Collection of evil Mikhail Lermontov: Verse - A collection of evils is his element ...

The collection of evils is his element.
Rushing between smoky clouds,
He loves fatal storms
And the foam of the rivers, and the noise of oak trees.
Between the yellow leaves that have flown around,
His motionless throne stands;
On it, among the numb winds,
He sits sad and gloomy.
He instills incredulity
He despised pure love
He rejects all prayers
He indifferently sees the blood,
And the sound of high sensations
He presses with the voice of passions,
And the muse of meek inspirations
Afraid of unearthly eyes.

Analysis of Lermontov's poem "My Demon"

"My Demon" is perceived as a sketch for the famous poem "The Demon". The poem with which Lermontov opens the theme of demonism in his work is dated 1829. The beginning of work on the poem belongs to the same period of time. In the work, there was a place for most of the motives that later occur in The Demon and are a reflection of the tragic worldview of Mikhail Yuryevich. The young poet suffers from loneliness, does not believe in the existence of sincere love and in the power of good, is skeptical about the surrounding reality. He turns to understanding the nature of demonism throughout his life. Indirectly or directly, the theme is present in the poems "Azrael", "Angel of Death" and "A Tale for Children", the novel "A Hero of Our Time", the ballad "", the dramas "Two Brothers" and "Masquerade", the unfinished work "Vadim".

With his poem, Lermontov continues to develop the motif of demonism, adhering to the classical European tradition. It goes back to the biblical story of a fallen angel who rebelled against God and was turned into an evil spirit. Variations of this legend are found in the works of Milton, Goethe, Klopstock, Byron, Vigny, Moore. In Russia, one of the discoverers of the topic is Pushkin, who wrote the poem "" in 1823. It impressed the fifteen-year-old Mikhail Yuryevich so much that he composed a kind of answer. The most important difference in the perception of the demonic theme by the two poets is already reflected in the title. In Lermontov, the pronoun "my" is added to the word "demon".

The first eight lines of Mikhail Yuryevich's poem are an image of the spirit of evil through a description of the landscape. The most important role here is played by the feeling of movement - the Demon rushes between the clouds. He enjoys fatal storms, the foam of rivers and the noise of oak forests. His rebellious soul is constantly striving for action. The throne of the Demon, who dared to abandon the power of the god, is among the yellow leaves that have flown around. The spirit of evil, dull and gloomy, is subject to passions, but tries to suppress them in itself. The omnipotence of the Demon is combined with total loneliness. Only "silent winds" are able to exist next to him. Lermontov is clearly delighted with the main character of the poem. The poet is impressed by his rebelliousness, fortitude, ability to control his own passions. The greatness of the image of the spirit of evil is conveyed by Mikhail Yuryevich with the help of high vocabulary and outdated words.

The collection of evils is his element.
Rushing between smoky clouds,
He loves fatal storms
And the foam of the rivers, and the noise of oak trees.
Between the yellow leaves that have flown around,
His motionless throne stands;
On it, among the numb winds,
He sits sad and gloomy.
He instills incredulity
He despised pure love
He rejects all prayers
He indifferently sees the blood,
And the sound of high sensations
He presses with the voice of passions,
And the muse of meek inspirations
Afraid of unearthly eyes.

Analysis of the poem "My Demon" by Lermontov

Many remember. The poem "My Demon" is one of the sketches for this creation, but it can be perceived as a separate independent work. A variety of drafts have been preserved, they were altered by the author year after year. Events changed in the narrative, but the lyrical hero and his suffering remained the same.

The first version, preserved under the title "My Demon", was written by the fifteen-year-old Lermontov in 1829. This poem reflects all the loneliness, all the pain of the young poet, his lack of faith in light, love, goodness.

The main motive here is the motive of demonism, which is classical in European culture and its traditions. This story owes its roots to the biblical story of a fallen angel who went against God and was turned into a demon for this. Also, the work is based on some part of folklore, in which there is a tale about a Georgian girl who was swallowed up by a mountain spirit.

The poem is written in iambic tetrameter and has a cross-rhyme, combining the alternation of feminine and masculine rhymes. Compositionally, it consists of sixteen lines and is astrophic, that is, not divided into stanzas, which gives integrity to the image of the lyrical hero - the demon.

In the first half of the verse, Lermontov depicts him through nature and descriptions of the landscape in motion - the foam of the rivers, the noise of oak trees. With the help of anaphora, he continues to reveal the essence of the hero, starting the line with the word "he". The poet also uses such expressive means as assonances, epithets (“fatal storms”, “pure love”, “high sensations”), metaphors (“numb winds”, “foam of rivers”) to give greatness to the created image of a demon, for this he operates with some obsolete words (“unearthly”) and high vocabulary (“prayer”, “eyes”). In the climax, which contains the second part of the poem, the author makes it clear that the demon, despite his vices, is still subject to feelings, but "he crushes the sound of high feelings with the voice of passions."

It is especially interesting that the word "demon" itself was never used throughout the poem. And in the title, it stands next to the possessive pronoun "my", which may indicate the closeness of the lyrical hero of the work to the author himself, his deep connection with this figure in the work.


Demidova Anna Sergeevna

Job title

teacher of Russian literature without category


MOU "Tiraspol General Educational Theoretical Lyceum"


Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic




Russian literature


1 hour 25 minutes


Group 9 class of the humanitarian department, 13 people

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of features


There are 13 people in the group, 11 girls and 2 boys. Study together for 1 year and 8 months.

In the classroom, children are active, perceive the material well, and are mobile during breaks. The group is generally friendly, with good potential. Students are able to work together, are able to highlight the main thing, generalize, compare, classify. The class shows a high interest in success, steadfastly overcomes difficulties, students value the honor of the class. When solving collective problems, they quickly orient themselves, find a common language. In general, students know each other well, the relationship between them is friendly.

A critical attitude to one's shortcomings is far from always manifested, but the majority can appreciate their work. Children are also able to evaluate the activities of their comrades. The group is dominated by a calm, businesslike, friendly mood. All children are on friendly terms with each other.

The leader in the group is Yulia Rybalko, Margarita Kuchinskaya and Lyudmila Vintilova are active.

Methodical information


"And the proud demon will not leave me as long as I live"

1. Sakharov, Chalmaev, Zinin: Literature. Grade 9 Textbook. In 2 parts. – M.: 2012.

2. Ignatieva G.A., Tulupova O.V. Lesson as an intellectual organization, / / ​​Pedagogical Review, 2007. No. 4.

3.Loginovskaya E.V. Poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon", M., 2008.

Lesson classification

(lesson type)

ANDinformation-integrative (knowledge building workshop)

For didactic purposes: lesson on the application of knowledge, skills and abilities

According to the main method of carrying out: a combination of different forms of employment

Lesson Objectives

Educational (didactic):

    generalization and systematization of previously acquired knowledge on the work of M.Yu. Lermontov;

    formation of research skills in groups, using a practical way of working with text;

    identifying gaps in students' knowledge on this topic;

    formation of information culture of students.


    development of thinking necessary for an educated person to fully function in modern society;

    development of elements of creative activity as qualities of thinking;

    development of oral speech skills;

    development of cognitive interest, logical thinking and attention of students;


    contribute to the education of accuracy, diligence, perseverance;

    development of a communicative culture among students, the ability to work individually and in a group;

    upbringing of spirituality.

Knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities that students will acquire during the lesson.

the ability to compare, analyze, identify, work with information, the ability to work in a group, the ability to pose and solve problem situations, the analysis of specific tasks, the development of thinking, cognitive interests and abilities, the formation of skills and abilities of self-development, the formation of a spiritual and moral position.

Universal learning activities, on the formation of which the educational process is directed (personal universal educational actions; indicative actions; specific ways of transforming educational material; communicative actions).

Personal: self-determination, meaning formation, moral and patriotic self-assessment.

Communicative: the ability to express one's thoughts, planning educational cooperation, managing the behavior of a partner.

Cognitive: the ability to build a statement, the formulation of the problem, the reflection of activity, the search for information.

Regulatory: goal-setting, control.

Used pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques, forms

    moderation technology using "Active learning methods";

    work in groups;

    work with book trailer, literary business cards;

    individual activity - commenting, discussion of issues;

    game form (“What? Where? When?).

Conditions for the activation of cognitive interest:

    active learning methods;

    creation of game situations;

    a combination of the difficulty of the educational material and the educational task with the feasibility;

    quick change of different activities;

    a variety of educational material and methods of educational work;

    use of previously acquired knowledge;

    emotional coloring, the living word of the teacher.

Necessary equipment and materials

Technical equipment: computer , multimedia projector.

Software: Microsoft Power Point Presentation Viewer.

Didactic support of the lesson

Didactic materials:

    computer presentation;


The course and content of the lesson, the activities of the teacher and students

Lesson phase

Lesson stage


Detailed description of the method of organization

Phase 1. "Beginning of the lesson"



2 min .


Greets students;

Checks the readiness of students for the lesson, notes the absent.

Teacher. Good afternoon guys! I am very glad to see you! I propose to start our joint work. I want to wish everyone success in the lesson.

Entry or immersion in the topic (goal setting)

5 minutes.

Teacher: The topic of our lesson is “And the proud demon will not leave me as long as I live.” During the lesson, we will check how well you have studied M.Yu. Lermontov's poem "The Demon".

The first part of our lesson will be devoted to studying the history of the creation and publication of the poem "Demon", we will also study the "Demoniad" by M.A. Vrubel.

Then we will move on to the practical block, we will have to give a detailed description of the image of the demon and get acquainted with the opera “The Demon” by A.G. Rubinstein.

Shaping expectations

10 min.

Teacher: So, pay attention to the epigraph to our lesson: O my prophetic soul, O heart full of anxiety! Oh, how you struggle on the threshold of a kind of double existence! (F.I. Tyutchev). Try to explain why these lines became the threshold of our lesson.

There are images in world art that have excited the minds of people for many centuries. Over time, they change, but do not disappear. More and more new generations of poets, artists, composers turn to them to unravel the mystery and have their say. The demon is one of those images.

In the work of M.Yu. Lermontov, in addition to the well-known themes of the poet and poetry, Motherland, nature, love, motives of loneliness, suffering, exile, earth and sky, struggle and protest, the search for harmony in relations with the outside world appear early.

Phase 2. "Working on the topic"

Studying the content of the topic

20 minutes.

Teacher. ( group work)

- I bring to your attention 2 poems by M.Yu. Lermontov "My Demon" (1829) and A.S. Pushkin "Angel" (1823).

Each of them is interesting to think about. Read carefully and comment on how you saw the lyrical hero in these poems.

"My Demon" (1829)

dull and gloomy
evil is his element

"Angel" (1823)

connection of the soul with the body
disappointment of the soul on earth

Let's find out if an angel and a demon are similar in the works of M.Yu. Lermontov and A.S. Pushkin.

Conclusion: the image of the demon captures Lermontov so much that it runs through all his work, starting with the early poem “My Demon” (1829) and ending with the poem “The Demon”. Studying the poetry of Lermontov, we penetrate into the inner world of the poet. A world full of contradictions, suffering, struggle between the "angelic beautiful" and the "demonic rebellious". The same questions worried A.S. Pushkin. That is, the topic we touched upon is presented in the work of both poets.

It is possible that it was Pushkin's "Angel" (1827) that led the young Lermontov to the idea of ​​a poem about a Demon who became disillusioned with evil and reached for good.

    Analysis of the history of the creation of the poem "Demon" in the form of the game "What? Where? When?"

1 question: At what age did M.Yu. Lermontov decide to write the poem “Demon?

Answer: M.Yu. Lermontov began to write a poem at the age of 14, during his stay in a boarding school.

What was the original intention of the poem? In 1829 The plot has already been planned: a nun in love at the same time an angel and a demon. This first draft contained 92 verses and a prose summary of the content. In the first, earliest versions of the work, there was no specific place of action - the story took place against the backdrop of a "conditional romantic landscape." In the process of work, both the plot and the images of the characters became more complicated, various variations of the dialogues between the characters appeared. Around 1837, Lermontov "relocated" the characters of the poem (which received the second name - "Eastern Tale") in, saturated the work with details of Caucasian life, addedelements.

Question 2: In what year was the poem published?

Answer: It was published in full only in 1842 after the death of the writer.

Why do you think censorship did not allow the work to be published in Russia? Does the poem contain seditious thoughts?According to the literary critic, Lermontov's poem in a certain sense repeated the fate of another forbidden work -comedy "”: both of them gained fame in the Russian literary community long before the release of the first edition thanks to reading in circles and distribution in lists. In Russia, works of a rebellious nature were not welcomed, so the poem was published in Russia at a time when interest in rebellious passions had noticeably decreased - to replacecharacters cameheroes.

Question 3: Where was the poem first printed?

Answer : The poem was first published in Germany.

Question 4: How many editions has the poem "Demon" undergone?

Answer: Over the course of 10 years, 8 editions of the poem were created, differing from each other both in plot and in the degree of poetic mastery.

Why do you think there are so many editions? What did not suit M.Yu. Lermontov? Despite numerous alterations, the first line (Sad Demon - the spirit of exile), which arose in 1829, was preserved in the last, 8th, version. The basis of the plot was the myth of a fallen angel who rebelled against God.

Answer:In 1838, the poet gave his belovedthe author's manuscript with the dedication: "I finished - and involuntarily doubt in my chest!"

Question 6: Where was the theatrical performance of the poem presented for the first time?

Answer: Placed in the Winter Palace in 1856.

DirectorGagarin had to "correct" Lermontov, and, presumably, he did it against his will. The rehearsals were attended by members of the royal family, including Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, a long-time ill-wisher of the poet. Surprisingly, the theatricalization was accepted favorably, and the performance was repeated in the palace of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich with a large number of guests. Later, 28 copies of the poem were printed for the royal family for personal reading.

Question 7: On what biblical myth is the poem "The Demon" based?

Answer: The myth of the fallen angel Lucifer, who rebelled before God.

Let's remember what this myth is about? What is the Fall? Are there heroes in literature who are punished by eternal life in exile?

Question 8: Name the literary and mythological predecessors of the Lermontov demon.

Answer:The image itself, who rebelled against the Creator and received the fate of an eternal wanderer for his rebellion, is not new in literature: the predecessors of Lermontov's hero wereLucifer ("Cain")Mephistopheles ("»), Satan ("") and other characters. But if, for example, the scene of action of "Paradise Lost" is a certain metaphysical space, then the story of the Demon takes place against the backdrop of an earthly - Caucasian - landscape, among the mountains. Perhaps there was an influence, in whose ballads the landscapes "were clearly distinguished by their high mountainousness."

And what brings together and distinguishes the Demon and Mephistopheles? Both act as companions and tempters of heroes, offering them power, knowledge, earthly goods in exchange for a soul. But at the same time, Mephistopheles is not tormented by longing and doubt, he does not suffer like a Demon.

Question 9: Name the paintings of the "Demoniad" by M.A. Vrubel known to you.

Answer: Seated Demon”, “Flying Demon”, “Defeated Demon”.

Alina Bondarenko's work with students.

Teacher: Take a look at these pictures. Why do you think the poem is subtitled "an oriental tale"? But no less interesting and significant (but less well-known!) is the eastern component of the image of the Demon: one can find parallels between Lermontov's hero and one of the characters of the Koran - Satan (Iblis). Lermontov knew the Koran, read its Russian translation and could well use one of its plots in his work.

What other genres are closely intertwined in the work? The genre originality of the "Demon" lies in the fact that the work combines a romantic poem, and Lermontov's lyrics. Thus, elements of the ballad appear already in the story of the death of Tamar's fiancé, who, rushing to the wedding feast, neglects the customs of his ancestors and does not stop to pray at the roadside chapel. According to the laws of the genre, such a violation of traditions is fraught with immediate punishment. But in this case, we are talking not only about the misdeed of the young prince, but also about the invisible intervention in his fate of the Demon, who decided to eliminate the happy rival: “His insidious dream / the Sly Demon resented: / He was in his thoughts, under the darkness of the night / Kissing the lips of the bride” . A romantic poem with its “immense cosmos” grows out of the ballad, and echoes of “the general drama of the lyrical hero of Lermontov’s poetry” sound in the Demon’s monologues

Question 10: What is the name of the composer who created the opera "The Demon" in 1872 based on the work of the same name by Lermontov.

Answer: Anton Grigorievich Rubinshtein

Question 11: What does the word "demon" mean?

Answer: The word "demon" in Christian mythology is an evil spirit, the devil.

What do you think, what did Lermontov mean by the word "demon"? Let's read the introduction of the poem. How can you describe a Demon? Why is he a romantic hero?

    Working with book trailer

So, we got acquainted with the history of the creation of the poem "Demon". Now it's time to move on to the plot of the work. We offer you a booktrailer based on the poem. Your task is to trace what key episodes of the poem are reflected in the video sequence, what pictures and music are used in the work? Student comments.

    Work on the image of the main character

Teacher:How did you see the Demon in the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon" Find a description of the character, actions of the hero; choose all the pros and cons related to the Demon's characteristic.

Work in pairs. Fill the table.

"Cons": what is negative

He sowed evil without pleasure
- evil bored him
- and he enters, ready to love.

Crafty and cunning
- all noble dishonored
- blasphemed everything beautiful.

- Can we say whether more positive or negative, good or evil, angelic or satanic is inherent in the character, actions of the hero?

Conclusion: at the heart of the image is a contradiction, a conflict between good and evil. The concepts of good and evil are not absolute, sometimes intersect one in the other in different circumstances.

Prove the above idea with text examples.

1. The demon saw Tamara, fell in love, but this great feeling led to the death of Tamara's fiancé:

And again he comprehended the shrine
Love, kindness and beauty!...

His insidious dream
The crafty Demon was indignant: ...

2. Having comprehended the melancholy of love, the Demon cries, but instead of a cleansing tear, a burning tear flows:

The anguish of love, its excitement
Achieved the Demon for the first time...

Through the burnt stone is visible
Tears hot as a flame
Inhuman tear! .. and others.

- How does the Demon relate to the world, to the beauty of nature? Give examples from the text.

    Nature did not excite the brilliance
    In the exile's barren chest
    No new feelings, no new forces;
    And all that he saw before him
    He despised or hated.

    And wild and wonderful was around
    All God's world; but a proud spirit
    looked contemptuously
    Creation of their god.
    And on his high forehead
    Nothing was reflected.

Conclusion: The demon feels contempt, hatred for what he sees around.

Teacher:What is the Demon in Tamara's perception?

portrait characteristic:

And not a single king of the earth
I did not kiss such an eye ...
... fountain ... with its pearly dew
I did not wash such a camp! ...
... an earthly hand ... did not unravel such hair; ...

And her wet eyes shine
From under an envious eyelash;
That will lead with a black eyebrow ... and others. Where else do we find a similar description of a woman? (M. Gorky " Maybe her beauty could be played on the violin, and even then to the one who knows this violin, as he knows his soul")

Conclusion: Tamara is the embodiment of life and beauty. In relation to the heroine, the epithet "divine" is used, which not only characterizes her charming appearance, but also contrasts the princess with the protagonist, who was expelled from paradise.

heroine's fate

Alas! expected in the morning
Her, heiress of Gudal,
Freedom frisky child
The fate of the sad slave
Fatherland, alien to this day,
And an unknown family.

And I won't be anyone's wife!
I'm dying, have pity on me!
Give to the sacred abode
His reckless daughter ... and others.

Conclusion: Tamara's future is not cloudless, she will become a wife-slave, enter a strange family, "dark bright features" expectation of bonds, captivity, loss of freedom. After the death of her fiancé, Tamara is "reckless", her mind cannot comprehend what is happening, she cries and begs her father to send her to a monastery in order to find peace there.

There is something secretly hidden in the narrative, the author does not tell the reader everything, the reader is forced to languish along with the heroine of the poem. Thus, Lermontov prepares us for a new round in the development of action.

Hero love

Describe the state of the Demon who saw Tamara.

1. How does the Demon behave when Tamara settles in the monastery?

2. What feelings does he experience? (Prove by text)

3. How does the Demon's behavior change when he sees an Angel? (Prove by text)

The demon, "chained by an invisible force", was struck by the beauty of Tamara, he "for a moment felt an inexplicable excitement in himself", "a feeling suddenly spoke in him", etc.

Was it only Tamara's beauty and youth that attracted the Demon? Did the hero see few beautiful girls flying over the earth? Maybe there is something in common between them? Confirm with the words of the text.

Tamara personifies youth, beauty, kindness for the hero. For a long time, the demon “outcast wandered into the deserts of the world without shelter” and now sees in Tamara a kindred soul - seeking, doubting, thirsting for knowledge.

Why did Tamara fall in love with the Demon?

Tamara is waiting for a meeting with the Demon, listening to his speeches addressed to her alone and no one else understands:

She often heard speech.
Under the dome of the gloomy temple
A familiar image sometimes
He glided ... Manil and he called ... but - where? ...

Full of longing and trembling,
Tamara is often at the window
Sitting alone in thought...

All the feelings in her boiled suddenly;
The soul tore its shackles! and etc.

Tamara yearns for love. Why? How can such a situation be called? (Temptation).

What is temptation? What can it be? What is moral decline? Give examples of temptation? (the temptation of Christ with a miracle, wealth and power, the temptation of Gogol's heroes with money and rank). How different is the temptation of a demon? (love)

What does the Demon want when he falls in love with Tamara?

The demon hopes that through love for Tamara he will be able to touch the world harmony again:

Me good and heaven
You could return with a word
Your love with a holy cover
Dressed, I would appear there
Like a new angel in a new brilliance...
The demon even makes an oath to Tamara that:
From now on, the poison of insidious flattery
Nothing disturbs the mind;


7 min.

Let's pause and watch the students' climactic passage of the demon's oath to Tamara. Amashukeli Olga and Ivanov Evgeny read by heart.

25 min.

Why does the demon swear and not just promise? What makes an oath binding? (kiss) - an oath of allegiance, consent.

- The demon wants good, but where does he start his path to good? (from the murder of the groom).

The demon is very cunning, he seduces Tamara with the anti-image of the earth:

Without regret, without participation

You will look at the ground

Where there is no true happiness

No lasting beauty

Where there are only crimes and executions,

Where petty passions only live;

Where they do not know how without fear

Neither hate nor love.

Do you not know what is

People momentary love?

- In what poem by M.Yu. Lermontov does the crowd also treat the gifts of the world mercilessly? ("Duma"):

And life is already tormenting us, like a smooth path without a goal,

Like a feast at someone else's holiday.

What does the Demon promise to give Tamara in return for her love for him?

And I will give you eternity in a moment; ...
And you will be the queen of the world
My first friend...

I will give you everything, everything earthly -
Love me!.. etc.

-- How can you comment on the last words of the oath "Love me"?

View of Rubinstein's opera. Discussion. Prepared speech by Lyudmila Vintilova.

1. Can the Demon find harmony? Why?

2. Why does God forgive Tamara, and her soul goes to heaven?

1. Demon love is selfish. Instead of purifying his soul, he is ready to destroy Tamara's bush. That's not what lovers do. In love, he did not rejoice, but triumphed, experienced a sense of personal superiority. Sacrificial love is pure, but what does the Demon sacrifice?

Love me!..
A mighty gaze gazed into her eyes!
He burned her.
Alas! the evil spirit triumphed!
"She is mine! - he said menacingly, - and others.

Pride, this mortal sin, which always encroaches on the shrine, is the reason for the defeat of the Demon, this is the source of his suffering. Initiation to harmony due to love for an earthly woman and at the cost of her death was not realized. The evil inclination again appeared in the Demon:

And cursed Demon defeated
Dreams are crazy...

2. Tamara's soul is carried away by a guardian angel. It is he who saves her for paradise. The soul of the deceased Tamara is still full of doubts, a “trace of misconduct” is imprinted on it, which the angel washes away with tears:

... And the sweet speech of hope
Dispelled her doubts
And a trace of misconduct and suffering
He washed away her tears.

It was God who sent a test to Tamara. Having accepted the evil inclination inspired by the Demon, the heroine sacrifices herself, protecting the eternal values: Good, Peace, Beauty, Love. Therefore, she deserves forgiveness. Forgiven, Tamara goes to heaven, where access is closed for the hero:

... And again he remained, arrogant.
Alone, as before, in the universe
Without hope and love!

    Analysis of the poem's vocabulary "Daemon"

-- What vocabulary does M.Yu. Lermontov use to create a poem? (high) Give examples. (kiss, percy, forehead, host of spirits). Why do you think it's easier to talk about love?

The philosophical, intellectual and psychological pathos of the poem and the enormous intensity of feelings of the protagonist of the poem demanded a high metaphorical vocabulary: “In the space of abandoned luminaries”; “Under it is Kazbez, like the edge of a diamond”; "With all ecstasy, with all the power of Immortal thought and dream"; "Nature's hot embrace Forever cooled down for me."

To find out what means of expression M.Yu. Lermontov uses in order to influence the reader's imagination more strongly? Game "What? Where? When?"

Phase 3. "Completion of the lesson"

Summing up

lesson results

(reflection, analysis and evaluation)

15 minutes.

Let's take a look at the literary cards of the main characters prepared by the children and comment on them.

- What did M.Yu. want to say? Lermontov's poem "The Demon"? And why does the image of the Demon go through all the work of the author?

The demon appears in the poem as a spirit of exile, flying over the sinful earth, powerless to break away from it and approach heaven. He is expelled from paradise, thrown out of heaven and therefore sad. He sows evil, but it does not bring him pleasure. Everything he sees brings either cold envy or contempt and hatred. He was bored with everything. But he is proud, he is not able to obey the will of others, he tries to overcome himself ...

Unearthly love helps the hero fight evil within himself, and his suffering soul wants to reconcile with heaven, wants to believe in good. This conflict between good and evil is like a clash between light and darkness.

Two principles merge in him, and he appears before us, ready to turn his face to both good and evil:

That was not hell, a terrible spirit,
Vicious martyr - oh no!
It looked like a clear evening:
Neither day nor night, neither darkness nor light!

The essence of the hero is in irreconcilable contradictions, in the assertion that even such concepts as Good and Evil are not absolute. These contradictions are embedded in life itself. A person receives the ability to know and fight, and in the soul of everyone lives his own demon.

M.Yu. Lermontov is distinguished by a dual world, a tragic understanding of the abyss between earthly and heavenly, bodily and spiritual, real and ideal. The only, narrow, shaky, but indestructible bridge across this abyss remains the human soul. Finishing our lesson, I want to read to you the statement of one modern poet.

Good and evil are united only in the fact that in the end they always return to the person who made them. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

    Homework (see slide)


Fine. And now we will evaluate our emotional state during the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, you did a good job at the lesson. Well done!

Analytical information


1) Why exactly this technology allows you to achieve the goals and objectives of the lesson?

2) What new and additional educational effects are planned to be achieved through the use of this technology?

For the effectiveness of training, I use moderation technology. With this learning technology, each student is included in an active and effective educational and cognitive activity. Here there is an individualization of control, self-control, correction, counseling, the degree of independence, the degree of upbringing and sociability. It is important that the student has the opportunity to self-actualize to a greater extent and this contributes to the motivation of learning. Schoolchildren develop such qualities as independence and collectivism, the ability to communicate in groups, the ability to defend their point of view. Moderation methods differ from autocratic didactic modes of learning. The teacher and students are equal participants in the educational process. Each of them is equally dependent on the success of training. The student ceases to be an object of learning, taking an active position in the educational process.

The collection of evils is his element.
Rushing between smoky clouds,
He loves fatal storms
And the foam of the rivers, and the noise of oak trees.
Between the yellow leaves that have flown around
His motionless throne stands;
On it, among the numb winds,
He sits sad and gloomy.
He instills incredulity
He scorned pure love,
He rejects all prayers
He indifferently sees the blood,
And the sound of high sensations
He presses with the voice of passions, -
And the muse of meek inspirations
Afraid of unearthly eyes.

Lermontov, 1829

Poem "My Demon"- a kind of preliminary sketch for a poem "Daemon" conceived in the same year.

The collection of evils is his element;
Rushing between dark clouds,
He loves fatal storms
And the foam of the rivers and the noise of oak trees;
He loves cloudy nights
Mist, pale moon,
Bitter smiles and eyes
Unknown to tears and sleep.

To the insignificant cold whispers of light
He is used to listening
He laughs at the words of hello
And everyone who believes is ridiculous;
He is a stranger to love and regret,
He lives on the food of the earth,
Greedily swallows the smoke of battle
And steam from spilled blood.

Will a new sufferer be born,
He worries the spirit of the father,
He is here with a stern mockery
And with wild gravity of the face;
When someone comes down
To the grave with a trembling soul,
He spends the last hour with him,
But the patient is not consoled by him.

And the proud demon will not lag behind,
While I live, from me
And it will illuminate my mind
Ray of wonderful fire;
Show the image of perfection
And suddenly take away forever
And, giving premonitions of bliss,
Never give me happiness.

Lermontov, 1830 or 1831

Part I

Sad Demon, spirit of exile,
He flew over the sinful earth,
And better days of remembrance
A crowd crowded before him;
Those days when in the dwelling of light
He shone, a pure cherub,
When a running comet
A smile of affectionate greetings
Loved to trade with him
When through eternal fogs,
Greedy for knowledge, he followed
Nomadic caravans
In the space of abandoned luminaries;
When he believed and loved
Happy firstborn of creation!
I knew neither malice nor doubt,
And did not threaten his mind
Centuries of barren series of dull ...
And many, many ... and everything
He did not have the strength to remember!

Long outcast wandered
In the wilderness of a world without shelter:
After the century, the century fled,
Like a minute a minute
Uniform sequence.
Insignificant dominating the earth,
He sowed evil without pleasure,
Nowhere to your art
He met no resistance
And evil bored him.

And over the peaks of the Caucasus
The exile of paradise flew by:
Under it, Kazbek, like a facet of a diamond,
Shined with eternal snows,
And, deep down blackening,
Like a crack, a serpent's dwelling,
The radiant Daryal curled,
And Terek, jumping like a lioness
With a shaggy mane on the ridge,
Roared, - and a mountain beast and a bird,
Circling in the azure height
Heeded the word of his waters;
And golden clouds
From the southern countries, from afar
He was escorted north;
And the rocks in a tight crowd,
Full of mysterious slumber,
Bowed their heads over him
Following the flickering waves;
And towers of castles on the rocks
Looked menacingly through the mists -
At the gates of the Caucasus on the clock
Guard Giants!
And wild and wonderful was around
All God's world; but a proud spirit
looked contemptuously
Creation of your god
And on his high forehead
Nothing reflected.

And in front of him is a different picture
Living colors bloomed:
Luxurious Georgia Valley
Carpet spread out in the distance;
Happy, lush end of the earth!
pillared rains,
Ringing running streams
Along the bottom of multi-colored stones,
And bushes of roses, where the nightingales
Sing beauties, unrequited
To the sweet voice of their love;
Chinar spreading canopy,
Densely crowned with ivy,
Caves where the scorching day
Timid deer lurk;
And shine, and life, and the noise of sheets,
Hundred-sounding voices,
The breath of a thousand plants!
And half a day voluptuous heat,
And fragrant dew
Always wet nights
And the stars are bright as eyes
Like the look of a young Georgian woman!..
But, apart from cold envy,
Nature did not excite the brilliance
In the exile's barren chest
No new feelings, no new forces;
And all that he saw before him
He despised or hated.

Tall house, wide yard
Gray-haired Gudal built himself ...
Works and tears, he cost a lot
Slaves obedient for a long time.
In the morning on the slope of neighboring mountains
Shadows cast from its walls.
Steps are cut into the rock;
They are from the corner tower
They lead to the river, flickering along them,
Covered with a white veil 1,
Princess Tamara young
He goes to Aragva for water.

Always silent on the valleys
I looked from the cliff a gloomy house;
But there is a big feast in it today -
Zurna 2 sounds, and guilt pours -
Gudal betrothed his daughter,
He called the whole family to the feast.
On the carpeted roof
The bride sits between her friends:
Among games and songs their leisure
Passes. distant mountains
The semicircle of the sun is already hidden;
Striking in the palm of your hand,
They sing - and their tambourine
The young bride takes.
And here she is, with one hand
Circling it over your head
Then suddenly it rushes lighter than a bird,
It will stop, look -
And her wet eyes shine
From under an envious eyelash;
That will lead with a black eyebrow,
Then suddenly it leans a little,
And glides on the carpet, floats
Her divine foot;
And she smiles
Full of children's fun
But a ray of the moon, in unsteady moisture
Slightly playing at times
Hardly compares to that smile
Like life, like youth, alive.

I swear by the midnight star
Beam of sunset and east,
Ruler of Persia golden
And not a single king of the earth
I did not kiss such an eye;
Harem Sprinkling Fountain
Never hot sometimes
With its pearly dew
I did not wash such a camp!
Still no one's earthly hand,
Wandering over the sweet brow,
She did not unravel such hair;
Since the world lost paradise
I swear she's such a beauty
Under the sun of the south did not bloom.

She danced for the last time.
Alas! expected in the morning
Her, heiress of Gudal,
Freedom frisky child
The fate of the sad slave
Fatherland, alien to this day,
And an unknown family.
And often secret doubt
Dark light features;
And all her movements were
So slender, full of expression,
So full of sweet simplicity
What if the Demon, flying,
At that time he looked at her
Then, remembering the former brethren,
He turned away b - and sighed ...

And the Demon saw... For a moment
inexplicable excitement
He suddenly felt in himself
The dumb soul of his desert
Filled with blessed sound -
And again he comprehended the shrine
Love, kindness and beauty!
And long sweet picture
He admired - and dreams
About the former happiness with a long chain,
Like a star behind a star
They rolled before him then.
Bound by an invisible force
He became familiar with the new sadness;
A feeling suddenly spoke in him
once native language.
Was that a sign of rebirth?
He is the words of insidious temptation
I couldn't find it in my mind...
Forget? - God did not give oblivion:
Yes, he would not take oblivion! ..

Having exhausted a good horse,
To the wedding feast at sunset
The impatient groom hurried.
Aragva light he happily
Reached the green shores.
Under the heavy burden of gifts
Barely, barely crossing
Behind him camels a long line
The road stretches, flickering:
Their bells are ringing.
He himself, the ruler of Synodal,
Leading a rich caravan.
A dexterous camp is tightened with a belt;
Saber and dagger frame
Shines in the sun; behind the back
The gun with notch notch.
The wind plays with its sleeves
His chuhi 3 - she's all around
All trimmed with galloon.
Colored embroidered silk
His saddle; bridle with brushes;
Under it, a dashing horse covered in soap
Priceless suit, golden.
Pet frisky Karabakh
It spins with ears and, full of fear,
Snoring squints with steepness
On the foam of a galloping wave.
Dangerous, narrow is the coastal path!
Cliffs on the left side
To the right is the depth of the rebellious river.
It's too late. At the top of the snow
The blush fades; the fog came up...
The caravan stepped up.

And here is the chapel on the road...
Here for a long time rests in God
Some prince, now a saint,
Killed by a vengeful hand.
Since then, for a holiday or for a battle,
Wherever the traveler hurries,
Always fervent prayer
He brought at the chapel;
And that prayer saved
From a Muslim dagger.
But the daring groom despised
The custom of their great-grandfathers.
His insidious dream
The crafty Demon was indignant:
He is in my thoughts, under the darkness of the night,
Kissed the lips of the bride.
Suddenly, two people flashed ahead,
And more - a shot! - what's happened?..
Standing up on voiced 4 stirrups,
Pulling on the eyebrows papa, 5
The brave prince did not say a word;
A Turkish trunk flashed in his hand,
Whip click - and, like an eagle,
He rushed ... and shot again!
And a wild cry and a deaf moan
Rushed into the depths of the valley -
The battle did not last long:
The timid Georgians fled!

Everything was quiet; huddled in a crowd,
On the corpses of riders sometimes
The camels looked on in horror;
And deaf in the silence of the steppe
Their bells rang.
A magnificent caravan was plundered;
And over the bodies of Christians
Draws circles night bird!
No peaceful tomb awaits them
Under a layer of monastic slabs,
Where the ashes of their fathers were buried;
Sisters with mothers will not come,
Covered with long veils
With longing, sobs and prayers,
To their coffin from distant places!
But with a diligent hand
Here by the road, over the rock
A cross will be erected in memory;
And the ivy that grew in the spring
He, caressing, will wrap around
With its emerald net;
And, having turned off the difficult road,
More than once a tired pedestrian
Rest under God's shadow...

The horse rushes faster than the deer,
Snoring and torn, as if to scold;
Then suddenly besiege at a gallop,
Listens to the wind
Widely flaring nostrils;
That, at once hitting the ground
With thorns of sonorous hooves,
Waving his tousled mane,
It flies forward without memory.
It has a silent rider!
He beats on the saddle sometimes,
Leaning on the mane with his head.
He no longer rules the occasions
I put my feet in the stirrups,
And blood in wide streams
You can see him on the saddle.
Dashing horse, you are the master
Brought out of the battle like an arrow
But an evil Ossetian bullet
Caught him in the dark!

In the Gudala family weeping and groaning,
People are crowding in the yard:
Whose horse rushed on fire
And fell on the stones at the gate?
Who is this breathless rider?
Kept a trail of swearing anxiety
Wrinkles of a swarthy brow.
In the blood of weapons and dress;
In the last frenzied shake
The hand on the mane froze.
Not for long the young groom,
Bride, your gaze was waiting:
He kept the prince's word,
He rode to the wedding feast ...
Alas! but never again
Do not sit on a dashing horse! ..

For a carefree family
God's punishment flew like thunder!
Fell on her bed
Sobs poor Tamara;
Tear after tear
The chest is high and difficult to breathe;
And now she seems to hear
Magical voice above you:
"Don't cry, child! don't cry in vain!
Your tear on a mute corpse
Living dew will not fall:
She only blurs her clear eyes,
Virgin cheeks burn!
He is far away, he does not know
Will not appreciate your anguish;
Heavenly light now caresses
The disembodied gaze of his eyes;
He hears heavenly tunes...
That life is petty dreams
And the groans and tears of the poor maiden
For a guest of the heavenly side?
No, the lot of mortal creation,
Believe me, my earthly angel,
Not worth a moment
Your sorrow dear!
On the ocean of air
No rudder and no sails
Quietly floating in the fog
Choirs of slender luminaries;
Among the boundless fields
Walking in the sky without a trace
Clouds elusive
Fibrous herds.
The hour of parting, the hour of goodbye -
They neither joy nor sorrow;
They have no desire in the future
And don't feel sorry for the past.
On the day of agonizing misfortune
You only remember them;
Be to the earth without participation
And as careless as they are!
Only night with its cover
The tops of the Caucasus will overshadow
Only the world, with a magic word
Bewitched, shut up;
Only the wind over the rock
Will move the withered grass,
And the bird hidden in it
Flutters more cheerfully in the darkness;
And under the vine,
Dew of heaven swallowing greedily,
The flower will bloom at night;
Only a golden month
From behind the mountain will quietly rise
And steal a glance at you,
I will fly to you;
I will stay until morning
And silk eyelashes
Dreams of gold evoke ... "

The words fell silent in the distance
After the sound, the sound died.
She jumps up and looks around...
Unspeakable confusion
In her chest; sadness, fear,
Rapture ardor - nothing in comparison.
All the feelings in her boiled suddenly;
The soul tore its shackles,
Fire ran through my veins
And this voice is wonderfully new,
She thought it still sounded.
And before the morning dream is desired
Tired eyes closed;
But he revolted her thought
A prophetic and strange dream.
The stranger is foggy and mute,
Beauty shining unearthly,
He bowed to her headboard;
And his gaze with such love,
Looked at her so sadly
As if he regretted it.
It wasn't an angel
Her divine guardian:
Crown of Rainbow Beams
Did not decorate his curls.
That was not hell, a terrible spirit,
Vicious martyr - oh no!
It looked like a clear evening:
Neither day nor night, neither darkness nor light!

Part 2

"Father, father, leave threats,
Do not scold your own Tamara;
I cry: you see these tears,
They are not the first.
In vain the suitors crowd
They rush here from distant places.
There are many brides in Georgia;
And I can't be anyone's wife!
Oh, don't scold me, father.
You yourself noticed: day by day
I wither, the victim of an evil poison!
I'm tormented by the evil spirit
Irresistible dream;
I'm dying, have pity on me!
Give to the sacred abode
Your reckless daughter;
A savior will protect me there,
Before him I will shed my anguish,
I have no fun in the world...
Shrines of the world of autumn,
Let the gloomy cell accept
Like a coffin, in advance of me ... "

And in a secluded monastery
Her family took
And a humble sackcloth
They clothed the young breast.
But also in monastic clothes,
As under a patterned brocade,
All a lawless dream
Her heart was beating like before.
Before the altar, by the light of candles,
In the hours of solemn singing,
Familiar, among prayers,
She often heard speech.
Under the dome of the gloomy temple
A familiar image sometimes
Gliding without a sound or a trace
In a mist of light incense;
He shone softly like a star;
He beckoned and called ... but - where? ..

In the cool between two hills
The holy monastery hid.
Chinar and poplars in rows
He was surrounded - and sometimes,
When the night lay down in the gorge,
Flashed through them, in the windows of the cell,
The lamp of the young sinner.
All around, in the shade of almond trees,
Where a row stands sad crosses,
Silent guardians of the tombs,
Choirs of light birds sang.
They jumped on the stones, made noise
Keys in a cold wave
And under the overhanging rock
Merging friendly in the gorge,
Rolled on, between the bushes,
Frosted flowers.

Mountains were visible to the north.
At the brilliance of the morning Aurora,
When the blue smoke
Smoking deep in the valley
And turning to the east
Muetzins are calling to prayer,
And the sonorous voice of the bell
Trembling, awakening the abode;
In a solemn and peaceful hour,
When a Georgian is young
With a long jug for water
The steep descends from the mountain,
Snow chain tops
light purple wall
Drawn in the clear sky
And dressed at sunset
They are a ruddy veil;
And between them, cutting through the clouds,
He stood, all above his head,
Kazbek, the mighty king of the Caucasus,
In a turban and a brocade chasuble.

But, full of criminal thoughts,
Tamara's heart is unavailable
Pure delight. in front of her
The whole world is dressed in a gloomy shadow;
And everything in it is an excuse for torment
And the morning beam and the darkness of the nights.
It used to be only sleepy nights
Coolness will cover the earth,
Before the divine icon
She falls into madness
And cries; and in the silence of the night
Her heavy sobbing
The traveler's attention worries;
And he thinks: “That is a mountain spirit
Chained in the cave groans!”
And sensitive straining hearing,
Drives a tired horse.

Full of longing and trembling,
Tamara is often at the window
Sitting alone in thought
And looks into the distance with a diligent eye,
And the whole day, sighing, waiting ...
Someone whispers to her: he will come!
No wonder her dreams caressed,
No wonder he appeared to her,
With eyes full of sadness
And wonderful tenderness of speeches.
For many days she languishes,
She doesn't know why;
Does he want to pray to the saints -
And the heart prays to him;
Tired of the constant struggle
Will he bow down on the bed of sleep:
The pillow burns, she is stuffy, scared,
And all, jumping up, she trembles;
Her chest and shoulders are burning,
No strength to breathe, fog in the eyes,
Embrace eagerly looking for a meeting,
Kisses melt on the lips ...

Evening haze airy cover
Already dressed the hills of Georgia.
Habit sweet obedient,
The Demon flew into offense.
But for a long, long time he did not dare
Shrine of Peaceful Shelter
Violate. And there was a minute
When he seemed ready
Leave the intent cruel
Thoughtful against the high wall
He wanders: from his steps
Without wind, a leaf trembles in the shade.
He looked up: her window,
Illuminated by a lamp, shines;
She's been waiting for someone!
And in the midst of the general silence
Chingura 1 slender rattling
And the sounds of the song resounded;
And those sounds flowed, flowed,
Like tears, measured one after another;
And this song was tender
As if for the earth she
Was stacked in the sky!
Is it an angel with a forgotten friend
I wanted to see you again
Stealthily flew here
And he sang about the past,
To alleviate his pain?
The anguish of love, its excitement
Comprehended the Demon for the first time;
He wants to leave in fear ...
His wing doesn't move!
And, miracle! from faded eyes
A heavy tear rolls down...
Until now near that cell
Through the burnt stone is visible
Tears hot as a flame
Inhuman tear!..

And he enters, ready to love,
With a heart open to goodness,
And he thinks that a new life
The desired time has come.
A vague thrill of anticipation
Silent fear of the unknown
Like a first date
Confessed with a proud soul.
That was an evil omen!
He enters, looks - in front of him
Messenger of heaven, cherub,
Guardian of the beautiful sinner,
Standing with a shining brow
And from the enemy with a clear smile
He painted her with a wing;
And a ray of divine light
Suddenly blinded by an unclean gaze,
And instead of a sweet hello
There was a heavy reproach:

"The spirit is restless, the spirit is vicious,
Who called you in the midnight darkness?
Your fans are not here
Evil has not breathed here until now;
To my love, to my shrine
Do not lay a criminal trail.
Who called you?
In response to him
The evil spirit chuckled slyly;
His eyes flushed with jealousy;
And again in his soul woke up
Poison of ancient hatred.
"She is mine! he said sternly,
Leave her, she's mine!
You, protector, appeared late,
And she, like me, you're not a judge.
With a heart full of pride
I have set my seal;
Your shrine is no longer here
Here I own and love!”
And the angel with sad eyes
Looked at the poor victim
And slowly flapping your wings
I drowned in the ether of the sky.

ABOUT! who are you? your speech is dangerous!
Did hell or heaven send you to me?
What do you want?..

You are beautiful!

But say who are you? answer...

I am the one who listened
You are in the midnight silence
Whose thought whispered to your soul,
Whose sadness did you vaguely guess,
Whose image I saw in a dream.
I am the one whose gaze destroys hope;
I am the one no one loves;
I am the scourge of my earthly slaves,
I am the king of knowledge and freedom,
I am the enemy of heaven, I am the evil of nature,
And, you see, I am at your feet!
I brought you tenderness
Silent love prayer
Earthly first torment
And my first tears.
ABOUT! listen - out of regret!
Me good and heaven
You could return with a word.
Your love with a holy cover
Dressed, I would appear there
Like a new angel in a new brilliance;
ABOUT! just listen, please,
I am your slave - I love you!
As soon as I saw you -
And secretly suddenly hated
Immortality and my power.
I envied involuntarily
Incomplete earthly joy;
Not to live like you, it hurt me
And it's scary - it's different to live with you.
In a bloodless heart, an unexpected ray
Warmed up again,
And sadness at the bottom of an old wound
She moved like a snake.
What is this eternity without you?
My dominion is infinity?
Empty sounding words
A vast temple - without a deity!

Leave me, O evil spirit!
Shut up, I don't trust the enemy...
Creator… Alas! I can't
Pray... deadly poison
My weakening mind is embraced!
Listen, you will ruin me;
Your words are fire and poison...
Tell me why you love me!

Why, beauty? Alas,
I don't know!.. Full of new life,
From my criminal head
I proudly took off the crown of thorns,
I threw all the past into dust:
My heaven, my hell in your eyes.
I love you with an unearthly passion,
How can you not love
With all rapture, with all power
Immortal thoughts and dreams.
In my soul, from the beginning of the world,
Your image has been printed
He hovered in front of me
In the deserts of eternal ether.
For a long time disturbing my thought,
The name sounded sweet to me;
In the days of bliss me in paradise
You were missing one.
ABOUT! if you could understand
What a bitter languor
All my life, centuries without separation
And enjoy and suffer
Do not expect praise for evil,
No reward for good;
Live for yourself, miss yourself
And this eternal struggle
No celebration, no reconciliation!
Always regret and not wish
Know everything, feel everything, see everything,
Try to hate everything
And despise everything in the world! ..
Only God's curse
Fulfilled from the same day
Nature's hot embrace
Forever cool for me;
The space was blue before me;
I saw the wedding dress
Lights, familiar to me for a long time ...
They flowed in crowns of gold;
But what? former brother
None recognized.
Exiles like themselves
I began to call in desperation,
But words and faces and evil eyes,
Alas! I didn't recognize myself.
And in fear I, flapping my wings,
Rushed - but where? For what?
I don't know... old friends
I was rejected; like eden,
The world has become deaf and dumb for me.
At the free whim of the current
So damaged rook
No sails and no rudder
Floats, not knowing the destination;
So early in the morning
A fragment of a thundercloud,
Blackening in azure silence,
Alone, not daring to stick anywhere,
Flies without a goal and a trace,
God knows where and where!
And I ruled people for a short time,
Taught them sin for a short time,
All noble dishonored
And he blasphemed everything beautiful;
Not for long... the flame of pure faith
Easily forever I poured into them ...
But were my labors worth it?
Only fools and hypocrites?
And I hid in the gorges of the mountains;
And began to wander like a meteor,
In the deep darkness of midnight...
And the lonely traveler rushed,
Deceived by a close flame;
And falling into the abyss with a horse,
Called in vain - and the trail is bloody
Behind him twisted along the steepness ...
But malice is gloomy fun
I didn't like it for long!
In the fight against a mighty hurricane,
How often, raising the ashes,
Dressed in lightning and mist,
I ran noisily in the clouds,
So that in the crowd of rebellious elements
Silence the murmur of the heart,
Save yourself from the inevitable thought
And forget the unforgettable!
What a tale of painful deprivation,
The labors and troubles of the human crowd
To come, past generations,
Before one minute
My unacknowledged torment?
What people? what is their life and work?
They have passed, they will pass...
There is hope - the right court awaits:
He can forgive, even condemn!
My sadness is always here
And there will be no end to her, like me;
And do not take a nap in her grave!
She fawns like a snake
It burns and splashes like a flame,
That crushes my thought like a stone -
Hopes of the dead and passions
Invincible mausoleum!

Why should I know your sorrows
Why are you complaining to me?
You have sinned...

Is it against you?

We can be heard!

We are alone.

And God!

They don't look at us:
He is busy with heaven, not earth!

And the punishment, the torments of hell?

So what? You will be there with me!

Whoever you are, my random friend, -
Lost peace forever
Involuntarily, with the joy of mystery,
Sufferer, I hear you.
But if your speech is sly,
But if you're a deceit...
ABOUT! spare me! What glory?
What is my soul to you?
Am I dearer to the sky
Everyone you didn't see?
They, alas! beautiful too;
Like here, their virgin bed
Not crumpled by a mortal hand...
No! give me a fatal oath ...
Tell me - you see: I yearn;
You see women's dreams!
You involuntarily caress the fear in your soul ...
But you understood everything, you know everything -
And, of course, you will take pity!
Swear to me ... from evil possessions
Renounce now vow.
Really no oaths, no promises
Are there no more invincibles? ..

I swear on the first day of creation
I swear on his last day
I swear on the shame of crime
And eternal truth triumph.
I swear to fall by bitter flour,
Victory by a short dream;
I swear on a date with you
And again threatening separation.
I swear by the host of spirits,
The fate of the brothers who are subject to me,
With swords of impassive angels,
My unsleeping enemies;
I swear by heaven and hell
Earthly shrine and you
I swear by your last look
Your first tear
Your gentle lips with breath,
A wave of silk curls
I swear by bliss and suffering,
I swear on my love:
I renounced the old revenge
I renounced proud thoughts;
From now on, the poison of insidious flattery
Nothing disturbs the mind;
I want to reconcile with the sky
I want to love, I want to pray
I want to believe good.
Wipe away with a tear of repentance
I am on a forehead worthy of you,
Traces of heavenly fire -
And the world in ignorance is calm
Let it bloom without me!
ABOUT! believe me: I'm alone until now
You comprehended and appreciated:
Choosing you as my shrine
I have placed power at your feet.
I'm waiting for your love as a gift
And I will give you eternity in a moment;
In love, as in malice, believe, Tamara,
I am immutable and great.
I am you, free son of ether,
I'll take it to the superstellar regions;
And you will be the queen of the world
My first friend
Without regret, without participation
You will look at the ground
Where there is no true happiness
No lasting beauty
Where there are only crimes and executions,
Where petty passions only live;
Where they do not know how without fear
Neither hate nor love.
Do you not know what is
People momentary love?
The excitement of the blood is young, -
But the days run and the blood runs cold!
Who can resist separation
The temptation of a new beauty
Against fatigue and boredom
And the willfulness of dreams?
No! not you, my friend,
Find out, appointed by fate
Fading silently in a tight circle,
Jealous rudeness slave,
Among the cowardly and cold,
False friends and enemies
Fear and fruitless hopes,
Empty and painful labors!
Sad behind the high wall
You will not die without passions,
Among the prayers, equally far
From god and people.
Oh no, beautiful creature
You are assigned to something else;
Other suffering awaits you
Other delights depth;
Leave your old desires
And the miserable light of his fate:
The abyss of proud knowledge
In return, I will open it for you.
A crowd of my office spirits
I will bring you to your feet;
Handmaidens of light and magical
To you, beauty, I will give;
And for you from the eastern star
I will pluck a golden crown;
I'll take the midnight dew from the flowers;
I will put him to sleep with that dew;
A beam of ruddy sunset
Your camp, like a ribbon, I will wrap,
With a breath of pure fragrance
I will drink the surrounding air;
All the time wonderful game
I will cherish your hearing;
I will build magnificent halls
From turquoise and amber;
I will sink to the bottom of the sea
I will fly beyond the clouds
I will give you everything, everything earthly -
Love me!..

And he's a little
Touched with hot lips
Her trembling lips;
Temptation full speeches
He answered her prayers.
A mighty gaze gazed into her eyes!
He burned her. In the darkness of the night
Above her, he sparkled,
Irresistible as a dagger.
Alas! the evil spirit triumphed!
The deadly poison of his kiss
Instantly penetrated into her chest.
Anguished terrible scream
Night revolted the silence.
It was everything: love, suffering,
Rebuke with a last plea
And a hopeless goodbye
Farewell to young life

At that time the midnight watchman
One around the wall is steep
Quietly making the appointed path,
Wandered with a cast-iron board,
And near the cell of the young virgin
He tamed his measured step
And a hand over a cast iron board,
Confused, he stopped.
And through the surrounding silence,
He thought he heard
Two mouths consonant kiss,
A momentary cry and a faint moan.
And unholy doubt
Penetrated into the heart of the old man ...
But another moment passed
And everything was quiet; from afar
Just a breath of wind
The murmuring of the leaves brought
Yes, with a dark coast sadly
The mountain river whispered.
Saint's saint's canon
He hurries to read in fear,
So that the obsession of an evil spirit
Drive away from sinful thought;
Crosses with trembling fingers
Dream agitated chest
And silently with quick steps
The regular one continues on.

Like a peri sleeping sweetheart
She lay in her coffin
Whiter and cleaner bedspreads
There was a languid color of her brow.
Forever lowered eyelashes ...
But who would, oh heaven! didn't say
That the gaze below them only dozed
And, wonderful, just expected
Or a kiss, or dennitsa?
But it's useless daylight beam
Sliding over them with a golden stream,
In vain they are in mute sadness
Mouths of relatives kissed ...
No! death eternal seal
Nothing can break it!

Never been in the days of fun
So colorful and rich
Tamara's festive outfit.
Flowers of the native gorge
(So ​​the ancient requires the rite)
They pour their fragrance over her
And, clenched by a dead hand,
How to say goodbye to the earth!
And nothing in her face
Didn't hint at the end
In the heat of passion and ecstasy;
And were all her features
Filled with that beauty
Like marble, alien to expression,
Deprived of feeling and mind,
Mysterious as death itself.
A strange smile froze
Flickering across her lips.
Talked about a lot of sad things
She attentive eyes:
There was cold contempt in her
Soul ready to bloom
The last thought expression,
Forgive the soundless earth.
A vain reflection of the life of the past,
She was even deader
Still more hopeless for the heart
Forever faded eyes.
So at the hour of the solemn sunset,
When, melted in a sea of ​​gold,
The chariot of the day has already disappeared,
Snow of the Caucasus, for a moment
The tide is ruddy,
They shine in the dark distance.
But this beam is half alive
In the desert you will not meet a reflection,
And it won't light anyone's path
From its top, icy!

A crowd of neighbors and relatives
Already gathered in a sad way.
Tormenting gray curls,
Silently hitting the chest
Goodal sits down for the last time
On a white-maned horse.
And the train started moving. Three days,
Three nights their journey will last:
Between the old grandfather's bones
The shelter of the deceased was dug for her.
One of the forefathers of Gudal,
Robber of wanderers and villages,
When sickness took hold of him
And the hour of repentance has come
Sins past in redemption
He promised to build a church
On top of the granite rocks
Where only blizzards hear singing,
Where only the kite flew.
And soon between the snows of Kazbek
A lonely temple has risen
And the bones of an evil man
Rest there again;
And turned into a graveyard
Rock native to the clouds:
Like closer to heaven
Warmer posthumous dwelling? ..
As if further from people
The last dream will not be indignant ...
In vain! the dead won't dream
No sadness, no joy of the past days.

In the space of blue ether
One of the angels of the saints
Flying on golden wings
And a sinful soul from the world
He carried in his arms.
And sweet speech of hope
Dispelled her doubts
And a trace of misconduct and suffering
He washed away her tears.
From afar the sounds of paradise
They reached them - when suddenly,
Free path crossing,
An infernal spirit rose up from the abyss.
He was powerful, like a noisy whirlwind,
Shined like lightning,
And proudly in insane insolence
He says: "She's mine!"
She clung to her protective chest,
Prayer drowned out the horror,
Tamara is a sinful soul.
The fate of the future was decided
Again he stood before her,
But, God! - who would recognize him?
With what an evil look he looked,
How full of deadly poison
Enmity that knows no end -
And breathed grave cold
From a motionless face.
Disappear, dark spirit of doubt! -
The heavenly messenger replied:
You have triumphed enough;
But the hour of judgment has now come -
And God's decision!
The days of testing are over;
With the clothes of the mortal earth
The shackles of evil fell from her.
Find out! we have been waiting for it for a long time!
Her soul was one of those
Whose life is one moment
unbearable pain,
Unattainable pleasures:
Creator from the best ether
Weaved their living strings,
They are not made for the world
And the world was not created for them!
Redeemed at the price of cruel
She has her doubts...
She suffered and loved -
And heaven opened for love!”
And the angel with stern eyes
Looked at the tempter
And with joyful flapping of wings,
I drowned in the radiance of the sky.
And cursed Demon defeated
Your crazy dreams
And again he remained, arrogant,
Alone, as before, in the universe
Without hope and love!
On the slope of a stone mountain
Above the Koishaur valley
Still standing to this day
The teeth are the ruins of an old one.
Stories scary for children
There are still stories about them...
Like a ghost, a silent monument,
Witness those magical days
Blackens between the trees.
The aul crumbled below,
The earth blossoms and turns green;
And voices discordant rumble
Gets lost and caravans
They go, ringing, from afar,
And, plunging through the mists,
The river sparkles and foams.
And life forever young
Coolness, sun and spring
Nature is joking,
Like a carefree child.
But sad is the castle that has served
Once in your turn,
Like a poor old man who survived
Friends and lovely family.
And just waiting for the moon to rise
Its invisible inhabitants:
Then they have a holiday and freedom!
Buzzing, running in all directions.
Gray-haired spider, new hermit,
Spins the webs of its warp;
Green lizard family
Plays merrily on the roof;
And a wary snake
Creeps out of a dark hole
On the slab of the old porch,
Then suddenly it will fit into three rings,
That will lie in a long strip,
And shines like a damask sword,
Forgotten in the field of old sich,
Unnecessary to the fallen hero!..
Everything is wild; there are no traces anywhere
Years gone by: the hand of the ages
Diligently, swept them away for a long time,
And don't remember anything
About the glorious name of Gudala,
Oh, his dear daughter!
But the church is on a steep peak,
Where are the bones taken by their earth,
We keep the power of the saint,
It is still visible between the clouds.
And at her gate stand
On guard are black granites,
Covered with cloaks of snow;
And on their chest instead of armor
The eternal ice is burning.
Falls sleepy bulks
From the ledges, like waterfalls,
Frost seized suddenly
They hang around frowning.
And there the blizzard walks on patrol,
Blowing dust off gray walls
That song starts a long one,
That calls out to sentries;
Hearing news in the distance
About a wonderful temple, in that country,
There are only clouds from the east
The crowd rush to worship;
But over a family of tombstones
Nobody is sad for a long time.
Rock of the gloomy Kazbek
Prey greedily guards,
And the eternal murmur of man
Their eternal peace will not disturb.

Analysis of the poem "Demon" by Lermontov

Lermontov was one of the first to develop the "demonic" theme in Russian literature. The theme of "demonism" occupied Lermontov from an early age. In many works of the poet, "demonic images" appeared. He wrote the poem "Demon" for about 12 years. The beginning of the work dates back to 1829. The edition of 1838 is closest to the final text. Lermontov lived in the Caucasus and transferred the scene of action there. The main character appeared - Princess Tamara, based on the Georgian folk legend about an evil spirit. The poet continued to make corrections and finished the poem only in 1841.

The image of a demon in Lermontov is inspired by his romantic ideas about a proud and rebellious lyrical hero. The poet tried to imagine the inner doubts and experiences of the evil spirit, to understand why he embarked on the path of evil. The demon is of biblical origin, he is a fallen angel who was cast down by God into hell for pride and the desire for absolute power.

The poet's demon is more "human". He does not enjoy his power for long. The suggestion of sinful thoughts soon begins to bother him, especially since people do not try to fight him, but willingly listen to his instructions. Even in hell, the demon experiences acute loneliness. He becomes an outcast among the rest of Satan's servants. Retiring to the gloomy and impregnable rocks, the demon finds temporary entertainment in killing lone travelers.

In such a sad pastime, the demon notices the beautiful Tamara. It seemed to him that nothing could awaken any strong feelings in him. But the appearance of a young girl struck even a gloomy demon. He is seized by an irresistible desire to take possession of the soul of a beauty. He inspires her fiancé with sinful thoughts, which leads to his death. Having got rid of the opponent, the demon begins to visit Tamara in dreams in the guise of an unknown seducer. The princess is frightened by sinful thoughts, and she goes to the monastery. But even here the demon haunts her. During the last decisive appearance, he expels the angel guarding the girl and seeks her consent. Tamara does not renounce God, but she believes in love and that the demon can be cleansed of evil with her. She submits to love and dies.

The demon triumphs. He forgets about the oath and appears in his true form. But Tamara's soul is already in the hands of an angel. By the power of her love, she earned divine forgiveness. The demon is forced to retreat and admit defeat.

Lermontov's attitude towards the demon changes from sympathetic at the beginning to condemning at the end. The author himself destroys his idea of ​​the possibility of the transformation of a demon under the influence of a strong feeling. The essence of the devil is unchanging, so he is powerless before the greatness of divine love.