Dictionary of synonyms, pick up synonyms for the word. Synonym dictionary What we learn from the synonym dictionary

Synonyms refer to Linguistics. Translated from Greek, it sounds like a synonymon (single words). Synonym dictionary allows you to broaden your horizons, make an article, a story colorful and interesting. Synonyms sound different but have the same meaning. They don't have to be in the same style. These can be words from a stilted or colloquial genre, a simple and poetic version (for example, red - scarlet / crimson).

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The ability to select words that are suitable in terms of semantic meaning will be useful for both an experienced journalist and a schoolchild. Also for people who want to try their hand at prose, journalism. Synonym for the word helps to get rid of repetitions in the text, a large number of identical words. This is a smart way to build sentences. For any word, you can choose terms that are close in lexical meaning. This avoids speech errors. The text becomes clearer and more logical.

Synonym dictionary

Our online resource helps to expand vocabulary. Convenient navigation is designed for a comfortable search. Enter a word in the form below, a list of suitable synonyms appears. They differ:
  • - by objects (for example, hanger, coat hanger);
  • - social evaluation;
  • - by style of speech;
  • - by etymology;
  • - by figurative meaning.
Now you do not need to go to the library or sort through the volumes of information to find the right word. We have collected an up-to-date database, available to any visitor for free. Do not rack your brains, remembering the school curriculum, do not torment colleagues at work, acquaintances. In a fraction of a second, comprehensive information will be presented. Reposting on social networks is welcome. Russian language is the most difficult subject. There are more than 200 thousand words in Russian speech. Forget about monotonous expressions devoid of emotional coloring. Indulge in literary experiments. The resource is especially in demand by copywriters and journalists. To write high-quality content, you need to minimize the spam rate. This is where synonyms come in handy.

Different in pronunciation and spelling, but having a similar lexical meaning.

Examples of synonyms in Russian: cavalry- cavalry, bold - brave, go - walk.

They serve to increase the expressiveness of speech, avoid its monotony.

A distinction must be made between synonyms and nominal definitions- the latter represent the complete identity.

Synonyms in linguistics

Each synonym has its own special shade values, which distinguishes it from other synonyms, for example: red - scarlet - crimson.

Synonym classification

Synonyms pointing to the same thing concept and having the same lexical meaning, differ in their expressive coloration, attachment to a certain style, frequency of use.

Many synonyms differ from each other in both lexical meaning and expressive coloring.

So, synonyms can be differentiated:

  1. according to the objects they designate (synonyms buffoon - actor - comedian - actor - artist reflect different moments in the development of the theater and different attitudes towards the profession of an actor [cf. next item]);
  2. according to the social assessment of the designated object (synonyms salary - salary reflect a different attitude to the remuneration received for work);
  3. by applicability in a particular style of speech (synonyms horse - horse stylistically not always reversible; in the verse "Where are you galloping, proud horse?" synonym substitution horse will produce a comic effect - “Where are you galloping, proud horse?”);
  4. By etymological meaning that can give one of the synonyms a special coloration(synonyms bold - fearless they associate the general concept of courage in the first case with “daring”, “determination”, in the second - with “lack of fear”; therefore these synonyms in the known context can be used as words opposite by value, as antonyms );
  5. by the presence or absence figurative meanings: so, in the famous epigram Batyushkov K. N."Advice to the epic poet":

What name do you want
Your semi-wild poem
"Peter the Long", "Peter the Great", but only "Peter the Great"
Don't call her.

used the absence of the first of the synonyms big - great portable meaning.

Ways of occurrence of synonyms

The enrichment of the language with synonyms is carried out continuously, and the differentiation of synonyms is also continuous, up to the complete loss of their synonymy. Of course, the reason for this movement of synonyms should be sought not only in the self-contained laws of the development of language and in the laws of individual thinking, but also in the analysis of its social conditioning. The enrichment of the language with synonyms is carried out in various ways. One of the main ways is crossing dialects during the consolidation of the national language, and partly even earlier - during the formation of larger tribal dialects; because everyone dialect has its own vocabulary to designate certain phenomena and objects, then often in the language resulting from crossing there are doublets for designating the same phenomena. Especially strongly this duplication of designations captures the vocabulary of colloquial speech associated with household items; The studies carried out on the vocabulary of colloquial speech (especially in detail in Germany) show the territorial distribution of words of this type, which act as equal synonyms in the literary language. Compare: in Russian designations for berries - boletus - lingonberry, osseous - stone, which vary with different writers depending on their native dialect.

Another way to create doublet notation in a language is development of writing in a foreign language (Latin in Western Europe, Old Church Slavonic in Kievan and Moscow Rus). The penetration of words of oral speech into written language and words of written speech into oral language create numerous stylistically various synonyms: compare: in Russian enemy - enemy, gold - gold and other so-called Slavicisms .

Further, we should not forget that any change in the forms of production, social relations, and everyday life not only enriches language dictionary, but due to the class and professional differentiation of speakers, it often receives several designations, sometimes fixed in literary language as synonyms. Compare: airplane - airplane(the first synonym is from the military terminology of the beginning XX century). Especially contributing to the multiplication of designations is the desire of speakers not only to name the subject, but also to express their attitude towards it: cf. a wealth of synonyms around words denoting elementary, but worldly important facts; compare, on the other hand, the wealth of designations for the phenomena of political and social life that serve as the subject of class struggle - parasite, fist(in the mouth of the poor-middle peasant part of the peasantry), strong man, economic man(in the mouth of the rural bourgeoisie itself). Thus, the accumulation of synonyms in a language is inevitably accompanied by their differentiation: words included in the group of synonyms (the so-called nest of synonyms), retain differences in their shades, generated by their belonging to different classes of society, different social strata, different types of speech communication, the differences described above and often leading to a complete loss of synonymy. Compare the fate of the Slavicisms of the type citizen(at city ​​dweller), and so on.

To clarify the differential shades of synonyms, it is useful:

  1. compare each of them with the most abstract, not emotionally colored designation of the object (identification method proposed by Balli);
  2. pick them up antonyms(for example, antonym sadness will joy, antonym sorrow - exultation);
  3. substitute one synonym for another in a certain context;
  4. establish the presence of other (portable) meanings for each of the nests of a synonym (examples cf. above);
  5. take into account the grammatical structure of each of the synonyms ( carelessly - carelessly).

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Synonyms in taxonomy

Only one of all synonyms can be the name by which a given taxon is to be known. Usually this is the synonym that was published earlier than others.


  • Aleksandrova Z. E. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: Ok. 9000 synonymic series / Ed. L. A. Cheshko. - 5th ed., stereotype. - M.: Rus. yaz., 1986. - 600 p.
  • Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: In 2 volumes / USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of the Russian Language; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - L .: Nauka, 1970.

Synonymy- one of the key topics both in practical work with the language (whether it be writers, journalists, editors, translators), and when reading or analyzing any text. The more in the language synonymous means, the richer and more expressive it is.

Synonymy as a expression plan variability exists at almost all levels of the language, but first of all, of course, at the lexical and syntactic level.

There are no complete synonyms and cannot exist. And that's why.

First, herself external form of words carries certain associations, connotations, allusions, caused both by the origin (etymology) and "former life" of this lexeme, and its external similarity or dissimilarity to other words of this language, which for speakers and users of this language are also included in a certain associative series.

Secondly, even if for some short period of time two words are used to designate, it seems, the same object or concept, then between them quickly enough happens semantic or stylistic differentiation.

Here are examples of similar (synonymous) words and expressions (from my head, not from a dictionary):

- "meal" and "meal"

- "capital", "main city", "metropolis"

- "youth", "young people", "young generation"

- "scam", "lie", "scam", "swindle", "rip off", "deceit"

The paradox lies precisely in the fact that, on the one hand, synonyms, if considered as such words with similar meanings that can be used interchangeably in certain contexts, undoubtedly exists. On the other hand, synonymic relations are very conditional and elusive.

Dozens released today synonymous dictionaries. But not everything that is included in them can be attributed to synonyms. Often it is rather associative series words that are close in meaning, which can only be classified as synonyms with a very big stretch, since they can very rarely be interchangeable.

Pick a synonym to this or that word it is difficult also because the meanings of words themselves are by no means always unambiguous.

And not everything is in the dictionaries. Synonymously, the abstract-bookish layer of vocabulary is more developed and described. This is undoubtedly the merit of the writers. But in the sphere of political, economic, business vocabulary with synonyms is more difficult. So journalists and translators often have to look for or invent the necessary synonyms themselves.

I wanted to look at synonyms for such a topical word as "corruption", but there was no such article in the dictionary.


They serve to increase the expressiveness of speech, allow you to avoid the monotony of speech.

It is necessary to distinguish between synonyms and nominal definitions - the latter represent complete identity.

Yu.D. Apresyan. Lexical synonyms. Definition of lexical synonyms (www.nspu.net) - in Cyrillic Windows encoding
As part of the first approach synonyms are defined as words that have the same lexical meaning, but differing in its shades.

Synonymy is a relative concept. The degree of synonymy can even be zero for language units that do not have common semantic components.

In the following, we will talk about exact synonyms, if the interpretations of the two words are completely the same, and o inaccurate synonyms, or quasi-synonyms if they have a large common part. Already here it should be emphasized that the division of synonyms into exact and inexact does not mean at all that the real subject theories of lexical synonymy are only exact synonyms. Just semantic transformation theory requires a clear distinction between the two commits in the dictionary, because otherwise it will not be possible to show their different relationship to the system paraphrasing.

Lexical synonymy. Synonyms in Russian. (shkola.lv)
Synonyms (gr. synonymos - the same name) are words that are different in sound, but identical or close in meaning, often differing stylistic coloration.

A group of words consisting of several synonyms is called synonymous next(or nest). Synonymic rows can consist of both heterogeneous and single-rooted synonyms.

Members of the synonymic series can be not only individual words, but also stable phrases (phraseological units), as well as prepositional case forms

cavalry, bold - brave, go - walk.

They serve to increase the expressiveness of speech, avoid its monotony.

It is necessary to distinguish between synonyms and nominal definitions - the latter represent complete identity.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Learn Russian Synonyms

    ✪ Russian language 37. Antonyms and synonyms - Shishkin school

    ✪ Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms. Russian video lesson Grade 5


Synonyms in linguistics

Each synonym has its own special shade of meaning that distinguishes it from other synonyms, for example: red - scarlet - crimson - crimson.

Synonym classification

Synonyms, pointing to the same concept and having the same lexical meaning, differ in their expressive coloring, attachment to a certain style, frequency of use.

Many synonyms differ from each other in both lexical meaning and expressive coloring.

So, synonyms can be differentiated:

  1. according to the subjects they designate [synonyms "buffoon - actor - comedian - actor - artist" reflect different moments in the development of the theater and a different attitude towards the profession of an actor (cf. the next paragraph)];
  2. according to the social assessment of the designated subject (synonyms "salary - salary" reflect a different attitude to the remuneration received for work);
  3. according to applicability in a particular style of speech (synonyms “horse - horse” are not always stylistically reversible; in the verse “where are you galloping, proud horse?” The substitution of the synonym “horse” will produce a comic effect - “where are you galloping, proud horse?”) ;
  4. according to the etymological meaning, which can give one of the synonyms a special color (the synonyms “brave - fearless” connect the general concept of courage in the first case with “daring”, “determination”, in the second - with “lack of fear”; therefore, these synonyms in a known context can be used as words opposite in meaning, as antonyms);
  5. by the presence or absence of figurative meanings: for example, in the famous epigram of Batyushkov K. N. Advice to the epic poet:

"What name do you want?
Your semi-wild poem
"Peter the Long", "Peter the Great", but only "Peter the Great"
Don't call her."

the absence of a figurative meaning in the first of the synonyms "big - great" is used.

"Grammar Synonyms"

Further, we should not forget that any change in the forms of production, social relations, and everyday life not only enriches the vocabulary of the language (see. "Vocabulary"), but due to the class and professional differentiation of the speakers, it often receives several designations, sometimes fixed in the literary language as synonyms. Compare: "airplane - airplane"(the first synonym is from the military terminology of the early 20th century). Especially contributing to the multiplication of designations is the desire of speakers not only to name the subject, but also to express their attitude towards it: cf. a wealth of synonyms around words denoting elementary, but worldly important facts; compare, on the other hand, the wealth of designations for the phenomena of political and social life that serve as the subject of class struggle - "worldeater", "fist"(in the mouth of the poor-middle peasant part of the peasantry), "strong man", "man of business"(in the mouth of the rural bourgeoisie itself). Thus, the accumulation of synonyms in a language is inevitably accompanied by their differentiation: words that are part of a group of synonyms (the so-called nest of synonyms) retain differences in their shades, generated by their belonging to different classes of society, different social strata, different types of verbal communication, differences characterized above and often leading to a complete loss of synonymy. Compare the fate of the Slavicisms of the type "citizen"(at "citizen"), and so on.

To clarify the differential shades of synonyms, it is useful:

  1. compare each of them with the most abstract, not emotionally colored designation of the object (identification method proposed by Balli);
  2. find antonyms for them (for example, the antonym "sorrow" will "joy", antonym "sorrow" - "jubilation");
  3. substitute one synonym for another in a certain context;
  4. establish the presence of other (portable) meanings for each of the nests of a synonym (examples cf. above);
  5. take into account the grammatical structure of each of the synonyms ( "carelessly - carelessly").