Projects of houses up to 120 sq. m. Projects of compact houses

Projects of houses up to 120 m2 are economical and practical. By ordering them, the client gets the opportunity, with minimal financial costs, to create a spacious and beautiful housing. In recent years, the cost of land in Russia has grown quite a lot. Therefore, the determining factor in choosing a new house for many now is its geometric dimensions, and the usable area that the client will receive with them. Many houses up to 120 m2 require a very small plot of land for their creation. The living area in such buildings is significantly expanded due to the presence of a second floor. That is why such layouts are gaining more and more popularity among people who like to find the best value for money in everything.

Houses from 70 and 80 m2 to 100 m2, 120 m2 in the construction company North Forest

Ready-made projects of wooden houses from 70 sq. m. to 120 sq. m. m. suitable for creating country cottages, and for the construction of spacious, bright housing for a small family. A family with small children can easily live in such buildings. This is an excellent home for those who suffer from various allergies, because the walls of the building are made exclusively from environmentally friendly materials. Therefore, being in such a room will have a truly healing effect.

Each project of a 120 m2 house, like any other planned construction documentation, is developed by our company in accordance with SNiP. Thanks to the services of our specialists, you will be able to use the space of the future private house as efficiently as possible. We can help you plan everything, right down to furniture placement. If necessary, we are ready to erect buildings according to the drawings of the customer or make changes to our projects.

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) are in demand. Not everyone needs a large area, and the small dimensions of the building allow it to be placed in any area.

Features of planning in small cottages

When ordering a house project up to 120 sq. m., the client wants to get a good cottage of a small area with all amenities. The architect is faced with a difficult task: to place on it living rooms, utility rooms rationally, and at the same time convenient for life. It is solved using different methods.

Arrangement of a residential attic floor

This is a classic way to expand the usable space, and besides, it is very attractive in terms of design. An example in the catalog is No. 57-51K. The two-story house for permanent residence has a total area of ​​110 m², which includes a boiler room and a small sauna. The attic floor has a private area - three bedrooms and a bathroom.

Compact location of the hozblok

The advantage of a 120-meter cottage is that its maintenance (heating, ventilation) requires fewer resources. A rational plan of engineering systems provides additional savings. So, a typical planning technique is the combination of bathrooms and technical rooms in one wing of the house on one or two levels. Example: Photo No. 12-38 (115 m²). On the 1st floor of a square building (8 × 8 m), a furnace, a sauna, and a bathroom are located in a row along one of the walls. As a rule, this part is separated from the living quarters by a hall or vestibule.

Terraces, verandas, balconies, awnings

These additional architectural elements make the house interesting, give it originality. The terrace successfully compensates for the lack of space in the house if you plan to receive a large number of guests. This approach is illustrated by photos of country cottages No. 13-10 (99 m²) and No. 59-87K (one-story).

More than 250 ready-made solutions were developed by the architects of our company, and they have already been implemented in practice - they are accompanied by full detailed documentation. In a typical project of any house of 120 squares, you can make changes at the request of the customer.

A two-story house is a building that has been very popular for a long time. There is a huge number of buildings, for the construction of which both standard projects and special ones were used to order. So, this article will present the ideal one, which is suitable for permanent residence. Thanks to the classics in the appearance of the building, the house looks elegant and elegant.

The first thing a tenant sees when they enter the house is a vestibule, followed by a hall. Its area is 7.6 sq. m. It is worth noting that the design of the hall is one of the most difficult. This is due to many factors, including the fact that this is the very first room at the entrance, therefore, thanks to it, a person will have an initial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe design of the whole house. is a complex system. She became such because all the doors, entrances and exits to the rest of the rooms are assembled here. By the way, windows in the lobby are rare, so much attention should be paid to the problem of lighting.

Equally important is the choice of color scheme. It is worth paying attention to light shades and colors, and all for the same reason for the lack of windows. Even neutral pastel colors can serve as a good base. In this project, the hall is presented in a rectangular shape. In order to bend it a little and add expressiveness, mirrors were used.

I would still like to continue the topic of lighting and fully reveal it. It should be both local and general. The general light should not be too dim, but not too bright. The whole point is that when entering from the street, the eye needs to quickly switch to other lighting, so it should be calm and neutral. Do not forget about a separate mirror illumination.

) are in demand. Not everyone needs a large area, and the small dimensions of the building allow it to be placed in any area.

Features of planning in small cottages

When ordering a house project up to 120 sq. m., the client wants to get a good cottage of a small area with all amenities. The architect is faced with a difficult task: to place on it living rooms, utility rooms rationally, and at the same time convenient for life. It is solved using different methods.

Arrangement of a residential attic floor

This is a classic way to expand the usable space, and besides, it is very attractive in terms of design. An example in the catalog is No. 57-51K. The two-story house for permanent residence has a total area of ​​110 m², which includes a boiler room and a small sauna. The attic floor has a private area - three bedrooms and a bathroom.

Compact location of the hozblok

The advantage of a 120-meter cottage is that its maintenance (heating, ventilation) requires fewer resources. A rational plan of engineering systems provides additional savings. So, a typical planning technique is the combination of bathrooms and technical rooms in one wing of the house on one or two levels. Example: Photo No. 12-38 (115 m²). On the 1st floor of a square building (8 × 8 m), a furnace, a sauna, and a bathroom are located in a row along one of the walls. As a rule, this part is separated from the living quarters by a hall or vestibule.

Terraces, verandas, balconies, awnings

These additional architectural elements make the house interesting, give it originality. The terrace successfully compensates for the lack of space in the house if you plan to receive a large number of guests. This approach is illustrated by photos of country cottages No. 13-10 (99 m²) and No. 59-87K (one-story).

More than 250 ready-made solutions were developed by the architects of our company, and they have already been implemented in practice - they are accompanied by full detailed documentation. In a typical project of any house of 120 squares, you can make changes at the request of the customer.

Before starting the construction of a country house, future owners choose a place of construction and a suitable project. A considerable part of customers makes a choice in favor of compact one- and two-story buildings with an area not exceeding 100-120 squares. This solution allows you to get high-quality housing with a set of attractive qualities. Well-designed projects of one-story houses up to 120 sq m are able to satisfy all the needs of the owners. Although you won’t find a billiard room, a wine cellar or a swimming pool in such houses, they contain all the necessary premises and allow you to lead a comfortable life.

Single story home with 2 car garage

A variety of one-story houses: selection criteria

Country houses, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is located in the range from 90 to 120 sq m, are rightly considered the golden mean in private housing construction; they are attractive in terms of price / quality ratio and the variety of options offered. When choosing a house, the customer is guided by several criteria:

    Selecting a project type. If you need a quality cottage, but you are limited in time, it makes sense to opt for a ready-made option. The prepared project (with drawings and calculations) will be the key to rapid construction. It should also be remembered that a simple-shaped house will speed up the process; the implementation of the architecturally complex plan will require more time and finances. If for some reason standard projects are not suitable, an original version is developed.

    Technology Choice. The construction market presents a variety of technologies for building a house; the choice is limited only by the budget and time allocated by the customer. Before making a final decision, it is recommended to estimate the costs of a particular technology by making a preliminary calculation of the construction.

The project of a country house with an attic

    Organizational moments. After choosing the future housing, the customer faces the next questions, from obtaining permits for construction, to finding and hiring construction teams (with a parallel assessment of their professionalism). To prevent construction from stalling at the initial stage, it would be a reasonable decision to entrust all the work to a construction organization with solid experience.

Estimation of the area of ​​a typical house

If you find it difficult to determine what size house you need, you can resort to an approximate (estimated calculation). Such an assessment will weed out unsuitable layouts and help to reduce the selection time. Assuming that the house will be inhabited by a standard family of four (parents with two children), the size of the rooms can be set as follows:

    Living room(possibly combined with a dining room): 30 m 2.

    Bedroom parents: 20 m 2.

    Children's rooms: two by 10, total 20 m 2.

    Kitchen: 10 m2.

    Hallway: 6 m2.

    Bathroom: 5 m2.

    Boiler room: 6 m2.

    Terrace(veranda): 15 m 2; porch: 4-5 m2.

Layout of a one-story house

The given layout and dimensions are an approximate solution that fits into a house of up to 120 square meters. Projects of houses up to 120 sq. m, two-story and one-story, need a thoughtful layout of the premises. For a compact country house, an important detail is the presence of corridors and walk-through rooms. In an irrationally designed house, corridors can absorb a large part of the living space, and walk-through rooms will reduce the level of comfort.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Choice of architectural style

The style is determined based on the taste preferences and budget of the future owners. The location and surroundings of the future building can also have an impact. The most in demand are one- and two-story cottages, made in the following architectural styles:

    European style(houses with a simple layout). The main advantage of such projects is practicality and budget savings. A simple geometric shape (square or rectangle) and rationally planned rooms speed up the construction process. In such buildings, the basement and basement are usually not satisfied, and other elements that cause an increase in cost are also limited - bay windows, balconies, roofs of complex construction.

Cottage project - rational layout simplifies the construction process

    Minimalism. There are several varieties - European functionalism, Scandinavian eco-style and constructivism, which has Russian roots. The minimalist house has strict geometric shapes and looks like it was assembled from designer parts. This house is 120 sq. m, the project is two-story or one-story, characterized by the absence of facade decor; it has a pragmatic layout and fits well into any terrain.

    Modern German style. In addition to traditional half-timbered houses and chalet cottages (less common), beautiful and practical German-style buildings are on the market. Thanks to the combination of facade elements (terrace, bay window, balcony, large roof extensions), houses acquire an individuality so valued in our time. The style is characterized by double-height glazing, as well as the use of panoramic and corner windows. The layout often combines several functional areas, which saves usable space and creates the prerequisites for interesting design solutions.

House in a modern German style

Features of typical one-story houses up to 120 sq. m

Typical projects are carried out in different styles, this allows each customer to find an option that meets his tastes and needs. The houses are distinguished by a well-developed architectural solution and a rational layout; The advantages of standard projects are the following parameters:

    Construction budget savings. The one-story structure does not have excessive weight, a massive expensive foundation is not needed. This also allows you to build a house on any type of soil. Cost-effectiveness is also achieved through an architecturally simple design and a minimum number of load-bearing structures.

    Savings in operation. Compact construction means less heat loss and less heating bills.

    Living comfort. The premises are located on the same level, there are no stairs - the main source of injuries not only for children and older family members.

Visualization of the house in eco-style - beautiful and economical

The disadvantages of one-story cottages include considerations of the following nature:

    One-story building takes up a lot of space; the choice of such a house may become irrational for a modest site or a site with difficult terrain.

    The foundation covers a large area. Due to the characteristics of the soil (freezing depth, density, groundwater occurrence), its cost may become unreasonably high.

    The roof has a large area. A roof that is complex in design can be expensive.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.

Layout of standard projects up to 120 sq. m

The basis of a comfortable life and a cozy interior is a thoughtful layout; It can be described in several terms:

    entrance area. A small hallway can be expanded with a covered veranda.

    Day (front) zone. It houses the kitchen, living room and dining room. The arrangement of the terrace will expand the recreation area, and bay windows of various shapes will give the house and interior an additional individuality.

Visualization of a one-story project with three bedrooms

    Rest zone. They try to place bedrooms in the far part of the building.

    Bathroom. A suitable solution would be to place it next to the kitchen; this will simplify (and reduce the cost of) engineering communications.

    Boiler room. The entrance to the boiler room can be hidden under the flight of stairs; if the area allows, a washing machine is also placed here. A boiler room is needed if a solid fuel boiler is to be installed; there is enough space on the kitchen wall for an electric heating boiler.

    Many design developments contain canopy for auto or garage.

A house with an area of ​​​​up to 120 squares can be two-story or one-story with an attic. In this case, the layout acquires new features:

    Rest zone moved up; sometimes a guest bedroom or a bedroom for older family members is planned on the ground floor.

    On the second (mansard) floor, not only bedrooms, but also office or nursery. The master bedroom has access to a balcony.

Video description

About the house of 120 squares in the following video:

    An important issue becomes choice suitable stairs. In addition to aesthetic appearance, it should be comfortable, safe and not take up much space. If the staircase is installed in the living room, there is no need to design an additional hall in front of it.

    A house of any layout will benefit (become more comfortable) from fireplace installation.

    Front or side garage- a demanded part of the project, saving the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. Underground garages are rare, as they greatly increase the cost of construction.

A logically thought-out layout includes competent zoning of the premises. At the design stage, not only the size of the premises is thought out, but also additional elements that contribute to a comfortable life. In the conditions of the climate of the middle zone and the northern regions of Russia, some nuances seem necessary:

    Hallway. The vestibule is an important room that protects housing from heat loss and drafts. It is often equipped with built-in wardrobes for storing clothes and shoes, provide a place for drying things.

Even a small hallway has an important function

    General space of the day zone. The living room, dining room and kitchen are often combined into one space, which allows you to use interesting interior solutions.

    Garage. A closed insulated garage is a typical detail of one-story houses, which they try to place in an extension in order to isolate the living area from garage smells.

Materials for construction and decoration

Houses up to 120 sq. m, the projects of which represent standard solutions, are built from almost all materials present on the construction market. The customer can choose a ready-made version in various configurations:

    wall material. Brick cottages are known for their quality factor and versatility, timber buildings are famous for their environmental friendliness and comfort. Block buildings have improved heat-saving characteristics, and houses with a metal or wooden frame are attractive due to quick and high-quality installation.

    Foundation. As a rule, this is a tape monolithic foundation, sometimes a basement.

    Overlappings. Reinforced concrete or wooden.

Video description

About stylish projects of houses and cottages in the following video:

    Roof. In typical projects, metal, bituminous and ceramic tiles are most often found.

    Facade finishing. One type of finish can be used - plaster, panels (wood or plastic), clinker bricks, natural or ceramic tiles. A spectacular exterior can be obtained by using a combination of two or three finishing materials.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.

About the purchase of standard and individual projects

Most customers prefer to buy ready-made projects, which provides a number of advantages:

    The project is completely ready for implementation. Professional architects and engineers participated in its development, which eliminates the possibility of errors. Many projects have already been repeatedly tested in practice.

    The project is equipped with a set of architectural and construction drawings, calculation of materials. It is fully prepared for obtaining a building permit.

Ready project of a 9 by 9 house with an attic and a garage

    Rapid construction. Finished projects are adapted to local conditions. The customer does not have to spend time (and finances) on the geological study of the soil, measurements, calculations, corrections and improvements. A modern-style home with a simple geometric shape is ideal if you want to move into a cottage as soon as possible.

    Possibility of change. Building organizations seeking to provide an individual approach meet the needs of customers and allow certain changes to be made to building drawings, materials or layout.

If for some reason the finished houses are not suitable (you need a non-standard layout or an original architectural solution), an individual project will be developed for you, including a turnkey contract. Project development from scratch will cost 150-750 rubles / m 2 of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. The following factors influence the development cost:

    Relief site and soil features.

    total area country house.

    Design complexity(the presence of additional elements - terraces, balconies, bay windows).

    Selected materials.

Video description

About the Scandinavian style house project in the following video:

About prices for standard projects

Modern small-sized country houses attract with a combination of comfort, reasonable construction cost and external aesthetics. By purchasing ready-made cottage projects with an area of ​​​​up to 120 square meters, customers can count on the following benefits:

    Quality assurance.

    Full documentation package(to order a mirror copy is developed).

    Assistance from a qualified specialist in choosing the best option.

    Possibility of implementation(order of turnkey construction).

The cost of standard projects (architectural and structural parts) up to 120 sq. m is represented in the following figures:

    Single storey project(covered terrace, natural tiles), total area 100 m 2: 29.5-30.5 thousand rubles; additional copy of the project - 4,5-6,3 thousand roubles.

    Foam concrete project(1st floor, combined cladding with wooden clapboard and plaster); total area 112 m2: 29,3-30,2 thousand roubles.

    Aerated concrete project(1st floor, attic, multi-gable roof, carport), total area 116 m2: 30-32 thousand roubles.

Typical project of aerated concrete in a modern style

    Project from ceramic blocks and bricks(1st floor, attic roof), total area 115 m2: 27,7-28,1 thousand roubles.

    brick project(mansard roof, balcony), total area 118 m2: 32,0-33,3 thousand roubles.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular 2 from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.


Each person has his own idea of ​​​​a dream home - someone will suit a proven and comfortable finished project, someone wants to get exclusive housing, regardless of time and financial costs. When choosing, the future owner seeks to take into account all factors affecting the final result. Competent answers to the questions that arise in this case can be obtained by contacting the specialists of the developer company, after which you can design for yourself or buy a finished project at home.