Meaning of life. Why does the question of the meaning of life, according to the philosopher, excite and torment a person? Why are questions about the meaning of life tormented

Why do people care about the meaning of life? How to make the right choice of life goals?


The question of the meaning of life excites and torments us because everyone is terribly interested in why he lives on this earth, what he should do and why he should do it. This question cannot be given a clear, definite answer, so every person sooner or later thinks about it.

In order to make the right choice of life goals, you need to use a very simple, but very effective technique.

1. Clearly formulate your desire: what would you like, what scenarios do you see?

2. Stand in such a way that you have about 1.5 m of free space on the sides.

3. Standing on an imaginary border, determine for yourself which option you will have on the left and which one on the right (example: option 1 - become a lawyer (left), option 2 - become a doctor (right)).

4. Visualize the first desire, then visualize the second.

5. Turn your back on the first option and start slowly, slowly approaching it. Feel how strongly he attracts you. You can take a step “into the picture” and feel, “live” the moment when your wish came true (example: you became a successful lawyer, there are a lot of people around, you answer calls, you wear expensive clothes, etc.). What do you feel at this moment? It can be some pictures, feelings, experiences. Then take a small step forward and exit the image.

6. Turn around and begin to approach the second option with your back in the same way. Approach the image, take a step inside the picture. Allow yourself to “live” this alternative (example: you become a doctor, you help people, you smell medicines, you are wearing a medical gown, you are walking down the corridor of the clinic, etc.). Feel how much you like it. When you understand enough the prospect of development in this direction, also take a step forward.

7. You have been in two images and now, standing on the border between them, imagine that your left hand is connected with a thread, rope or rope with the first option, and your right with the second. Feel which of the images attracts you more, try to walk: step to the right, step to the left. According to your feelings - you will understand which option attracts your body. If you don't feel attracted to any of the options, then ask yourself what is important to you? In this case, you are deceiving yourself, you do not want either one or the other, or you asked an inaccurate question, or the answer is not important to you.

Many philosophers have asked perhaps the most exciting question, the question of the meaning of life. So what is the meaning of life? This question is also asked by Semyon Ludwigovich Frank in this text.

At the beginning of the text, the author asks questions, arguing about what is the meaning of life and whether it is necessary to seek it. He is sure that everyday worries distract people from thinking about it, although "this single question" about the meaning of life "excites and torments in the depths of every person's soul." The author claims that many people prefer to "shrug off" the question of the meaning of life: "It's easier for people to live this way." Why do they behave like this? People consider “earthly” concerns to be the main ones in life: “The desire for prosperity, for worldly well-being seems to them a meaningful, very important matter, and the search for answers to “abstract” questions is a waste of time.”

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But can a person be truly happy living this? No, it cannot, because as a result of ignoring the search for the meaning of life, the human soul will gradually fade away.

One cannot but agree with the opinion of the philosopher, because in no case should this question be postponed until later: this can greatly affect the spiritual qualities of a person.

Each person determines for himself the purpose of his existence. Help people? Looking for answers to eternal questions? Live for yourself? People have the right to decide what to do with them. Throughout Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" we observe the spiritual quest of Pierre Bezukhov. For the first time we meet young Pierre in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer. He is sure that Napoleon is great, admires him. After marrying Helen Kuragina, who struck him with her beauty, Pierre is disappointed in love, realizing that he never loved this woman. The duel with Dolokhov brings only rejection of what happened, misunderstanding of the meaning of life. Having accidentally met an old freemason, he is fond of this movement and finds new ideals of life. Now the hero considers it his duty to do good, to help people in any way he can. Seeing that Russian Freemasonry is going the wrong way, Bezukhov leaves this circle and goes to Moscow. Further, the war opened to his eyes, as an action, completely unpredictable and cruel. He discovers truths that he did not notice before. In captivity, he meets a simple peasant Platon Karataev, who, with his philosophical reasoning, leads Pierre to other truths. Now Bezukhov understands that the main thing is to simply live, without any conventions and prejudices, to live in goodness, in harmony with oneself. At the end of his spiritual and civil quest, Pierre shares the ideas of the Decembrists. He becomes a member of a secret society in order to resist those who humiliate the freedom, honor and dignity of people. That was the meaning of the hero's life.

People very often see the meaning of life in becoming rich, successfully marrying, traveling around the world. Ivan Bunin in the story "The Gentleman from San Francisco" showed the fate of a man who served false values. The life of the protagonist is monotonous. The hero decides to go on a journey with his family for several years, in which death unexpectedly overtakes him. And if at the beginning the hero travels first class in luxurious cabins, then back, forgotten by everyone, he floats in a dirty hold, next to shellfish and shrimps. The life of this person has no value, because the gentleman from San Francisco lived without spiritual upheavals, doubts, ups and downs, lived with the sole purpose of satisfying personal interests and material needs. And such a life is worthless.

So, in order not to degrade morally, it is necessary to wonder about the meaning of life, without being distracted by everyday worries.

Updated: 2018-04-01

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  • Why does the question of the meaning of life, according to the philosopher, excite and torment a person?
  • 1). The question of the meaning of life excites and torments us because everyone is terribly interested in why he lives on this earth, what he should do and why he should do it. This question cannot be given a clear, definite answer, so every person sooner or later thinks about it.
    2). Since a person strives to become better, "to be part of society", to reach heights, to understand what others have not understood, he is looking for the meaning of life. Curiosity certainly plays a part in this as well.
    3). Many believe that the meaning of life is to die, because sooner or later everyone dies. This is due to the assumption that the meaning of life is the same for all.
    4). People shrug off the search for meaning in life because they are afraid that it will not be right, or too difficult, or they are satisfied with the average result. The limitations of "ostrich politics" are narrow-minded. The seeker finds a lot of interesting things, activities and places, and the "ostrich" is satisfied with the few that he already has.
  • 1. Express your attitude to the practice of protecting honor
    and dignity of the individual in court. Why does compensation cause
    nenny moral damage has, as a rule, monetary

    2. Read an excerpt from the work of Semyon Ludwigovich Frank (1877-
    1950) is a Russian philosopher.
    Here, first of all, we encounter the problem of
    the nature of the human personality as the basic condition of any
    sustainable and successful social construction. .. On the lane
    From your point of view, it might seem that the problem of personal year-
    ability is reduced to the problem of technical skill, that is, the
    relevant knowledge, experience and training. In fact
    this is wrong. The personal fitness of a person consists in the ability
    him to be able to achieve goals and in his ability to really
    but, certainly sincerely and conscientiously, from the depths of his
    his spirit to believe in a certain goal and want it. Already mind-
    the failure to achieve the set goals presupposes something
    more than mere technical skill. It requires not
    only general mental abilities - skills quickly
    navigate the situation, find the best way out
    of it, the knowledge of people and the ability to deal with them, but also
    corresponding moral qualities, first of all, feelings
    personal responsibility, courage, habits of independence
    this judgment. Even more important than skill, genuine
    shadow, an inner impulse to an energetic and conscientious
    activity, which, in turn, is determined by the internal,
    free-personal belief in certain ideals and values.
    All taken together suggests a complex, subtle and deep
    some spiritual and moral culture of the individual.
    ... One decisive conclusion follows from this: personal year-
    the social worker’s capacity presupposes free
    development of his personal inner life. Never yet slaves
    or people who are outwardly trained and "trained" on the op-
    particular business, were not truly productive and
    solid faithful workers.
    <...>We come to a simple and, in essence, well-known
    stnuyu, a thousand historical examples confirmed
    conclusion, which, however, does not want to be considered by the social
    fanaticism: any genuine faith is not only religious
    faith in a specific sense, but moral faith as
    source of social activity - is possible only
    on the basis of a free personal spiritual life, for the only
    the soil in which it grows is the last,
    mysterious, spontaneous depth of the inner being
    human beings.
    Questions and assignments to the source. 1) Why, in your opinion,
    the problem of "personal fitness" is not limited to the acquisition of "technical
    skill"? Explain the reason for the initial limitation
    "technical skill". 2) What moral qualities are needed
    we, in the opinion of the philosopher, for successful activity? 3) Author ut-
    claims that slaves or “trained” for a certain business are
    di can't be good workers. Support this conclusion
    examples. 4) What is moral faith? What is its role in the
    the existence of consistent meaningful life activity?
    What do you think are the dangers of losing moral faith?

  • Text analysis:

    1) in my opinion, the problem of “personal fitness” is not limited to acquiring “technical skill” for the simple reason that a person’s technical skill is the availability of relevant knowledge, qualities, experience and training, but this data should not be limited to a person’s attitude in his activities. The personal suitability of a person consists in his ability to be able to achieve goals and in his ability to really, unconditionally sincerely and conscientiously, from the depths of his spirit, believe in a certain goal and want it.

    2) in the opinion of the philosopher, the following qualities are necessary for successful activity:

    the ability to quickly navigate a situation and find the best way out of it

    knowledge of people and the ability to deal with them

    sense of personal responsibility, courage, habit of independent judgment

    3) Let us recall, known to all of us from history, the time of serfdom of the peasants. Was any of them really interested in their work? Their whole task was to collect as much crop as possible, but not for true satisfaction, but so that after giving part of this crop to the landowners, there would be something left to support the family, to survive.

    4) The moral faith of a person is a faith that does not depend on the evidence of theoretical reason. This faith supports a person throughout his life, in it he finds a response to all the calls of the soul, finds answers to his questions, sees justice. For each person, this faith can be different: faith in the supernatural, faith in other people, or simply optimism, faith in the coming of tomorrow, but such faith must certainly exist, because its loss is the loss of the meaning of human existence.

  • ... Two principles are constantly fighting in a person, one of which attracts him to the active activity of the spirit. to spiritual work in the name of the ideal. .. And the other tends to paralyze this activity, drown out the higher needs of the spirit, make existence carnal, meager and base. This second beginning is true philistinism; the tradesman sits in every person, always ready to lay his deadening hand on him as soon as his spiritual energy weakens. In a fight with myself. which includes the struggle with the external world, and constitutes moral life, which therefore has as its condition this fundamental dualism of our existence, the struggle of two souls that live in one body not only in Faust, but also in every person. ..
    1. What does the moral life of a person consist in, according to the philosopher?
    2. What is the difference between Bulgakov's concepts of "soul" and "spirit"?
    3. In what sense does the author use the words "spirit", "spiritual"? Justify your answer using the text.
    4. What conclusions can be drawn from this text?
  • From the creative heritage of the Russian philosopher S. N. Bulgakov.
    ... Two principles are constantly fighting in a person, of which one attracts him to the active activity of the spirit, to spiritual work in the name of the ideal ... and the other seeks to paralyze this activity, drown out the higher needs of the spirit, make existence carnal, meager and vile. This second beginning is true philistinism; the tradesman sits in every person, always ready to lay his deadening hand on him as soon as his spiritual energy weakens. It is in the struggle with oneself, which includes the struggle with the outside world, that moral life consists, which therefore has as its condition this radical dualism of our existence, the struggle of two souls that live in one body not only in Faust, but also in every person ...
    Questions and tasks for the document
    1) What, according to the philosopher, does the moral life of a person consist of?
    2) What is the difference between the concepts of "soul" and "spirit" in Bulgakov?
    3) In what sense does the author use the words "spirit", "spiritual"? Justify your answer using the text.
    4) What ideas expressed in the paragraph are consonant with the ideas of the philosopher?
    5) What conclusions can be drawn from this text
  • 1) According to the philosopher, the moral life of a person consists in a struggle with oneself, including a struggle with the outside world. 2) In every person there is a soul - this is spiritual development, and there is a spirit - this is spiritual development. And what only our darling does not want - more and more money and power. And the spirit is life, it is naked truth, it is our life energy, it is our willpower. The soul can be sold, the spirit cannot be sold, the spirit has no price. 3) The spirit is the two principles of good and evil. The good side is vigorous activity, while the evil is a meager carnal existence. Spirituality is the main and important component of a person. The spiritual world of Faust is divided into 2 parts, they are fighting with the outside world. It follows from this that there is no particular difference between the spirit - and the spiritual life. Spirit is the main component of spiritual life. 4) Everyone can understand these words in their own way, for example, for me, Bulgakov's statement means that each of us should not be a downtrodden person, a person who loves spiritual life.
  • Explain in what sense the term "citizen" is used in the following situations.

    1) an announcement over a loudspeaker in the subway "Citizens, don't worry! The train's departure is delayed for technical reasons!"

    2) An excerpt from the court record "During the fight, Citizen Petrov inflicted serious injuries on Citizen Sidorovsky."

    3) An article from the Constitution of the Russian Federation: "... Recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen is the duty of the state."

  • 1) in the sense of the inhabitants of this city.

    2) In the sense of a man named Petrov.

    3) in the sense of a person who has citizenship in a city or simply a person-resident of the Russian Federation.

    At least that's how it was explained to us. It seems to me right.

    1) a citizen in the sense of people at the station

    2) a citizen in the sense of an accused person

    3) citizen in the sense of a person having citizenship


  • So I only answered three questions on the last one I don't know.

    1) Globalization removes the opposition of civilizations or formations according to the principle: higher and lower, advanced and backward. The originality and uniqueness of the civilization that has developed in our country.

    2) Moral values, perception of the surrounding world and a person's place in it.

    3) I think that moral values, perception of the surrounding world, etc. are possible. Without these approaches, the country's economy will not develop.

    Reflections on the Features of the Russian School of Economic Thought by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences L. I. Abalkin (from a report at a scientific conference of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Free Economic Society of Russia).

    Globalization, which has become the leading trend in world development, by no means removes, but in many respects exacerbates the problems of economic, social and political progress. It removes the opposition of civilizations or formations according to the principle: higher and lower, advanced and backward. Each of them has its own merits and advantages, its own value system and its own understanding of progress. .. In this regard, we have to return once again to understanding the special role and place in science of the Russian school of economic thought. .. A huge influence on the self-determination of the Russian school of economic thought, both in domestic and world science, was exerted by the originality and originality of the civilization that has developed in our country. No other civilization, if we exclude the still poorly studied specifics of Asian civilization, did not have such different approaches from the West, moral values, perception of the surrounding world and the place of man in it. This could not but affect culture and science, especially the humanities. What is recognized in the West as an indisputable truth, which removes all restrictions as insignificant, is perceived in a completely different and often fundamentally different way in Russian economic thought.

    The world of the economy is interpreted not as an eternal struggle of individuals optimizing their well-being, but as a complex, originally multi-colored complex of complementary and thus mutually enriching processes, forms of organization and management methods. .. The state is not rejected, but organically combined with the market, the general social welfare is higher than individual success.

    Science was called upon to absorb this approach, and where it did so, it succeeded. Where she deviated from this rule, she (and the country) was disappointed. The 20th century, including its last decade, is a clear evidence of this.

    1. Why does the author consider it necessary to reconsider the role and place in science of the Russian school of economic thought? What determines the originality of this scientific school?
    2. What approaches, moral values, and views on the place of man in the world, different from Western ones, characterize, according to L. I. Abalkin, Russian civilization?
    3. Can we agree with the author that the use of these approaches by economic science could ensure the success of the country's economic development?
    4. Using the knowledge of recent history and the facts of the socio-economic life of Russia in the last decade, give examples confirming the conclusion of the scientist that the deviation from the approaches and values ​​developed by Russian economists led to failures.

  • 1) The author considers it necessary to reconsider the role and place in science of the Russian school of economic thought, in connection with globalization, which has become the leading trend in world development. The originality of this Russian scientific school is that it had different approaches from the West, moral values, perception of the surrounding world and a person's place in it.

    2) According to L. I. Abalkin, Russian civilization differs from the West in that the economic world is interpreted not as an eternal struggle of individuals optimizing their well-being, but as a complex, initially multi-colored complex of complementary and thereby mutually enriching processes, forms of organization and management methods. .. The state is not rejected, but organically combined with the market, the general social welfare is higher than individual success. Science was called upon to absorb this approach, and where it did so, it succeeded. Where she deviated from this rule, she (and the country) was disappointed. The 20th century, including its last decade, is a clear evidence of this.

    2) Socialization, worldview, social status.
    3) a) Any person, if desired, can get a higher education.
    b) Two different teachers of history, understand and explain it to students in different ways, depending on their experience and views on the past.
    c) A person quit of his own free will in order to change his occupation.
    4) I completely agree with this statement
    5) a) A formulated personality is the highest stage of human development in society.
    b) A person who is a person has his own political, religious and cultural beliefs.
    c) The worldview of an individual is unique.

  • In the democratic sense, "the people" is a community of people who are citizens of the state and are civic active. In the scientific literature, the point of view is sometimes expressed that the principle of the direct exercise of power by the people is a legal fiction, but in reality, state power is exercised by a certain political elite, periodically replaced by another.
    1. Do you agree with this point of view? Justify your opinion.
  • “The misfortune of modern man is great:

    he lacks the main thing - the meaning of life "

    I.A. Ilyin

    None of us likes meaningless work. For example, carry bricks there and then back. Dig "from here to lunch." If we are asked to do such work, we are inevitably disgusted. Disgust is followed by apathy, aggression, resentment, etc.

    Life is work too. And then it becomes clear why a meaningless life (a life without meaning) pushes us to the fact that we are ready to give up everything that is most valuable, but to run away from this lack of meaning. But, fortunately, the meaning of life is.

    And we will definitely find it. I would like you to read it carefully and to the end, despite the volume of this article. Reading is also work, but not meaningless, but which will pay off handsomely.

    Why does a person need the meaning of life

    Why does a person need to know the meaning of life, is it possible to somehow live without it?

    No animal needs this understanding. It is the desire to understand the purpose of one's coming into this world that distinguishes man from animals. Man is the highest of living beings, it is not enough for him only to eat and multiply. By limiting his needs to only physiology, he cannot be truly happy. Having the meaning of life, we get a goal to which we can strive. The meaning of life is a measure of what is important and what is not, what is useful and what is harmful to achieve our main goal. It is a compass that shows us the direction of our life.

    In such a complex world in which we live, it is very difficult to do without a compass. Without it, we inevitably go astray, fall into a labyrinth, run into dead ends. This is what the outstanding philosopher of antiquity Seneca spoke about: “He who lives without a goal ahead always wanders” .

    Day after day, month after month, year after year, we wander through dead ends with no way out. Ultimately, this chaotic journey leads us to despair. And now, stuck in another dead end, we feel that we no longer have the strength or desire to go further. We understand that we are doomed all our lives to fall from one dead end to another. And then the thought of suicide arises. Indeed, why live if you can not get out of this terrible labyrinth anywhere?

    Therefore, it is so important to strive to resolve this question about the meaning of life.

    How to assess how true a certain meaning of life is

    We see a man doing something in the mechanism of his machine. Does it make sense in what it does or not? Strange question, you say. If he fixes the car and takes his family to the dacha (or a neighbor to the clinic), then, of course, there is. And if he spends the whole day digging into his broken-down car, instead of devoting time to his family, helping his wife, reading a good book, and not driving anywhere in it, then, of course, there is no point.

    That's how it is in everything. The meaning of an activity is determined by its result.

    The meaning of human life must also be evaluated through the outcome. The result for a person is the moment of death. There is nothing more certain than the moment of death. If we are entangled in the labyrinth of life and cannot unwind this tangle from the beginning in order to find the meaning of life, let's unwind it from another, obvious and precisely known end - death.

    It was about this approach that M.Yu. wrote. Lermontov:

    We drink from the cup of life

    with closed eyes

    golden wetting edges

    with their own tears;

    when before death from the eyes

    string falls

    and everything that deceived us,

    with a string falls;

    then we see that it is empty

    was a golden cup

    that there was a drink in it - a dream,

    and that she is not ours!


    The most primitive answers to the question about the meaning of life

    Among the answers to the question about the meaning of life, there are three of the most primitive and stupid. Usually such answers are given by people who have not seriously thought about this issue. They are so primitive and devoid of logic that it makes no sense to dwell on them in detail. Let's take a quick look at these answers, the real purpose of which is to justify your laziness and not work on finding the meaning of life.

    1. “Everyone lives like this without thinking, and I will live”

    First, not everyone lives like this. Secondly, are you sure that these “everyone” are happy? And are you happy, living “like everyone else”, without thinking? Thirdly, what to look at everyone, everyone has their own life, and everyone builds it himself. And when something goes wrong, you will not have to blame “everyone”, but yourself ... Fourthly, sooner or later, the majority of “everyone”, finding themselves in some serious crisis, will also think about the meaning of their existence.

    So maybe you should not focus on "everyone"? Seneca also warned: “When the question arises about the meaning of life, people never reason, but always believe others, and meanwhile, it’s dangerous to adjoin those who go ahead in vain.” Maybe you should listen to these words?

    2. “The meaning of life is to understand this very meaning” (The meaning of life is in life itself)

    Although these phrases are beautiful, pretentious, and may work in a group of children or low-intellect people, they do not make any sense. If you think about it, it is clear that the very process of searching for meaning cannot be at the same time the meaning itself.

    Any person understands that the meaning of sleep is not to sleep, but to restore body systems. We understand that the meaning of breathing is not to breathe, but to allow oxidative processes to occur in cells, without which life is impossible. We understand that the meaning of work is not just to work, but to benefit ourselves and the people in this work. So talking about the fact that the meaning of life is to look for the meaning itself is childish excuses for those who do not want to think about it seriously. This is a convenient philosophy for those who do not want to admit that they do not have the meaning of life and do not want to look for it.

    And postponing the comprehension of the meaning of life to the end of this life is like wanting to get a ticket to a luxury resort on your deathbed. What's the point of something you can't use anymore?

    3. "There is no meaning in life" .

    The logic here is: "I did not find the meaning, so it does not exist." The word "find" implies that a person has taken some action to find (meaning). However, in truth, how many of those who claim that there is no meaning actually searched for it? Wouldn't it be more honest to say: "I have not tried to find the meaning of life, but I believe that there is none."

    Do you like this saying? It hardly looks reasonable, rather it just sounds childish. To a wild Papuan, a calculator, skis, and a cigarette lighter in a car may seem completely unnecessary, meaningless. He just doesn't know what this item is for! To understand the benefits of these items, you need to study them from all sides, try to understand how to use them correctly.

    Someone will object: "I was really looking for meaning." Here the following question arises: were you looking for it there?

    Self-realization as the meaning of life

    Very often you can hear that the meaning of life is in self-realization. Self-realization is the realization of one's capabilities in order to achieve success. You can realize yourself in different areas of life: family, business, art, politics, etc.

    This view is not new, as Aristotle believed. He said that the meaning of life is in a valiant life, success and achievements. And it is in this self-development that the majority even now sees the meaning of life.

    Man, of course, must realize himself. But to make self-realization the main meaning of life is wrong.

    Why? Let's think about it, given the inevitability of death. What difference does it make - a person realized himself and died, or did not realize himself, but also died. Death will equalize these two people. You will not take success in life to the next world!

    We can say that the fruits of this very self-realization will remain on earth. But firstly, these fruits are not always of good quality, and secondly, even if they are of the best quality, then the sense of the person who left them is zero. He cannot take advantage of the results of his successes. He is dead.

    Imagine that you have managed to fulfill yourself - you are a famous politician, a great artist, a writer, a military leader or a journalist. And here you are... at your own funeral. Cemetery. Autumn, drizzling rain, leaves flying to the ground. Or maybe summer, the birds rejoice in the sun. Words of admiration for you sound over the open coffin: “How happy I am for the deceased!N very well managed this and that. All those abilities that were given to him, he embodied not only 100, but 150%! ”...

    If you come to life for a second, will such speeches comfort you? ..

    Memory as the meaning of life

    Another answer to the question about the meaning of life: "To leave my mark, to be remembered." At the same time, it happens that it doesn’t even matter to a person whether he leaves a good memory or not a very good one about himself. The main thing is “to be remembered!” For the sake of this, many people strive in every possible way for fame, popularity, fame, to become a "famous person."

    Of course, a good memory has some value for eternity - it is the grateful memory of our descendants about us, who left them gardens, houses, books. But how long will this memory last? Do you have a grateful memory of your great-grandfathers? And what about great-great-grandfathers?.. No one will be remembered forever.

    In general, the external achievements of a person (the same realization) and the memory of others about these successes correlate like a sandwich and the smell of a sandwich. If the sandwich itself is useless, then all the more so - you can’t get enough of its smell.

    What business will this memory have for us when we die? We will no longer be. So is it worth it then to devote your life to “leaving a mark”? No one will be able to use their fame when they leave this world. No one will be able to assess the degree of his fame in the grave.

    Imagine yourself at your own funeral again. The one who is entrusted with the eulogy is thinking hard what good things to say about you. “We are burying a difficult person! That's how many people came here to see him off on his last journey. Few get that kind of attention. But this is only a faint reflection of the glory thatN had during his lifetime. Many envied him. They wrote about him in the newspapers. At the house whereN lived, a memorial plaque will be fixed ... ".

    Dead man, wake up for a second! Listen! Would these words make you happy?

    The meaning of life is the preservation of beauty and health

    Although the ancient Greek philosopher Metrodorus argued that the meaning of life is in the strength of the body and in the firm hope that it can be relied upon, most people still understand that this cannot be the meaning.

    It is difficult to find something more meaningless than living for the sake of maintaining one's own health and appearance. If a person takes care of his health (goes in for sports, physical education, undergoes preventive medical examinations in a timely manner), then this can only be welcomed. We are talking about something else, about the situation when maintaining health, beauty, longevity becomes the meaning of life. If a person, seeing the meaning only in this, gets involved in the struggle for the preservation and adornment of his body, he condemns himself to an inevitable defeat. Death will still win this battle. All this beauty, all this imaginary health, all these pumped-up muscles, all these experiments on rejuvenation, solariums, liposuction, silver threads, braces will not leave anything behind. The body will go underground and rot, as befits protein structures.

    Now you are an old pop star who was young until her last breath. There are many talkative people in show business who will always find something to say in any situation, including at a funeral: “Oh, what a beauty has died! What a pity that she could not please us for another 800 years. It seemed that death had no power overN! How unexpectedly this death snatched her from our ranks at the age of 79! She showed everyone how to overcome old age!”

    Wake up, dead body! Will you appreciate the way you lived?

    Consumption, pleasure as the meaning of life

    “The acquisition of things and their consumption cannot give meaning to our lives ... The accumulation of material things cannot fill

    the emptiness of the lives of those who have no confidence and purpose"

    (Merchant-millionaire Savva Morozov)

    The philosophy of consumption did not appear today. Another famous ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus (341-270 BC), who believed that the meaning of life is to avoid trouble and suffering, to enjoy life, to achieve peace and bliss. You can also call this philosophy the cult of pleasure.

    This cult also reigns in modern society. But even Epicurus stipulated that it is impossible to live only for the sake of obtaining pleasure, while not being consistent with ethics. We have now reached the reign of hedonism (in other words, life only for the sake of pleasure), in which no one even agrees with ethics. We are set up for this by advertisements, magazine articles, television talk shows, endless serials, reality shows. This permeates our entire daily life. Everywhere we hear, see, read calls to live for our own pleasure, to take everything from life, to catch a moment of good luck, to “break away” to the fullest ...

    The cult of consumption is closely connected with the cult of pleasure. In order to have fun, we have to buy something, win something, order something. Then consume it, and all over again: see advertising, buy, use it for its intended purpose, enjoy. It begins to seem to us that the meaning of life is precisely to use what is widely advertised, namely: certain goods, services, sensual pleasures (“sex”); experiences that give pleasure (travel); real estate; a variety of "fiction" (glossy magazines, cheap detective stories, ladies' novels, books based on TV series), etc.

    Thus, we (not without the help of the media, but of our own free will) turn ourselves into meaningless half-humans, half-animals, whose task is only to eat, drink, sleep, walk, drink, satisfy the sexual instinct, dress up ... Man myself reduces himself to such a level, limiting the purpose of his life to the satisfaction of primitive needs.

    Nevertheless, having tried all conceivable pleasures by a certain age, a person becomes fed up and feels that, despite the various pleasures, his life is empty and something important is missing in it. What? meaning. After all, there is no meaning in pleasure.

    Pleasure cannot be the meaning of existence, if only because it passes and, therefore, ceases to be pleasure. Any need is satisfied only for a certain time, and then it declares itself again and again, and with renewed vigor. In our pursuit of pleasure, we are like drug addicts: we get some pleasure, it soon passes, we need the next dose of pleasure - but it also passes ... But we need this pleasure, our whole life is built on this. Moreover, the more we get pleasure, the more we want again, because. Needs always grow in proportion to the degree to which they are satisfied.. All this is similar to the life of a drug addict, with the only difference being that the drug addict is chasing the drug, and we are chasing various other pleasures. It also resembles a donkey chasing a carrot tied in front: we want to catch it, but we cannot catch up ... It is unlikely that any of us consciously want to be like such a donkey.

    So, if you think seriously, it is obvious that pleasure cannot be the meaning of life. It is quite natural that a person who considers his goal in life to receive pleasure sooner or later comes to a serious spiritual crisis. For example, in the US, about 45% of people drink antidepressants, despite the high standard of living.

    We consume, we consume, we consume… and we live as if we will consume forever. However, death is ahead of us - and this is reliably known to everyone.

    Now over your coffin they can say this: “What a rich lifeN lived! We, his relatives, have not seen him for months. Today he is in Paris, tomorrow in Bombay. One could only envy such a life. How many pleasures he had in his life! He was truly lucky, a darling of fate! How manyN changed cars and, sorry, wives! His house was and remains a full bowl "...

    Open one eye and take a look at the world you have left. Do you think you lived your life the way you should?

    The meaning of life is the achievement of power

    It's no secret that there are people who live to increase their power over others. This is how Nietzsche tried to explain the meaning of life. He said that the meaning of human life is in the pursuit of power. True, the very history of his life (madness, heavy death, poverty) began to refute this statement during his lifetime ...

    Power-hungry people see the point in proving to themselves and others that they can rise above others, to achieve what others could not. Well, what is this meaning? That a person can have an office, appoint and dismiss, take bribes, make important decisions? Is this the point? In order to gain and retain power, they earn money, seek and maintain the necessary business connections, and do many other things, often overstepping their conscience...

    In our opinion, in such a situation, power is also a kind of drug, from which a person receives unhealthy pleasure and without which he can no longer, and which requires a constant increase in the “dose” of power.

    Is it reasonable to see the meaning of your life in the exercise of power over people? On the threshold of life and death, looking back, a person will understand that he has lived all his life in vain, that for which he lived, leaves him, and he is left with nothing. Hundreds of thousands had enormous, and sometimes even incredible power (think of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler). But at one point they lost it. And what?

    Power has not made anyone immortal yet. After all, what happened to Lenin is far from immortality. Is it great joy to become after death a stuffed animal and an object of curiosity of the crowd, like a monkey in a zoo?

    There are many armed guards at your funeral. Investigating glances. They fear a terrorist attack. Yes, you yourself did not die a natural death. Guests, dressed in black with a needle, look alike. The one who “ordered” you is also here, expressing condolences to the widow. In a well-trained voice, someone reads from a piece of paper: “... Life is always in sight, although it is constantly surrounded by guards. Many people envied him, he had many enemies. This is inevitable given the scale of leadership, the scale of power thatN... Such a person will be very difficult to replace, but we hope thatThe NN appointed to this post will continue what he startedN…”

    If you heard this, would you understand that you did not live in vain?

    The meaning of life is the multiplication of material wealth

    The 19th century English philosopher John Mill saw the meaning of human life in achieving profit, benefit, and success. It must be said that Mill's philosophy was the target of ridicule by almost all of his contemporaries. Until the 20th century, Mill's ideas were exotic views that were not supported by almost anyone. And in the last century, the situation has changed. Many people believed that there was a meaning to this illusion. Why in illusion?

    Now many people think that a person lives in order to earn money. It is in increasing wealth (and not in the pleasure of spending it, as we discussed above) that they see the meaning of their lives.

    It is very strange. If everything that can be bought with money is not meaning - pleasure, memory, power, then how can money itself be meaning? After all, not a single penny, not billions of dollars can not be used after death.

    A rich funeral will be little consolation. The dead body is not relieved by the softness of the upholstery of an expensive coffin. Dead eyes are indifferent to the shine of an expensive hearse.

    And again the cemetery. Location next to the famous. The grave site has already been tiled. The cost of a coffin could have taught a poor young man at the university. A cloud of mutual hatred swirls over a group of relatives: not everyone is happy with the division of the inheritance. Even in admiring speeches hidden gloating slips through: “N was the chosen man. An alloy of luck, will and perseverance helped him achieve such success in business. I think if he had lived another 3 years, we would have seen his name in the list of the largest billionaires of Forbes magazine. We, who had known him for many years, could only observe with admiration how high our friend flew up ... "

    If you break the silence of death for a moment, what would you say to that?

    There will be something to remember in old age

    Some say: “Yes, of course, when you are on your deathbed, everything loses its meaning. But at least there was something to remember! For example, many countries, fun parties, a good and satisfying life, etc.” Let's honestly analyze this version of the meaning of life - to live only in order to have something to remember before death.

    For example, we had a well-fed, full of impressions, rich and cheerful life. And at the last line we can remember the whole past. Will it bring joy? No, it won't. It will not bring because this good has already passed, and time cannot be stopped. Joy can only be received in the present from what has been done really good for others. Because in this case, what you did lives on. The world remains to live, with the good that you have done for it. But to feel the joy of what you pleased yourself with - went to resorts, threw money, had power, satisfied your vanity and pride - will not work. It will not work because you are mortal, and soon there will be no memories of this. All this will die.

    What joy for the hungry is that he once had the opportunity to overeat? No joy, but on the contrary, pain. After all, the contrast between the good “before” and the terribly bad and hungry “today” and no “tomorrow” at all is visible too well.

    For example, an alcoholic cannot be glad that he drank a lot yesterday. He's just sick of it today. And he can't remember yesterday's vodka and thus get a hangover. He needs her now. And real, not in memories.

    During this temporary life, we can have many things that we think are good. But we can take nothing with us from this life, except the soul.

    For example, we went to the bank. And we are given the opportunity to come to the bank vault and take any amount of money. We can hold as much money as we want in our hands, fill our pockets, fall into piles of this money, throw it, sprinkle it on ourselves, but ... we cannot go beyond the bank vault with it. These are the conditions. Tell me, that you held innumerable sums in your hands, but what will it give you when you leave the bank?

    Separately, I would like to give an argument for people who want to commit suicide. To you, as to no one else, the futility of good memories should be obvious. And you have had good times in your life. But now, remembering them, you do not feel better.


    The meaning of life is life for the sake of loved ones

    Very often it seems to us that life for the sake of loved ones is precisely the main meaning. Many people see the meaning of their lives in close person, in a child, spouse, less often - a parent. They often say this: “I live for him”, they live not their own, but his life.

    Of course, to love your loved ones, to sacrifice something for them, to help you go through life - this is necessary, natural and right. Most people on earth want to live, getting joy from the family, raising children, taking care of parents and friends.

    But can this be the main meaning of life?

    No, to idolize loved ones, to see only meaning in them all life, all their affairs - this is a dead end path.

    This can be understood with a simple metaphor. A person who sees the whole meaning of his life in a loved one is like a football (or other sports) fan. A fan is no longer just a fan, this is a person who lives for sports, lives for the successes and failures of the team he is a fan of. He says so: “my team”, “we lost”, “we have prospects” ... He identifies himself with the players on the field: he seems to be chasing a soccer ball himself, he rejoices in their victory as if it were his victory . Often they say this: “Your victory is my victory!” And on the contrary, he perceives the defeat of his favorites extremely painfully, as a personal failure. And if for some reason he is deprived of the opportunity to watch a match with the participation of “his” club, he feels as if he was deprived of oxygen, as if life itself passes him by ... From the outside, this fan looks ridiculous, his behavior and attitude to life seems inadequate and even just stupid. But don't we look similar when we see the meaning of our whole life in another person?

    It's easier to be a fan than to play sports yourself: it's easier to watch a match on TV, sitting on the couch with a bottle of beer, or at the stadium surrounded by noisy friends, than to run around the field for the ball yourself. Here you cheer for “your own” - and it seems that you yourself have already played football ... There is an identification of a person with those for whom he cheers, and this suits a person: there is no need to train, waste time and effort, you can take a passive position and at the same time get a lot of strong emotions, almost the same as if he himself went in for sports. But no costs, inevitable for the athlete himself.

    We do the same if the meaning of our life is another person. We identify ourselves with him, we live not our lives, but his. We rejoice not in our own, but exclusively in his joys, sometimes we even forget about the most important needs of our soul for the sake of the petty everyday needs of a loved one. And we do it for the same reason: because it's easier. It is easier to build someone else's life and correct other people's shortcomings than to take care of your soul and work on it. It is easier to take the position of a fan, to “cheer” for your loved one, without working on yourself, simply giving up on your spiritual life, on the development of your soul.

    Nevertheless, any person is mortal, and if he has become the meaning of your life, then having lost him, you will almost inevitably lose the desire to live on. A most serious crisis will come, out of which you can only find a different meaning. You can, of course, "switch" to another person, and now live for him. Often people do this, because. they are accustomed to such a symbiotic relationship and simply do not know how to live differently. Thus, a person is constantly in an unhealthy psychological dependence on another, and he cannot recover from it, because he does not understand that he is sick.

    Transferring the meaning of our life to the life of another person, we lose ourselves, completely dissolve in another - the same mortal person as we are. We sacrifice for the sake of this person, who also will not necessarily someday be gone. Once at the last line, do not we ask ourselves: what did we live for? They spent their whole soul on the temporary, on something that death would swallow up without a trace, they created an idol for themselves from a loved one, in fact, they lived not their own, but his fate ... Is it worth devoting your life to this?

    Some live not someone else's, but their own life with the hope that they can leave their loved ones an inheritance, material values, status, etc. Only we know well that this is not always good. Unearned values ​​can corrupt, descendants may remain ungrateful, something may happen to the descendants themselves and the thread will break. In this case, it turns out that living only for others, the person himself lived his life without meaning.

    The meaning of life is work, creativity

    “The most precious thing for a person is life. And you need to live it in such a way that it would not be excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years, so that, dying, you could say: all life and all strength were given to the most beautiful thing in the world - the struggle for the liberation of mankind.

    (Nikolai Ostrovsky)

    Another common answer to the question about the meaning of life is work, creativity, some kind of "business of life". Everyone knows the common formula for a "successful" life - to give birth to a child, build a house, plant a tree. As for the child, we briefly discussed this above. What about "house and tree"?

    If we see the meaning of our existence in any occupation, even if it is useful for society, in creativity, in work, then we, being thinking people, will sooner or later think about the question: “What will happen to all this when I die? And of what use will all this be to me when I lie dying?” After all, we all perfectly understand that neither a house nor a tree is eternal, they will not stand even for several hundred years ... And those activities to which we devoted all our time, all our strength - if they did not bring benefit to our soul, then did they do they make sense? We will not take any fruits of our labor with us to the grave - neither works of art, nor gardens of trees planted by us, nor our most ingenious scientific developments, nor favorite books, nor power, nor the largest bank accounts ...

    Isn't that what Solomon was talking about, looking back at the sunset of his life at all his great achievements, which were the deeds of his life? “I, the Ecclesiastes, was king over Israel in Jerusalem… I undertook great deeds: I built houses for myself, I planted vineyards for myself, I made gardens and groves for myself, and planted in them all sorts of fruitful trees; he made himself reservoirs to irrigate from them groves that grow trees; I bought myself servants and maids, and I had households; I also had more herds and flocks than all those who were before me in Jerusalem; collected for himself silver and gold and jewels from kings and regions; he got singers and female singers and delights of the sons of men - various musical instruments. And I became great and richer than all who were before me in Jerusalem; and my wisdom has been with me. Whatever my eyes desired, I did not refuse them, did not forbid my heart any joy, because my heart rejoiced in all my labors, and this was my share of all my labors. And I looked back at all my works that my hands had done, and at the labor that I labored in doing them: and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of the spirit, and they are of no use under the sun!(Eccl. 1, 12; 2, 4-11).

    The "works of life" are different. For one, the business of life is service to culture, another is service to the people, the third is service to science, and the fourth is service for the sake of a "bright future for descendants", as he understands it.

    The author of the epigraph, Nikolai Ostrovsky, selflessly served the "cause of life", served the "red" literature, the cause of Lenin and dreamed of communism. A courageous person, a hard-working and talented writer, a convinced ideological warrior, he lived "the struggle for the liberation of mankind", gave his life and all his strength to this struggle. Not many years have passed, and we do not see this liberated humanity. Again he was enslaved, the property of this free humanity, divided among themselves by the oligarchs. Selflessness and ideology, sung by Ostrovsky, is now a target for the ridicule of the masters of life. It turns out that he lived for the sake of a bright future, raised people with his creativity to a feat, and now these feats are used by those who do not care about Ostrovsky and the people. And this can happen with any "business of life." Even if it helps generations of other people (how many of us are able to do so much for humanity?), it still cannot help the person himself. After death, this will not be a consolation for him.


    Here is an excerpt from Yulia Ivanova's wonderful book "Dense Doors". In this book, a young man, a darling of fate, Ganya, who lives in the godless times of the USSR, has a good education, successful parents, perspectives, thinks about the meaning of life: “Ganya was surprised to find that modern humanity does not really think about this. Naturally, no one wants global catastrophes, nuclear or ecological, but in general we go and go ... Some still believe in progress, although with the development of civilization the probability of flying down a nuclear, ecological or other derailment increases greatly. Others would gladly turn the locomotive back and make all sorts of bright plans about it, but most just go in an unknown direction, knowing only one thing - sooner or later they will throw you out of the train. Forever. And he will rush himself further, the train of suicide bombers. A death sentence weighs on everyone, hundreds of generations have already succeeded each other, and neither escape nor hide. The judgment is final and not subject to appeal. And passengers try to behave as if they have to go forever. They get comfortable in the compartment, change the rugs, curtains, get to know each other, give birth to children - so that the offspring will occupy your compartment when you yourself are thrown out. A kind of illusion of immortality! Children, in turn, will be replaced by grandchildren, grandchildren by great-grandchildren... Poor humanity! The train of life that became the train of death. The dead who have already descended are hundreds of times more than the living. Yes, and they, living, are sentenced. Here are the steps of the guide - they came for someone. Is it not for you? Feast in Time of Plague. They eat, drink, have fun, play cards, chess, collect match labels, stuff suitcases, although they demand “without things” to leave. And others are making touching plans for the reconstruction of the compartment, their car or even the entire train. Or the carriage goes to war against carriage, compartment against compartment, shelf against shelf, in the name of the happiness of future passengers. Millions of lives are derailed ahead of schedule, and the train rushes on. And these same crazy passengers are merrily slaughtering a goat on the suitcases of beautiful-hearted dreamers.

    This is such a gloomy picture that opened up to young Ghana after long reflections on the meaning of life. It turned out that every life goal turns into the greatest injustice and nonsense. Make up your mind and disappear.

    Waste your life to do good to future passengers and make room for them? Beautiful! But they are also mortal, these future passengers. All mankind consists of mortals, which means that your life is dedicated to death. And if one of the people reaches immortality, is immortality right on the bones of millions?

    Okay, let's take the consumer society. The most ideal option - I give according to my abilities, I receive according to my needs. There may be, of course, the most terrible needs, and abilities, too ... To live in order to live. Eat, drink, have fun, give birth, go to the theater or go to the races... Leave behind a mountain of empty bottles, worn-out shoes, dirty glasses, sheets burnt by a cigarette...

    Well, if you put aside the extremes ... Get on the train, sit in your seat, behave decently, do whatever you want, just don’t interfere with other passengers, give the lower shelves to the ladies and old people, don’t smoke in the car. Before you leave for good, hand over your bedding to the conductor and turn off the lights.

    Everything ends in zero anyway. The meaning of life is not found. The train is going nowhere...

    As you understand, as soon as we begin to look at the meaning of life from the point of view of its finiteness, our illusions begin to rapidly disappear. We begin to understand that what seemed to us the meaning at some stages of life cannot become the meaning of the existence of all life.

    But doesn't it make sense? No, he is. And known for a long time thanks to Bishop Augustine. It was Blessed Augustine who made the greatest revolution in philosophy, explained, proved and substantiated the existence of the meaning that we are looking for in life.

    To quote the International Philosophical Journal: “Thanks to the philosophical views of Blessed. Augustine, Christian religious teachings make it possible to make logical and complete constructions for finding the meaning of human existence. In Christian philosophy, the question of faith in God is the main condition for the existence of the meaning of life. At the same time, in materialistic philosophy, where human life is finite and there is nothing beyond its threshold, the very existence of a condition for solving this issue becomes impossible and unsolvable problems arise in full growth.

    Let's try to find the meaning of life in another plane. Try to understand what will be written below. We do not aim to impose our point of view on you, but only give information that can answer so many of your questions.


    “He who knows his own meaning sees his purpose.

    The purpose of man is to be a vessel and instrument of the Divine.

    (Ignatius Brianchaninov )

    Was the meaning of life known before us?

    If you look for the meaning of life among the above, then it is impossible to find it. And it is not surprising that, trying to find it there, a person despairs and comes to the conclusion that there is no point. In fact, he's just not looking there...

    Metaphorically, the search for meaning can be depicted as follows. A person who seeks meaning and does not find it is like lost traveler, caught in a ravine and looking for the right path. He wanders among the dense, thorny, tall bushes growing in the ravine, and there he tries to find a way out to the road from which he has strayed, to the path that will lead him to his goal.

    But in this way it is impossible to find the right path. You must first get out of the ravine, climb the mountain - and from there, from above, you can see the right path. Likewise, we, who are looking for the meaning of life, first need to change our point of view, because we cannot see anything from the pit of a hedonistic worldview. Without the application of certain efforts, we will never get out of this hole, and certainly we will never find the right path to comprehend life.

    So, to understand the true, deep meaning of life is possible only by working hard, only by acquiring some necessary knowledge. And this knowledge, which is most surprising, is available to each of us. We simply do not pay attention to these wells of knowledge, we pass them by, not noticing or contemptuously dismissing them. But the question of the meaning of life has been raised by mankind at all times. All people of previous generations faced exactly the same problems that we face. There has always been betrayal, envy, emptiness of the soul, despair, deceit, betrayal, troubles, disasters and illnesses. And people were able to rethink and deal with it. And we can use the colossal experience that previous generations have accumulated. It is not necessary to reinvent the wheel - it has actually been invented a long time ago. We just have to learn how to ride it. Still, we can’t think of anything better and more ingenious.

    Why are we, when it comes to scientific developments, medical achievements, useful inventions that make our life easier, a variety of practical knowledge in a particular professional field, etc. - we widely use the experience and discoveries of our ancestors, and in matters as important as the meaning of life, the existence and immortality of the soul - we consider ourselves smarter than all previous generations, and proudly (often with contempt) reject their knowledge, their experience, and more often we reject everything in advance, without even studying and without trying to understand? Is it reasonable?

    Doesn’t the following seem more reasonable: to study the experience and achievements of ancestors, or at least get acquainted with them, reflect, and only then draw a conclusion for yourself whether the previous generations were right or not, whether their experience can be useful to us, whether it is worth shall we learn their wisdom? Why do we reject their knowledge without even trying to penetrate? Is it because it's the easiest?

    Indeed, in order to say that our ancestors thought primitively, and we are much smarter and more progressive than them, a great mind is not needed. It is very easy to say unfoundedly. And to study the wisdom of previous generations without difficulty will not work. You must first get acquainted with their experience, their knowledge, let their philosophy of life pass through you, try to live in accordance with it for at least a few days, and then evaluate what this approach to life brings In fact- joy or longing, hope or despair, peace of mind or confusion, light or darkness. And even then a person will be able to judge with full right whether the meaning that his ancestors saw in their lives was true.

    Life is like a school

    And what, in fact, did our ancestors see the meaning of life? After all, this question has been raised by mankind for centuries.

    The answer has always been in self-development, in educating a person of himself, his eternal soul, and in bringing it closer to God. This is how Christians, Buddhists and Muslims thought. Everyone recognized the existence of the immortality of the soul. And then the conclusion seemed quite logical: if the soul is immortal, and the body is mortal, then it is unreasonable (and even simply stupid) to devote your short life to serving the body, its pleasures. Because the body dies, it means that it is pointless to put all your strength into satisfying its needs. (Which, in fact, is confirmed in our day by desperate materialists who have come to the brink of suicide.)

    So, the meaning of life, our ancestors believed, should be sought in the good not for the body, but for the soul. After all, she is immortal, and she can enjoy the acquired good forever. And who wouldn't want eternal pleasure?

    However, in order for the soul to be able to enjoy not only here, on earth, it is necessary to educate, educate, elevate it, otherwise it will not be able to contain the boundless joy that is prepared for it.

    That's why life is possible, in particular, imagine as a school. This simple metaphor helps to get closer to understanding life. Life is a school where a person comes to train his soul. This is the main purpose of attending school. Yes, the school has a lot of other things besides lessons: breaks, communication with classmates, football after school, extracurricular activities - theater visits, camping trips, holidays ... However, all this is secondary. Yes, perhaps it would be more pleasant if we came to school only to run, chat, take a walk in the school yard ... But then we would not learn anything, we would not receive a certificate, we would not be able to receive further education, nor work.

    So we come to school to learn. But in and of itself, studying for the sake of studying is also meaningless. We study to gain knowledge, skills and get a certificate, and then go to work and live. If we assume that after graduation there will be NOTHING else, then attending school, of course, makes no sense. And no one argues with this. But in reality, life goes on after school, and school is just one of its stages. And on how responsibly we treated our education at school, the “quality” of our subsequent life largely depends. A person who leaves school, believing that he does not need the knowledge taught in it at all, will remain illiterate and uneducated, and this will interfere with him throughout his future life.

    Just as stupidly, to the detriment of himself, a person acts who, having come to school, immediately rejects all the knowledge accumulated before him, without even getting acquainted with them; claims that he does not believe them, that all the discoveries made before him are nonsense. The comicality and absurdity of such a self-confident rejection of all accumulated knowledge is obvious to everyone.

    But not everyone, unfortunately, is aware of the even greater absurdity of a similar rejection in a situation when it comes to understanding the deep foundations of life. But our earthly life is also a school - school for the soul. It was given to us in order to educate our soul, to teach it to truly love, to teach it to see the good in the world around us, to create it.

    On the path of self-development and self-education, we will inevitably encounter difficulties, just as schooling cannot always be easy. Each of us is well aware that any more or less responsible business is associated with various kinds of difficulties, and it would be strange to expect that such a serious matter as the education and upbringing of the soul will be easy. But these problems, trials are also needed for something - they themselves are a very important factor in the development of the soul. And if we do not teach our soul to love, to strive for light and goodness, while we are still living on earth, then it will not be able to receive endless pleasure in eternity, simply because it incapable will receive kindness and love.

    Elder Paisius Svyatogorets said wonderfully: “This century is not to live happily ever after, but to pass exams and move on to another life. Therefore, the following goal should stand before us: prepare so that when God calls us, go away with a clear conscience, soar to Christ and be with Him always.

    Life as preparation for birth into a new reality

    One more metaphor can be given in this context. During pregnancy, the unborn baby's body grows from a single cell to a fully formed human being. And the main task of the intrauterine period is to ensure that the development of the child goes correctly and to the end, so that by the time of birth the child takes the correct position and can be born into a new life.

    A nine-month stay in the womb is also, in a sense, a lifetime. The child is born there, develops, he feels good there in his own way - the food arrives on time, the temperature is constant, he is reliably protected from the influence of external factors ... Nevertheless, at a certain time the child needs to be born; no matter how good it seems to him in his mother’s stomach, in a new life such joys await him, such events that are simply incomparable with the seeming convenience of intrauterine existence. And in order to get into this life, the baby goes through serious stress (which is childbirth), experiences unprecedented pain ... But the joy of meeting with his mother and with the new world is stronger than this pain, and life in the world is a million times more interesting, more pleasant more diverse than existence in the womb.

    Our life on earth is similar - it can be likened to the period of intrauterine existence. The purpose of this life is the development of the soul, the preparation of the soul for birth into a new, incomparably more beautiful life in eternity. And just as in the case of a newborn baby, the “quality” of the new life in which we find ourselves directly depends on how correctly we developed in the “past” life. And those sorrows that we meet on the path of life can be likened to the stress experienced by a baby during childbirth: they are temporary, although they sometimes seem endless; they are inevitable, and everyone goes through them; they are nothing compared to the joy and enjoyment of a new life.

    Or another example: the task of a caterpillar is to develop to such an extent that later it becomes a beautiful butterfly. To do this, you must comply with certain laws. The caterpillar cannot imagine that it will fly and how it will be. This is a birth into a new life. And this life is fundamentally different from the life of a mundane caterpillar.

    Life as a business project

    Another metaphor that explains the meaning of life is the following:

    Let's imagine that a kind person gave you an interest-free loan so that you could carry out your own business project and, with its help, be able to earn money for a future life. The term of the loan is equal to the term of your earthly life. The better you invest this money, the richer and more comfortable your life will be at the end of the project.

    One will invest a loan in the business, and the other will start eating up this money, having drunken parties, parties, but just not working on multiplying this amount. In order not to think and not work, he will find a bunch of reasons and excuses - "no one loves me", "I'm weak", "why make money for a future life, if you don't know what will happen there, it's better to live now, and we'll see" and .t.p. Naturally, friends immediately appear who want to spend this loan with a person (it’s not for them to answer later). They convince him that there is no need to repay the debt, that the One who gave the loan does not exist (or that the fate of the debtor is indifferent to Him). They convince that if there is a loan, then it should be spent on a good and fun present life, and not on the future. If a person agrees with them, then the party begins. As a result, a person comes to bankruptcy. The term to repay the loan is approaching, but it is wasted, and nothing has been earned.

    Now, God gives us this credit. Credit itself is our talents, mental and physical abilities, spiritual qualities, health, favorable circumstances, external assistance.

    Look, don't we look like gamers who spend money on a momentary passion? Haven't we played? Do not our "games" cause us suffering and fear? And who are those “friends” who are so actively pushing us to skip this loan? And these are our enemies - demons. They themselves disposed of their talents, their angelic qualities in the worst possible way. And they want the same for us. The most desirable alignment for them is if a person does not just skip this loan with them, and then suffer for it, but if a person simply gives them this loan. We know many examples when, by manipulating weak people, bandits deprived them of housing, money, inheritance, left them homeless. The same thing happens with those who live their lives in vain.

    Should this horror continue? Isn't it time to think about what we have earned and how much time we have left for the implementation of our project.

    Often suicidal people scold God for not getting what they want, that it is difficult to live, that there is no understanding, etc.

    But don't you think that God cannot be blamed for the fact that we simply do not know how to earn, to properly invest what He has given, that we do not know the laws by which we must live in order to prosper?

    Agree that it is rather stupid to continue to skip what is given, and even blame the creditor. Maybe it's better to think about how to fix the situation? And our Lender will always help us with this. He does not act like a Jewish usurer, sucking all the juice out of the debtor, but credits from Love to us.

     ( 177 votes : 3.79 out of 5)

    Psychologist Mikhail Khasminsky, Olga Pokalyukhina


    Does life have a meaning at all, and if so, what exactly? What is a sense of life? Or is life simply nonsense, a meaningless, worthless process of natural birth, flowering, maturation, decay and death of a person, like any other organic being? Those dreams of goodness and truth, of the spiritual significance and meaningfulness of life, which, from adolescence, excite our souls and make us think that we were not born "for nothing", that we are called to realize something great and decisive in the world, and thereby to realize ourselves, to give a creative outcome to the spiritual forces dormant in us, hidden from prying eyes, but persistently demanding their discovery, forming, as it were, the true essence of our "I" - are these dreams justified in any way objectively, do they have any reasonable grounds, and if so, what? Or are they just flames of blind passion that flare up in a living being according to the natural laws of its nature, like elemental inclinations and longings, with the help of which indifferent nature accomplishes through our mediation, deceiving us and luring us with illusions, its senseless, in eternal monotony, repetitive task of preserving animal life. in generational change? The human thirst for love and happiness, tears of emotion in front of beauty, the trembling thought of bright joy that illuminates and warms life, or rather, for the first time realizing true life, is there any solid ground for this in human being, or is it just a reflection in the inflamed human consciousness of that blind and vague passion that also possesses the insect, which deceives us, using it as tools to preserve the same senseless prose of animal life and dooming us for a brief dream of higher joy and spiritual fullness to pay with vulgarity, boredom and agonizing need of the narrow, everyday, philistine existence? And the thirst for heroism, selfless service to good, the thirst for death in the name of a great and bright cause - is this something more and more meaningful than the mysterious, but meaningless force that drives the butterfly into the fire?

    These, as they usually say, "damned" questions, or rather, this single question "about the meaning of life" excites and torments in the depths of every person's soul. A person can for a time, and even for a very long time, completely forget about it, plunge headlong or into the everyday interests of the present day, into material concerns about the preservation of life, about wealth, contentment and earthly successes, or into any superpersonal passions and "deeds" - into politics, the struggle of parties, etc. - but life is already arranged in such a way that even the most stupid, fat-blooded or spiritually sleeping person cannot completely and forever brush it aside: the inevitable fact of approaching of death and its inevitable harbingers - aging and disease, the fact of withering away, the fleeting disappearance, immersion in the irrevocable past of our entire earthly life with all the illusory significance of its interests - this fact is for every person a formidable and persistent reminder of the unresolved, put aside question of meaning of life. This question is not a "theoretical question", not the subject of an idle mental game; this question is a question of life itself, it is just as terrible, and, in fact, much more terrible than, in case of severe need, the question of a piece of bread to satisfy hunger. Truly, this is the question of bread to nourish us and water to quench our thirst. Chekhov describes a man who, living all his life with everyday interests in a provincial town, like all other people, lied and pretended, "played a role" in "society", was busy with "business", immersed in petty intrigues and worries - and suddenly, unexpectedly , wakes up one night with a heavy heartbeat and in a cold sweat. What's happened? Something terrible happened life has passed, and there was no life, because there was and is no meaning in it!

    And yet, the vast majority of people consider it necessary to dismiss this question, to hide from it, and find the greatest wisdom of life in such "ostrich politics." They call it a "fundamental refusal" to attempt to resolve "insoluble metaphysical questions", and they deceive everyone else and themselves so skillfully that not only for outsiders, but also for themselves, their torment and inescapable languor remain unnoticed, to be maybe until his death. This method of educating in oneself and others oblivion to the most important, ultimately, the only important issue of life is determined, however, not only by "ostrich politics", by the desire to close one's eyes so as not to see the terrible truth. Apparently, the ability to "settle oneself in life," obtain life's blessings, assert and expand one's position in life's struggle is inversely proportional to the attention given to the question of the "meaning of life." And since this ability, by virtue of the animal nature of man and the "common sense" that he defines, seems to be the most important and the first thing in terms of urgency, it is in his interests that this crushing of anxious bewilderment about the meaning of life into the deep depressions of unconsciousness is carried out. And the calmer, the more measured and ordered the outer life, the more it is occupied with current earthly interests and has luck in their implementation, the deeper is that spiritual grave in which the question of the meaning of life is buried. Therefore, we see, for example, that the average European, the typical Western European "bourgeois" (not in the economic, but in the spiritual sense of the word) seems to be no longer interested in this question at all and therefore has ceased to need religion, which alone gives an answer to it. . We Russians, partly by our nature, partly, probably, by the disorder and disorder of our external, civil, everyday and social life, and in former, "prosperous" times, differed from Western Europeans in that we were more tormented by the question of the meaning of life or, more precisely, they were more openly tormented by him, more confessed to their torments. However, now, looking back at our so recent and so far from us past, we must admit that at that time we, too, to a large extent "swallowed fat" and did not see - did not want or could not see - the true face of life, and therefore little cared about its solution.

    From this point of view, the terrible upheaval and destruction of our entire social life has brought us one most valuable blessing, in spite of all its bitterness: it has laid bare before us life, How she really is. True, in the order of philistine reflections, in terms of ordinary earthly "wisdom of life", we often suffer abnormality of our present life and either with boundless hatred we blame the “Bolsheviks” for it, who senselessly plunged all Russian people into the abyss of disasters and despair, or (which, of course, is better) with bitter and useless remorse we condemn our own frivolity, negligence and blindness, with which we allowed to destroy in Russia all the foundations of a normal, happy and reasonable life. No matter how much relative truth there may be in these bitter feelings, in the face of the last, genuine truth, there is also a very dangerous self-deception. Considering the loss of our loved ones, either directly killed or tortured by the wild conditions of life, the loss of our property, our favorite business, our own premature illnesses, our current forced idleness and the meaninglessness of our entire present existence, we often think that illness, death, old age, the need, the meaninglessness of life - all this was invented and brought into life for the first time by the Bolsheviks. In fact, they did not invent this and did not bring it into life for the first time, but only significantly strengthened it, destroying that external and, from a deeper point of view, still illusory well-being that previously reigned in life. And before people died - and they almost always died prematurely, without finishing their job and senselessly by accident; and earlier all the blessings of life - wealth, health, fame, social position - were shaky and unreliable; and earlier the wisdom of the Russian people knew that no one should swear off the bag and prison. What happened only seemed to remove the ghostly veil from life and showed us the undisguised horror of life, as it always is in itself. Just as in cinema it is possible, by an arbitrary change in the tempo of movement through such a distortion, to show the true, but imperceptible nature of the movement to the ordinary eye, just as through a magnifying glass for the first time you see (albeit in a changed size) what always is and was, but what is not visible to the naked eye is that the distortion of the "normal" empirical conditions of life, which has now taken place in Russia, only reveals to us the previously hidden true essence. And we, Russians, are now idle and useless, without a homeland and a native hearth, wandering around foreign lands in need and deprivation or living in our homeland as in a foreign land, aware of all the "abnormality" from the point of view of the usual external forms of life of our current existence, at the same time, we have the right and the obligation to say that it was in this abnormal way of life that we first came to know the true eternal essence of life. We homeless and homeless wanderers - but isn't a person on earth, in a deeper sense, always a homeless and homeless wanderer? We have experienced on ourselves, our loved ones, our being and our career the greatest vicissitudes of fate - but is not the very essence of fate that it is vicissitudes? We felt the nearness and the terrible reality of death - but is it really only the reality of today? Amid the luxurious and carefree life of the Russian court environment of the 18th century, the Russian poet exclaimed: "Where there was a table of dishes, there is a coffin; where feasts were heard cliques - grave faces groan there and pale death looks at everyone." We are doomed to hard, exhausting labor for the sake of daily sustenance - but wasn't it already predicted and commanded to Adam, when he was expelled from paradise: "In the sweat of your face you will eat your bread"?

    So now, through the magnifying glass of our present misfortunes, the very essence of life in all its vicissitudes, transience, burdensomeness, in all its meaninglessness, clearly appeared before us. And therefore, the question of the meaning of life, which torments all people and confronts everyone, has acquired for us, as if for the first time tasting the very essence of life and deprived of the opportunity to hide from it or cover it with a deceptive appearance that softens its horror, an absolutely exceptional sharpness. It was easy not to think about this question when life, at least outwardly visible, flowed evenly and smoothly, when - except for the relatively rare moments of tragic trials that seemed to us exceptional and abnormal - life appeared to us calm and stable, when each of us It was our natural and reasonable business, and, behind the many questions of the day, behind the many vital and important for us private matters and questions, the general question of life as a whole only seemed to us somewhere in a foggy distance and vaguely secretly disturbed us. Especially at a young age, when the solution of all questions of life is foreseen in the future, when the supply of vital forces that require application, this application was for the most part found, and the conditions of life easily made it possible to live dreams - only a few of us suffered acutely and intensely from the consciousness of meaninglessness. life. But not now. Having lost their homeland and with it the natural ground for a cause that gives at least the appearance of meaningfulness of life, and at the same time deprived of the opportunity to enjoy life in carefree young fun and in this spontaneous passion for its temptations to forget about its inexorable severity, doomed to hard exhausting and forced labor for our subsistence, we are forced to ask ourselves the question: why live? Why pull this ridiculous and burdensome strap? What justifies our suffering? Where to find unshakable support, so as not to fall under the weight of vital need?

    True, the majority of Russian people are still trying to drive away these menacing and dreary thoughts from themselves with a passionate dream of a future renewal and revival of our common Russian life. Russian people in general had a habit of living in dreams of the future; and earlier it seemed to them that the everyday, harsh and dull life of today is, in fact, an accidental misunderstanding, a temporary delay in the onset of true life, an agonizing expectation, something like languishing at some random train stop; but tomorrow or in a few years, in a word, in any case, soon everything will change, a true, reasonable and happy life will open; the whole meaning of life is in this future, and today does not count for life. This mood of daydreaming and its reflection on the moral will, this moral frivolity, contempt and indifference to the present and internally false, unfounded idealization of the future - this spiritual state is, after all, the last root of that moral disease that we call revolutionary and which ruined Russian life. But never, perhaps, has this spiritual state been so widespread as it is now; and it must be admitted that never before has there been so many reasons or reasons for it as it is now. After all, it cannot be denied that, finally, sooner or later the day must come when Russian life will get out of the quagmire into which it has fallen and in which it is now motionless; It is undeniable that from this very day a time will come for us that will not only ease the personal conditions of our life, but - what is much more important - will put us in healthier and more normal general conditions, open up the possibility of rational work, revive our forces through a new immersion of our roots in their native soil.

    And yet, even now, this mood of transferring the question of the meaning of life from today to the desired and unknown future, waiting for its solution not from the internal spiritual energy of our own will, but from unforeseen changes in fate, this is a complete contempt for the present and capitulation to it for the account of the dreamy idealization of the future is the same mental and moral illness, the same perversion of a healthy attitude to reality and to the tasks of one's own life, arising from the very spiritual being of man, as always; and the exceptional intensity of this mood testifies only to the intensity of our disease. And the circumstances of life develop in such a way that it gradually becomes clearer to us ourselves. The onset of this decisive bright day, which we have been waiting for a long time almost tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, is being delayed for many years; and the more time we wait for it, the more our hopes turned out to be illusory, the more vague does the possibility of its onset become in the future; it departs for us into some elusive distance, we are waiting for it not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but only "in a few years", and no one can predict how many years we should wait for it, why exactly and under what conditions it will come. And many are already beginning to think that this longed-for day, in general, perhaps, will not come in a noticeable way, will not lay a sharp, absolute line between the hated and despicable present and the bright, joyful future, and that Russian life will be only imperceptibly and gradually, perhaps, a number of small shocks, straighten up and come to a more normal state. And with the future completely impenetrable for us, with the revealed fallacy of all the forecasts that have repeatedly promised us the coming of this day, one cannot deny the plausibility or, at least, the possibility of such an outcome. But the mere assumption of this possibility already destroys the whole spiritual position, which postpones the realization of true life until this decisive day and makes it completely dependent on it. But apart from this consideration - how long, in general, we must and can wait, and is it possible to spend our lives in an inactive and meaningless, indefinitely long waiting? The older generation of Russian people is already beginning to get used to the bitter thought that they, perhaps, will either not live to see this day at all, or will meet it in old age, when all real life will already be in the past; the younger generation is beginning to be convinced, at least, that the best years of his life are already passing and, perhaps, they will pass without a trace in such an expectation. And if we could still spend our lives not in the senselessly weary expectation of this day, but in its effective preparation, if we were given - as it was in the previous era - the possibility of a revolutionary actions, and not just revolutionary dreams and verbiage! But even this possibility is not available to the vast, overwhelming majority of us, and we clearly see that many of those who consider themselves to have this possibility are mistaken precisely because, poisoned by this disease of daydreaming, they have simply forgotten how to distinguish between genuine, serious, fruitful case from simple word disputes, from meaningless and childish storms in a teacup. So fate itself, or the great superhuman forces that we vaguely see behind blind fate, wean us from this lulling, but corrupting disease of the dreamy transfer of the question of life and its meaning to the indefinite distance of the future, from the cowardly deceptive hope that someone or something then the outside world will decide it for us. Now most of us, if not clearly aware, then at least vaguely feel that the question of the hoped-for revival of the motherland and the improvement in the fate of each of us associated with it does not compete with the question of how and why we should live today. - in Today which stretches out for many years and can drag on for our whole life - and thus, with the question of the eternal and absolute meaning of life, which, as such, does not at all obscure this, as we clearly feel, nevertheless the most important and most urgent question. Moreover: after all, this teasing "day" future, he will not by himself rebuild the whole of Russian life and create more reasonable conditions for it. After all, the Russian people themselves will have to do this, including each of us. But what if, in tedious waiting, we lose our entire supply of spiritual strength, if by that time, having spent our lives uselessly on senseless languor and aimless vegetation, we have already lost clear ideas about good and evil, about a desirable and unworthy way of life? Is it possible to renew the common life without knowing for myself, why do you live at all and what eternal, objective meaning does life have in its entirety? Don’t we already see how many Russian people, having lost hope of resolving this issue, either grow dumb and spiritually freeze in everyday worries about a piece of bread, or commit suicide, or, finally, morally die, becoming life-burners from despair, going on crimes and moral decay for the sake of self-forgetfulness in violent pleasures, the vulgarity and ephemeralness of which their chilled soul is aware of?

    No, we - namely, we, in our current position and spiritual state - cannot get away from the question about the meaning of life, and hopes to replace it with any surrogates, to starve the worm of doubt sucking inside with any illusory deeds and thoughts are futile. It is precisely our time that - we spoke about this in the book "The Collapse of Idols" - that all the idols that seduced and blinded us before are collapsing one after another, exposed in their lies, all decorating and clouding veils over life fall, all illusions perish themselves. yourself. There remains life, life itself in all its unsightly nakedness, with all its burdensomeness and meaninglessness, a life equivalent to death and non-existence, but alien to the peace and oblivion of non-existence. That, on the Sinai heights, set by God, through ancient Israel, to all people and forever the task: "I have offered you life and death, a blessing and a curse; choose life so that you and your offspring live" - ​​this task is to learn to distinguish true life from life which is death, to understand the meaning of life, which for the first time makes life life in general, the Word of God, which is the true bread of life that satisfies us - this task is precisely in our days of great catastrophes, the great punishment of God, by virtue of which all the veils are torn and we all again “fell into the hands of the living God,” stands before us with such urgency, with such inexorably formidable evidence, that no one who has once felt it can evade the duty of resolving it.

    II. "WHAT TO DO?"

    For a long time - evidence of this is the title of the famous, once thundering novel by Chernyshevsky - the Russian intellectual has been accustomed to posing the question of the "meaning of life" in the form of the question: "What is to be done"?

    Question: "What to do?" can, of course, be posed in very different senses. The most definite and sensible sense - one might say the only sensible sense that admits of an exact answer - it has when it means the search for way or facilities to some already recognized and indisputable goal for the questioner. You can ask what you need to do to improve your health, or to get an income that provides for life, or to be successful in society, etc. And besides, the formulation of the question is most fruitful when it has the maximum concreteness; then it can often be followed by one single and well-founded answer. So, of course, instead of the general question: "What to do to be healthy?" it is more fruitful to put the question the way we put it at a consultation with a doctor: “What should I do at my age, with such and such a past, with such and such a lifestyle and general condition of the body, in order to recover from such and such a specific ailment? " And according to this model it would be necessary to formulate all similar questions. It is easier to find an answer, and the answer will be more accurate, if the question is about the means of achieving health, material well-being, success in love, etc. is put in a completely concrete form, which takes into account all the private, individual properties of the questioner himself, and the environment, and if - most importantly - the very goal of his aspiration is not something indefinitely general, like health or wealth at all, but something quite specific - the cure of a given disease, earnings in a certain profession, etc. Such questions: "What should I do in this case, in order to achieve this specific goal", we, in fact, set ourselves daily, and each step of our practical life is the result of the resolution of one of them. There is no reason to discuss the meaning and legitimacy of the question "What to do?" in such a completely concrete and at the same time rational-business form.

    But, of course, this meaning of the question has nothing but a verbal expression, in common with that painful, requiring a fundamental solution and at the same time for the most part not finding its meaning, in which this question is posed when for the questioner himself it is identical with the question about the meaning of his life. Then it is, first of all, a question not about a means to achieve a certain goal, but a question about the very goal of life and activity. But even in such a formulation, the question can again be posed in different, and, moreover, essentially different senses. So, at a young age, the question of choosing one or another life path from the many opportunities that open up here is inevitably raised. "What should I do?" then: what special life work, what profession should I choose, or how should I correctly determine my vocation. "What should I do?" - by this we mean questions of the following order: "Should I enter, for example, a higher educational institution or immediately become a figure in practical life, learn a trade, start trading, enter the service? And in the first case - which "faculty", should I Should I prepare myself for the activity of a doctor, or an engineer, or an agronomist, etc. Of course, a correct and accurate answer to this question is also possible here only if all the specific conditions are taken into account, as the questioning person himself (his inclinations and abilities, his health, strength of his will, etc.) and the external conditions of his life (his material security, comparative difficulty - in a given country and at a given time - of each of the various paths, the relative profitability of a particular profession, again at a given time and place, etc.). First of all, he must check himself and decide for himself what is most important to him in this choice, what, in fact, motives he is guided by - whether he is looking for, when choosing a profession and life path, first of all, material security or fame and a prominent social position, or satisfying the internal - and in this case, what exactly - requests of his personality. So it turns out that here, too, we are only ostensibly deciding the question of the goal of our life, but in fact we are discussing only various means or ways to some goal that is either already known or should be known to us; and, consequently, questions of this order also, as purely business and rational questions about means to a specific end, fall into the category of questions mentioned above, although here the point is not about the expediency of a separate, single step or action, but about the expediency of a general definition of constants. conditions and a constant circle of life and activity.

    In the exact sense of the question "What should I do?" with the meaning: "what should I strive for?", "What life goal should I set for myself?" rises when the questioner does not understand the very content of the highest, last, everything else that determines the goal and value of life. But even here there are still possible very significant differences in the sense of the question. For every individual posing the question: "What to me, NN, personally, what goal or value should I choose for myself as defining my life?" It is tacitly assumed that there is a certain complex hierarchy of goals and values ​​and an innate hierarchy of personalities corresponding to it; and the point is that everyone ( and above all - I) fell into the proper place in this system, found in this many-voiced choir the corresponding his personality right voice. The question in this case boils down to the question of self-knowledge, to the clarification of what I am actually called to, what role in the world as a whole has been assigned by to me nature or Providence. Without a doubt, there remains the very hierarchy of goals or values ​​and a general idea of ​​its content. generally.

    Only now have we come, by rejecting all other meanings of the question "What is to be done?", to its meaning in which it directly hides in itself the question of the meaning of life. When I ask a question not about what me personally to do (at least in the highest, just indicated sense, which of the life goals or values ​​to recognize for oneself as defining and most important), but about what needs to be done at all or to all people, then I mean the perplexity directly related to the question of the meaning of life. Life, as it flows directly, determined by elemental forces, is meaningless; what needs to be done, how to improve life so that it becomes meaningful- that's where the confusion comes in. What is the only thing common to all people case by which life is comprehended and through participation in which, therefore, for the first time, my life also acquires meaning?

    This is what the typically Russian meaning of the question "What is to be done?" boils down to. Even more precisely, it means: "What should I and others do in order to save the world and justify your life for the first time?" This question is based on a number of presuppositions that we could express something like this: the world in its immediate, empirical being and flow is meaningless; he dies from suffering, deprivation, moral evil - selfishness, hatred, injustice; any simple participation in the life of the world, in the sense of simply entering into the composition of elemental forces, the collision of which determines its course, is participation in senseless chaos, due to which the participant's own life is only a senseless set of blind and painful external accidents; but man is called together transform peace and save him, arrange him in such a way that his highest goal would actually be realized in him. And the question is how to find that deed (a deed common to all people) that will bring about the salvation of the world. In a word, "what to do" means here: "How to remake the world in order to realize absolute truth and absolute meaning in it?"

    Russian people suffer from the meaninglessness of life. He keenly feels that if he simply "lives like everyone else" - eats, drinks, marries, works to feed his family, even has fun with ordinary earthly joys, he lives in a foggy, meaningless whirlpool, like a chip is carried away by the passage of time, and in the face of he does not know the inevitable end of his life, for what he lived in the world. He feels with his whole being that it is necessary not "just to live", but to live for something. But it is the typical Russian intellectual who thinks that "to live for something" means to live for participation in some great common cause that improves the world and leads it to final salvation. He just does not know what this only thing, common to all people, consists in, and In this sense asks: "What to do"?

    For the vast majority of Russian intellectuals of the past era - starting from the 60s, partly even from the 40s of the last century until the catastrophe of 1917 - the question is: "What to do?" in this sense, he received one, quite definite answer: to improve the political and social conditions of the life of the people, to eliminate the socio-political system from the imperfections of which the world is perishing, and to introduce a new system that ensures the kingdom of truth and happiness on earth and thereby brings true meaning to life. . And a significant part of Russian people of this type firmly believed that with the revolutionary collapse of the old order and the establishment of a new, democratic and socialist order, this goal of life would be achieved immediately and forever. They achieved this goal with the greatest perseverance, passion and dedication, without looking back they cripple both their own and other people's lives - and achieved! And when the goal was achieved, the old order was overthrown, socialism was firmly implemented, then it turned out that not only the world had not been saved, not only life had not become meaningful, but in the place of the former, although from an absolute point of view meaningless, but relatively well-organized and arranged life , which gave at least the opportunity to look for the best, complete and utter nonsense set in, a chaos of blood, hatred, evil and absurdity - life is like a living hell. Now many, in complete analogy with the past and only by changing the content of the political ideal, believe that the salvation of the world lies in the "overthrow of the Bolsheviks", in the installation of old social forms, which now, after their loss, seem to be deeply meaningful, returning life to its lost meaning; the struggle for the restoration of past forms of life, whether it is the recent past of the political power of the Russian Empire, whether it is the distant past, the ideal of "Holy Russia", as it seems to be realized in the era of the Muscovite kingdom, or, in general and more broadly, the implementation of some, consecrated by old traditions , reasonable socio-political forms of life become the only thing that comprehends life, a common answer to the question: "What to do?"

    Along with this Russian spiritual type, there is another, essentially, however, related to it. For him, the question "What to do" gets the answer: "It is moral to improve." The world can and must be saved, its senselessness - to be replaced by meaningfulness, if each person tries to live not by blind passions, but "reasonably", in accordance with the moral ideal. A typical example of such a mindset is tolstoyanism, which is partly and unconsciously professed or to which many Russian people are inclined even outside of the Tolstoyans proper. The “work” that is supposed to save the world here is no longer external political and social work, much less violent revolutionary activity, but internal educational work on oneself and others. But its immediate goal is the same: to introduce into the world a new general order, new relations between people and ways of life that "save" the world; and often these orders are conceived with purely outwardly empirical content: vegetarianism, agricultural labor, etc. But even with the deepest and most subtle understanding of this "deed", precisely as the inner work of moral perfection, the general prerequisites for mentality are the same: the deed remains exactly the "deed", i.e. a systematic world reform carried out by human design and human forces, freeing the world from evil and thereby giving meaning to life.

    It would be possible to point out some other, possible and actually occurring variants of this mindset, but for our purpose this is not essential. What is important for us here is not the consideration and solution of the question "What to do?" in the sense outlined here, not an assessment of the various possible answers on it, but the clarification of the meaning and value of the very formulation of the question. And in it all the various answers converge. All of them are based on the direct conviction that there is such a single, great, common case which will save the world and participation in which for the first time grants the meaning of the life of the individual. To what extent can such a formulation of the question be recognized as the right way to gaining the meaning of life?

    At the basis of it, in spite of all its perversity and spiritual insufficiency (to which we now turn to explain), undoubtedly lies a deep and true, albeit vague, religious feeling. It is connected by its unconscious roots with the Christian hope of "a new heaven and a new earth." She correctly recognizes the fact of the meaninglessness of life in her present state, and righteously cannot reconcile herself to it; despite this factual senselessness, believing in the possibility of finding the meaning of life or realizing it, it thus testifies to its own, albeit unconscious, faith in principles and forces higher than this meaningless empirical life. But, without realizing its necessary premises, it contains a number of contradictions in its conscious beliefs and leads to a significant distortion of a sound, truly justified attitude to life.

    First of all, this belief in the meaning of life, acquired through participation in the great common cause that should save the world, is not justified. In fact, on what basis is the belief in possibilities saving the world? If life, as it directly exists, is meaningless through and through, then where can forces come from in it for internal self-correction, for the destruction of this meaninglessness? Obviously, in the totality of the forces involved in the realization of world salvation, this frame of mind presupposes some new, different principle, outside the empirical nature of life, which invades it and corrects it. But where can this beginning come from, and what is its own essence? This beginning is here - consciously or unconsciously - Human, his striving for perfection, for the ideal, the moral forces of good living in him; in the face of this mindset, we are dealing with an explicit or hidden humanism. But what is a man and what significance does he have in the world? What ensures the possibility of human progress, gradual, or perhaps sudden, achievement of perfection? What are the guarantees that human ideas about goodness and perfection truth and that the moral efforts determined by these ideas will triumph over all the forces of evil, chaos and blind passions? Let us not forget that mankind throughout its history has striven for this perfection, has passionately given itself to the dream of it, and to a certain extent its entire history is nothing but the search for this perfection; and yet we now see that this search was a blind wandering, that it has hitherto failed, and that spontaneous elemental life, in all its senselessness, has proved unconquered. How confident can we be that We will we be happier or smarter than all our ancestors, that we will correctly determine the cause that saves life, and will be lucky in its implementation? Especially our era, after the striking tragic failure of the cherished aspirations of many Russian generations to save Russia, and through it the whole world, with the help of a democratic revolution and socialism, has received such an impressive lesson in this respect that, it would seem, from now on it is natural for us to become more cautious and skeptical in the construction and implementation of plans to save the world. And besides, the very reasons for this tragic collapse of our past dreams are now quite clear to us, if we wish to think carefully about them: they consist not only in the fallacy of the most intended plan salvation, and above all in the unsuitability of the very human material of the "saviors" (whether they were the leaders of the movement, or the masses of the people who believed in them, began to realize the imaginary truth and exterminate evil): these "saviors", as we now see, immensely exaggerated, in their blind hatred, the evil of the past, the evil of the entire empirical, already realized life that surrounded them, and just as immensely exaggerated, in their blind pride, their own mental and moral powers; and the very fallacy of their plan of salvation was ultimately due to this moral their blindness. The proud saviors of the world, who opposed themselves and their aspirations, as the highest rational and good principle, to the evil and chaos of all real life, turned out to be themselves a manifestation and product - and, moreover, one of the worst - of this very evil and chaotic Russian reality; all the evil that has accumulated in Russian life - hatred and inattention to people, the bitterness of resentment, frivolity and moral licentiousness, ignorance and gullibility, the spirit of disgusting tyranny, disrespect for law and truth - have affected precisely in themselves who imagined themselves to be superior, as if they had come from another world, the saviors of Russia from evil and suffering. What guarantees do we have now that we will not again find ourselves in the miserable and tragic role of saviors who themselves are hopelessly captivated and poisoned by the evil and that nonsense from which they want to save others. But regardless of this terrible lesson, which, it would seem, should have taught us some kind of significant reform, not only in content our moral and social ideal, but also in the very building our moral attitude to life - the simple requirement of a logical sequence of thoughts forces us to seek an answer to the question: what is the basis of our faith in the rationality and victoriousness of the forces that overcome the meaninglessness of life, if these forces themselves belong to the composition of this same life? Or, in other words: is it possible to believe that life itself, full of evil, will save itself by some internal process of self-purification and self-overcoming, with the help of forces growing from itself, that the world's nonsense in the person of a person will conquer itself and plant in itself realm of truth and meaning?

    But even for the time being, let us leave aside this disturbing question, which clearly requires a negative answer. Let us assume that the dream of universal salvation, of the establishment in the world of the kingdom of goodness, reason and truth, can be realized by human forces, and that we can already now participate in its preparation. Then the question arises: does the coming advent of this ideal and our participation in its implementation give us meaning, does it free us from the meaninglessness of life? Sometime in the future - all the same, distant or close - all people will be happy, kind and reasonable; well, and the whole innumerable series of human generations that have already descended into the grave, and we ourselves, who are now living, until this state arrives - For what did they all live or live? To prepare for this coming bliss? Let it be. But after all, they themselves will no longer be participants in it, their life has passed or is passing without direct participation in it - how is it justified or meaningful? Is it really possible to recognize the meaningful role of manure, which serves as fertilizer and thereby contributes to the future harvest? A person who consumes manure for this purpose for myself, of course, acts sensibly, but a person as manure can hardly feel satisfied and his being meaningful. After all, if we believe in the meaning of our life or want to find it, then this in any case means - to which we will return in more detail below - that we expect to find in our life some kind of to herself an inherent, absolute end or value, and not just a means to something else. The life of a slave under the yoke is, of course, meaningful for the slave owner, who uses him like working cattle, as an instrument of his own enrichment; But, What's up, for the slave himself, the bearer and subject of living self-consciousness, it is obviously absolutely meaningless, for it is entirely devoted to the service of a goal that itself is not part of this life and does not participate in it. And if nature or world history uses us as slaves to accumulate the wealth of its chosen ones - future human generations, then our own life is just as meaningless.

    The nihilist Bazarov, in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons", quite consistently says: "What do I care if the peasant will be happy when burdock grows out of me?" But not only that our life remains meaningless at the same time - although, of course, for us this is the most important thing; but also life in general, and therefore even the life of the future participants in the bliss of the "saved" world, also remains meaningless because of this, and the world is not at all "saved" by this triumph, sometime in the future, of an ideal state. There is some kind of monstrous injustice with which conscience and reason cannot reconcile, in such an uneven distribution of good and evil, reason and nonsense, between living participants in different world epochs - an injustice that makes life meaningless as a whole. Why should some suffer and die in darkness, while others, their future successors, enjoy the light of goodness and happiness? For what the world is so meaningless arranged that the realization of the truth must be preceded in it by a long period of untruth, and innumerable people are doomed to spend their whole lives in this purgatory, in this tediously long "preparatory class" of mankind? Until we answer this question "For what", the world remains meaningless, and therefore its future bliss itself is meaningless. Yes, it will be bliss only for those participants who are blind as animals and can enjoy the present, forgetting about their connection with the past, just as animal people can enjoy now; for thinking beings, this is precisely why it will not be bliss, since it will be poisoned by unquenchable grief over past evils and past sufferings, by insoluble perplexity about their meaning.

    So the dilemma is inexorable. One of two: or life in general has the meaning- then it must have it at every moment, for every generation of people and for every living person, now, now - completely regardless of all its possible changes and its supposed improvement in the future, since this future is only the future and all past and present life does not participate in it; or this is not the case, and life, our present life, is meaningless - and then there is no salvation from nonsense, and all the future bliss of the world does not redeem and is not able to redeem it; and therefore our own striving for this future, our mental anticipation of it and our active participation in its realization, do not save us from it either.

    In other words: thinking about life and its desired meaning, we must inevitably be aware of life as whole. All world life as a whole and our own short life - not as an accidental fragment, but as something, despite its brevity and fragmentation, merged into unity with all world life - this dual unity of my "I" and the world must be recognized as timeless and all-encompassing. the whole, and of this whole we ask: does it have "meaning" and what is its meaning? Therefore, the meaning of the world, the meaning of life, can never be realized in time, nor can it be confined to any time at all. He or There is- once and for all! Or already No- and then too - once and for all!

    And now we are brought back to our first doubt about the feasibility of saving the world by man, and we can merge it with the second into one general negative result. The world cannot change itself, he cannot, so to speak, crawl out of his own skin or - like Baron Munchausen - pull himself by the hair out of the swamp, which, moreover, here belongs to him, so that he drowns in the swamp only because the swamp is lurking in him. And therefore man, as a part and partner of world life, cannot do any such thing. "affairs" that would save him and give meaning to his life. The “meaning of life”—whether it actually exists or not—should be conceived, in any case, as a kind of eternal Start; everything that happens in time, everything that arises and disappears, being a part and a fragment of life as a whole, thus cannot substantiate its meaning in any way. Every work that a person does is something derived from a person, his life, his spiritual nature; meaning But human life, in any case, must be something on which a person relies, which serves as a single, unchanging, absolutely solid its basis being. All the deeds of man and mankind - both those that he himself considers great, and that in which he sees his only and greatest deed - are insignificant and vain if he himself is insignificant, if his life essentially has no meaning, if he is not rooted. in some rational soil that exceeds him and not created by him. And therefore, although the meaning of life - if it exists! - and comprehends human affairs, and can inspire a person to truly great deeds, but, on the contrary, no deed can comprehend human life by itself. Search for the missing meaning of life in any deed To accomplish something means to fall into the illusion that a person himself can create the meaning of his life, to immensely exaggerate the significance of some necessarily private and limited, essentially always powerless human deed. In fact, this means cowardly and thoughtlessly hiding from the consciousness of the meaninglessness of life, drowning this consciousness in the bustle of essentially equally meaningless worries and troubles. Whether a person fusses about wealth, fame, love, about a piece of bread for himself for tomorrow, or he fusses about the happiness and salvation of all mankind - his life is equally meaningless; only in the latter case, a false illusion, an artificial self-deception, joins the general senselessness. To search the meaning of life - not to mention the fact that to find it - you must first of all stop, concentrate and not "busy" about anything. Contrary to all current estimates and human opinions non-doing here it is really more important than the most important and beneficial deed, for not being blinded by any human deed, freedom from it is the first (though far from sufficient) condition for the search for the meaning of life.

    So we see that the replacement of the question about the meaning of life with the question: "What to do in order to save the world and thereby make sense of your life?" contains an unacceptable substitution of the primary, rooted in the very essence of a person, the search for an unshakable ground for his life, based on pride and illusion, the desire to remake life and give it meaning with his own human forces. To the main, bewildered and yearning question of this mindset: “When will the real day come, the day of the triumph of truth and reason on earth, the day of the final death of all earthly disorder, chaos and nonsense” - and for a sober life wisdom that directly looks at the world and gives an accurate report in its empirical nature, and for a deep and meaningful religious consciousness that understands the incompatibility of the spiritual depths of being within the limits of empirical earthly life - there is only one sober, calm and reasonable answer that destroys all immature dreaminess and romantic sensitivity of the question itself: "Within this of the world - until its longed-for supra-peaceful transformation - never". No matter what a person does and no matter what he manages to achieve, no matter what technical, social, mental improvements he brings into his life, but fundamentally, in the face of the question of the meaning of life, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will not differ in any way from yesterday and today . A meaningless accident will always reign in this world, a person will always be a powerless blade of grass, which can be destroyed by both earthly heat and an earthly storm, his life will always be a short passage in which one cannot contain spiritual fullness that is longed for and comprehends life, and always evil, stupidity and blind passion will reign on earth. And to the questions: "What to do to stop this state, to remake the world in a better way" - there is also only one calm and reasonable answer: "Nothing because this plan exceeds human strength."

    Only when you realize with complete clarity and meaningfulness the obviousness of this answer, the very question "What to do?" changes its meaning and acquires a new, henceforth legitimate meaning. "What to do" means then no longer: "How can I remake the world in order to save it," but: "How can I live myself, so as not to drown and perish in this chaos of life." In other words, the only religiously justified and not illusory statement of the question "What to do?" does not come down to the question of how I can save the world, but to the question of how I can join the beginning, in which is the guarantee of saving life. It is noteworthy that the Gospel more than once poses the question: "What is to be done," precisely in this latter sense. And the answers given to it constantly emphasize that the "deed" that can lead to the goal here has nothing to do with any "activity", with any external human affairs, but is reduced entirely to the "deed" of internal rebirth. man through self-denial, repentance and faith. So, in the Acts of the Apostles it is reported that in Jerusalem, on the day of Pentecost, the Jews, after listening to the inspired speech of the Apostle Peter, “said to Peter and the other Apostles: what should we do brethren?” Peter said to them, “Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit" (Acts Ap. 2.37-38). Repentance and baptism and, as a fruit of it, the acquisition of the gift of the Holy Spirit is defined here as the only necessary human "work". And that this "work" really achieved its goal saved those who did it - this is immediately narrated further: "and so, willingly receiving his word, they were baptized ... And they constantly abided in the teaching of the Apostles, in communion and breaking bread and in prayers ... All the believers were together and had everything in common... And every day they dwelt with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate food in gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and being in the favor of all the people"(Acts 2:41-47). But the same is true of the Savior himself, to the question addressed to him: "what shall we do to do the works of God?", gave the answer: "Behold, it is the work of God that you believe in him whom He has sent"(Heb. John 6:28-29). To the tempting question of the lawyer: "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Christ answers with a reminder of the two eternal commandments: love for God and love for one's neighbor; "do so and you will live "(Heb. Luke 10.25-28). Love for God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind, and the love for your neighbor that flows from it - this is the only "work" that saves life. To a rich young man on the same the question: “What should I do in order to inherit eternal life?” Christ, having first recalled the commandments that forbid evil deeds and command love for one’s neighbor, says: “You lack one thing: go, sell everything you have, and give to the poor; and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me, taking up the cross" (Heb. Mark 10.17-21, cf. Matt. 19.16-21). It is permissible to think that the rich young man was saddened by this answer, not only because he was sorry for a large estate, but also because that he expected to be directed to a "work" that he could do himself, with his own strength and, perhaps, with the help of his estate, and was grieved to learn that the only "work" commanded to him was to have treasure in heaven and follow In any case, here, too, the Word of God impressively notes the vanity of all human deeds, and sees the only thing that is truly necessary for man and salvific for him in self-denial and faith.

    Semyon Frank

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