Flower seedlings in a dream. Why plant in a dream? The place where the action takes place in a dream

Green spaces in dreams are a wonderful symbol denoting the spiritual world of a person, the flowering of his creative powers.

The sign promises health, a prosperous family life, finding balance in all areas of life. Despite the fact that there are a great many gifts of nature, with the help of a dream book, you can quickly understand what the subconscious mind wants to convey to us through dreams, why dream of planting flowers, trees or vegetables.

What does planting flowers in a dream mean?

All conceived plans will quickly come true if you dreamed in a dream of planting flowers that begin to grow rapidly and reach for the sun. The dream interpretation of planting bright flowers for lovers portends an early marriage, a happy family life, the birth of heirs.

  • Planting flowers was carried out around his own house - harmony in family relationships.
  • In the greenhouse - there will be a chance to fulfill a dream.
  • In the pot - stability in career growth.

Joyful events await a woman if she dreamed in a sleepy kingdom that she was planting flowers beautiful and fragrant with wonderful smells. Plants just planted in the ground began to bloom - a loved one will present a surprise that will bring a lot of pleasure.

Planting trees and flowers at the same time (especially roses) is a brilliant career. The dream interpretation calls to pay attention to the type of flowers that you dreamed of growing in a dream.

If you had to plant in a dream:

  • Roses - a dream promises happiness and prosperity in family life. If a guy dreamed that he was digging a rose bush without thorns, the future wife would have a calm disposition.
  • Chamomile - in the near future, health will be strong.
  • Forget-me-nots - long-extinct feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.
  • Gladiolus - at the upcoming holiday you can show off your abilities.
  • Tulips - very soon others will admire your noble deed. Planting a lot of bulbs in the ground - to significant success in the service, in business.

Planting flower bulbs dug up is a good time to start new projects. Planting flowers in a dream in loose and soft earth - you will easily overcome the obstacles that hinder the development of your own business, the promotion of the project.

If the soil for planting turned out to be hard and rocky, the enemies are trying in every possible way to harm you. for flowers in dreams it was clayey and viscous - the dream book suggests that the help of outsiders is needed to resolve the issue.

vegetable patch

If in a dream you planted, then such a dream promises a happy fate, longevity. The dream interpretation predicts an eventful life if you had to plant onions in a dream. I dreamed that the bow occupied most of the garden - your hard work will bring well-deserved fame. Planting onions, cucumbers, tomatoes in a circle of friends in a dream - a brilliant career awaits you, respect from colleagues.

To transplant plants or seedlings in dreams - significant changes will occur in life. You can change your place of residence, take up another job, change previously planned plans.

Seeing a young sprout in a dream is the beginning of something new, including new relationships, new projects. In a dream, a planted garden began to quickly turn green - to quick and positive results in the professional field.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus you dreamed of growing tomatoes and caring for them, then in reality your efforts will pay off handsomely. In a dream, tomatoes grew rapidly - you will reach your goals in the shortest possible time.

Seeing in a dream a garden planted with tomatoes and peppers is a joyful event in the circle of witty people. A young girl dreamed that tomatoes or cucumbers immediately bloomed after planting - to a happy marriage.

Sow seeds

  • Corn - to prosperity, a well-fed life.
  • Wheat, rice, buckwheat - you need to concentrate on the work you have begun in order to achieve the desired result.
  • Radish - to an interesting acquaintance.
  • Maka - good luck will come to those who take life lightly.
  • Pumpkins - for a festive mood.
  • Parsley - you are too shy and insecure in life, it's time to change.

During sleep, it seemed that you were throwing seeds of onions, beets or carrots into the ground - there was a long and painstaking work ahead. Pour flax seeds into the ground in windy weather - to the beginning of a grandiose affair.

The value of sleep is also directly related to the size of the root crop. Planting large and smooth potatoes is an extremely profitable offer that you don’t even have to fight for. In this way, management will decide to encourage you to continue striving for career achievements. Planting small and medium potatoes in a dream - to excessive concern for underage children.

If in a dream the landing took place during a blind rain, then the dream book portends pleasant changes in life, in the dark - you keep your desires secret, try to hide them from strangers. When planting potatoes, the bright sun shone - to joyful events, and if the sun's rays made their way through the clouds, a series of minor failures will soon have to go through.

What does tree planting mean?

If the dreamer planted a young tree, and fruits appeared on it, then this is a clear sign that all innermost desires - even the most grandiose ones - will certainly come true. If a married woman had this dream, then it portends the appearance of children in the family. For an unmarried man, planting trees is a meeting with a woman with whom he wants a serious and permanent relationship.

Be sure to remember your mood when disembarking. You rejoiced at the process - a positive outcome of the things you started, were upset about something - changes in life will not go as smoothly as you wish. Planting trees with parents - mutual understanding and harmony in family relationships.

In dreams it fell to plant:

  1. - a long-awaited move to a new apartment, an increase in living space. For a man to plant an apple tree with his son is a good sign to start a successful business in real life.
  2. Pear - fortunately on the family front. For a young girl, a dream promises a successful marriage, bathing in luxury. A particularly favorable sign for people involved in trade. They will become even richer.
  3. Plum - it will be possible to purchase an expensive thing that you have long dreamed of.
  4. Cherry - you will learn news that will be remembered for a long time.
  5. Cherry - to wealth, abundance.
  6. Walnut - to win, increase profits. Planting a hazelnut is a successful business, a walnut is a profit, an almond is a happy life.
  7. Planting several fruit trees at the same time, for example, an apple tree and a pear - to prosperity, good health.

In a dream, did you see yourself planting Christmas trees? Sleep promises a long and prosperous life, as well as new prospects for professional growth. The more magnificent the prickly trees were, the more stable your financial situation will be. Planting Christmas trees with cones - wait for unexpected happiness. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

Plant a tree

The dream in which you plant a tree under the house is a harbinger of imminent wealth and prosperity.

plant bushes

If in a dream you plant bushes, in reality beware of rash acts that after some time will make your loved one your enemy. If in a dream you are watching someone plant bushes, soon someone close to you will quarrel with your friend.

plant in a dream

In general, a dream in which you plant something is a symbol of your well-being. But there are exceptions, a lot will depend on what exactly you are planting.

tree seedlings

Tree seedlings in a dream symbolize a large and healthy offspring. But the dream in which you buy tree seedlings predicts unnecessary trouble.

plant an apple tree

If in a dream you planted an apple tree, in reality some act from the past will cause the death of one of your friends or distant relatives.

plant a birch

The dream in which you plant a birch is a reminder that you yourself are the blacksmith of your own happiness.

plant beans

The dream in which you plant beans indicates that you will have to stock up on something for the future. If someone else is planting and growing beans in your dream, soon in reality someone close to you may commit a rash act and bring trouble to your head.

plant hawthorn

The dream in which you plant a hawthorn indicates that you are trying to find lost hope.

plant melons

The dream in which you plant melons portends the joy of a successfully completed business.

plant cabbage

If in a dream you plant cabbage, wait for the news in reality.

Plant potatoes

The dream in which you plant potatoes marks the fulfillment of desires, success in your endeavors. If others are doing it, and you are watching, soon someone close will start a business that will bring a lot of money to your family.

plant cypress

If in a dream you are busy planting a cypress, in reality you will incur losses due to your own indiscretion.

Plant and grow onions

The dream in which you plant and grow onions suggests that you will only dream of peace, so business and worries will overcome you.

plant carrots

The dream of a woman in which she plants carrots indicates that she will cause discord among men.

plant vegetables

If in a dream you plant vegetables, in reality you will be mired in debt.

plant cucumbers

If in a dream you are planting cucumbers or watching someone else do it, be careful, as you can accumulate a lot of small debts.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

If you dreamed that you were planting seedlings in a greenhouse, then in real life there could be a conflict at work because of your talkativeness.

plant a radish

If in a dream you plant a radish, in reality you will have to communicate with unpleasant and annoying people from whom you should not expect good.

plant beets

The dream in which you plant beets indicates that the most amazing things will be told about you.

plant cumin

If you dreamed that you were planting cumin, a big profit awaits you.

plant dill

If in a dream you plant dill, in reality you will have trouble because of your long tongue. If someone else is planting dill, you may be slandered.

plant beans

The dream in which you plant beans in the garden portends the creation of stocks on the farm.

Plant flowers in the garden

If in a dream you plant flowers in the garden, in reality, perform a noble and wise act. The same dream promises the fulfillment of your desires.

Planting or picking tea on a plantation

A dream in which you plant tea or pick it up on a plantation calls you to prepare for long-suffering in some matter.

plant a wild rose

If in a dream you plant a wild rose bush, expect long and painful conversations in reality.

plant sorrel

The dream in which you plant sorrel indicates that the things you know will not bring you anything but trouble. If someone else plants the sorrel, in reality the things that this person starts will turn into trouble for you.

Planting seedlings of cabbage

The dream in which you plant cabbage seedlings portends good news from afar.

plant ivy

If in a dream you plant ivy, in reality you will strive for friendly communication, need affection and help.

flower seedling

If in a dream you are busy planting seedlings of flowers, in reality you will be invited to a barbecue picnic or to a restaurant where you will have no less good time in entertainment and fun.

plant cherries

The dream in which you plant a cherry promises joy and prosperity.

Plant a pumpkin seed

If in a dream you planted a pumpkin seed, in reality you will sue someone you know. If others do it, one of the close relatives will be sued.

Plant trees in the garden

If in a dream you plant trees in the garden, arrange your well-being in reality.

Planting bushes in the garden

The dream in which you plant bushes in the garden promises profit or replenishment in the family.

plant rowan

If you plant a mountain ash in a dream, in reality you can commit an act that you will later regret.

The interpretation of the dream "plant" according to Miller's dream book (1901)

Plant potatoes

If in a dream you plant potatoes, in reality you can count on the fulfillment of your desires.

The meaning of sleep "plant" according to the dream book of Artemidor (II century)

Sow, plant trees, plow the land

In a dream, cultivating the land, sowing, planting trees and plowing is good for those who want to get married and have children, because arable land is nothing but a wife, and seeds and seedlings are children; wheat - sons, barley - daughters, and vegetables - premature miscarriages. But for everyone else, this means work and trouble; and if the dreamer has a sick person in the house, then he will die, because we bury the seeds and seedlings in the ground, like the dead.

Garden work is a symbol of trouble, both pleasant and not very. If you decide to find out why this is a dream, be sure to remember what you happened to plant in a dream. If you want to get an exact answer, what to expect from a dream, remember all the details of the plot, dream books recommend.

Briefly about the main

From the whole dream, remember only the plot in which you planted something? Then remember what exactly, and use brief interpretations.

  • Digging a garden in a dream - to hard work.
  • Planting seedlings in the garden is a good financial investment.
  • Transplanting raspberries - the habit of interfering in everything will play a cruel joke with you.
  • They buried a bone in a dream that grew into an outlandish tree - expect surprises.
  • In a dream, you are a pilot leading a plane to land - to the end of a difficult period in life.
  • Plant mushrooms - you are obsessed with an unusual idea.
  • Sowing grass on the lawn - passive rest awaits you.
  • Planting flowering plants in a cemetery is a symbol of the rebirth of something that has died out.
  • To plant a Christmas tree on the grave of a dead person - you want to forget about some episode in life.
  • Planting a lilac under the window is a sign of longing for love and tenderness.

Miller's dream book

A promising business is predicted by Miller's dream book to someone who planted raspberry or currant bushes in a dream. And planting flower bulbs is a symbol of an expensive acquisition. An explanation of why planting houseplants in a dream can also be found in this dream book: changes are coming in your personal life.

Did you dream that you were planting potatoes? The interpretation of sleep can be frustrating: you are in for a big waste of your personal budget. But planting tomatoes promises a change in the situation for the better.

Planting vegetables is a sign of financial well-being

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, planting seeds in the ground is a symbol of the organization of one's own well-being. Planting seeds in the ground of crops such as beets, carrots, radishes means an interesting offer. It can be both a marriage proposal and a profitable job. Fodder beet can mean a futile attempt to make money.

Any dream book can tell you why planting cabbage in a dream: a stable but boring life awaits you. But planting cucumbers - to material problems.

Fruit and berry plantations - from jealousy to boredom ...

Had a dream that you planted strawberries in your summer cottage and take care of the berries? To boring work, says the dream book of Nostradamus. Strawberries grow mixed with strawberries - monotonous work will bring you closer to the person who turns out to be your betrothed.

Why dream that you are planting watermelon seeds? A quick replenishment of the family awaits you, the dream book of Pastor Loff prophesies. But if you planted an apple or cherry tree, then soon there will be a new thing. Pear predicts reconciliation. And only a lemon tree promises sadness: a loved one will make you jealous.

Beds with greenery - Tears of happiness and grief

See how you plant green onions? You will shed tears. Parsley, the seed of which you scattered around the garden, has the same meaning. And only the planting of dill symbolizes good luck, but the fact that your prosperity will cause envious people to “spit poison” will spoil the general joy of interpretation.

Sharp to the tooth - to anger and illness

If you plant onions in a dream, then pay attention to your condition: when you plant onions, you cry - you will feel angry. And if the bow did not cause you any negative feelings, then you will feel weak.

Seeing that you have planted garlic is a serious illness. And if you watched someone else plant garlic, it means that you are not happy in marriage.

Have you planted hot peppers? There will be problems due to gambling.

Flower beds - Joy is near

Planting flowers in a dream usually promises joy. So roses are a sign of love and passion. Plant violets in a dream - you crave care. They transplanted an orchid - to changes in personal life.

Why lilies of the valley dream is not difficult to guess. These spring flowers symbolize the birth of feelings, interprets the Lunar Dream Book. Dreaming tulips predict happiness. And only a cactus warns of a meeting with an insidious person.

Tree seedlings - Both in profit and in business

Planting a birch, according to the Wanderer's dream book, prophesies a successful acquisition, both things and relationships. Were there many birches? You will quickly advance in your career thanks to the right connections. If you see in a dream that you are planting a spruce sprout, then this means that someone will let out barbs at you. And for those who planted a pine tree in a dream, one can hope for a good profit.

Shrub crops - Are you satisfied with everything?

If you dreamed that you were planting grapes, be sure to check Freud's dream book. He warns that a grape bush seen in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you put sex at the forefront and smooth out all conflicts in bed. Self-grown grapes are a pleasure from admiring yourself and your actions.

Planting flowers in a dream - to rapid changes for the better, prosperity, success in business and a long-awaited holiday in the house. If you want to know in more detail why you dream of preparing flower beds, seedlings, the process of planting seedlings at home, in a forest, in a cemetery, in a square, in a greenhouse or even at a grave, remember how much you liked the lesson itself and only after that, look into the dream book.

Predictions from Miller's dream book

Replanting indoor plants according to Miller's dream book is a good sign if you dreamed that you did it with pleasure. The famous psychologist suggests that you first remember your feelings and the specific place of action in order to find out what the dream is about. For example, planting seeds and planting flowers:

  • in a pot - to a pleasant surprise or a small but dear gift;
  • in a flower bed - for a family holiday;
  • on the square - to a joyful event;
  • in the cemetery - you can survive in difficult times;
  • in the garden - to a prominent guest;
  • in the forest - you will find yourself in a pleasant company.

Seeing and transplanting seeds of indoor plants in a pot in a dream - to changes in lifestyle. Dream Interpretations claim that all your efforts to improve your living conditions will bring real results in the near future if you dreamed of a flowering flower bed.

Get ready to meet your spouse

It is quite simple to figure out why a young man or girl dreams that he had to replant or plant flowers in the front garden near the house. The interpretation of sleep is reduced by many psychologists, in particular Freud, to the fact that the time has come to enter into a marriage relationship. In his dream book, such actions mean profit in the family.

The very process of cultivating the soil for seedlings is considered a symbol of fertility and rebirth. At the same time, planting plants with your own hands in a dream - to personal triumph and mutual love. I dreamed that you were planting flowers together with your loved one - be prepared to hear hot words of recognition from your soul mate.

Bad soil is no reason to be upset

Planting flowers in a dream in the ground on a grave means the onset of a period of reflection on life. Dream Interpretations warn that you can drastically change your views to the opposite, start studying another religion, get carried away with things that until now have not interested you at all.

Seeing someone close trying to stick seeds into the ground on the side of the road or into other infertile soil - be prepared for a difficult period. To understand why a bouquet is dreamed of, buried in the ground, not intended for planting flowers, remember what feelings accompanied you in a dream.

All goes to good

Brilliant prospects await those who dreamed of preparing a place for seedlings in a greenhouse or transplanting them into a pot. Seeing the fruits of your labor is a pleasant and expensive gift.

plant in a dream- Do you dream that you are planting something in the ground? This is a good sign.
See other people planting plants- the dream suggests that in reality it is difficult for you to find a common language with colleagues, relationships in the team do not stick at all.
Plant roses in a dream- to the problems that you create for yourself.
If you dreamed about how you plant something- this means that in reality you have high hopes for your spouse or children. True, there is no guarantee that your expectations will be met.
If in a dream it was not you who was planted, but you, meaning in a wagon or carriage, then we must wait for the danger that lurked behind a dangerous turn. It is worth being vigilant and beware of unfamiliar people.
If you plant flowers in your garden in your dream, expect a pleasant acquaintance and romantic relationship soon. The main thing is that the flowers are fresh.
If these wonderful plants were white, then it was time to collect the dowry and prepare for the wedding.
When you plant green plants in a dream- fate tells you that in the near future you will firmly stand on your feet and achieve recognition and success with your work.
It is very good when plants have long and strong roots - this means that soon you will find a safe place in life.
Planting a bow portends the complete defeat of the worst enemies.
Planting vegetables is akin to the beneficial qualities of these plants themselves. Such a dream speaks of a happy fate and long life, but on the way to all this, you have to eat a pound of salt, so it’s better to stock up on courage and patience.
Cucumbers and tomatoes planted in dreams promise an early pregnancy and a happy family life.
The centuries-old trees you planted predict a quick meeting with a wise man. He will be able to give advice, which, most likely, will radically change your destiny.
A harbinger of imminent wealth is a dream in which you plant a tree, this speaks of an early and large profit that will radically change your life.
plant potatoes- soon you will find your own home.
Plant potatoes or other vegetables in a dream- to solitude, you will have a chance to relax and think about plans for the future.
Plant carrots or beets- to longevity and strong friendship.
Put the criminal in jail- the dream suggests that you lack gentleness and tolerance towards people around you in reality, you are too critical and picky, which makes communication and friendship with you difficult.
plant what- either in a dream, means taking care of the arrangement of your well-being and home. This is a symbol of nepotism and the creation of your own home and family. In addition, this is a harbinger of favorable hopes, which are destined to come true soon, you just need to be a little patient.
Planting beans or beans in the garden- Think about it: it's time to replenish household supplies.
Planting a tree, know- Wealth and well-being awaits you.
Plant a tree or a small seedling yourself- a dream indicates that you are a very promising and successful person in real life, your development and resounding success is only a matter of time.
Wilted or dry plants- not a very good omen. The same goes for roses.
Seating someone on a chair or bench- a dream warns that if you do not stop and stop your extravagance in real life, you risk being left penniless in your pocket, and even in debt.
The arrangement of a greenhouse and planting flowers can bring joy not only in a dream, but also in reality.