Dream interpretation of a flock of mice. Why is the little gray mouse dreaming? Why do mice dream? Mouse in a dream - Vanga's warnings

Why do a lot of mice dream? In a dream, this is not the most positive sign. It can warn of famine, losses, danger and even war. Look for a more accurate interpretation in popular dream books and specific examples of the interpretation of a dream image.

Miller's dream book prediction

Did you happen to see a lot of mice? You are destined for domestic troubles and misunderstanding. In addition, everything will fall into decay.

If a young lady dreamed of such an image, then she has envious people and rivals. If mice crawled onto clothes, then in reality you will become the instigator of a grandiose scandal.

Opinion of the English dream book

Did a lot of mice appear in a dream? The interpreter suspects that unkind people will interfere in your life or affairs. The same image promises defeat in business and lack of money. Many mice sometimes appear as a sign of an unhappy marriage in the future.

The 21st century dream book warns

Did you see a lot of small and funny mice? Successfully cope with obstacles in business, and joy will come to the house. A lot of mice started up in a dream, and you decided to put a mousetrap? The dream interpretation warns: carefully monitor your behavior and do not give others a reason to slander.

Why dream of a lot of bats? You are threatened by burglary, prolonged depression and bad news. If they fly around, then you will rejoice because of the failure of a competitor. In a dream, were you lucky to kill a lot of bats? In the realm, you will be able to avoid mortal danger. The same dream action guarantees recovery.

The dream book tells from A to Z

Why dream if there are a lot of mice running around the room? You will be invited to the wedding soon. Chasing mice yourself - to matchmaking or a marriage proposal. Managed to kill mice in a dream? A sad event will happen in the house. It's good to see a lot of mice that have climbed onto the table and are cheekily eating food. This means that your life will be prosperous and comfortable.

Dreamed of a lot of white mice? The interpreter is sure that the strength of family ties is reflected in this way. But if you happen to hear a squeak, scratch or loud rustle, then be prepared for theft or robbery. There are many ordinary mice that have gathered in the basement, which warns of hard times and lack of money.

The dream book of Nostradamus answers

Dreamed of a lot of mice? Coming war, famine and widespread pestilence. Dead mice signify material difficulties. Why dream if a lot of bats attacked? You have to face the real Evil.

What does the modern combined dream book think

Why do a lot of mice dream? Very soon, you will become aware of the identity of the person spreading outrageous rumors. The dream book advises a young girl to worry about her reputation. Had a dream that you trampled and crushed mice? In reality, you will bypass your competitors. If in a dream the presence of a mouse neighborhood did not particularly bother you, then you will get a serious monetary profit.

Why dream of a lot of mice in the house, on the street

Most often, a large number of mice in the house hints at domestic or work troubles. In addition, rodents symbolize the insidious plans of others and the unworthy thoughts of the dreamer himself. Did you dream that at the sight of mice you experienced wild horror and panic? In reality, something will happen that will lead to an extreme degree of confusion. If the meeting with mice in the house or on the street did not become a terrible surprise, then you will get profit, joy and happiness.

Many mice in a dream - a few examples

The interpretation of the plot directly depends on the sensations experienced in a dream, as well as the dream atmosphere and, of course, the appearance of the mice and the dreamer's personal actions.

  • a lot of white mice - improving the situation
  • gray - trouble, loss
  • black - danger, disease
  • field - minor chores
  • home - family squabbles
  • to catch - matchmaking, search
  • run after them - undertakings, successful plans
  • catch - complete satisfaction
  • there is a danger, a disease
  • to kill - sadness, bad news

Had a dream that you managed to drive a lot of mice out of the house? In fact, get rid of a number of problems.

If the mice in your dream were dead, in reality you will be able to correctly assess the situation and not give free rein to your emotions.

Why do mice dream of small white and gray, black

Dreaming of small white and gray live mice portend minor troubles or far-fetched problems, because of which you are pretty nervous.

Free online dream interpretation - to get results, enter a dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass

Black mice are a dream that portends small and unpleasant chores.

If you dream of rats in the house and cockroaches, cats and cats together

A dream in which rats, cockroaches, cats and cats appeared in your house together means that in real life you will be greatly disappointed in the world around you.

At midnight, you need to open a window or window, turn off all the lights and light a church candle from a match.

Taking your hair, burn it in a candle flame with the words:

“As my hair burns, so you, servant of God, (name), according to me, servant of God, (name) decay.

To lament only for me, not to know a single woman,

if only I, alone, would desire, only think about me, and only suffer for me.

As this hair does not grow back, so it is

no one will beat mine. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

- Love spell with hair

Friends will turn out to be imaginary and deceitful, relatives, instead of support, will endlessly sharpen a grudge against you. Fate deliberately sends you such a vivid and memorable dream so that you do not go to extremes and treat the situations and conflicts that have arisen with a sense of humor.

To dream of mice on the body, bed, head, ceiling, table, work, kitchen, ship

Mouse on the body - you will become a target for gossip. If a dreaming mouse ran across the bed, table or kitchen of your house - in reality, it became necessary to make a small supply of food, they will soon become very expensive.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that best suits you and find out what hidden magical abilities you have.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden abilities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devilish influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With certain efforts and the support of higher powers, one can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help to cope with them, breaks in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications - a medium. We are talking about the ability to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is disturbed, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of goodness and strength that could serve for good, I will move into another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all indications - witchcraft. It is feasible for you to study and induce damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an impossible task.

But everything must be used exclusively for good and done so that others do not suffer in their innocence from your superpowers, bestowed from above.

It takes at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor to develop inner strength.

Most of all you have telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small, and over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that can be darkened by going to the dark side if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream, which you will never be able to forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise darkness will swallow you up and this will be the beginning of the end.

A mouse on your head or on the ceiling - in real life, minor troubles will fall on your head, which do not need to be given much importance. A mouse at work is a dream that promises annoying fuss, devoid of any meaning. A mouse on a ship is a slight ailment.

Why mice dream from Thursday to Friday, from Sunday to Monday

A dream from Thursday to Friday confirms the existence of a problem. If a mouse (a symbol of minor troubles) was dreamed of during a specified period of time, then in real life you need to resolve all conflicts, and the sooner you can do this, the better for you.

When we wonder what mice are dreaming of, dream books first of all offer to evaluate whether they were funny or disgusting. Interpretations are very sensitive to the emotions experienced by the dreamer. The appearance of the animals and the events in the dream are also important - they help you understand what you need to prepare for.

Interpretations of dream books about troubles

Each interpreter, each ethnic or religious tradition puts a special meaning into the images of dreams, different from others. In the interpretation of mice by dream books, there is unanimity, although there are nuances. So why did they dream?

  • Miller - to trouble due to the dishonesty of colleagues.
  • Tsvetkov - to the loss of a relative or a break in relations.
  • Vanga - to difficult times.
  • Freud - to how relations with children will develop.
  • Gypsy dream book - to minor failures.
  • Islamic - a threat to health.
  • Muslim female - to someone's dirty tricks in everyday life.

As you can see, most interpretations predict minor damage in a particular area. However, the most interesting lies in the details - the circumstances and events.

Mouse in a dream - Vanga's warnings

Vanga's dream interpretation interprets the dream as a serious threat to material prosperity. From the point of view of the Bulgarian soothsayer, from mice in a dream - only losses in real life.

If you dreamed about how they gnaw on furniture in an apartment or the house itself, then problems will arise in the family. If the mice crumbled paper money into dust, then the general financial crisis will also affect the dreamer.

Although the rodents in the dream book embody the image of intruders, sometimes a person is his own enemy. Found a flock of mice running around in the basement or under the roof, personifies extravagance, which inevitably leads to debt. It is necessary to moderate expenses, and it is better to refuse spontaneous purchases once and for all.

Miller: to kill is to win

Remember if the mouse scared you, and were you able to deal with it in a dream? It is important! If a woman shakes her off her dress in horror, she will soon become a victim of a scandal. If the animal is tangled in her hair, this means inevitable trouble.

Why dream of catching and killing a small creature? In the upcoming waking conflict, it will be possible to prevail. However, if they caught, but she still ran away, the dream book predicts defeat.

Dead mice: reprisal and its meaning

A dead mouse is safer than a live one. You can deal with hordes of rodents or with an individual in many ways, and in a dream - even fantastic. Why dream about the details of killing pests?

  1. Strangle - push the enemy to the wall.
  2. Crush - make trouble.
  3. Destroy by catching in a mousetrap - get ahead of the enemy.
  4. To see how the cat attacked and ate - to get secrets.
  5. The cat brought a dead one - prepare for danger.
  6. From the body there was only one tail - to survive the black stripe.
  7. After the cat's meal, two ears remained - to an affair.
  8. Drown newborn mice - find out about the opponent.

Why do gluttonous thieves dream

What does it mean to witness a mouse feast? The interpretation of the dream book depends on the amount of damage and the degree of grief.

petty hooligans

In the case when a mouse running past pulled off a cracker, a person receives a warning about road adventures, dragged a steering wheel - it will happen to experience embarrassment on a date.

In the East, it is believed that mice eat off health if they gnaw something in the house - it doesn’t matter if it concerns food or damaged things. They gnawed and ran away - the damage will be minimal. I had to drive away - to the infirmary in the house.

Uniform robbery

If in a dream you had a chance to grieve about an injury, it means that family members are threatened by illness. To neutralize a bad feeling, sometimes it is enough to take care during a flu epidemic.

Why dream of watching animals destroy supplies? The invasion of mice in the basement prophesies a real financial disaster. It is characteristic that interpreters associate it not with accidents, but with a crisis.


Dream books interpret attempts to feed uninvited guests as a harbinger of difficult trials - you will have to show self-control in order to get out of them without harm.

If in a dream a person himself gave a meal to a running mouse, then he definitely will not regret it. His good will turn into someone's support in reality. Of course, some difficulties will precede this, but they will go away, and reliable friends will remain.

Dreamed of pets - so you are a coward?

Usually people are hostile to rodents, but they adore domestic white mice. Seeing them in a cage is a good sign, dream books believe that the dreamer will be able to "resolve" difficult situations. But if they run away, beware of being stabbed in the back.

The mouse personifies the worst character traits: cowardice and pettiness. Petting a pet in a dream means self-indulgence.

If you saw how fresh water was poured into the feeder, then someone is manipulating your fears to achieve their goals. Why dream that a pet eats unpleasant food, such as worms or insects: dream books interpret a vile meal as a symbol of primitive needs.

Does the female give birth? Hearing the loud squeak of a brood is the same as receiving a signal of a hidden threat.

Seeing a vole in a dream - to the betrothed

Not all mice are equally dangerous. To dream of a small vole - a brown mouse with a black stripe along the back - is a great success, especially for young ladies. Dream Interpretation Enigma believes that a dream prophesies a meeting with a betrothed.

The pleasant meaning of sleep is explained by the beautiful color: shades of yellow are usually favorable. In addition, a cute fluffy animal does not inspire disgust, which means it is much safer in terms of predicting the future than gray domestic rodents.

A huge, fat, fat vole is the personification of a chance to link fate with a wealthy gentleman. Why dream that she bit the girl: the meaning of the incident is the groom's claims about her behavior.

Flying brothers

The bat symbolizes the enemy. If she flies not at dusk or pitch darkness, but in bright daylight, then the intrigues of the ill-wisher will not reach the goal. If she sleeps, rely on intuition. Hunts for insects - you don’t need to be afraid of anything at all, the stars favor you.

Suddenly the mouse was talking? This is a rare success, we must listen to her words. Perhaps she will let it slip and betray the one whose machinations can make you go through unpleasant moments.

How to see and destroy intrigue

Dream Interpretations warn: a nimble mouse began to bite - competition at work can lead to the dreamer being fired. Unless, by the power of his imagination, he manages to drive away the wild animal.

It would be unpleasant to see a mouse on your bed in a dream. Why dream that she ran across a clean bed? The good reputation of the owner is at stake, and someone will have a hand in this. Drive her, drive her, until you inherit!

Likes are spinning 😍⭐️

Questions to the author

Choose your dream!

Did you ever dream?


    I dreamed of little gray mice hiding in my hair. It was unpleasant, but then I hardly shook them down. Then a cat appeared and began to eat them. What is it for?

    • Obsessive thoughts will make you sad, but you will quickly drive them away. A self-confident woman who is generally not subject to doubt will wake up in you. Here, listen to her.

      • Think about who has been “spudding” you for a long time, trying to win favor? This person needs to be careful. He is absolutely looking for benefits in friendship with you. 😯 Do not accept any help from him, let alone gifts.

        I dreamed of a bunch of pretty little mice sleeping peacefully sweetly on my lap, on some kind of pillow. I tried to move them, because I myself had to go to bed.

        Good morning. Today I had a dream in a dream, I saw a big black mouse, she came out slowly and also slowly left. What is it for?

        I dreamed about how a guy who likes gave me a mouse. And he left, promising to return. Said to look after the mouse. He (the mouse) tried to run away from me, but I caught him with my bare hands. After 3 months, the guy returned and was very surprised that the mouse is still with me. I honestly wanted to kill him, but I decided to let it be a memory of a guy.

        In a dream, I went to wash my hands in the bathroom and at first I saw one mouse. I took it and then a lot of mice ran across the floor from all corners. They ran up the wall and tried to hide under the ceiling. Several mice fell on top of me and then I woke up. In a dream, one of my cats tried to catch mice, but there were too many mice.

        I dreamed that my cats were trying to catch a mouse, and I saved her from them. She began to take care of her, even killed fleas on her. After that, the cats caught her again and one almost ate her, but when I saw this, he spat out guiltily and I took her away, lisping. Here is such an interesting dream.

        What is the dream of a dead mouse in bed? My husband and my brother and some woman see her, but I was not there and another mouse was lying in front of our bed, what is it for?

        In a dream, I dreamed of a big black mouse that I throw out of bed. She looked more like a rat, but I felt like a mouse. It was very disgusting.

        Good day! Help interpret the dream. Today, from Friday to Saturday, I dreamed that my husband and I were looking for mice, with the goal of poisoning them. For some reason, they came to some grave at night with a shovel, which really outraged me, how are we going to dig, this is blasphemy. But when my husband dug with a shovel, there were so many mice that my eyes popped out of surprise. They were all small and grey. They didn't run away, didn't bite, just sat or quietly climbed, in general, the whole grave was littered with these mice. I let some infected mouse into these mice with the intention of infecting others.

        I had a dream that there was a big fire in our city. I approached the scene of the incident and suddenly looked at my feet: a small mouse was sitting there and he was wearing some kind of plastic crown. She constantly suffered from him, no matter how I tried to get her back. I took the mouse with me, putting it in my pocket. Having reached a house, I took it out and fed it. On this I woke up.

        Hello, I dreamed that I was sleeping and suddenly I was groping for sucking little mice on myself, and I was trying to tear them away from me and tear off their heads.

        A vague picture, as if in reality. Two cats are running somewhere, followed by a mouse, as I understand it. Then one cat runs away, and the other is left to fight with her. A small mouse bit into the cat's neck. Then I woke up.

        Good morning, I had a strange dream ... A mouse so plump and not big ran around the room near me ... there were several of us in the room, we just sat talking. Everyone except me was sitting on a chair, on the sofa except me, and I was sitting on the floor and doing something around me, some things, packages, etc. This time, this mouse, not finding a way out, began to run back and forth. I didn’t attack, I just ran looking for a way out. And this time I started throwing some round things at her, it seems there were balls of knitted threads. And she fell, came up, took it gently with two fingers, looked at how strange it turned out to be long claws like well-groomed ones ... And she had a crown on her ... They thought that she was the queen of mice! She was half dead after the blows! And I woke up. Why is this, and what does this dream mean?

        4-Mar-2015 Angelica:

        In a dream, a mouse is chasing me, finds me everywhere, tries to bite, I ask my neighbor to crush him, he refuses. Along the way, I see the funeral of a neighbor, at the wake I was tired of running away from the mouse, I let it bite me. She enthusiastically bit into me and began to drink blood, and I was relieved that I did not feel pain. Woke up right there...

The mouse is a dual image. According to some, it is a symbol of malice, destruction and danger. For others, this animal is associated with defenselessness, meekness, quick wits and positive emotions.

Based on this, the interpretations were divided into two camps: in one, the mouse is evil, enemies and deceit, in the other, a positive image of the dreamer himself or pleasant events in his life. But here, first of all, it is necessary to decide what exactly these animals mean for the one who sees the dream.

Theory of D. Loff

According to David Loff, each person endows living beings with certain qualities. It is the associative qualities that the subconscious of a person later uses in dreams to show him some specific situation, to give a hint. Animals, in this case, are images of certain people or the circumstances of our life, a kind of projection of the subconscious. And here, in order to interpret the dream, you must first determine your attitude towards rodents.

And then you can resort to your individual interpretation. Or get acquainted with the interpretations already collected in various dream books and choose the most suitable for your situation.

gray mice

in a dream is often an association with the expression "gray mouse". Thus, the subconscious mind makes us understand that in real life we ​​are constrained, we strive to appear invisible, not to draw attention to our person.

But this is not the only meaning that a dream has with gray mice. Often this or wedding ceremony, on which the dreamer can be both a guest and a culprit. Although it happens that a dream, in which gray mice are a participant, promises strife and family quarrels.

white mice

Indian interpretation: - a sign of a quick and successful marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Ivanov: if in a dream you saw a white mouse, then this is a sign of meaningless employment, unnecessary deeds, fussiness, trouble.

Azar's dream book: a dream in which a white mouse appears portends a strong and lasting marriage.

Dream interpretation of N. Grishina: to see white mice in a dream is a very auspicious dream, foreshadowing definitely something good.

dead mice

See in a dream - bad sign. Most often, this is a sign of discord with family and loved ones, family troubles, problems and misunderstandings in personal relationships.

A dead mouse promises the dreamer problems in business, and even bankruptcy. Therefore, you should pay attention to your expenses and, if possible, reduce expenses, since they can be the cause of the deterioration of the financial condition.

According to the interpretation of the Mayan peoples, a dead mouse is a sign that someone wants the dreamer to die. But Nostradamus adhered to the version that this is a sign of material problems and money troubles.

kill mouse

The mouse is a dual symbol. On the one hand, she personifies anger, envy and trouble, and according to another version, meekness, positive emotions and happiness. Therefore, the interpretation of dreams differ. If initially the mouse is evil, then killing it will mean its destruction in reality. Killing a "positive" mouse will be a harbinger of defeat.

A new family dream book: in me - in reality, to defeat my enemies and envious people.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra: to catch or kill a mouse is an omen of a difficult and dangerous life situation, to get out of which the winner will be very difficult. You will have to call for help all your wisdom, willpower and ingenuity, then success awaits you. Aesop's dream book adheres to the same interpretation.

Seeing a lot of mice in a dream

Sleep with many mice can be interpreted in different ways. Most often, the invasion of rodents is a sign of emerging problems, intrigues from enemies or loved ones. Perhaps this dream warns of future financial losses and excessive spending. But in different dream books, a dream with many mice is interpreted in its own way.

French dream book: intrigues, conspiracies, insidious plans on the part of people close to you.

Family dream book: deceitfulness of friends, relatives. Business problems. A black streak may come in business.

Modern dream book: improvement in financial condition, good luck in business, big win.

Dream Interpretation Grishina: joyful event, happiness. If you had any difficulties in business or personal life, then you will overcome them.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: Hordes of mice portend famine, the outbreak of war, death.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra: good luck, a happy outcome of the plan. If you have a business started, then it will soon be completed with a good result. Problems that arise in cases will be resolved and eliminated.

Arabic dream book: you are surrounded by enemies and ill-wishers. It can also be a symbol of the dreamer's irritability. Perhaps he got bogged down in petty squabbles and domestic problems.

Indian dream book: famine will soon come, hard times not only for the dreamer, but also for those around him. This dream predicts trials.

Cats and mice dream together

In this case, it is also important to understand what kind of association gave impetus to the subconscious. According to one version, it is a symbol of vital wisdom and femininity, and the mouse is malice and envy. If in such a dream a cat catches a mouse, this is a sign of some important event, an upcoming choice or a fight against the enemy.
If the cat is an insidious predator and attacks the “gray mouse”, then in this way the subconscious mind tries to convey to the dreamer information about the danger or possible risk that threatens him.

According to Cleopatra's dream book, a mouse running away from a cat means that in reality the dreamer will be in danger but he'll get himself out of trouble.

But Zhou Gong's dream book interprets a dream in which he catches a mouse as a sign of imminent profit and improved financial condition.

Miller's dream book

  1. See a mouse. To family troubles problems quarrels with family and friends. In work, such a dream promises danger, risk and the possibility of failure.
  2. See in a dream a mouse that ran away. Wake may have to enter into a struggle, the result of which cannot be predicted.
  3. Kill the mouse. A dream promises victory over an enemy, competitor, ill-wisher.
  4. For a woman to see a mouse in a dream - a sign of intrigue and hypocrisy by her fans.
  5. A woman dreams of a mouse crawling on her dress. To a serious quarrel in which the dreamer will occupy a key position.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The interpretation of the dream about mice by the Bulgarian seer is more prosaic - it is an omen of the invasion of rodents that destroy grain. This will lead to a rise in the price of bread and difficulties.

Mouse squeak in a dream - to reproduction. Such a dream portends a grueling fight with rodents and the damage they cause.

Gypsy dream book

  1. To see mice in a dream - to the emergence of problems, troubles in various areas of life.
  2. Seeing a mouse caught in a trap is a forced action that you did not want. The situation will develop in such a way that you will be obliged to do something different from what you intended or wanted.
  3. To be afraid of a mouse in a dream - unexpected turn of events which will make you confused.
  4. Seeing a caught mouse is a symbol of helplessness. You do not control the situation, you are too soft-hearted and compliant. People around do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this, receiving benefits.
  5. Catch a mouse - in reality you will receive a letter or negative news.

According to dream books, small rodents are considered to be symbols of minor troubles and troubles. They will not cause serious trouble to the sleeper, but they will make you spend a lot of time and effort fighting them. Expert tips will help the reader to more accurately interpret what mice dream of in large numbers.

Mice are mentioned in every popular dream book. Any interpreter can tell in detail why these unpleasant rodents appear in a dream in a particular plot.

So, in Miller's dream book, mice turn out to be harbingers of minor problems. How quickly it will be possible to cope with them in reality, the same dream will tell you. If a person immediately trapped rodents or destroyed them in any way, then in real life you won’t have to deal with troubles for a long time.

The Family Dream Book notes that mice can promise a serious conflict with relatives. This interpretation is especially relevant if the rodent climbs up the clothes of the sleeping person. It is unlikely that it will be possible to prevent a quarrel, so you should try at least with dignity to get out of it in reality.

According to Aesop's dream book, the dreamer should associate mice appearing in a dream with himself. The plot suggests that in the character of a man or woman there are such negative traits as weakness and cowardice. It is necessary to actively fight them, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve significant life peaks.

Seeing small, large mice in a dream

People usually see small mice in that period of life when they have accumulated a lot of problems that have fallen on their shoulders like a burden. At first glance, it seems that it is completely impossible to deal with them. If the dreamer does not have enough strength to do it on his own, you can safely turn to friends and relatives for help.

Many little mice escaping from a mousetrap or other trap are a sign that the sleeper is dissatisfied with his family life. He is trying to find ways out of the situation, but so far he does not see them. To cope with problems as soon as possible, you need to start fighting them together with a partner.

A very large rodent symbolizes the attitude of a person towards his rival or competitor in work. The larger the mouse turned out to be, the more the sleeper is sure of his own loss in the battle with the enemy.

What does it mean to catch, kill a mouse in a dream

If the dreamer watches someone else kill a mouse in a dream and leave her bloodied corpse, this means that in reality there is a traitor next to the person. He will make himself known soon. But it is best to try to figure out in advance the source of your future troubles and, if possible, move it as far away from yourself as possible.

If you had to kill a mouse on your own in a dream, most likely, the rivals were so tired of the man or woman that there was a desire to eliminate them by any means. The main thing is not to overdo it and not choose a too cruel method of getting rid of competitors.

But catching rodents in a dream often turns out to be a good sign. If a person grabs them in his own house, then the planned plans will turn out to be winning and lead him to success in reality.

A mouse caught in a mousetrap suggests that real enemies have already set their traps for the sleeper. Waking up you need to be extremely careful not to get caught in them.

Why do mice dream in large numbers?

It happens that a lot of mice appear in night dreams. As a rule, such a plot is a warning of an impending "black streak". Problems in various areas of life will suddenly begin to pour on the dreamer.

If the sleeper's house is literally teeming with rodents of different sizes, then in reality it is surrounded by evil, envious people. Most likely, they are hidden behind a mask of virtue, which a person takes for truth. In order not to get burned, you need to try to learn to distinguish between lies and hypocrisy.

Mice running in large numbers precisely over the dreamer's body are harbingers of material problems. Trouble will be found in the financial sector. Perhaps the potentially profitable business in which the sleeper invested will turn out to be a failure. Or there will simply be so many necessary expenses in the near future that it will not be possible to cope with them. You need to be more careful with your money so as not to get into large debts.

Mice dreamed of men, women: interpretation

In order for the interpretation to turn out to be as true and truthful as possible, a lot of details and circumstances of the dream must be taken into account in the process. Among such important factors is the dreamer's gender. In general, it is believed that mice appear more often in a woman's dream. If a representative of the fair sex sees a rodent running around her dress, one can expect a grandiose scandal with loved ones. There is no way to avoid it, so you need to try to speed up its resolution.

A small vole in the girl's house is a sign that the sleeping woman will soon be able to find out the name of the person spreading dirty provocative rumors about her. His name really shocks a woman. But the disappointment will quickly be forgotten.

If a man feeds mice in his dream, then he needs the help of friends and relatives. The sleeper himself is embarrassed to ask for her, believing that this will demonstrate his weakness. The dream suggests that it is worthwhile to boldly appeal for help to others, only by accepting it, the dreamer will be able to quickly cope with the problems that have piled up.

A painful rodent bite promises a man the betrayal of a business partner. The partner will substitute the sleeper for his own financial gain.

Black, white, gray mouse

The meaning of the discussed dream options also depends on the color of the character.

If it was possible to remember it exactly, then such a detail must be taken into account when interpreting:

  • The black mouse is a harbinger of unpleasant gossip and ridicule behind the sleeper's back. They will turn out to be so offensive and painful for a person that they will knock him out of his usual life rut for a long time.
  • If a white mouse is seen by a representative of the fair sex, it is likely that her husband is not faithful to her. The same plot may suggest that slander about the dreamer is being spread by his close relatives or friends. Also, a white mouse is able to promise the sleeping ridicule of others because of his self-doubt.
  • A gray rodent from a dream suggests that a person is very afraid of impending changes. The main desire of the sleeper is a quiet, calm life in the usual rhythm. But there is no need to be so categorical. It is likely that the changes will bring joy and positive emotions.

If the mouse turned out to be a bright unnatural color, such a dream can be taken as an important warning. The sleeper loves to seek adventure and get involved in various scams. If he continues to behave in the same spirit, he will be in a stupid, ridiculous position.

Why dream of a cat catching a mouse?

A good dream can be called one in which a cat catches a mouse. It portends prosperity and profit. If a person recently started a new business, then you can be sure that it will be successful and will achieve the desired result.

If the sleeper watches the cat catch and release mice for fun, this is a hint that in real life a man or woman will get into a stupid position. To avoid this, you should take your affairs more seriously and responsibly.

Had to send a cat to catch mice? This means that in reality the dreamer himself will be forced by some of those around him to do what he does not want.

Bats in a dream

In most modern dream books, it is noted that bats turn out to be negative harbingers. Their appearance in a dream promises a person trouble in real life.

A dead animal suggests that the dreamer's immunity is greatly weakened. We must try to do everything possible to strengthen it. Otherwise, a man or woman will constantly face various ailments.

If in a dream a person feels that a bat is following him in the dark, as if chasing him, then in reality he is afraid of the outside world. The dreamer suffers from self-doubt, he is afraid of the future, does not understand how to behave when dealing with problems.

According to the French dream book, a flying rodent is a harbinger of the suffering that the surrounding people will cause to the sleeping person. But a very large flock of them promises the successful completion of the work begun.