Colon cancer first symptoms and manifestation. The first signs and symptoms of intestinal oncology - stages, diagnostic methods, treatment and prevention

Intestinal cancer is characterized by the appearance of neoplasms of a malignant nature in the wall of its mucosa. Currently, oncological diseases in different parts of the intestine are diagnosed in 9-12 people for every 100 thousand people (general population) per year.

According to the statistics of intestinal oncopathology, they are ranked third among other cancerous tumors that affect Russians, and a couple of decades ago they were sixth. It is quite probable that after some time it will be possible for it to take the leading positions, as it already happened in the USA (in 1998).

Causes of the appearance of malignant tumors in the intestines

  • First up is smoking.
  • on the second - nutritional features
  • on the third - family forms (heredity, Crohn's disease and)


  • The diet of a modern person is rich in protein products (meat and meat products) and depleted in coarse fibers (whole grains, fresh plant foods), this contributes to constipation and a general increase in the presence of a food bolus in the intestinal cavity.
  • Some products formed during the digestion of food of animal origin are carcinogens (skatole, indole), with prolonged contact with the intestinal mucosa, they provoke its metaplasia.
  • The abundance in the human diet of foods with preservatives, emulsifiers (see), dyes, flavor enhancers, fried foods (carcinogens), spices, fish (due to small bones) - for a long time also contributes to the development of oncological processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

  • (benign formations) can become malignant (in 75% of cases), therefore they are considered the zero stage of oncology and are recommended to be removed.
  • Inflammation and ulcers in the mucous wall, and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, can provoke the appearance of neoplasms.
  • is also one of the provocateurs of the development of oncology in the intestines.

Clinical picture of bowel cancer

It is important for oncology patients to identify the disease at an early stage, so everyone needs to know the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer. The intensity of manifestations and the frequency of their occurrence varies depending on the location of the malignant tumor and the stage of intestinal cancer. The disease can occur in several types, the symptoms and manifestations of which are given below:


A growing tumor narrows the lumen of the intestine, and can completely block its cavity, creating a serious obstacle in the way of feces. Clinically, this is expressed in constant constipation, intestinal colic, increased gas formation. The patient is tormented by swelling and pain, which disappear after the act of defecation.


If the tumor focus is located on the left (excess liquid is removed from the stool in this area), the intestinal contents are liquefied and fermented. The patient complains of loose stools, periodic bouts of diarrhea, followed by prolonged constipation (see).


Early symptoms of bowel cancer can be expressed in a change in taste in the mouth (it can be bitter or sour), heartburn, belching. The pain syndrome is absent or mildly expressed, but discomfort is felt, which indicates disorders in digestion. .


The reason for the development of anemia in bowel cancer is a decrease in the absorption of trace elements (namely iron). Also, microbleeding that occurs during the development of the tumor process is reduced. Anemia also occurs due to malfunctioning of the immune system. The body tries to fight cancer on its own and tries various options, anemia is a consequence of one of them.


There are symptoms of the inflammatory process, up to peritonitis: the body temperature rises rapidly, chills begin, nausea may be felt or there may be bouts of vomiting. All this is associated with a strong pain syndrome.


Often, the manifestations of bowel cancer can resemble a pathology in the organs of the urinary system: the appearance or on linen after urination.

Other symptoms

The intestines are divided into several sections: rectum, large intestine, small intestine. The predominance of some symptoms may tell the doctor where the cancer is located.

Signs of colorectal cancer

  • decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin (see)
  • high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (see)
  • high performance
  • presence (see)
  • increase in clotting parameters (see and)
  • tumor markers (see)

Instrumental diagnostic methods

To clarify the diagnosis, all the possibilities of modern equipment are used. First of all, it is done:

  • Colonoscopy or retromanoscopy

Intraintestinal sensors allow the doctor to “see” the condition of the mucosa, and in the latter case, take a sample of suspicious tissues for a biopsy. This technique allows you to identify the very initial stages of the development of a malignant tumor. Routine studies can significantly increase the chances of patients for successful treatment, since the early stages of the disease do not manifest themselves in any way. It is possible to use an intrarectal sensor of an ultrasound machine for research (see).

  • Irrigoscopy

If it is impossible (more often for psychological reasons) to conduct an intra-intestinal examination, barium x-ray or irrigoscopy can be used: a special x-ray sensitive solution (with a dye in the case of irrigoscopy) is introduced by enema, which allows detecting intestinal pathologies. The doctor may also use an ultrasound machine on the abdominal wall or do a virtual colonoscopy.

  • MRI, CT

It is possible to use MRI, PET-CT and CT for a more complete examination of surrounding tissues for the presence of metastases.

Modern diagnostic measures allow you to accurately determine the location of the tumor, the size and stage of its development, the degree of germination and other parameters that allow the doctor to determine the most effective treatment tactics.


Alternative methods of treatment for cancer do not relieve - everyone should know this. Such drugs may reduce the intensity of symptoms, but they do not affect the growth of malignant cells. It is much more prudent, if you suspect a pathology, to consult a doctor who, in the initial stages of cancer development, will be able to get rid of it completely.

Modern medicine allows for the treatment of bowel cancer, but one extremely important condition is necessary: ​​the disease must be detected at an early stage. When diagnosing mucosal pathology in the later stages, only half of the patients have a chance to get rid of the disease. This is unfortunate, since now less than a quarter of patients receive timely help, and more than 35,000 people die of bowel cancer in Russia every year.

Surgical methods

In the early stages of the development of a cancerous tumor in the intestine, it can be removed surgically with the restoration of its patency (using the fusion method). The intestine after such treatment fully performs its function and the possibility of a natural act of defecation remains. Thus, in the postoperative period, a person can comfortably exist.

The location of some foci of malignant cells does not allow for the restoration of intestinal patency, in this case, the free end of a healthy intestine is brought out through an opening in the peritoneum (a colostomy is applied). Subsequently, it is necessary to use disposable colostomy bags, this allows you to maintain a relatively comfortable existence.

Radiation and chemotherapy

The use of ionizing radiation and chemotherapy can prevent metastasis and stop the growth of tumors for a long time. Techniques are used in the postoperative period and when it is impossible to carry out surgical intervention.

Life expectancy after treatment

How long do people live after bowel cancer treatment? In medicine, the term "five-year survival" is a statistical data indicating the number of patients who lived more than 5 years after treatment with a positive result. The indicator depends on many factors, primarily on the stage of cancer at which treatment began:

  • The first stage - about 95% of patients live more than 5 years.
  • The second stage - about 75% of patients live more than 5 years.
  • The third stage - about 50% of patients live more than 5 years.
  • The fourth stage (with the presence of metastases) - about 5% of patients live more than 5 years.

The age of the patient himself, the general level of immunity, concomitant diseases, the depth of penetration of pathogenic cells, relapses of the disease, the size of the tumor, and other factors also have an influence.

Do not despair if in your case the cancer was discovered at the last stage - hope that you will be among the cherished 5% of patients (a negative attitude may not change the prognosis for the better). Medicine does not stand still, scientists are looking for new methods of treatment that can significantly extend the life of patients.

Few pathologies in terms of the degree of damage to body tissues can be compared with oncological diseases. Cancer of any organ is a serious diagnosis, which, despite a lot of prejudices about the irreversibility of this process, can and should be treated.

This is the only way to give yourself a chance to live a full life. And bowel cancer is no exception.

Cancer of this organ is a malignant formation that, as it progresses, can completely affect all parts of the intestine. However, most often the tumor originates in the colon. In medical practice, the disease is called "colorectal".


In Russia, this diagnosis is one of the most common causes of death in the diagnosis of cancer.

After conducting a number of comparative studies, WHO, it is bowel cancer that has been holding the leading position in terms of mortality from tumor diagnoses among the female population for several years, and the third among men.

Every year, more than 50,000 Russians are diagnosed with intestinal cancer during examinations. In this case, people over 45 years of age are most often ill.

Here's what it looks like in comparison:

  • per 150,000 women who died of cancer, in 17% of cases they were diagnosed with a malignant tumor of the colon;
  • for 177,000 dead men - only 11.9% of patients suffered from this type of disease.

Due to the more frequent prevalence of pathology among the female population, it is advisable to consider the symptoms and the main signs of its manifestation in this target group in more detail.

Symptoms are common

The insidiousness and high mortality from this type of malignant tumors lies in the long-term concealment of the disease. The incubation process can take years, almost without showing itself. And only when the patient's condition is close to critical, the body begins to give distress signals.

Weight loss

A very important symptom, which is clear evidence that the person is not all right. Unfortunately, many women do not attach importance to unreasonable weight loss, rejoicing at the kilograms so easily dropped.

At the same time, in almost half of the patients who were diagnosed with cancer of this organ, a pronounced (at least 7–8 kg) loss of total body weight was already observed by that time. It is noteworthy that people at the same time usually qualitatively and fully eat, and the weight stubbornly goes down.

This is due to the fact that the presence of a malignant formation in the body forces all the main organs and systems of vital activity to function in a more active mode, which, in turn, accelerates metabolic processes, and the patient spontaneously loses weight.

Decreased appetite

This phenomenon is all the more pronounced, the higher the stage of the disease. With the rapid progression of the growth of education, the reluctance to eat often borders on a complete disgust for it and a refusal to eat in principle.

It is not uncommon for the body to choose certain types of foods that refuses to eat - most often it is meat. So the intestine tries to spontaneously reduce the load on the organ, which is no longer able to fully function.


The root cause of the appearance of anemia in the pathology of the intestines is considered to be a decrease in the absorption of beneficial microelements into the blood (in particular, iron-containing components). Not in the best way, the iron content is also affected by periodically occurring internal bleeding, characteristic of this disease.

Hemoglobin levels decrease and anemia develops. Also, its appearance can provoke a weak immune system.

Loss of energy, fatigue

If at the initial stage of the course of the pathology, weakness and fatigue are episodic phenomena, then at more serious stages this becomes normal. A headache is added, which is difficult to stop with painkillers, less often causeless nausea.

Elevated temperature

This symptom is not mandatory for all oncological diagnoses, however, in colorectal cancer, an increase in body temperature that persists over a long period of time is a mandatory phenomenon. It is by him that this type of pathology is often unmistakably detected.

This happens because the inflammatory process, which has a damaging effect on the intestines, has a toxic effect on the woman's body as a whole. Against the background of intoxication, a temperature explosion occurs.

local symptoms

Local manifestations of the disease are still classified as primary symptoms, their main cause is the presence of a malignant formation in the intestinal lumen.


The removal of gaseous masses from the stomach in this disease is characterized by a specific putrid odor due to food retention and the beginning of its decay. It is these congestion that provokes the appearance of belching from a mixture of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.


Accompanied by the presence of a sour taste in the oral cavity. Under the influence of decay products that are not removed from the body in a timely manner, gastric acid and pepsin, being thrown out, burn the soft tissues of the internal organs - and what is commonly called heartburn occurs.

Heaviness in the abdomen

The intestine, being the most important component of the digestive system, is directly involved in the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract. But, in a state of oncology, he is not able to fully perform the assigned tasks, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, familiar to many, appears.

It should be noted that this phenomenon is in no way directly related to the amount of food and cannot be caused by overeating. In addition, in women with bowel cancer, heaviness occurs spontaneously and uncontrollably.


Truly, the main companion of pathology. With the active reproduction of cancer cells, the resorptive function is disturbed. The lymphatic system in such conditions cannot fully fulfill the duties assigned to it, the liquid is not excreted in full volume and its excess settles in the stomach. This is the nature of ascites.

The presence of this phenomenon makes it possible to give rather unfavorable prognosis regarding the treatment of the disease and reduces the patient's chances of recovery and the ability to lead a more or less fulfilling life.


Stool disorders of a different nature in pathological formations in the intestinal region are almost always accompanied by uncontrolled nausea and aching pain syndrome, not too great in intensity, but very long.

At the same time, drugs are only able to neutralize this “set” of signs for a short time. Intestinal disorders do not occur immediately, but as malignant cells spread in a woman's body. The more serious the stage, the more difficult it is to control this phenomenon.

The stool becomes liquid, it seems that it never stops. Its nature is an imbalance between the fluid sucked into the organ and the secret that is excreted back. In addition, the negative impact of a malignant anomaly in combination with chemotherapy also causes diarrhea. Urine becomes darker in color.

Often, on the contrary, patients are concerned about prolonged constipation. The stools are usually mucus and bloody in texture. Occurs against the background of a tumor, the code of the patient is mainly sedentary, or unbalanced diet. Constipation also appears when the tumor is located in the bend of the intestine - it makes it difficult for the exit of feces.

Blood in stool

The presence of blood in the feces, interspersed with mucus, is a sure sign of the development of oncology. Bleeding occurs in the parts of the organ as a reaction to the harmful effects of cancer cells on soft tissues, and blood fragments are excreted through the anus along with feces.

The state of health in case of stool disorders, as a rule, worsens and to the previously listed signs violation of genitourinary activity and discoloration of the skin are added- they become pale and lifeless under the influence of intoxication.

Pain in the pelvic region

Persistent discomfort and pain syndrome from the pelvic area in women begins at 3-4 stages of the disease. At the same time, drugs with a directed spectrum of action are not able to stop pain. If the threshold can be reduced by 60%, this is already a victory.

Such an effect on the body has "irritable bowel syndrome." Due to its dysfunction the organ swells, causing stool disturbances(diarrhea, constipation) and accompanying pulling pains in the pelvic region. Often its cause can be irreversible processes of metastasis in the pelvic cartilage tissue. At the same time, the sensations are more intense.

Difficulty urinating

In a healthy body, this process proceeds automatically. With oncological diagnoses of the gastrointestinal tract at a certain stage, it causes difficulties. It seems that it is difficult to start the procedure. A characteristic feature of the phenomenon can be a sluggish, thin jet. Sometimes urine can come out with blood impurities.

As the pathology progresses, a woman at the time of urine output may experience a strong burning sensation due to a qualitative change in the composition of urine.

If we carry out a complete diagnosis of the clinical picture of the tumor, it will be seen how the lumen of the colon either expands or, on the contrary, narrows. This results in discomfort.

Many patients suffering from bowel cancer do not find the combination of all the mentioned symptoms, which is quite normal. Complete cumulative symptoms are extremely rare. However, the presence of two or more signs is a reason to be examined for oncology.

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Intestinal cancer is an oncological disease, the development of a tumor in a thin or. More often observed in the walls of the large intestine, subject to transition to any nearby department, damage to the sigmoid, rectum, cecum. In this article, we will analyze in detail bowel cancer, the signs and symptoms of this disease.

According to statistics, people over 40 get sick more often.. It is oncology of the intestine, in contrast to the localization of neoplasms in other organs, that is most difficult, the risk of morbidity increases with age at times, the outcome is unfavorable. The risk of development can be provoked by constant constipation, the genetic predisposition of the patient, the intake of carcinogenic meat food in large quantities, and the lack of plant foods in the diet.

Diseases of the digestive system, adenoma, polyps, colitis, stomach ulcers, Crohn's disease can lead to a precancerous condition.

What are the stages

A malignant neoplasm has 4 stages of course. The stage directly depends on the degree of spread of the tumor, the presence of metastases.

  1. Intestinal cancer in the first stage, as a rule, affects only the outer lining of the intestinal mucosa.
  2. At the second stage, the tumor begins to invade one of the halves of the intestine, grow into the walls, but do not go beyond them. There is no metastasis.
  3. Intestinal cancer in the third stage, tumor growth into the muscle walls is observed, but there is no damage to the lymph nodes. Gradually, the tumor spreads throughout the intestinal cavity, appear.
  4. At the fourth stage, the tumor reaches a large size, literally grows into all surrounding tissues, metastasizes to distant regional areas.

Cancer can be detected, as a rule, after a diagnosis, when receiving the obtained tests and examinations, as well as during a surgical operation.

The primary signs of cancer can be very diverse. The development of the tumor begins with a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane and damage to the intestinal walls. As a result, there is a gradual destruction of the walls, the spread of education outside the intestines and throughout the body, entering the blood.

The patient has:

  • weakness
  • joint pain
  • nausea
  • headache
  • decrease in hemoglobin in the blood
  • fast fatiguability
  • violation of the heartbeat and breathing.

These are the first symptoms, bells in case of bowel cancer and, of course, inevitably a breakdown in the functionality of the intestine, the appearance of constant constipation or diarrhea, accompanied by fever, fever, accumulation of gases, fecal discharge along with blood and serous mucus with a fetid odor. There are severe pains in intestinal cancer such as colic in the abdomen on the left and right, which do not have a specific point of localization. Perhaps the development of an inflammatory process in the walls of the large and small intestines.

If intestinal oncology is diagnosed, symptoms of dysentery, other painful manifestations, ulcers on the intestinal mucosa, unpleasant sensations in the mouth when eating appear, then it is necessary to be examined, to undergo the proposed diagnostic courses. All this indicates the development of a tumor of a malignant form, leading to a malfunction of not only the intestines, but also the gastrointestinal tract, the digestive tract, and all important systems and organs.

Bowel cancer and its first signs are not difficult to self-recognize. The ability to work is greatly reduced, the patient begins to lose weight or gain it sharply, the appetite decreases, the feces come out tightly, painfully with impurities of blood and pus. The general state of health worsens, there is a feeling of heaviness and overflow in the peritoneum.

Symptoms and signs of bowel cancer do not always appear at an early stage of tumor development. It can be difficult to recognize bowel cancer, it can be secretive at first, it does not cause much suspicion in a person for several years.

Intestinal cancer unpleasant symptoms directly depend on where the tumor develops (in the left and right sections of the small intestine). When localized on the right side, there is:

  • anemia
  • loss of appetite
  • weakness
  • paroxysmal pain in the right side of the abdomen
  • regular constipation or bouts of diarrhea
  • organism intoxication
  • nausea and vomiting
  • rotten burp
  • bad taste in the mouth
  • increase in body temperature
  • signs of prostatitis

With localization on the left side, the signs of bowel cancer at an early stage will be somewhat different. The patient begins to suffer:

  • constipation
  • bloating
  • difficult passage of feces
  • alternating diarrhea with constipation.

Only taking an x-ray and studying the image will allow doctors to identify cancer, the exact location of the tumor in the intestine. As a rule, due to the narrowing of the lumen in the large intestine, the feces begin to walk difficultly, with pain.

Usually the patient turns to doctors when the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer are already on the face. In this case, the tumor progresses, germination in the intestinal tissue and adjacent organs, as evidenced by colic, abdominal pain.

The disease at an early stage of development does not have a clear clinical picture, therefore it behaves imperceptibly, patients rarely consult a doctor in a timely manner. When the character is secretive, the treatment becomes difficult and not always successful. Survival is drastically reduced. Women do not go to the doctor on time, because they often confuse the signs of cancer with other pathological processes in the reproductive system. Men think that this is a stomach ulcer, since the signs of the disease are very similar.

It should be understood that it is precisely when the first signs of the oncological process and suspicious symptoms appear that you need to contact the doctors faster. Only detected cancer at the initial stage will increase the duration and quality of life.

When to Go to the Hospital Immediately

If all the above symptoms appear in combination or at least 2-3 at the same time:

  • breathing became heavy
  • pain and aches in the bones
  • constantly aching, dizzy
  • skin is pale and yellow
  • sharp pain in the pelvic area when trying to defecate
  • discharge became involuntary
  • bowels seem to be constantly full even with regular toilet visits
  • constantly nauseous
  • drops rapidly and gains weight.

In addition, doctors strongly recommend that patients over 40 undergo a complete examination, and those who are at risk also apply. Causes of bowel cancer may be hidden in hereditary predisposition, disruption of the digestive, urinary, cardiovascular system.

Cancer in men usually appears with a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the rectum or colon.. As the tumor grows, constipation and diarrhea begin, rumbles in the stomach, feces come out with an unpleasant odor. Even after complete emptying of the intestine, constipation after 2-3 days disturbs again, becomes protracted.

At stages 3-4 of cancer, there are signs of serious disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, fecal discharge with impurities of blood and mucus, particles of pus. Stool coloring is uneven. It either goes dark red, or completely colorless. Excretion of feces with blood may indicate the collapse of the tumor, which often happens in men in the later stages of cancer development. A specific symptom of rectal cancer in men is difficulty urinating due to the spread of the process to the prostate tissue.

It may show up differently. But against the background of growth and overlapping of the lumen of the affected intestine, intestinal obstruction is observed, nausea, pain and heaviness in the abdomen appear, a distortion of taste sensations in the mouth, stagnation of feces in the intestine or profuse diarrhea appear.

The pain increases with defecation, then subsides. Appears in attacks, stops after diarrhea. Against the background of partial obstruction of the fecal masses, stool retention is observed, and even after the administration of an enema, the patient does not feel better, the feeling of fullness in the abdomen remains. A symptom of cancer is girdle pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the lumbar region, usually similar to menstrual pain. This is the determining factor and the beginning of the development of the tumor, but women often do not pay much attention to such pain, they try to get rid of it with analgesics or antispasmodics.

The development of a tumor in women, as a rule, leads to damage to the bladder, and the primary signs are observed in the form of gas formation, the release of fecal particles from the urination canal.

Specific and similar to colon cancer at an early stage. The tumor can localize the space between the rectum and the vagina, while it is possible for the tumor to grow into the uterus, as well as the complete absence of symptoms at all.

Primary symptoms may be absent. Only as the tumor grows, early signs appear in the form of:

  • loss of appetite
  • fatigue, weakness
  • weight loss
  • nausea, vomiting, belching, abdominal pain
  • liquid stools with impurities of blood and mucus.

It is the nonspecific symptoms of bowel cancer that often lead to an erroneous diagnosis.. Some doctors prescribe medications for gastritis, enterobiasis. But the tumor develops and at stages 3-4, in the absence of timely treatment, gastrointestinal bleeding, delayed bowel movements, and intestinal obstruction may occur. Babies lose weight, dyspeptic disorders, intestinal colic appear. The condition becomes critical, requires urgent surgical intervention, surgery.

What is the forecast

With bowel cancer, the outcome can be completely unpredictable. Many are tormented by the question, how long do people live? It all depends on the stage.. If the neoplasm has not yet spread beyond the intestinal mucosa and submucosa, then the prognosis is quite positive. At the second stage, the tumor begins to invade the internal lumen of the intestine, then grow throughout the rectum. At the 4th, last stage, it reaches a huge size, metastasizes to the liver, and it is already difficult to say the exact period of time left to live is difficult.

The outcome will be directly affected by the quality of life, the age of the patient, the frequency of examinations, the types of stage of intestinal cancer, the presence of other concomitant pathologies, bad habits in the patient. Much depends on the correctness of the treatment course chosen by the doctor. In practice, patients with stage 4 cancer barely survive 5 years. It is important to stop the growth of the tumor in every possible way: improve nutrition, follow a diet, dose physical activity, eliminate bad habits, and other factors provocateurs from the outside.

Oncology of the intestine does not always have symptoms, and the disease is serious and fatal, requires periodic examination of the patient, in particular screening. It is important for people over 40 to undergo an examination at least 2 times a year, to detect cancer at an early stage. A good quality of life can significantly affect the duration, although it is difficult to fight a tumor, much depends on the patient's mood and desire to be cured.

Oncological diseases are very common and occupy one of the first places among other diseases. These include bowel cancer. In the elderly, the frequency of the disease increases, but it also occurs in children and young people. Symptoms of bowel cancer: abdominal pain of a different nature, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, bloody stools. This disease is dangerous for human life and therefore, at the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Colon cancer is a dangerous disease, so it is important to know the first symptoms of this disease.

What it is?

Intestinal cancer (ICB code 10 - C17−20) is an oncological disease characterized by the presence of a malignant tumor on the intestinal mucosa. It is located in any part of the intestine and begins to develop slowly. Cancer begins its development with a polyp and slowly degenerates into a malignant process. Then it continues to grow, and cancer cells penetrate the lymphatic and circulatory system, oncology spreads throughout the body and causes metastases. 95% of tumors of the large and small intestines are adenocarcinomas.

Other types of bowel cancer include:

  • exophytic;
  • endophytic;
  • mixed.

Development factors

There are such factors and causes of bowel cancer:

Colon cancer develops against the background of an unhealthy lifestyle, aging, injuries, diseases of other organs.

  • bad habits;
  • the presence of H. pylori bacteria;
  • age;
  • eating junk food;
  • the use of a large amount of animal fats, preservatives, smoked meats and pickles;
  • chronic inflammation of the pancreas;
  • excess weight;
  • genetic factor;
  • frequent inflammatory bowel disease;
  • stool disorder (constipation).

Stages of the disease

There are such stages of development and course:

It is important to know the symptoms of bowel oncology, because. detected in the later stages of this disease ends in death.

In the early stages, most neoplasms manifest themselves in the same way: they are asymptomatic. The clinical symptoms of cancer and its severity depend on the size, stage of development, form of growth and localization of the neoplasm. With the progression of growth and a large number of metastases, the symptoms are varied and very pronounced.

Depending on the pathogenesis, the following clinical symptoms are distinguished:

  • local symptoms - signs of the presence of education in the intestine;
  • secondary - due to an increase in the neoplasm, the patency and functioning of the intestine is disturbed;
  • manifestations of pathology, due to the penetration of the tumor into the organs and the formation of complications and metastases;
  • general - due to the influence of cancer on the body.

Syndromes at an early stage of development

The initial stages of bowel cancer are manifested by local symptoms. It occurs periodically, is not very pronounced and does not focus on them the attention of the patient and the attending physician. The first signs of bowel cancer are feces with blood and mucus. At the initial stage, blood in the feces in the form of streaks. With the progression of the growth of the neoplasm, more blood is released. It turns black and mixes with the feces, causing the color of the feces to change. In the later stages of the disease, the feces are foul-smelling and in the form of a blood clot. Mucus in its pure form is rare. In the early stages, it is excreted with blood, and later with pus.

There are also such symptoms of bowel cancer at an early stage, which manifest themselves in a child and in an adult:

  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • anemia appears;
  • taste preferences change and there is an aversion to certain types of food;
  • change in stool (constipation or diarrhea in cancer).

Secondary signs of the disease

Symptoms begin to appear when the malignant tumor becomes large and narrows the intestinal lumen. At the same time, the rigidity of its wall is also revealed. If the cancer is located in the upper part of the rectum, symptoms of intestinal obstruction of varying severity begin to appear. It begins with symptoms of a violation of the movement of feces through the intestine.

These symptoms include:

  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • the appearance of rumbling;
  • increased peristalsis;
  • I have a stomachache.

Intestinal cancer during germination in other organs provokes fistulas, abscesses, perforations.

Symptoms during germination in neighboring organs

If the malignant form is spread in the lower parts of the rectum, it leads to the defeat of the anus, causing pain. The tumor also spreads to the prostate and to the vagina. Bowel cancer symptoms are different for women and men. Men will have difficulty urinating. If the cancer has affected the upper and middle sections of the intestine, then the neoplasm will grow into the bladder. As a result, a fistula is formed between the intestine and the bladder, an infectious lesion of the urinary tract and fever develop.

With the germination of the neoplasm in the uterus, the manifestation does not occur. If the tumor grows into the vagina, the patient will form a recto-vaginal fistulous tract and stool and gases will begin to be released through the vagina. A common symptom in patients: severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen. The course of the disease and the temperature in bowel cancer in women looks like with an infectious fever.

In the rectum, the neoplasm is injured by feces, as a result of which it becomes inflamed. Further, this inflammation passes to nearby tissues. In such cases, a pelvic abscess develops, perforation of the intestinal wall may occur, which will lead to peritonitis. These are all considered complications of the disease.

Metastasis of bowel cancer most often occurs in the liver. Symptoms of metastases appear only with severe damage to the internal organ. When placing a tumor near the gate of the liver, the patient will have yellowness of the skin. Due to purulent fusion of metastases, the patient has clinical symptoms of a liver abscess.

Bowel cancer causes problems with stool, appetite, and well-being.

General manifestations of the disease

Reveal the main symptoms:

  • stool disorder (constipation is replaced by diarrhea with bowel cancer);
  • the presence of blood clots in the stool;
  • discomfort, heaviness and pain in the abdomen (right and left);
  • the appearance of aversion to meat;
  • loss of appetite and body weight;
  • the appearance of anemia.

Diagnostic methods

If the first symptoms appear or there is a suspicion of the presence of an ailment, you need to contact a proctologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon and oncologist. The task of doctors is to identify and recognize a serious illness. They will take an anamnesis of the disease, conduct an objective examination, palpation, percussion of the abdomen and rectal examination. Also, specialists will conduct a differential diagnosis with other ailments (stomach cancer, Crohn's disease, the presence of benign polyps, etc.) and make a preliminary diagnosis. The following diagnostic procedures are required:

  1. analysis of feces for the presence of occult blood;
  2. irrigoscopy;
  3. sigmoidoscopy;
  4. colonoscopy (helps to identify the lesion);
  5. biopsy of the intestinal lining;
  6. CT and MRI.

Treatment and its types

Treatment of bowel cancer must be undertaken from the onset of oncology. When the patient shows early signs of the disease, he feels unwell, you need to quickly turn to specialists. Doctors must examine the patient, check the tests and determine at what stage the deviation is and, according to this, prescribe treatment. For treatment, radiation therapy for cancer is used along with surgery and chemotherapy. Even to prevent the development of infection, an antibiotic is prescribed, and for constipation, a laxative. Also, each patient is prescribed a diet and select therapy at home.

Intestinal cancer is a degeneration of the predominantly glandular epithelium of the rectum or colon. The first signs of the disease are often confused with an intestinal disorder, therefore, diagnosis is complicated, and treatment is not carried out in a timely manner.

How long does colon cancer take to develop and can it be cured?

Causes of bowel cancer

All causes of bowel cancer have not yet been studied, since bowel cancer manifests itself in the presence of many signs.

To date, the factors common to oncology in the field of gastroenterology are precisely known:

  • The formation of polyps ( benign neoplasms on the mucous membrane);
  • A long process of treatment (from 10 years) of pathologies such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis;
  • The presence of adenomatous familial polyposis of the large intestine;
  • Detection of colon polyps in blood relatives;
  • Early detection or treatment of bowel cancer in blood relatives.


Oncology of the intestine in medicine has an official name - "colorectal cancer".

The name is collective, it consists of two words: "colon" and "rectum".

The maximum number of malignant primary tumors are detected in the corresponding intestinal sections.

The main epidemiological features are:

  1. In the structure of oncological diseases, it occupies a leading position, second only to lung cancer and stomach cancer in men, as well as breast cancer in women;
  2. adenocarcinoma is considered the most common morphological form of such a disease (the degeneration of their benign into malignant intestinal polyps, which consist of glandular tissue);
  3. The chance of developing adenocarcinoma in the intestine is about 95%, the incidence of sarcoma and other types of tumors does not exceed 3%;
  4. The most common localization of the tumor: about 50% in the rectum, up to 40% in the sigmoid colon, about 7% in the ascending colon in the descending colon, about 3% in the transverse colon;
  5. Women are more likely to detect a tumor in the colon in the diagnosis (more than 50%), in men up to 60% is found;
  6. Intestinal carcinoma occurs both in young and in adulthood, an acute rise in the incidence begins after 45 years, the peak occurs at the age of 65 years.

Bowel cancer symptoms

Certain symptoms of intestinal damage appear depending on the form of cancer development:

Stenotic form

In the presence of this form, the intestinal lumen narrows, a progressive neoplasm creates a blockade for the natural excretion of feces. This entails pain in bowel cancer, constant colic and constipation. The early manifestations of oncological disease practically do not appear, since the lumen does not narrow enough: the presence of small pains, practically imperceptible. There is slight swelling in the early stages.

Enterocolitis form

Early symptoms consist of a mixture of types of intestinal emptying: prolonged constipation is replaced by diarrhea. This is manifested if the carcinoma has formed in the left side of the organ. The liquefaction of feces is provoked, leading to the process of fermentation.

Dyspeptic form

Early symptoms are more similar to disorders in the gastrointestinal tract: constant heartburn, belching, sour, bitter taste in the mouth. This is not accompanied by pain, but there is discomfort.

Anemic form

A similar form is found only during the examination. In most cases, anemia is an abnormal reaction of the immune system, since the disease is attributed to autoimmune processes. Anemia has no specific symptoms.

Pseudo-inflammatory form

This is the most dangerous of the forms of damage, since there are violations in the abdominal cavity itself, with signs of peritonitis. Signs of this form are specific, appear in the middle of the disease: fever with bowel cancer, vomiting, nausea.

cystic form

A tumor of this kind is similar to a disease of the urinary system. The first signs are painful urination, sometimes with blood. These sensations occur due to the fact that the carcinoma is located next to the bladder, and its accelerated progression provokes an exacerbated inflammation of the excretory system.

Bowel cancer, the causes of which are associated with symptoms, appears gradually. Initially, minor symptoms appear, and then remission occurs.

In the early stages of bowel cancer with illiterate diagnosis, people begin treatment of completely different organs. Symptoms may indicate gastritis or an ulcer, but in reality they are only a cause or a precancerous condition.

Therefore, in the presence of at least one symptom, it is recommended to conduct a qualitative diagnosis.

Life expectancy with bowel cancer

Oncological diseases are not always cured, and if they are eliminated, the quality and life expectancy deteriorates, and cases of remission are not excluded.

Life expectancy after a bowel tumor involves two questions:

  1. The first one depends on the quality and duration of life after the discovery of a number of pathologies;
  2. The frequency of applying for diagnosis to detect the disease in the early stages.

Scientists usually set the bar for survival at five years after a series of operations and recovery.

During this time, there is a percentage of chances of remission, possible complications, the presence of new neoplasms.

Survival depends on:

  • The age of the patient;
  • Associated complications and pathologies;
  • bad habits;
  • living conditions;
  • The presence of stress, depression.

Of the above, age is the biggest problem as it is not corrected.

Maintaining the right lifestyle, without negative habits, improper diet, with timely access to a specialist, significantly increase the percentage of recovery and life extension through diagnosis, medication and surgery.

A long continuation of life is also possible with the removal (resection) of one part of the intestine, as well as the imposition of a colostomy (a hole in which feces are removed outside, bypassing the anus).

Colostomy is considered an auxiliary method of facilitating treatment, the quality of life in such a case only improves.

Also, recovery depends on the time of detection of an intestinal tumor, the treatment will be more successful.

Therefore, it is important to apply for diagnostics more often, undergo examinations that would timely determine the insignificant size of the neoplasm.

Studies at intervals of one year will help prevent the formation of more serious forms of bowel cancer.

This time is enough, since the first mutations pass to the beginning of the clinical stages in an average of two to three years.

Relapses occur during recovery, starting from the second stage.

Therefore, after undergoing a course of treatment, you should take restorative procedures, follow a diet, and be examined by a specialist.

Survival by stage of bowel cancer

  1. When the disease is detected at the first stage, bowel cancer does not show a strong spread (its transition to the gaps and walls is rare and in the presence of concomitant pathologies), the chance of survival increases to 99%.
  2. The detection of pathology at stage 2 means that the neoplasm begins to grow on the walls of the intestine, complete recovery is possible in about 85%.
  3. Determination of the presence of the disease at stage 3, in this case, the neoplasm affects the nearest lymph nodes, 65% for absolute recovery.
  4. The last stages of bowel cancer with a final lesion of distant or near lymph nodes gives about 35% chance of a cure.

It is impossible to bring the disease to advanced forms, the definition of possible relapses depends on this.

Diagnosis of bowel cancer

The diagnostic scheme depends on the presence and type of symptoms, and is prescribed by a specialist.

You can independently undergo general screening studies, primarily for the analysis of occult blood, this method is used to detect tumor markers for bowel cancer.

  • People who are at risk should undergo a stool test once a year to exclude hidden bleeding, this diagnostic method determines the presence of any type of tumor or polyps, the diameter of which is from 2 cm;
  • A positive analysis for a tumor marker for bowel cancer involves the appointment of fibrosigmoscopy, or rectomanoscopy, which comes with video fixation or examination (contrast) of the intestine.

In the diagnosis of bowel cancer, a real breakthrough came after the sudden widespread introduction into medical professional practice of radiation diagnostics, for example, contrast radiography or more modern methods:

  1. Modifications of computed tomography (MSCT, CT);
  2. Ultrasound diagnostics using sensors through the abdominal wall, sensors are inserted into the intestine (TRUS, ultrasound and others);
  3. Modifications of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  4. Positron emission tomography (CT, PET).

Laboratory determination of DNA markers of intestinal neoplasms is now considered a promising method.

This form of intestinal damage is one of the few that is determined before the onset of the clinical stage, as a result, life can be saved without painful medical procedures.

Bowel cancer treatment

Colorectal cancer modern methods of treatment are based on surgical radical removal of tumors, metastases and surrounding tissues.

Chemotherapy and radiation sickness methods are used as aid and rehabilitation.

In medical practice, there is a lot of information about a significant prolongation of the life of patients who received treatment at stages 3-4 of an intestinal tumor.

  • With proper surgical intervention, 50% have a three-year survival rate, and 30% have a five-year survival rate.

Combined methods in the application allows you to get more chances for the survival of patients.

Chemotherapy for bowel cancer

The main limiting factor in the widespread use of chemotherapy in this form of cancer is the resistance to cytotoxic drugs of the main forms of intestinal tumors.

Chemotherapy is used systemically, at any stage of the operation.

Shown in some cases, the introduction (local) in the blood vessels that feed the metastases.

There are many drugs that are used in the course of chemotherapy treatment.

Complications are possible, often undermined human health under the influence of such treatment.

Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fever after the procedure.

Removal of neoplasm in the intestine

This is a radical and most effective method of treating any cancer.

Such procedures include:

  • Traditional types of resection of the affected intestinal segment and its surrounding vessels;
  • Surgical intervention through small incisions in the walls of the peritoneum;
  • Removal of a neoplasm with a package of metastases and lymph nodes using a high-frequency medical knife.

The method and technique of surgical intervention is prescribed by the oncologist and gastroenterologist, if necessary, this is carried out with the recommendations of the council.

Many patients are forced to go to more developed countries for surgical care, as it has been proven that recovery and successful operation depends on the quality of equipment and the qualifications of doctors.


Cancer is quite unpredictable.

Prevention is more necessary for people who have a hereditary predisposition to cancer, or have established pathologies that can transform into small intestine cancer or colon cancer, as well as people over the age of 40.

  1. Increased motor activity;
  2. Adding fiber-rich foods to your diet
  3. Refusal of nicotine and alcohol.

Even the use of aspirin will reduce the likelihood of developing most forms of intestinal tumors. It should be taken after meals.

You should also undergo a physical examination more often, and remember that even from ordinary gastritis a harmful neoplasm can result, which, although it is treated, leaves a big imprint on health.