Sinabon with cinnamon recipe with photos at home. Cinnabon buns with cinnamon and butter cream at home Cinabon - what is it

Cinnamon Sinabon Buns: A Classic Recipe

Cinnamon Sinabon Buns: A Classic Recipe

This roll made the bakery famous and glorified it all over the world. Sinabon - this word combines cinnamon, which means "cinnamon" in English, and bun - a bun. The recipe is not troublesome, however, it is worth sticking to it as closely as possible, otherwise you will get the usual "grandmother's buns". Americans use high gluten wheat flour. But if you're unsure about the stickiness of your flour, you can make your own gluten. To add it or not, you can decide only by experience.

The process of making gluten is very simple.

Place one heaping tablespoon of flour in a bowl with two tablespoons of water. Knead a stiff ball of dough.
Rinse the resulting dough under running cold water. You should get a heterogeneous "rag" - this is gluten. Add her dough before the flour.

Dough preparation

For the test you will need:

Flour - 600-700 g (4-5 cups);
milk - 200 ml (4/5 cup);
eggs - 2 pcs.;
sugar - 100 g (1/2 cup);
butter - 70-80 g (5 tablespoons);
yeast - 50 g fresh (or 11 g dry);
salt - 1 tsp

The dough preparation process

In a cup, mix warm milk with a spoonful of sugar and add yeast. It turns out steam. We wait 10-15 minutes until it rises.
In a large bowl, beat eggs at room temperature with the remaining sugar, then add soft butter and salt, mix.
When the dough approaches (increases), pour it into the egg-butter mixture, gluten, mix and add the sifted flour. Flour may take less or more, so it should be poured gradually so that the dough does not turn out too steep.
Knead the dough thoroughly. The main thing is that it does not stick to your hands.
Then we turn the dough into a lump and cover with cling film (towel). Close windows and doors to avoid drafts. Leave in a warm place for one hour. You can take a larger basin and pour warm water into it, and then put a container with dough. The dough should approximately double in size. This will take approximately one hour. To make the buns more magnificent, you will have to wait two hours, during which time you should knead the dough 2-3 times.
While the dough is rising let's make the filling.

Filling preparation

Filling Ingredients:

Butter - 50 g (3.5 tablespoons);
brown sugar - 200 g (1 cup);
cinnamon - 20 g (3 tablespoons)

The process of making cinnamon filling

Melt the butter on the stove or in the microwave (5-10 seconds).
Combine brown sugar and cinnamon and mix with butter.
The filling is ready!

Cream preparation

Cream Ingredients:

Cream cheese (for example, Mascarpone, Philadelphia, Almette) - 50-60 g (3-4 tablespoons);
powdered sugar - 100 g (4/5 cup);
soft butter - 40 g (2-3 tablespoons),

Cream making process

Mix cream cheese with soft butter until smooth.
Then add powdered sugar and vanillin to the resulting mass.
If your kitchen is cool, the buttercream frosting can get very thick, making it difficult to distribute evenly over the buns. Therefore, to make the cream more pliable, let it stand a little next to the stove, the heat of the oven will not allow it to harden.

Bun formation technology

When the time is up and the dough has risen, take it out of the bowl. Sprinkle the table with a little flour and knead the dough on the table. If it sticks to your hands too much, add a little more flour. Knead the dough for about 1-2 minutes. As soon as it stops sticking, roll it into a ball, cover with a towel and let it rest for another 5 minutes.

Now that the dough is fully prepared for sculpting cinnabons, take a rolling pin and roll out a thin layer about 5 millimeters thick and 12 × 16 inches (30 × 40 centimeters) in size. Roll out the dough

Evenly distribute the filling of butter, sugar and cinnamon. Leave three centimeters empty from the edge so that the rolled roll sticks well into the lock.

Roll the dough tightly into a roll so that it does not fall apart. The tighter you get it, the more your buns will look like the original and won't fall apart during baking. But do not overdo it, do not forget that for the correct Synabon, there should be no more than five turns.
We apply the filling and roll the dough into a roll

Cut the resulting roll into pieces one inch thick (2.54 cm). You should have 12 pieces. The knife must be very sharp so as not to deform the buns, otherwise they may crumble. If this is not on the farm, you can use a thin white thread. To do this, wrap the roll with a thread in the place where you want to make a cut and with a movement, as if you are tying a knot, pull both ends of the thread. Cut the resulting roll into 12 parts

Now generously grease a baking dish with oil, preferably with high sides. If the coating is non-stick, you can do without parchment paper.
We lay out the cakes so that the distance between them is 3-4 centimeters. This is necessary so that they have enough space when they begin to increase in size. If the distance is very large, then the buns will not look like an American masterpiece. Cover the form with cling film or a towel and wait 15 minutes until they rise a little more. If you are not in a hurry, then you can wait an hour, all this is done for splendor and airiness.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. We bake buns for 18 to 25 minutes, taking into account the characteristics of your oven. Readiness of baking can be checked with a wooden skewer (matches, toothpicks). Pierce the product. If the pastry is ready, then the skewer will be clean, the dough should not stick to it. As soon as the filling boils and the rolls are browned, we wait a couple of minutes and take them out of the oven, the main thing is not to overdry. If you have a bread maker, we bake according to its features.

Without removing the rolls from the mold, apply glaze to them with a brush. If you let the buns cool a little, then the icing will not melt and will not spread much. To make the cake look elegant, wait 5 minutes before applying the icing.

Cinnabon brand cinnamon rolls are known for their incredible taste. Their story begins in 1985 in Seattle, when father and son set out to create the most delicious buns in the world.

With the help of a team of technologists and confectioners and long experiments, they achieved their goal, made a dessert that is even included in the list of the fifty main pleasures in life. The recipe is kept secret, but the main ingredient list is known.

In this article, we will tell you how to bake this divine treat at home for guests and loved ones. The main ingredients in the classic cinnamon sinabon bun recipe are: cinnamon, cream cheese, cane sugar and coffee. Their choice should be taken very carefully, because the success of the dish will largely depend on their quality.

Cinnamon of the Makara variety is used for baking sinabon buns, thanks to careful processing it will retain a maximum of aroma. Finding it in stores can be difficult. It is permissible to replace with another variety of cinnamon, most importantly, choose fresh.

Cane sugar
It cannot be replaced because regular white refined sugar will not give the baked goods a caramel flavor.

Cream cheese
In stores, such cheese can be found without difficulty, take it fatter and without additives.

Take the best one available, ideally freshly ground.

Step by step recipe for sinabon buns


  • yeast from a bag - 13 g;
  • wheat flour - 700 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • cow's milk - 200 ml;
  • cane sugar - 280 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g (optional);
  • drain oil. - 220;
  • powdered sugar - 80 g;
  • cream cheese - 140 g;
  • salt - tea. spoon;
  • cinnamon - 25 g;
  • ground coffee - to taste.

First, prepare the yeast, combine warm milk and yeast, add a pinch of sugar and set aside for now - rise. Remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, they should be at room temperature. Beat them in a clean and dry bowl until frothy. Butter also needs to be softened in advance, about 75 g should be mixed into the egg mixture. Pour 100 g of sugar there (here you can use white, this will not affect the taste).

In a deep bowl, where you will knead the dough later, mix the milk with yeast and eggs with butter and sugar. Take flour, about 700 g, add salt and mix thoroughly. Add some of this flour to the yeast and start kneading the dough.

Dough and glaze

Prepare gluten for cinnamon buns: take 1 tsp. a spoonful of flour and the same amount of water, sculpt a ball from this mass and rinse under running water. Add our ball to the dough along with the remaining salt flour. The dough should be covered with a napkin or towel and left in a warm place for 60 minutes.

Now let's start preparing the filling. Rub the remaining oil with a fork. Mix cinnamon and cane sugar in a separate bowl.

Check the dough, when it has doubled in size, use a rolling pin to roll it into a large and thin rectangle (about 40-50 cm). Spread the butter evenly over the entire layer, and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Roll the dough tightly into a roll and cut into pieces - synabons. Spread the buns on the prepared baking sheet and leave to stand for 15 minutes under a towel. Then bake the buns for about half an hour at 165 degrees, focus on the appearance of a golden crust or wait until the sugar has melted.

Now let's get on with the frosting, just enough time for them to bake. Take cream cheese and some butter, everything should be at room temperature. No need to take expensive cheese or cheese with additives, the most common one will do. Mix and add sweet powder. When the synabons are browned, use a brush to coat the buns with icing. If the mixture turned out to be liquid, then simply pour the buns on top. Don't forget to sprinkle them with selected freshly ground coffee at the very end.

And everything is ready, this divine taste cannot be compared with anything. Synabons according to the classic recipe are ready. Bon appetit!

Varieties of synabons

If you want to diversify the taste of classic cinnamon buns, cook them according to one of the recipes that we will offer below.



  • cocoa powder - 3 table. spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 6 table. spoons;
  • drain oil. - 6 table. spoons.


  • cow's milk - 100 ml;
  • drain oil. - 50 g.;
  • cocoa - 35 g;
  • sugar - 80 g.

Here we use the dough and technology from the classic recipe, changing only the composition of the filling and glaze.

For the filling, combine all the ingredients and stir until the lumps disappear. Glaze time: Pour sugar with cocoa into a saucepan, add butter, mix. Pour in the milk and over low heat, stirring all the time, hold for 15-25 minutes, you need the mass to thicken. Done, now add the chocolate filling and icing to the dough and enjoy the new taste.

With mascarpone cream


  • mascarpone cheese - 70 g;
  • drain oil. - 4 table. spoons;
  • - taste;
  • sugar powder with coconut - 90 g.

Blend butter and cheese until smooth, then add the rest of the dry ingredients. It is better not to put this cream in the refrigerator, because after hardening it will be difficult to spread. Leave it next to the stove, this consistency will be convenient.

With apple filling


  • apples (variety to your taste) - 2 large fruits;
  • drain oil. - 40 years;
  • cane sugar - 180 g;
  • - 25 y.

Melt the butter, meanwhile, peel the apples from the cores and peel and chop finely. Mix all the ingredients and spread on the dough.

Few people can remain indifferent to this dessert, having tried it once. These buns have conquered the whole world, so do not deprive yourself and your loved ones of the pleasure and be sure to cook them as soon as possible.

There is a special smell in our hall, nowhere else smells like that. I don’t know what it is - not food, not spirits - you can’t make out, but you immediately feel that you are at home. (D. Salinger. "Catcher in the rye")

Cinnabon is the world famous brand of the most delicious cinnamon buns covered with a delicate white cream cheese icing. Bakery cafes with the same name exist all over the world, including in Russia, and, in addition to buns, are famous for other mega-calorie desserts. Cafe Cinnabon is a feast for a gourmet with a sweet tooth. I am not a supporter of such an abundance of sweets, but cinnamon buns strongly demanded to move to my home kitchen and I gave up.

You will need:


  • milk 200 ml
  • dry yeast 1 sachet (11 gr)
  • eggs 2 pcs
  • butter 70 gr
  • sugar 100 gr
  • premium wheat flour 600 gr
  • salt 1 tsp
  • vanilla sugar 1 tbsp
  • gluten 1 tbsp (I'll tell you what it is below)


  • butter 50 gr
  • brown sugar 170 gr
  • ground cinnamon 1 sachet (15-20 gr)

Cream glaze:

  • Mascarpone cheese 500 gr
  • powdered sugar 4 tbsp
  • vanilla sugar 1 tbsp

These ingredients are used to make dough, filling and icing for buns. Everything is available, only the mysterious gluten confuses.

Gluten or gluten- This protein found in cereals and, accordingly, in flour from wheat. Thanks to gluten, flour, diluted with water, becomes elastic and elastic, turns into dough. If there is not enough gluten in the flour, the bakery does not rise well and “floats” in the oven, therefore, in the baking industry, gluten is often additionally added to the dough in the form of an industrially prepared powder. If you don’t have such a powder, then this is not a reason to refuse baking, because gluten is very easy to prepare at home.

How to prepare gluten:

Mix 2 tbsp. flour with water (approximately 2 tablespoons) until a dense dough forms. Roll the dough into a ball. Pour cold water into a bowl, dip a ball of dough into it and knead it with your hands in water. Your goal is to wash the starch out of the dough. Change the water periodically and continue kneading the dough. When the water becomes almost transparent, and it will take 5-7 minutes, you will have a sticky mass in your hand - it looks like the same dough, but without starch - this is it.

So that the gluten does not dry out, put it in water.

In addition to preparing gluten, do more a few preparatory steps:

For the filling and glaze, you will need butter and Mascarpone cheese at room temperature, take care of this and remove the butter and cheese from the refrigerator in advance.

Yeast dough loves when it is kneaded from warm foods, so if the eggs were in the refrigerator, put them in a bowl and pour hot water over them to warm up.

To knead the dough, melt butter in milk. This can be done in the microwave: first melt the butter, combine it with milk and, if the mixture is not warm enough, heat it up. Remember that the mixture should be warm, but not hot, as they say - "tolerates a finger."

Step by step photo recipe:

Sift flour into a bowl, add dry yeast, salt, sugar and vanilla sugar to it.

Stir so that the ingredients are evenly distributed, you can use your hand.

Start kneading the dough. I do this with a mixer. Whisk eggs. It is not necessary to beat for a long time - until smooth.

Add milk with melted in it butter. Stir.

Swap the beater attachment for the dough hooks. Add to eggs flour mixture (it is better to add gradually in two or three doses) and turn on the mixer.

Don't forget about gluten- Divide into pieces and add to the mixer bowl.

In the mixer, the dough is kneaded for no more than 10 minutes. This time is enough - praise and gratitude to the people who came up with such a smart machine! When kneading the dough by hand, it will take much more time. Periodically stop the mixer and scrape the flour from the edges of the bowl so that it is all included in the dough.

Place the finished dough on a floured surface.

How I love this moment! The dough is ready, it is evenly kneaded, elastic and elastic. You don't need to knead it anymore, just knead it with your hands and form a ball out of it.

Put the dough in a bowl, cover with cling film, leaving a hole for air, and leave alone for 1 hour.

While the yeast is working prepare the stuffing- mix brown sugar with cinnamon.

Brown sugar can be substituted for regular sugar. Cinnamon can also be a little more or less (there are packages of 15, 20, 25 grams).

The dough has risen and increased in volume.

Lay it out on a floured surface and punch down to remove air.

Knead the dough with your hands, try to give it rectangle shape.

Now roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a rectangle 45x50 cm. Sprinkle some flour while rolling. Properly kneaded dough is very elastic, does not stick to the hands and the surface, so a lot of flour is not needed.

Brush the entire surface of the dough with soft butter.

Sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon and smooth with your hand.

Take a rolling pin and lightly press the filling onto the dough with it - roll it.

Roll the dough into a roll. Roll along the long side: start at the opposite end from you and fold towards you, pulling the dough slightly away from you. The roll must be rolled tightly, then the buns will turn out even.

Cut the roll into buns. To do this, first mark the roll with a knife on 12 parts.

To make the buns even, cut the roll thread. I used dental floss, but you can use regular floss. Raise the edge of the roll, place the middle of the thread under the roll, bring the ends of the thread over the roll along the intended cut and pull sharply in opposite directions. Very quickly and easily you will divide the roll into 12 small parts.

Lay the future buns on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Lightly pinch the last roll of the bun with your fingers so that it doesn't unfold during baking.

Cover the baking sheet with a clean towel or cling film and leave the buns up for 1 hour.

After an hour, remove the film and put the buns in the oven. Bake buns at t 160°C 45 minutes. In the meantime, the buns are baking and driving the whole neighborhood crazy with their aroma, cook cream frosting: Beat the mascarpone cheese with powdered sugar with a mixer.

Mascarpone can replace with homemade sour cream, but the preparation of cream from it has its own characteristics. How to make cream from homemade sour cream, see If you do not have either Mascarpone or sour cream, just pour hot buns with condensed milk.

Here are the beauties that turned out - cinnamon rolls!

Take the buns out of the oven and lubricate immediately half of the prepared cream icing. Wait 10-15 minutes, during which time the first part of the glaze will melt on hot buns and soak into them a little. Then spread the remaining frosting on the buns.

Meet! The famous cinnamon bun Cinnabon- a bun "in the fog"! Airy, well-baked dough, delicate sweet glaze and the famous unforgettable taste of cinnamon! Ah, kakooo ... oh aromaaa ... at! Yes, this smell can rightfully be called the smell of home!

Be sure to reheat the bun if it is cold (15 seconds in the microwave at full power) - a warm bun is especially good! And you can store Cinnabons in the refrigerator, only after it keep it in the microwave a little longer - 25-30 seconds.

Despite the fact that nutritionists consider Cinnabon one of the most harmful desserts, it is no more harmful than any other baked goods. It's no secret that sweets raise the level of endorphins - the hormone of joy, but you need to know the measure in everything. It is not in vain that wise people say that knowing one's measure and living in accordance with it is one of the main conditions for happiness. If you care about a varied and nutritious diet for your family, then you are unlikely to offer Cinnabon as an after-dinner dessert. Such a bun is good separately from everything, for example, as an accompaniment to tea. I think that one Cinnabonchik for an afternoon snack will not hurt anyone! Happy tea!

for every taste!
And now we have instagram

Cinnabon cinnamon buns can be called one of the best desserts for coffee or tea. Such a treat will appeal to all the sweet tooth, only not every housewife dares to take on its preparation.

Working with yeast dough for buns may seem like a difficult and uninteresting task for novice housewives, because the process is really very laborious. Actually it is not.

If you have a desire to have a bite to eat with a delicious Cinnabon bun, you should not deprive yourself of such an opportunity, because a delicacy can be prepared at home.

Their recipe is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, especially since I tried in this article to set out all the steps step by step and write them as clearly as possible so that not a single housewife would have problems with making buns.

Cooking principles

  • To make delicious cinnamon rolls at home, you need to prepare a yeast dough dough. Even if you don't have a single yeast experience, don't be afraid. The recipe is described step by step, it clearly indicates all the proportions, and therefore, soon lush Cinnabons will flaunt on your table, from which both adults and children will be delighted. You just need to choose the right ingredients for the dough and follow the baking mode for the buns.
  • For home baking, it is worth taking the highest grade flour. In the event that you have low-grade flour, there is a high probability that the dough will simply float. Items will be grey. The flour needs to be sifted a couple of times using a sieve. As a rule, it will be enough to sift the composition of the flour for cinnamon rolls called Cinnabon several times. Thanks to this simple operation, the dough will become light and airy during baking.
  • Often, housewives wonder which yeast is best to use if baking buns is a dry or fresh composition, or they are also called pressed. It is easier to work with a dry composition, they only need to be diluted in warm water with the addition of sugar, let stand warm so that the mass becomes active and a foam cap appears. Such a mixture should be kneaded together with flour in a small amount. On its basis, you need to prepare a dough, from about half of the indicated norm of flour. Maintain the temperature of the liquid at about 38 gr., You should not take it lower, because otherwise there is a high chance that the dough will not rise, since the yeast will not be activated.
  • Fat should be added to the dough for cinnamon rolls, it can be rast. butter or margarine, chicken. eggs. When the yeast composition is made on water, you need to add sour cream to it. Butter and margarine should be used only of high quality so that they do not have an unpleasant odor. Melt them before using in a water bath, but I advise adding ingredients to the batch only after they have cooled. It is best that they are at room temperature.
  • Sinabon buns use ground cinnamon. It is added to the filling. This spice provides the buns with a fragrant smell. You need to put a small amount of it in the dough to make the buns fragrant. Just be aware of the sense of proportion!
  • You need to decorate Sinabon buns as the recipe indicates.

Well, now I propose to move on to practice and bake buns for your home. Choose a recipe and put it into practice right now.

Cinnabon, French buns

Components: 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 125 gr. margarine; 3 art. flour; 1 st. milk; 50 gr. fresh yeast; ¼ st. Sahara.
Cream ingredients: 125 gr. sl. oils; 150 gr. Sahara; cinnamon (you need to make sugar powder); 1.5 tbsp starch.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. To begin with, I am preparing the cream. In this case, I knead starch, cinnamon, sugar. sand together and add to the melted butter. I mix until the mass has become a pasty state.
  2. I knead the dough. I warm milk to 38-40 gr. I pour it into a bowl and crumble the yeast, mix it so that the mass dissolves well. I add sugar and mix again. The component should dissolve well.
  3. I bring melted sl. butter, chicken eggs and a little flour sifted in advance.
  4. I mix, the test mass should be homogeneous in composition. It is important that the kneading does not stick to your hands, but it should not be dense either.
  5. After preparing the batch, I separate 1/3 of the dough, roll it out in the form of a rectangular layer of about 1 cm in thickness. I spread 1/3 of the cream on top of the layer. I roll it up like a roll. You need to make several of these blanks next.
  6. I cover the baking sheet with parchment, the layer should not be very thick. I cut the rolls into pieces, they should be about 4 cm wide. I lay them out on the surface of the baking sheet, but lay the slices of the buns down. It is not worth crushing the buns, but between them on the baking sheet it is worth leaving the edges. Cover the buns with a towel and keep warm for 1 hour.
  7. The Sinabon oven is needed at 180 gr., But before that I advise you to heat the brazier to 220 gr. The buns take about 20 minutes to cook.

Cinnamon-apple French buns: a recipe for dough

The recipe is not complicated, a step-by-step algorithm is presented with a photo.

Components for dough: 25 gr. fresh yeast; 250 ml of milk; 2 tbsp Sahara; 3 tbsp flour.
Components for the test: 500 gr. flour; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; ¼ st. Sahara; 1/3 pack. sl. oils; baths. Powder; 70 ml sour cream.
Cream components: 3 pcs. apples 0.5 tbsp Sahara; 1/3 tsp cinnamon powder; 1 PC. lemon; 30 gr. cream or butter.
You will also need: 1 tbsp. milk and 2 pcs. chickens. yolks.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. To begin with, I make a dough, pour milk and add sugar to it. I stir so that the grains are all dissolved. I add yeast to the mixture and mix again. I bring flour. Use a whisk to mix the lumps. I cover the container with the dough either with a towel or food. cling film and leave for 25 minutes.
  2. The dough must be allowed to rise, and only then it is worth kneading the dough. I sow the flour in a container, add salt, vanilla and make a kneading. I shake the chickens in a container. eggs, drown in a water bath sl. butter and let cool to room temperature.
  3. I sow the flour, make a hole in it on the surface and pour in the chickens. eggs, after I introduce sl. oil and add a mixture of sourdough. I mix the mass with a spoon, then I switch to kneading with my hands. I knead the dough as thoroughly as possible, leave it in a bowl under a towel so that it stands there for 1.30 hours.
  4. I'm busy making buns at the moment. I peel the apples, cut the fruit into pieces and remove the seeds. Cubes should not be too big. I put it in a bowl and sprinkle with lemon juice, this is necessary so that the apples do not darken.
  5. I cover the apples with sugar, mix well, and then put them in a pan, poured with melted sl. oil. Carcass fruit for about 7 minutes in a pan, while the fire should not be large. Only then it is necessary to add cinnamon to the mass and cool.
  6. When the dough has settled, you need to knead it for 5 minutes. Then cut into 20 balls and roll out in the form of cakes, the thickness of which will be about 1.5 cm, and they will be about 20 cm in diameter.
  7. I take one of the blanks, put a glass in the center and use it to cut out a circle. I take off the bezel and set it aside.
  8. I cover the dough with 1 tbsp. apple fillings. You need to make sure that the circle does not break. I stretch the rim, put the stuffing around, twist it in the form of an 8 and put it on top. I form buns from blanks.
  9. At a short distance from each other, I put the buns on a baking sheet, but I always cover it with parchment. To keep them apart, I cover the blanks for 25 minutes with a towel. I grease the buns with chicken milk. yolk. I send it to bake in the oven for about 20 minutes.

Sinabon multilayer buns: another recipe

Components: 500 gr. flour; 1 PC. chickens. eggs; 1 st. milk; 0.5 st. Sahara; 30 gr. sl. butter another 50 gr. For filling; cinnamon; 1 tsp dry yeast.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I'm heating up oil, pour it over so that it cools down a little in a bowl.
  2. I warm up the milk, add 2 tablespoons to it. sugar and yeast. I leave it warm for 25 minutes.
  3. I pour the yeast mass into a bowl, add the next. oil, I knead.
  4. I sift the flour several times before adding it to the composition. The dough should be homogeneous. I knead it well on the table, it will take about 10 minutes. I form the dough into a ball and put it in a bowl, leaving it alone, for another 60 minutes.
  5. It remains only to divide the dough into 3 parts. They must be equal. It is worth rolling out the dough thinly, about 2 mm in thickness. Lubricate over melted sl. butter, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon layers. I cover the dough again with a layer, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and repeat the procedure again. I lubricate the last layer. oil, then a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. In general, you get a plast cake, but you need to divide it into parts and form buns.
  6. I cover the baking sheet. oil, covered with parchment.

I spread the buns, and leave them for 30 minutes to proof, only then I send them to bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 gr.

The buns will be very tasty, there is no doubt about it, and you will cook them more than once for your loved ones for tea! Because the recipe is so simple!

I wish you great success in your home kitchen, create real culinary masterpieces with my recipes!

My video recipe

The famous French cinnabon buns, with their traditional recipe and excellent taste, glorified the bakery of the same name all over the world. You can recreate its atmosphere at home and make your own sinabon buns, the recipe of which is not so complicated.

You will need

To cook sinabon rolls at home, the recipe with a photo of which contains all the nuances of baking, you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk (200 ml);
  • wheat flour (650-700 g);
  • eggs (2 pcs.);
  • dry yeast (11 g);
  • salt (1 tsp);
  • butter (180-200 g);
  • white sugar (100 g);
  • cane sugar (200 g);
  • vanilla sugar (1 tsp);
  • powdered sugar (100 g);
  • cream cheese (100 g);
  • cinnamon (20 g).


To prepare the same dough for cinnabon buns, as in a cafe, you need:

  1. Mix warm milk in a cup with a spoonful of white sugar and add dry yeast there - after 10-15 minutes the resulting dough should rise.
  2. In a large bowl, beat the eggs with the remaining white sugar. Add 1 tsp. salt and softened butter (70-80 g). Mix.
  3. Pour the dough into the resulting mixture (only after it has risen), add the carefully sifted flour. In order for the dough to acquire the desired consistency, it is recommended to add flour gradually, constantly stirring the mass. After the flour, you need to add gluten (according to the traditions of the famous cinnabon bakery, the recipe for cinnamon rolls necessarily includes this ingredient).
  4. Knead the dough, make a lump out of it and wrap in cling film (or cover with a towel), then put in a warm place without drafts.

To make the dough rise faster, you can collect warm water in a basin and place it there, after putting it in some kind of container. Having risen, the dough should increase in its volume by about half - it will not take so much time: an hour or an hour and a half. To make the sinabon buns with cinnamon and butter cream more tender and fluffy, the dough should stand longer - 2 hours. During this period of time, it is recommended to carefully knead it 2-3 times.


The signature cinnamon sinabon bun recipe has a simple filling that is easy to make while the dough is rising. For this you need:

  1. Melt the butter (40-50 g) in the microwave or in a saucepan on the stove.
  2. Mix cane sugar and cinnamon.
  3. Add the resulting mixture to the melted butter and mix thoroughly - you should get a homogeneous mass.

Cream glaze

The most delicious sinabon cinnamon buns according to the classic recipe are obtained if the cream for them is prepared correctly and all the ingredients are taken in the right proportion. Fondant or cream for sinabon buns is prepared quite simply:

  1. Heat butter (40 g) until softened.
  2. Mix cream cheese (mascarpone, Almette or Philadelphia is suitable) with soft butter so that a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained.
  3. Add vanilla sugar and powdered sugar to the resulting mixture.

So that the finished filling for buns does not freeze (this can happen if the kitchen is cool), it is better to place it in a warm place - next to the stove or oven.

How to cook gluten

Sinabon bun, a step-by-step recipe for which is not difficult even for beginners, needs such a mandatory ingredient as gluten. If you neglect it, the dough will not get the desired consistency and taste. To make gluten you need:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. flour with equal or slightly less water to make a dense dough. It needs to be rolled into a ball.
  2. Pour cold water into a large bowl. Lower the resulting ball of dough there and knead it with your hands (this is done in order to wash all the starch from the dough).
  3. After the water in the bowl becomes almost transparent (this should happen after 5-7 minutes), the dough can be pulled out. It will slightly change its consistency and become more sticky (this will happen due to getting rid of starch).

In the process of preparing the dough, gluten is added after the desired consistency is found and flour is poured.

Step by step photo recipe

When preparing cinnabon buns in the oven, it is convenient to check the recipe and photo step by step - this will help make sure that all the steps in creating baking are performed correctly. After the dough, filling and filling for cinnamon buns with butter cream are separately prepared, you can proceed to the main thing - the formation of the dessert itself and its baking.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Cinnabon buns: a short recipe

In addition to the classic recipe for how to make sinabon buns at home, there are other variations of it. You can replace the traditional cinnamon filling and make sinabon buns with chocolate. For the chocolate filling you will need:

  • cocoa (2 tablespoons);
  • sugar (4 tablespoons);
  • butter (50 g).

The butter must be heated until softened, and then mixed with cocoa and sugar.

In addition to the chocolate filling, you can make double glaze for buns - traditional, from cream cheese, and on top of it - chocolate. To prepare chocolate icing, you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk (½ cup);
  • sugar (½ cup);
  • butter (50 g);
  • cocoa (30 g).

Melt the butter in a saucepan until liquid, then pour in the milk, add sugar and cocoa. The resulting mass is stirred until it becomes homogeneous, and simmer for 10-15 minutes (until it thickens).

Otherwise, the technology for making buns with different fillings does not differ from the traditional one - the dough, gluten, and fudge are prepared in the same way. The calorie content of one cinnabon bun with a traditional filling is 880 kcal, with a little more chocolate - 1023 kcal.

Video recipe