Sergei Popov. Rotenberg, Prokhorov, Friedman: who made it to the list of the most enviable Russian bachelors Sergey popov mdm bank biography

Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of MDM Bank, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MDM Group since April 2002.


Born August 12, 1971; graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute with a degree in industrial power engineering; 1992-2000 - held senior positions in a number of companies working with the metallurgical industry, was responsible for economic efficiency and practical implementation of business projects, incl. for the supply of metallurgical products, both within Russia and for export; in 2000 became one of the founders of the financial and industrial group MDM;

Since May 2000, he has been President of the MDM Group, and in April 2002 he was also elected Chairman of the Board of Directors;

in May 2002, he handed over the post of president to A. Melnichenko, concentrating on the strategic problems of the development of the MDM group as chairman of the board of directors; married has a son.

As noted by "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" (23.04.2002), S. Popov stood at the origins of the creation of the "MDM Group", developed and implemented the company's development strategy. Under his leadership, the MDM Group has become one of the largest Russian companies operating in the field of direct investment and industrial asset management, has formed a significant package of assets in the coal, pipe, metallurgical, and chemical industries. According to the publication of the magazine "Profile" (# 16, 2002),

At the beginning of 2002, the MDM Group, whose total annual turnover exceeded $3 billion, united the Pipe Metallurgical Company, the Baikal-Ugol Siberian Coal Energy Company, the Evrokhim mineral and chemical company, and the MDM venture capital company. The group controls about 35% of coal production in Russia, 40% of pipe production, 50% of ferrosilicon.

Search by " Popov sergey mdm"results: mdm - 363, popov - 920, sergey - 10536.

results 1 to 20 from 79 .

Searching results:

1. Top-468 ("Finance"). ... 1956 Entrepreneur Unicor 2350 66.2 18 Leonid Fedun 1956 Vice President of Lukoil, IFD Capital 2200 62.0 19 Iskander Makhmudov 1963 President of UMMC 1950 54.9 20 Andrey Melnichenko 1972 Chairman of the Board of Directors of MDM Bank Group MDM 1840 51,8 21 Sergey Popov 1971 Chairman of the Board of Directors Group MDM 1840 51.8 22 Alexander Abramov 1959 President Evrazholding 1750 49.3 23 Yevgeny Shvidler 1964 President Sibneft 1680 47.3 24 Valery Oif 1964 Member of the Federation Council Sibneft 1680 47.3 25 David...
Date: 07.02.2005 2. Top-720 ("Finance"). ... companies 132.7 4610 14 ANDREY MELNICHENKO 1972 Co-owner of companies in various sectors: finance (MDM Bank), mining and metallurgical sector (SUEK and TMK), fertilizer production (MHK Evrokhim) 127.5 4430 15 SERGEY POPOV 1971 For several years he was a partner of Andrey Melnichenko (No. 14) only in an industrial group MDM, but in 2003 he became an equal co-owner in the financial business 127.5 4430 16 NIKOLAI TSVETKOV 1960 In 1993, he founded a company with the telling name "Nikoil...
Date: 13.02.2006 3. "Golden Hundred" Forbes-2009. Dossier on each participant of the rating. In 2002, he accepted the offer of the group's owners MDM Sergei Popova(No. 18) and Andrey Melnichenko (No. 32) on the entry of SinTZ into the Pipe Metallurgical Company they created in exchange for 35% of its shares and the post of general director.
Date: 04/20/2009 4. Vedomosti articles on the RBC website. ... all three partners, but so that Popova and Melnichenko is left with 25% plus 1 share,” he says. Possibly share allocation MDM to a different structure is done to simplify this transaction, he believes. Alexander Pukhaev from UFG believes that shareholders MDM it makes no sense to sell a stake in TMK before the IPO. “TMK's business is excellent due to high oil prices, the moment for an IPO is favorable,” he argues. “You can get part of the money now, and sell part of the package later.” Sergey Suverov from Gazprombank believes that ...
Date: 03/14/2006 5. Top-154 (Finance-2004) 8 youngest billionaires Rank Name Date of birth Main asset Asset estimate, $ million 1 Nikolai Smolensky 1981 OWC 100 2 Andrei Melnichenko 1972 Group " MDM" 825 3 Sergey Popov 1971 Group" MDM" 825 4-7 Vyacheslav Merkulov 1970 MPBK "Ochakovo" 35 4-7 Airat Khairullin 1970 "Krasny Vostok" 245 4-7 Inna Kochetova 1970 MPBK "Ochakovo" 80 4-7 Alexander Morgulchik 1970 RBC "Information Systems" 50 8 Mikhail Dubinin 1969 Wimm-Bill-Dann 80 10 oldest billionaires Place Name Date of birth ... 6. 36 dollar billionaires live in Russia ... directors of CJSC Group Management Company MDM» Sergey Popov oversaw industrial assets MDM. But in March, the shareholders announced the liquidation of the "Management Company". The enterprises that were part of the group will be divided into separate holdings. Official version: MDM completed the restructuring of the property, the manager is not needed. Unofficial: owners MDM decided that large single-brand financial-industrial groups attracted too much attention. Nature of work Sergei Popova from a name change...
Date: 05/13/2004 7. Liquidation: "One shot - and you're out of business." Nevertheless, we decided not to limit ourselves to the point of view of the press service MDM and tried to clear things up a bit. And who are the shareholders? Sergey Popov The main secret of the group MDM are its shareholders. Now two people have been publicly recognized as determining shareholders - Andrey Melnichenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MDM Bank, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the group MDM and member of the Board of Directors of MDM Bank Sergey Popov.
Date: 04/12/2004 8. French pranks of Russian oligarchs. True, the head of MDM Bank Andrey Melnichenko, head of MDM Group, almost did not participate in the general fun Sergey Popov: they almost did not dance (so, a little bit and very stiffly), more and more sat in the corner of the club.
Date: 23.09.2002 9. "The officially richest people in Russia". Financial group co-owners MDM Andrey Melnichenko (pictured) and... Followed by Sergey Galician in the ranking are mostly well-known surnames. Vagit Alekperov (LUKOIL), Alexander Frolov (Evraz), Andrey Melnichenko and Sergey Popov(the list of companies whose shares they own, as you can see, did not fit in the table, they had to limit themselves to large blocks).
Date: 23.01.2007 10. Metallurgy-2004. Dmitry Pumpyansky At the time of the deal with the group MDM the Sinara group of companies of Dmitry Pumpyansky seemed to many to be a victim of oligarchic games Sergei Popova. However, in practice it turned out that the object of the transaction - the Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) - is capable of developing without MDM. Sinara turned out to be at least as competent in the pipe business as the former owner of TMK. The success of Dmitry Pumpyansky is not the first career and image rise of regional businessmen in metallurgy, but, perhaps, one...
Date: 08/18/2004 11. Ours on the shore. By that time, Donatella Versace was already resting there with friends and accidentally stopped by Sergey Voronov from Crossroads with Katya Mil. Around the same time, a good company was walking in the Baoli restaurant, at the very beginning of the Croisette, in the old port in Cannes. The Russians came here for the Come&Party. The invitations announced that the holiday would last from 9 pm to 9 am, but no word about the occasion - the birthdays of the president of the group MDM Sergei Popova and company president...
Date: 08/19/2002 12. Who is who in the "Golden Hundred" -2007. 23. Sergey Popov$4.9 billion Finance, coal 35 years old, married Popov and Melnichenko are one of the strongest tandems in Russian business, they perfectly complement each other, - Nikolai Levitsky, a former top manager of the group, told Forbes last year MDM.-Sergey more emotional, has a crazy gift of persuasion, so powerful is his charisma.
Date: 04/20/2006 13. Bank managers do not know the owners. His bank is owned by the Austrian MDM Holding, but the names of its owners have been made public - these are Andrei Melnichenko and Sergey Popov. The financial director of the International Bank of St. Petersburg Gennady Meshcheryakov, who participated in the IFC survey, also considers the result of the study to be good. Its owner's bank does not hide. "It's even easier for me in negotiations when I can say that my bank belongs to Mr. Sergei] Bazhanov, although there are many other shareholders," says the financial director.
Date: 11/24/2003 14. The richest heirs of Russian billionaires (Forbes rating - 2016). ... billion Learn something about either the heirs of the former owner MDM Jar Sergei Popova not easy. The businessman avoids publicity and requires employees to make every effort so that the media does not mention his last name. Friends of the businessman told Forbes that he has two children of primary school age. Their potential legacy is several billion dollars in a trust registered in Jersey. This money Popov received after the division of the Group's business MDM with Andrey Melnichenko and sale of assets...
Date: 05/19/2016 15. Rating of Russian billionaires 2011. ... Transgroup A / S and Transmashholding 1963 17 6 ​​Gennady Timchenko 8.9 271.2 Co-owner of the oil trader Gunvor, Bank Rossiya and Novatek 1952 18 - 3 Andrey Melnichenko 8.4 256 Chairman of the Board of Directors and owner of EuroChem, partner Sergei Popova(No. 25) for SUEK 1972 19 -3 Alexey Kuzmichev 7.9 240.8 Chairman of Advisory Committee A1, co-owner of Alfa Group 1962 20 -3 Vladimir Evtushenkov 7.8 237.7 Chairman of the Board of Directors and main owner of AFK Sistema » 1948 21 0 Alexander...
Date: 02/14/2011 16. Rating of Russian billionaires 2010. ... Vester "1962 297 -49 Vladimir Gordeychuk 0.24 7.3 General Director of Tander, minority shareholder of Magnit 1961 298 25 Sergey Kozlovsky 0.24 7.3 Co-owner of the Inkom-Nedvizhimost corporation 1958 299 Artem Kuznetsov 0.24 7.3 Co-owner of the Guta group, son-in-law of Yuri Gushchin (No. 169) 1967 300 -92 Viktor Makushin 0.24 7.3 Owner industrial group "Mair" 301 49 Konstantin Popov 0.24 7.3 Partner Sergei Kozlovsky (No. 298) for Inkom Corporation 1960 302 Dmitry Taraba 0.24 7.3 Chairman of the Board of Directors and...
Date: 02/15/2010 17. Plowmen of the metallurgical field: who are all these people? Popov Sergey Viktorovich, Member of the Board of Directors of MDM Bank.
Date: 15.09.2005 18. MDM remembered "Krasugol". “SUEK and MDM Bank have common shareholders -- Sergey Popov and Andrey Melnichenko.
One of the partners MDM said that this client is SUEK.
Date: 06/17/2004 19. Chronicle of raids on the "Most" As reported in the secretariat of the vice-president of the "Most" group Sergei Zverev, at 22.30 representatives of the prosecutor's office arrived at the bank, who were given an official statement by Vladimir Gusinsky.
... In 1991, Yu. Luzhkov was elected vice-mayor (together with G. Popov, who became the mayor of Moscow) and headed the Moscow government, which gradually began to take control of the capital. Next year, with the departure Popova, in the hands of Luzhkov was the mayor's office ...
Date: 05/16/2000 20. Top-96 (Forbes-2017). Melnichenko is one of the founders MDM Bank, on the basis of which in the late 1990s - early 2000s, together with a billionaire Sergey Popov a real industrial empire was built. Later Melnichenko and Popov divided the assets.
Date: 03/21/2017

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Sergei Viktorovich Popov(August 12, 1971, Yekaterinburg) - Russian businessman and banker, shareholder, member of the Board of Directors and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of MDM Bank


He was a member of the Board of Directors of RAO "UES of Russia", JSC "Tube Metallurgical Company", JSC "Evrokhim", Industrial Group MDM and a number of other companies. Currently, he is also a member of the Board of Directors of OAO SUEK.

see also

  • The richest citizens of the CIS countries and descendants of emigrants from the USSR and the Russian Empire in 2007

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An excerpt characterizing Popov, Sergey Viktorovich (entrepreneur)

There was nothing terrible and sharp in this relatively slow awakening.
His last days and hours passed in an ordinary and simple way. And Princess Marya and Natasha, who did not leave him, felt it. They did not cry, did not shudder, and lately, feeling it themselves, they no longer followed him (he was no longer there, he left them), but for the closest memory of him - for his body. The feelings of both were so strong that they were not affected by the outer, terrible side of death, and they did not find it necessary to exasperate their grief. They did not cry either with him or without him, but they never talked about him among themselves. They felt that they could not put into words what they understood.
They both saw him sinking deeper and deeper, slowly and calmly, away from them somewhere, and both knew that this was how it should be and that it was good.
He was confessed, communed; everyone came to say goodbye to him. When they brought him his son, he put his lips to him and turned away, not because he was hard or sorry (Princess Marya and Natasha understood this), but only because he believed that this was all that was required of him; but when they told him to bless him, he did what was required and looked around, as if asking if there was anything else to be done.
When the last shudders of the body left by the spirit took place, Princess Marya and Natasha were there.
- Is it over?! - said Princess Mary, after his body had been motionless for several minutes, growing cold, lying in front of them. Natasha came up, looked into the dead eyes and hurried to close them. She closed them and did not kiss them, but kissed what was the closest memory of him.
“Where did he go? Where is he now?..”

When the dressed, washed body lay in a coffin on the table, everyone came up to him to say goodbye, and everyone wept.
Nikolushka wept from the pained bewilderment that tore at his heart. The Countess and Sonya wept with pity for Natasha and that he was no more. The old count wept that soon, he felt, he was about to take the same terrible step.
Natasha and Princess Mary were weeping now too, but they were not weeping from their own personal grief; they wept from the reverent tenderness that seized their souls before the consciousness of the simple and solemn mystery of death that took place before them.

The totality of the causes of phenomena is inaccessible to the human mind. But the need to find causes is embedded in the human soul. And the human mind, not delving into the innumerability and complexity of the conditions of phenomena, each of which separately can be represented as a cause, grabs at the first, most understandable approximation and says: here is the cause. In historical events (where the subject of observation is the actions of people), the most primitive rapprochement is the will of the gods, then the will of those people who stand in the most prominent historical place - historical heroes. But one has only to delve into the essence of each historical event, that is, into the activity of the entire mass of people who participated in the event, in order to be convinced that the will of the historical hero not only does not direct the actions of the masses, but is itself constantly guided. It would seem that it is all the same to understand the meaning of a historical event one way or another. But between the man who says that the peoples of the West went to the East because Napoleon wanted it, and the man who says that it happened because it had to happen, there is the same difference that existed between people who said that the land stands firmly and the planets move around it, and those who said that they did not know what the earth was based on, but they knew that there were laws governing the movement of both her and other planets. There are no and cannot be causes of a historical event, except for the single cause of all causes. But there are laws that govern events, partly unknown, partly groping for us. The discovery of these laws is possible only when we completely renounce the search for causes in the will of one person, just as the discovery of the laws of the motion of the planets became possible only when people renounced the representation of the affirmation of the earth.

Sergey Popov is a Russian entrepreneur, businessman, billionaire, banker, deputy chairman of the board of directors of MDM Bank. In the ranking of "The Richest Businessmen of Russia" according to Forbes for 2015, he takes 21st place with a fortune of $ 4.6 billion. Compared to the previous year, this rating has risen by 4 positions. Considered one of the most unusual Russian businessmen. Back in 2011, Forbes magazine called him an eccentric, eccentric and eccentric. However, this does not affect the growth of Popov's fortune in any way.

Biography of Sergei Popov

Graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Industrial Thermal Power Engineering. Immediately after the institute, he became a partner of the Ural-Siberian Commercial and Industrial Company. The main specialization of this company is trading in metals.

Already in 1996, he became a co-founder of the MDM Commercial and Industrial Company together with Andrey Melnichenko.

In the period from 1997 to 1999, he held the position of commercial director of Prodkontakt Company LLC. In 2000, together with partners, he founded the MDM Industrial Group. The main goal of this company is the purchase and structuring of industrial assets. Initially, it was positioned as an investment fund. Many private investors even contributed their funds to the development of the fund. In May 2002, Sergei Popov began to deal with the strategic problems of the development of the MDM group, having ceded the post of President to his partner Melnichenko. Thanks to his work, Popov managed to create three holding companies, which began to take a leading position in their industries. By 2003 there were three of them: SUEK, EuroChem and Pipe Metallurgical Company. It should be noted that the purchase of many assets in the industrial sector was accompanied by conflicts, often very violent.

However, under the leadership of a businessman, the MDM Group became one of the largest companies in Russia, which worked in the field of direct investment and industrial asset management.

In 2006, Popov and Melnichenko began the division of assets. This division finally came to an end in 2012, when Andrey Melnichenko bought out the last 17% of shares in the coal company SUEK, which were owned by Popov.

In 2008, he was forced to merge his assets with URSA-Bank and its head Igor Kim. In 2010, he exchanged his partner's share for the Latvian Trade Bank. It is known that Popov paid extra for this exchange in cash from his own pocket.

In 2014, Timur Avdeenko came to the post of Chairman of the Board of MDM Bank, who returned to his position after a seven-year break. He became the right hand of the businessman.

During his entrepreneurial activity, he was a member of the board of directors of many enterprises and companies. For example, Evrokhim OJSC, Pipe Metallurgical Company OJSC, RAO UES of Russia, SUEK OJSC and others.

The main capital today are shares (58.3%) of MDM Bank. It is known that Sergei Popov and his funds have bought more than 34 billion rubles of problem loans from MDM Bank. In addition, according to experts, non-core real estate of MDM Bank is worth 18 billion rubles. It was put up for sale in bulk back in 2014.

Personal life and hobbies

Not married, two children. He loves music, attends concerts at the conservatory with pleasure. The businessman does not like publicity, questions about his personal life and career, rarely gives interviews. In addition, he even hired a special PR agency that controlled the process and created his brand, only to keep the media from writing anything about him. And he succeeds. Not much is known about Popov's life. It is said that in one day he could lay off a huge number of employees without bothering to explain the reason. For which he was named one of the most eccentric entrepreneurs.

Collects paintings by contemporary followers of impressionism. He is a mentor and co-founder of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo. It is known that together with the students, the billionaire worked to increase the attendance of the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val.

Sergey Popov differs from many Russian billionaires in that he has a background that does not fit the standard description of capital growth. He had no commercial experience, he did not make a fortune in the 1990s, he did not start his own business during that difficult period in Russia, when money was made quickly, but not very cleanly. And even now, during the crisis, it would seem that it should bear serious losses. After all, the banking sector is one of those areas that suffered the most during the economic crisis. But, according to the businessman himself, not a single crisis is an obstacle to income growth. And, judging by the state of Sergei Popov, this is true.

Sergey Popov/Sergei Popov

Source of wealth: bank, coal

Place of residence: Moscow

Family status: married, son

  • Early 1990s He worked in the Ural-Siberian trade and industrial company that traded in metals. In the early 2000s, together with Andrei Melnichenko (No. 6), he organized the MDM industrial group.
  • Capital Main beneficiary of MDM Bank (58.3%)
  • Event In 2008, he merged banking assets with Igor Kim (URSA-bank), and two years later, due to the deterioration in financial performance of MDM Bank, he exchanged his partner's share for the Latvian Trade Bank, paying in cash.
  • Number In 2012, MDM Bank began transferring RUB 30.8 billion in problem loans from its balance sheet to a fund set up with shareholders' funds.
  • Rating In December 2012, Moody's downgraded MDM Bank's rating by one notch to Ba3 with a negative outlook due to the bank's poor asset quality. At the same time, MDM Bank's contract with the Fitch agency expired, and the bank did not renew it.
  • Deal In 2012, Popov sold his remaining about 17% stake in the coal company SUEK to former long-term partner Melnichenko. The asset division, which began in 2006, has been completed.
  • Detail One of the founders, member of the coordinating council of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo.
  • Collection Pictures of modern followers of impressionism.

Right hand:

Martin Andersson
Member of the Boards of Directors of MDM Bank and SUEK

In 1992-1993 he was an adviser to the Privatization Committee under the Government of the Russian Federation, in August 1993 he founded the Brunswick investment company, which was later bought by the Swiss bank UBS. Since 2006 he has been working for Popov.

Sergey Popov is Andrey Melnichenko's former partner in the MDM Group. During the division of this one of the largest oligarchic empires of the early 2000s, Popov was able to retain MDM Bank, leaving Melnichenko the Evrokhim chemical concern. As of mid-2007, they continued to own the coal business concentrated in SUEK together.

Sergey Popov is one of the youngest billionaires in Russia

Sergey Popov was born on August 12, 1971; graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute with a degree in industrial power engineering. After studying at the Ural Polytechnic Institute with a degree in industrial thermal power engineering, in 1993, Mr. Popov became a partner in the Ural-Siberian Trade and Industrial Company (USTPK), which specialized in trading in energy resources, products of pipe enterprises, as well as in the supply of raw materials smelters in the country.

In 1997-1999, Mr. Popov was a partner and commercial director at Prodkontrakt Company LLC.

In 1992-2000 - held senior positions in a number of companies working with the metallurgical industry, was responsible for economic efficiency and practical implementation of business projects, incl. for the supply of metallurgical products, both within Russia and for export; in 2000 became one of the founders of the financial and industrial group MDM; Since May 2000, he has been President of the MDM Group, and in April 2002 he was also elected Chairman of the Board of Directors; in May 2002, he handed over the post of president to A. Melnichenko, focusing on the strategic problems of the development of the MDM group as chairman of the board of directors. As noted by "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" (23.04.2002), S. Popov stood at the origins of the creation of the "MDM Group", developed and implemented the company's development strategy. Under his leadership, the MDM Group has become one of the largest Russian companies operating in the field of direct investment and industrial asset management, has formed a significant package of assets in the coal, pipe, metallurgical, and chemical industries. According to the publication of the magazine "Profile" (# 16, 2002), at the beginning of 2002, the MDM Group, whose total annual turnover exceeds 3 billion dollars, combined the Pipe Metallurgical Company, the Siberian Coal Energy Company "Baikal-Ugol", mineral - chemical company "Evrokhim", venture company MDM. The group controls about 35% of coal production in Russia, 40% of pipe production, 50% of ferrosilicon.

Mr. Popov's professional interests include projects in the field of restructuring and management of industrial and financial assets, large-scale strategic investments, development of business strategies, as well as the introduction of modern principles of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility systems in large industrial enterprises.