Primadophilus bifidus instructions for use. Method of application and dosage

Violation of the intestinal microflora is a common occurrence. The imbalance between beneficial and pathogenic flora occurs due to malnutrition, increased stress, exacerbation of chronic diseases, antibiotics, climate change and many other provoking factors. To restore the balance, dietary supplements have been developed with a properly selected composition of beneficial microorganisms. One of them is Primadophilus Bifidus.

The active nutritional supplement contains several strains of lyophilized lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which should be in a healthy microflora of the large and small intestines. The pharmacological action of the biological product is not limited to the restoration of the flora. Primadophilus Bifidus has a healing effect on other organs and systems of the body, strengthens the immune system and is indicated as a preventive measure for people of different age groups.

  • Bifidobacterium longum;
  • gelatin;
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • Bifidobacterium breve;
  • maltodextrin;
  • lactobacillus acidophilus.

Release form - in capsules with a jelly shell.

pharmachologic effect

  1. Primadophilus Bifidus is indicated to restore the disturbed balance of microflora in dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, diarrhea.
  2. In the shortest possible time, it normalizes the disturbed imbalance of the intestinal flora, inhibiting the growth and development of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria (fungi of the genus Candida, Proteus, Salmonella, Shigella and many others).
  3. Eliminates the symptoms of allergies, bronchial asthma, poisoning, dermatosis.
  4. The quantitative and qualitative composition of lyophilized bacterial cultures helps to restore digestive processes, strengthen immunity.
  5. Takes part in the metabolism of gastric juice and bile acids.
  6. It has pronounced antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-allergic properties.
  7. It cleanses the body of toxins, enhancing intestinal motility.
  8. The absorption and assimilation of vitamins of group B, C, magnesium, amino acids, proteins, calcium, iron, potassium increases.
  9. Bifidobacterium bacterial strains, which are part of the drug, are the main microorganisms of the large intestine, and Lactobacillus - thin. Due to this, bacteria quickly attach to the mucous membranes.
  10. Increased resistance to stress and fatigue.
  11. It is resistant to antibacterial, non-steroidal drugs, antibiotics, so that beneficial bacteria freely enter the intestines in an active form.
  12. Quickly eliminates the symptoms of hepatitis, ulcers, gastritis, it is recommended in complex therapy.
  13. One capsule of the active nutritional supplement contains about 2.9 billion live beneficial bacteria.
  14. Primadophilus Bifidus is a hypoallergenic product that does not contain wheat, preservatives, whey, GMOs, dyes, corn.

Indications for use

  • to speed up the treatment and eliminate the symptoms of dysbacteriosis;
  • immunodeficiency state;
  • heartburn;
  • to restore digestive, metabolic processes;
  • helminthiases;
  • bacterial and infectious diseases of the stomach, large and small intestines;
  • in complex therapy for more effective treatment of diseases of the liver, stomach, biliary tract;
  • in prenatal preparation, in postoperative or preoperative periods for patients at risk;
  • nervous tension;
  • with constipation, diarrhea;
  • in frequently ill children in the complex therapeutic treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, thrush;
  • bloating, pain, colitis;
  • with signs of intoxication;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • in the treatment of allergic reactions;
  • living in unfavorable ecological zones;
  • in the treatment of skin diseases - psoriasis, dermatitis;
  • abrupt change in diet;
  • impaired absorption of minerals, vitamins, proteins;
  • to prevent an imbalance in the intestinal microflora during treatment with antibiotics, nonsteroidal drugs, during radiation and chemotherapy sessions.

The probiotic agent is prescribed for children from one year old and adults, has no contraindications for breastfeeding, pregnancy.

Method of application, dosage

Primadophilus Bifidus can be added directly to food or taken with a liquid. It is important that the food or liquid is at room temperature; in a hot environment, bacteria die.

For small children, the food supplement is diluted in dairy products, juices, compotes, water, added to cereals and milk mixtures.

Children from 1 to 10 years old - half a capsule once a day.

Older children and adults - one capsule once a day.

The course is from 14 to 30 days. If necessary, according to the appointment of a specialist, the course is repeated, after a break, after 1-1.5 months.

The taste of the additive is pleasant, slightly sweet, so the kids like the additive.


Intolerance to any of the components that make up the probiotic.
Children's age - up to 12 months.

Side effects

No negative reactions were found.

special instructions

The food supplement is prescribed with caution at a high temperature, the presence of blood in the feces, with diarrhea that does not go away for more than three days.

In case of candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to conduct a course of treatment with antifungal drugs before using the remedy.

Storage conditions

Who produces

The American company Natures Way Pr.

Popular analogues


The probiotic preparation effectively normalizes the disturbed intestinal imbalance, prevents the development of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria, allergic reactions, intoxication, eliminates the symptoms of diarrhea, dysbacteriosis. The balanced composition of sour-milk lyophilized culture and lactobacilli contributes to the normalization of digestive and metabolic processes, stimulation of immunity, restoration of strength after physical and mental stress. Experts recommend taking dietary supplements in the complex treatment of skin and gastrointestinal diseases. It is prescribed for babies from three months. Not contraindicated in breastfeeding and during pregnancy.

Probiologist Forte

Active nutritional supplement with a properly selected composition of live lactic acid bacteria. In the shortest possible time, it eliminates the manifestations of dysbacteriosis, restores the disturbed balance of beneficial microorganisms in the mucous membrane of the large and small intestines, normalizes water and lipid metabolism, removes harmful substances and decay products from the body. It is prescribed in the treatment of prevention of dysbacteriosis of any etiology, in case of stool disorders, allergies, to regulate the flora during treatment with medications, unbalanced nutrition, signs of intoxication. It improves immunity, is effective in the complex treatment of peptic ulcer, dermatosis, infectious diseases of the intestine. It is prescribed for adults and children from the age of seven.

Primadophilus Bifidus is a dietary supplement that contributes to the normalization of intestinal microflora.

Release form and composition

The drug is available in gelatin capsules that contain lyophilized active lacto- and bifidobacteria. Additional components - maltodextrin and magnesium stearate.

Indications for use

According to the instructions attached to the dietary supplement, Primadophilus Bifidus is used as a source of probiotics - lacto- and bifidobacteria, necessary for normal bowel activity.


Primadophilus Bifidus has only one contraindication for use. This is the presence of individual hypersensitivity to the components of a dietary supplement.

Method of application and dosage

According to the instructions attached to the drug, it is used orally, during meals. Dosage - 1 capsule per day. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Side effects

The use of Primadophilus Bifidus usually does not cause side effects.

special instructions

Instructions for use, attached to the dietary supplement, does not contain specific instructions for the use of the drug.


Biological analogues include drugs Acidobak, Algilak, Algibif, Bacteriobalance, Bifidobak, Bifidumbacterin, Bifilar, Polybacterin, Regulin, Ecoflor and others.

Terms and conditions of storage

Dietary supplement Primadophilus Bifidus must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 6 °C. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years.

Biologically active additives are increasingly being introduced into people's lives. Many patients prefer to use these drugs, rather than medicinal substances. The drug "Primadophilus Bifidus" also applies to food additives. It is prescribed for children, adult patients and expectant mothers. How correct this is, the article will tell you. You can learn about the method of using the drug and some information from the instructions.

"Primadophilus Bifidus": price and description of the drug

The medicine is available in capsules. It is hypoallergenic and safe. The composition of the drug includes lactobacilli, which are normally present in the small intestine. It also contains bifidobacteria, which are necessary for a person for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the proper absorption of nutrients.

The price for the drug "Primadophilus Bifidus" is quite high. The cost of one package is approximately 1000 rubles. For this amount, you can purchase 90 capsules, each of which contains a complex of useful substances.

Indications for treatment

The drug "Primadophilus Bifidus" is prescribed for therapeutic purposes and for prevention. The abstract reports the following indications:

  • various digestive disorders (constipation, diarrhea, flatulence);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • vaginitis in women and violation of the vaginal microflora;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy (chemotherapy);
  • decrease in the immune defense of the body;
  • allergies of various origins;
  • infectious diseases in children and adults.

A distinctive feature of the drug "Primadophilus Bifidus" is that it contains a complex of bacteria (lacto and bifidus). Whereas other compositions have only one or another component. In such a situation, additional drugs are often required to consolidate the result.

Restrictions and adverse reactions to the drug

The medicine "Primadophilus Bifidus" has practically no contraindications. The composition should not be used only with hypersensitivity to its components. The medicine does not contain lactose, it is hypoallergenic. The drug does not have a teratogenic effect on the human body. It can be used in children and expectant mothers. It is also not forbidden to use the composition during lactation.

About the "Primadophilus Bifidus" tool, the instructions for use report that the composition is intended for children over 12 years of age and adult patients. This age limit is explained by the form of release of the drug. After all, not every child under 12 years of age will be able to swallow the capsule whole. Side effects on the drug have not been identified. However, consumer reviews report somewhat different information. You will be told about it later.

Feedback on the use of the drug

About the Primadophilus Bifidus supplement, the instructions for use say that the medicine does not have any side effects. However, some consumers note an increase in flatulence in the first days of the correction. However, this symptom does not require discontinuation of therapy. This manifestation goes away on its own after a few days.

Most of the reviews about the medicine are positive. Consumers say that after the course, digestion and stool improved. Immunity has also increased, and general well-being has improved. Separate reviews about the use in children say that for babies the drug was previously dissolved in warm water or milk. To do this, open the capsule and pour its contents into the liquid. After that, the composition should be immediately given to the baby. The capsule shell has no therapeutic effect. That is why you can just throw it away.

Method of application of biologically active additive

How should an adult take Primadophilus Bifidus? The patient is prescribed 1 capsule per day. After two weeks of using the composition, you can drink 3 tablets per day. The effect of such therapy will be stronger.

Children after 12 years of age are assigned the composition according to the same scheme. The duration of treatment is from two weeks to one month. After a break (indicated by the doctor), therapy may be repeated.

Article Conclusion

You have learned about an effective medicine with the trade name "Primadophilus Bifidus". In addition to it, the manufacturer produces the drug "Primadophilus for children" and other forms of medication. Each person can choose the most suitable composition for himself. It is worth noting that the components included in the medicine are different in each case.

The described tool is recognized as one of the safest and most effective. It has a lot of positive feedback from consumers and doctors. However, this does not allow you to take it on your own. After all, it is not known what the reaction might be. Before prescribing a medication, you should consult a doctor and, if necessary, take tests. Health to you!

Auxiliary components:

  • Mg stearate;
  • maltodextrin;
  • capsule gelatin.

Release form

The supplement is available in 290 mg capsules. The bottle contains 90 pieces.

pharmachologic effect

Synbiotic , which combines . The bioadditive contains microorganisms inhabiting a normal, healthy body. Thanks to this, the reproduction of putrefactive, pyogenic flora is suppressed, which has a positive effect on digestion and, as a result, the general well-being of a person. Bifidobacteria prevent the growth of pathogenic microflora. Reception, stress, unbalanced nutrition negatively affect digestion and lead to development. Patients register allergic dermatoses , various intestinal disorders, develops. The complex effect of the drug improves the digestion process, normalizes the composition of microorganisms in the intestinal lumen, which allows you to get rid of fatigue and increase the body's resistance to the negative effects of a number of factors.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The pharmacokinetic features of the bioadditive, as well as a detailed description of the pharmacodynamics by the American manufacturer, are not presented in the instructions.

Indications for use

Primadophilus Bifidus is prescribed for long-term use of antibiotics in order to normalize bowel function, preventing the development of dysbacteriosis. The bioadditive is used for,. Before treating the digestive tract, it is recommended to take a course of antifungal (fungicidal) therapy, and then start restoring the intestinal microflora.


Primadophilus Bifidus is not used if there is a history of dietary supplement components.

Side effects

Allergic responses may be recorded in predisposed patients.

Instructions for use Primadophilus Bifidus (Method and dosage)

Gelatin capsules are designed to be taken per os.

Instructions for use Primadophilus Bifidus recommends taking 1 capsule daily with meals. The course of treatment is designed for 2-4 weeks.


The clinical picture and the sequence of actions in case of overdose are not presented in the instructions.


Primadophilus Bifidus can be used simultaneously with other medicines. When conducting antibiotic therapy, it allows you to save your own intestinal microflora and prevent the development of dysbacteriosis.

Terms of sale

Primadophilus Bifidus can be purchased at points selling dietary supplements and pharmacies. It is not necessary to present a prescription form signed by the attending physician.

Storage conditions

Damage to the capsule shell is unacceptable. Capsules are stored in the refrigerator (temperature - up to 6 degrees) in the original packaging for the preservation of strains.

Best before date

24 months subject to temperature conditions.

special instructions

Primadophilus Bifidus is a dietary supplement and is not registered as a medicinal product, because does not contain chemical compounds and has not been clinically tested.


  • Hepaphor;
  • Liveo;

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Primadophilus drug

American drug Primadophilus well known to the consumer due to its restorative properties. It contains microorganisms useful for the digestive system, which normalize the functioning of the intestines and the immune system.

It must be said that Primadophilus can only conditionally be attributed to drugs, because. it does not contain any chemical components. In fact, this is a biologically active food supplement that compensates for the lack of beneficial intestinal microorganisms, normalizes digestion, stimulates the production of B and K vitamins, increases the body's resistance to stress and aggressive external factors, and maintains immunity at the proper level.

Pharmacologists refer Primadophilus to a group of drugs with pro- and prebiotic properties. Probiotics are a special class of bacterial preparations that contain several varieties of bifidus and lactobacilli. Prebiotics are indigestible food components that undergo fermentation in the large intestine and stimulate the growth and reproduction of lacto- and bifidobacteria there. Given that Primadophilus simultaneously has probiotic and prebiotic properties, it has a complex effect on the entire digestive tract.

The bifidobacteria contained in Primadophilus prevent the reproduction of pyogenic and putrefactive flora in the intestines, promote the digestion of carbohydrates, stimulate the production of vitamins that are extremely important for the body and increase intestinal motility. Lactobacilli have a similar effect, but at the same time they have an antibiotic-like effect, help the production of lysozyme (an antibacterial enzyme), and participate in the breakdown of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Primadophilus is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Some microorganisms remain in the body as part of the natural microflora, the rest are excreted with feces.

Release form

Primadophilus is available in capsules and powder. Different forms of its release differ in the content and concentration of lactic acid bacteria.

Depending on the age category for which the drug is intended, there are:

Primadophilus- contains only lactobacilli (Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus acidophilus). It is used to treat diarrhea of ​​viral origin, vaginal dysbacteriosis. The drug is available in capsules (1 capsule contains 2.9 billion microorganisms), there are 90 capsules in the vial. The drug is intended for children over 12 years of age and adults.

Primadophilus Bifidus, in addition to lactobacilli, contains bifidobacteria of several subspecies - Bifidobacterium breve and Bifidobacterium longum, which belong to the natural microflora of a healthy person and children who are breastfed. The capsule contains 3.9 billion lyophilized microorganisms, in total there are 90 capsules in the vial. The drug is intended for children over 12 years of age and adults.
Primadophilus Children's combines lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium longum. In addition, this form of Primadophilus is enriched with Bifidobacterium infantis, another bacterium characteristic of a healthy gut and vagina. The drug is available in powder, 3 g of powder (1 tsp) contains 2 billion microorganisms. Primadophilus for children is packaged in bottles of 50 g and 142 g. It is used to normalize the composition of the intestinal flora in children from 0 to 5 years old.
Primadophilus Junior is produced in capsules and includes all strains of lactobacilli - Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, as well as a complete set of bifidobacteria - Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium longum. In 1 capsule there are 1 billion bacteria, in total there are 90 capsules in a bottle. Assigned, as a rule, to children 6-12 years old.

Instructions for use Primadophilus

Primadophilus refers to over-the-counter drugs. However, you should not use the drug without first consulting a doctor, because. if used incorrectly, side effects may develop.

Indications for use

Primadophilus has a wide spectrum of action, so it can be used for dysbacteriosis not only of the gastrointestinal tract, but also of the oral cavity and vagina.

The main indications for the appointment of Primadophilus are:

  • Dysbacteriosis of the intestine, oral cavity or vagina;
  • Prevention of dysbacteriosis in formula-fed children;
  • Long-term antibiotic treatment;
  • Frequent cases of food allergies;
  • Any form of diathesis in children;
  • Acute poisoning;
  • Transferred rotavirus infection;
  • Prevention and treatment of children belonging to the group of frequently ill;
  • Irregular or unbalanced nutrition, diets.


Primadophilus has no contraindications, except for intolerance to any component of this drug - maltodextrin, corn starch, magnesium stearate, ascorbic acid.

Side effects

Adverse reactions after taking Primadophilus are quite rare. Among them may be allergic manifestations, constipation. In the event of an allergy, the drug should be discontinued. With the development of constipation, it is necessary to consult with your doctor in order to adjust the dose of the drug and the drinking regimen.

Primadophilus treatment

How to take Primadophilus?
As a rule, Primadophilus is prescribed once a day with meals.

The diluted drug should not be prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator, it should be consumed immediately. Capsules or powder should be kept tightly closed in the refrigerator.

If desired, the drug can be added to ready-made warm (not hot!) Food. This should be done after heating the dish, just before consumption.

The number of capsules can vary from 1 to 3 per day, depending on the purpose of the drug. The average course of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, the doctor can extend the drug.

If a second dose of Primadophilus is required for complete recovery, it should be started no earlier than 1 month after the end of the previous course.

Dosage of Primadophilus
Primadophilus and Primadophilus Bifidus are taken orally 1 capsule 1 time per day for at least 2 weeks. The capsule can be swallowed whole with cool water, or added to non-hot food.

Primadophilus for children

The drug is well tolerated, has a pleasant, slightly sweet taste, which is usually liked by children. Indications for prescribing the drug are the same as in adults.
  • Primadophilus Children's is prescribed based on the age of the child. For children under 1 year old, half the dosage is recommended - 1/2 tsp. powder (1.5 g) 1 time per day. The drug is diluted in 10 ml of water, breast milk, milk formula or any other liquid and given to the child to drink 10 minutes before the first feeding. Children from 1 to 5 years of age are also given the drug before breakfast, but in the amount of 1 teaspoon (3 g). The course of treatment can be from 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Primadophilus Junior is given to children 6-12 years old for a month, 1 capsule per day, preferably 10 minutes before breakfast.

Primadophilus analogs

There is no synonym in the pharmacy network that has the same composition as Primadophilus, but there are drugs that resemble Primadophilus in their composition and mechanism of action. First of all, these include Bifiform, Linex, Bifidumbacterin.

In addition, there are other drugs similar in action and composition:

  • Bifilar capsules;
  • Narine capsules or powder;
  • Algilac;
  • Algibif;
  • acidobac;
  • Rela Life chewable tablets;
  • Symbiolact complex powder;
  • Flora-Dophilus + FOS capsules;
  • Yogulact Forte capsules;
  • Biovestin liquid, Biovestin-lacto;
  • Bifistim for children of all ages and adults;
  • Dairizim.
Given that analogues are not a complete replacement for the drug, you should consult your doctor before using them.

Reviews about the drug

Elena, Belgorod:
"My child was born by caesarean section, weak, and even refused to take a breast. I had to feed him with milk mixtures from the first days of his life. Naturally, the baby was sick often, I had to give him antibiotics, because I constantly tried to go into inflammation of the lungs... The doctor advised us to take Primadophilus. I did not really believe in the success of the treatment, but I regularly gave it for a whole month. The result pleasantly surprised me, my son began to get sick much less often, he endured colds more easily. In addition, they began to worry less about colic, the stool returned to normal, and before that it was either liquid or thick. We drank a total of 3 courses with a break of 2 months each. The child gradually got stronger, his health improved and now we get sick in exceptional cases. "

Victoria, Murmansk:
"I had colpitis. Whatever I was not treated for - I drank medicines, and herbs, and did tampons, even went to the mud. Unfortunately, nothing helped. I’ll say it’s amazing! And why didn’t I try it before. Literally in a month my discharge and itching stopped, and a month and a half after the end of the course of treatment I went to the gynecologist to take smears. The results were much better than after any other treatment. Through For 3 weeks I drank Primadophilus again, so to speak, fixed the result, and then I drank it again with a course and that’s it, I forgot (I hope forever) what colpitis is. So do not hesitate, the drug really helps. "

Anastasia, Tagil:
“From the age of one month, my daughter had problems with digestion, she was constantly puffed up, tormented by gaziki, the stool was very unstable, often had diarrhea. At first they were saved by Bifidumbacterin, but when I introduced the first complementary foods, he stopped helping. Then the doctor advised me to buy Primadophilus in powder. I diluted it in a small amount of water and gently poured it into my daughter's mouth with a syringe.About a week after the start of treatment, my daughter's stool began to change, take on a well-shaped appearance.Yes, and pain in the abdomen began to bother less.At the end of the course of treatment, they were tested for dysbacteriosis ", everything was quite well. During the entire first year, when introducing a new dish, I carried out a 2-week prophylactic course of treatment with Primadophilus for my daughter and there were no such problems anymore. By the way, I noticed that my daughter began to get sick less often after taking the drug. I am glad that we were able to find "your remedy" for such cases."