Dream interpretation dead horse. Why is the horse dreaming

Not everyone can ride a horse in a dream, because this strong, freedom-loving animal can easily throw off its rider. The dream in which the dreamer rides a horse speaks of the swiftness of his life and that much will change soon.

Riding a horse in a dream means that in real life, the dreamer keeps everything under control, perfectly oriented in any situation. Such a person can be safely called a leader, a mentor, a true leader.

Lose control of a horse in a dream says about losing direction in life, about the weakening of control over the situation. It also indicates self-doubt, withdrawal inward.

If a person was knocked out of the saddle, then he will soon find himself in the clutches of his enemies, he will turn out to be a puppet in the hands of others. Riding bareback means a difficult struggle, from which the dreamer will nevertheless emerge victorious.

Riding a white horse speaks of faithful, devoted friends and like-minded people. If dirt is visible on the horse, then this indicates that not all people surrounded by the dreamer are his friends.

Ride a black horse indicates good luck in business and extraordinary luck, which will accompany the sleeper for a long time. Crossing the river on the back of an animal means financial profit and good luck in the professional field.

For a woman, riding a horse is a sign that she is popular with the opposite sex, not deprived of fans and attention. If a woman is afraid of a horse, this indicates that she doubts her lover, suspects him of treason.

For men, a similar dream indicates success in the professional field, on business acumen and the desire to win over competitors. For a girl, riding a horse means good luck on the love front, the favor of her lover. But the girl must remember that love will not be easy and you should fight for it even with yourself.

horseback riding indicates gaining power and respect from others. If the dreamer rides on horseback, and pedestrians are walking nearby, this indicates that the sleeper will soon become an influential person, take an important post.

Riding a black horse portends a meeting with a wise, experienced person, whose advice will help the dreamer in realizing his own plans. Riding a white horse means global changes in life, temporary instability.

Riding a brown horse for men portends financial success, profit, and for women - a large number of fans, attention from the opposite sex. A girl flying off the saddle portends a declaration of love, which she will reject.

horseback riding says about training, accumulation of knowledge and experience. Jumping on a horse with a running start means having an influential patron, help from the outside. Men ride a horse in the saddle indicates a faithful, loving wife, but to harness a mare with his own hand speaks of separation from his beloved woman.

Riding a brown horse means success in all matters and a successful completion of the event. A black horse in a dream promises men a rich chosen one with a harmful, difficult character.. Riding a white horse promises men to receive love, wealth and good luck.

I dreamed that I was riding a horse surrounded by riders - this promises family and financial well-being, many friends and allies. Riding surrounded by riders speaks of the betrayal of a loved one troubles in personal life. Seeing an unfamiliar rider indicates adultery.

Taking part in the race indicates haste and fuss, the inability to arrange a respite. Riding a horse in the arena means soon fun, a holiday.

Ride on a horse portends joy and family well-being as well as changes in various areas of life. Riding a horse in the saddle speaks of a successful journey soon.

Riding a harnessed three horses suggests that you will have to pay very dearly for a second pleasure. For women, such a dream indicates parting with a loved one. in which the dreamer herself will be guilty.

Riding a horse means being a winner in many life situations. To fall out of the saddle means find yourself in a situation that is difficult to control. A white, beautiful horse in a dream indicates the dreamer's creative potential, increased efficiency. But a dead, thin horse means trouble and failure.

Riding a horse means intensified competition, from which the dreamer, although he will emerge victorious, will suffer serious losses. If a horse throws a man out of the saddle, then fate has prepared for him many tests in the form of diseases and the loss of loved ones.

The curbing of a wild horse portends bright streak in life, changes for the better. Participation in the races means receiving a prize, a material benefit.

Seeing an unfamiliar rider in a dream indicates that the dreamer is moving on the wrong path and that he has enough strength to change his life. Taming a wild horse in a dream speaks of an extreme situation in which the sleeper will show courage and courage that is atypical for him.

Ride a horse over obstacles indicates that the dreamer himself exposes his health to serious danger and risk. To ride on a mountaintop means to achieve a high position at the cost of numerous victims. The dream also speaks of the conscious loneliness of the sleeper, of his tendency not to consult with anyone.

Riding a horse without a tail predicts a major quarrel over a trifle.

Ride on a white horse in a dream portends imminent happiness and prosperity. Riding together on the same horse suggests that the dreamer will soon meet his soul mate, truly fall in love with someone.

Riding a bay stallion portends wealth, respect for others, reconciliation with the old, sworn enemy.

To sit on a black horse means financial problems, the loss of a large amount of money. It is possible that the dreamer risks becoming a victim of scammers. If a wild horse tries to throw off a person, but he manages to stay in the saddle, this indicates an imminent profit, stabilization of the financial situation.

Seeing a rider on a horse in a dream means receiving news, but what it will be depends on the color of the animal - if the horse is white, then the news will be kind, pleasant, and if it is black, sad, even tragic.

For women to see a rider in a dream means that she is trying to become like her father, brother, grandfather and other male relative whom she admires. This indicates that a woman cannot find protection in the outside world, therefore, seeks strength for this within himself.

For men, a rider in a dream portends career advancement, success in the professional arena, occupying a high social position. If the rider is dressed in armor and armor, then this indicates the important mission of the sleeper, about his work on a major project.

See the headless horseman speaks of receiving unexpected but pleasant news. If the rider rushes and at the same time blows a horn, this portends the receipt of a valuable gift. To dream of the horseman of the apocalypse indicates an important event in life, the receipt of information that will change the fate of a person.

The rider in a dream rushed past the dreamer - this indicates adultery, the infidelity of a partner. If the rider fell off the horse, this predicts a break in the dreamer's love relationship, a discord in family relationships.

Watch the knights on horseback fighting in the tournament talking about love affairs dreamer, to the increased attention of the opposite sex. For a woman, such a dream promises a declaration of love from many fans, even a marriage proposal is not ruled out.

A horse with a cart in a dream personifies hard work, overwork, which the sleeper put on his shoulders. Such a dream portends the appearance of minor problems and difficulties that will prevent the dreamer from moving forward. In some cases, a dream indicates a person’s desire to earn some extra money.

To ride a horse-drawn cart yourself means that the dreamer's professional sphere is now stagnant and he can do nothing with the difficulties that have piled up. The dream advises to be patient and wait out this difficult period. If the dreamer drives a cart in a dream, then he is able to solve problems and the size of his troubles depends only on him.

Riding in a cart with a loved one indicates mutual understanding and trust between partners. But for a woman to see a horse with a cart driven by an unfamiliar man, talks about her frivolous behavior, naivety in love relationships that won't do her any good.

If a white horse is harnessed to a cart, this indicates a happy, prosperous future. If a black horse is harnessed to a cart, then this indicates the intrigues of enemies, problems and a possible illness.

Riding in a beautiful, comfortable carriage with horses portends a change for the better, happiness in your personal life and wealth. Riding in a broken carriage predicts disappointment and loss of income. Riding in a carriage drawn by a sick, thin horse speaks of an imminent illness of a sleeping person or his loved one.

I dreamed of a wedding carriage drawn by horses, indicates that in reality the dreamer will receive everything that he dreams of. To drive the carriage yourself means that in reality unexpected, interesting events will occur that will surprise the dreamer and remain in his memory for a long time.

Drive a carriage with a coat of arms on the door speaks of the dreamer's pessimism, a tendency to depression and despair, because of which a person does not dare to do something truly great, worthy.

Dream interpretation is an ancient and complex science. Those who want to lift the veil of secrecy over the future are trying to decipher the emotions and pictures that arise in dreams. You can understand a lot by opening a dream book; the horse and everything connected with it is often considered an auspicious sign. Depending on the details, what you see indicates the coming good changes, but not only them.

What is the dream of a herd of horses?

The graceful animal is believed to dream only of hardy people. If the horse is not one, but there are many of them, this is a pleasant omen with rare exceptions. The dream is interpreted in two ways, and details play a big role in it.

  1. To dream of a herd of rearing horses means being under the protection of higher powers, career growth and success in business.
  2. Stallions rush past - to resolve all troubles.
  3. If the horses are wild, unbridled, this is a kind of warning to the sleeper that there is no need to constantly restrain emotions.
  4. Animals scatter - unfortunately.
  5. They play and bite each other - competitors expect miscalculations from a person.
  6. Graze calmly - to a good position without anxiety.
  7. A herd of horses in a dream for a young woman is a good sign, perhaps she will get married soon.
  8. And if the number of goals in the herd cannot be counted, a brilliant victory awaits on any front.

Why is the white horse dreaming?

The color of the animal means a lot. And a white horse in a dream is traditionally regarded as a wonderful sign!

  1. The light color of the stallion indicates unexpected, but great joy, for example, a wedding, a kind letter or positive thoughts that can take you far.
  2. It is especially good if a person rides such a horse. This promises the strength of friendly ties and joyful meetings.
  3. If a girl had a dream: she gallops over the hills and sees another rider behind her, and their horses are fundamentally different colors (light and black), success and failure will alternate in her life.
  4. Animals of different colors can mean ups and downs in the work area.

Why is the black horse dreaming?

Unlike a light "kind" horse, a black animal does not always mean the exact opposite. Every dream book declares this; what a dark-colored horse is dreaming of, you can find out by opening it.

  1. Black horses are harbingers of trouble, changes that are not always pleasing.
  2. At this very time - a powerful sexual symbol. The mare denotes satisfaction with lovemaking, and the stallion is a sign of unbridled energy in the intimate sphere.
  3. A dark-colored wild horse is chasing a girl - for a speedy marriage and engagement.
  4. If a free woman saddles a black stallion or receives one as a gift, a new lover will appear in her life.
  5. And if a married woman sees how she is walking along the seashore with a black horse, then her family life is not entirely ideal, and she strives for freedom.

Why is the brown horse dreaming?

A bay horse in a dream promises positive changes. If you had such a dream, a person is waiting for:

  • meeting with a good friend;
  • excellent health now and in the future, especially if the animal is beautiful and well-groomed;
  • stroking a bay horse - to gaining a dream in the family;
  • feed a carrot or an apple - to its execution;
  • a woman who sees in a dream how she rides a brown horse should be ready to receive material benefits and refuse an annoying admirer.

Why is the red horse dreaming?

The personification of inner experiences, strong emotions can be found in a dream, where an animal of a bright “fiery” color appears. According to an old interpretation, if a kaurai horse is dreaming, unpleasant changes can occur in life, such as:

  • hard drinking;
  • suspicions, doubts about someone or something;
  • passing hobby;
  • worries and troubles;
  • sudden sadness that will pass quickly;
  • running red horses are harbingers of bad changes in life, perhaps good luck, which decided to turn away.

What is the dream of a running horse?

After a frightening or strange dream, people ask themselves: I dreamed of a horse, what is it for? The allegorical image of a passing herd is interpreted positively, expecting a quick change in career and personal life, but here it is important to note the details, they will tell a lot.

  1. The running horse personifies long-cherished plans that will come true.
  2. If a person dreams that he is a driver who directs the horses in the chosen direction, this is a good sign. He should not be afraid to take responsibility in various matters.
  3. If the speeding horses are out of control, new duties lie ahead.
  4. Left clouds of dust - you have to understand the work done by others.
  5. According to the dream book, a horse spotted or in apples, which ran up to the dreamer, brings with it a lucky chance.

What is the dream of a horse with a foal?

Motherhood is not just for women. A bright symbol seen in dreams speaks of imminent childbirth.

  1. The Persian dream book portends that if a horse dreamed in a dream, and not alone, but with a baby, this indicates the imminent birth of a son.
  2. A foal in a dream is a sign of good, kind. In a mother's dream, he personifies her son (all his actions will be repeated in life), and men - longing for a dear woman.
  3. Seeing the birth process is a meeting with a person who is positive in all respects.
  4. The foal has just appeared - a sign that any business or creativity started will be successful.
  5. If the newborn immediately jumped to his feet, this promises a big profit.
  6. And if a foal and mother peacefully graze in a meadow, this may portend a long separation from a loved one.

What is the dream of a horse with a cart?

The horse is a symbol of freedom, and any cart limits its movement. This allegorical image is reflected in dreams.

  1. To dream of a horse harnessed to a carriage or cart symbolizes well-being, which, however, is limited by certain obligations.
  2. The image of a cart may arise in connection with the upcoming difficult work. Don't be afraid or put off.
  3. A carriage with horses means glory and honors that will descend on a person.
  4. If in a dream a cart passes by, relations with loved ones will be strained.
  5. And when a person himself drives a horse with a team, it means that the path up the career ladder will not be easy.

Why dream of riding a horse?

Different dream books interpret dreams in different ways, in which a person saddles a horse and takes a walk on it.

  1. According to Miller, such dreams indicate profit and prosperity.
  2. According to Freud, riding a horse in a dream means subconsciously thinking about procreation.
  3. The Muslim dream book claims: horse riding means power, which itself goes into the hands.
  4. The mare kicks under the rider - to obstacles on the way to well-being.
  5. A bareback horse portends an approach to prosperity soon, but through hard work.
  6. Riding a horse in a dream quickly, racing at full speed through crowded streets - perhaps this is a warning: soon the dreamer may become the leader of a criminal group.
  7. In addition, as the dream book says, the horse that was caught up and saddled in a dream portends problems that can be solved.

Why dream of stroking a horse?

Stately strong animals are attractive not only in reality. I want to touch them even when I'm dreaming. But what does a horse being petted mean in a dream?

  1. For a woman and a girl - a willingness to enter into.
  2. For a man, it symbolizes erotic fantasies that need to be realized.
  3. If the dreamer strokes the horse while riding it, the authorities will soon appreciate his work.
  4. And if the dreamer caresses the animal and says goodbye to him, in reality he misses the past and does not want to let him go.
  5. Such a dream may mean a lack of love and warmth in the family.

Why dream of feeding a horse?

Interesting events can be told by a dream, in which running away from a horse is not at all an attempt to get away from problems, but a promise to meet a good person. And feeding a horse has several completely different interpretations.

  1. You need help from one of your loved ones.
  2. A person is waiting for an improvement in well-being and additional income.
  3. Victory over rivals is possible with the efforts of the dreamer.
  4. Feeding foals is a sign of reconciliation with enemies and profit.

Why is a pregnant horse dreaming?

Suddenly, the sleeper managed to notice that the animal he saw in his dreams would soon become a mother. This is given two different interpretations:

  1. Some dream books interpret a horse that is waiting for offspring as having worries and troubles in life. Perhaps a friend or relative needs help.
  2. According to other predictions, seeing a horse in a dream that will soon foal is a good sign. Dreams promise an opportunity to get rich in the near future.
  3. Also, a dream means that profit can come from where the least expected.

What is the dream of a mad horse?

People are accustomed to unambiguously and straightforwardly interpret their dreams. And if you dream of a horse that rushes at full speed, is not controllable and has gone crazy by all indications, it may seem that this is a bad sign. However, it is not.

  1. According to the Chinese dream book, such frightening dreams are a pleasant sign.
  2. It is believed that all problems in life will resolve themselves.
  3. If the horse is large, rears up - an influential strong patron will appear (or already exists) in the dreamer's life.

Why is a dead horse dreaming?

The worst thing you can imagine is death. A dead horse symbolizes unpleasant life moments:

  1. A dream promises great losses that the sleeper will suffer.
  2. A dying animal speaks of a severe lack of funds.
  3. A decaying corpse promises ruin.
  4. A dead horse is bad news from afar.
  5. If the dreamer himself dealt with the horse, be the cause of his own adversity.
  6. But if a fallen animal suddenly comes to life and tries to kick a person, the sworn enemy will soon make itself known. He will harm and intrigue.

Sometimes dreams are misleading, but you really want to know what to expect from the future. According to the dream book, a horse in a dream symbolizes the sleeping person himself. This is an expanded vision of yourself. A strong, fast animal with its appearance and behavior will tell you what to expect from relationships, careers, loved ones and enemies, and how to act in certain situations.

Since ancient times, people have paid great attention to dreams. In the beliefs of some peoples, it was believed that, being in the arms of Morpheus, the human soul is able to leave the mortal body and travel in space and time. Modern science considers dreams as some kind of vector tests and signals from the subconscious, which is trying to "focus" a person on certain things. That is why the meaning of dreams and the correct interpretation of dreams is so important.

Let's try to figure out what the horse is dreaming of and how a dream in which this animal is present can affect a person's future life.

The symbolism of the horse is extremely complex and varied. According to one point of view, the horse is a symbol of courage, strength, speed and wisdom, and according to another, this animal denotes the cyclical development of the world and serves as a conductor between the world of the living and the world of the dead. From time immemorial, the horse has been associated with great, wise and powerful warriors, for whom this animal served not only as a means of transportation, but also as an indispensable assistant in battle and a true friend. However, taming a horse is not at all easy.

There were legends about the strength and power of wild horse herds. One of them tells how a huge number of wild horses grazed around a certain English town, but all the efforts of people to tame these wayward animals turned into a failure. Ultimately, herds of wild horses surrounded the town, and its inhabitants were forced to live in a siege, unable to leave it.

There is an opinion that the words of the famous song "Wild Horses" by the Rolling Stones: "Wild horses couldn't drag me away", which can be translated as: "Even wild horses could not stop me", speak precisely of strength and the power of these unbridled animals.

In the beliefs of many peoples, the horse is regarded as a messenger of the gods or an animal that carries dead people to the other world. In this regard, we can say that the horse can symbolize both life and death. The suit of the horse also plays an important role. Traditionally, white horses were associated with the light forces of good, and black horses with the dark forces of evil. The red suit is identified with the power of the flame and speaks of the fiery origin of the animal.

In ancient legends and tales, horses were often endowed with a predictive gift. The horse warned his master against impending troubles, which often saved his life. In this aspect, we can say that the horse symbolizes the unknown depths of the human subconscious and his developed intuition. A horse can be both a messenger of light forces and a harbinger of trouble. Everyone knows the four horses - the symbols of the Apocalypse: war, death, famine and epidemic.

Regarding the question of what the horse is dreaming of, then in this case many points must be taken into account. When interpreting night dreams, it is extremely important to focus on how the animal looks in a dream, what it does and what feelings it evokes. The number of dreaming horses and their suit is of truly global importance. You can not ignore the role of the "dreamer" in a dream. Consider some of the most common dreams involving horses.

Number of horses

If you dream of horses, first of all pay attention to their number. But first, let's figure out what it means to see a horse in a dream. If we ignore the side nuances of sleep and consider the animal in its purest form, then the dreaming mare can symbolize female attractiveness, beauty and grace. For a man, such a dream promises a pleasant acquaintance or amorous adventures. For a woman to see a mare in a dream can mean a meeting with a bosom or sworn friend.

The stallion symbolizes masculinity and male sexuality, therefore, if a lonely girl dreamed of this animal, she will meet a pleasant man or even a dizzying love affair. To see a stallion in a dream for a representative of the strong half of humanity means a meeting with a friend or business partner. It can also be a harbinger of the appearance of an opponent.

Two horses

To see two mares or stallions in a dream means strife and misunderstandings, especially when horses fight in people's dreams. If a pair of horses of different sexes dreamed up, then such a vision could be a harbinger of a love affair or marriage bonds.

Seeing a horse with a foal in a dream means that the dream will come true in the near future. If you had a dream in which a mare gave birth to a small foal, then pleasant changes for the better in amorous affairs or noticeable improvements in business are expected in speed. The dream book associates the appearance of a giving birth horse in night dreams with a good time for new business and undertakings.

If, while under the wing of Morpheus, you were lucky enough to watch the birth of a foal, this is a good omen. It happens that in his dream a person sees how a horse with a foal enters his house. These visions mean that a white streak begins in the life of the one who saw them. In any case, if you dreamed of a little foal, then this is a great omen. But some dream books interpret a galloping foal as a danger of making rash decisions.

Three horses

If a trio of horses dreamed, then this could promise both an approaching trip and bad consequences of actions. Three horses mean that you can become the object of gossip, and your actions will be condemned and condemned. If a trio of horses is harnessed to a wagon and there is no interaction between the animals, then squabbles and strife will begin in the family or team. If the animals gallop harmoniously, then in the affairs of a person and in his life everything will be in its place, without excesses.

Many animals

Often in our dreams there is not one animal or two, but many - a whole herd. Consider why a herd of horses is dreaming. According to Miller's dream book, if you see a lot of peacefully grazing stallions, this means that order and prosperity await you in amorous affairs and in work. If the grass in the meadow where the herd grazes has withered or is scarce, then this may mean that friends or relatives who are in financial difficulties will turn to you for help. When an unringed girl dreams of a herd of beautiful horses, this may be a harbinger of her imminent marriage.


If Morpheus brought a horse and you want to decipher the dream, analyze the color of the animal. So:

  1. Why is the white horse dreaming? Seeing a white horse in a dream means that a whole stream of all kinds of blessings will fall upon you. According to Islamic beliefs, to see oneself sitting on a white horse is to joy and vitality. If a girl dreams of a beautiful white horse, then she should prepare for an imminent marriage, and if white horses visited a man’s dreams, then he will have a fun pastime in the company of good friends. If a man in a dream vision saddled a snow-white horse, then soon he will start a romantic relationship with a young lady. If a girl or woman rides a trio of white horses, then she should avoid situations that can denigrate her in the eyes of her soulmate.
  2. Now let's figure out why a black horse is dreaming. If you were lucky enough to see a black horse in a dream, then soon you should expect the fulfillment of your plan, but this will not bring the expected satisfaction. If a young lady sees a black horse in a nightly slumber, then she will have a meeting with her betrothed, who is unlikely to meet all her expectations. If in night dreams a woman is given a black horse, then she will meet with a guy who will not reciprocate her feelings. You can count on strengthening health or a speedy recovery if you see a beautiful black mare in a dream vision. Juno's dream book considers a black horse as a symbol of dissatisfaction with oneself and the people around. Of particular interest is the horse of a black suit, that is, black with a tint. Seeing a black horse in a dream or riding it - expect a spoke in the wheels in all endeavors.
  3. According to the dream book, a brown horse means that the dreamer should wait for a promotion or the conclusion of lucrative business contracts. For a lady to see a brown horse in a dream is to gain popularity among gentlemen. If a whole flock of young brown animals visited you in a night nap, then you will have complete order in all your current affairs. In general, even a dark brown horse does not bode well for a person.
  4. A blue, pink or other unusual color horse in a dream means that your desires will come true, but in order to achieve the goal, you will have to use rather extraordinary methods.
  5. According to the dream book, a gray horse means a meeting with a religious person.
  6. If you dream of a scarlet horse, this means that in your actions you are guided not by the voice of reason, but by the emotional component.
  7. According to the dream book, a red horse is a harbinger of considerable trouble. If you dreamed of a beautiful red mare - do not panic, big chores will end in luck.
  8. If you had a chance to see a bay horse in a dream, then this means that you will be lucky enough to meet a good disinterested person who is ready to stand up for you.
  9. Very often people meet spotted horses in their dreams, or, as they are also called, “in apples”. If Morpheus gave you an apple-colored stallion, this is an indicator of profit and good luck in your next business.

The appearance of the horse

Considering the question of what the horse is dreaming of, you need to pay special attention to the appearance of the animal and how it behaves. If a young beautiful animal is present in night visions, then this means that in the near future everything will be pretty good for you. If the horse from sleep is sick, thin, old or dead, then in this case not everything is so smooth. If horses are old, thin and sick in a dream, this is a sure sign that you will be slandered and attacked.

dead horse

It is worth dwelling in more detail on dreams with dead horses. Dead animals in night visions do not bode well, but nothing terrible from their appearance, you also do not need to wait. In the interpretation of such dreams, the circumstances under which you "saw" a dead horse are important. For example, if you see a dead horse, then sad news awaits you.

If a dead or slaughtered mare lying in a pool of blood appeared before your eyes, then perhaps your blood relatives are in trouble. This applies to those animals that you saw already dead.

Now let's deal with night dreams in which the horse dies before your eyes or you witnessed his murder. If the rulers of sleep show you how a mare is killed, how she fell and died before your eyes, then this means that in real life you have taken on an unbearable burden that is too hard to bear.

If you happened to kill an animal with your own hands in a dream, this may mean that you hurt your loved ones with wrong behavior or cruel words. If a fallen wounded horse appeared before you, then it is in your power to change everything for the better. If a wounded horse continues to stand, then you will be able to get out of the water dry, despite all the adverse circumstances. A mare who stumbled, fell, but managed to rise means that a white one will soon come behind a black stripe in a person’s life.

Continuing the theme of dead animals, it is worth noting that a dreaming horse on fire means that in business terms you are in danger of collapse.

Other designations

If you had a dream in which a calmly standing or sleeping mare was present, this is a wake-up call that you need to take a closer look at your surroundings. A talking horse means that you have come closer to understanding yourself and your place in life. Adherents of Islam believe that if a dreaming horse is talking to a person, you need to listen to his words: perhaps they are prophetic.

If you dreamed of an aggressive horse that beats with its hoof and tries to kick, this means that soon you should expect attacks from friends or work colleagues. If a mad horse with foam at the mouth appeared in a night's slumber, then in this case you have to work hard to make your plan come true.

A rearing mare also does not bode well. If a horse reared up in a dream and threw you to the ground, then this means a quarrel or parting with a loved one. If, drowsy, you witnessed how a rearing horse threw another person, then perhaps some hidden circumstances will be revealed to you. It happens that in a dream vision, expecting to see a horse, you see a pony next to you. This means that your views on some things are wrong, and your self-esteem is somewhat underestimated.

If you dreamed of a horse's head separately from an animal, then this means that the truth is still hidden from you. A huge animal in a dream signals that your ambitions are very high, and in your actions you are guided by feelings and emotions, and not by a cold mind. A very small horse indicates a desire to get rid of some desires and urges. A fabulous horse with huge wings flying in the sky speaks of hidden talents in terms of art and literature that need to be developed.

If you dream of horse races, then this means that you are a risky person. If you not only watch the races, but also participate in them yourself, then it is important how it ends. In case of victory, all sorts of benefits await you, and in the event of a fall or defeat, trouble. Dreams in which a dead man sits on a horse are prophetic dreams. Perhaps they want to convey a message that is very important to you.

Sleep Circumstances

In the interpretation of dreams, even the smallest details are important. So, riding a horse in a dream book means the ability to control your destiny and cope with various life circumstances. Another interpretation of the night dreams in which you happened to ride a horse in a dream is to receive news soon. Consider in more detail the cases of riding horses, as follows:

  1. Riding a beautiful strong horse is a change in life.
  2. Riding an old decrepit mare - everything will not work out as planned.
  3. Riding a black horse - waiting for bad news.
  4. Riding a snow-white horse is good news.
  5. Riding a horse on a rough road - failure will be followed by success and vice versa.
  6. Riding a mare around the city is a change in the professional field.
  7. Riding through the forest - to soul-searching and dissatisfaction with life.
  8. Sitting on a horse running in a circle - to a hopeless situation.
  9. Jumping with other riders - to a noisy feast.
  10. Jumping in the company of female riders - to become dependent on someone.
  11. If you dreamed of a running horse on which a rider was sitting, this is to receive important news.
  12. If not a rider, but a rider was sitting on a horse, then for men this is a pleasant acquaintance, and for women - to the appearance of a rival.

In addition to riding, in a dream you can see a horse in various situations, for example:

  1. If you dream that a stranger is riding your horse or you see that gypsies have stolen it, this may be a harbinger of the departure of the second half or even her death. The same interpretation has a dream in which the horse ran away and joined someone else's herd.
  2. Let's figure out what the dream of a horse that bathes in the river is. This dream portends a good time for various undertakings. To wash a horse in clean water - you have to fight against life's difficulties. If you dream that a horse is drowning, expect disappointments and quarrels in your personal life. Save a drowning horse - there is a chance to restore relations.
  3. If you had a dream in which you saw a carriage with horses, then it can be a harbinger of success, honor and power. The more animals in the horse team, the higher your position. If the horses are carrying a simple cart, then this means that you will face certain life difficulties, the solution of which cannot be postponed.
  4. If you feed a horse in your dreams, your friends may need your help. To feed a mare with bread is to strive to improve material well-being. If an animal takes food with pleasure in a dream, this is a good sign. If you drink a horse in night dreams, you will have a speedy recovery or good health.
  5. When in a dream a horse attacks you, kicks you, knocks you down, tramples, bites your arm, leg or other parts of the body, expect the appearance of a long-forgotten ill-wisher. If you see horse bite marks on your hand, your significant other has something to hide from you. The same can be said about dreams in which the horse kicked you or wants to knock you down. If in front of your eyes a mare hit another person, this is an unexpected visitor.
  6. If you happened to hug and stroke a horse in a dream, then in reality you will meet with an old acquaintance.
  7. Often people have dreams in which they have to run away from a horse. If you dream that an animal is chasing you, this is a romantic acquaintance. If a white horse was chasing you, this is a great love.
  8. If a person had a dream in which he happened to plow the land with the help of a horse, good earnings await him.
  9. Buying a horse in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, means prosperity and victory over enemies. According to another version, buying a mare in a dream is news.
  10. If you were presented with a horse in a dream, this is to prosperity.
  11. Catching a horse in a dream and catching it is a loss.
  12. Let's figure out what the horse is dreaming of in a dwelling: an apartment or a house. If in a dream you found a horse in your house, this is fortunate. If you see a horse near your house, the trouble will soon be resolved. A white horse in the house is good news.
  13. Losing and then looking for a horse in a dream is a bad omen. Such dreams can be a warning that not everything is going smoothly in your family and nothing will be solved without efforts on your part. Losing a horse and then finding it is a chance to rectify the situation.
  14. Often in the dreams of people there is manure. You should not be afraid of such dreams, because everything connected with "shit" in a dream is a good omen. At the same time, it does not matter whose litter it is: a horse, a donkey, a dog, a goat, a wolf, or bulls left it. Even if these are human excrement and they belong to a child or an adult, this is a good sign. If you had a dream in which a horse poops, expect profit, winnings or inheritance.

according to Miller's dream book

Riding a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign. First of all, it promises you the strength of friendly ties and the joy of meeting with comrades in spirit. If you see that your horse is dirty, then deceit and envy from those you trust are possible. If you dream that you are riding a black horse, it means that you will succeed in business for a long time and unexpectedly discover the vanity and futility of your studies. Watching the run of brown horses promises you favorable circumstances that will suddenly change for the worse. This dream can also portend fleeting and superficial hobbies. Seeing horses in spotted apples is a future business benefit. Riding a beautiful bay horse - portends exaltation, satisfaction of desires. To a woman who sees this dream, he promises determination to refuse an annoying admirer and material gain in the near future. To see that your horse is running away, joining a wild herd, means that news of someone's illness awaits you. In general, seeing beautiful horses in a dream promises you success and prosperity. If in a dream you are riding through a transparent stream, good luck awaits you, but joy will be overshadowed by something if you look down into dark water. The fulfillment of many dreams and gaining profit in business promises you a dream that you are crossing a clean river on the back of a horse. But to see a wounded or dead horse in a dream is sad news. Riding a kicking horse - to various difficulties on the way to good luck. If the horse throws you off or kicks you hard on the back, then fate will send you a test in the face of opponents or illness awaits you. Grab a horse by the bridle and subdue it to your will - promises you a sharp favorable change in life. If in a dream you admire a well-shod horse, your success in the near future will amaze even your own imagination. For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life. Participating in horse racing is a harbinger of a prosperous life. Shoeing your own horse yourself - to acquire property in a dubious way. If you dream that you are deftly riding a bareback horse, it means that you will be able to gain prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, and reliable help from friends is also possible in this dream. Riding in a female environment promises you uncertainty in future desires, your addiction. If you watch how a horse is cleaned, or you clean it yourself with a comb, such a dream promises you great trials, hard work on the way to honors and a firm position in life. For business people, peasants, writers, a dream is very favorable in which they decorate the mane and tail of a horse. If you dream of horses harnessed to a carriage, then this promises obstacles to happiness. If you dream that you are climbing a narrow path to a high mountain on horseback, you will achieve a very strong position in life in reality. If, with such an ascent, the horse does not stand up and you climb the rest of the way on foot, then your strong position will be won at the cost of great efforts. If a girl sees herself in a dream as a rider on a black horse, this means an unexpected event that will help the fulfillment of her desires, as well as her communication with wise respectful interlocutors. Going down the hill - to failure. Seeing a lover riding a horse behind her promises a woman success with interesting successful fans. If the rider is frightened, then this portends her in reality the anxiety and jealousy of a loved one. If a girl dreams that she jumps off a horse and it instantly turns into a pig, then this portends her reckless rejection of profitable marriage proposals, after which her preferred freedom will soon seem hateful to her. If a girl dreams that she is riding a white horse over a hilly area and, looking around, constantly sees a rider on a black horse behind her, this promises her an alternation of successes and failures and constant anxiety in her soul for the fate of an important business for her. If you dream of a horse that fell from heaven and turned into a stranger who throws something at you, this means a serious setback, unfulfilled hopes and, for a while, the failure of your attempts to master the situation. If in a dream you see horses grazing in a meadow, this means a well-established business and coordinated actions of your partners. Barren pasture, dry land promise you poor but devoted friends. For a young person, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage. Seeing a horse trader in a dream promises you material gain, but risky ventures. Buying a horse yourself and realizing in a dream that the merchant is deceiving you is a loss. Selling a not very good horse, leaving yourself a thoroughbred one, is a great luck.

Why is the horse dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fate, hope; white - complaint, arrangement of affairs, wedding (for women); getting off the horse - loss of position; to sit on horseback - the realization of hopes; went into the house - happiness, to marriage, if saddled; bareback - a love affair; (for a woman) - hope for a relationship, for marriage; riding a well-saddled horse (mare) is a beautiful and rich wife; riding someone else's horse - joy, joy with a beautiful lady; someone rides your horse - a temptation among loved ones; riding a horse with a long tail - the help of friends; harness a horse - the loss of a loved one; to sit on horseback - patronage, success in business; see Ride.

See a horse in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Has a dual meaning. As a solar force, a white, golden or fiery horse appears with the sun gods harnessed to their chariots; like the lunar element of moisture, the sea and chaos force are the warhorses of the oceanic gods. Thus, the horse symbolizes both life and death. The horse also symbolizes intellect, wisdom, mind, reason, nobility, light, dynamic strength, agility, speed of thought, the running of time. She has an instinctive sensitive animal nature, magical powers of deification and symbolizes the wind and sea waves. Appears in the images of the gods of fertility and Vanir. The devil can ride on her, and then she becomes phallic. If the rider is Wild Hunter and Earl King, it means death. The winged horse is the Sun or the cosmic horse. It represents pure intellect, innocence, chastity, life and light; they are ruled by heroes. At a later time, the horse replaced the bull in sacrifices. Both of them personify the gods of Heaven and fertility, male power, as well as chthonic powers. The white horse of the ocean is related to both the water principle and the fire principle. A lion killing a bull or a horse means the Sun, drying up moisture and fog. The black horse is a sign of a funeral. Heralds death and symbolizes chaos. Appears during the twelve days of chaos between the old and the new year. The sacrifice of the October horse means the death of death. In Buddhism, the horse is something indestructible, the hidden nature of things. The winged or cosmic horse "Cloud" is one of the images of Avalokiteshvara or Kwan-Yin. The Buddha left the house on a white horse. In Chinese Buddhism, the winged horse carries the Book of the Law on its back. Among the Celts, a horse is an attribute or image of horse gods, such as Epona, the Great Horse, the mare goddess, Mebd from Tara and Macha from Ulster, the protector of horses as chthonic deities and the forces of death. The horse can also be a solar symbol as a sign of courage, fertility; in addition, he is a psychopomp and a messenger of the gods. In Chinese mythology, the horse is Heaven, fire, yang, south, speed, perseverance, good omen. The horse is one of the seven symbolic animals of the Twelve Earthly Branches. His hoof, not a horseshoe, brings good luck. When the cosmic horse is solar, it is contrasted with the earthly cow, but when it appears with the dragon symbolizing Heaven, the horse personifies the earth. A winged horse carrying the Book of the Law on its back is a sign of good luck and wealth. In marriage symbolism, the horse means speed and accompanies the groom, the strong lion, the bride is accompanied by flowers. The horse is a typical symbol of fertility and powerful power. In Christianity, the horse is the Sun, courage, nobility. Later, during the Renaissance, he began to symbolize lust. In the catacomb images, the horse meant the rapid passage of time. The four horses of the Apocalypse are war, death, famine and epidemic. The horse is the emblem of Saints George, Martin, Mauritius, Victor; wild horses - the emblem of St. Hippolytus. It is noteworthy that the horse is completely absent from Egyptian symbolism. Among the Greeks, white horses carry the solar chariot of Phoebus and, being the principle of moisture, are associated with Poseidon as the god of the sea, earthquakes and springs. Poseidon can appear as a horse. The Dioscuri ride on white horses. Pegasus means the transition from one level to another, he carries the lightning of Zeus. Centaurs often appear in rites dedicated to Dionysus. In Hinduism, the horse is a bodily vehicle, and the rider is a spirit. Mare Manu - deified land. The white horse Kalki is the last incarnation or vehicle of Vishnu when he appears for the tenth time bringing peace and salvation to the world. Varuna, the cosmic horse, is born from the waters. Gandharvas, horse people, are a combination of natural fertility and abstract thinking, intellect and music. The horse is the guardian of the South. In Iranian mythology, the chariot of Ardvisura Anahita is harnessed by four white horses: wind, rain, cloud and sleet. The Magician's chariot is harnessed by four war horses, symbolizing the four elements and their gods. In Islam, a horse is happiness and wealth. In Japanese mythology, a white horse is a means of transportation or a form of manifestation of Bato Kwannon, corresponding to the Indian Buddhist Avalokiteshvara and the Chinese Kuan-yin, the goddess of mercy and the Great Mother. She can appear either as a white horse, with the head of a horse, or with the figure of a horse in her crown. The black horse is an attribute of the rain god. In Mithraism, white horses carry the chariot of Mithras as the sun god. The Romans have white horses harnessed to the chariots of Apollo and Mithras. Epona, borrowed from the Celts, becomes the Roman goddess - the protector of horses. She was also a funerary deity. The Dioscuri ride on white horses. The horse is an attribute of Diana the hunter. In Scandinavian and Teutonic mythology, the horse is dedicated to Odin, who rode the eight-legged mare Sleipnir. The horse appears accompanied by Vanir as the god of fields, forests, the Sun and rain. The clouds are the war horses of the Valkyries. In the shamanic tradition, the horse is a psychopomp; means the transition from this world to another. In addition, it is associated with sacrifice and is a sacrificial animal in Siberia and Altai. The horse's skin and head have ritual significance. The skin, like a golden fleece, carries the symbolism of fat, and the head contains the life principle. In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the chariot of the sun god Marduk was harnessed by four horses. The horse head was the emblem of Carthage. The winged horse appears on Assyrian bas-reliefs and Carthaginian coins. In Taoism, the horse is an attribute of Chang Kuo, one of the eight immortal Taoist geniuses.

What is the dream of a horse according to Miller's dream book

according to Miller's dream book

Jumping quickly in a dream on a beautiful white horse - to cheerful meetings with friends and buddies, strengthening friendly ties. A dirty animal is dreaming - beware of deceit and envy, especially from people you trust. Saddle a black horse and race on it - to success in business, which will last for quite a long period. You also realize the futility and unnecessary of some of your projects and hobbies. To see brown horses running across the field - circumstances will turn out well, but then bad changes will come abruptly. This plot can also predict fleeting, random interests. A spotted horse promises profit in business endeavors. Riding a beautiful bay stallion - to the fulfillment of desires. If a lady dreams of such a plot, she will have the will to refuse courtship to an annoying admirer, and this also means receiving income in the near future. If you dream that the animal is running away from you - wait for the news of the illness of a friend or relative. In general, to see beautiful, well-groomed, purebred individuals - to success and prosperity. Crossing a clean stream on horseback - to good luck soon. Crossing a river with clear waters - to fulfill dreams, receive dividends. But a wounded or dead animal is bad news. Prancing on a wayward, bucking horse is a harbinger of difficulties and obstacles on the path to prosperity. If you fall from a horse or she kicks you, fate is preparing a test for you, for example, some kind of illness or ill-wishers. Curbing a horse, subordinating it to your will is a good dream, promising sudden changes for the better. To admire a beautiful individual with admiration - your successes will soon be so significant that they will even amaze you yourself. For a woman to admire a graceful animal in a dream - to meet a man who will become her friend for life. An unusual plot - a horse that fell from the sky and turned into a stranger who threw some kind of object at you - means significant troubles, a collapse of hopes, unsuccessful attempts to cope with piled up failures. However, the situation will return to normal soon. Watch in a dream a herd grazing in a meadow - to establish business and good relationships with partners. A pasture with dry grass - to poor, but sincere friends, and if a young girl sees such a dream - to a happy marriage for her. Dream of a horse dealer selling horses - to the material gain received in a risky business. If you are trying to buy a mare from a merchant in a dream, and he is deceiving you - to losses, expenses. But if you yourself sell a bad individual, and leave yourself a thoroughbred - to great luck. Being a participant in the races is an omen of a quiet life in abundance. Riding bareback - you will overcome many difficulties on the way to prosperity, while friends will come to the rescue. Shoe a horse - to receive material wealth in a dubious way. If a man rides, and there are women around him - to ambiguity for future purposes. Watching a horse being cleaned or doing it yourself - a dream predicts great life difficulties, hard work, before a stable position is reached. For people who have a business or farmland, as well as for writers, a dream in which they weave ribbons or other decorations into the mane and tail of an animal is of good importance. Harnessed to a carriage, they promise difficulties on the way to the intended goal. Riding up a narrow path in the mountains - to achieve a stable position in reality. Leaving the horse halfway and walking the rest of the road means that the path to stability will not be easy, full of difficulties and efforts. If a girl dreams that she is riding a black horse - to the embodiment of her cherished desires by the will of some unexpected event, as well as communication with sensible, reasonable interlocutors. Sitting on horseback, moving down the hill - to failure. If a woman on a horse is followed by a loved one, then this means the interest in her of successful suitors. To be frightened while sitting on a mare - to feelings and jealousy on the part of the second half. A girl sees in a dream how she jumps off a horse, and she turns into a pig - she imprudently rejects a suitable offer from a fan, choosing freedom, however, she will soon realize that she was wrong. Riding a white horse and watching a companion on a black horse - to a change in periods of success and failure in reality

I dreamed of a horse: an interpretation according to an Islamic dream book

according to Islamic dream book

According to the Islamic dream book, a horse in a dream is a harbinger of a long journey.

Dream about a horse according to Loff's dream book

according to Loff's dream book

For a pregnant woman to see a horse - to the birth of a male baby. A thin horse portends a disease, well-fed, well-groomed, on the contrary, good health. A black horse - to the death of one of your friends or relatives, deceit, and a white one - a symbol of an imminent wedding, good news. Red or red - to good events, fun, meeting in a friendly company. If he kicked you in a dream - wait for guests with bad intentions, and be careful. Ride - such a plot can have different meanings depending on its suit. On a black horse - to an illness, a dead person, on a red one - a fever, on a white or gray one - joy, happiness. For a woman to search for a missing horse in a dream - to experience grief after the death of her husband. The animal makes a loud neighing - the guy wants the girl, if he bites - to illness, illness, beat him - for a quick trip, bathe - for news, feed - for profit. If the stallion reared up - to quarrels, scandals, to keep him under a bridle - to danger.

Interpretation of a dream about a horse according to Hasse's dream book

according to Hasse's dream book

Jumping in a dream is a sign that the dreamer will soon meet an influential person, moreover, a noble and interesting one. This person will make you believe in your strengths and capabilities, help you change the world around you. Thanks to him, you can achieve significant heights in life. Feeding a horse in a dream is a sign that someone from your inner circle needs your help. Pay attention to the life situations of your relatives and friends - perhaps the person simply does not dare to ask for help. A woman dreams of combing her mane - to an interesting acquaintance with a noble gentleman who will become her friend and helper. Fighting enemies in a dream while sitting on horseback is a warning that in reality it is necessary to be prudent, but decisive, in order to honorably get out of a difficult situation. If you are sitting on a horse, and he was wounded at that moment - a warning that in reality you may lose a good friend because of your passion for risky actions and frivolity. If you were wounded, and the horse took you out of the battlefield, this means that in life you have a faithful, reliable person who will always lend a friendly shoulder in a difficult situation. Saddle a horse - a reflection of your hope for the support of loved ones in a difficult, difficult matter. If you are sitting on horseback, and he suddenly stumbled - to the risk of falling into a delicate, risky situation, which can have rather negative consequences. After such a plot, one should be careful not to get involved with individuals who do not inspire confidence, be prudent when starting any business, and it is better to temporarily postpone all new projects altogether. A dead nag in a dream - to the troubles that will follow due to your negligence. Burying an animal is a bad omen. Most likely, you will learn negative news from loved ones. This may be news of a serious illness or even death. A dreamed herd promises in reality a favorable acquaintance with influential people. You will receive a profitable offer from them, thereby improving your financial situation, and also gaining the respect of others.

Interpretation of a dream about a horse according to an esoteric dream book

according to the esoteric dream book

I dreamed of a horse - to quickly resolve current issues. Riding on it to sit - to the support of reliable people, friends. A freely grazing herd - to freedom, but a squadron (military) - to involvement in intrigues, intricacies. Esotericists also attached importance to the color of the animal, linking this factor with the four elements. So, a white horse symbolized water, a crow - earth, a light suit - air, red - fire. Another interpretation that is given to the horse suit in this dream book is the sphere of events. Bay means social activities, red (red) - the heart aspect, friendship, in apples - business relations, white - feelings, motley - trips, travel, heavy truck - domestic area. The dreamer should associate the suit with the details of the dream in order to get its full and correct interpretation.

Why is the horse dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

The horse is a symbol of energy, support of loved ones, strength, sexuality. A woman to see her in a dream - to love feelings, marriage.

What does a dream about a horse mean

according to Chinese dream book

For those born from January to April, a horse in a dream symbolizes sadness, sadness, and riding it is a dubious business, a risk. For birthdays from May to August, the horse portends a move, but for people whose birthday is from September to December, he dreams of surprises and surprises.

Dreamed of a horse

according to Longo's dream book

In this dream book, the interpretation depends on the color of the animal. Black portends a serious danger, white symbolizes wealth, motley - to a small profit. But the falling mare dreams of sad news.

What does a dream about a horse mean

according to the family dream book

A herd of peacefully grazing horses is dreaming - to spend time in the company of friends and buddies. If the horses are aggressive, they try to kick you - a warning about some kind of danger, for example, an accident. You should be careful, do not go anywhere in the near future, do not make deals. A dream about a horse happened from Monday to Tuesday - you will be promoted up the career ladder or a promising trip to work. Being on the hippodrome at the races or participating in them yourself is a harbinger of victory over rivals. An interesting interpretation in this dream book is given to a stone horse. If in a dream it is stone and suddenly comes to life before your eyes - this is a sign that it is possible to translate into reality already forgotten projects and ideas. A revived animal reaches out to you - a clear alarm signal. Its interpretation is as follows: an ill-wisher, which you have not remembered for many years, may reappear in your life. The second meaning of this plot is the betrayal of a loved one. Riding a stone horse - your delusions about the people around you will lead to some difficulties.

Interpretation of a dream about a horse

according to the eastern dream book

Horses dream - to deceit, lies. At the same time, their appearance matters: if it is beautiful, sleek, then the deception will not last long and will be revealed soon. If the nag is seedy, not thoroughbred, then the dreamer can be led by the nose for a long time. A woman dreams of a horse - to her weakness, and for a representative of the stronger sex - to good events. If a horse falls on top of you - to heavy news, and if it bites - to a breakdown. In the Ukrainian dream book of Dmitrienko, importance is also attached to the color and appearance of the horse. Whites dream of a dead man, however, riding them is a joy. But a white mare means receiving a letter. A black stallion or emaciated - a messenger of ailments, well-fed and well-groomed - to health and prosperity. To make a purchase of a horse in a dream - to the news, to ride it - to family well-being. The horse reared up - expect a quarrel, hold him by the bridle - to a dangerous situation, feed - to financial stability. A small foal in night visions is a symbol of independence, fun, joy.

Why is the horse dreaming

according to the big modern dream book

For a long time, among different peoples, the horse has been the personification of beauty, grace, and nobility. In a dream, it means that in life you will meet (or have already met) a person in whom these qualities are combined. Other meanings of a dreaming horse are hard work, as well as a man preoccupied with sex (a stallion in a figurative sense).

I dreamed of a stable

according to Miller's dream book

The stable in a dream is a good sign that predicts good luck and a pleasant environment. If you dream of a flaming stable, this is either a sign of happy change, or a harbinger of a similar event in real life.

Dream about a centaur

This symbol represents the lower nature of man, his bestial nature, combined with a higher nature, human dignity and judgment; the ferocious and good aspects of human nature and the conflict between these opposites. The horse personifies male solar power and is a footstool for the rising spirit of man. It is a combination of blind strength and guiding spirit. In Christianity, the centaur symbolizes sensuality, passion, adultery, cruel power, a person torn between good and evil, animal and spiritual nature, a heretic, the incarnation of the devil. The bow and arrows are the fiery darts of evil. In ancient Greece, the centaur Chiron, who raised Achilles, personified wisdom. Centaurs sometimes accompany Dionysus Bacchus.

I dreamed of a horseshoe

according to Miller's dream book

To see a horseshoe in a dream portends success in business, and for women - a happy cooperation. Seeing a broken horseshoe is bad luck. Finding a horseshoe hanging on a fence means that your success will exceed all your wildest hopes. If in a dream you find a horseshoe on the road and pick it up, then you will suddenly receive funds from a source that you did not know about.

What is the dream of a horseshoe

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

find - happiness.

Dreamed of the reins

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing the reins in a dream portends that you will overcome any obstacle on the path to success and happiness. If they break off by themselves or you tear them, this means that you will be forced to yield to the enemies.

Dreamed of a saddle

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a saddle, expect good news, as well as unexpected guests. In addition, you may go on a trip that will turn out to be winning.

Dreamed of cavalry

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a cavalry division in a dream portends you personal achievements and distinctions. However, your rise may be accompanied by a slight sensation.

Dreamed of a pony

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a pony, it means that your modest deals will be crowned with success.

See a zebra in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams about zebras are often a reflection of the sense of impermanence present in your real life. You may see yourself as two or more distinct personalities competing for dominance in your behavior, morals, and other roles in life. This is especially true for individuals who are fighting, engaging in ethically questionable activities, or those who are unfaithful to others.

The meaning of a dream about a zebra

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a zebra, this means that your partner is distinguished by an extremely changeable and fickle disposition. What he liked yesterday and quite satisfied with today, can piss him off tomorrow. Therefore, you can compare your condition with being on a powder keg, waiting for an explosion every minute. It is possible that your partner has never shown concern for you in his life and has not asked: does the existing rules satisfy you and would you like to make some adjustments to your union? Harmony reigns in you only in bed, because there he is frankly weak and therefore he is embarrassed to dictate anything. But as you know, life is not limited to one bed, but continues beyond it.

Unicorn in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The unicorn is a symbol of purity, chastity, purification, death. If in a dream you are trying to catch a unicorn, in reality all your efforts are aimed at resisting evil. The dream in which you managed to catch and tame a unicorn means spiritual purity and chastity of a person close to you. Seeing an angry unicorn in a dream means committing a shameful act in reality. A unicorn chasing a person is a symbol of the eternal game of a person with death. If in a dream you saw a golden unicorn, this is a symbol of spiritual and physical purification, good health.

The meaning of a dream about a unicorn

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a unicorn in a dream means that in the near future you will be guided by horns, and this news will reach you to the last.

Dream about a unicorn

according to the dream book of mythical animals

Symbolizes the lunar feminine, chastity, purity, virginity, perfect goodness, dignity, strength of mind and body, incorruptibility. The merging of two horns into one means the unity of opposites and the indivisible power of the sovereign. Unicorns are sometimes depicted on either side of the Tree of Life as its guardians. The battle between the lion and the unicorn symbolizes the solar and lunar forces and the pairs of opposites. The unicorn is the "ruler of the waters", its horn helps to detect poison in the water and neutralize it. For astrologers, the unicorn is mercury, and the lion is sulfur. Among the Chinese, the unicorn is often identified with the qilin, one of the four spiritually gifted animals, it is the essence of the five elements. If it is depicted as white, then it is a lunar symbol, a yin, an animal, but as a qilin, it represents the union of yin and yang. It symbolizes gentleness, benevolence, good will, bliss, longevity, splendor, wise government, glorified offspring. The horn of the unicorn is a happy prophecy for the emperor. Riding a qilin means gaining fame. In Christianity, Christ is the "horn of salvation." The horn, as an antidote, symbolizes the ability of Christ to forgive sins; the unity of Christ and God the Father, as well as Christ as the only son of God. As the owner of purity, purity and virginity, the unicorn is the emblem of the Virgin Mary. If the unicorn is depicted alone, it symbolizes monastic life and is the emblem of Saints Justin of Antioch and Justin of Padua. In Egyptian mythology, the unicorn represents all moral qualities. In the Greco-Roman tradition, the unicorn is an attribute of all virgin, moon goddesses, especially Artemis Diana. Among the Jews, it symbolizes royal majesty, strength and power. In heraldry, it has the head and body of a horse, the tail of a lion, the legs and hooves of a deer, and a twisted horn in the center of the forehead. He is depicted with a lion, which means the unity of the lunar and solar forces. The Iranians have a unicorn - this is perfection and all moral qualities. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, he is a lunar symbol, an attribute of virgin goddesses and is depicted with the Tree of Life. Among the Taoists, the unicorn is one of the most important symbols, the essence of the five elements and qualities; qilin.

Why dream about a unicorn

according to Vanga's dream book

The unicorn is the personification of purity, happiness and prosperity. If a unicorn passes by you in a dream, it means that soon you will be lucky, it will be easier than ever for you, everyone will call it luck, but in fact your well-being will be well-deserved, you yourself will understand what it will be caused by, for which bestowed. Feeding a unicorn from your hands - in reality you will experience bliss that people rarely experience. You will receive a rare and expensive gift of fate, after which you cannot remain ungrateful. A dream in which you see how a unicorn is killed or it dies predicts misfortune and suffering through the fault of evil people who live for profit, you will know this and worry, but you will not be able to correct this situation. The guilty will be punished and peace will be restored. If you manage to stroke a unicorn, then such a dream says that you are undeservedly using the benefits that you have. You should thank for them not only fate, but also the people around you. Until you recognize it with your soul and realize it with your mind, you will not experience true happiness. Chasing a unicorn in a dream or trying to catch it - in reality you put a lot of effort into achieving your goal. But your goal may not be worth the effort you put in. Think about it so that you don't end up with only disappointment.

Why dream of jumps

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be present is an unexpected success; to participate - how you come, the place number means the time until victory (in years).

Dreamed of cattle

according to Miller's dream book

To dream of beautiful and well-fed cattle grazing peacefully on green pastures means prosperity and happiness that you will share with a pleasant life partner. Seeing dirty, skinny cattle in a dream means that you will have to work hard all your life, as you will direct your forces in the wrong direction, and you will not love your work. After such a dream, you need to think about changing your habits. Seeing panicked cattle means that you will have to make every effort so that your career does not collapse. Seeing a herd of cows during milking means that you will be the happy owner of a fortune that many have claimed. For a young woman, this dream portends that her love will not suffer from her choice. Seeing in a dream how a cow with a full udder is being milked means that great luck awaits you. If you see a calf sucking milk, then you are on the verge of losing your lover, because you are slow to show your reciprocity, or losing your property due to neglect of business. Seeing calves in a dream is a sign that you will become a favorite of society and win the heart of a faithful person. In commercial matters, this dream portends profit from trade; for a lover, bonds that he will cherish. If the calves are not doing well, don't expect well and it will be much more difficult for you to get what you want than you thought. Long-horned and black, dirty cattle promise you enemies.

The meaning of a dream about a stallion

according to Freud's dream book

This symbol is meant for women only. So, if you dreamed of a stallion, it symbolizes your other half, your man. Seeing a wild, unbroken stallion in a dream suggests that your man has an extremely proud and independent disposition, and you are unlikely to be able to subordinate him to your will, to break his character. The only thing you can achieve with effort is a final break with him. He does not allow anyone to dominate him, and if you want your union to be harmonious and durable, do not try to remake it. If in a dream you saw a calm stallion, allowing you to stroke yourself, comb your hair, feed, etc., this indicates that your man is characterized by a calm disposition and you can easily make him "dance" to your tune, because you are doing this is very Artful, without humiliating the dignity of his chosen one. If in a dream you ride a stallion, this indicates that you will live an emotionally turbulent life with a person. And no matter how much you want to make him less impulsive and more balanced, and life more calm, do not try to do this, because in any case you will fail. If you dreamed about how the stallion ran away from you, did not give into your hands, this indicates that you do not fit together and are unlikely to ever become a harmonious couple. Until you so acutely feel your incompatibility and alienation of character, your subconscious mind signals you about this.

Why is the stallion dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fate (quality depending on suit), foal (for mother) - son; ran away from the yard - loss, separation; harnessed a stallion - victory.

I dreamed of a stallion

according to Miller's dream book

To see a foal in a dream means that good times are coming for you, where you will take a worthy and honorable place. Riding a beautiful stallion in a dream means that your prestige and social position will increase in the most phenomenal way, however, this success will damage your morality and conscience. A dream in which you see a furious stallion warns that the surrounding luxury will make you arrogant and arrogant, and this will turn your friends away from you and push you to dubious pleasures. Seeing a stallion is a sign that you will start new successful businesses.

Attachment, steppe, anchiterium, hipparion, hyracotherium, clydesdal, merigippus, myogippus, pliogippus, eogippus, Akhal-Teke, funnel, vyatka, pegashka, sivka, horse, savras, greyhound horse, Sivka-burka, sivka-burka prophetic kaurka, shkapa , Bench , pindos, konik, crack, stayer, appaloosa, bulanka, solovko, whitegrivka, whitefoot, harrow

horse in Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse:

  • A horse on the run - to be successful in business. See horses running away - misfortune
  • Rearing - great protection
  • Owning horses - well-being
  • Ride a horse - get value
  • To see how they are forged - to reach a high position
  • Ravens - sadness
  • White - joy and happiness
  • Grazing - anxiety-free position
  • Seeing a dead one is hard to work for a piece of bread
  • Thin - meet the many obstacles in life
  • Mount a horse - get patronage
  • Well saddled horse - you have or will have a good wife
  • To see how they are harnessed is to lose your beloved.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse Sleep Horse:

  • Horse on the run - Have success in business.
  • Why is the Horse dreaming Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita?

    Horse, horses - deceit, illness - on the run - be successful in business - a lot of scatters - misfortune - rearing up - great protection - own horses - well-being - ride - get value - see how they are shod - reach a high position - black - sadness - white - happiness and joy - grazing - a position free from anxiety - to see a dead one - work hard for a piece of bread - thin - meet numerous obstacles in life - get on a horse - get patronage - a well-saddled horse - you have or will have a good wife - see how they harness - lose your beloved

    IN Esoteric dream book if the Horse is dreaming:

  • Riding a horse - someone is preparing to take revenge on you.
  • Note: if in a dream you are not sure who it is, a horse or a horse, then this image must be interpreted in the context of a dream.
  • Dead - there is an opportunity to get away from punishment and retribution, especially if you think they are unfair.
  • Trap. Someone suspects you of an unseemly act, and the nets have already been set.
  • If the Horse is dreaming? IN Modern dream book:

  • Seeing horses in a dream is a sign that you will accumulate wealth and enjoy life to the fullest. Riding a white beautiful horse is a good sign that predicts the joys associated with people close to you. If the horse is thin and dirty, beware of betrayal by envious people. A black horse is a symbol of good luck, but on the way to it you risk committing an unworthy act. For married women such a dream may mean a husband's infidelity. A brown horse is a symbol of prosperity, but it will not bring you satisfaction. A horse in apples - to profit. Seeing yourself riding a bay horse is a symbol of good luck in life. Also, such a dream can mean the satisfaction of passion. For women it can mean excessive compliance in exchange for material benefits. If you dream that you are riding a horse, and the horse suddenly suffered, then it is quite possible that your interests will be infringed because of the act of a friend or a person in a high position. Seeing a horse running away from you into a herd portends the illness of friends. Beautiful stallions dream of success in business, mares - to mutual understanding in the family.
  • Interpretation of the Horse's dream Miller's dream book:

  • If you watch how a horse is cleaned, or if you clean it yourself with a comb, such a dream promises you great trials, hard work on the way to honors and a firm position in life.
  • If you dream of horses harnessed to a carriage, then this promises obstacles to happiness. If you dream that you are climbing a narrow path on a high mountain on horseback, you will achieve a very strong life position in reality. If, with such an ascent, the horse does not stand up and you climb the rest of the way on foot, then your strong position will be won at the cost of great efforts.
  • If a girl sees herself in a dream as a rider on a black horse, this means an unexpected event that will help the fulfillment of her desires, as well as her communication with wise respectful interlocutors.
  • If in a dream you see horses grazing in a meadow, this means a well-established business and coordinated actions of your partners. A barren pasture, dry land promise you poor but devoted friends. For a young person, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage.
  • Watching the run of brown horses promises you favorable circumstances that will suddenly change for the worse. This dream can also portend fleeting and superficial hobbies.
  • If a girl dreams that she is riding a white horse over a hilly area and, looking around, constantly sees a rider on a black horse behind her, this promises her an alternation of successes and failures and constant anxiety in her soul for the fate of an important business for her.
  • If you are riding through a transparent stream in a dream - good luck awaits you, but joy will be overshadowed by something if you look down into dark water.
  • But to see a wounded or dead horse in a dream is sad news.
  • For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life.
  • If you dream of a horse that fell from heaven and turned into a stranger who throws something at you - this means a serious failure, unfulfilled hopes and for some time - the failure of your attempts to master the situation.
  • The fulfillment of many dreams and gaining benefits in business promises you a dream that you are crossing a clean river on the back of a horse.
  • Riding a kicking horse - to various difficulties on the way to good luck. If the horse throws you off or kicks you hard on the back, then fate will send you a test in the face of opponents, or illness awaits you.
  • In general, to see beautiful horses in a dream promises you success and prosperity.
  • If you dream that you are riding a black horse, this means that you will succeed in business for a long time and unexpectedly discover the vanity and futility of your studies.
  • Seeing horses in apples (spotted) is a future business benefit.
  • Riding a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign. First of all, it promises you the strength of friendly ties and the joy of meeting with comrades in spirit. If you see that your horse is dirty, then deceit and envy on the part of those whom you trust are possible.
  • Seeing a horse trader in a dream promises you material gain, but risky ventures.
  • If in a dream you admire a well-shod horse - your success in the near future will amaze even your own imagination.
  • To see that your horse is running away, joining a wild herd, means that news of someone's illness awaits you.
  • Buying a horse yourself and realizing in a dream that the merchant is deceiving you is a loss. Selling a not very good horse, leaving yourself a thoroughbred one, is a great luck.
  • If you dream that you are deftly riding a bareback horse, it means that you will be able to gain prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, and reliable help from friends is also possible in this dream.
  • Participating in horse racing is a harbinger of a prosperous life. Shoeing your own horse yourself - to acquire property in a dubious way.
  • If the rider is frightened, then this portends her in reality the anxiety and jealousy of a loved one.
  • For business people, peasants, writers, a dream is very favorable in which they decorate the mane and tail of a horse.
  • Riding in a female environment - promises you uncertainty in future desires. your addiction.
  • Going down the hill - to failure. Seeing a lover riding a horse behind her promises woman success with interesting successful fans.
  • If a girl dreams that she jumps off a horse and it instantly turns into a pig, then this portends her reckless rejection of profitable marriage proposals, after which her preferred freedom will soon seem hateful to her.
  • Riding a beautiful bay horse - portends exaltation, satisfaction of desires. To a woman who sees this dream, he promises determination to refuse an annoying admirer and material gain in the near future.
  • To grab a horse by the bridle and subdue it to your will - promises you sharp favorable changes in life.
  • To see a horse in a dream Dream Interpretation of Azar:

  • black horses - sadness
  • white horses - joy, arrangement of affairs
  • black horse - trouble
  • Muslim dream book?

  • Horse - if someone sees himself riding a horse, then he will get power and power.
  • If someone sees himself sitting on a horse behind another, then with the help of the person behind whom he was sitting, the one who saw such a dream will become the ruler of the country, or will be the governor (noib) of that person.
  • If anyone sees that a horse with a pack has arrived in any village or city, greatness will fall to his lot in that place.
  • What does a horse mean in a dream Lunar dream book?

  • Horse - arrangement of affairs; dismounting a horse is a loss of position.
  • Horse in a dream Assyrian dream book:

  • If in a dream a person meets a horse, then he will have a savior and protector.
  • If he is given horse meat, he will be dishonored in court.
  • In a dream, see a horse. IN The latest dream book:

  • You'll have to work hard. Unharness L. - to review their duties in the family.
  • What does horse mean Family dream book:

  • Horses in apples dream of future business gains.
  • Riding a kicking horse means various difficulties on the way to good luck.
  • A wounded or dead horse - to the sad news.
  • If in a dream you admire a well-shod horse, then your success in the near future will amaze even your own imagination. For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life.
  • I dreamed that you were riding a black horse - you will succeed in business, but unexpectedly you will discover the vanity and futility of your studies.
  • The dream in which you ride a white horse is very auspicious. It promises the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting with like-minded people. But if you saw that your horse is dirty, then deception and envy from those you trust are possible.
  • Participation in horse racing - to a prosperous life.
  • A dream about a bay horse portends exaltation, satisfaction of desires. A woman who sees this dream will have to refuse an annoying admirer. In general, dreams about beautiful horses promise success and prosperity.
  • To dream of a horse. IN Eastern dream book:

  • A dream that portends lies from relatives or friends.
  • What does horse mean Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova:

  • to sit on horseback - the realization of hopes;
  • went into the house - to get married,
  • if saddled;
  • white - complaint, arrangement of affairs, wedding (for women);
  • (for a woman) - hope for a relationship, for marriage.
  • getting off the horse - loss of position;
  • bareback - a love affair;
  • fate, hope;
  • What does a horse mean in a dream Noble dream book?

  • Wild, raging horses - a riot of passions in your environment or in yourself.
  • A two-legged horse is an honor.
  • Seeing horses is a lie.
  • Seeing an old horse is a great harm.
  • Horse. Rearing - a quarrel.
  • Buy a horse - lead.
  • Eating horse meat is a hoax.
  • A peacefully grazing horse is a godsend.
  • A dead horse is a happy occasion / change city life to rural life.
  • A horse in a dream can symbolize the most diverse aspects of life, therefore all secondary dreams that reveal the meaning of its appearance are especially important.
  • A fallen horse is a ruin.
  • Kauraya or tricolor horse - wealth, happiness.
  • To see a beautiful and non-black horse in a dream - fortunately, to consolation in passion and sorrow.
  • Black - harm from a stranger / trouble / sadness / something in the spiritual life associated with thoughts about death or with an already dead person.
  • Milking a horse is a change.
  • Saddled - a nuisance.
  • Being chased by a wild horse is a misfortune / for girls - an engagement.
  • White horse - joy / uplift of mental and vitality / unexpected income / some beneficial effect on your spiritual development.
  • To see a horse's tail is a dispute, strife.
  • Redhead - doubts, suspicions / binge.
  • A quiet horse, to have it is well-being.
  • In the dreams of people communicating with the other world, a horse can symbolize an incubus or a succubus.
  • Mare, nag - slander.
  • Circus horse - excessive attention to external decorum and living conditions.
  • A horse getting out or bogged down in a swamp - there is a lot of work to be done.
  • To see a foal is a joy.
  • The horse strives to kick or bite - they want to harm you with lies / a guest with bad intentions.
  • Harnessed to see - good luck.
  • Keeping a horse by the bridle is a danger.
  • A skittish stallion is an enemy / hard work.
  • It is an honor to own a beautiful horse.
  • Keep a horse skull in your hands - misfortune / illness.
  • The meaning of sleep Horse in Gypsy dream book:

  • Good luck in business and family affairs. A white or gray horse promises success and prosperity. A black or brown horse means power and a high position in society. If you ride a horse, it means that you will be well rewarded for the work done. If you shoe a horse, then in old age you will be guaranteed peace. The stallion symbolizes sexual power. Mare - sexual satisfaction.
  • horse in Dream interpretation for women:

  • Carrying a heavy cart - do not take on all the problems, “share” them with a man. Galloping - the time to think about your appearance, this should not be forgotten. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday - says that the time will come when you will gain well-deserved recognition; from Wednesday to Thursday - in the future you need to beware of burns.
  • Interpretation in Old Russian dream book Sleep Horse:

  • fate, hope; white - complaint, arrangement of affairs, wedding (for women); get off the horse - loss of position.
  • Why is the Horse dreaming Italian dream book?

  • It represents the highest degree of the feminine and the eroticism associated with it. If a woman dreams of a horse, then this means a positive focus on sexual intercourse in general, or on sexual contact with a certain man. If a man dreams of a horse, then this may mean a conscious or unconscious erotic attraction to his mother or to another woman, in general, the image is rather negative for a man, as it implies communication that is regressive for him. The latter is also true for a woman if she does not identify herself with the image of a horse.
  • IN Dream Interpretation Maya if the Horse is dreaming:

    If the Horse is dreaming? IN Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi:

  • Seen in a dream, a saddled horse or a horse on which you are sitting promises a rapid rise up the career ladder, heralds fame and fortune.
  • If in your dream the horse harness is in disarray - to lower your status.
  • A dream in which a horse drags you along the ground promises a fair amount of wealth.
  • A white horse promises marriage. Your chosen one will be handsome and wealthy.
  • If you see yourself sitting on a horse without a saddle, then know that such a dream will entail you committing great sins.
  • When a horse appears in your dream not alone, but with a foal, this portends the birth of your son. Lost horse - to divorce.
  • If a horse kicks or bites you once, then be prepared for the fact that your spouse has secrets from you.
  • In a hurry to drive a horse is a harbinger of the fact that at the most crucial moment you are able to let down those you are counting on.
  • A piebald horse is a harbinger that your spouse's parents will be of different nationalities.
  • Fly on a winged horse - to glory.
  • A dream in which a horse is stolen from you is very unfavorable, as it portends the death of a spouse. However, it is possible that this is an indication of his quick and final departure from the family.
  • If you dreamed that you were talking with a horse, then know that one of your future actions will literally amaze everyone to the core.
  • Black horse - check. imminent marriage; your spouse will be of completely humble origin.
  • Interpretation of the Horse's dream Islamic dream book of ibn Sirin:

  • The neighing of a horse, heard in a dream, is a symbol of authority and a prototype of the speech of a noble person. If the sleeper hears a conversation in the voice of this animal, then his words must be understood in the most direct sense, since animals never deceive.
  • To see a horse in a dream French dream book:

  • In general, seeing a horse in a dream is a very good omen. A dream in which you ride or sit on a horse is especially favorable. A good sign is a dream about a running horse: most likely, all your long-cherished plans will come true. If in a dream you curb an obstinate horse or hear its neighing, success in official affairs awaits you, you will show courage and dignity. But shoeing a horse or riding a lame horse is a temporary obstacle in your plans. A good omen is a dream in which you see horses in a luxurious harness - such a dream promises you a stable position in society, a good reputation, wealth. White horses - dream on the eve of joyful events, to a meeting with an important person on whom your fate depends, to a successful marriage. Black - to temporary difficulties, sorrows, worries and troubles. A dream about a red horse portends many worries. If in a dream you are leading a horse to a watering hole, your health will not betray you, this dream promises recovery to the sick. Affectionate care of a horse is a sign of a new true friendship, but if you dream that you are pushing or beating a horse, you run the risk of losing something very dear to you in reality if you are not careful. A dream about buying or selling a horse is unfavorable - it promises discord in the house and other troubles. A dream is unkind in which your horse bit the bit and suffered - after it you may have to experience some defeat.
  • What does it mean to see a horse in a dream Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong?

  • The criminal is hiding on a horse. - The danger is over.
  • A wagon drawn by four horses. - Happiness will turn into trouble, trouble.
  • On a horse you go on a long journey. - There will be great joy.
  • You ride a horse back and forth. - Cases related to literature, writing.
  • The horse is prancing in front of the house. - Trouble will be resolved.
  • A live horse appears in the house. - portends great happiness; there will be a letter from my son.
  • Saddled horse. - portends a case related to a long trip
  • The noble man leaves on horseback. - Clarity in official business.
  • You ride a white horse. - Illness.
  • You are foolishly glad that you are riding a horse. - portends misfortune.
  • Bitten by a horse. - There will be career advancement.
  • The horse enters the room. - Indicates a situation involving adultery.
  • Having cleaned and cleaned the horse, you set it free. - Happy event.
  • The horse carries valuables, goods. - You will lose your job.
  • There is a wagon drawn by white horses. - portends great happiness, good luck.
  • You kill a donkey, a camel or a horse. - Alcohol and snacks.
  • A herd of horses is passing by. - Resolution of all troubles, normalization of the state.