It's boring. How to entertain yourself at the computer

Everyone gets bored sometimes. What can you do with yourself if suddenly there is absolutely nothing to do at home and it’s boring? Why does a person get bored in general, and when does it really need to be fought?

Someone says that it only happens if a person is in a bad mood, but scientists are of a different opinion, from their point of view, the feeling of boredom is a mental state when there is no minimum motivation and any interest.

This feeling can negatively affect the health and social activity of a person, because in the end it is boredom that leads to depression, alcoholism and various disorders. This all suggests that boredom really needs to be fought.

Why do we get bored?

  • monotonous physical actions;
  • monotonous events;
  • similar thought processes;
  • lack of new impressions;
  • the general monotony of life or its individual periods.

Simple ways to deal with boredom

So what can we do when bored? First of all, do something that you enjoy. Love to draw? It's time to write a new masterpiece. Are you into sports? Why not set a new record. Do you love to cook? Delight loved ones with some complicated recipe. This is the easiest way to beat boredom, and most likely, it has already crossed your mind. If not, try it, it helps.

The next way is to bring back into your life some impressions that were long lost.. Remember what you liked to do as a child? My friend, a serious game designer, thus remembered that he liked to burn as a child, and took up pyrography again.

Perhaps you just need to hear yourself? Think about what you could do with your child? What did you like to do when you were little? What made you feel happy? The modern world offers us many opportunities, you can even get yourself a sandbox with colored sand at home and build castles. The main thing is to find a way to yourself.

Another easy way to keep yourself occupied and entertained when you're bored or have nothing to do is slightly diversify the usual activities. Many young mothers complain that they are bored with spending the whole day with a child - it turns out that you have nothing to do but look after the baby. However, if you add variety, then life will become much more interesting.

Yes, yes, this is exactly about “dancing with a mop” - each person danced with a brush while cleaning, many hummed Ghostbusters, wielding a vacuum cleaner. Try cleaning your house like you're an Indian movie star (and turn up the Bollywood music at the same time), cook dinner like Jamie Oliver, or go for a morning jog like you're a playboy star.

Play with yourself, with your usual duties and activities, and you will forget what it is like to live a boring life. If you have nothing to do when you want to relax and have fun, then try to do something you love in principle, but new in particular.

For example, fans of live music can go to a concert in an unfamiliar style, fans of watching TV shows can digress from the usual fantasy and turn their attention to a documentary show dedicated to survival. Look for new facets in what you already like, and you can entertain yourself.

Unusual ways to beat boredom

There is a feeling that you are bored and have absolutely nothing to do, because all things have either been redone or are waiting in the wings. In this case, too, you can do something.

Do you want to do something interesting and at the same time not leave the house? Start learning what you have long wanted to master. It can be both useful knowledge and skills, for example, learning a foreign language or teaching digital painting, or something that you just want to be able to do without much “target” for the benefit.

For example, tie knots on cherry cuttings with your tongue. So, at home you can occupy yourself without much benefit:

  • cardistry is beautiful card manipulation;
  • tricks (including quite spectacular ones - for example, how to pull a tablecloth from a fully served table);
  • needlework is not necessarily knitting or embroidery, it can be lampwork, quilling or even origami.

Of course, these are not completely useless activities - they develop fine motor skills, help you learn something, increase self-esteem and it is possible that they will even become your favorite hobby, but in general, these are simple and interesting hobbies that almost everyone can do. Don't try to be a master at anything, just learn one trick and you can take your time at home and figure out how you want to spend your leisure time.

The next method, which may seem complicated to many - new possibilities of your body. If you play sports, go to fitness or go to the gym, then you probably more or less imagine what your body is capable of.

Playing sports is good for health and well-being, but now we are talking about those sports activities that will help dispel boredom. Try to do something that makes you happy, or go for something that you think is cool.

Fun is a simple thing, for this it is enough to go to a dance studio hobby class for something like that. The hobby class is for those who just like to spend time in this way, these are beginner groups, you will not stand out among them in any way, and the level of preparation is not needed there at all.

Some burning samba or a passionate paso doble is just the thing for fun. Or, again, look in your past for some unfulfilled desires. Learn how to coolly throw a person over the hip at a master class in martial arts or the simplest combination in tap dancing, try to do the splits (of course, not immediately, but with preparation), or scroll the "sun" on the horizontal bars in the yard - new impressions are guaranteed to you .

By the way, if you want to do something yourself at home, then you can just open the video tutorial and how to practice what seems interesting to you.

And another way that is not suitable for everyone - creative challenge. The simplest challenge is to perform some simple tasks for a certain period of time.

For example, Jake Parker started his challenge called Inktober a few years ago. Its essence was that the artist would draw one ink drawing every day and post it on social networks with the appropriate hashtag. And every year, a large number of people take part in this challenge (over two million images with this hashtag accumulated in the first week of October).

This method is good not only for those who like to draw. Even if you don't know how to do anything creative, you can participate too. For example, try taking a picture of yourself (or your pet) every day when you get out of bed at home. Or post on social networks one photo taken in a new place every day.

Or - for those who like to stay at home- make a still life for a photo. Write songs and poems, draw, cook creative breakfasts, sew dresses for dolls - you can do whatever you want if it makes your life more interesting.

You can start doing something that you have long wanted to do, or you can do something that will cheer you up - when you have fun, you do not feel bored. Entertain yourself and live to the fullest.

Today, every person has access to a wide variety of benefits of civilization and entertainment. And at the same time, more and more often we hear from friends something like: “I'm bored! What to do at home? We bring to your attention a list of the most interesting options for organizing leisure activities within your own apartment.

Nothing to do? Do something useful!

We all always have unfinished business. What to do if you are bored at home alone? You can start by making a list of your own unfinished projects. Surely there will be a wide variety of positions in it, from an unfinished report at work to the need to sew a button on your favorite coat. If it seems that there is absolutely nothing to do, think about what exactly from your list you can do right now. You can devote a free day directly to your home. Do a general cleaning, fix broken things and throw out all the garbage. I'm bored, what to do in rainy weather at home? Without leaving your own apartment, you can make important calls, place orders in online stores, book theater tickets or make an appointment with a doctor.

Creativity is the way to yourself

Creative people rarely complain of boredom, usually they are not bored alone. Even if you haven't drawn or sculpted since childhood, on a boring day it's time to try to create your own work of art. Try new types of needlework and techniques, use unusual materials. Some masters create real masterpieces literally “out of nothing”. Or maybe you like writing poetry or knitting more? If there were no materials for making crafts at hand, you can try to write a story or compose a fairy tale. What can you do at home when you are bored and it seems that there is nothing to do? Remember what you dreamed of in your youth. Today, in bookstores or on thematic Internet resources, you can find detailed tutorials on any type of creativity. So why not learn something interesting and unusual?

Entertainment available to everyone

How interesting to pass the evening at home? Watch an interesting movie or read a book. If you have a computer with the Internet, you can completely immerse yourself in virtual reality. Look at photos and videos from other countries, read the news, look for interesting articles. Do not forget about virtual communication, as well as modern games. What to do if you are bored at the computer and tired of all your favorite sites? Take an online test, read funny stories and motivational texts. Today, a variety of training programs can be found on the worldwide web. Moreover, through the Internet you can even get an education, confirmed by a diploma or certificate.

Dream, because thoughts are material!

Time spent alone with yourself can be devoted to dreaming. Try to imagine what you want vividly and in colors. If your biggest dream is to travel to a place, try not to dwell on seeing it. Imagine also the sounds and smells around you. If you dream of something global, for example, opening your own business, it is useful to imagine all the stages of the realization of this dream in colors. Some people complain that they have nothing to dream about. In fact, more often than not, we simply do not allow ourselves to think about the “unreal”. But if today your day passes under the motto: "I'm bored, what to do - it's not clear" - it's time to break this rule. Dreams are an excellent antidepressant and a simulator for our part-time imagination. And this means that dreaming, from time to time, is very useful.

Try something new!

You can bring new emotions and inspiration into your own life by trying something new. Of course, not each of us has the opportunity today to go on a trip or completely change our wardrobe. But without leaving your own apartment, you can cook something according to a new recipe for yourself, or order food delivery from a restaurant. Listen to previously unknown music. Try writing with your left hand. Dance or sing if you've never done it before. What can you do when a girl is bored at home? An interesting idea is to try to do some creative makeup or hairstyle. It is possible that during this creative activity you will find new ideas for your everyday look. Are you still bored? Think about what you have always been interested in trying? If there are several such ideas, you can even make a list. Make a promise to yourself to look into it at least once a week and perform at least one position. It is likely that then you will basically forget what boredom is, and your life will sparkle with new colors.

Bored alone? Find a company or devote time to yourself!

A popular modern aphorism says: "There is nothing to do - take care of yourself!". Indeed, a boring day at home can be devoted to taking care of your own appearance. Home workout is just as effective as going to the gym. And after it it is very pleasant to lie down in the bath or take a contrast shower. Girls will surely love the idea of ​​building a full-fledged spa day at home and doing a variety of treatments for the body, face and hair. On such a day of beauty, you can dream and think about a radical change in image. Spin around the mirror until no one sees or interferes. It is possible that you have long wanted to cut your hair or start wearing clothes of an unusual style, but did not have enough time to select a new look. Some people say: "When I'm alone at home, I'm bored!". What to do if you can’t entertain yourself without a company? The easiest solution is to invite someone over, or even throw an impromptu party. If all your friends are busy, you can chat with them virtually or by phone. New acquaintances will also help to dispel boredom. In our age of high technology, without leaving your home, you can communicate with a variety of people from all over the world. You can meet like-minded people in social networks and on thematic sites. Do not forget about special Internet portals created for new acquaintances. Communication with a new person will help brighten up a boring evening, and maybe even develop into a real friendship or something more.

Print out this list, cut it into narrow strips with one item each, and put them in a box or jar. When you get bored at home, just pull out any note at random - and act according to the plan.

1. Dance. To your favorite music, of course!

2. Test a new game. For example, or.

8. Discover new music. You can search for it. Try it and you will understand how many great songs you have not heard yet!

9. Rhyme everything that you see around, even if it is "cat - cattle." Perhaps you will have a poem! It's also a great brain workout.

10. Compose and beautifully design a crossword puzzle.

11. Explore a site you like and get ideas from there. Dig deep!

12. Start your own blog or .

13. Get lost on Pinterest. What to pair your new pencil skirt with, how to spend your child's first birthday - millions of ideas are waiting for you for every taste!

14. Build your own private Pinterest page by saving ideas that interest you.

15. Take a bubble bath with a couple of drops of your favorite.

16. Arrange a spa at home: with masks and, a hand bath and a heel brush.

17. Cook and leisurely, savoring every sip, drink cocoa or perfect.

18. Give yourself a massage.

22. Start painting by numbers.

26. Take a nap.

27. Sit in front of the window with a cup of coffee and watch passers-by, leaves and clouds. Feel yourself.

28. Spend all day on the couch and not worry about it a bit.

29. Deal with the instructions for household appliances and finally figure out how to make a double latte in a cool new coffee maker.

30. Cook something interesting according to the recipe of some. Or master, which takes no more than 5 minutes. Or finally cook the best borscht in your life.

42. Make a list of goals for the next month, six months, year.

43. Refresh and expand your resume with a job that can double your salary.

44. Update profile on the site. If you are registered there, of course.

45. Get a facial massage.

46. ​​Explore Wikipedia. Fall down the "rabbit hole" for a while: follow the links inside the article that interests you, expanding your knowledge of the issue more and more.

50. Shine a bathroom.

52. Make a list of the pros and cons of a task that you think about a lot. Whether to have children? Should I buy a car? Go on vacation abroad or within the country?

64. Play with friends or children in .

65. Teach your friends card tricks or surprise with simple magic tricks based on the laws of physics.

66. Compete: who will lay down the most far-flying? Anything can be used for aircraft construction: from office paper to old magazines and newspapers.

67. Together with someone, start putting together a huge puzzle of a thousand pieces.

69. Fortune telling. For example, take the thickest book and invite friends to name the page and line number, and then read the prediction together. Or do .

70. Enough to take pictures with friends.

71. Blow soap bubbles.

72. Make your pet a new bed, toy or scratching post. Lifehacker instructions already.

73. Together with your children, write a letter to your family in the future. Hide it in a time capsule and promise to open it and read it in a year.

74. Make a clear joint plan with the children on how you will spend your summer holidays or. Choose movies on the sites of the nearest cinemas, book a ticket, make an itinerary ...

75. Cuddle babies, arrange pillow fights (it's nice, and such memories will remain in children for a long time).

76. Finally go in for sports. Have you been dreaming of pulling up for a long time or?

77. Together with the children, build a cardboard castle from old boxes and color it. If you put several boxes together, cutting doors into them, you get a multi-room house!

78. Arrange a dress-up show with the children (at the same time, sort out the closet in the nursery).

79. Draw a big picture together on a huge sheet or glued landscape sheets.

80. Take paints and a sheet of drawing paper and leave prints of your palms on it. Date and store carefully.

Naturally, being at home, you can get bored, and banal advice to tidy up, read or watch TV in such a situation will only prove once again that your life is insanely monotonous.

If you are bored at home, it is better to think about what can give you real pleasure.

So, you can relax in the bathroom using various cosmetics. Add fragrant foam to the water, cleanse your face and body, rub your skin with a scrub, apply a mask. If you do not have a scrub, you can always use improvised means, for example, mix a small amount of vegetable oil and ground coffee, and make a mask from pieces of healthy vegetables and fruits, oatmeal and sour cream. Hair can be rinsed with infusions of herbs, yolk and brown bread. You can also pamper yourself with a wrap with chocolate or honey.

By the way, in order to become not only more beautiful, but also slimmer, it would be nice to do a set of exercises for problem areas with incendiary music. If you are far from sports, you can just actively dance in front of a mirror with a comb instead of a microphone, making faces at imaginary spectators. This will not only cheer you up, but also give you a boost of positive energy for the rest of the day.

To get rid of boredom with benefit, you can sort out your wardrobe. Make fashionable and unusual sets from the available clothes, pick up shoes and accessories and arrange a fashion show in front of the mirror, imagining yourself as a famous model. During the show, put aside things that you like, but don't wear, and those that you don't want to wear anymore. For the first, choose a suitable kit for subsequent purchase, and for the second - a new hostess.

If you don't know what to do alone, try putting together a small bachelorette party. Call your girlfriends, make light snacks from what's in the fridge, ask them to buy popcorn, download a new teen comedy and enjoy watching a movie and pleasant chat.

If there is nothing to do at home, try to daydream a little. Well, in order to get not only pleasure from this, but also benefit, draw up a map of your desires. Take a large sheet of paper, old magazines, scissors, glue and felt-tip pens. Do you want a big beautiful house? Cut and paste your desire on whatman paper! Park your dream car and a guy who looks like a famous actor nearby. Hang a chic dress in the closet, put shoes, put your favorite cosmetics on the chest of drawers. Do you dream of entering a famous university? Find his image on the Internet and add it to your collage. Glue whatever you like on paper, not forgetting the small details. The more detailed your wish map is, the closer the realization of dreams will become. Do not forget to hang it in front of your desk or over your bed and admire it every day, because everyone has long known that thoughts can materialize.

If you are bored and have nothing to do, you can find a lot of interesting things to do. The main thing here is to change the usual occupation. If you love cross stitching, put yours in the back of your desk drawer and sing karaoke. If you spend your free time watching movies, learn how to crochet or make crepe paper bouquets.

What to do at home when a guy is bored

Most guys, when answering the question of what to do when they are bored, prefer to choose computer games or watching movies. However, this is not the best way to deal with boredom.

If you have many friends, invite them over and discuss the latest news over a bottle of beer, play chess, cards or backgammon.

If it is impossible to organize men's gatherings, think about what interesting things you can learn. Can't reinstall? Take your old computer and, following the instructions from the Internet, learn how to do it right now. Look at the lesson about do-it-yourself repairs, make an original birthday present for mom, come up with an idea for a non-standard date for your girlfriend.

Since a man is usually the breadwinner in the family, it is very important that his level of competence in the service is constantly raised. Map your career. To do this, take a piece of paper, draw a pyramid of possible promotions or a scheme for obtaining the position of your dreams. Write down in detail the list of competencies that you need to have in a particular position, and then make a plan for acquiring them. And if you want to become a famous businessman, try to look for new original ideas for starting your own business. In order not only to benefit from this activity, but also to have some fun with yourself, do not forget about visualization.

It is good to kill the boredom of playing sports, and for this it is absolutely not necessary to go to the gym. Make yourself sports equipment from improvised materials. For example, to build weights, you can fill five-liter canisters with water. If you need a heavier option, you can put crushed stone in bottles.

To figure out what to do when you're bored, it's not necessary to look for something completely incredible, because all ideas usually lie on the surface, think about what in this life you would like to try? Skydiving or flying in a wind tunnel - look for the nearest center providing such services. Find new friends - go to a computer club or go fishing. Don't forget to just enjoy what you do.

Things to do when you're bored together

If you have a soulmate, but you get bored with her at home, and there is no way to go somewhere, try to come up with a new original activity that requires joint efforts.

Learn to cook a new dish and then feed each other while blindfolded. Assemble a puzzle of several thousand elements. Draw the apartment of your dreams with a detailed arrangement of furniture and decor elements. Play cards or other intellectual game of desire. Learn new massage techniques.

Figuring out what to do if you're bored is much easier together. The main thing is to decide what you want to do. To make a choice, you can write a few sentences from each on pieces of paper, fold them, put them in a bag and pull out one of the pieces of paper.

What to do when you are bored at home

If you are at home with your friends, but most of them are already bored, try to offer them some kind of team game.

Many have old consoles like dandy lying on the closet. Arrange a team championship in "Tanks" or "Mortal Kombat". Nostalgia, excitement and joint efforts will not let even the most boring guys gape.

Take an interesting board game to the next meeting of friends. It can be "Mafia", "Monopoly", "Scrabble".

If you and your friends do not know what to do when you are bored at home, but are fans of active pastime, play "Crocodile", "Twister" and other outdoor games. Remember what you played as a child and return together to this wonderful time.

You can find an interesting activity, if you are bored at home with a company, on the Internet. However, most of them do not require any special attributes or knowledge.

Hello dear blog readers!

What to do when bored? On the Internet, at home and at work, at the computer, at school, in the village ... For example, if you are bored on a rainy day at home or when you are sitting in line to the doctor or at work or while studying. The first thing that comes to mind in such a situation is to pick up the phone and go to your favorite Facebook, VK or Instagram ... But in fact, this is also boring, because everyone reposts the same thing.

And why not take advantage of boredom. And why is it generally believed that boredom is bad and you need to drown it out right away, fill it with some kind of entertainment. Modern psychologist and physicist Ulrich Schnabel argues that it is good to be bored. Do you want to know why? There is a lot of useful and informative information in the article - be sure to read it to the end and you will learn about 20 classes that will not only keep you bored, but also make you a successful, charismatic person, leader, genius who can help not only yourself but to other people.

So, I propose to first answer the question: “Why am I bored?”. And then immediately there will be many answers to the question "What to do when you're bored?".

Why is it boring?

  • Boredom is like a subconscious call to our consciousness to stop and think about something important.. It seems to me that what we call boredom is actually the call and cry of our soul to our consciousness, the call to stop, to get rid of the bustle and rat race for a few moments and answer the questions: “What is important to me? What is my purpose? What exactly do I want?
  • But there is also a state of boredom or laziness, when we need to do something difficult or something that we do not like or do not want to do. This is a kind of protective reaction of our body to something that causes negative emotions. I think each of you experienced this state, for example, when you had to prepare for an exam. At such moments, you want to go to the kitchen, make yourself coffee, make a sandwich, you even want to turn on the TV, although you haven’t watched it for a long time ... In a word, do everything in order to do nothing. In such cases, you need to answer the question: what to do if you don’t want to do anything? It is also important to remember how to deal with procrastination(postponing things for later).
  • Another state of boredom can be a reaction to banal fatigue, energy exhaustion. At such moments, it is important to allow yourself to relax, and not to blame yourself for boredom. I like that in our time of global congestion of people with problems, tasks, deeds, work, careers, new positive lifestyles have appeared - and. People began to realize that because of their careers and work, they essentially do not have time for life itself. Therefore, it is important in moments of fatigue without reproaches and reproaches to allow yourself the luxury of free time. We are always in such a hurry that we no longer have time to sit in the park with a book or visit our parents and, slowly, drink tea with them or play outdoor games with our child, without being distracted endlessly by the phone .
  • Boredom can be a manifestation of complexes, fears, self-doubt. Have you ever wondered why so few people are truly successful and happy? I think because it's much easier not to rush out of your comfort zone and continue working at a job you don't like. It’s easier to just dream about traveling and continue to spend every vacation in the country. It's easier to think about how great it would be to start a business, learn English, start going to the gym, etc.
  • Boredom can also appear as a result of depression and apathy. This is a really dangerous kind of boredom. And in order to cure such boredom, no entertainment will help, they will only aggravate this condition. From depression, apathy or despondency, no remedy helps, except for physical work, physical exercises. I read that in the early days the monks were saved from despondency by weaving baskets and other work. There is a modern scientific explanation for this fact. Stress leads to the release of adrenaline into the blood of a person, it is he who causes a state of melancholy, anxiety, apathy. So adrenaline is excreted from the body with the help of physical activity. Why do all middle and top managers rush to the gym after work? Just to relieve stress.

What to do when bored?

Based on the reasoning above, I propose to divide the methods of combating boredom depending on the cause of boredom.

Use boredom to your advantage to answer the questions: “What is important to me? What exactly do I want?

1. Write 50 goals in life.

And, without delay, start implementing them. I assure you, if you have a goal, for example, to dedicate every weekend to: traveling, learning a new profession in demand, reading a book from the TOP100, helping a charitable organization, then you will completely forget what boredom is. By the way, in .

2. Keep a personal diary in order to write down your ideas and thoughts in it.

You can buy a beautiful diary and keep it in paper form. And you can find a mobile online application (here are 3 of the coolest and free online applications for keeping a Personal Diary - Penzu , Diaro .

3. Choose for yourself one of the courses for a new profession in demand on the online FREE training courses of Coursera.

Here lectures are read by teachers from famous universities of the world. Many of the courses have already been translated into Russian. You will know that Coursera now it is better than a university, because they provide knowledge that is really relevant in the modern world.

4. Finally answer the question: “How to learn English on your own at home from scratch quickly?”

The main thing is to have a strong desire, and even cooler - real motivation, incentive. For example, plan to go for a year on a volunteer exchange program to one of the European countries. By the way, in this program everyone is accepted even without knowing the language (once on Wednesday, learn the language quickly in the process of volunteer social work). Another effective tool is to read books and watch movies in English.

5. Write a list of goals and objectives in response to the questions: “How to become smart, brilliant? How to develop intellect?

I advise you to develop intelligence, thereby increasing your self-esteem, with the help of exercises and tests on sites such as Wikium, 4brain and other similar ones that will make you a genius. Train your brain with pleasure! I promise you will definitely not be bored on these sites.

6. Visit one of the orphanages by yourself or with friends.

Maybe you will find your purpose in helping children who have no parents. Take things you don't need, but good things. I know that older children from orphanages are happy to accept used mobile phones. And each of us has phones in stock that we no longer use, because we bought a new, cooler model. Buy fruits, felt-tip pens, plasticine. Arrange a workshop with friends for children, for example, playing the guitar or painting or weaving bracelets from rubber bands.

7. I advise you to start reading the Bible (New Testament, Gospel), if you have not read this Book of books.

When I, to my shame, only started reading this book at the age of 30, I realized how much I had missed. After all, all the writers whose books I have read so far have actually drawn their wisdom from this book. The words "do your bit," "everything hidden becomes clear," "stumbling block," "parable of the town," "prodigal son," and many other similar words come from this Book.

8. Plan a trip with friends or on your own to an animal shelter. And you can also get a pet, it will definitely not be boring with him.

After all, kind people who love animals have the opportunity to keep them only thanks to the help of volunteers. Help with cleaning, walk the dogs, and just play with the animals for yourself (this is especially important for those who do not have their own pets).

9. Plan an interesting walk (trip, hike) for your grandparents or for your parents or for your godchildren or for your children.

Now for many, a simple walk in the park or just a picnic near the river with a game of volleyball have become a great luxury. We sit at the computer in the office from Monday to Friday, and then we sit at home on the Internet all weekend. And life passes by. Sadness!

What to do with boredom and how to get rid of procrastination?

10. If boredom and laziness attacked you because you need to do some business that you do not like.

Psychologists advise you to make an effort on yourself and, first of all, do the thing that you don’t want to do the most. Studies have shown that postponing such a thing you waste your vitality. The thought relentlessly sits in your head that you still have to complete that unpleasant task. So advice: we make an effort on ourselves and first of all we do what we don’t want, and only then all the “pleasant” tasks.

What to do if you are bored due to overwork, physical and emotional exhaustion.

11. Have fun on the Internet if you feel physically and emotionally overtired.

What to do if you are bored because of self-doubt, complexes and fears?

15. Learn to speak.

For good examples, watch videos of people from all over the world at the famous conference TED.

16. Become a confident, charismatic person, become a leader.

To do this, you need to become an interesting person for others (read a lot, gain new skills in various fields of activity, for example, become a professional photographer, writer, psychologist, traveler, etc.). In order to know a lot, I recommend these sites:

  • BBC  Future- dedicated to modern technologies and IT news.
  • is an educational and news site about science and technology.
  • . And girls and women, especially if their men are hipsters, may consider going boho.

    18. Help people, do charity work.

    It sounds cool, but few people manage to do charity work, because it takes a lot of emotional strength and energy. Therefore, even if you can set aside time to help your closest relatives and friends, for example, visit your grandmother or take a walk in the park with an old neighbor and listen to a story about his life, that will already be good. In any case, much better than nothing.

    19. Write and publish a book.

    What to do when bored due to depression?

    20. The simplest and most effective remedy is walking 5 km every day at a speed of 5-6 km/h.

    I wrote above that with depression, despondency, apathy, physical activity, physical work helps.

    21. Combine charity with physical work.

    Do a general cleaning in the house or in the apartment of your grandmother or your parents or yourself, dig up a garden, plant greens in pots on your balcony.

    22. Do chores that have been put off for a long time.

    Fix something, throw trash from the balcony, throw away old things that you haven’t used for more than a year

    23. Change the design in the apartment.

    Hang new curtains, buy new decorative pillows, buy or sew a new sofa cover, rearrange, redecorate, and maybe even start a major overhaul - then there will definitely be no time to be bored.


    • Start a Personal Diary and write down your goals, ideas, to-do lists and learn how to follow them.
    • Do charity work, love people, be an optimist, help your neighbors.
    • Do not stand still, educate yourself, read books, gain new knowledge and skills, start your own business, be confident in yourself, stop worrying.
    • Go in for sports, try to look beautiful and make your home beautiful.
    • Choose a hobby for yourself, take a pet.

    I wish everyone not to be bored, but to enjoy life. Even small joys - bread, sun and rain!

    Finally, look at the inspiration of Elon Musk's TED talk in Russian: