Pisces in the year of the rat. Rat horoscope - Pisces reveals secrets

The characteristic and compatibility of the Pisces-Rat is one of the most controversial in the Chinese horoscope.

On the one hand, there is a lively and active Rat, and on the other, passive and apathetic Pisces.


Despite the apparent imbalance of qualities in the characteristics of the Pisces-Rat man, he manages to quite successfully engage in any business. Thoughtfulness and analytical mind allows him to arrange a career and find a life partner. In addition, Pisces-Rat is the owner of a bright emotionality, which does not interfere with his life in any way. By their merits, men of this type should be grateful for their strong natural intuition. The duality of the representatives of the signs of Pisces and Rats is manifested literally in everything. These are creative people, but at the same time they have excellent inclinations of a leader. Unfortunately, they do not always manage to successfully combine these two features at the same time.

Their character, like personality, is rather contradictory. They are able to reach high heights professionally, but at the same time they often suppress their bold undertakings. Fate is in their hands, forcing them to constantly make a choice in favor of a simple or difficult path. However, even having strayed from the intended path, they always manage to find the right path. In Pisces-Rat men, the features of a leader are clearly visible, so they always try to subjugate the people around them. Perhaps because of this, they have more acquaintances in their lives than good friends. It is worth noting that such conflicting natures like to spend their free time mainly at home alone. Pisces-Rat men also have other qualities:

  • Accuracy and organization;
  • Great sense of beauty;
  • Well developed memory;
  • They categorically deny injustice and discrimination.

Like representatives of other iconic combinations, Pisces men born in the year of the Rat have several weaknesses. They are very easy to upset, from time to time they become very touchy. Quite unexpectedly, they may burst into tears. They perceive personal insults very closely, expressing this in the form of aggression and tantrums. However, they themselves rarely show a bad attitude towards others. Such men are characterized by tact and patience: they rarely hear a raised voice or insults addressed to someone.

Compatibility in love

Such men are primarily aimed at creating a family. They always pay maximum attention to their spouse and children. However, in order for such a man to truly fall in love, a woman will have to surround him with all sorts of care and attention. The Pisces-Rat man in love is a real romantic. If he happens to fall in love, then his feelings will certainly be the most sincere and reliable. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether the partner has such feelings for him.

The compatibility of the Pisces-Rat man in love with a girl will become possible only if there are no quarrels and conflicts in their relationship. A tense situation will make the representative of this sign feel uncomfortable and he will simply leave, because he does not want to spoil the emotions that arose in his soul at the very beginning of the relationship. Pisces-Rat men need warmth and love, which are the most important thing in life for them.

Business and Finance

Male representatives, ruled by the signs of Pisces and Rat, can be not only good performers, but also quite successful businessmen. They know exactly how to distribute their forces in order to achieve their goal. Moreover, they often choose the field of activity in which their talents and abilities take on an unusual form. The financial issue worries them little, because thanks to their perseverance and diligence, all benefits are obtained without much effort.

What kind of woman is needed for a Pisces-Rat

Representatives of this iconic combination categorically do not accept falsehood in matters of love. Suspecting the slightest deception on the part of their beloved, they immediately hasten to break off all relations with her. Being with such a man is very difficult, but without him life seems completely boring and insipid. Only an attentive, sincere and strong-willed woman can maintain a harmonious and strong relationship with a Pisces-Rat man.

Many of the above differences from the character of a man and a woman of the same combination of signs are described by a horoscope. Fish-Rat is one of the many combinations, each of which has its own traits in the character of people.

Man - Rat under the sign of Pisces

Men with such a combination of signs are by nature quite complex personalities, since they combine several opposite character traits at once. This is due to the contradiction of the Rat and Pisces.

In general, the Rat-Fish man is inherently a very kind person who is always ready to help his neighbor. He himself is simply not able to offend other people, and if he does this, then only not from evil. He takes his grievances extremely hard. Very often, in such an offended state, a man with this combination of signs goes deep into himself, falls into a deep depression. Along with this, a cheerful disposition, cheerfulness, excellent intuition and wit easily coexist in him. When communicating with other people, men of this combination show patience and tact - it is rare to hear a cry or even a raised voice from such a man.

They think over all their steps, they are never in a hurry to do anything. In life, such people have a lot of just acquaintances, not friends. Rat men under the sign of Pisces do not know how to share their inner world with others, therefore it is difficult to call their relationship with other people friendship. It is worth noting that they prefer to spend their free time alone at home.

Women born with combination Rat - Pisces

Women with this combination are probably the most mysterious. For all their outward modesty, helplessness and vulnerability, they easily shoulder a heavy burden of responsibility. Such workers easily know how to be subordinate to another person, but thanks to their cold mind they are able to turn the situation around in such a way that it will be beneficial only to them.

Pisces-Rat woman has a well-developed intuition. She is able to read another person's intentions quickly and accurately. However, she will not use this knowledge to harm someone. By nature, all women of this combination of signs are altruists.

In work, Rats women prefer to do what requires creativity, rather than rough calculation. Their creative nature is manifested in everything, including in love matters. In fact, all women of this combination are very romantic, faithful and devoted to their beloved man.

General characteristics of the combination

All Pisces born in the year of the Rat are very mobile. Such people always take the most active part in the affairs of their team. Sometimes this becomes a disadvantage, first of all, for the Rat-Fish itself - in the whirlpool of public affairs, she simply forgets about herself. Therefore, people of this combination become happy when they find themselves, acquire an internal balance between personal and social, spiritual and material.

Pisces-Rats are very sentimental and sensitive. In addition, they are vulnerable and prone to deep inner experiences. Such people can be offended by even the smallest remark addressed to them by others.

All Rats-Pisces are able to become strongly attached to other people, but interestingly, not to enter into friendly relations. They just feel the need to be close to a person, to have conversations with him, to do some work together, but being frank is not for Rats. They will never reveal their souls, they will never say what they are worried about, they will never show that they were offended.

The Pisces-Rat child shows these qualities from childhood with his parents. Such children will never express their resentment, but simply, clenching their teeth, will remain silent. Despite such internal isolation, all children of this combination are very curious. However, unlike many other children, Rats-Pisces prefer not to ask, but to explore. This curiosity persists in people with this combination of signs throughout their lives.

The nature of women Rat - Pisces: These women immediately penetrate the essence of human nature. They know how to achieve their goal thanks to the ability to properly distribute energy. They are slow, but at the same time they quickly reach their goal. Their energy is carefully controlled by them, and this is a great strength and opportunity to get all the best in life. They love to be alone, but attachments mean a lot to them.

Whole natures by nature, they are always kind and calm. It is always comfortable to be with them, even in difficult situations. They solve any problems without problems, although they will have to spend quite a lot of energy for this. Having received too much energy from nature, they strive for victory. However, the slightest difficulties plunge them into a melancholic mood. They always have an ideal that they try to imitate.

Rat Women - Pisces in Love and Relationships: Love relationships are an important area of ​​​​life for them. They are strongly attached to the object of adoration. At the same time, their partner is always a strong personality, in the shadow of which they can be for some time. They are so calm that they do not cause any complaints from the partner. And the gap usually does not happen, and the relationship comes to naught. They are always aimed at a serious relationship, which attracts women to them.

Rat Women - Pisces in Finance and Career: They can easily achieve good positions. However, it is difficult for them to withstand the flow of problems for a long time. They should be firmer in case of failure. Usually they reach good heights and prosperity, as they are aimed at winning. They value financial well-being, but this is not the main value for them. They know how to distribute funds, and this is another reason why they seek stability and prosperity.

Women Rat - Pisces in the family and marriage: Their orderly nature allows them to build relationships correctly. As a result, they can become happy family men. They choose a partner to their liking, since they can achieve material wealth themselves. They are encouraged to marry in adulthood. In this case, they will be able to give their family everything they dream of. They will be happy if their partner has a strong personality.

Advice to women Rats - Pisces: These women should remain calm and independent. Ideals in life are good, but they should not bow too much. They should communicate more with other people, as this will allow them to better understand them. In a relationship, they should give more freedom to the second half, they don’t need to impose their opinion. In this case, all relationships will be smooth and pleasant, and they will be happy.

In this combination of signs, the rat and Pisces cooperate with each other on favorable terms for humans. The restless and active Rat complements the sedentary and wise Pisces. Such a person harmoniously spends his strength for personal interests and for the good of society. And if this balance is not lost, then the Pisces Rat will be successful in his career and happy in his personal life.

Pisces horoscope, born in the year of the Rat

He always worries about what others think of her. Therefore, he tries to make a favorable impression. She is very sensitive and vulnerable. With a sincere desire, the Rat - Pisces helps relatives and friends. She actively participates in their fate, often sacrificing her own interests. In an effort to improve the quality of life of friends and relatives. Rat-Pisces is very afraid of loneliness. And the fear of being alone is a powerful motivator for action and helps to achieve what you want, no matter what.

Pisces controls the rampant curiosity of the Rat. People of this combination of signs are ardent fighters for justice, they bring kindness to the world and believe that beauty will save the world. This is a creative and highly spiritual person. Such a person can serve a higher purpose. A sense of common sense, a real assessment of the world around is not inherent in the Rat-Pisces. You need to learn to think more about your needs and be less critical of yourself.

In his personal life, this person simply needs comfort, silence and coziness. For her, this is very important. This approach should be taken into account by close people. He does not like conflicts, quarrels, inconstancy and rudeness. This is a peaceful and calm person, he needs a strong family, love and understanding so much. The House of the Rat-Pisces is a fortress, within the walls of which such a person feels safe and secure.

Rat-Pisces man

Such a man is a good owner of his house, he has everything in its place. The Rat-Pisces man has a highly developed sense of duty towards his family, and this quality does not bother him at all. He gladly sacrifices himself for the benefit of loved ones. Marriage for such a person is a stronghold, a source of inspiration and an opportunity to realize oneself and one's full potential.

Rat–Pisces Woman

Unlike the man of this combination of signs, the Rat-Pisces woman is quite independent and self-confident. It is very important for her to know that a prosperous present will lead her to an equally successful and happy future. Such a need creates many problems in her personal life, since this woman approaches the choice of a partner harshly and demandingly. The chosen one of the woman of the Rat-Pisces sign must meet her overestimated requirements. She is looking for a partner who will help her stand firmly on her feet in the material world.
in terms of spirituality as well. She does not need nervous shocks and unexpected changes.

The zodiac constellation, as well as the year of birth, have an undeniable influence on a person's personality. It is important to know your positive and negative sides in order to build a successful and harmonious life. In this article we will talk about Pisces, who were born in the year of the Rat.


Pisces, who was born in the year of the Rat, can be described as a talented person, versatile and gifted. Recall that the period of birth of such people is from February 19 to March 20, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020. People born during this period can combine the most contradictory properties: efficiency and melancholy, curiosity and calmness. It is pleasant to communicate with them, they are optimistic and sociable.

Originality and a sharp mind are the characteristic qualities of these representatives. All this is combined with daydreaming, wild fantasy. Such a person will be quite modest, but in certain circumstances he will be able to defend his interests. But what Pisces-Rats perceive painfully is a manifestation of injustice.

Prominent features include:

  • sensitivity;
  • shyness;
  • brightness;
  • sympathy.

Of particular note is the intelligence and attentiveness of such people. They will always take any matter seriously. At the same time, a person loves a relaxing home environment, is notable for discipline. Interestingly, Pisces-Rats have different talents. One of the main ones is the ability to effectively interact with people, to build relationships correctly.

Fairness and kindness play an important role in this.

The properties of such people include humanism and the desire for peace. Usually people realize themselves in creative professions in the psychological field. They love children very much, devote themselves to them and their development. The opinion of other people is important to Pisces-Rat. For the sake of loved ones, a person will be capable of the most decisive actions. They are afraid of loneliness and try their best to avoid it.

Personal life is characterized by strong affection. Softness and romance are inherent in representatives of this sign and year of birth. Breaking up a relationship will be painful. Such a person will not put up with lies, betrayals, lack of understanding. Home environment can have a big impact.

As for the negative aspects of these representatives, they include excessive touchiness. Let them not express it outwardly, but they will remember it for a long time. All insults will be taken to heart. Subsequently, he does not want to deal with the person who offended him.


The Pisces man, who was born in the year of the Rat, will be distinguished by practicality, good self-control, and at the same time a certain suppleness. Often such people rely on their intuition and for good reason. It is she who will help him achieve his goals, be realized in all spheres of life.

The main characteristics of such a man include:

  • calm attitude to everything that happens around;
  • softness;
  • sensuality;
  • innate instinct.

This nature will be characterized by leadership qualities that can already be traced from childhood. These people are easy to communicate with. They are quite emotional and can even anticipate the future. By nature, they are subtle psychologists. It seems that they will never experience financial difficulties. In this, men are helped by their efficiency, perseverance and readiness to act actively.

As for love relationships, not every representative of the fair sex will be able to get along with a male Pisces-Rat. Despite his attachment to the family, he can show firmness and even rigidity of character. Such a person will not tolerate lies, betrayal.

To bring family relationships to harmony, a man will need to work more on himself.


The Pisces woman, who was born under the symbol of the Rat, will be distinguished by a cunning disposition and a gentle character. These representatives are characterized by high sociability, as well as a quiet and kind disposition. The fair sex is quite vulnerable, although they try to hide it. Various failures greatly upset women and can even lead to depression.

The main characteristics of the ladies:

  • charm;
  • calm;
  • sociability;
  • kindness.

Pisces women, like men, have a strong flair, wild imagination and multifaceted talents. Pisces-Rats will be able to perfectly listen to the interlocutor, they will empathize with him sincerely, they will always come to the rescue if necessary. Such a lady is distinguished by the fact that she is well versed in human nature. A woman will be able to quickly solve the tasks. At the same time, one should not rush in any business.

The representative of this sign likes to do household chores, solve everyday issues. Family comes first. A woman will experience a rather strong attachment to her chosen one. Romance is the basis of harmonious relationships. Even the fair sex is ready to sacrifice for the well-being of the family union. Often, ladies are always happy with their marriage, especially if it has developed with a strong man.

What kind of friends are they?

It is worth noting that the women and men of the Pisces-Rat know how to find a common language with all people. They are distinguished by justice, intelligence, creativity, which others like. Friends appreciate them for the opportunity to come to the rescue at any moment. These representatives differ in tact. It is rare when you can meet a screaming Rat Fish. They always show tolerance in dealing with others.

Kindness is the basis of their character. Such people give a special place to the opinion of others. They will not offend their friends or clearly express dissatisfaction with them. Pisces-Rats are respected for their honesty and openness. Pisces-Rats will not allow insulting their loved ones and can defend their interests.

They have a heightened sense of justice. But what such people do not accept is cruelty. It is unlikely that a cruel person will be able to fall into the category of friends of the Fish-Rat. Thanks to leadership traits, such people have quite a lot of acquaintances in all areas.

This zodiac sign has few true friends.

What kind of partner do you need?

Speaking about the Pisces man, who was born in the year of the Rat, it is worth noting that from a very early age he seeks to build trusting relationships, to find his ideal wife. In the family, he is the center and leader, while allowing everyone to feel peace and comfort at home. This representative of the zodiac sign does not like quarrels and scandals, he tries to prevent them. Therefore, he also needs a woman who is calm, not conflict, who can balance family relationships.

Usually a man chooses a betrothed on the basis of his own intuition. It is worth advising to be more loyal to potential chosen ones, so as not to be left alone. A man will be happy with the woman who surrounds him with sincere love, care, support and understanding.

Rat women value family and trusting relationships. They are attracted to stable men, strong personalities. With them, a woman will be able to show all her positive qualities, provide her husband with care and affection. They choose a companion according to their liking, regardless of the material component of a person, since these representatives are self-sufficient. It is advisable to marry at a later age.

In this situation, they will be able to completely surrender to the family and create an ideal family.

Behavior in love and marriage

The Pisces-Rat man, thanks to his extraordinary character, will be able to find his only woman and create a happy family. Of course, this will require some effort. If a representative of the stronger sex falls in love, then he becomes a real romantic, gentle and attentive. There is no doubt about his love. However, if the relationship is complicated by quarrels, skirmishes and other troubles, then he will not stand it.

Pisces-Rat women devote a special part to the family hearth, which, in their opinion, is the basis of life. The fair sex is able to become strongly attached to the object of adoration. They choose strong personalities as partners. As such, a break in relations does not occur, they can simply come to naught.

Career and attitude to money

Pisces-Rat ladies usually succeed easily in business and react very painfully to failures. It is worth such representatives of the fair sex to be patient and be firmer. These women are always determined to succeed. Ladies will be able to reach heights in their careers. They treat finances with care, they know how to properly distribute them.

Pisces-Rat men are notable for their wit and excellent intuition. People rely on their instincts to achieve their goals. From birth, they have developed communication skills. This allows you to find an approach to almost every person. Men often reach heights in their careers, they know how to enter into profitable partnership agreements, maintain optimal relationships with colleagues. He acts as a fair leader: he can quickly assess a person, skillfully manage any team. To achieve something, you will, of course, have to try.

Work and overcoming your own fears are the basis of success.


The Pisces-Rat man will not tolerate false phrases and hypocritical people. By nature, he is a pragmatic person, and relations will develop quite unpredictably. Each time he behaves depending on the situation. Relations with them are not easy, but quite interesting. This is what attracts many strong women. If a person curbs the negative qualities of his character, he will create a harmonious family.