary plastic bottles, tank trucks or barrels can be used as containers. It must be remembered that the temperature should not exceed 12 degrees Celsius.

Video how to make kvass:

It should be noted that in addition to real kvass, on the shelves you can also see the so-called kvass drinks, which have practically nothing in common with real kvass, except for the name. Since they consist of soda, various sweeteners and flavoring. In most cases, they are sold in plastic bottles.


Containers in which beer or kvass ferments - fermenters- available in different sizes depending on the production tasks. In breweries and kvass factories, stainless steel fermenters are used, which, as a rule, have built-in cooling jackets. For small volumes, special food-grade plastic is well suited.

In the photo on the right - fermenters with a working volume of 200, 500 and 1000 liters. A water seal is installed in hermetically screwed lids during fermentation. At the bottom of the cone-shaped bottom there is a hole for draining the spent yeast. At different levels there are valves for taking samples and draining fermented beer or kvass. On the conical part there is also a valve for draining the last portion of the drink.


According to the technology of preparing both beer and kvass, the fermented drink must be poured into sealed containers for further fermentation and maturation. Fermentation tanks must be hermetically sealed, and since carbon dioxide continues to accumulate in the beverages during the fermentation process, these containers must withstand a certain level of pressure. This requirement is especially strict for beer, although it should also be taken into account in the production of high-quality, effervescent kvass.

Fermentation, and then maturation and sale of drinks can be carried out in bottles or kegs. In the production of beer, the use is allowed negotiable a glass bottle (carefully selected without defects!), with a crown cork stopper, or a P.E.T.F. with screw caps.

To increase the shelf life up to 60 days of fermented kvass, it is proposed to filter it with subsequent bottling. To dispense drinks on tap, sealed kegs are used. The most common stainless steel kegs in brewing 50 and 30 liters, kegs of 10, 20, etc. are less popular. In a small production environment, standard kegs can also be used, however, it becomes difficult to wash and disinfect them, since these procedures are usually carried out under pressure on special equipment. The most convenient form of working with kegs is to conclude an agreement with the nearest plant or station for processing circulating kegs.

In addition to the kegs themselves, you must have fitting with a set of filling equipment, allowing filling kegs and bottling drinks from them. The most popular fittings for kegs are made by Mikromatic, however, it should be borne in mind that several common types of fittings (A, S, K, etc.) are fundamentally different in their design, and can only be used with the corresponding type of keg head. In other words, it is desirable to select kegs for the brewery with one type of fitting, moreover, the most common in the area where it is planned to sell beer on tap.

For small industries it is more convenient to use the so-called soda kegs (per 18 l), usually used for highly carbonated soft drinks, because. their wide mouth allows for self-sanitization. Pouring beer or kvass from such kegs is carried out using connectors and using carbon dioxide pressure from a cylinder.

The easiest to handle and most affordable are food grade plastic containers specifically designed for fermented drinks. These kegs are produced in volumes of 10 and 25 liters, have an airtight lid with an overpressure relief valve and a tap, and can serve both for fermentation and maturation of drinks, and for dispensing them to the buyer.

Equipment for the preparation of beer and kvass from food-grade plastic is critically different from steel in terms of price and ease of use. With their strength and durability, these containers are light, portable, so that small-scale beverage production can be very flexible, mobile and easily scaled up to the desired, even very large volumes.

Auxiliary equipment and accessories

Depending on the production capacity, the composition of auxiliary equipment can vary greatly in different industries. However, there are necessary elements that no production can do without, including:

  • filters for water preparation - they certainly differ depending on local conditions, on the composition of local water, on the volume of products produced and on the general level of production equipment.
  • scales for measuring raw materials used - malt extract, sugar, yeast, water. In the smallest productions, you can certainly do without scales if you use specially graduated measuring utensils.
  • syrup boiler(pans) and a container for storing sugar syrup.
  • hoses or siphon tubes for pouring water and drinks.
  • bath for sterilizing agent, fixtures for sanitizing and washing equipment and accessories.

When making bottled beer, you will also need devices for filling beer into bottles, capping crown cap or cap, labeling, packaging in shrink film, etc.

When increasing production volumes, you will need pumps for pumping water and beer, as well as various devices for transportation and loading.

cooling chamber necessary when producing any volume of beer or kvass, or you can use a suitable refrigerated or naturally cold room. According to the technological instructions, kvass is stored in a cold place with a lower cooling limit of 0-20C for 6-10 hours (for cooling) and up to 72 hours (if necessary, storage before sale). The finished beer in sealed containers is stored in a refrigerated room at a temperature of 10-120C for 1-2 weeks (depending on the variety) for the purpose of maturation. Shelf life of finished beer - up to 4, 5 months. at the specified temperature.

Requirements for the premises

    Microbreweries can be located in one-story, multi-story, basement and semi-basement premises.

    Basements are used for aging (fermentation) of beer.

    Production belongs to the category "D" not fire and not explosive.

    For amenity and storage spaces, existing areas and amenity services are used when linked.

    In technological rooms, the walls must be finished with ceramic tiles to a height of 2.0 m. The ceilings are painted with whitewash or water-based paint. The floors can be made of ceramic tiles or reinforced concrete with a synthetic coating (lacquer, enamel, resin).

    Technological premises must be equipped with general ventilation, heating, water supply and electricity.

    Heating can be water, steam or air.

    Wastewater is discharged into the existing sewer.

Premises area

The tables below show the approximate dimensions of the areas required for small-scale production of beer and kvass. The calculations take into account all rooms, including cooled ones. Please note that area sizes may vary depending on local conditions.


Water Requirements

    For the preparation of beer wort, water is used that meets the sanitary and hygienic standards for drinking water in accordance with the requirements of Sanpin.

    The main indicators for water permitted for use in brewing, according to TU 10-5031536-7310, must correspond to the indicators given in the following table.

Organoleptic, chemical and microbiological standards for water used in the preparation of beer wort:

Smell 0 scores at 20°C
smack 0 scores at 20°C
Chroma 10 degree
Turbidity no more than 1
Rigidity 2-4 mg-eq/l
RN 6-6,5 mg/l
Dry residue no more 500 mg/l
Alkalinity 0,5-1,5 mg-eq/l
Calcium 2-4 mg-eq/l
Magnesium footprints
Iron no more than 0.1 mg/l
Manganese no more than 0.1 mg/l
nitrogen nitrite 0 mg/l
nitrates no more than 10 mg/l
chlorides 100-150 mg-eq/l
sulfates 100-150 mg-eq/l
Total number of bacteria no more than 100 in 1 sq. cm of undiluted water
The number of bacteria of the Escherichia coli group no more than 3 in 1 sq. dm of undiluted water

If the water parameters do not meet the above requirements, it is necessary to carry out additional water treatment by filtration in order to correct certain parameters.

Article taken from the website of the company "Teddy Beer"